Example usage for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE.



To view the source code for java.util.regex Pattern MULTILINE.

Click Source Link


Enables multiline mode.


From source file:com.liferay.blade.cli.command.CreateCommandTest.java

private void _lacks(File file, String regex) throws Exception {
    String content = FileUtil.read(file);

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);

    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content);


From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom.UnstructuredAnalysisHarvester.java

private static String extractRegexFromXpath(String original_xpath) {
    Pattern addedRegex = Pattern.compile("regex\\(.*\\)\\s*$", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
    Matcher matcher = addedRegex.matcher(original_xpath);
    boolean matchFound = matcher.find();

    if (matchFound) {
        try {//ww  w .j  a v  a 2 s .  c  o m
            return matcher.group();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
    return null;


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.QTestUtil.java

private String getCommand(String tname) {
    String commands = qMap.get(tname);
    StringBuilder newCommands = new StringBuilder(commands.length());
    int lastMatchEnd = 0;
    Matcher commentMatcher = Pattern.compile("^--.*$", Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(commands);
    // remove the comments
    while (commentMatcher.find()) {
        newCommands.append(commands.substring(lastMatchEnd, commentMatcher.start()));
        lastMatchEnd = commentMatcher.end();
    }//from  w w  w  . ja  v a  2 s.  c  o m
    newCommands.append(commands.substring(lastMatchEnd, commands.length()));
    commands = newCommands.toString();
    return commands;

From source file:carnero.cgeo.original.libs.Base.java

public CacheWrap parseCache(String page, int reason) {
    if (page == null || page.length() == 0) {
        Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: No page given");
        return null;
    }// w w  w . j a  va2  s.  c  o m

    final Pattern patternGeocode = Pattern.compile(
            "<meta name=\"og:url\" content=\"[^\"]+/(GC[0-9A-Z]+)\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternCacheId = Pattern.compile("/seek/log\\.aspx\\?ID=(\\d+)",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternCacheGuid = Pattern.compile(
            "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"[^\"]*/datastore/rss_galleryimages\\.ashx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternType = Pattern.compile(
            "<img src=\"[^\"]*/WptTypes/\\d+\\.gif\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\" (title=\"[^\"]*\" )?width=\"32\" height=\"32\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);

    final Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile(
            "<h2[^>]*>[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_CacheName\">([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/h2>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternSize = Pattern.compile(
            "<div class=\"CacheSize[^\"]*\">[^<]*<p[^>]*>[^S]*Size[^:]*:[^<]*<span[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/icons/container/[a-z_]+\\.gif\" alt=\"Size: ([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<small>[^<]*</small>[^<]*</span>[^<]*</p>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternDifficulty = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxLegendScale\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternTerrain = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Localize6\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternOwner = Pattern.compile(
            "<span class=\"minorCacheDetails\">[^\\w]*An?([^\\w]*Event)?[^\\w]*cache[^\\w]*by[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternOwnerReal = Pattern.compile(
            "<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxFindLinksHiddenByThisUser\" href=\"[^\"]*/seek/nearest\\.aspx\\?u=*([^\"]+)\">[^<]+</a>",
    final Pattern patternHidden = Pattern.compile(
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternHiddenEvent = Pattern.compile(
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternFavourite = Pattern.compile(
            "<a id=\"uxFavContainerLink\"[^>]*>[^<]*<div[^<]*<span class=\"favorite-value\">[^\\d]*([0-9]+)[^\\d^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);

