List of usage examples for javax.xml.namespace QName getLocalPart
public String getLocalPart()
Get the local part of this QName
From source
static String prettyQName(QName qname) { String result = qname.getLocalPart(); if (qname.getNamespaceURI() != null) result += "(@" + qname.getNamespaceURI() + ")"; return result; }
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private String formatItemInfo(ResourceItemDefinitionType item, ItemPathType ref, String displayName, List<MappingType> inbounds, MappingType outbound) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (ref != null && !ref.getItemPath().isEmpty()) { QName name = ItemPathUtil.getOnlySegmentQNameRobust(ref); if (name != null) { String prefix = SchemaConstants.NS_ICF_SCHEMA.equals(name.getNamespaceURI()) ? "icfs" : "ri"; sb.append(prefix);/*from ww w.j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ sb.append(": "); sb.append(name.getLocalPart()); } } else { sb.append("-"); } String duplicateInfo = getDuplicateInfo(item); if (duplicateInfo != null) { sb.append(" (").append(duplicateInfo).append(")"); } if (displayName != null) { sb.append(" (").append(displayName).append(")"); } if (!inbounds.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" | "); sb.append(getString("", "")); boolean first = true; for (MappingType inbound : inbounds) { if (inbound != null && inbound.getTarget() != null) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(", "); sb.append(formatPath(inbound.getTarget().getPath())); } } } if (outbound != null) { sb.append(" | ").append(getString("SchemaHandlingStep.out")).append(": "); boolean first = true; for (VariableBindingDefinitionType source : outbound.getSource()) { if (source != null) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(", "); sb.append(formatPath(source.getPath())); } } } return sb.toString(); }
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public <C extends Containerable> PrismContainerDefinition<C> findContainerDefinitionByType(QName typeName) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(typeName.getNamespaceURI())) { // Maybe not optimal but sufficient way: we resolve complex type definition, and from it we get qualified type name. // This is then used to find container definition in the traditional way. ComplexTypeDefinition complexTypeDefinition = resolveGlobalTypeDefinitionWithoutNamespace( typeName.getLocalPart()); if (complexTypeDefinition == null) { return null; }/*from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ typeName = complexTypeDefinition.getTypeName(); } PrismSchema schema = findSchemaByNamespace(typeName.getNamespaceURI()); if (schema == null) { return null; } return schema.findContainerDefinitionByType(typeName); }
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public Date getFirstTagDateValue(String tagName) { Iterator<Object> tags = getAny().iterator(); while (tags.hasNext()) { JAXBElement obj = (JAXBElement); QName qname = obj.getName(); if (qname.getLocalPart().equals(tagName)) { Object value = obj.getValue(); if (value instanceof Date) { return (Date) value; }//from www . j a va2 s . c o m } } return null; }
From source
public JAXBElement getFirstTag(String tagName) { Iterator<Object> tags = getAny().iterator(); while (tags.hasNext()) { JAXBElement obj = (JAXBElement); QName qname = obj.getName(); String localPart = qname.getLocalPart(); if (localPart.equals(tagName)) { return obj; }/*w w w. j a va 2 s. co m*/ } return null; }
From source
private <T, S> void unmarshallToAny(T bean, Method getter, QName elementName, XNode xsubnode) throws SchemaException { Class<T> beanClass = (Class<T>) bean.getClass(); Class objectFactoryClass = inspector.getObjectFactoryClass(elementName.getNamespaceURI()); Object objectFactory = instantiateObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass); Method elementFactoryMethod = inspector.findElementMethodInObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass, elementName.getLocalPart()); Class<S> subBeanClass = (Class<S>) elementFactoryMethod.getParameterTypes()[0]; if (xsubnode instanceof ListXNode) { for (XNode xsubSubNode : ((ListXNode) xsubnode)) { S subBean = unmarshall(xsubSubNode, subBeanClass); unmarshallToAnyValue(bean, beanClass, subBean, objectFactoryClass, objectFactory, elementFactoryMethod, getter); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ } else { S subBean = unmarshall(xsubnode, subBeanClass); unmarshallToAnyValue(bean, beanClass, subBean, objectFactoryClass, objectFactory, elementFactoryMethod, getter); } }
From source
public <T> T unmarshall(MapXNode xnode, Class<T> beanClass) throws SchemaException { if (PolyStringType.class.equals(beanClass)) { PolyString polyString = unmarshalPolyString(xnode); return (T) polyString; // violates the method interface but ... TODO fix it } else if (ProtectedStringType.class.equals(beanClass)) { ProtectedStringType protectedType = new ProtectedStringType(); XNodeProcessorUtil.parseProtectedType(protectedType, xnode, prismContext); return (T) protectedType; } else if (ProtectedByteArrayType.class.equals(beanClass)) { ProtectedByteArrayType protectedType = new ProtectedByteArrayType(); XNodeProcessorUtil.parseProtectedType(protectedType, xnode, prismContext); return (T) protectedType; } else if (SchemaDefinitionType.class.equals(beanClass)) { SchemaDefinitionType schemaDefType = unmarshalSchemaDefinitionType(xnode); return (T) schemaDefType; } else if (prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().determineDefinitionFromClass(beanClass) != null) { return (T) prismContext.getXnodeProcessor().parseObject(xnode).asObjectable(); } else if (XmlAsStringType.class.equals(beanClass)) { // reading a string represented a XML-style content // used e.g. when reading report templates (embedded XML) // A necessary condition: there may be only one map entry. if (xnode.size() > 1) { throw new SchemaException("Map with more than one item cannot be parsed as a string: " + xnode); } else if (xnode.isEmpty()) { return (T) new XmlAsStringType(); } else {/*from www . ja v a 2 s .com*/ Map.Entry<QName, XNode> entry = xnode.entrySet().iterator().next(); DomParser domParser = prismContext.getParserDom(); String value = domParser.serializeToString(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); return (T) new XmlAsStringType(value); } } T bean; Set<String> keysToParse; // only these keys will be parsed (null if all) if (SearchFilterType.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass)) { keysToParse = Collections.singleton("condition"); // TODO fix this BRUTAL HACK - it is here because of c:ConditionalSearchFilterType bean = (T) unmarshalSearchFilterType(xnode, (Class<? extends SearchFilterType>) beanClass); } else { keysToParse = null; try { bean = beanClass.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new SystemException("Cannot instantiate bean of type " + beanClass + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new SystemException("Cannot instantiate bean of type " + beanClass + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (ProtectedDataType.class.isAssignableFrom(beanClass)) { ProtectedDataType protectedDataType = null; if (bean instanceof ProtectedStringType) { protectedDataType = new ProtectedStringType(); } else if (bean instanceof ProtectedByteArrayType) { protectedDataType = new ProtectedByteArrayType(); } else { throw new SchemaException("Unexpected subtype of protected data type: " + bean.getClass()); } XNodeProcessorUtil.parseProtectedType(protectedDataType, xnode, prismContext); return (T) protectedDataType; } for (Entry<QName, XNode> entry : xnode.entrySet()) { QName key = entry.getKey(); if (keysToParse != null && !keysToParse.contains(key.getLocalPart())) { continue; } XNode xsubnode = entry.getValue(); String propName = key.getLocalPart(); Field field = inspector.findPropertyField(beanClass, propName); Method propertyGetter = null; if (field == null) { propertyGetter = inspector.findPropertyGetter(beanClass, propName); } Method elementMethod = null; Object objectFactory = null; if (field == null && propertyGetter == null) { // We have to try to find a more generic field, such as xsd:any or substitution element // check for global element definition first Class objectFactoryClass = inspector.getObjectFactoryClass(beanClass.getPackage()); objectFactory = instantiateObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass); elementMethod = inspector.findElementMethodInObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass, propName); if (elementMethod == null) { // Check for "any" method elementMethod = inspector.findAnyMethod(beanClass); if (elementMethod == null) { String m = "No field " + propName + " in class " + beanClass + " (and no element method in object factory too)"; if (mode == XNodeProcessorEvaluationMode.COMPAT) { LOGGER.warn("{}", m); continue; } else { throw new SchemaException(m); } } unmarshallToAny(bean, elementMethod, key, xsubnode); continue; } field = inspector.lookupSubstitution(beanClass, elementMethod); if (field == null) { // Check for "any" field field = inspector.findAnyField(beanClass); if (field == null) { elementMethod = inspector.findAnyMethod(beanClass); if (elementMethod == null) { String m = "No field " + propName + " in class " + beanClass + " (and no element method in object