Example usage for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage.


From source file JumbledImage.java

public class JumbledImageApplet extends JApplet {

    static String imageFileName = "duke_skateboard.jpg";
    private URL imageSrc;
    private JumbledImage jumbledImage;

From source file satalitelist.EdgeLabelDemo.java

 * Demonstrates jung support for drawing edge labels that
 * can be positioned at any point along the edge, and can
 * be rotated to be parallel with the edge.
 * @author Tom Nelson

From source file edu.uci.ics.jung.samples.PerspectiveVertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are added to the DefaultGraphLabelRenderer and can
 * either be offset from the vertex, or centered on the vertex.
 * Additionally, the relative positioning of the label and
 * image is controlled by subclassing the DefaultGraphLabelRenderer

From source file com.juanhg.pattern.PatternApplet.java

public class PatternApplet extends JApplet implements Runnable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3017107307819023599L;
    private final String example = "example.png";

    final int pistonY0 = 3;

From source file gui.WikiCorpusClusteringView.java

 * This simple app demonstrates how one can use our algorithms and visualization
 * libraries in unison. In this case, we generate use the Zachary karate club
 * data set, widely known in the social networks literature, then we cluster the
 * vertices using an edge-betweenness clusterer, and finally we visualize the
 * graph using Fruchtermain-Rheingold layout and provide a slider so that the

From source file gridvisual.GridVisualize.java

 * Demonstrates the visualization of a Tree using TreeLayout
 * and BalloonLayout. An examiner lens performing a hyperbolic
 * transformation of the view is also included.

From source file AlternateAppearanceBoundsTest.java

public class AlternateAppearanceBoundsTest extends JApplet implements ActionListener {

    Material mat1, altMat;

    Appearance app, otherApp;

From source file prototype.TreeLayoutDemo.java

 * Demonsrates TreeLayout and RadialTreeLayout.
 * @author Tom Nelson

From source file AlternateAppearanceScopeTest.java

public class AlternateAppearanceScopeTest extends JApplet implements ActionListener {

    Material mat1, altMat;

    Appearance app, otherApp;

From source file demo.VertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are