Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007-2014 Anestis Georgiadis * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.sf.dsig; import net.sf.dsig.helpers.KeyUsageHelper; import net.sf.dsig.helpers.UserHomeSettingsParser; import net.sf.dsig.keystores.KeyStoreProxy; import net.sf.dsig.keystores.KeyStoreProxyFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.profiler.Profiler; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class DSApplet extends JApplet { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7671795492911882803L; private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DSApplet.class); private static final String DSAPPLET_VERSION = "2.3.0-SNAPSHOT"; private static final Profiler initProfiler = new Profiler("INITIALIZATION"); static { initProfiler.start("Initializing"); } /** * The background color of the applet */ private String backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; public void setBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor) { this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } /** * The id of the form to sign; if set, applet will render itself as a * button, that will submit the form with the corresponding id. */ private String formId = null; public void setFormId(String formId) { if (formId == null || formId.length() == 0) { this.formId = null; } else { this.formId = formId; } } /** * <p>The name of the JavaScript function to invoke on successful completion * of the digital signing process. * * <p>The method is called as follows: * <pre><i>successJSFunction(); */ private String successJSFunction = null; public void setSuccessJSFunction(String successJSFunction) { this.successJSFunction = successJSFunction; } /** * <p>The name of the JavaScript function to invoke when an error occurs * during the digital signing process. * * <p>The method is called as follows: * <pre><i>errorJSFunction(errorCode); */ private String errorJSFunction = null; public void setErrorJSFunction(String errorJSFunction) { this.errorJSFunction = errorJSFunction; } /** * <p>The name of the JavaScript function to invoke when no certificates * are available for performing a digital signature. * * <p>The method is called as follows: * <pre><i>noCertificatesJSFunction(); */ private String noCertificatesJSFunction = null; public void setNoCertificatesJSFunction(String noCertificatesJSFunction) { this.noCertificatesJSFunction = noCertificatesJSFunction; } /** * <p>The name of the JavaScript function to invoke when the applet * has started. * * <p>The method is called as follows: * <pre><i>startedJSFunction(); */ private String startedJSFunction = null; public void setStartedJSFunction(String startedJSFunction) { this.startedJSFunction = startedJSFunction; } /** * <p>A regular expression that is tested against the subject of the * certificate. When set only matching certificates are accepted * and displayed for selection. */ private String subjectMatchingRegex = null; public void setSubjectMatchingRegex(String subjectRegex) { this.subjectMatchingRegex = subjectRegex; } private Pattern subjectMatchingPattern = null; private Pattern getSubjectMatchingPattern() { if (subjectMatchingPattern == null && subjectMatchingRegex != null) { subjectMatchingPattern = Pattern.compile(subjectMatchingRegex); } return subjectMatchingPattern; } /** * <p>A regular expression that is tested against the issuer * of the certificate. When set only matching certificates are accepted * and displayed for selection. */ private String issuerMatchingRegex = null; public void setIssuerMatchingRegex(String issuerMatchingRegex) { this.issuerMatchingRegex = issuerMatchingRegex; } private Pattern issuerMatchingPattern = null; private Pattern getIssuerMatchingPattern() { if (issuerMatchingPattern == null && issuerMatchingRegex != null) { issuerMatchingPattern = Pattern.compile(issuerMatchingRegex); } return issuerMatchingPattern; } /** * A comma-separated list of serial numbers, for testing against each * certificate's serial number. When set only matching certificates are * accepted and displayed for selection. */ private String serialNumbersAllowed = null; public void setSerialNumbersAllowed(String serialNumbersAllowed) { this.serialNumbersAllowed = serialNumbersAllowed; } private Set<BigInteger> serialNumbersAllowedSet = null; public Set<BigInteger> getSerialNumbersAllowedSet() { if (serialNumbersAllowedSet == null && serialNumbersAllowed != null) { String[] serialNumbers = serialNumbersAllowed.split(","); serialNumbersAllowedSet = new HashSet<BigInteger>(); for (String serialNumber : serialNumbers) { serialNumbersAllowedSet.add(new