Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Evolveum * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.evolveum.midpoint.test.util; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertEquals; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertTrue; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.QNameUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.util.PrismAsserts; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ObjectTypes; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.MiscSchemaUtil; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.FocusType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.OrgType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.RoleType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ShadowType; /** * @author semancik * */ public class MidPointAsserts { public static <F extends FocusType> void assertAssigned(PrismObject<F> user, String targetOid, QName refType) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); for (AssignmentType assignmentType : userType.getAssignment()) { ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getTargetRef(); if (targetRef != null) { if (refType.equals(targetRef.getType())) { if (targetOid.equals(targetRef.getOid())) { return; } } } } + " does not have assigned " + refType.getLocalPart() + " " + targetOid); } public static void assertAssigned(PrismObject<? extends FocusType> focus, String targetOid, QName refType, QName relation) { FocusType focusType = focus.asObjectable(); for (AssignmentType assignmentType : focusType.getAssignment()) { ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getTargetRef(); if (targetRef != null) { if (refType.equals(targetRef.getType())) { if (targetOid.equals(targetRef.getOid()) && MiscSchemaUtil.compareRelation(targetRef.getRelation(), relation)) { return; } } } } + " does not have assigned " + refType.getLocalPart() + " " + targetOid + ", relation " + relation); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertNotAssigned(PrismObject<F> user, String targetOid, QName refType) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); for (AssignmentType assignmentType : userType.getAssignment()) { ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getTargetRef(); if (targetRef != null) { if (refType.equals(targetRef.getType())) { if (targetOid.equals(targetRef.getOid())) { + " does have assigned " + refType.getLocalPart() + " " + targetOid + " while not expecting it"); } } } } } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertAssignments(PrismObject<F> user, int expectedNumber) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); assertEquals("Unexepected number of assignments in " + user + ": " + userType.getAssignment(), expectedNumber, userType.getAssignment().size()); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertAssignments(PrismObject<F> user, Class expectedType, int expectedNumber) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); int actualAssignments = 0; List<AssignmentType> assignments = userType.getAssignment(); for (AssignmentType assignment : assignments) { ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignment.getTargetRef(); if (targetRef != null) { QName type = targetRef.getType(); if (type != null) { Class<? extends ObjectType> assignmentTargetClass = ObjectTypes.getObjectTypeFromTypeQName(type) .getClassDefinition(); if (expectedType.isAssignableFrom(assignmentTargetClass)) { actualAssignments++; } } } } assertEquals("Unexepected number of assignments of type " + expectedType + " in " + user + ": " + userType.getAssignment(), expectedNumber, actualAssignments); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertNoAssignments(PrismObject<F> user) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); List<AssignmentType> assignments = userType.getAssignment(); assertTrue(user + " does have assignments " + assignments + " while not expecting it", assignments.isEmpty()); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertAssignedRole(PrismObject<F> user, String roleOid) { assertAssigned(user, roleOid, RoleType.COMPLEX_TYPE); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertNotAssignedRole(PrismObject<F> user, String roleOid) { assertNotAssigned(user, roleOid, RoleType.COMPLEX_TYPE); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertNotAssignedResource(PrismObject<F> user, String resourceOid) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); for (AssignmentType assignmentType : userType.getAssignment()) { if (assignmentType.getConstruction() == null) { continue; } ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getConstruction().getResourceRef(); if (targetRef != null) { if (resourceOid.equals(targetRef.getOid())) { AssertJUnit .fail(user + " does have assigned resource " + resourceOid + " while not expecting