List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.cli DefaultParser DefaultParser
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); try {/* w ww .j a v a2 s .c om*/ CommandLine cmdLine = parser.parse(OPTIONS, args); if (!cmdLine.getArgList().isEmpty()) { throw new ParseException("Unexpected extra arguments: " + cmdLine.getArgList()); } Main main = new Main(cmdLine);; } catch (ParseException ex) { IOUtils.write("Error: " + ex.getMessage() + "\n", System.err); printUsageMessage(System.err); System.exit(1); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { try {/*from www . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ // program arguments Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("i", "server-ip", true, "[mandatory] NV Test Manager IP"); options.addOption("o", "server-port", true, "[mandatory] NV Test Manager port"); options.addOption("u", "username", true, "[mandatory] NV username"); options.addOption("w", "password", true, "[mandatory] NV password"); options.addOption("e", "ssl", true, "[optional] Pass true to use SSL. Default: false"); options.addOption("y", "proxy", true, "[optional] Proxy server host:port"); options.addOption("z", "zip-result-file-path", true, "[optional] File path to store the analysis results as a .zip file"); options.addOption("k", "analysis-ports", true, "[optional] A comma-separated list of ports for test analysis"); options.addOption("b", "browser", true, "[optional] The browser for which the Selenium WebDriver is built. Possible values: Chrome and Firefox. Default: Firefox"); options.addOption("d", "debug", true, "[optional] Pass true to view console debug messages during execution. Default: false"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "[optional] Generates and prints help information"); // parse and validate the command line arguments CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("help")) { // print help if help argument is passed HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("", options); return; } if (line.hasOption("server-ip")) { serverIp = line.getOptionValue("server-ip"); if (serverIp.equals("")) { throw new Exception( "Please replace the server IP argument value ( with your NV Test Manager IP"); } } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -i/--server-ip <serverIp>"); } if (line.hasOption("server-port")) { serverPort = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("server-port")); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -o/--server-port <serverPort>"); } if (line.hasOption("username")) { username = line.getOptionValue("username"); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -u/--username <username>"); } if (line.hasOption("password")) { password = line.getOptionValue("password"); } else { throw new Exception("Missing argument -w/--password <password>"); } if (line.hasOption("ssl")) { ssl = Boolean.parseBoolean(line.getOptionValue("ssl")); } if (line.hasOption("zip-result-file-path")) { zipResultFilePath = line.getOptionValue("zip-result-file-path"); } if (line.hasOption("proxy")) { proxySetting = line.getOptionValue("proxy"); } if (line.hasOption("analysis-ports")) { String analysisPortsStr = line.getOptionValue("analysis-ports"); analysisPorts = analysisPortsStr.split(","); } else { analysisPorts = new String[] { "80", "8080" }; } if (line.hasOption("browser")) { browser = line.getOptionValue("browser"); } else { browser = "Firefox"; } if (line.hasOption("debug")) { debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(line.getOptionValue("debug")); } String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String testDescription = "*** This sample demonstrates how to run transactions as part of an NV test. ***" + newLine + "*** ***" + newLine + "*** In this sample, the NV test starts with the \"3G Busy\" network scenario, running three transactions (see below). ***" + newLine + "*** After the sample stops and analyzes the NV test, it prints the analysis .zip file path to the console. ***" + newLine + "*** ***" + newLine + "*** This sample runs three NV transactions: ***" + newLine + "*** 1. \"Home Page\" transaction: Navigates to the home page in the HPE Network Virtualization website ***" + newLine + "*** 2. \"Get Started\" transaction: Navigates to the Get Started Now page in the HPE Network Virtualization website ***" + newLine + "*** 