BigInteger(serialNumber)); } } return serialNumbersAllowedSet; } /** Flag controlling whether the expiration date is checked */ private boolean expirationDateChecked = true; public void setExpirationDateChecked(boolean expirationDateChecked) { this.expirationDateChecked = expirationDateChecked; } /** A comma-separated list of KeyUsage attributes to check. When set * only certificates containing all of the required attributes will be * accepted and displayed for selection. */ private String keyUsageRestrictions = null; public void setKeyUsageRestrictions(String keyUsageRestrictions) { this.keyUsageRestrictions = keyUsageRestrictions; } /** Flag controlling whether the status bar message is shown */ private boolean statusBarMessageShown = true; public void setStatusBarMessageShown(boolean statusBarMessageShown) { this.statusBarMessageShown = statusBarMessageShown; } private String userAgent; public void setUserAgent(String userAgent) { this.userAgent = userAgent; } public String getUserAgent() { return userAgent; } @Override public String[][] getParameterInfo() { return new String[][] { { "backgroundColor", "String", "background color code, in hexadecimal format; defaults to white (#FFFFFF)" }, { "formId", "String", "id of the HTML form to digitally sign" }, { "successJSFunction", "String", "name of JS function to execute on succesful signing; called with no arguments (i.e. onSuccess(); )" }, { "errorJSFunction", "String", "name of JS function to execute on failed signing; called with no arguments (i.e. onError(); )" }, { "noCertificatesJSFunction", "String", "name of JS function to execute when no certificates exist; called with no arguments (i.e. onNoCertificates(); )" }, { "startedJSFunction", "String", "name of JS function to execute when applet has started; called with no arguments (i.e. onNoCertificates(); )" }, { "issuerNameRegex", "String", "regular expression to match issuer's name for acceptance" }, { "subjectNameRegex", "String", "regular expression to match certificate's name in subject" }, { "subjectFriendlyRegex", "String", "regular expression to match certificate's friendly name in subject" }, { "serialNumbersAllowed", "String, comma-delimited", "list of serial numbers to allow for selection" }, { "expirationDateChecked", "boolean", "true to check certificate's expiration date (default); false otherwise" }, { "keyUsageRestrictions", "String", "list of required key usage purposes" }, { "statusBarMessageShown", "String", "true to display in the status bar the version message (default); false otherwise" }, { "userAgent", "String", "Enclosing browser's user agent" }, }; } // Only lookup .properties files private ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", ResourceBundle.Control.getControl(ResourceBundle.Control.FORMAT_PROPERTIES)); // The synchronization lock; created with zero permits, the one and // only available permit will be released when initialization is completed private final Semaphore available = new Semaphore(0); private void initSwing() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("UIManager.setLookAndFeel() failed", e); } JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); panel.setBackground(Color.decode(backgroundColor)); add(panel); boolean lockPrinted = false; if (formId != null) { Icon lockIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/lock.png")); lockPrinted = true; JButton button = new JButton("Sign", lockIcon); button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { available.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { signInternal(formId, null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Internal sign failed", e); } finally { available.release(); } } }); panel.add(button); } Icon infoIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(lockPrinted ? "/icons/info.png" : "/icons/lock.png")); JLabel infoLabel = new JLabel(infoIcon); infoLabel.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, printInfoMessage()); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { /* NOOP */ } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { /* NOOP */ } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { /* NOOP */ } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { /* NOOP */ } }); panel.add(infoLabel); } private StrategyFactory strategyFactory; private KeyStoreProxy keyStoreProxy = null; private Exception createKeyStoreProxyException = null; private KeyStoreProxy getKeyStoreProxy() { if (createKeyStoreProxyException != null) { handleError("DSA0001", createKeyStoreProxyException); } return keyStoreProxy; } @Override public