it"); } } } } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertAssignedResource(PrismObject<F> user, String resourceOid) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); for (AssignmentType assignmentType : userType.getAssignment()) { if (assignmentType.getConstruction() == null) { continue; } ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getConstruction().getResourceRef(); if (targetRef != null) { if (resourceOid.equals(targetRef.getOid())) { return; } } } + " does NOT have assigned resource " + resourceOid + " while expecting it"); } public static <F extends FocusType> void assertNotAssignedOrg(PrismObject<F> user, String orgOid, QName relation) { F userType = user.asObjectable(); for (AssignmentType assignmentType : userType.getAssignment()) { ObjectReferenceType targetRef = assignmentType.getTargetRef(); if (targetRef != null) { if (OrgType.COMPLEX_TYPE.equals(targetRef.getType())) { if (orgOid.equals(targetRef.getOid()) && QNameUtil.match(targetRef.getRelation(), relation)) { + " does have assigned OrgType " + orgOid + " with relation " + relation + " while not expecting it"); } } } } } public static void assertAssignedOrg(PrismObject<? extends FocusType> focus, String orgOid) { assertAssigned(focus, orgOid, OrgType.COMPLEX_TYPE); } public static void assertAssignedOrg(PrismObject<? extends FocusType> focus, String orgOid, QName relation) { assertAssigned(focus, orgOid, OrgType.COMPLEX_TYPE, relation); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertHasOrg(PrismObject<O> object, String orgOid) { for (ObjectReferenceType orgRef : object.asObjectable().getParentOrgRef()) { if (orgOid.equals(orgRef.getOid())) { return; } } + " does not have org " + orgOid); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertHasOrg(PrismObject<O> user, String orgOid, QName relation) { for (ObjectReferenceType orgRef : user.asObjectable().getParentOrgRef()) { if (orgOid.equals(orgRef.getOid()) && MiscSchemaUtil.compareRelation(orgRef.getRelation(), relation)) { return; } } + " does not have org " + orgOid + ", relation " + relation); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertHasNoOrg(PrismObject<O> user) { assertTrue(user + " does have orgs " + user.asObjectable().getParentOrgRef() + " while not expecting them", user.asObjectable().getParentOrgRef().isEmpty()); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertHasOrgs(PrismObject<O> user, int expectedNumber) { O userType = user.asObjectable(); assertEquals("Unexepected number of orgs in " + user + ": " + userType.getParentOrgRef(), expectedNumber, userType.getParentOrgRef().size()); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertVersionIncrease(PrismObject<O> objectOld, PrismObject<O> objectNew) { Long versionOld = parseVersion(objectOld); Long versionNew = parseVersion(objectNew); assertTrue("Version not increased (from " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + ")", versionOld < versionNew); } public static <O extends ObjectType> Long parseVersion(PrismObject<O> object) { String version = object.getVersion(); if (version == null) { return null; } return Long.valueOf(version); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertVersion(PrismObject<O> object, int expectedVersion) { assertVersion(object, Integer.toString(expectedVersion)); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertVersion(PrismObject<O> object, String expectedVersion) { assertEquals("Wrong version for " + object, expectedVersion, object.getVersion()); } public static <O extends ObjectType> void assertOid(PrismObject<O> object, String expectedOid) { assertEquals("Wrong OID for " + object, expectedOid, object.getOid()); } public static void assertContainsCaseIgnore(String message, Collection<String> actualValues, String expectedValue) { AssertJUnit.assertNotNull(message + ", expected " + expectedValue + ", got null", actualValues); for (String actualValue : actualValues) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(actualValue, expectedValue)) { return; } } + ", expected " + expectedValue + ", got " + actualValues); } public static void assertNotContainsCaseIgnore(String message, Collection<String> actualValues, String expectedValue) { if (actualValues == null) { return; } for (String actualValue : actualValues) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(actualValue, expectedValue)) { message + ", expected that value " + expectedValue + " will not be present but it is"); } } } public static void assertObjectClass(ShadowType shadow, QName expectedStructuralObjectClass, QName... expectedAuxiliaryObjectClasses) { assertEquals("Wrong object class in " + shadow, expectedStructuralObjectClass, shadow.getObjectClass()); PrismAsserts.assertEqualsCollectionUnordered("Wrong auxiliary object classes in " + shadow, shadow.getAuxiliaryObjectClass(), expectedAuxiliaryObjectClasses); } }