Java tutorial
/** * PlasmaSDO License * * This is a community release of PlasmaSDO, a dual-license * Service Data Object (SDO) 2.1 implementation. * This particular copy of the software is released under the * version 2 of the GNU General Public License. PlasmaSDO was developed by * TerraMeta Software, Inc. * * Copyright (c) 2013, TerraMeta Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * General License information can be found below. * * This distribution may include materials developed by third * parties. For license and attribution notices for these * materials, please refer to the documentation that accompanies * this distribution (see the "Licenses for Third-Party Components" * appendix) or view the online documentation at * <>. * */ package org.plasma.provisioning.xsd; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.UUID; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.plasma.config.PlasmaConfig; import org.plasma.provisioning.Alias; import org.plasma.provisioning.Body; import org.plasma.provisioning.Class; import org.plasma.provisioning.ClassRef; import org.plasma.provisioning.DataTypeRef; import org.plasma.provisioning.Documentation; import org.plasma.provisioning.DocumentationType; import org.plasma.provisioning.NameUtils; import org.plasma.provisioning.Property; import org.plasma.provisioning.Sort; import org.plasma.provisioning.ValueConstraint; import org.plasma.provisioning.VisibilityType; import org.plasma.provisioning.XmlNodeType; import org.plasma.provisioning.XmlProperty; import org.plasma.sdo.DataType; import org.plasma.xml.schema.AbstractComplexType; import org.plasma.xml.schema.AbstractSimpleType; import org.plasma.xml.schema.Attribute; import org.plasma.xml.schema.ExplicitGroup; import org.plasma.xml.schema.LocalComplexType; import org.plasma.xml.schema.LocalElement; import org.plasma.xml.schema.LocalSimpleType; import org.plasma.xml.schema.Restriction; import org.plasma.xml.schema.SchemaConstants; import org.plasma.xml.schema.SimpleType; import org.plasma.xml.schema.XSDBuiltInType; public class PropertyAssembler extends AbstractAssembler { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PropertyAssembler.class); private QName appNamespaceQName; public PropertyAssembler(ConverterSupport converterSupport, QName appNamespaceQName) { super(converterSupport.getDestNamespaceURI(), converterSupport.getDestNamespacePrefix(), converterSupport); this.appNamespaceQName = appNamespaceQName; } /** * Build a property from the given XDS structures. * Max occurs and min-occurs values are taken * from the local element, child group, and then parent group * in that order and if still null are given the XSD defaults. * @param clss the provisioning class * @param complexType the XSD complex type * @param explicitGroup the XSD parent group * @param childExplicitGroup the XSD child group, may be null * @param element the local element * @param sequenceNum the group sequence * @return the property */ public Property buildProperty(Class clss, AbstractComplexType complexType, ExplicitGroup explicitGroup, ExplicitGroup childExplicitGroup, LocalElement element, int sequenceNum) { Property property = new Property(); property.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); XmlProperty xmlProp = new XmlProperty(); xmlProp.setNodeType(XmlNodeType.ELEMENT); property.setXmlProperty(xmlProp); Documentation documentation = createDocumentation(DocumentationType.DEFINITION, getDocumentationContent(element)); property.getDocumentations().add(documentation); property.setVisibility(VisibilityType.PUBLIC); // set up multiplicity String maxOccurs = "1"; // the default if (element.hasMaxOccurs()) { maxOccurs = element.getMaxOccurs(); } else if (childExplicitGroup != null && childExplicitGroup.hasMaxOccurs()) { maxOccurs = childExplicitGroup.getMaxOccurs(); } else if (explicitGroup.hasMaxOccurs()) { maxOccurs = explicitGroup.getMaxOccurs(); } property.setMany("unbounded".equals(maxOccurs) || (!"0".equals(maxOccurs) && !"1".equals(maxOccurs))); // set up nullable/required BigInteger minOccurs = BigInteger.valueOf(1); // the default if (element.hasMinOccurs()) { minOccurs = element.getMinOccurs(); } else