3. \"Overview\" transaction: Navigates back to the home page in the HPE Network Virtualization website ***" + newLine + "*** ***" + newLine + "*** You can view the actual steps of this sample in the file. ***" + newLine; // print the sample's description System.out.println(testDescription); // start console spinner if (!debug) { spinner = new Thread(new Spinner()); spinner.start(); } // sample execution steps /***** Part 1 - Start the NV test with the "3G Busy" network scenario *****/ printPartDescription("\b------ Part 1 - Start the NV test with the \"3G Busy\" network scenario"); initTestManager(); startTest(); testRunning = true; printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 2 - Run three transactions - "Home Page", "Get Started" and "Overview" *****/ printPartDescription( "------ Part 2 - Run three transactions - \"Home Page\", \"Get Started\" and \"Overview\""); connectToTransactionManager(); startTransaction(1); transactionInProgress = true; buildSeleniumWebDriver(); seleniumNavigateToPage(); stopTransaction(1); transactionInProgress = false; startTransaction(2); transactionInProgress = true; seleniumGetStartedClick(); stopTransaction(2); transactionInProgress = false; startTransaction(3); transactionInProgress = true; seleniumOverviewClick(); stopTransaction(3); transactionInProgress = false; driverCloseAndQuit(); printPartSeparator(); /***** Part 3 - Stop the NV test, analyze it and print the results to the console *****/ printPartDescription( "------ Part 3 - Stop the NV test, analyze it and print the results to the console"); stopTestAndAnalyze(); testRunning = false; printPartSeparator(); doneCallback(); } catch (Exception e) { try { handleError(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e2) { System.out.println("Error occurred: " + e2.getMessage()); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { try {//ww w . j a v a2s . c o m //IMPORTANT HINT REGARDING STRING ENCODING //in Java all Strings have UTF-8 as default encoding //therefore: there are only a few references to UTF-8 encoding in this demo code //however, if values are retrieved from a database or another program language is used, then one needs to //make sure that the UTF-8 encoding is correctly implemented //this demo cashbox does not implement error handling //it should only demonstrate the core elements of the RKSV and any boilerplate code is avoided as much as possible //if an error occurs, only the stacktraces are logged //obviously this needs to be adapted in a productive cashbox //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //basic inits //add bouncycastle provider Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //check if unlimited strength policy files are installed, they are required for strong crypto algorithms ==> AES 256 if (!CryptoUtil.isUnlimitedStrengthPolicyAvailable()) { System.out.println( "Your JVM does not provide the unlimited strength policy. However, this policy is required to enable strong cryptography (e.g. AES with 256 bits). Please install the required policy files."); System.exit(0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //parse cmd line options Options options = new Options(); // add CMD line options options.addOption("o", "output-dir", true, "specify base output directory, if none is specified, a new directory will be created in the current working directory"); //options.addOption("i", "simulation-file-or-directory", true, "cashbox simulation (file) or multiple cashbox simulation files (directory), if none is specified the internal test suites will be executed (can also be considered as demo mode)"); options.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "dump demo receipts to cmd line"); options.addOption("c", "closed system", false, "simulate closed system"); ///parse CMD line options CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); //setup inputs from cmd line //verbose VERBOSE = cmd.hasOption("v"); CLOSED_SYSTEM = cmd.hasOption("c"); //output directory String outputParentDirectoryString = cmd.getOptionValue("o"); if (outputParentDirectoryString == null) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-ss"); outputParentDirectoryString = "./CashBoxDemoOutput" + df.format(new Date()); } File OUTPUT_PARENT_DIRECTORY = new File(outputParentDirectoryString); OUTPUT_PARENT_DIRECTORY.mkdirs(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //external simulation runs... not implemented yet, currently only the internal test suites can be executed //String simulationFileOrDirectoryPath = cmd.getOptionValue("i"); //handling of arbitrary input simulation files will be possible in 0.7 //if (simulationFileOrDirectoryPath == null) { //} else { // File simulationFileOrDirectory = new File(simulationFileOrDirectoryPath); // cashBoxSimulationList = readCashBoxSimulationFromFile(simulationFileOrDirectory); //} List<CashBoxSimulation> cashBoxSimulationList = TestSuiteGenerator.getSimulationRuns(); //setup simulation and execute int index = 1; for (CashBoxSimulation cashboxSimulation : cashBoxSimulationList) { System.out.println("Executing simulation run " + index + "/" + cashBoxSimulationList.size()); System.out.println("Simulation run: " + cashboxSimulation.getSimulationRunLabel()); index++; File testSetDirectory = new File(OUTPUT_PARENT_DIRECTORY, cashboxSimulation.getSimulationRunLabel()); testSetDirectory.mkdirs(); CashBoxParameters cashBoxParameters = new CashBoxParameters(); cashBoxParameters.setCashBoxId(cashboxSimulation.getCashBoxId()); cashBoxParameters.setTurnOverCounterAESKey( CryptoUtil.convertBase64KeyToSecretKey(cashboxSimulation.getBase64AesKey())); cashBoxParameters.setDepModul(new SimpleMemoryDEPModule()); cashBoxParameters.setPrinterModule(new SimplePDFPrinterModule()); cashBoxParameters.setCompanyID(cashboxSimulation.getCompanyID()); //create pre-defined number of signature devices for (int i = 0; i < cashboxSimulation.getNumberOfSignatureDevices(); i++) { JWSModule jwsModule = new ManualJWSModule(); SignatureModule signatureModule; if (!CLOSED_SYSTEM) { signatureModule = new NEVER_USE_IN_A_REAL_SYSTEM_SoftwareCertificateOpenSystemSignatureModule( RKSuite.R1_AT100, null); } else { signatureModule = new NEVER_USE_IN_A_REAL_SYSTEM_SoftwareKeySignatureModule( cashboxSimulation.getCompanyID() + "-" + "K" + i); } jwsModule.setOpenSystemSignatureModule(signatureModule); cashBoxParameters.getJwsSignatureModules().add(jwsModule); } //init cashbox DemoCashBox demoCashBox = new DemoCashBox(cashBoxParameters); //exceute simulation run demoCashBox.executeSimulation(cashboxSimulation.getCashBoxInstructionList()); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //export DEP DEPExportFormat depExportFormat = demoCashBox.exportDEP(); //get JSON rep and dump export format to file/std output File depExportFile = new File(testSetDirectory, "dep-export.json"); dumpJSONRepOfObject(depExportFormat, depExportFile, true, "------------DEP-EXPORT-FORMAT------------"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //store signature certificates and AES key (so that they can be used for verification purposes) CryptographicMaterialContainer cryptographicMaterialContainer = new CryptographicMaterialContainer(); HashMap<String, CertificateOrPublicKeyContainer> certificateContainerMap = new HashMap<>(); cryptographicMaterialContainer.setCertificateOrPublicKeyMap(certificateContainerMap); //store AES key as BASE64 String //ATTENTION, this is only for demonstration purposes, the AES key must be stored in a secure location cryptographicMaterialContainer.setBase64AESKey(cashboxSimulation.getBase64AesKey()); List<JWSModule> jwsSignatureModules = demoCashBox.getCashBoxParameters().getJwsSignatureModules(); for (JWSModule jwsSignatureModule : jwsSignatureModules) { CertificateOrPublicKeyContainer certificateOrPublicKeyContainer = new CertificateOrPublicKeyContainer(); certificateOrPublicKeyContainer.setId(jwsSignatureModule.getSerialNumberOfKeyID()); certificateContainerMap.put(jwsSignatureModule.getSerialNumberOfKeyID(), certificateOrPublicKeyContainer); X509Certificate certificate = (X509Certificate) jwsSignatureModule.getSignatureModule() .getSigningCertificate(); if (certificate == null) { //must be public key based... (closed system) PublicKey publicKey = jwsSignatureModule.getSignatureModule().getSigningPublicKey(); certificateOrPublicKeyContainer.setSignatureCertificateOrPublicKey( CashBoxUtils.base64Encode(publicKey.getEncoded(), false)); certificateOrPublicKeyContainer.setSignatureDeviceType(SignatureDeviceType.PUBLIC_KEY); } else { certificateOrPublicKeyContainer.setSignatureCertificateOrPublicKey( CashBoxUtils.base64Encode(certificate.getEncoded(), false)); certificateOrPublicKeyContainer.setSignatureDeviceType(SignatureDeviceType.CERTIFICATE); } } File