List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser DefaultParser
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@Override public Model<?> process(String logFile, String logType, String[] additionalCmdArgs) throws LogProcessingException { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null;/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ try { cmd = parser.parse(cmdOpts, additionalCmdArgs, false); } catch (ParseException exp) { logger.error(exp.getMessage()); System.err.println(exp.getMessage()); Util.printHelpAndExit(STLog2ModelHandler.class, cmdOpts); } Model<?> model = null; ModelInferer<GridState> modelInferer = null; if (cmd.hasOption(GRID_DIM)) { String partStr = cmd.getOptionValue(GRID_DIM).trim(); GridPartitions parts; try { parts = STConfig.extractGridPartitions(partStr); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new LogProcessingException(e); } modelInferer = new STModelInferer(parts.horiz, parts.vert); } else modelInferer = new STModelInferer(STModelInferer.DEF_PARTITIONS, STModelInferer.DEF_PARTITIONS); try { model = modelInferer.generateModel(logFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LogProcessingException(e); } return model; }
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/** * Implements log level setting and getting. * * @param args list of arguments contains target, logName and level * @exception ParseException if there is an error in parsing *//* w w w .ja v a*/ public static void logLevel(String[] args) throws ParseException, IOException { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(OPTIONS, args, true /* stopAtNonOption */); List<TargetInfo> targets = parseOptTarget(cmd); String logName = parseOptLogName(cmd); String level = parseOptLevel(cmd); for (TargetInfo targetInfo : targets) { setLogLevel(targetInfo, logName, level); } }
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public void parseCommandLine(String[] args) { CommandLineParser clParser = new DefaultParser(); Options options = new Options(); Option prototxtOption = Option.builder("t").longOpt(TRAINING_PROTOTXT).hasArg() .desc("training/validation prototxt").build(); options.addOption(prototxtOption);/*ww w . java 2 m*/ Option solverOption = Option.builder("s").longOpt(SOLVER_PROTOTXT).hasArg().desc("solver prototxt").build(); options.addOption(solverOption); Option dataLayerOpt = Option.builder("c").longOpt(CUSTOM_DATA_LAYERS).hasArg() .desc("Comma separated custom data layers").build(); options.addOption(dataLayerOpt); Option outfileOpt = Option.builder("o").longOpt(OUTPUT_FILE).hasArg().desc("Output file").build(); options.addOption(outfileOpt); Option paramsFileOpt = Option.builder("p").longOpt(PARAMS_FILE).hasArg().desc("Params file").build(); options.addOption(paramsFileOpt); Option graphFileOpt = Option.builder("g").longOpt(GRAPH_FILE).hasArg() .desc("Image file to visualize computation graph").build(); options.addOption(graphFileOpt); CommandLine line = null; try { line = clParser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("Exception parsing commandline:" + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } if ((trainingPrototextPath = getOption(line, TRAINING_PROTOTXT)) == null) { bail("Command line argument " + TRAINING_PROTOTXT + " missing"); } if ((solverPrototextPath = getOption(line, SOLVER_PROTOTXT)) == null) { bail("Command line argument " + SOLVER_PROTOTXT + " missing"); } String strOutFile = getOption(line, OUTPUT_FILE); if (strOutFile == null) { bail("Command line argument " + OUTPUT_FILE + " missing"); } outFile = new File(strOutFile); paramsFilePath = getOption(line, PARAMS_FILE); String dataLayers; Config config = Config.getInstance(); if ((dataLayers = getOption(line, CUSTOM_DATA_LAYERS)) != null) { for (String name : dataLayers.split(",")) { name = name.trim(); config.addCustomDataLayer(name); } } }
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private MigrationCLI(String[] args, Options options) { addOptions(options);// w ww . j av a 2 s .co m CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); try { cmd = parser.parse(defaultOptions, args); } catch (ParseException e) { die(e.getMessage()); } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { printHelpMessage(); } if (cmd.getOptions().length == 0) { printHelpMessage(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Helping"); } else if (cmd.getOptions().length == 1 && cmd.hasOption("h")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Helping"); } if (!GraknEngineServer.isRunning()) { System.out.println(COULD_NOT_CONNECT); } }
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@Override public void run(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(HELP);// w ww. j a v a 2 s.c o m options.addOption(ZK); options.addOption(JOB_NAME); options.addOption(ROOT_DIR); options.addOption(WATCH); CommandLine cli; try { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); cli = parser.parse(options, Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length)); } catch (ParseException pe) { System.out.println("Command line parse exception: " + pe.getMessage()); return; } if (cli.hasOption(HELP.getOpt())) { printUsage(options); return; } TaskState taskState = new TaskState(); String jobName; if (!cli.hasOption(JOB_NAME.getOpt())) { log.error("Need Job Name to be specified --", JOB_NAME.getLongOpt()); throw new RuntimeException("Need Job Name to be specified"); } else { jobName = cli.getOptionValue(JOB_NAME.getOpt());"Using job name: {}", jobName); } taskState.