void init() { super.init(); // StrategyFactory service loader ----------------------------------- // strategyFactory = ServiceLoader.load(StrategyFactory.class).iterator().next(); // Environment initialization --------------------------------------- // initProfiler.start("Environment init"); Environment.getSingleton().setApplet(this); Environment.getSingleton().setProperties(UserHomeSettingsParser.parse()); // Set the default java.logging logger for FINEST logging on // gr.ageorgiadis package when debug environmental parameter is set initProfiler.start("Logging init"); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(Environment.getSingleton().getValue("debug"))) { System.out.println("\n*** Debug log enabled ***"); Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers()[0].setLevel(Level.FINEST); Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.INFO); Logger.getLogger("net.sf.dsig").setLevel(Level.FINEST); } // Applet initialization through the Environment class -------------- // initProfiler.start("Applet init"); Environment.getSingleton().init(this); // LiveConnect proxy initialization --------------------------------- // LiveConnectProxy.getSingleton().setApplet(this); // KeyStoreProxy initialization ------------------------------------- // try { KeyStoreProxyFactory factory = new KeyStoreProxyFactory(); Environment.getSingleton().init(factory); keyStoreProxy = factory.createKeyStoreProxy(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while creating keyStoreProxy", e); createKeyStoreProxyException = e; } // Swing initialization --------------------------------------------- // initProfiler.start("Swing init"); try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { initSwing(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Swing initialization failed", e); } initProfiler.start("Starting"); } @Override public void start() { available.release(); initProfiler.setLogger(logger); initProfiler.stop().log(); if (startedJSFunction != null) { LiveConnectProxy.getSingleton().eval(startedJSFunction + "();"); } // Add a small delay before performing the started operations (in // the case of status printing it will otherwise be overridden by // the '..Applet started' Plug-In message) new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (statusBarMessageShown) { showStatus("Digital Signature Applet - " + DSAPPLET_VERSION); } } }).start(); } /** * Sign a form using a certificate selected from a dialog box * @param formId the id of the form to lookup through DOM traversal * @return true if signing has completed successfully, false otherwise * @category JavaScript exposed method */ public boolean sign(final String formId) { return sign(formId, null); } /** * Sign a form using the certificate with the supplied alias * @param formId the id of the form to lookup through DOM traversal * @param alias the alias of the selected certificate * @return true if signing has completed successfully, false otherwise * @category JavaScript exposed method * @since 2.1.0 */ public boolean sign(final String formId, final String alias) { class SignInternalRunnable implements Runnable { private boolean successful; public boolean isSuccessful() { return successful; } @Override public void run() { successful = signInternal(formId, alias); } } SignInternalRunnable sir = new SignInternalRunnable(); available.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { if (alias != null) { return signInternal(formId, alias); } // Null alias means the certificate selection dialog box will pop-up; // hence, we need to be running in Swing's event dispatch thread if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(sir); } else {; } return sir.isSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Internal sign failed", e); return false; } finally { available.release(); } } /** * Sign the supplied plaintext using the certificate with the supplied alias * @param plaintext the plaintext to sign * @param alias the alias of the selected certificate * @return a jsonResponse containing the signature * @since 2.2.0 * @category JavaScript exposed method */ public String signPlaintext(final String plaintext, final String alias) { class SignPlaintextInternalRunnable implements Runnable { private String jsonResponse; public String getJsonResponse() { return jsonResponse; } @Override public void run() { jsonResponse = signPlaintextInternal(plaintext, alias); } } SignPlaintextInternalRunnable spir = new SignPlaintextInternalRunnable(); available.