factory too)"; if (mode == XNodeProcessorEvaluationMode.COMPAT) { LOGGER.warn("{}", m); continue; } else { throw new SchemaException(m); } } unmarshallToAny(bean, elementMethod, key, xsubnode); continue; // throw new SchemaException("No field "+propName+" in class "+beanClass+" (no suitable substitution and no 'any' field)"); } unmarshallToAny(bean, field, key, xsubnode); continue; } } boolean storeAsRawType; if (elementMethod != null) { storeAsRawType = elementMethod.getAnnotation(Raw.class) != null; } else if (propertyGetter != null) { storeAsRawType = propertyGetter.getAnnotation(Raw.class) != null; } else { storeAsRawType = field.getAnnotation(Raw.class) != null; } String fieldName; if (field != null) { fieldName = field.getName(); } else { fieldName = propName; } Method setter = inspector.findSetter(beanClass, fieldName); Method getter = null; boolean wrapInJaxbElement = false; Class<?> paramType = null; if (setter == null) { // No setter. But if the property is multi-value we need to look // for a getter that returns a collection (Collection<Whatever>) getter = inspector.findPropertyGetter(beanClass, fieldName); if (getter == null) { String m = "Cannot find setter or getter for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass; if (mode == XNodeProcessorEvaluationMode.COMPAT) { LOGGER.warn("{}", m); continue; } else { throw new SchemaException(m); } } Class<?> getterReturnType = getter.getReturnType(); if (!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(getterReturnType)) { throw new SchemaException("Cannot find getter for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + " does not return collection, cannot use it to set value"); } Type genericReturnType = getter.getGenericReturnType(); Type typeArgument = getTypeArgument(genericReturnType, "for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type"); // System.out.println("type argument " + typeArgument); if (typeArgument instanceof Class) { paramType = (Class<?>) typeArgument; } else if (typeArgument instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType paramTypeArgument = (ParameterizedType) typeArgument; Type rawTypeArgument = paramTypeArgument.getRawType(); if (rawTypeArgument.equals(JAXBElement.class)) { // This is the case of Collection<JAXBElement<....>> wrapInJaxbElement = true; Type innerTypeArgument = getTypeArgument(typeArgument, "for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type (inner type argument)"); if (innerTypeArgument instanceof Class) { // This is the case of Collection<JAXBElement<Whatever>> paramType = (Class<?>) innerTypeArgument; } else if (innerTypeArgument instanceof WildcardType) { // This is the case of Collection<JAXBElement<?>> // we need to exctract the specific type from the factory method if (elementMethod == null) { // TODO: TEMPORARY CODE!!!!!!!!!! fix in 3.1 [med] Class objectFactoryClass = inspector.getObjectFactoryClass(beanClass.getPackage()); objectFactory = instantiateObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass); elementMethod = inspector.findElementMethodInObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass, propName); if (elementMethod == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Wildcard type in JAXBElement field specification and no factory method found for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type (inner type argument)"); } } Type factoryMethodGenericReturnType = elementMethod.getGenericReturnType(); Type factoryMethodTypeArgument = getTypeArgument(factoryMethodGenericReturnType, "in factory method " + elementMethod + " return type for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type"); if (factoryMethodTypeArgument instanceof Class) { // This is the case of JAXBElement<Whatever> paramType = (Class<?>) factoryMethodTypeArgument; if (Object.class.equals(paramType) && !storeAsRawType) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Factory method " + elementMethod + " type argument is Object (and not @Raw) for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", property " + propName); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot determine factory method return type, got " + factoryMethodTypeArgument + " - for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type (inner type argument)"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ejha! " + innerTypeArgument + " " + innerTypeArgument.getClass() + " from " + getterReturnType + " from " + fieldName + " in " + propName + " " + beanClass); } } else { // The case of Collection<Whatever<Something>> if (rawTypeArgument instanceof Class) { paramType = (Class<?