cryptographicMaterialContainerFile = new File(testSetDirectory, "cryptographicMaterialContainer.json"); dumpJSONRepOfObject(cryptographicMaterialContainer, cryptographicMaterialContainerFile, true, "------------CRYPTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL------------"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //export QR codes to file //dump machine readable code of receipts (this "code" is used for the QR-codes) //REF TO SPECIFICATION: Detailspezifikation/Abs 12 //dump to File File qrCoreRepExportFile = new File(testSetDirectory, "qr-code-rep.json"); List<ReceiptPackage> receiptPackages = demoCashBox.getStoredReceipts(); List<String> qrCodeRepList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReceiptPackage receiptPackage : receiptPackages) { qrCodeRepList.add(CashBoxUtils.getQRCodeRepresentationFromJWSCompactRepresentation( receiptPackage.getJwsCompactRepresentation())); } dumpJSONRepOfObject(qrCodeRepList, qrCoreRepExportFile, true, "------------QR-CODE-REP------------"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //export OCR codes to file //dump machine readable code of receipts (this "code" is used for the OCR-codes) //REF TO SPECIFICATION: Detailspezifikation/Abs 14 //dump to File File ocrCoreRepExportFile = new File(testSetDirectory, "ocr-code-rep.json"); List<String> ocrCodeRepList = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReceiptPackage receiptPackage : receiptPackages) { ocrCodeRepList.add(CashBoxUtils.getOCRCodeRepresentationFromJWSCompactRepresentation( receiptPackage.getJwsCompactRepresentation())); } dumpJSONRepOfObject(ocrCodeRepList, ocrCoreRepExportFile, true, "------------OCR-CODE-REP------------"); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //create PDF receipts and print to directory //REF TO SPECIFICATION: Detailspezifikation/Abs 12 File qrCodeDumpDirectory = new File(testSetDirectory, "qr-code-dir-pdf"); qrCodeDumpDirectory.mkdirs(); List<byte[]> printedQRCodeReceipts = demoCashBox.printReceipt(receiptPackages, ReceiptPrintType.QR_CODE); CashBoxUtils.writeReceiptsToFiles(printedQRCodeReceipts, "QR-", qrCodeDumpDirectory); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //export receipts as PDF (OCR) //REF TO SPECIFICATION: Detailspezifikation/Abs 14 File ocrCodeDumpDirectory = new File(testSetDirectory, "ocr-code-dir-pdf"); ocrCodeDumpDirectory.mkdirs(); List<byte[]> printedOCRCodeReceipts = demoCashBox.printReceipt(receiptPackages, ReceiptPrintType.OCR); CashBoxUtils.writeReceiptsToFiles(printedOCRCodeReceipts, "OCR-", ocrCodeDumpDirectory); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //dump executed testsuite File testSuiteDumpFile = new File(testSetDirectory, cashboxSimulation.getSimulationRunLabel() + ".json"); dumpJSONRepOfObject(cashboxSimulation, testSuiteDumpFile, true, "------------CASHBOX Simulation------------"); } } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Build command line parser. Options opts = new Options(); for (Option.Builder b : OPTION_BUILDERS) { opts.addOption(;// w w w .ja v a2 s . c o m } CommandLine cl = null; try { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); cl = parser.parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { LOGGER.error("Argument parsing failed: %s", e.getMessage()); exitWithHelp(opts); } // Print help. if (cl.hasOption(OPTION_HELP)) { HELP_FORMATTER.printHelp(L2FilteringDriver.class.getCanonicalName(), HELP_MESSAGE, opts, null, true); return; } File inputCorpusFile = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_PREDICTION_CORPUS)); File positiveInchisFile = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_POSITIVE_INCHIS)); File sartreeFile = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_SARTREE_PATH)); File scoredSarFile = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_SCORED_SAR_PATH)); JavaRunnable clusterer = getClusterer(inputCorpusFile, sartreeFile); JavaRunnable scorer = getSarScorer(inputCorpusFile, sartreeFile, positiveInchisFile, scoredSarFile, SAR_SCORING_FUNCTION, THRESHOLD_TREE_SIZE);"Running clustering.");;"Running sar scoring.");;"Complete!."); }
From source
