Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of the GeOxygene project source files. * * GeOxygene aims at providing an open framework which implements OGC/ISO * specifications for the development and deployment of geographic (GIS) * applications. It is a open source contribution of the COGIT laboratory at the * Institut Gographique National (the French National Mapping Agency). * * See: * * Copyright (C) 2005 Institut Gographique National * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library (see file LICENSE if present); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307 USA *******************************************************************************/ package fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.plugin.script; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.customizers.ImportCustomizer; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.GeOxygeneEventManager; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.GeOxygeneEventType; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.GeOxygeneEventType.GeOxygeneEventKey; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.api.GeOxygeneInterlocutor; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.RenderingException; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.primitive.AbstractPrimitiveRenderer; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.primitive.GLPrimitiveRenderer; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.primitive.PrimitiveRenderer; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.scripting.TextTransformException; import fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.scripting.TextTransformer; import groovy.lang.Binding; import groovy.lang.GroovyShell; import groovy.lang.Script; /** * @author JeT This renderer uses groovy scripting language to do the rendering */ public class ScriptingPrimitiveRenderer extends AbstractPrimitiveRenderer implements GeOxygeneInterlocutor, TextTransformer { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ScriptingPrimitiveRenderer.class.getName()); // logger private final static String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private final String id; // this renderer ID (used to get script updates from // groovy editor) // groovy file containing the renderer description in groovy code private File initialScriptingFile = null; private String preprocessedScriptingFileContent = null; // preprocessed // scripting file // (some replacement // in initial // scriptingFile) // private MyGroovyScriptEngine gse = null; // script engine associated with // the groovy file // private Class<?> executableClass = null; private Script groovyScript = null; private GroovyShell groovySh = null; private final Object[] emptyArgs = {}; private Binding binding = null; // binding associated with the script engine // available renderers (for groovy access) private final Map<String, PrimitiveRenderer> availableRenderers = new HashMap<String, PrimitiveRenderer>(); // keep track and count of errors private final Map<Class<? extends Exception>, int[]> errors = new HashMap<Class<? extends Exception>, int[]>(); // key/value global map passed to script used to keep values between // executions exceptions private final HashMap<Object, Object> globals = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); // private ScriptingConsole console = null; // private Collection<ParameterizedPolygons> polygons = null; // private Collection<PrimitivePoints> points = null; /** * Constructor * @param scriptingFilename * @throws IOException */ public ScriptingPrimitiveRenderer(final String scriptingFilename) throws RenderingException { this(new File(scriptingFilename)); } /** * Constructor * @param scriptingFile * @throws IOException * @throws RenderingException */ public ScriptingPrimitiveRenderer(final File scriptingFile) throws RenderingException { super(); = scriptingFile.getName() + "-" + String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()); this.initializeAvailableRenderers(); this.setScriptingFile(scriptingFile); } /** * @return the id */ public String getId() { return; } /** * Fill a collection of know renderers that can be used within the script */ private void initializeAvailableRenderers() { this.addRenderer("glRenderer", new GLPrimitiveRenderer()); } /** * Add a renderer is the collection of available renderers * @param variableName name of the renderer instance that can be used in the * script * @param primitiveRenderer instance of the renderer */ private void addRenderer(final String variableName, final PrimitiveRenderer primitiveRenderer) { this.availableRenderers.put(variableName, primitiveRenderer); } /** * @param scriptingFile the groovyFile to set * @throws IOException * @throws RenderingException * @throws CompilationFailedException */ public final void setScriptingFile(final File scriptingFile) throws RenderingException { this.invalidateInputFile(); this.initialScriptingFile = scriptingFile; this.preprocessedScriptingFileContent = null; if (!scriptingFile.isFile() || !scriptingFile.canRead()) { throw