>) rawTypeArgument; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EH? Eh!? " + typeArgument + " " + typeArgument.getClass() + " from " + getterReturnType + " from " + fieldName + " in " + propName + " " + beanClass); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "EH? " + typeArgument + " " + typeArgument.getClass() + " from " + getterReturnType + " from " + fieldName + " in " + propName + " " + beanClass); } } else { Class<?> setterType = setter.getParameterTypes()[0]; if (JAXBElement.class.equals(setterType)) { // TODO some handling for the returned generic parameter types Type[] genericTypes = setter.getGenericParameterTypes(); if (genericTypes.length != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too lazy to handle this."); } Type genericType = genericTypes[0]; if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type actualType = getTypeArgument(genericType, "add some description"); if (actualType instanceof WildcardType) { if (elementMethod == null) { Class objectFactoryClass = inspector.getObjectFactoryClass(beanClass.getPackage()); objectFactory = instantiateObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass); elementMethod = inspector.findElementMethodInObjectFactory(objectFactoryClass, propName); } // This is the case of Collection<JAXBElement<?>> // we need to exctract the specific type from the factory method if (elementMethod == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Wildcard type in JAXBElement field specification and no facotry method found for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type (inner type argument)"); } Type factoryMethodGenericReturnType = elementMethod.getGenericReturnType(); Type factoryMethodTypeArgument = getTypeArgument(factoryMethodGenericReturnType, "in factory method " + elementMethod + " return type for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type"); if (factoryMethodTypeArgument instanceof Class) { // This is the case of JAXBElement<Whatever> paramType = (Class<?>) factoryMethodTypeArgument; if (Object.class.equals(paramType) && !storeAsRawType) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Factory method " + elementMethod + " type argument is Object (without @Raw) for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", property " + propName); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot determine factory method return type, got " + factoryMethodTypeArgument + " - for field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass + ", cannot determine collection type (inner type argument)"); } } } // Class enclosing = paramType.getEnclosingClass(); // Class clazz = paramType.getClass(); // Class declaring = paramType.getDeclaringClass(); wrapInJaxbElement = true; } else { paramType = setterType; } } if (Element.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) { // DOM! throw new IllegalArgumentException("DOM not supported in field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass); } //check for subclasses??? if (!storeAsRawType && xsubnode.getTypeQName() != null) { Class explicitParamType = getSchemaRegistry().determineCompileTimeClass(xsubnode.getTypeQName()); if (explicitParamType == null) { explicitParamType = XsdTypeMapper.toJavaTypeIfKnown(xsubnode.getTypeQName()); } if (explicitParamType != null) { paramType = explicitParamType; } } if (!(xsubnode instanceof ListXNode) && Object.class.equals(paramType) && !storeAsRawType) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Object property (without @Raw) not supported in field " + fieldName + " in " + beanClass); } String paramNamespace = inspector.determineNamespace(paramType); boolean problem = false; Object propValue = null; Collection<Object> propValues = null; if (xsubnode instanceof ListXNode) { ListXNode xlist = (ListXNode) xsubnode; if (setter != null) { try { propValue = convertSinglePropValue(xsubnode, fieldName, paramType, storeAsRawType, beanClass, paramNamespace); } catch (SchemaException e) { problem = processSchemaException(e, xsubnode); } } else { // No setter, we have to use collection getter propValues = new ArrayList<>(xlist.size()); for (XNode xsubsubnode : xlist) { try { propValues.add(convertSinglePropValue(xsubsubnode, fieldName, paramType, storeAsRawType, beanClass, paramNamespace)); } catch (SchemaException e) { problem = processSchemaException(e, xsubsubnode); } } } } else { try { propValue = convertSinglePropValue(xsubnode, fieldName, paramType, storeAsRawType, beanClass, paramNamespace); } catch (SchemaException e) { problem = processSchemaException(e, xsubnode); } } if (setter != null) { try { setter.invoke(bean, prepareValueToBeStored(propValue, wrapInJaxbElement, objectFactory, elementMethod, propName, beanClass)); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new