    final Pattern patternFound = Pattern.compile(
            "<p>[^<]*<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_hlFoundItLog\"[^<]*<img src=\".*/images/stockholm/16x16/check\\.gif\"[^>]*>[^<]*</a>[^<]*</p>",
    final Pattern patternLatLon = Pattern.compile("<span id=\"uxLatLon\"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\\/span>",
    final Pattern patternLocation = Pattern.compile("<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Location\"[^>]*>In ([^<]*)",
    final Pattern patternHint = Pattern.compile(
            "<p>([^<]*<strong>)?[^\\w]*Additional Hints([^<]*<\\/strong>)?[^\\(]*\\(<a[^>]+>Encrypt</a>\\)[^<]*<\\/p>[^<]*<div id=\"div_hint\"[^>]*>(.*)</div>[^<]*<div id=[\\'|\"]dk[\\'|\"]",
    final Pattern patternDescShort = Pattern.compile(
            "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_ShortDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>",
    final Pattern patternDesc = Pattern.compile(
            "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^<]*</div>[^<]*<p>[^<]*</p>[^<]*<p>[^<]*<strong>[^\\w]*Additional Hints</strong>",
    final Pattern patternCountLogs = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_lblFindCounts\"><p>(.*)<\\/p><\\/span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    final Pattern patternCountLog = Pattern.compile(
            " src=\"\\/images\\/icons\\/([^\\.]*).gif\" alt=\"[^\"]*\" title=\"[^\"]*\" />([0-9]*)[^0-9]+",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    // final Pattern patternLogs = Pattern.compile("<table class=\"LogsTable[^\"]*\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</table>).)*)</table>[^<]*<p", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLogs = Pattern.compile("<table class=\"LogsTable[^\"]*\"[^>]*>(.*)</table>[^<]*<p",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
     * <tr>
     * <td class="Nothing">
     * <div class="FloatLeft LogDisplayLeft">
     * <p class="logOwnerProfileName">
     * <strong><a href="/profile/?guid=96c94662-f2c9-450a-99ef-4c034dcde72b" id="184034162">CERV.cz</a></strong>
     * </p>
     * <p class="logOwnerBadge"><img src='/images/icons/prem_user.gif' title='Premium Member' /> Premium Member</p>
     * <p class="logOwnerAvatar"><a href="/profile/?guid=96c94662-f2c9-450a-99ef-4c034dcde72b"><img src="/images/default_avatar.jpg" height='48' width='48' /></a></p>
     * <p class="logOwnerStats">
     * <img src="/images/icons/icon_smile.png" title="Caches Found" /> 567</div>
     * <div class="FloatLeft LogDisplayRight">
     * <div class="HalfLeft LogType">
     * <strong><img src="http://www.geocaching.com/images/icons/icon_smile.gif" alt="Found it" title="Found it" />&nbsp;Found it</strong>
     * </div>
     * <div class="HalfRight AlignRight">
     * <span class="minorDetails LogDate">09/03/2011</span>
     * </div>
     * <div class="Clear LogContent">
     * <p class="LogText">13:29 diky za kes!</p>
     * <div class="AlignRight">
     * <small><a href="log.aspx?LUID=8da01276-7881-4ec9-8d23-8938d7f2984e" title="View Log">View Log</a></small>
     * </div></div></div>
     * </td>
     * </tr>
    final Pattern patternLogUser = Pattern.compile(
            "<p class=\"logOwnerProfileName\">[^<]*<strong>[^<]*<a[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>[^<]*</strong>[^<]*</p>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLogFounds = Pattern.compile(
            "<p class=\"logOwnerStats\"><img[^>]*>[^\\d]*(\\d+)[^<]*</div>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLogIcon = Pattern.compile(
            "<strong>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/icons/([^\"]+)\\.gif\"[^>]*>[^<]+</strong>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLogDate = Pattern.compile(
            "<span class=\"minorDetails LogDate\">([0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+)[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLogText = Pattern.compile("<p class=\"LogText\">((?:(?!</p>).)*)</p>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);

    final Pattern patternAttributes = Pattern.compile(
            "<h3 class=\"WidgetHeader\">[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^\\w]*Attributes[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">(([^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>)+)[^<]*<p",
    final Pattern patternAttributesInside = Pattern.compile("[^<]*<img src=\"([^\"]+)\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>",
    final Pattern patternSpoilers = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Images\">((<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>[^>]+</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>([^<]*(<br[^>]*>)+)?)+)[^<]*</span>",
    final Pattern patternSpoilersInside = Pattern.compile(
            "[^<]*<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>([^>]+)</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>(([^<]*)(<br[^<]*>)+)?",
    final Pattern patternInventory = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxTravelBugList_uxInventoryLabel\">[^\\w]*Inventory[^<]*</span>[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">([^<]*<ul>(([^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>[^<]+<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>)+)[^<]*<\\/ul>)?",
    final Pattern patternInventoryInside = Pattern.compile(
            "[^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[a-z0-9\\-\\_\\.\\?\\/\\:\\@]*\\/track\\/details\\.aspx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)[^\"]*\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>",

    final CacheWrap caches = new CacheWrap();
    final Cache cache = new Cache();

    if (page.indexOf("Cache is Unpublished") > -1) {
        caches.error = "cache was unpublished";
        return caches;

    if (page.indexOf("Sorry, the owner of this listing has made it viewable to Premium Members only.") != -1) {
        caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only";
        return caches;

    if (page.indexOf("has chosen to make this cache listing visible to Premium Members only.") != -1) {
        caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only";
        return caches;

    if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache is temporarily unavailable.") != -1) {
        cache.disabled = true;
    } else {
        cache.disabled = false;

    if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache has been archived,") != -1) {
        cache.archived = true;
    } else {
        cache.archived = false;

    if (page.indexOf("<p class=\"Warning\">This is a Premium Member Only cache.</p>") != -1) {
        cache.members = true;
    } else {
        cache.members = false;

    cache.reason = reason;

    // cache geocode
    try {
        final Matcher matcherGeocode = patternGeocode.matcher(page);
        while (matcherGeocode.find()) {
            if (matcherGeocode.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.geocode = (String) matcherGeocode.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache geocode
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache geocode");

    // cache id
    try {
        final Matcher matcherCacheId = patternCacheId.matcher(page);
        while (matcherCacheId.find()) {
            if (matcherCacheId.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.cacheid = (String) matcherCacheId.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache id
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache id");

    // cache guid
    try {
        final Matcher matcherCacheGuid = patternCacheGuid.matcher(page);
        while (matcherCacheGuid.find()) {
            if (matcherCacheGuid.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.guid = (String) matcherCacheGuid.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache guid
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache guid");

    // name
    try {
        final Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(page);
        while (matcherName.find()) {
            if (matcherName.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.name = Html.fromHtml(matcherName.group(1)).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache name
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache name");

    // owner real name
    try {
        final Matcher matcherOwnerReal = patternOwnerReal.matcher(page);
        while (matcherOwnerReal.find()) {
            if (matcherOwnerReal.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.ownerReal = URLDecoder.decode(matcherOwnerReal.group(1));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse owner real name
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner real name");

    final String username = settings.getUsername();
    if (cache.ownerReal != null && username != null && cache.ownerReal.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {
        cache.own = true;

    int pos = -1;
    String tableInside = page;

    pos = tableInside.indexOf("id=\"cacheDetails\"");
    if (pos == -1) {
        Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"cacheDetails\" not found on page");
        return null;

    tableInside = tableInside.substring(pos);

    pos = tableInside.indexOf("<div class=\"CacheInformationTable\"");
    if (pos == -1) {
        Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"CacheInformationTable\" not found on page");
        return null;

    tableInside = tableInside.substring(0, pos);

    if (tableInside != null && tableInside.length() > 0) {
        // cache terrain
        try {
            final Matcher matcherTerrain = patternTerrain.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherTerrain.find()) {
                if (matcherTerrain.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.terrain = new Float(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse terrain
            Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache terrain");

        // cache difficulty
        try {
            final Matcher matcherDifficulty = patternDifficulty.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherDifficulty.find()) {
                if (matcherDifficulty.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.difficulty = new Float(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse difficulty
            Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache difficulty");

        // owner
        try {
            final Matcher matcherOwner = patternOwner.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherOwner.find()) {
                if (matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.owner = Html.fromHtml(matcherOwner.group(2)).toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse owner
            Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner");

        // hidden
        try {
            final Matcher matcherHidden = patternHidden.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherHidden.find()) {
                if (matcherHidden.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.hidden = dateIn.parse(matcherHidden.group(1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse cache hidden date
            Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hidden date");

        if (cache.hidden == null) {
            // event date
            try {
                final Matcher matcherHiddenEvent = patternHiddenEvent.matcher(tableInside);
                while (matcherHiddenEvent.find()) {
                    if (matcherHiddenEvent.groupCount() > 0) {
                        cache.hidden = dateEvIn.parse(matcherHiddenEvent.group(1));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // failed to parse cache event date
                Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache event date");

        // favourite
        try {
            final Matcher matcherFavourite = patternFavourite.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherFavourite.find()) {
                if (matcherFavourite.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.favouriteCnt = Integer.parseInt(matcherFavourite.group(1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse favourite count
            Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse favourite count");

        // cache size
        try {
            final Matcher matcherSize = patternSize.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherSize.find()) {
                if (matcherSize.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.size = matcherSize.group(1).toLowerCase();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse size
            Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache size");

    // cache found
    try {
        final Matcher matcherFound = patternFound.matcher(page);
        while (matcherFound.find()) {
            if (matcherFound.group() != null && matcherFound.group().length() > 0) {
                cache.found = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse found
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse found");

    // cache type
    try {
        final Matcher matcherType = patternType.matcher(page);
        while (matcherType.find()) {
            if (matcherType.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.type = cacheTypes.get(matcherType.group(1).toLowerCase());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse type
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache type");

    // latitude and logitude
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLatLon = patternLatLon.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLatLon.find()) {
            if (matcherLatLon.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.latlon = matcherLatLon.group(1);

                HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(cache.latlon);
                if (tmp.size() > 0) {
                    cache.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude");
                    cache.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude");
                    cache.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString");
                    cache.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString");
                    cache.reliableLatLon = true;
                tmp = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache coordinates");

