Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE.



To view the source code for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE.

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Enables multiline mode.


From source file:com.scaniatv.LangFileUpdater.java

 * Method that gets the ID from the custom and default lang file, and adds 
 * missing lang IDs to the custom one, plus returns the lang ID and matches in a HashMap.
 * /*  ww  w. j ava2  s .  c  o m*/
 * @param defaultLang
 * @param customLang
 * @return 
private static HashMap<String, String> getCustomAndDefaultLangMap(String defaultLang, String customLang) {
    // Create a new patter that will match if the default lang ID is also in the custom one.
    final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(

    // Get all matches for the default lang.
    final Matcher m1 = pattern.matcher(defaultLang);
    final HashMap<String, String> defaultMatches = new HashMap<>();
    while (m1.find()) {
        defaultMatches.put(m1.group(2), m1.group(5));

    // Get all matches for the custom lang.
    final Matcher m2 = pattern.matcher(customLang);
    final HashMap<String, String> customMatches = new HashMap<>();
    while (m2.find()) {
        customMatches.put(m2.group(2), m2.group(5));

    // Check if any is missing in the custom one.
    defaultMatches.forEach((String key, String value) -> {
        if (!customMatches.containsKey(key)) {
            customMatches.put(key, value);

    return customMatches;

From source file:org.geotools.data.couchdb.client.CouchDBUtils.java

public static String stripComments(String json) {
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("/\\*(?:.)*?\\*/", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
    return pat.matcher(json).replaceAll("");

From source file:wuit.common.crawler.search.Crawler.java

public static String match(String content, String filter) {
    String val = "";
    try {/*from  ww  w.  jav  a 2s.c o  m*/
        Matcher m = Pattern.compile(filter, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(content);
        while (m.find()) {
            val = m.group();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Composite Parse match " + e.getMessage());
    return val;

From source file:org.projectforge.business.scripting.GroovyEngine.java

private String replaceIncludes(final String template) {
    if (template == null) {
        return null;
    }// w  ww.ja  va 2 s.  c om
    final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("#INCLUDE\\{([0-9\\-\\.a-zA-Z/]*)\\}", Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    final Matcher m = p.matcher(template);
    while (m.find()) {
        if (m.group(1) != null) {
            final String filename = m.group(1);
            final Object[] res = configurationService.getResourceContentAsString(filename);
            String content = (String) res[0];
            if (content != null) {
                content = replaceIncludes(content).replaceAll("\\\\", "#HURZ1#").replaceAll("\\$", "#HURZ2#");
                m.appendReplacement(buf, content); // Doesn't work with '$' or '\' in content
            } else {
                m.appendReplacement(buf, "*** " + filename + " not found! ***");
    return buf.toString();

From source file:Normalization.TextNormalization.java

public String removeTwoLetterWordsFromString(String content) {

    String utf8tweet = "";
    try {/*from  w w w. j  av  a2  s  .c o  m*/
        byte[] utf8Bytes = content.getBytes("UTF-8");

        utf8tweet = new String(utf8Bytes, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    final String regex = "((^|\\s)(\\w{1,2})(\\s|$))";
    final Pattern unicodeOutliers = Pattern.compile(regex,
            Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);

    Matcher unicodeOutlierMatcher = unicodeOutliers.matcher(utf8tweet);
    utf8tweet = unicodeOutlierMatcher.replaceAll(" ");
    return utf8tweet;

From source file:nl.esciencecenter.medim.dicom.types.DicomTags.java

protected void readFromText(String txt) throws IOException {
    // Pass I: remove comments including the ending newline!
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("^#.*\n", Pattern.MULTILINE);
    String newTxt = pat.matcher(txt).replaceAll("");
    // Not needed: Pass II: remove empty lines as a result of the
    // pat=Pattern.compile("\n\n",Pattern.MULTILINE);
    // newTxt=pat.matcher(newTxt).replaceAll("");

    // ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
    CsvMapper mapper = new CsvMapper();
    CsvSchema schema = mapper.schemaFor(CsvTagLine.class); // create object mapping from CsvLine.class

    // CsvSchema schema = CsvSchema.builder()
    // .addColumn(CSV_GROUP)
    // .addColumn(CSV_ELEMENT)
    // .addColumn(CSV_VR)
    // .addColumn(CSV_NAME)
    // .build();/*from w w  w. j a va2  s.c  om*/

    MappingIterator<CsvTagLine> mi = mapper.reader(CsvTagLine.class).with(schema).readValues(newTxt);

    List<TagDirective> tags = new ArrayList<TagDirective>();

