List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName toString
public String toString()
From source
/** * This method checks to see if additional work needs to be * done in order to complete the object reconstitution. * Some parts of the object restored from the readExternal() * cannot be completed until we have an object that gives us * a view of the active object graph from the active engine. * <p/>/*from www .j av a2 s .co m*/ * NOTE: when activating an object, you only need to call * one of the activate methods (activate() or activateWithOperationContext()) * but not both. * * @param operationCtx The operation context object that is a member of the active object graph */ public void activateWithOperationContext(OperationContext operationCtx) { // see if there's any work to do if (!(needsToBeReconciled)) { // return quick return; } String logCorrelationIDString = getLogIDString(); // trace point if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): BEGIN"); } if (operationCtx == null) { // won't be able to finish if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): *** WARNING *** No active OperationContext object is available."); } return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // locate the objects in the object graph //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ConfigurationContext configCtx = operationCtx.getConfigurationContext(); if (configCtx == null) { // won't be able to finish if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): *** WARNING *** No active ConfigurationContext object is available."); } return; } AxisConfiguration axisCfg = configCtx.getAxisConfiguration(); AxisOperation axisOp = operationCtx.getAxisOperation(); ServiceContext serviceCtx = operationCtx.getServiceContext(); ServiceGroupContext serviceGroupCtx = null; AxisService axisSrv = null; AxisServiceGroup axisSG = null; if (serviceCtx != null) { serviceGroupCtx = serviceCtx.getServiceGroupContext(); axisSrv = serviceCtx.getAxisService(); } if (serviceGroupCtx != null) { axisSG = serviceGroupCtx.getDescription(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // link to the objects in the object graph //--------------------------------------------------------------------- setConfigurationContext(configCtx); setAxisOperation(axisOp); setAxisService(axisSrv); setAxisServiceGroup(axisSG); setServiceGroupContext(serviceGroupCtx); setServiceContext(serviceCtx); setOperationContext(operationCtx); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // reconcile the remaining objects //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // We previously saved metaAxisMessage; restore it if (metaAxisMessage != null) { if (axisOp != null) { // TODO: check for the empty name this.setAxisMessage(ActivateUtils.findMessage(axisOp, metaAxisMessage.getQNameAsString(), metaAxisMessage.getExtraName())); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // options //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (options != null) { options.activate(configCtx); } String tmpID = getMessageID(); if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): message ID [" + tmpID + "]"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // transports //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // We previously saved metaTransportIn; restore it if (metaTransportIn != null) { QName qin = metaTransportIn.getQName(); TransportInDescription tmpIn = null; try { tmpIn = axisCfg.getTransportIn(qin.getLocalPart()); } catch (Exception exin) { // if a fault is thrown, log it and continue if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + "activateWithOperationContext(): exception caught when getting the TransportInDescription [" + qin.toString() + "] from the AxisConfiguration [" + exin.getClass().getName() + " : " + exin.getMessage() + "]"); } } if (tmpIn != null) { transportIn = tmpIn; } else { transportIn = null; } } else { transportIn = null; } // We previously saved metaTransportOut; restore it if (metaTransportOut != null) { QName qout = metaTransportOut.getQName(); TransportOutDescription tmpOut = null; try { tmpOut = axisCfg.getTransportOut(qout.getLocalPart()); } catch (Exception exout) { // if a fault is thrown, log it and continue if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + "activateWithOperationContext(): exception caught when getting the TransportOutDescription [" + qout.toString() + "] from the AxisConfiguration [" + exout.getClass().getName() + " : " + exout.getMessage() + "]"); } } if (tmpOut != null) { transportOut = tmpOut; } else { transportOut = null; } } else { transportOut = null; } //------------------------------------------------------- // reconcile the execution chain //------------------------------------------------------- if (metaExecutionChain != null) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): reconciling the execution chain..."); } currentHandlerIndex = metaHandlerIndex; currentPhaseIndex = metaPhaseIndex; executionChain = restoreHandlerList(metaExecutionChain); try { deserializeSelfManagedData(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log the exception if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): *** WARNING *** deserializing the self managed data encountered Exception [" + ex.getClass().getName() + " : " + ex.getMessage() + "]", ex); } } } //------------------------------------------------------- // reconcile the lists for the executed phases //------------------------------------------------------- if (metaExecuted != null) { if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): reconciling the executed chain..."); } if (!(executedPhasesReset)) { executedPhases = restoreExecutedList(executedPhases, metaExecuted); } } if (executedPhases == null) { executedPhases = new LinkedList<Handler>(); } //------------------------------------------------------- // done, reset the flag //------------------------------------------------------- needsToBeReconciled = false; if (DEBUG_ENABLED && log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(logCorrelationIDString + ":activateWithOperationContext(): END"); } }
From source
private void createAxisMessage(AxisOperation axisOperation, InterfaceMessageReference messageReference, String messageLabel) throws AxisFault { AxisMessage message = axisOperation.getMessage(messageLabel); String messageContentModelName = messageReference.getMessageContentModel(); QName elementQName = null;/* w w w . j a va 2s. c o m*/ if (WSDL2Constants.NMTOKEN_ELEMENT.equals(messageContentModelName)) { ElementDeclaration elementDeclaration = messageReference.getElementDeclaration(); if (elementDeclaration == null) { InterfaceMessageReferenceElement messageReferenceElement = messageReference.toElement(); QName qName = messageReferenceElement.getElement().getQName(); throw new AxisFault("Unable to find element " + qName.toString() + " reffered to by operation " + axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart()); } elementQName = elementDeclaration.getName(); } else if (WSDL2Constants.NMTOKEN_ANY.equals(messageContentModelName)) { elementQName = Constants.XSD_ANY; } else if (WSDL2Constants.NMTOKEN_NONE.equals(messageContentModelName)) { // nothing to do here keep the message element as null } else { throw new AxisFault("Sorry we do not support " + messageContentModelName + ". We do only support #any, #none and #element as message content models."); } message.setElementQName(elementQName); message.setName( elementQName != null ? elementQName.getLocalPart() : axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart()); axisOperation.addMessage(message, messageLabel); if (WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE.equals(messageLabel)) { XMLAttr xa = messageReference.toElement() .getExtensionAttribute(new QName("", "Action")); if (xa != null) { String value = (String) xa.getContent(); if (value != null) { ArrayList al = axisOperation.getWSAMappingList(); if (al == null) { al = new ArrayList(); axisOperation.setWsamappingList(al); } al.add(value); } } } else { XMLAttr xa = messageReference.toElement() .getExtensionAttribute(new QName("", "Action")); if (xa != null) { String value = (String) xa.getContent(); if (value != null) { axisOperation.setOutputAction(value); } } } // populate this map so that this can be used in SOAPBody based dispatching if (elementQName != null) { axisService.addMessageElementQNameToOperationMapping(elementQName, axisOperation); } }
From source
public EndpointReference createEndpointReference(String address, QName serviceName, QName portName, String wsdlDocumentLocation, String addressingNamespace) { EndpointReference axis2EPR = null; if (address != null) { if (serviceName == null && portName != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( Messages.getMessage("axisEndpointReferenceFactoryErr", portName.toString())); }/*w w w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ axis2EPR = createEndpointReference(address); } else if (serviceName != null && portName != null) { axis2EPR = createEndpointReference(serviceName, portName); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(Messages.getMessage("axisEndpointReferenceFactoryErr2")); } //TODO If no service name and port name are specified, but the wsdl location is //specified, and the WSDL only contains one service and one port then maybe we //should simply use those. try { //This code is locate here instead of in the createEndpointReference(QName, QName) //method so that if the address is also specified the EPR metadata will still be //filled in correctly. EndpointReferenceUtils.addService(axis2EPR, serviceName, portName, addressingNamespace); if (wsdlDocumentLocation != null) { URL wsdlURL; try { wsdlURL = new URL(wsdlDocumentLocation); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // just to keep it clean: if (axis2EPR.getAddress().endsWith("/") && wsdlDocumentLocation.startsWith("/")) { wsdlDocumentLocation = axis2EPR.getAddress() + wsdlDocumentLocation.substring(1); } else if (axis2EPR.getAddress().endsWith("/")) { String eprAddress = axis2EPR.getAddress(); wsdlDocumentLocation = eprAddress.substring(0, eprAddress.length() - 1) + wsdlDocumentLocation; } else { wsdlDocumentLocation = axis2EPR.getAddress() + wsdlDocumentLocation; } } wsdlURL = new URL(wsdlDocumentLocation); // This is a temporary usage, so use a memory sensitive wrapper WSDLWrapper wrapper = new WSDL4JWrapper(wsdlURL, true, 2); if (serviceName != null) { QName serviceNameNoTrailingSlash = new QName(""); // TODO: why in the world would we have to do this? if (serviceName.getNamespaceURI().endsWith("/")) { String ns = serviceName.getNamespaceURI(); serviceNameNoTrailingSlash = new QName(ns.substring(0, ns.length() - 1), serviceName.getLocalPart()); } if ((wrapper.getService(serviceName) == null) && (wrapper.getService(serviceNameNoTrailingSlash) == null)) { throw new IllegalStateException(Messages.getMessage("MissingServiceName", serviceName.toString(), wsdlDocumentLocation)); } if (portName != null) { String[] ports = wrapper.getPorts(serviceName); // search the other name. TODO: again, why do we have to do this? if (ports == null) { ports = wrapper.getPorts(serviceNameNoTrailingSlash); } String portLocalName = portName.getLocalPart(); boolean found = false; if (ports != null) { for (String port : ports) { // TODO: axis2 perhaps is deploying with "TypeImplPort" appended, but not reading/honoring the WSDL? if (port.equals(portLocalName) || (port + "TypeImplPort").equals(portLocalName)) { log.debug("found port: " + port); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { throw new IllegalStateException(Messages.getMessage("MissingPortName", portName.toString(), wsdlDocumentLocation)); } log.debug("Setting wsdlDocumentLocation to " + wsdlDocumentLocation + " for EndpointReference at port " + portName); EndpointReferenceUtils.addLocation(axis2EPR, portName.getNamespaceURI(), wsdlDocumentLocation, addressingNamespace); } } } } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { throw ise; } catch (Exception e) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("endpointRefCreationError"), e); } return axis2EPR; }
From source
/** * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.DescriptionFactory#updateEndpoint(ServiceDescription, * Class, EndpointReference, String, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType, DescriptionBuilderComposite, Object) *//*from w ww . j av a 2s .co m*/ public static EndpointDescription updateEndpoint(ServiceDescription serviceDescription, Class sei, EndpointReference epr, String addressingNamespace, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType updateType, DescriptionBuilderComposite composite, Object sparseCompositeKey, String bindingId, String endpointAddress) { QName portQName = null; try { ServiceName serviceName = EndpointReferenceHelper.getServiceNameMetadata(epr, addressingNamespace); QName serviceQName = serviceDescription.getServiceQName(); //We need to throw an exception if the service name in the EPR metadata does not //match the service name associated with the JAX-WS service instance. if (serviceName.getName() != null && !serviceQName.equals(serviceName.getName())) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("serviceNameMismatch", serviceName.getName().toString(), serviceQName.toString())); } //If a port name is available from the EPR metadata then use that, otherwise //leave it to the runtime to find a suitable port, based on WSDL/annotations. if (serviceName.getEndpointName() != null) { portQName = new QName(serviceQName.getNamespaceURI(), serviceName.getEndpointName()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("updateEndpointError", e.getMessage())); } return updateEndpoint(serviceDescription, sei, portQName, updateType, composite, sparseCompositeKey, bindingId, endpointAddress); }
From source
/** * Update or create an EndpointDescription. Updates to existing EndpointDescriptons will be * based on the SEI class and its annotations. Both declared ports and dynamic ports can be * updated. A declared port is one that is defined (e.g. in WSDL or via annotations); a dyamic * port is one that is not defined (e.g. not via WSDL or annotations) and has been added via * Serivce.addPort.//from ww w . j av a2 s. c o m * <p/> * For predefined ports, a composite of sparse metadata, such as from a deployment descriptor * may be supplied. This can be used to modify the endpoint interfaceannotations such as * adding a handler chain. The sparse composite is NOT supported for dynamic (i.e. ADD_PORT) * or dispatch clients. * <p/> * Notes on how an EndpointDescription can be updated or created: 1) Service.createDispatch can * create a Dispatch client for either a declared or dynamic port 2) Note that creating a * Dispatch does not associate an SEI with an endpoint 3) Service.getPort will associate an SEI * with a port 4) A getPort on an endpoint which was originally created for a Distpatch will * update that EndpointDescription with the SEI provided on the getPort 5) Service.getPort can * not be called on a dynamic port (per the JAX-WS spec) 6) Service.addPort can not be called * for a declared port * * @param sei This will be non-null if the update is of type GET_PORT; it will be null if * the update is ADD_PORT or CREATE_DISPATCH * @param portQName * @param updateType Indicates what is causing the update GET_PORT is an attempt to get a * declared SEI-based port ADD_PORT is an attempt to add a previously * non-existent dynamic port CREATE_DISPATCH is an attempt to create a * Dispatch-based client to either a declared port or a pre-existing dynamic * port. * @param composite May contain sparse metadata, for example from a deployment descriptor, that * should be used in conjunction with the class annotations to update the * description hierarchy. For example, it may contain a HandlerChain annotation * based on information in a JSR-109 deployment descriptor. */ EndpointDescription updateEndpointDescription(Class sei, QName portQName, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType updateType, DescriptionBuilderComposite composite, Object serviceDelegateKey, String bindingId, String endpointAddress) { EndpointDescriptionImpl endpointDescription = getEndpointDescriptionImpl(portQName); boolean isPortDeclared = isPortDeclared(portQName); // If a defined endpointDescription is not available, try and locate a dynamic endpoint. // Note that a dynamic port will only be found for the client that created it, per the // serviceDelegateKey if (endpointDescription == null && serviceDelegateKey != null) { endpointDescription = getDynamicEndpointDescriptionImpl(portQName, serviceDelegateKey); } // If no QName was specified in the arguments, one may have been specified in the sparse // composite metadata when the service was created. if (DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(portQName)) { QName preferredPortQN = getPreferredPort(serviceDelegateKey); if (!DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(preferredPortQN)) { portQName = preferredPortQN; } } switch (updateType) { case ADD_PORT: if (composite != null) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("serviceDescErr5", portQName.toString())); } // Port must NOT be declared (e.g. can not already exist in WSDL) // If an EndpointDesc doesn't exist; create it as long as it doesn't exist in the WSDL if (DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(portQName)) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("addPortErr2")); } if (getWSDLWrapper() != null && isPortDeclared) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("addPortDup", portQName.toString())); } else if (endpointDescription == null) { // Use the SEI Class and its annotations to finish creating the Description hierarchy. Note that EndpointInterface, Operations, Parameters, etc. // are not created for dynamic ports. It would be an error to later do a getPort against a dynamic port (per the JAX-WS spec) // If we can't add the dynamic port under a specific service delegate, that is an error if (serviceDelegateKey == null) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("serviceDescriptionImplAddPortErr")); } endpointDescription = createEndpointDescriptionImpl(sei, portQName, bindingId, endpointAddress); addDynamicEndpointDescriptionImpl(endpointDescription, serviceDelegateKey); } else { // All error chJeck above passed, the EndpointDescription already exists and needs no updating } break; case GET_PORT: // try to find existing endpointDesc by SEI class if portQName was not specified if (endpointDescription == null && portQName == null && sei != null) { endpointDescription = getEndpointDescriptionImpl(sei); } // If an endpointDesc doesn't exist, and the port exists in the WSDL, create it // If an endpointDesc already exists and has an associated SEI already, make sure they match // If an endpointDesc already exists and was created for Dispatch (no SEI), update that with the SEI provided on the getPort // Port must be declared (e.g. in WSDL or via annotations) // TODO: Once isPortDeclared understands annotations and not just WSDL, the 2nd part of this check can possibly be removed. // Although consider the check below that updates an existing EndpointDescritpion with an SEI. if (!isPortDeclared || (endpointDescription != null && endpointDescription.isDynamicPort())) { // This guards against the case where an addPort was done previously and now a getPort is done on it. throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("updateEPDescrErr1", (portQName != null ? portQName.toString() : "not specified"))); } else if (sei == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("updateEPDescrErr2", (portQName != null ? portQName.toString() : "not specified"))); } else if (endpointDescription == null) { // Use the SEI Class and its annotations to finish creating the Description hierachy: Endpoint, EndpointInterface, Operations, Parameters, etc. endpointDescription = new EndpointDescriptionImpl(sei, portQName, this, composite, serviceDelegateKey); addEndpointDescription(endpointDescription); /* * We must reset the service runtime description after adding a new endpoint * since the runtime description information could have references to old * information. See MarshalServiceRuntimeDescriptionFactory and * MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription. */ resetServiceRuntimeDescription(); } else if (getEndpointSEI(portQName) == null && !endpointDescription.isDynamicPort()) { // Existing endpointDesc from a declared port needs to be updated with an SEI. // This could happen if the client first did a CREATE_DISPATCH on a declared // port, which would cause it to be created, and then did a GET_PORT on the // same port later, providing an SEI. // Notes // 1) An EndpointDescritption created from an addPort (i.e. a dynamic port) can // not do this. // 2) A sparse composite may be specified. We don't allow mixing JAX-WS unmanaged // apis (CREATE_DISPATCH) with JSR-109 managed apis (GET_PORT with sparse // composite metadata from a DD). Since the sparse composite is stored by // a key AND CREATE_DISPATCH and ADD_PORT will thrown an exception of a composite // is specified, having a composite and key on the GET_PORTs shouldn't be // a problem. endpointDescription.updateWithSEI(sei, composite, serviceDelegateKey); } else if (getEndpointSEI(portQName) != sei) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("updateEPDescrErr3", portQName.toString(), sei.getName(), getEndpointSEI(portQName).getName())); } else { // All error check above passed, the EndpointDescription already exists and needs no updating // Just add the sparse composite if one was specified. endpointDescription.getDescriptionBuilderComposite().setSparseComposite(serviceDelegateKey, composite); } break; case CREATE_DISPATCH: if (composite != null) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("serviceDescErr6")); } // Port may or may not exist in WSDL. // If an endpointDesc doesn't exist and it is in the WSDL, it can be created // Otherwise, it is an error. if (DescriptionUtils.isEmpty(portQName)) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail0")); } else if (endpointDescription != null) { // The EndpointDescription already exists; nothing needs to be done } else if (sei != null) { // The Dispatch should not have an SEI associated with it on the update call. throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail3", portQName.toString())); } else if (getWSDLWrapper() != null && isPortDeclared) { // EndpointDescription doesn't exist and this is a declared Port, so create one // Use the SEI Class and its annotations to finish creating the Description hierarchy. // Note that EndpointInterface, Operations, Parameters, etc. are not created for // Dispatch-based ports, but might be updated later if a getPort is done against // the same declared port. endpointDescription = new EndpointDescriptionImpl(sei, portQName, this); addEndpointDescription(endpointDescription); } else { // The port is not a declared port and it does not have an EndpointDescription, // meaning an addPort has not been done for it // This is an error. throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail1", portQName.toString())); } break; } return endpointDescription; }
From source
private EndpointDescriptionImpl createEndpointDescriptionImpl(Class sei, QName portQName, String bindingId, String endpointAddress) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Calling createEndpointDescriptionImpl : (" + portQName + "," + bindingId + "," + endpointAddress + ")"); }// www . ja v a2s. c om EndpointDescriptionImpl endpointDescription = null; AxisConfiguration configuration = configContext.getAxisConfiguration(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("looking for " + JAXWS_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINTS + " in AxisConfiguration : " + configuration); } Parameter parameter = configuration.getParameter(JAXWS_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINTS); HashMap cachedDescriptions = (HashMap) ((parameter == null) ? null : parameter.getValue()); if (cachedDescriptions == null) { cachedDescriptions = new HashMap(); try { configuration.addParameter(JAXWS_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINTS, cachedDescriptions); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { throw new RuntimeException(axisFault); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added new instance of cachedDescriptions : " + cachedDescriptions); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("found old jaxws.dynamic.endpoints cache in AxisConfiguration (" + cachedDescriptions + ") with size : (" + cachedDescriptions.size() + ")"); } } StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); key.append(portQName == null ? "NULL" : portQName.toString()); key.append(':'); key.append(bindingId == null ? "NULL" : bindingId); key.append(':'); key.append(endpointAddress == null ? "NULL" : endpointAddress); synchronized (cachedDescriptions) { WeakReference ref = (WeakReference) cachedDescriptions.get(key.toString()); if (ref != null) { endpointDescription = (EndpointDescriptionImpl) ref.get(); } } if (endpointDescription == null) { endpointDescription = new EndpointDescriptionImpl(sei, portQName, true, this); synchronized (cachedDescriptions) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Calling cachedDescriptions.put : (" + key.toString() + ") : size - " + cachedDescriptions.size()); } cachedDescriptions.put(key.toString(), new WeakReference(endpointDescription)); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("found old entry for endpointDescription in jaxws.dynamic.endpoints cache : (" + cachedDescriptions.size() + ")"); } } return endpointDescription; }
From source
private static void checkUnprocessed(SOAPEnvelope envelope, List<QName> unprocessed, List<QName> understood, MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisFault { for (QName headerQName : unprocessed) { if (understood != null && !understood.isEmpty()) { if (understood.contains(headerQName)) { if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ "MustUnderstand header registered as understood on AxisOperation: " + headerQName); } continue; } } if (LoggingControl.debugLoggingAllowed && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("MustUnderstand header not processed or registered as understood " + headerQName); } // Throw a MustUnderstand fault for the current SOAP version String prefix = envelope.getNamespace().getPrefix(); if (!msgContext.isSOAP11()) { if (prefix == null || "".equals(prefix)) { prefix = SOAPConstants.SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX; } // TODO: should we be using a prefix on the faultcode? What about // the QName object Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_MUSTUNDERSTAND? throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("mustunderstandfailed", prefix, headerQName.toString()), SOAP12Constants.FAULT_CODE_MUST_UNDERSTAND); } else { // TODO: should we be using a prefix on the faultcode? What about // the QName object Constants.FAULT_MUSTUNDERSTAND? throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("mustunderstandfailed", prefix, headerQName.toString()), SOAP11Constants.FAULT_CODE_MUST_UNDERSTAND); } } }
From source
@Override public <T> Dispatch<T> createDispatch(QName portName, Class<T> type, Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Create Dispatch with portName: " + portName); }//from www . j av a2 s . c o m verifyServiceDescriptionActive(); if (portName == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail0")); } if (!isValidDispatchType(type)) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("dispatchInvalidType")); } if (!isValidDispatchTypeWithMode(type, mode)) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("dispatchInvalidTypeWithMode")); } EndpointDescription endpointDesc = DescriptionFactory.updateEndpoint(serviceDescription, null, portName, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType.CREATE_DISPATCH, this); if (endpointDesc == null) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail2", portName.toString())); } XMLDispatch<T> dispatch = new XMLDispatch<T>(this, endpointDesc, features); if (mode != null) { dispatch.setMode(mode); } else { dispatch.setMode(Service.Mode.PAYLOAD); } if (serviceClient == null) serviceClient = getServiceClient(portName); if (type == OMElement.class) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("This a Dispatch<OMElement>. The custom builder is installed."); } ProviderOMContextListener.create(serviceClient.getServiceContext()); } dispatch.setServiceClient(serviceClient); dispatch.setType(type); return dispatch; }
From source
@Override public Dispatch<Object> createDispatch(QName portName, JAXBContext context, Mode mode, WebServiceFeature... features) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Create Dispatch with jaxbcontext and portName: " + portName); }/*from ww w . j a v a2 s . com*/ verifyServiceDescriptionActive(); if (portName == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail0")); } EndpointDescription endpointDesc = DescriptionFactory.updateEndpoint(serviceDescription, null, portName, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType.CREATE_DISPATCH, this); if (endpointDesc == null) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("createDispatchFail2", portName.toString())); } JAXBDispatch<Object> dispatch = new JAXBDispatch(this, endpointDesc, features); if (mode != null) { dispatch.setMode(mode); } else { dispatch.setMode(Service.Mode.PAYLOAD); } if (serviceClient == null) serviceClient = getServiceClient(portName); dispatch.setJAXBContext(context); dispatch.setServiceClient(serviceClient); return dispatch; }
From source
@Override public <T> T getPort(QName portName, Class<T> sei, WebServiceFeature... features) { verifyServiceDescriptionActive();//from w ww. j a v a 2 m /* TODO Check to see if WSDL Location is provided. * if not check WebService annotation's WSDLLocation * if both are not provided then throw exception. * (JLB): I'm not sure lack of WSDL should cause an exception */ if (!isValidWSDLLocation()) { //TODO: Should I throw Exception if no WSDL //throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException("WSLD Not found"); } if (sei == null) { throw ExceptionFactory .makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("getPortInvalidSEI", portName.toString(), "null")); } DescriptionBuilderComposite sparseComposite = getPortMetadata(); resetPortMetadata(); EndpointDescription endpointDesc = null; if (sparseComposite != null) { endpointDesc = DescriptionFactory.updateEndpoint(serviceDescription, sei, portName, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType.GET_PORT, sparseComposite, this); } else { endpointDesc = DescriptionFactory.updateEndpoint(serviceDescription, sei, portName, DescriptionFactory.UpdateType.GET_PORT, null, this); } if (endpointDesc == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("portErr", portName.toString())); } String[] interfacesNames = new String[] { sei.getName(), org.apache.axis2.jaxws.spi.BindingProvider.class.getName() }; // As required by java.lang.reflect.Proxy, ensure that the interfaces // for the proxy are loadable by the same class loader. Class[] interfaces = null; // First, let's try loading the interfaces with the SEI classLoader ClassLoader classLoader = getClassLoader(sei); try { interfaces = loadClasses(classLoader, interfacesNames); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { // Let's try with context classLoader now classLoader = getContextClassLoader(); try { interfaces = loadClasses(classLoader, interfacesNames); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e2) { throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("portErr1"), e2); } } JAXWSProxyHandler proxyHandler = new JAXWSProxyHandler(this, interfaces[0], endpointDesc, features); Object proxyClass = Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces, proxyHandler); return sei.cast(proxyClass); }