SystemException("Cannot invoke setter " + setter + " on bean of type " + beanClass + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (getter != null) { Object getterReturn; Collection<Object> col; try { getterReturn = getter.invoke(bean); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new SystemException("Cannot invoke getter " + getter + " on bean of type " + beanClass + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { col = (Collection<Object>) getterReturn; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new SystemException("Getter " + getter + " on bean of type " + beanClass + " returned " + getterReturn + " instead of collection"); } if (propValue != null) { col.add(prepareValueToBeStored(propValue, wrapInJaxbElement, objectFactory, elementMethod, propName, beanClass)); } else if (propValues != null) { for (Object propVal : propValues) { col.add(prepareValueToBeStored(propVal, wrapInJaxbElement, objectFactory, elementMethod, propName, beanClass)); } } else if (!problem) { throw new IllegalStateException("Strange. Multival property " + propName + " in " + beanClass + " produced null values list, parsed from " + xnode); } checkJaxbElementConsistence(col); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Uh? No setter nor getter."); } } if (prismContext != null && bean instanceof Revivable) { ((Revivable) bean).revive(prismContext); } return bean; }
From source
private void parsePrismReferenceValueFromXNode(PrismReference ref, XNode subnode, PrismReferenceDefinition referenceDefinition, QName itemName) throws SchemaException { /*//from w w w . j a va2 s . co m * We distinguish between "real" references and composite objects by * (1) looking at type QName of XNode passed (whether it's ObjectType or ObjectReferenceType) * (2) comparing itemName and name from reference definition - e.g. linkRef vs. link */ boolean isComposite; if (subnode.getTypeQName() != null) { QName typeName = subnode.getTypeQName(); if (prismContext != null) { ItemDefinition definition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry().findItemDefinitionByType(typeName); isComposite = definition instanceof PrismObjectDefinition; } else { isComposite = PrismConstants.REFERENCE_TYPE_NAME.equals(typeName.getLocalPart()); } } else { isComposite = !QNameUtil.match(itemName, referenceDefinition.getName()); } if (isComposite) { // This is a composite object (complete object stored inside // reference) ref.add(parseReferenceAsCompositeObject(subnode, referenceDefinition)); } else { // This is "real" reference (oid type and nothing more) ref.add(parseReferenceValue(subnode, referenceDefinition)); } }
From source
private Map<String, String> getParameters(Map<QName, String> attributes, List<Object> content, Object parent) throws FlowCompilerException { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (QName attr : attributes.keySet()) { if (attr.getNamespaceURI() != null && attr.getNamespaceURI().equals("")) continue; String name = attr.getLocalPart(); String value = formatAttrExpr(attributes.get(attr)); result.put(name, value);/* ww w . ja va2 s. c om*/ } if (content.size() > 0) { ListMap<String, String> paramList = new ListMap<>(); for (Object child : content) { if (child instanceof Element) { Element elem = (Element) child; if (elem.getNamespaceURI().equals("iristk.flow.param")) { String key = elem.getLocalName(); List<Object> paramChildren = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int j = 0; j < elem.getChildNodes().getLength(); j++) { paramChildren.add(elem.getChildNodes().item(j)); } String text = createExpression(paramChildren, elem); paramList.add(key, text); } } } if (paramList.size() == 0) { paramList.add("text", createExpression(content, parent)); } for (String key : paramList.keySet()) { if (paramList.get(key).size() > 1) { result.put(key, "java.util.Arrays.asList(" + listToString(paramList.get(key)) + ")"); } else { result.put(key, paramList.get(key).get(0)); } } } return result; }
From source
@Override public <T> Class<T> determineCompileTimeClass(QName typeName) { if (QNameUtil.noNamespace(typeName)) { TypeDefinition td = resolveGlobalTypeDefinitionWithoutNamespace(typeName.getLocalPart(), TypeDefinition.class); if (td == null) { return null; }/*from w w w . ja va 2s . co m*/ return (Class<T>) td.getCompileTimeClass(); } SchemaDescription desc = findSchemaDescriptionByNamespace(typeName.getNamespaceURI()); if (desc == null) { return null; } Package pkg = desc.getCompileTimeClassesPackage(); if (pkg == null) { return null; } return JAXBUtil.findClassForType(typeName, pkg); }