Example usage for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage.


From source file io.datalayer.jung.VertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are

From source file UNUSED.JUNGsamples.VertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are

From source file edu.uci.ics.jung.samples.VertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are

From source file org.tellervo.desktop.tridasv2.ui.VertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are

From source file com.google.code.facebook.graph.sna.applet.VertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are

From source file org.yawlfoundation.yawl.procletService.editor.pconns.VertexDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are supplied via the VertexShapeFunction so that
 * both the image and its shape can be utilized.
 * The images used in this demo (courtesy of slashdot.org) are

From source file io.datalayer.jung.LensDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of <code>HyperbolicTransform</code>
 * and <code>MagnifyTransform</code>
 * applied to either the model (graph layout) or the view
 * (VisualizationViewer)
 * The hyperbolic transform is applied in an elliptical lens

From source file UNUSED.JUNGsamples.LensDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of <code>HyperbolicTransform</code>
 * and <code>MagnifyTransform</code>
 * applied to either the model (graph layout) or the view
 * (VisualizationViewer)
 * The hyperbolic transform is applied in an elliptical lens

From source file edu.uci.ics.jung.samples.LensDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of <code>HyperbolicTransform</code>
 * and <code>MagnifyTransform</code>
 * applied to either the model (graph layout) or the view
 * (VisualizationViewer)
 * The hyperbolic transform is applied in an elliptical lens

From source file com.juanhg.fridge.FridgeApplet.java

public class FridgeApplet extends JApplet implements Runnable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3017107307819023599L;
    private final String fridge = "fridge.png";
    private final String fish = "fish.png";
    private final String milk = "milk2.png";