Example usage for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage

List of usage examples for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for javax.swing JApplet subclass-usage.


From source file graph.GraphExplorer.java

 * Shows how  to create a graph editor with JUNG.
 * Mouse modes and actions are explained in the help text.
 * The application version of GraphEditorDemo provides a
 * File menu with an option to save the visible graph as
 * a jpeg file.

From source file net.sf.dsig.DSApplet.java

public class DSApplet extends JApplet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7671795492911882803L;

    private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DSApplet.class);

From source file com.declarativa.interprolog.gui.Testo1.java

 * Demonstrates the visualization of a Tree using TreeLayout and BalloonLayout.
 * An examiner lens performing a hyperbolic transformation of the view is also
 * included.
 * @author Tom Nelsonimport javax.swing.JButton;

From source file com.google.code.facebook.graph.sna.applet.BalloonLayoutDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the visualization of a Tree using TreeLayout
 * and BalloonLayout. An examiner lens performing a hyperbolic
 * transformation of the view is also included.
 * @author Tom Nelson

From source file br.edu.unifei.mestrado.view.GraphPartitioningVisualization.java

 * This simple app demonstrates how one can use our algorithms and visualization
 * libraries in unison. In this case, we generate use the Zachary karate club
 * data set, widely known in the social networks literature, then we cluster the
 * vertices using an edge-betweenness clusterer, and finally we visualize the
 * graph using Fruchtermain-Rheingold layout and provide a slider so that the

From source file model.DrawTopologyDiagram.java

 * Demonstrates visualization of a graph being actively updated.
 * @author danyelf
public class DrawTopologyDiagram extends javax.swing.JApplet {

From source file IconDemoApplet.java

public class IconDemoApplet extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
    Vector pictures;

    JButton previousButton;

    JButton nextButton;

From source file io.datalayer.jung.LensVertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are added to the DefaultGraphLabelRenderer and can
 * either be offset from the vertex, or centered on the vertex.
 * Additionally, the relative positioning of the label and
 * image is controlled by subclassing the DefaultGraphLabelRenderer

From source file UNUSED.JUNGsamples.LensVertexImageShaperDemo.java

 * Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices.
 * The images are added to the DefaultGraphLabelRenderer and can
 * either be offset from the vertex, or centered on the vertex.
 * Additionally, the relative positioning of the label and
 * image is controlled by subclassing the DefaultGraphLabelRenderer

From source file demos.VertexCollapseDemoWithLayouts.java

 * A demo that shows how collections of vertices can be collapsed
 * into a single vertex. In this demo, the vertices that are
 * collapsed are those mouse-picked by the user. Any criteria
 * could be used to form the vertex collections to be collapsed,
 * perhaps some common characteristic of those vertex objects.