    // skip first:
    CsvTagLine header = mi.nextValue();

    // check header values.
    while (mi.hasNextValue()) {
        CsvTagLine line = mi.nextValue();
        TagDirective tag = new TagDirective();
        // do something?
        tag.tagNr = StringUtil.parseHexidecimal(line.group) * 0x10000
                + StringUtil.parseHexidecimal(line.element);
        tag.name = line.name;
        line.keep = StringUtil.stripWhiteSpace(line.keep);
        line.options = StringUtil.stripWhiteSpace(line.options);

        // Support OX
        if (StringUtil.equalsIgnoreCase(line.VR, "OX"))
            line.VR = "OB"; // treat as bytes;

        VRType vrType = VRType.valueOf(line.VR);
        tag.vr = vrType.vr();

        boolean keep = false;

        if (StringUtil.isWhiteSpace(line.keep) == false)
            keep = (Integer.parseInt(line.keep) > 0);

        if (keep == false) {
            tag.option = TagProcessingOption.DELETE;
        } else {
            // check option:
            // System.err.printf("- %s | %s | %s | %s\n",line.group,line.element,line.keep,line.options);
            if (StringUtil.isWhiteSpace(line.options) == false) {
                tag.option = TagProcessingOption.valueOfOrNull(line.options, true);
                // error parsing option:
                if (tag.option == null) {
                    throw new IOException("Parse Error: could not parse Tag Option:" + line.options);
            } else {
                tag.option = TagProcessingOption.KEEP; // no option -> keep.


    // POST: check tags:

    for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
        TagDirective tag = tags.get(i);
        // logger.debugPritnf("TagOption: 0x%8x '%s' : %s\n",tag.tagNr,tag.name,tag.option);
        this.dicomTags.put(tag.tagNr, tag); // register

From source file:net.sourceforge.jwbf.actions.mw.queries.GetCategoryMembers.java

 * gets the information about a follow-up page from a provided api response.
 * If there is one, a new request is added to msgs by calling generateRequest.
 *   /*  w w w .j  a  v a2 s .  co m*/
 * @param s   text for parsing
private void parseHasMore(final String s) {

    // get the blcontinue-value

    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(
            "<query-continue>.*?" + "<categorymembers *cmcontinue=\"([^\"]*)\" */>" + ".*?</query-continue>",
            Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE);

    Matcher m = p.matcher(s);

    if (m.find()) {
        nextPageInfo = m.group(1);


From source file:wuit.common.crawler.WebSit.Crawler.java

public static void matchValues(String content, String filter, List<KeyValue> list) {
    if (list == null)
        list = new ArrayList<KeyValue>();
    try {/*from  w  ww.j  av a2  s. c om*/
        Matcher m = Pattern.compile(filter, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(content);
        while (m.find()) {
            if (m.group().isEmpty())
            KeyValue value = new KeyValue();
            value.value = m.group();
            value.start = m.start();
            value.end = m.end();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Crawler Utitles  matchValues :" + e.getMessage());

From source file:com.etime.ETimeUtils.java

 * Return a List of Punches for the current day. The list is empty if there are no punches for today.
 * @param page the raw html of the user's timecard page
 * @return A list of Punches for the current day.
 *//*from  ww  w  . j a  v  a2  s  .  c o m*/
protected static List<Punch> getTodaysPunches(String page) {
    String curRow;
    String date;
    List<Punch> punchesList = new LinkedList<Punch>();

    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    String dayOfWeek = daysOfWeek[calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1];

    if (day < 10) {
        date = dayOfWeek + " " + Integer.toString(month) + "/0" + Integer.toString(day);
    } else {
        date = dayOfWeek + " " + Integer.toString(month) + "/" + Integer.toString(day);
    try {
        Pattern todaysRowsPattern = Pattern.compile("(?i)(>" + date + ")(.*?)(</tr>)",
                Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
        Matcher todaysRowsMatcher = todaysRowsPattern.matcher(page);
        while (todaysRowsMatcher.find()) {
            curRow = todaysRowsMatcher.group(2);
            addPunchesFromRowToList(curRow, punchesList);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.w(TAG, e.toString());

    return punchesList;

From source file:com.andrada.sitracker.reader.SamlibAuthorPageReader.java

@Override//  w  ww. j a v a 2 s. c  o m
public String getAuthorDescription() {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Constants.AUTHOR_DESCRIPTION_TEXT_REGEX, Pattern.MULTILINE);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(pageContent);
    String descriptionText = null;
    if (matcher.find()) {
        descriptionText = (matcher.group(1));
    return descriptionText;