new RenderingException( "Groovy scripting file " + scriptingFile + " is not a real file or not readable"); } // String[] roots = new String[] { // scriptingFile.getAbsolutePath() // }; // GroovyClassLoader groovyClassLoader = new GroovyClassLoader(); // GroovyCodeSource gcs = new GroovyCodeSource(this.getScriptingFile()); // this.executableClass = groovyClassLoader.parseClass(gcs, true); // System.err.println("executable class = " + // this.executableClass.getClass().getName() + " / " + // this.executableClass); // this.gse = new // MyGroovyScriptEngine(this.scriptingFile.getAbsolutePath()); // // add some default imports to the script // ImportCustomizer defaultImports = new ImportCustomizer(); // defaultImports.addStarImports("fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.primitive"); // defaultImports.addStarImports(""); // defaultImports.addStarImports("fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render"); // defaultImports.addStaticStars("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); // defaultImports.addImports("javax.vecmath.Point2d"); // defaultImports.addImports("java.awt.Color"); // CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration(); // config.addCompilationCustomizers(defaultImports); // this.gse.setConfig(config); HashMap<GeOxygeneEventKey, Object> params = new HashMap<GeOxygeneEventType.GeOxygeneEventKey, Object>(); params.put(GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_ID, this.getId()); params.put(GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_FILE, this.initialScriptingFile); params.put(GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_PREPROCESSOR, this); params.put(GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_SHELL, this.getGroovyShell()); //;, params); //; // add this as a geoxygene interlocutor in order to be notified if the // script is changed by the groovy plugin GeOxygeneEventManager.getInstance().addInterlocutor(this); } private void invalidateInputFile() { this.preprocessedScriptingFileContent = null; this.groovyScript = null; } private Script getGroovyScript() throws RenderingException { if (this.groovyScript == null) { this.groovyScript = this.getGroovyShell().parse(this.getPreprocessedScriptingFileContent());; // TODO: check if script contains a render() and an initialize() method } return this.groovyScript; } private GroovyShell getGroovyShell() { if (this.groovySh == null) { // add some default imports to the script ImportCustomizer defaultImports = new ImportCustomizer(); defaultImports.addStarImports("fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.primitive"); defaultImports.addStarImports("fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.operator"); defaultImports.addStarImports(""); defaultImports.addStarImports("fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render"); defaultImports.addStarImports("fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.function"); defaultImports.addStaticStars("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); defaultImports.addStaticStars("java.lang.Math"); defaultImports.addStarImports("javax.vecmath"); defaultImports.addStarImports("java.awt"); final CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration(); config.addCompilationCustomizers(defaultImports); final Binding binding = this.getBinding(); this.groovySh = new GroovyShell(binding, config); } return this.groovySh; } private String getPreprocessedScriptingFileContent() throws RenderingException { if (this.preprocessedScriptingFileContent == null) { this.preprocessedScriptingFileContent = preprocessScriptingFile(this.initialScriptingFile); // System.err.println("**************************************************************************************************"); // System.err.println(this.preprocessedScriptingFileContent); // System.err.println("**************************************************************************************************"); } return this.preprocessedScriptingFileContent; } /** * Read the 'initialScriptingFile' file and do some process on it: - replace * include 'YYY' by the content of YYY file * @return the preprocessed file content */ private static String preprocessScriptingFile(final File file) throws RenderingException { if (file == null) { return null; } try { String fileContent = preprocessScriptingHeader(file.getAbsolutePath()) + FileUtils.readFileToString(file) + preprocessScriptingFooter(file.getAbsolutePath()); return preprocessScriptingFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), fileContent); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RenderingException(e); } } /** * Header added when preprocessing a file * @param filename in preprocessing file name * @return preprocess header */ private static String preprocessScriptingHeader(final String filename) { return NEWLINE + "// vvvvvvv BOF '" + filename + "' vvvvvvv" + NEWLINE; } /** * Footer added when preprocessing a file * @param filename in preprocessing file name * @return preprocess footer */ private static String preprocessScriptingFooter(final String filename) { return "// ^^^^^^^ EOF '" + filename + "' ^^^^^^^" + NEWLINE + NEWLINE; } private static String preprocessScriptingFile(final String filename, final String fileContent) throws RenderingException { if (fileContent == null) { return null; } String includedContent = preprocessInclude(filename, fileContent); return includedContent; } /** * Replace all 'include "YYY"' lines by the YYY file content * @param fileContent file content where to replace includes contents * @return preprocessed content * @throws RenderingException */ private static String preprocessInclude(final String filename, final String fileContent) throws RenderingException { if (fileContent == null) { return null; } try { Pattern includePattern = Pattern.compile("include\\s+[\\\"\\\'](.*)[\\\"\\\']", Pattern.MULTILINE); // Pattern includePattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*include", // Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher m = includePattern.matcher(fileContent); if (m.find() && m.groupCount() == 1) { return preprocessInclude(filename, fileContent.replace(, preprocessScriptingFile(new File(; } } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { throw new RenderingException(pse); } return fileContent; } /** * Globals is a generic key/value map. It can be used by script to keep values * between two executions or to store data generated at initialization * @return the globals variable map */ public HashMap<Object, Object> getGlobals() { return this.globals; } /** * generate the binding for execution * @return new binding */ private Binding getBinding() { this.binding = new Binding(); this.binding.setVariable("viewport", this.getViewport()); this.binding.setVariable("primitives", this.getPrimitives()); this.binding.setVariable("global", this.getGlobals()); // this.binding.setVariable("groovy", this.groovySh); // // bind all renderers // for (Map.Entry<String, PrimitiveRenderer> entry : // this.availableRenderers.entrySet()) { // this.binding.setVariable(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); // } // this.binding.setVariable("polygons", this.getPolygonsPrimitives()); return this.binding; } @Override public void initializeRendering() { try { // this.getGroovyScript().setBinding(this.getBinding()); this.getGroovyScript().invokeMethod("initialize", this.emptyArgs); // this.getGroovyScript().run(); // System.err.println(this.executableClass.getSimpleName()); //, binding); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void finalizeRendering() throws RenderingException { // nothing to finalize } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see fr.ign.cogit.geoxygene.appli.render.PrimitiveRenderer#render() */ @Override public void render() throws RenderingException { if (this.getViewport() == null) { throw new RenderingException("viewport is not set"); } // TODO: may be we should not send the binding at each rendering !!!, GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_ID, this.getId(), GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_BINDING, this.getBinding()); try { this.getGroovyScript().setBinding(this.getBinding()); this.getGroovyScript().invokeMethod("render", this.emptyArgs); // this.getGroovyScript().run(); // System.err.println(this.executableClass.getSimpleName()); //, binding); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occured executing script "); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RenderingException(e); // int[] eCount = this.errors.get(e.getClass()); // if (eCount == null) { // // throw an error only the first time it appears // this.errors.put(e.getClass(), new int[] { // 0 // }); // throw new RenderingException(e); // } else { // // increment the error counter // eCount[0]++; // if ( eCount[0] % 10000 == 0) { // logger.error("exception " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " occurs " + // eCount[0] + " times"); // // } // } } } @Override public void onGeOxygeneEvent(final GeOxygeneEventType type, final Map<GeOxygeneEventKey, Object> params) { if (type == GeOxygeneEventType.GROOVY_SCRIPT_UPDATED) { // check if it's our script that has been updated String scriptId = (String) params.get(GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_ID); if (scriptId.equals(this.getId())) { // String scriptContent = (String) // params.get(GeOxygeneEventKey.GROOVY_SCRIPT_CONTENT); this.invalidateInputFile(); this.initializeRendering();; } } } // @Override // public String getId() { // return String.valueOf(this.hashCode()); // } // // @Override // public InputStream getScriptContent() { // try { // return new // ByteArrayInputStream(this.getPreprocessedScriptingFileContent().getBytes()); // } catch (RenderingException e) { // logger.error(e.getMessage()); // return null; // } // } @Override public String transform(final String text) throws TextTransformException { try { return preprocessScriptingFile(this.initialScriptingFile); } catch (RenderingException e) { throw new TextTransformException(e); } } }