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.JOB_NAME_KEY, jobName); String zkAddress = "locahost:2181"; if (cli.hasOption(ZK.getOpt())) { zkAddress = cli.getOptionValue(ZK.getOpt()); }"Using zk address : {}", zkAddress); taskState.setProp(StateStoreBasedWatermarkStorage.WATERMARK_STORAGE_TYPE_KEY, "zk"); taskState.setProp("", zkAddress); if (cli.hasOption(ROOT_DIR.getOpt())) { String rootDir = cli.getOptionValue(ROOT_DIR.getOpt()); taskState.setProp(StateStoreBasedWatermarkStorage.WATERMARK_STORAGE_CONFIG_PREFIX + ConfigurationKeys.STATE_STORE_ROOT_DIR_KEY, rootDir);"Setting root dir to {}", rootDir); } else { log.error("Need root directory specified"); printUsage(options); return; } StateStoreBasedWatermarkStorage stateStoreBasedWatermarkStorage = new StateStoreBasedWatermarkStorage( taskState); final AtomicBoolean stop = new AtomicBoolean(true); if (cli.hasOption(WATCH.getOpt())) { stop.set(false); } try { if (!stop.get()) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { stop.set(true); } }); } do { boolean foundWatermark = false; try { for (CheckpointableWatermarkState wmState : stateStoreBasedWatermarkStorage .getAllCommittedWatermarks()) { foundWatermark = true; System.out.println(wmState.getProperties()); } } catch (IOException ie) { Throwables.propagate(ie); } if (!foundWatermark) { System.out.println("No watermarks found."); } if (!stop.get()) { Thread.sleep(1000); } } while (!stop.get()); } catch (Exception e) { Throwables.propagate(e); } }
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@Override public void execute(String[] args) { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd;/*from w w w. j av a2s . c o m*/ String localPath = null; String workspace = null; String remotePath = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { help(); } String[] credentials = getCredentials(cmd); String username = credentials[0]; String password = credentials[1]; if (cmd.hasOption("w")) { workspace = cmd.getOptionValue("w"); } else { System.out.println("Workspace key is needed (-w)"); help(); } if (cmd.hasOption("m")) { //TODO validate (with an enum ?) mode = cmd.getOptionValue("m"); } List<String> argList = cmd.getArgList(); if (argList.size() < 2) { System.out.println("Two arguments is needed (localpath and remotepath)"); help(); } else { localPath = argList.get(0); remotePath = argList.get(1); } client = OrtolangClient.getInstance(); if (username.length() > 0) { client.getAccountManager().setCredentials(username, password); client.login(username); } System.out.println("Connected as user: " + client.connectedProfile()); if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(localPath))) { errors.append("-> Le chemin local (").append(localPath).append(") n'existe pas\r\n"); } else { //TODO Checks if remote Path exist if (Files.exists(Paths.get(localPath))) { copy(Paths.get(localPath), workspace, remotePath); } } if (errors.length() > 0) { System.out.println("## Some errors has been found : "); System.out.print(errors.toString()); } client.logout(); client.close(); } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println("Failed to parse command line properties " + e.getMessage()); help(); } catch (OrtolangClientException | OrtolangClientAccountException e) { System.out.println("Unexpected error !!"); e.printStackTrace(); } }
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@Test public void test() throws ParseException { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); String[] args = new String[] { "--block-size=10" }; CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); // validate that block-size has been set if (line.hasOption("block-size")) { // print the value of block-size System.out.println(line.getOptionValue("block-size")); }/*from www.j a v a2 s .c o m*/ }
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@Test public void testCmdControllerConf() throws ParseException { String[] args = new String[] { "-helixClusterName", "testHelixClusterName", "-zookeeper", "localhost:2181", "-port", "9090", "-mode", "auto", "-env", "dc1.cluster1", "-instanceId", "instance0", "-graphiteHost", "graphiteHost0", "-graphitePort", "4844", "-srcKafkaZkPath", "localhost:2181/kafka1", "-destKafkaZkPath", "localhost:2181/kafka2", "-enableAutoWhitelist", "true", "-autoRebalanceDelayInSeconds", "120", "-patternToExcludeTopics", "__*", "-backUpToGit", "true", "-localBackupFilePath", "/tmp/localBackup", "-remoteBackupRepo", "git://kafka-mm-controller-backup.git", "-localGitRepoClonePath", "/tmp/kafka-mm-controller-backup", "-enableSrcKafkaValidation", "true" }; CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null;/*from w w w .ja v a2 s .co m*/ cmd = parser.parse(ControllerConf.constructControllerOptions(), args); ControllerConf conf = ControllerConf.getControllerConf(cmd); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getHelixClusterName(), "testHelixClusterName"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getZkStr(), "localhost:2181"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getControllerPort(), "9090"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getControllerMode(), "auto"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getEnvironment(), "dc1.cluster1"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getInstanceId(), "instance0"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getGraphiteHost(), "graphiteHost0"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getSrcKafkaZkPath(), "localhost:2181/kafka1"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getDestKafkaZkPath(), "localhost:2181/kafka2"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getAutoRebalanceDelayInSeconds().intValue(), 120); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getEnableAutoWhitelist(), true); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getPatternToExcludeTopics(), "__*"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getBackUpToGit().booleanValue(), true); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getLocalBackupFilePath(), null); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getRemoteBackupRepo(), "git://kafka-mm-controller-backup.git"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getLocalGitRepoPath(), "/tmp/kafka-mm-controller-backup"); Assert.assertEquals(conf.getEnableSrcKafkaValidation(), true); }
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public static void launch(Options options, String[] args) { /**// w w w. j av a 2 s . c om * Initialize input parameters */ int crs = 32633; double west = 64031; double east = 679874; double south = 5127838; double north = 5451301; double width = 10000; double height = width * Math.sqrt(3) / 2; CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; File homeDirectory = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption('h')) { HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); helpFormatter.printHelp("java -jar vgi-activity-1.0.jar [OPTION]...", options); return; } if (cmd.hasOption('d')) { homeDirectory = new File(cmd.getOptionValue('d')); if (!homeDirectory.exists()) { homeDirectory = null; } } else { homeDirectory = null; log.error("Cannot find home directory"); System.exit(0); } if (cmd.hasOption("no")) { north = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('n')); } if (cmd.hasOption("ea")) { east = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('e')); } if (cmd.hasOption("so")) { south = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('s')); } if (cmd.hasOption("we")) { west = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('w')); } if (cmd.hasOption('c')) { crs = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('c')); } if (cmd.hasOption('w')) { width = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue('w')); } } catch (Exception e) { HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); if (e.getMessage() != null) { log.error(e.getMessage() + '\n'); } else { log.error("Unknown error", e); } helpFormatter.printHelp("java -jar vgi-activity-1.0.jar [OPTION]...", options); } /** * Build feature type */ SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder featureTypePoint = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); featureTypePoint.setName("Hexagon"); try { Hints hints = new Hints(Hints.FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER, Boolean.TRUE); CRSAuthorityFactory factory = ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCRSAuthorityFactory("EPSG", hints); featureTypePoint.setCRS(factory.createCoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:" + crs)); } catch (NoSuchAuthorityCodeException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FactoryException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } featureTypePoint.add("geom", Polygon.class); featureTypePoint.setDefaultGeometry("geom"); featureTypePoint.add("id", Long.class); SimpleFeatureType featureType = featureTypePoint.buildFeatureType(); /** * Generate raster */ DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("000"); DefaultFeatureCollection raster = new DefaultFeatureCollection("hexagon_raster", featureType); double rowOffset = 0.0; double columnOffset = 0.0; for (int row = 0;; row++) { columnOffset = (row % 2 == 0) ? 0 : width / 4 * 3; double startY = south + rowOffset; double yTop = startY + height; double yMiddle = startY + height / 2; double yBottom = startY; for (int column = 0;; column++) { double startX = west + columnOffset + (column * width * 1.5); String id = "1" + df.format(row) + df.format(column); Coordinate[] coordinatesQuadrant = new Coordinate[7]; coordinatesQuadrant[0] = new Coordinate(startX, yMiddle); coordinatesQuadrant[1] = new Coordinate(startX + width / 4, yBottom); coordinatesQuadrant[2] = new Coordinate(startX + width / 4 * 3, yBottom); coordinatesQuadrant[3] = new Coordinate(startX + width, yMiddle); coordinatesQuadrant[4] = new Coordinate(startX + width / 4 * 3, yTop); coordinatesQuadrant[5] = new Coordinate(startX + width / 4, yTop); coordinatesQuadrant[6] = coordinatesQuadrant[0]; /** Assemble feature */ SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(featureType); GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory(); Polygon hexagon = geometryFactory .createPolygon(geometryFactory.createLinearRing(coordinatesQuadrant), null); hexagon.setSRID(crs); builder.set("geom", hexagon); builder.set("id", id); raster.add(builder.buildFeature(id)); if (startX + width > east) break; } if (startY + height >= north) break; rowOffset += height / 2; } final FeatureJSON json = new FeatureJSON(new GeometryJSON(7)); boolean geometryless = raster.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor() == null; json.setEncodeFeatureCollectionBounds(!geometryless); json.setEncodeFeatureCollectionCRS(!geometryless); try { json.writeFeatureCollection(raster, new FileOutputStream(homeDirectory + "/hexagonal_raster.geojson", false)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"Raster file written!"); }
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/** * Handle lemmatize command/*w w w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param args arguments * @throws IOException IOException */ public void handle(String[] args) throws IOException { Options options = buildOptions(); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); try { CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (args.length == 0 || cmd.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("lemmatize [args...] WORD...", options); } else { Set<String> dictionary; if (cmd.hasOption('d')) { dictionary = getDictionaryFromFile(cmd.getOptionValue('d')); } else { dictionary = getDefaultDictionary(); } Lemmatizer l = new DefaultLemmatizer(dictionary); if (cmd.hasOption("tb")) { Map<String, String> map = scanTestBedMapFromFile(cmd.getOptionValue("tb")); runTestBed(map, l); } else if (!cmd.getArgList().isEmpty()) { for (String word : cmd.getArgs()) { output.println(l.lemmatize(word)); } } } } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LemmatizeCmd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }