List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName toString
public String toString()
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/** * <p>//from w ww . ja v a 2s .co m * Get a service client associated to an axis service set with the good * operation. It is taken from a pool object. * </p> * <p> * <b>This service client must be returned to the pool after usage using * API: * <code>{@link #returnServiceClient(String, QName, URI, ServiceClient)}</code> * .</b> * </p> * * @param address * the address of the service, mainly used as key to retrieve the * associated SU. * @param operation * the target operation QName. Non null * @param mep * the message exchange pattern used. Non null * @param cdkExtensions * SU extensions used by the service client pool when the * creation of a service client is needed * @param provides * the provides block of the endpoint which is creating the * external WS call * @param ramprtUserName * @return a ServiceClient. Not null. Must be returned to the pool after * usage using API: * <code>{@link #returnServiceClient(String, QName, URI, ServiceClient)}</code> * @throws HandlingException */ public ServiceClient borrowServiceClient(final String address, final QName operation, final String soapAction, final URI mep) throws MessagingException { try { String resolvedOp; if (operation != null) { resolvedOp = operation.toString(); } else if (soapAction != null) { resolvedOp = soapAction; } else { throw new MessagingException( "Unable to resolve the operation. Set it in the Jbi exchange or SoapAction."); } final ServiceClientKey key = new ServiceClientKey(address, resolvedOp, mep); ObjectPool pool = this.serviceClientPools.get(key); if (pool == null) { // TODO: The pool max size should be limited by the JBI worker // number pool = new GenericObjectPool( // object factory new ServiceClientPoolObjectFactory(address, operation, mep, this, this.logger, soapAction), // max number of borrowed object sized to the number of // JBI message processors this.componentConfiguration.getProcessorPoolSize().getValue(), // getting an object blocks until a new or idle object // is available GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK, // if getting an object is blocked for at most this // delay, a NoSuchElementException will be thrown. In // case of a synchronous call the delay is sized to the // value of the SU's parameter "synchronous-timeout", // otherwise it sized to 5 minutes. MEPConstants.IN_OUT_PATTERN.equals(mep) || MEPConstants.IN_OPTIONAL_OUT_PATTERN.equals(mep) ? 300000l : 300000l, // max number of idle object in the pool. Sized to the // number of JBI acceptors. this.componentConfiguration.getAcceptorPoolSize().getValue(), // min number of idle object in the pool. Sized to 0 // (ie when no activity no object in pool) GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE, // no validation test of the borrowed object false, // no validation test of the returned object false, // how long the eviction thread should sleep before // "runs" of examining idle objects. Sized to 5min. 300000l, // the number of objects examined in each run of the // idle object evictor. Size to the default value (ie. // 3) GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_NUM_TESTS_PER_EVICTION_RUN, // the minimum amount of time that an object may sit // idle in the pool before it is eligible for eviction // due to idle time. Sized to 30min GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME_MILLIS, // no validation test of the idle object false, // the minimum amount of time an object may sit idle in // the pool before it is eligible for eviction by the // idle object evictor (if any), with the extra // condition that at least "minIdle" amount of object // remain in the pool. GenericObjectPool.DEFAULT_SOFT_MIN_EVICTABLE_IDLE_TIME_MILLIS, // the pool returns idle objects in last-in-first-out // order true); this.serviceClientPools.put(key, pool); } return (ServiceClient) pool.borrowObject(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new MessagingException("Can't create get an Axis service client from the pool", e); } }
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protected String getKey(final String epName, final QName serviceName) { String rootPath = this.getRootPath(); if ((rootPath == null) || (rootPath.trim().length() == 0)) { rootPath = "/"; }/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ if (!rootPath.endsWith("/")) { rootPath = rootPath + "/"; } return rootPath + serviceName.toString() + "@" + epName; }
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public String findOpenAttributeValue(QName qname, OpenAttrs attrs, boolean supressError) { Iterator<QName> iter = attrs.getOtherAttributes().keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { QName key =;/*from w ww . j a va 2 s. co m*/ if (key.equals(qname)) { String result = attrs.getOtherAttributes().get(key); return result; } } if (!supressError) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attribute '" + qname.toString() + "' not found"); return null; }
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/** * Creates non-reference property definitions. * @param clss the owner class//from www. j a va 2s . co m * @param complexType the Schema Complex Type * @param attribute the Schema Attribute * @return the property definition */ public Property buildDatatypeProperty(Class clss, AbstractComplexType complexType, Attribute attribute) { if (attribute.getName() == null || attribute.getName().trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException( "expected name for attribute while processing class, " + clss.getName()); Property property = new Property(); property.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // set property names and aliases Alias alias = new Alias(); property.setAlias(alias); setupNames(clss, property, alias, attribute.getName(), attribute.getName()); XmlProperty xmlProp = new XmlProperty(); xmlProp.setNodeType(XmlNodeType.ATTRIBUTE); property.setXmlProperty(xmlProp); Documentation documentation = new Documentation(); documentation.setType(DocumentationType.DEFINITION); Body body = new Body(); body.setValue(getDocumentationContent(attribute)); documentation.setBody(body); property.getDocumentations().add(documentation); property.setVisibility(VisibilityType.PUBLIC); // FIXME // nullable if ("required".equals(attribute.getUse())) property.setNullable(false); else property.setNullable(true); // multiplicity property.setMany(false); // unless the type defined as a list below QName typeQName = attribute.getType(); // if local restriction will not have a simple type ConstraintAssembler constraintAssembler = new ConstraintAssembler(, this.destNamespaceURI, this.destNamespacePrefix); if (typeQName == null) { LocalSimpleType lst = attribute.getSimpleType(); Restriction rest = lst.getRestriction(); if (rest != null) { ValueConstraint constraint = constraintAssembler.buildValueConstraint(rest); property.setValueConstraint(constraint); } } else { if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI() != null && typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals( { SimpleType simpleType =; collect(clss, property, simpleType, constraintAssembler); } else if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals(SchemaConstants.XMLSCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI)) { buildDataTypeReference(property, typeQName); } else log.warn("could not process namespace URI found for type, " + typeQName.toString()); } if (property.getType() == null) { DataType sdoType =; DataTypeRef dataTypeRef = new DataTypeRef(); dataTypeRef.setName(; dataTypeRef.setUri(PlasmaConfig.getInstance().getSDODataTypesNamespace().getUri()); property.setType(dataTypeRef); } return property; }
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public Property buildElementContentDatatypeProperty(Class clss, QName xsdTypeNameQName) { Property property = new Property(); property.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // set property names and aliases Alias alias = new Alias(); property.setAlias(alias);//from ww w .j a v a 2s .co m setupNames(clss, property, alias, "value", "value"); //TODO: how to annotate such that serialization can know // this property is an element text value XmlProperty xmlProp = new XmlProperty(); xmlProp.setNodeType(XmlNodeType.ELEMENT); property.setXmlProperty(xmlProp); Documentation documentation = new Documentation(); documentation.setType(DocumentationType.DEFINITION); Body body = new Body(); body.setValue("A synthetic property to accommodate simple type, " + xsdTypeNameQName.toString()); documentation.setBody(body); property.getDocumentations().add(documentation); property.setVisibility(VisibilityType.PUBLIC); // FIXME // nullable property.setNullable(false); // multiplicity property.setMany(false); buildDataTypeReference(property, xsdTypeNameQName); return property; }
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public void buildDataTypeReference(Property property, QName xsdTypeName) { XSDBuiltInType xsdType = null;//ww w .j a va2s .co m try { xsdType = XSDBuiltInType.valueOf("xsd_" + xsdTypeName.getLocalPart()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not create SDO type from name, " + xsdTypeName.toString()); } DataType sdoType =; if (property.getType() != null) { DataType existingSdoType = DataType.valueOf(property.getType().getName()); if (existingSdoType.ordinal() == sdoType.ordinal()) { return; } else { log.warn("property '" + property.getName() + "' has an existing datatype (" + + ") - could not set to comflicting type, " +; return; } } DataTypeRef dataTypeRef = new DataTypeRef(); dataTypeRef.setName(; dataTypeRef.setUri(PlasmaConfig.getInstance().getSDODataTypesNamespace().getUri()); property.setType(dataTypeRef); }
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/** * Returns the namespace qualified physical name of this Type as a byte array which may be cached * or lazily cached on demand, or null if no physical alias name exists. * <p>/*www . ja va 2 s . c om*/ * Helps support {@link org.plasma.sdo.access.DataAccessService Data Access Services} for sparse, * distributed "cloud" data stores typically storing lexicographically * ordered row and column keys as uninterpreted arrays of bytes. Fast dynamic * construction of such keys is important as such services may necessarily construct * unique composite keys based in part on qualified or unqualified logical or physical * type names. * </p> * @return the namespace qualified physical name of this Type as a byte array, or null if no physical alias name exists. */ public byte[] getQualifiedPhysicalNameBytes() { if (this.instancePropertiesMap == null) this.lazyLoadProperties(); byte[] result = (byte[]) this.instancePropertiesMap .get(PlasmaProperty.INSTANCE_PROPERTY_BYTES_QUALIFIED_PHYSICAL_NAME_BYTES); if (result == null) { QName qname = getQualifiedPhysicalName(); if (qname != null) { result = qname.toString().getBytes(Charset.forName(CoreConstants.UTF8_ENCODING)); this.instancePropertiesMap.put(PlasmaProperty.INSTANCE_PROPERTY_BYTES_QUALIFIED_PHYSICAL_NAME_BYTES, result); } } return result; }
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/** * Encapsulates the (breadth-first) /*from w w w . j av a 2 s .co m*/ * traversal logic for XSD SimpleType hierarchies * across restrictions, lists, unions and other elements, * creating "visit" events ala. the Visitor pattern for the * given visitor. * @see org.plasma.xml.schema.Restriction * @see org.plasma.xml.schema.List * @see org.plasma.xml.schema.Union */ private void accept(AbstractSimpleType target, AbstractSimpleType source, SimpleTypeVisitor visitor, int level) { // depth-first visit event visitor.visit(target, source, level); if (target.getRestriction() != null) { Restriction restriction = target.getRestriction(); QName typeName = restriction.getBase(); if (typeName != null) { if (typeName.getNamespaceURI() != null) { if (typeName.getNamespaceURI().equals(visitor.getTargetNamespace())) { SimpleType baseType = visitor.getTopLevelSimpleType(typeName); accept(baseType, target, visitor, level++); } else if (typeName.getNamespaceURI().equals(SchemaConstants.XMLSCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI)) { // leaf } else log.warn("could not process namespace URI found for base type, " + typeName.toString()); } else log.warn("could not process (no namespace) base type, " + typeName.toString()); } else { LocalSimpleType localSimpleType = restriction.getSimpleType(); if (localSimpleType != null) { accept(localSimpleType, target, visitor, level++); } else log.warn("no base type or local type found on restriction for type, " + target.getName()); } } else if (target.getList() != null) { org.plasma.xml.schema.List typeList = target.getList(); if (typeList.getSimpleType() != null) log.warn("ignoring local simple type child for simple type, " + target.getName()); QName typeName = typeList.getItemType(); if (typeName != null && typeName.getNamespaceURI() != null) { if (typeName.getNamespaceURI().equals(visitor.getTargetNamespace())) { SimpleType baseType = visitor.getTopLevelSimpleType(typeName); accept(baseType, target, visitor, level++); } else if (typeName.getNamespaceURI().equals(SchemaConstants.XMLSCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI)) { // leaf } else log.warn("could not process namespace URI found for type, " + typeName.toString()); } else log.warn("no namespace URI found for type, " + typeName.toString()); } else if (target.getUnion() != null) { Union union = target.getUnion(); for (QName member : union.getMemberTypes()) { SimpleType baseType = visitor.getTopLevelSimpleType(member); accept(baseType, target, visitor, level++); } // process leaf local simple types for (LocalSimpleType localBaseType : union.getSimpleTypes()) { accept(localBaseType, target, visitor, level++); } } }
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private static final String toLexicalForm(final QName name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { final String namespaceURI = name.getNamespaceURI(); if (namespaceURI.length() != 0) { final String prefix = xsw.getPrefix(namespaceURI); if (prefix == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(name.toString()); }/*from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m*/ if (prefix.length() != 0) { return prefix.concat(":").concat(name.getLocalPart()); } else { return name.getLocalPart(); } } else { return name.getLocalPart(); } }
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/** * Discover existing resources.//from w w w.j a va 2 s . co m * * @param context * The context for the current discovery component. * @return The discovered resources. */ @Override public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoverResources( final ResourceDiscoveryContext<SwitchYardResourceComponent> context) { final HashSet<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = new HashSet<DiscoveredResourceDetails>(); final SwitchYardResourceComponent parent = context.getParentResourceComponent(); final Map<String, Application> applications = parent.getApplications(); if (applications != null) { for (Application application : applications.values()) { final Configuration pluginConfig = context.getDefaultPluginConfiguration(); final QName name = application.getName(); final DiscoveredResourceDetails resource = new DiscoveredResourceDetails(context.getResourceType(), name.toString(), name.getLocalPart(), name.getNamespaceURI(), null, pluginConfig, null); discoveredResources.add(resource); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Discovered SwitchYard Application " + application); } } } return discoveredResources; }