/** * <p>/*ww w .j av a2s . c o m*/ * Starts the dbxtract app. * </p> * <p> * usage: java -jar dbxtract.jar --config <file> [--list | --start] * </p> * * <pre> * --config <file> configuration file pathname * --list list configuration parameters and values * --start start dbxtract agent * </pre> * * @param args * execution call arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = prepareCmdLineOptions(); try { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); parseCommand(cmd); } catch (ParseException e1) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("java -jar dbxtract.jar", options, true); error("Unable to parse parameters", e1); } catch (Exception e) { error("Unable to start dbxtract", e); } }
From source
public static int main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(USERNAME_ARG, true, "Lightwave user name"); options.addOption(PASSWORD_ARG, true, "Password"); options.addOption(TARGET_ARG, true, "Registration Hostname or IPAddress"); // Possible // load-balancer // address options.addOption(MANAGEMENT_UI_REG_FILE_ARG, true, "Management UI Registration Path"); options.addOption(SWAGGER_UI_REG_FILE_ARG, true, "Swagger UI Registration Path"); options.addOption(HELP_ARG, false, "Help"); try {/*w ww. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ String username = null; String password = null; String registrationAddress = null; String mgmtUiRegPath = null; String swaggerUiRegPath = null; CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_ARG)) { showUsage(options); return 0; } if (cmd.hasOption(USERNAME_ARG)) { username = cmd.getOptionValue(USERNAME_ARG); } if (cmd.hasOption(PASSWORD_ARG)) { password = cmd.getOptionValue(PASSWORD_ARG); } if (cmd.hasOption(TARGET_ARG)) { registrationAddress = cmd.getOptionValue(TARGET_ARG); } if (cmd.hasOption(MANAGEMENT_UI_REG_FILE_ARG)) { mgmtUiRegPath = cmd.getOptionValue(MANAGEMENT_UI_REG_FILE_ARG); } if (cmd.hasOption(SWAGGER_UI_REG_FILE_ARG)) { swaggerUiRegPath = cmd.getOptionValue(SWAGGER_UI_REG_FILE_ARG); } if (username == null || username.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new UsageException("Error: username is not specified"); } if (password == null) { char[] passwd = System.console().readPassword("Password:"); password = new String(passwd); } DomainInfo domainInfo =; AuthOIDCRegistrar registrar = new AuthOIDCRegistrar(domainInfo); registrar.register(registrationAddress, username, password, mgmtUiRegPath, swaggerUiRegPath); return 0; } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return ERROR_PARSE_EXCEPTION; } catch (UsageException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); showUsage(options); return ERROR_USAGE_EXCEPTION; } catch (AuthException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); return ERROR_AUTH_EXCEPTION; } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String audioFile = ""; String host = ""; Integer port = 443;/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ Integer sampling = 16000; CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("uri").withDescription("path to audio uri").hasArg() .withArgName("FILE_PATH").create()); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("host").withDescription("endpoint for api, e.g.") .hasArg().withArgName("ENDPOINT").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("port").withDescription("SSL port, usually 443").hasArg() .withArgName("PORT").create()); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("sampling").withDescription("Sampling Rate, i.e. 16000") .hasArg().withArgName("RATE").create()); try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("uri")) { audioFile = line.getOptionValue("uri"); } else { System.err.println("An Audio uri must be specified (e.g. file:///foo/baz.raw)."); System.exit(1); } if (line.hasOption("host")) { host = line.getOptionValue("host"); } else { System.err.println("An API enpoint must be specified (typically"); System.exit(1); } if (line.hasOption("port")) { port = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("port")); } else { System.err.println("An SSL port must be specified (typically 443)."); System.exit(1); } if (line.hasOption("sampling")) { sampling = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("sampling")); } else { System.err.println("An Audio sampling rate must be specified."); System.exit(1); } } catch (ParseException exp) { System.err.println("Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } ManagedChannel channel = AsyncRecognizeClient.createChannel(host, port); AsyncRecognizeClient client = new AsyncRecognizeClient(channel, URI.create(audioFile), sampling); try { client.recognize(); } finally { client.shutdown(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] argsI) { boolean local_bShowGUI = true; String initial_outputFolder = "."; double initial_filesPerSec = 1.0; int initial_totNumFiles = 1000; String initial_mode_str = "local"; String initial_ftpHost;//w w w . j a va 2 s . co m String initial_ftpUser; String initial_ftpPassword; // // Parse command line arguments // // We use the Apche Commons CLI library to handle command line // arguments. See // for examples, although note that we use the more up-to-date form // (Option.builder) to create Option objects. // // 1. Setup command line options // Options options = new Options(); // Example of a Boolean option (i.e., only the flag, no argument goes with it) options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this message."); // The following example is for: -outputfolder <folder> Location of output files Option outputFolderOption = Option.builder("outputfolder").argName("folder").hasArg() .desc("Location of output files; this folder must exist (it will not be created); default = \"" + initial_outputFolder + "\".") .build(); options.addOption(outputFolderOption); Option filesPerSecOption = Option.builder("fps").argName("filespersec").hasArg() .desc("Desired file rate, files/sec; default = " + initial_filesPerSec + ".").build(); options.addOption(filesPerSecOption); Option totNumFilesOption = Option.builder("totnum").argName("num").hasArg().desc( "Total number of output files; use -1 for unlimited number; default = " + initial_totNumFiles + ".") .build(); options.addOption(totNumFilesOption); Option outputModeOption = Option.builder("mode").argName("mode").hasArg() .desc("Specifies output interface, one of <local|ftp|sftp>; default = " + initial_mode_str + ".") .build(); options.addOption(outputModeOption); Option ftpHostOption = Option.builder("ftphost").argName("host").hasArg() .desc("Host name, for FTP or SFTP.").build(); options.addOption(ftpHostOption); Option ftpUsernameOption = Option.builder("ftpuser").argName("user").hasArg() .desc("Username, for FTP or SFTP.").build(); options.addOption(ftpUsernameOption); Option ftpPasswordOption = Option.builder("ftppass").argName("password").hasArg() .desc("Password, for FTP or SFTP.").build(); options.addOption(ftpPasswordOption); Option autoRunOption = new Option("x", "Automatically run at startup."); options.addOption(autoRunOption); // // 2. Parse command line options // CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine line = null; try { line = parser.parse(options, argsI); } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println("Command line argument parsing failed: " + exp.getMessage()); return; } // // 3. Retrieve the command line values // if (line.hasOption("help")) { // Display help message and quit HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("FilePump", options); return; } if (line.hasOption("x")) { local_bShowGUI = false; } // Where to write the files to initial_outputFolder = line.getOptionValue("outputfolder", initial_outputFolder); // How many files per second the pump should output try { initial_filesPerSec = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("fps", "" + initial_filesPerSec)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("\nError parsing \"fps\" (it should be a floating point value):\n" + nfe); return; } // Total number of files to write out; -1 indicates unlimited try { initial_totNumFiles = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("totnum", "" + initial_totNumFiles)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("\nError parsing \"totnum\" (it should be an integer):\n" + nfe); return; } // Specifies how files will be written out initial_mode_str = line.getOptionValue("mode", initial_mode_str); if (!initial_mode_str.equals("local") && !initial_mode_str.equals("ftp") && !initial_mode_str.equals("sftp")) { System.err.println(new String("\nUnrecognized mode, \"" + initial_mode_str + "\"")); return; } // FTP hostname initial_ftpHost = line.getOptionValue("ftphost", ""); // FTP username initial_ftpUser = line.getOptionValue("ftpuser", ""); // FTP password initial_ftpPassword = line.getOptionValue("ftppass", ""); // Create the FilePump object new FilePump(local_bShowGUI, initial_outputFolder, initial_filesPerSec, initial_totNumFiles, initial_mode_str, initial_ftpHost, initial_ftpUser, initial_ftpPassword); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); Options slaManagerCliOptions = constructCliOptions(); // parse the help options first. Options helpOptions = constructHelpOptions(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(helpOptions, args, true); if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { usage(slaManagerCliOptions);/*from w ww.jav a2s . c om*/ return; } try { cmd = parser.parse(slaManagerCliOptions, args); } catch (ParseException e) { usage(slaManagerCliOptions); throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing command line options: ", e); } HealthManagerMode mode = HealthManagerMode.cluster; if (hasOption(cmd, CliArgs.MODE)) { mode = HealthManagerMode.valueOf(getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.MODE)); } Config config; switch (mode) { case cluster: config = Config.toClusterMode(Config.newBuilder().putAll(ConfigLoader.loadClusterConfig()) .putAll(commandLineConfigs(cmd)).build()); break; case local: if (!hasOption(cmd, CliArgs.HERON_HOME) || !hasOption(cmd, CliArgs.CONFIG_PATH)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing heron_home or config_path argument"); } String heronHome = getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.HERON_HOME); String configPath = getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.CONFIG_PATH); config = Config.toLocalMode( Config.newBuilder().putAll(ConfigLoader.loadConfig(heronHome, configPath, null, null)) .putAll(commandLineConfigs(cmd)).build()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mode: " + getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.MODE)); } setupLogging(cmd, config);"Static Heron config loaded successfully "); LOG.fine(config.toString()); // load the default config value and override with any command line values String metricSourceClassName = config.getStringValue(PolicyConfigKey.METRIC_SOURCE_TYPE.key()); metricSourceClassName = getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.METRIC_SOURCE_TYPE, metricSourceClassName); String metricsUrl = config.getStringValue(PolicyConfigKey.METRIC_SOURCE_URL.key()); metricsUrl = getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.METRIC_SOURCE_URL, metricsUrl); AbstractModule module = buildMetricsProviderModule(metricsUrl, metricSourceClassName); HealthManager healthManager = new HealthManager(config, module);"Initializing health manager"); healthManager.initialize();"Starting Health Manager metirc posting thread"); HealthManagerMetrics publishingMetricsRunnable = null; if (hasOption(cmd, CliArgs.METRICSMGR_PORT)) { publishingMetricsRunnable = new HealthManagerMetrics( Integer.valueOf(getOptionValue(cmd, CliArgs.METRICSMGR_PORT))); }"Starting Health Manager"); PoliciesExecutor policyExecutor = new PoliciesExecutor(healthManager.healthPolicies); ScheduledFuture<?> future = policyExecutor.start(); if (publishingMetricsRunnable != null) { new Thread(publishingMetricsRunnable).start(); } try { future.get(); } finally { policyExecutor.destroy(); if (publishingMetricsRunnable != null) { publishingMetricsRunnable.close(); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options options = buildOptions();// w w w . ja v a 2 s .com try { CommandLine cmd = new DefaultParser().parse(options, args); if (!cmd.hasOption(GobblinClusterConfigurationKeys.APPLICATION_NAME_OPTION_NAME) || !cmd.hasOption(GobblinClusterConfigurationKeys.HELIX_INSTANCE_NAME_OPTION_NAME)) { printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } Log4jConfigurationHelper.updateLog4jConfiguration(GobblinTaskRunner.class, GobblinYarnConfigurationKeys.GOBBLIN_YARN_LOG4J_CONFIGURATION_FILE, GobblinYarnConfigurationKeys.GOBBLIN_YARN_LOG4J_CONFIGURATION_FILE);; ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils .toContainerId(System.getenv().get(ApplicationConstants.Environment.CONTAINER_ID.key())); String applicationName = cmd .getOptionValue(GobblinClusterConfigurationKeys.APPLICATION_NAME_OPTION_NAME); String helixInstanceName = cmd .getOptionValue(GobblinClusterConfigurationKeys.HELIX_INSTANCE_NAME_OPTION_NAME); GobblinTaskRunner gobblinTaskRunner = new GobblinYarnTaskRunner(applicationName, helixInstanceName, containerId, ConfigFactory.load(), Optional.<Path>absent()); gobblinTaskRunner.start(); } catch (ParseException pe) { printUsage(options); System.exit(1); } }