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { if (alias != null) { return signPlaintextInternal(plaintext, alias); } // Null alias means the certificate selection dialog box will pop-up; // hence, we need to be running in Swing's event dispatch thread if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(spir); } else {; } return spir.getJsonResponse(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Internal sign plaintext failed", e); return ""; } finally { available.release(); } } /** * Check whether any eligible certificates are available * @return true if eligible certificates are available; false otherwise * @category JavaScript exposed method */ public boolean hasCertificates() { available.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { KeyStoreProxy proxy = getKeyStoreProxy(); return !createAliasX509CertificateChainPair(proxy).isEmpty(); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0002", e); return false; } finally { available.release(); } } /** * Retrieve a JSON expression of certificate aliases and their corresponding * descriptions * @return a JSON expression * @category JavaScript exposed method */ public String getAliasedDescriptions() { available.acquireUninterruptibly(); try { String json = ""; KeyStoreProxy proxy = getKeyStoreProxy(); Map<String, X509Certificate[]> aliasX509CertificateChainPair = createAliasX509CertificateChainPair( proxy); CertificateTableModel ctm = new CertificateTableModel(aliasX509CertificateChainPair, messages); Environment.getSingleton().init(ctm); for (int i = 0; i < ctm.getRowCount(); i++) { X509Certificate certificate = ctm.getX509Certificate(i); if (new Date().compareTo(certificate.getNotAfter()) > 0) { continue; } String alias = ctm.getAlias(i); // Column #0 is the name // Column #1 is the friendly name String name = (String) ctm.getValueAt(i, 0); if (name != null) { name = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(name); } String friendlyName = (String) ctm.getValueAt(i, 1); if (friendlyName != null) { friendlyName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(friendlyName); } String compositeName = (friendlyName != null && friendlyName.length() > 0) ? (friendlyName + " - " + name) : name; String entry = "{ \"alias\": \"" + alias + "\", \"description\": \"" + compositeName + "\" }"; if (json.length() > 0) { json += ", "; } json += entry; } return "[ " + json + " ]"; } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0002", e); return ""; } finally { available.release(); } } private String getSelectedAlias(KeyStoreProxy proxy, Map<String, X509Certificate[]> aliasX509CertificateChainPair, Profiler profiler) { profiler.start("Keypair filtering"); try { aliasX509CertificateChainPair = createAliasX509CertificateChainPair(proxy); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0002", e); } if (aliasX509CertificateChainPair.isEmpty()) { if (noCertificatesJSFunction != null) { LiveConnectProxy.getSingleton().eval(noCertificatesJSFunction + "();"); return null; } else { logger.debug("noCertificatesJSFunction not set"); } } profiler.start("User selection"); CertificateTableModel ctm = new CertificateTableModel(aliasX509CertificateChainPair, messages); Environment.getSingleton().init(ctm); SelectCertificateDialog scd = new SelectCertificateDialog(ctm, expirationDateChecked, messages); scd.setModalityType(ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); scd.setVisible(true); return scd.getSelectedAlias(); } private boolean signInternal(String formId, String alias) { Profiler profiler = new Profiler("SIGNATURE"); profiler.setLogger(logger); try { // Only for the purpose of stopping the Profiler on final profiler.start("Keystore creation"); KeyStoreProxy proxy = getKeyStoreProxy(); Map<String, X509Certificate[]> aliasX509CertificateChainPair = new HashMap<String, X509Certificate[]>(); if (alias == null) { alias = getSelectedAlias(proxy, aliasX509CertificateChainPair, profiler); } if (alias == null) { return false; } logger.debug("Selected alias: [{}]", alias); PrivateKey privateKey = null; try { privateKey = proxy.getPrivateKey(alias); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0003", e); } X509Certificate[] certificateChain = null; try { certificateChain = proxy.getX509CertificateChain(alias); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0004", e); } profiler.start("HTML form parsing"); Strategy strategy = strategyFactory.getStrategy(); FormParser parser = new FormParser(this, formId); parser.setContentHandler(strategy.getFormContentHandler()); try { parser.parse(); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0005", e); } profiler.start("Signature strategy"); try { strategy.sign(privateKey, certificateChain); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0006", e); } if (successJSFunction != null) { LiveConnectProxy.getSingleton().eval(successJSFunction + "();"); } else { logger.debug("successJSFunction not set"); } return true; } finally { profiler.stop().log(); } } private String signPlaintextInternal(final String plaintext, String alias) { Profiler profiler = new Profiler("PLAINTEXT SIGNATURE"); profiler.setLogger(logger); try { // Only for the purpose of stopping the Profiler on final profiler.start("Keystore creation"); KeyStoreProxy proxy = getKeyStoreProxy(); Map<String, X509Certificate[]> aliasX509CertificateChainPair = new HashMap<String, X509Certificate[]>(); if (alias == null) { alias = getSelectedAlias(proxy, aliasX509CertificateChainPair, profiler); } if (alias == null) { return null; } logger.debug("Selected alias: [{}]", alias); PrivateKey privateKey = null; try { privateKey = proxy.getPrivateKey(alias); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0003", e); } X509Certificate[] certificateChain = null; try { certificateChain = proxy.getX509CertificateChain(alias); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0004", e); } Strategy strategy = strategyFactory.getStrategy(); profiler.start("Signature strategy"); String jsonResponse = null; try { jsonResponse = strategy.signPlaintext(plaintext, privateKey, certificateChain); } catch (Exception e) { handleError("DSA0006", e); } if (successJSFunction != null) { LiveConnectProxy.getSingleton().eval(successJSFunction + "();"); } else { logger.debug("successJSFunction not set"); } return jsonResponse; } finally { profiler.stop().log(); } } private Map<String, X509Certificate[]> createAliasX509CertificateChainPair(KeyStoreProxy ksh) throws KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Map<String, X509Certificate[]> aliasX509CertificateChainPair = new HashMap<String, X509Certificate[]>(); Set<String> aliases = ksh.aliases(); for (String alias : aliases) { X509Certificate[] certificateChain = ksh.getX509CertificateChain(alias); if (certificateChain == null || certificateChain.length == 0) { logger.warn("Null certificate chain returned; alias=" + alias); continue; } X509Certificate certificate = certificateChain[0]; String subjectName = certificate.getSubjectX500Principal().getName(); String issuerName = certificate.getIssuerX500Principal().getName(); BigInteger serialNumber = certificate.getSerialNumber(); // Filter by subject if (getSubjectMatchingPattern() != null && !getSubjectMatchingPattern().matcher(subjectName).matches()) {"Subject does not match; skipping" + ": certificate.subject=" + subjectName); continue; } // Filter by issuer if (getIssuerMatchingPattern() != null && !getIssuerMatchingPattern().matcher(issuerName).matches()) {"Issuer does not match; skipping" + ": certificate.subject=" + subjectName + ", certificate.issuer=" + issuerName); continue; } // Filter by serial number if (getSerialNumbersAllowedSet() != null && !getSerialNumbersAllowedSet().contains(serialNumber)) {"Serial number is not allowed; skipping" + ": certificate.subject=" + subjectName + ", certificate.serialNumber=" + serialNumber); continue; } // Filter by key usage if (keyUsageRestrictions != null && !KeyUsageHelper.validateKeyUsage(certificate, keyUsageRestrictions)) {"Key usage restrictions not met; skipping" + ": certificate.subject=" + subjectName + ", certificate.keyUsage=" + KeyUsageHelper.printKeyUsage(certificate)); continue; } // Filter by private key if (!ksh.isKeyEntry(alias)) {"Private key not found; skipping" + ": certificate.subject=" + subjectName); continue; } logger.debug("Accepting certificate" + "; certificate.alias=" + alias + ", certificate.subject=" + subjectName + ", certificate.serialNumber=" + serialNumber); aliasX509CertificateChainPair.put(alias, ksh.getX509CertificateChain(alias)); } return aliasX509CertificateChainPair; } @Override public String getAppletInfo() { return "Digital Signature Applet - " + DSAPPLET_VERSION + "\nCopyright \u00a9 2007-2013 Anestis Georgiadis" + "\n"; } private String printInfoMessage() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getAppletInfo()); sb.append("\n\n"); sb.append("Strategy: " + strategyFactory.getName() + "\n"); return sb.toString(); } private void handleError(String errorCode, Throwable cause) { ErrorDialog ed = new ErrorDialog(errorCode, cause, messages); ed.setModalityType(ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); ed.setVisible(true); if (errorJSFunction != null) { LiveConnectProxy.getSingleton().eval(errorJSFunction + "(" + errorCode + ");"); } if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }