Example usage for javax.xml.namespace QName getLocalPart

List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName getLocalPart


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.xml.namespace QName getLocalPart.


public String getLocalPart() 

Source Link


Get the local part of this QName.


From source file:eu.esdihumboldt.hale.io.wfs.ui.KVPUtil.java

 * Add typename and namespace parameters for a WFS request to the given URI
 * builder./*from  ww w.  j a  v a 2 s . c  o m*/
 * @param builder the builder for the WFS request URI
 * @param selected the type names to include
 * @param version the targeted WFS version
public static void addTypeNameParameter(URIBuilder builder, Iterable<QName> selected, WFSVersion version) {
    // namespaces mapped to prefixes
    Map<String, String> namespaces = new HashMap<>();
    // type names with updated prefix
    Set<QName> typeNames = new HashSet<>();

    for (QName type : selected) {
        String prefix;
        if (type.getNamespaceURI() != null && !type.getNamespaceURI().isEmpty()) {
            prefix = namespaces.get(type.getNamespaceURI());
            if (prefix == null) {
                // no mapping yet for namespace
                String candidate = type.getPrefix();
                prefix = addPrefix(candidate, type.getNamespaceURI(), namespaces);
        } else {
            // default namespace
            prefix = XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX;

        // add updated type
        typeNames.add(new QName(type.getNamespaceURI(), type.getLocalPart(), prefix));

    final String paramNamespaces;
    final String paramTypenames;
    final String prefixNamespaceDelim;
    switch (version) {
    case V1_1_0:
        paramNamespaces = "NAMESPACE";
        paramTypenames = "TYPENAME";
        prefixNamespaceDelim = "=";
    case V2_0_0:
    case V2_0_2:
         * XXX below are the values as defined in the WFS 2 specification.
         * There have been problems with some GeoServer instances if used in
         * that manner.
        paramNamespaces = "NAMESPACES";
        paramTypenames = "TYPENAMES";
        prefixNamespaceDelim = ",";
        // fall-back to WFS 1.1
        paramNamespaces = "NAMESPACE";
        paramTypenames = "TYPENAME";
        prefixNamespaceDelim = "=";

    // add namespace prefix definitions
    if (!namespaces.isEmpty()) {
        builder.addParameter(paramNamespaces, Joiner.on(',')
                .join(Maps.transformEntries(namespaces, new EntryTransformer<String, String, String>() {

                    public String transformEntry(String namespace, String prefix) {
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        return sb.toString();

    // add type names
    if (!typeNames.isEmpty()) {
                Joiner.on(',').join(Iterables.transform(typeNames, new Function<QName, String>() {

                    public String apply(QName typeName) {
                        String prefix = typeName.getPrefix();
                        if (prefix == null || prefix.isEmpty()) {
                            return typeName.getLocalPart();
                        return prefix + ":" + typeName.getLocalPart();

From source file:edu.internet2.middleware.openid.message.encoding.EncodingUtils.java

 * Build an appropriate namespaced parameter name for a {@link QName}.
 * /*from  w w w .ja  va  2s. co  m*/
 * @param qname QName to convert into parameter name
 * @param namespaces map of registered namespaces
 * @return namespaced parameter name
public static String encodeParameterName(QName qname, NamespaceMap namespaces) {
    String parameter;
    String namespaceAlias = namespaces.getAlias(qname.getNamespaceURI());

    if (qname instanceof NamespaceQName) {
        // parameter name is for a namespace declaration
        parameter = "ns";

        if (namespaceAlias != XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX) {
            parameter += "." + namespaceAlias;
    } else {
        // otherwise, parameter name is for a message parameter
        parameter = qname.getLocalPart();

        if (namespaceAlias != XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX) {
            parameter = namespaceAlias + "." + parameter;

    return parameter;

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.web.component.wizard.resource.SynchronizationStep.java

private static String getTypeDisplayName(@NotNull QName name) {
    return StringUtils.removeEnd(name.getLocalPart(), "Type");

