List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE
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public int getPid() { try {// w ww .jav a 2 s . c om String sp = String.format("^(\\d+).*\\s*%1$s$", _plistName); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(sp, Pattern.MULTILINE); String list = _utils.osCommand("launchctl list", 5000); Matcher m = p.matcher(list); m.find(); int pid = Integer.parseInt(; return pid; } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); } return -1; }
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@Test void shouldOutputSubmoduleRevisionsAfterUpdate() throws Exception { GitRepoContainingSubmodule submoduleRepos = new GitRepoContainingSubmodule(temporaryFolder); submoduleRepos.addSubmodule(SUBMODULE, "sub1"); GitCommand gitWithSubmodule = new GitCommand(null, createTempWorkingDirectory(), GitMaterialConfig.DEFAULT_BRANCH, false, null); gitWithSubmodule.clone(inMemoryConsumer(), submoduleRepos.mainRepo().getUrl()); InMemoryStreamConsumer outConsumer = new InMemoryStreamConsumer(); gitWithSubmodule.resetWorkingDir(outConsumer, new StringRevision("HEAD"), false); Matcher matcher = Pattern .compile(".*^\\s[a-f0-9A-F]{40} sub1 \\(heads/master\\)$.*", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL) .matcher(outConsumer.getAllOutput()); assertThat(matcher.matches()).isTrue(); }
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/** * /*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * Returns counts of active, all, inactive, inconclusive and probe * substances in the aid. * * @param aid * @return OutComeCount * @throws Exception */ public PCOutcomeCounts getSubstanceOutcomeCounts(int aid) throws Exception { PCOutcomeCounts oc = null; Document doc = getDocument("http://" + SITE + "/assay/assay.cgi?aid=" + aid); Node node = doc.selectSingleNode("//div[@id='uptsub']"); // Node node = doc.selectSingleNode("//b[. = 'Links:']"); //Node node = doc.selectSingleNode("//b[. = 'Substances: ']"); if (node != null) { node = node.getParent(); AppendingVisitorSupport visitor = new AppendingVisitorSupport(); node.accept(visitor); String text = visitor.getText(); Pattern sectionPattern = Pattern.compile("Tested Substances(.+)", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = sectionPattern.matcher(text); Boolean found = matcher.find(); if (found) { text =; Pattern countPattern; if (text.contains("(")) countPattern = Pattern.compile("([\\w]+)\\((\\d+)\\)"); else countPattern = Pattern.compile("([\\w]+):\\s+(\\d+)"); matcher = countPattern.matcher(text); oc = new PCOutcomeCounts(); while (matcher.find()) { String outcome =; int count = Integer.parseInt(; if ("All".equalsIgnoreCase(outcome)) oc.all = count; else if (outcome.contains("All")) oc.all = count; else if ("Active".equalsIgnoreCase(outcome)) = count; else if ("Inactive".equalsIgnoreCase(outcome)) oc.inactive = count; else if ("Inconclusive".equalsIgnoreCase(outcome)) oc.inconclusive = count; else if ("Probe".equalsIgnoreCase(outcome)) oc.probe = count; } } } return oc; }
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private String getIdUrl(String extra) { final Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile( "(?:^|[\\W])((ht|f)tp(s?):\\/\\/|www\\.)" + "(([\\w\\-]+\\.){1,}?([\\w\\-.~]+\\/?)*" + "[\\p{Alnum}.,%_=?&#\\-+()\\[\\]\\*$~@!:/{};']*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = urlPattern.matcher(extra); if (matcher.find()) return extra.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end()); else/* w w w . j a va2s .co m*/ return null; }
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private static boolean evaluateSimplePredicate(NestedMetadata inputRecordSignature, Record record, SimplePredicate simplePred) {/* w ww . j a va 2 s . com*/ try { String numericPattern = "^-?\\d+([,\\.]\\d+)?([eE]-?\\d+)?$"; boolean isValue1Number, isValue2Number; double value1, value2; //We are evaluating a predicate over two columns! if (simplePred.getStringConstant() == null && simplePred.getDoubleConstant() == -1) { switch (simplePred.getPredCode()) { case PREDICATE_EQUAL: isValue1Number = Pattern.matches(numericPattern, record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); isValue2Number = Pattern.matches(numericPattern, record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (isValue1Number && isValue2Number) { //both columns contain numbers value1 = Double.parseDouble( record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); value2 = Double.parseDouble( record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation2() != null) value2 = simplePred.getOperation2().calculate(value2); return value1 == value2; } else if (!isValue1Number && !isValue2Number) //both columns contain non-number strings return record .getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), MetadataTypesMapping.getValueClass( inputRecordSignature.getType(simplePred.getColumn1()))) .equals(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), MetadataTypesMapping .getValueClass(inputRecordSignature.getType(simplePred.getColumn2())))); else //a number and a non-number, result must be false return false; case PREDICATE_NOTEQUAL: isValue1Number = Pattern.matches(numericPattern, record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); isValue2Number = Pattern.matches(numericPattern, record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (isValue1Number && isValue2Number) { //both columns contain numbers value1 = Double.parseDouble( record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); value2 = Double.parseDouble( record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation2() != null) value2 = simplePred.getOperation2().calculate(value2); return value1 != value2; } else //at least one column contains a non-number, test for non-equality return !record .getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), MetadataTypesMapping.getValueClass( inputRecordSignature.getType(simplePred.getColumn1()))) .equals(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), MetadataTypesMapping .getValueClass(inputRecordSignature.getType(simplePred.getColumn2())))); case PREDICATE_SMALLEROREQUALTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); value2 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation2() != null) value2 = simplePred.getOperation2().calculate(value2); return value1 <= value2; case PREDICATE_SMALLERTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); value2 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation2() != null) value2 = simplePred.getOperation2().calculate(value2); return value1 < value2; case PREDICATE_GREATEROREQUALTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); value2 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation2() != null) value2 = simplePred.getOperation2().calculate(value2); return value1 >= value2; case PREDICATE_GREATERTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); value2 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn2(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation2() != null) value2 = simplePred.getOperation2().calculate(value2); return value1 > value2; default: throw new PAXQueryExecutionException( "Predicate " + simplePred.toString() + " not implemented yet!"); } } else if (simplePred.getDoubleConstant() != -1) { //We are evaluating a predicate over a column and a double constant switch (simplePred.getPredCode()) { case PREDICATE_EQUAL: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); return value1 == simplePred.getDoubleConstant(); case PREDICATE_NOTEQUAL: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); return value1 != simplePred.getDoubleConstant(); case PREDICATE_SMALLEROREQUALTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); return value1 <= simplePred.getDoubleConstant(); case PREDICATE_SMALLERTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); return value1 < simplePred.getDoubleConstant(); case PREDICATE_GREATEROREQUALTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); return value1 >= simplePred.getDoubleConstant(); case PREDICATE_GREATERTHAN: value1 = Double .parseDouble(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).getValue()); if (simplePred.getOperation1() != null) value1 = simplePred.getOperation1().calculate(value1); return value1 > simplePred.getDoubleConstant(); default: throw new PAXQueryExecutionException( "Predicate " + simplePred.toString() + " not implemented yet!"); } } //We are evaluating a predicate over a column and a string constant switch (simplePred.getPredCode()) { case PREDICATE_EQUAL: if (simplePred.getStringConstant().startsWith("~")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "(^|\\s+|[^a-zA-Z0-9]+)" + simplePred.getStringConstant().substring(1, simplePred.getStringConstant().length()) + "($|\\s+|[^a-zA-Z0-9]+)", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = p.matcher(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class)); return m.find(); } return record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).toString() .equals(simplePred.getStringConstant()); case PREDICATE_NOTEQUAL: if (simplePred.getStringConstant().startsWith("~")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "(^|\\s+|[^a-zA-Z0-9]+)" + simplePred.getStringConstant().substring(1, simplePred.getStringConstant().length()) + "($|\\s+|[^a-zA-Z0-9]+)", Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = p.matcher(record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class)); return !m.find(); } return !record.getField(simplePred.getColumn1(), StringValue.class).toString() .equals(simplePred.getStringConstant()); default: throw new PAXQueryExecutionException( "Predicate " + simplePred.toString() + " not implemented yet!"); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return false; } }
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public String match(String content, String filter) { String val = ""; try {/*ww w .j av a2 s . com*/ Matcher m = Pattern.compile(filter, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(content); while (m.find()) { val =; break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Composite Parse match " + e.getMessage()); } return val; }