if (childExplicitGroup != null && childExplicitGroup.hasMinOccurs()) { minOccurs = childExplicitGroup.getMinOccurs(); } else if (explicitGroup.hasMinOccurs()) { minOccurs = explicitGroup.getMinOccurs(); } if ("1".equals(String.valueOf(minOccurs))) property.setNullable(false); Alias alias = new Alias(); property.setAlias(alias); // check for complex type or element ref QName refQName = element.getRef(); if (refQName != null) { // reference prop Class targetDef =; if (targetDef != null) { ClassRef targetClassRef = new ClassRef(); targetClassRef.setName(targetDef.getName()); targetClassRef.setUri(targetDef.getUri()); property.setType(targetClassRef); property.setContainment(true); setupNames(clss, property, alias, targetDef.getName(), refQName.getLocalPart()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("could not find target class from, " + refQName); } } else { // no ref, check type QName typeQName = element.getType(); if (typeQName != null) { // if a reference to another "local" entity //TODO: what if elementFormDefault is not qualified? if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI() != null && !typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals(SchemaConstants.XMLSCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI)) { Class targetDef =; if (targetDef != null) { ClassRef targetClassRef = new ClassRef(); targetClassRef.setName(targetDef.getName()); targetClassRef.setUri(targetDef.getUri()); property.setType(targetClassRef); property.setContainment(true); if (element.getName() != null) setupNames(clss, property, alias, element.getName(), element.getName()); else setupNames(clss, property, alias, targetDef.getName(), typeQName.getLocalPart()); } else { SimpleType simpleType =; if (simpleType != null) { if (element.getName() == null) throw new IllegalStateException("expected name for element"); setupNames(clss, property, alias, element.getName(), element.getName()); ConstraintAssembler constraintAssembler = new ConstraintAssembler(, this.destNamespaceURI, this.destNamespacePrefix); collect(clss, property, simpleType, constraintAssembler); } else throw new IllegalStateException( "could not find target class or simple type from, " + typeQName); } } else { // XSD datatype . String xsdTypeName = typeQName.getLocalPart(); XSDBuiltInType xsdType = XSDBuiltInType.valueOf("xsd_" + xsdTypeName); DataType sdoType =; ; DataTypeRef dataTypeRef = new DataTypeRef(); dataTypeRef.setName(; dataTypeRef.setUri(PlasmaConfig.getInstance().getSDODataTypesNamespace().getUri()); property.setType(dataTypeRef); if (element.getName() == null) throw new IllegalStateException("expected name for element"); setupNames(clss, property, alias, element.getName(), element.getName()); } } else { LocalSimpleType simpleType = element.getSimpleType(); if (simpleType != null) { if (element.getName() == null) throw new IllegalStateException("expected name for element"); setupNames(clss, property, alias, element.getName(), element.getName()); ConstraintAssembler constraintAssembler = new ConstraintAssembler(, this.destNamespaceURI, this.destNamespacePrefix); collect(clss, property, simpleType, constraintAssembler); } else { LocalComplexType localComplexType = element.getComplexType(); if (localComplexType != null) { if (element.getName() == null || element.getName().trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException( "expected name for element while processing class, " + clss.getName()); log.warn("ignoring local complex type for element, " + element.getName() + ", - using string datatype"); XSDBuiltInType xsdType = XSDBuiltInType.xsd_string; DataType sdoType =; ; DataTypeRef dataTypeRef = new DataTypeRef(); dataTypeRef.setName(; dataTypeRef.setUri(PlasmaConfig.getInstance().getSDODataTypesNamespace().getUri()); property.setType(dataTypeRef); setupNames(clss, property, alias, element.getName(), element.getName()); } else throw new IllegalStateException( "expected 'ref' or 'type' attributes or local-simple-type or " + "local-complex-type for element, " + element.getName()); } } } // FIXME; add isSequence and isUnique and maxlength added to plasma specific XML annotation ?? //Integer maxLength = (Integer)property.get(PlasmaProperty.INSTANCE_PROPERTY_INT_MAXLENGTH); //if (maxLength != null && maxLength.intValue() > 0) // pdef.setMaxLength(maxLength.intValue()); if (sequenceNum > -1) { Sort seq = new Sort(); seq.setKey(String.valueOf(sequenceNum)); property.setSort(seq); } return property; } /** * Creates non-reference property definitions. * @param clss the owner class * @param complexType the Schema Complex Type * @param attribute the Schema Attribute * @return the property definition */ public Property buildDatatypeProperty(Class clss, AbstractComplexType complexType, Attribute attribute) { if (attribute.getName() == null || attribute.getName().trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException( "expected name for attribute while processing class, " + clss.getName()); Property property = new Property(); property.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // set property names and aliases Alias alias = new Alias(); property.setAlias(alias); setupNames(clss, property, alias, attribute.getName(), attribute.getName()); XmlProperty xmlProp = new XmlProperty(); xmlProp.setNodeType(XmlNodeType.ATTRIBUTE); property.setXmlProperty(xmlProp); Documentation documentation = new Documentation(); documentation.setType(DocumentationType.DEFINITION); Body body = new Body(); body.setValue(getDocumentationContent(attribute)); documentation.setBody(body); property.getDocumentations().add(documentation); property.setVisibility(VisibilityType.PUBLIC); // FIXME // nullable if ("required".equals(attribute.getUse())) property.setNullable(false); else property.setNullable(true); // multiplicity property.setMany(false); // unless the type defined as a list below QName typeQName = attribute.getType(); // if local restriction will not have a simple type ConstraintAssembler constraintAssembler = new ConstraintAssembler(, this.destNamespaceURI, this.destNamespacePrefix); if (typeQName == null) { LocalSimpleType lst = attribute.getSimpleType(); Restriction rest = lst.getRestriction(); if (rest != null) { ValueConstraint constraint = constraintAssembler.buildValueConstraint(rest); property.setValueConstraint(constraint); } } else { if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI() != null && typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals( { SimpleType simpleType =; collect(clss, property, simpleType, constraintAssembler); } else if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals(SchemaConstants.XMLSCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI)) { buildDataTypeReference(property, typeQName); } else log.warn("could not process namespace URI found for type, " + typeQName.toString()); } if (property.getType() == null) { DataType sdoType =; DataTypeRef dataTypeRef = new DataTypeRef(); dataTypeRef.setName(; dataTypeRef.setUri(PlasmaConfig.getInstance().getSDODataTypesNamespace().getUri()); property.setType(dataTypeRef); } return property; } public Property buildElementContentDatatypeProperty(Class clss, QName xsdTypeNameQName) { Property property = new Property(); property.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // set property names and aliases Alias alias = new Alias(); property.setAlias(alias); setupNames(clss, property, alias, "value", "value"); //TODO: how to annotate such that serialization can know // this property is an element text value XmlProperty xmlProp = new XmlProperty(); xmlProp.setNodeType(XmlNodeType.ELEMENT); property.setXmlProperty(xmlProp); Documentation documentation = new Documentation(); documentation.setType(DocumentationType.DEFINITION); Body body = new Body(); body.setValue("A synthetic property to accommodate simple type, " + xsdTypeNameQName.toString()); documentation.setBody(body); property.getDocumentations().add(documentation); property.setVisibility(VisibilityType.PUBLIC); // FIXME // nullable property.setNullable(false); // multiplicity property.setMany(false); buildDataTypeReference(property, xsdTypeNameQName); return property; } public Property createDerivedPropertyOpposite(Class clss, Property sourceProperty) { Property targetProperty = new Property(); targetProperty.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); if (sourceProperty.getOpposite() == null || sourceProperty.getOpposite().trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException( "expected opposite name for property, " + clss.getName() + "." + sourceProperty.getName()); targetProperty.setName(sourceProperty.getOpposite()); // actual SDO type name stored as sdox name Documentation documentation = createDocumentation(DocumentationType.DEFINITION, "private derived opposite for, " + clss.getUri() + "#" + clss.getName() + "." + sourceProperty.getName()); targetProperty.getDocumentations().add(documentation); targetProperty.setVisibility(VisibilityType.PRIVATE); targetProperty.setNullable(true); targetProperty.setMany(true); targetProperty.setDerived(true); targetProperty.setContainment(false); targetProperty.setOpposite(sourceProperty.getName()); ClassRef targetClassRef = new ClassRef(); targetClassRef.setName(clss.getName()); targetClassRef.setUri(clss.getUri()); targetProperty.setType(targetClassRef); return targetProperty; } public void buildDataTypeReference(Property property, QName xsdTypeName) { XSDBuiltInType xsdType = null; try { xsdType = XSDBuiltInType.valueOf("xsd_" + xsdTypeName.getLocalPart()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("could not create SDO type from name, " + xsdTypeName.toString()); } DataType sdoType =; if (property.getType() != null) { DataType existingSdoType = DataType.valueOf(property.getType().getName()); if (existingSdoType.ordinal() == sdoType.ordinal()) { return; } else { log.warn("property '" + property.getName() + "' has an existing datatype (" + + ") - could not set to comflicting type, " +; return; } } DataTypeRef dataTypeRef = new DataTypeRef(); dataTypeRef.setName(; dataTypeRef.setUri(PlasmaConfig.getInstance().getSDODataTypesNamespace().getUri()); property.setType(dataTypeRef); } private void collect(Class clss, Property property, AbstractSimpleType simpleType, ConstraintAssembler constraintAssembler) { ConstraintCollector constraintCollector = new ConstraintCollector(,, constraintAssembler); simpleType.accept(constraintCollector); if (constraintCollector.getEnumerationConstraints().size() > 0) { if (constraintCollector.getEnumerationConstraints().size() == 1) property.setEnumerationConstraint(constraintCollector.getEnumerationConstraints().get(0)); else log.warn("collected more than one enumeration constraint for " + clss.getName() + "." + property.getName() + " - ignoring"); } if (constraintCollector.getValueConstraints().size() > 0) { if (constraintCollector.getValueConstraints().size() == 1) property.setValueConstraint(constraintCollector.getValueConstraints().get(0)); else log.warn("collected more than one value constraint for " + clss.getName() + "." + property.getName() + " - ignoring"); } DatatypeCollector datatypeCollector = new DatatypeCollector(,; simpleType.accept(datatypeCollector); if (datatypeCollector.isListType()) property.setMany(true); if (datatypeCollector.getResult().size() > 0) { QName first = datatypeCollector.getResult().get(0); if (datatypeCollector.getResult().size() > 1) { for (QName name : datatypeCollector.getResult()) if (!name.getLocalPart().equals(first.getLocalPart())) { log.warn("detected hetergeneous XSD datatype '" + name.getLocalPart() + "' for " + clss.getName() + "." + property.getName() + " - using first type '" + first.getLocalPart() + "'"); } } buildDataTypeReference(property, first); } else log.warn("collected no XSD datatypes for " + clss.getName() + "." + property.getName() + " - using default xsd:string"); } private void setupNames(Class clss, Property property, Alias alias, String candidateNameLogicalName, String localName) { String logicalName = this.formatLocalPropertyName(candidateNameLogicalName); boolean logicalNameConflict =, logicalName); logicalName =, logicalName); property.setName(logicalName); String physicalNameAlias = NameUtils.toAbbreviatedName(logicalName); alias.setPhysicalName(physicalNameAlias); // else there likely will be a local-name conflict // as well. if (!logicalNameConflict) alias.setLocalName(localName); // because XML schema "projection" names could differ else alias.setLocalName(logicalName); } }