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ObjectTypes.java

public static ObjectTypes getObjectTypeFromTypeQName(QName typeQName) {
    if (typeQName == null) {
        return null;
    }//from w ww . j  a v a 2  s .co  m
    // The JAXB fails to correctly process QNames in default namespace (no prefix)
    // e.g it will not understand this: type="RoleType", even if defatult namespace
    // is set, it will parse it as null namespace.
    // Therefore substitute null namespace with common namespace
    if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI() == null || typeQName.getNamespaceURI().isEmpty()) {
        typeQName = new QName(SchemaConstants.NS_C, typeQName.getLocalPart());

    for (ObjectTypes type : values()) {
        if (QNameUtil.match(type.getTypeQName(), typeQName)) {
            return type;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported object type qname " + typeQName);

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.web.component.prism.ContainerValueWrapper.java

static String getDisplayNameFromItem(Item item) {
    Validate.notNull(item, "Item must not be null.");

    String displayName = item.getDisplayName();
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(displayName)) {
        QName name = item.getElementName();
        if (name != null) {
            displayName = name.getLocalPart();
        } else {/*from  w w w  .  j  a  va2  s. co  m*/
            displayName = item.getDefinition().getTypeName().getLocalPart();

    return displayName;

From source file:org.eclipse.winery.repository.client.WineryRepositoryClient.java

private static WebResource getTopologyTemplateWebResource(WebResource base, QName serviceTemplate) {
    String nsEncoded = Util.DoubleURLencode(serviceTemplate.getNamespaceURI());
    String idEncoded = Util.DoubleURLencode(serviceTemplate.getLocalPart());
    WebResource res = base.path("servicetemplates").path(nsEncoded).path(idEncoded).path("topologytemplate");
    return res;//from  w  ww .j av a 2  s  .com

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.test.util.MidPointAsserts.java

public static void assertAssigned(PrismObject<? extends FocusType> focus, String targetOid, QName refType,
        QName relation) {/*from w w  w  . ja  v a2s .  c  o m*/
    FocusType focusType = focus.asObjectable();
    for (AssignmentType assignmentType : focusType.getAssignment()) {
        ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getTargetRef();
        if (targetRef != null) {
            if (refType.equals(targetRef.getType())) {
                if (targetOid.equals(targetRef.getOid())
                        && MiscSchemaUtil.compareRelation(targetRef.getRelation(), relation)) {
    AssertJUnit.fail(focus + " does not have assigned " + refType.getLocalPart() + " " + targetOid
            + ", relation " + relation);

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ShadowUtil.java

public static ResourceAttributeContainer getAttributesContainer(PrismContainerValue<?> cval,
        QName containerName) {
    PrismContainer attributesContainer = cval.findContainer(containerName);
    if (attributesContainer == null) {
        return null;
    }/*w w  w . j  a v  a  2s.c  o  m*/
    if (attributesContainer instanceof ResourceAttributeContainer) {
        return (ResourceAttributeContainer) attributesContainer;
    } else {
        throw new SystemException("Expected that <" + containerName.getLocalPart()
                + "> will be ResourceAttributeContainer but it is " + attributesContainer.getClass());

From source file:com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.validator.ResourceValidatorImpl.java

public static String prettyPrintUsingStandardPrefix(QName name) {
    if (name == null) {
        return null;
    }//w w w  .ja va2s .  co  m
    String ns = name.getNamespaceURI();
    if (SchemaConstants.NS_C.equals(ns)) {
        return "c:" + name.getLocalPart();
    } else if (MidPointConstants.NS_RI.equals(ns)) {
        return "ri:" + name.getLocalPart();
    } else if (SchemaConstantsGenerated.NS_ICF_SCHEMA.equals(ns)) {
        return "icfs:" + name.getLocalPart();
    } else if (SchemaConstantsGenerated.NS_ICF_SCHEMA.equals(ns)) {
        return "icfs:" + name.getLocalPart();
    } else {
        return null;

From source file:org.eclipse.winery.repository.Utils.java

public static Set<QName> cleanQNameSet(Set<QName> set) {
    Set<QName> newSet = new HashSet<QName>();

    for (QName setItem : set) {
        if (setItem != null && !setItem.getLocalPart().equals("null")) {
            newSet.add(setItem);/*from  w  w w  .j  av a 2 s.  c om*/
    return newSet;