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int getCompileFlags(ProcessContext context) { int flags = (context.getProperty(UNIX_LINES).asBoolean() ? Pattern.UNIX_LINES : 0) | (context.getProperty(CASE_INSENSITIVE).asBoolean() ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0) | (context.getProperty(COMMENTS).asBoolean() ? Pattern.COMMENTS : 0) | (context.getProperty(MULTILINE).asBoolean() ? Pattern.MULTILINE : 0) | (context.getProperty(LITERAL).asBoolean() ? Pattern.LITERAL : 0) | (context.getProperty(DOTALL).asBoolean() ? Pattern.DOTALL : 0) | (context.getProperty(UNICODE_CASE).asBoolean() ? Pattern.UNICODE_CASE : 0) | (context.getProperty(CANON_EQ).asBoolean() ? Pattern.CANON_EQ : 0) | (context.getProperty(UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS).asBoolean() ? Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS : 0); return flags; }
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/** * Parses the current state looks for classids already in use *//*from w ww .j av a 2s .c om*/ private void reacquireContainerClasses(String state) { //At this point we already have already successfully passed //checkIfAlreadyBootstrapped() - so we know that at least the //root classes are in place. String tcClassesStr = state.substring(state.indexOf("class")); //one class per line - the results of the split will need to trimmed String[] tcClasses = Pattern.compile("$", Pattern.MULTILINE).split(tcClassesStr); Pattern tcClassPattern = Pattern.compile(String.format("class htb %d:(\\d+) .*", ROOT_QDISC_HANDLE)); synchronized (classIdSet) { for (String tcClassSplit : tcClasses) { String tcClass = tcClassSplit.trim(); if (!tcClass.isEmpty()) { Matcher classMatcher = tcClassPattern.matcher(tcClass); if (classMatcher.matches()) { int classId = Integer.parseInt(; if (classId >= MIN_CONTAINER_CLASS_ID) { classIdSet.set(classId - MIN_CONTAINER_CLASS_ID);"Reacquired container classid: " + classId); } } else { LOG.warn("Unable to match classid in string:" + tcClass); } } } } }
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/** * Replace all 'include "YYY"' lines by the YYY file content * @param fileContent file content where to replace includes contents * @return preprocessed content// w w w . j a v a 2s. co m * @throws RenderingException */ private static String preprocessInclude(final String filename, final String fileContent) throws RenderingException { if (fileContent == null) { return null; } try { Pattern includePattern = Pattern.compile("include\\s+[\\\"\\\'](.*)[\\\"\\\']", Pattern.MULTILINE); // Pattern includePattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*include", // Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = includePattern.matcher(fileContent); if (m.find() && m.groupCount() == 1) { return preprocessInclude(filename, fileContent.replace(, preprocessScriptingFile(new File(; } } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new RenderingException(pse); } return fileContent; }
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/** * Filters the given rows using an complex filter. * /*w w w.j a v a2 s . co m*/ * @param <T> * The row type * @param rows * The rows to process * @param filter * The complex filter * @param context * The binding context or null * @param dt * The table to which the rows belong * @return The filtered rows */ private static <T> List<T> complexFilter(List<T> rows, DataBindingContext context, DataTableBase dt, String filter) { // Example of a filter: ?NotIn(threatId,@ActiveThreat[0]:threatId) final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "^(\\?)?([a-z]*)(\\(){1,1}([a-z]*)?(,){1,1}([(\\?)?a-z_0-9,:='%\\s@\\[\\]\\(\\)]*)?(\\)){1,1}$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(filter); /* * The groups are as follows 1 - ! 2 - NotIn 3 - ( 4 - threatId 5 - * , 6 - @ActiveThreat[0]:threatId 7 - ) */ if (!matcher.find()) {"Parser can't parse filter: " + filter); return rows; } if (matcher.groupCount() != 7) { LOG.error("Wrong group count during parsing of filter: " + filter); return rows; } final String strCommand =; final String strBoundField =":", "."); final String strBindingMember =":", "."); final DataBindingMember bm = new DataBindingMember(strBindingMember); // re-use the DataBindingContext when there is one // this is needed so that all currentRow informations are correct // within a filter final DataBindingManager dbm; if (context != null) { dbm = context.getDataBindingManager(bm); } else { dbm = new DataBindingManager(dt.getDataContainer(), bm); } // get all to-be-filtered records as field because the expression // filters on one single field and does no lookup final List<String> fieldsFilter = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DataRowBase row : dbm.getRows(bm)) { if (row.getPersistenceState() != PersistenceState.DELETED) { final String strFieldName = bm.getDataBindingFieldName(); if (strFieldName == null || strFieldName.length() == 0) { LOG.error("There must be something wrong with your filter. Field is empty: " + filter); } else { fieldsFilter.add(row.getPropertyAsStringForce(strFieldName)); } } } // Create the expression according to the binding information if (strCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("in")) { final Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.inExp(strBoundField, fieldsFilter); return new ArrayList<T>(exp.filterObjects(rows)); } else if (strCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("notin")) { final Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.notInExp(strBoundField, fieldsFilter); return new ArrayList<T>(exp.filterObjects(rows)); } else { LOG.warn("Unknown filter command: " + strCommand); return rows; } }