    // cache location
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLocation = patternLocation.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLocation.find()) {
            if (matcherLocation.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.location = matcherLocation.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse location
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache location");

    // cache hint
    try {
        final Matcher matcherHint = patternHint.matcher(page);
        while (matcherHint.find()) {
            if (matcherHint.groupCount() > 2 && matcherHint.group(3) != null) {
                // replace linebreak and paragraph tags
                String hint = Pattern.compile("<(br|p)[^>]*>").matcher(matcherHint.group(3)).replaceAll("\n");
                if (hint != null) {
                    cache.hint = hint.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("</p>"), "").trim();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse hint
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hint");

    // cache short description
    try {
        final Matcher matcherDescShort = patternDescShort.matcher(page);
        while (matcherDescShort.find()) {
            if (matcherDescShort.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.shortdesc = matcherDescShort.group(1).trim();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse short description
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache short description");

    // cache description
    try {
        final Matcher matcherDesc = patternDesc.matcher(page);
        while (matcherDesc.find()) {
            if (matcherDesc.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.description = matcherDesc.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse short description
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache description");

    // cache attributes
    try {
        final Matcher matcherAttributes = patternAttributes.matcher(page);
        while (matcherAttributes.find()) {
            if (matcherAttributes.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String attributesPre = matcherAttributes.group(1);
                final Matcher matcherAttributesInside = patternAttributesInside.matcher(attributesPre);

                while (matcherAttributesInside.find()) {
                    if (matcherAttributesInside.groupCount() > 1
                            && matcherAttributesInside.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("blank") != true) {
                        if (cache.attributes == null) {
                            cache.attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
                        // by default, use the tooltip of the attribute
                        String attribute = matcherAttributesInside.group(2).toLowerCase();

                        // if the image name can be recognized, use the image name as attribute
                        String imageName = matcherAttributesInside.group(1).trim();
                        if (imageName.length() > 0) {
                            int start = imageName.lastIndexOf('/');
                            int end = imageName.lastIndexOf('.');
                            if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
                                attribute = imageName.substring(start + 1, end).replace('-', '_');
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache attributes
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache attributes");

    // cache spoilers
    try {
        final Matcher matcherSpoilers = patternSpoilers.matcher(page);
        while (matcherSpoilers.find()) {
            if (matcherSpoilers.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String spoilersPre = matcherSpoilers.group(1);
                final Matcher matcherSpoilersInside = patternSpoilersInside.matcher(spoilersPre);

                while (matcherSpoilersInside.find()) {
                    if (matcherSpoilersInside.groupCount() > 0) {
                        final Spoiler spoiler = new Spoiler();
                        spoiler.url = matcherSpoilersInside.group(1);

                        if (matcherSpoilersInside.group(2) != null) {
                            spoiler.title = matcherSpoilersInside.group(2);
                        if (matcherSpoilersInside.group(4) != null) {
                            spoiler.description = matcherSpoilersInside.group(4);

                        if (cache.spoilers == null) {
                            cache.spoilers = new ArrayList<Spoiler>();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache spoilers
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache spoilers");

    // cache inventory
    try {
        cache.inventoryItems = 0;

        final Matcher matcherInventory = patternInventory.matcher(page);
        while (matcherInventory.find()) {
            if (cache.inventory == null) {
                cache.inventory = new ArrayList<Trackable>();

            if (matcherInventory.groupCount() > 1) {
                final String inventoryPre = matcherInventory.group(2);

                if (inventoryPre != null && inventoryPre.length() > 0) {
                    final Matcher matcherInventoryInside = patternInventoryInside.matcher(inventoryPre);

                    while (matcherInventoryInside.find()) {
                        if (matcherInventoryInside.groupCount() > 0) {
                            final Trackable inventoryItem = new Trackable();
                            inventoryItem.guid = matcherInventoryInside.group(1);
                            inventoryItem.name = matcherInventoryInside.group(2);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache inventory
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache inventory (2)");

    // cache logs counts
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLogCounts = patternCountLogs.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLogCounts.find()) {
            if (matcherLogCounts.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String[] logs = matcherLogCounts.group(1).split("<img");
                final int logsCnt = logs.length;

                for (int k = 1; k < logsCnt; k++) {
                    Integer type = null;
                    Integer count = null;
                    final Matcher matcherLog = patternCountLog.matcher(logs[k]);

                    if (matcherLog.find()) {
                        String typeStr = matcherLog.group(1);
                        String countStr = matcherLog.group(2);
                        if (typeStr != null && typeStr.length() > 0) {
                            if (logTypes.containsKey(typeStr.toLowerCase()) == true) {
                                type = logTypes.get(typeStr.toLowerCase());
                        if (countStr != null && countStr.length() > 0) {
                            count = Integer.parseInt(countStr);
                        if (type != null && count != null) {
                            cache.logCounts.put(type, count);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse logs
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache log count");

    // cache logs
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLogs = patternLogs.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLogs.find()) {
            Log.d(">>>>", "cnt: " + matcherLogs.groupCount());

            if (matcherLogs.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String[] logs = matcherLogs.group(1).split("</tr><tr>");
                final int logsCnt = logs.length;

                for (int k = 0; k < logsCnt; k++) {
                    final CacheLog logDone = new CacheLog();
                    Matcher matcher;

                    matcher = patternLogUser.matcher(logs[k]);
                    if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
                        logDone.author = matcher.group(1).trim();
                        logDone.author = Html.fromHtml(logDone.author).toString();

                    matcher = patternLogFounds.matcher(logs[k]);
                    if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
                        try {
                            logDone.found = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1).trim());
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // NaN

                    matcher = patternLogIcon.matcher(logs[k]);
                    if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
                        if (logTypes.containsKey(matcher.group(1).toLowerCase()) == true) {
                            logDone.type = logTypes.get(matcher.group(1).toLowerCase());
                        } else {
                            logDone.type = logTypes.get("icon_note");

                    matcher = patternLogDate.matcher(logs[k]);
                    if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
                        Date logDate = dateLogIn.parse(matcher.group(1));
                        if (logDate != null) {
                            logDone.date = logDate.getTime();

                    matcher = patternLogText.matcher(logs[k]);
                    if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
                        logDone.log = matcher.group(1).trim();

                    if (cache.logs == null) {
                        cache.logs = new ArrayList<CacheLog>();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse logs
        Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache logs");

    int wpBegin = 0;
    int wpEnd = 0;

    wpBegin = page.indexOf("<table class=\"Table\" id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Waypoints\">");
    if (wpBegin != -1) { // parse waypoints
        final Pattern patternWpType = Pattern.compile("\\/wpttypes\\/sm\\/(.+)\\.jpg",
        final Pattern patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon = Pattern
                .compile(">([^<]*<[^>]+>)?([^<]+)(<[^>]+>[^<]*)?<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        final Pattern patternWpName = Pattern.compile(">[^<]*<a[^>]+>([^<]*)<\\/a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        final Pattern patternWpNote = Pattern.compile("colspan=\"6\">(.*)<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

        String wpList = page.substring(wpBegin);

        wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</p>");
        if (wpEnd > -1 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) {
            wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd);

        if (wpList.indexOf("No additional waypoints to display.") == -1) {
            wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</table>");
            wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd);

            wpBegin = wpList.indexOf("<tbody>");
            wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</tbody>");
            if (wpBegin >= 0 && wpEnd >= 0 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) {
                wpList = wpList.substring(wpBegin + 7, wpEnd);

            final String[] wpItems = wpList.split("<tr");

            String[] wp;
            for (int j = 1; j < wpItems.length; j++) {
                final Waypoint waypoint = new Waypoint();

                wp = wpItems[j].split("<td");

                // waypoint type
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpType = patternWpType.matcher(wp[3]);
                    while (matcherWpType.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpType.groupCount() > 0) {
                            waypoint.type = matcherWpType.group(1);
                            if (waypoint.type != null) {
                                waypoint.type = waypoint.type.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse type
                    Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint type");

                // waypoint prefix
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpPrefix = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[4]);
                    while (matcherWpPrefix.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpPrefix.groupCount() > 1) {
                            waypoint.prefix = matcherWpPrefix.group(2);
                            if (waypoint.prefix != null) {
                                waypoint.prefix = waypoint.prefix.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse prefix
                    Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint prefix");

                // waypoint lookup
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpLookup = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[5]);
                    while (matcherWpLookup.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpLookup.groupCount() > 1) {
                            waypoint.lookup = matcherWpLookup.group(2);
                            if (waypoint.lookup != null) {
                                waypoint.lookup = waypoint.lookup.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse lookup
                    Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint lookup");

                // waypoint name
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpName = patternWpName.matcher(wp[6]);
                    while (matcherWpName.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpName.groupCount() > 0) {
                            waypoint.name = matcherWpName.group(1);
                            if (waypoint.name != null) {
                                waypoint.name = waypoint.name.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse name
                    Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint name");

                // waypoint latitude and logitude
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpLatLon = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[7]);
                    while (matcherWpLatLon.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpLatLon.groupCount() > 1) {
                            waypoint.latlon = Html.fromHtml(matcherWpLatLon.group(2)).toString();

                            final HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(waypoint.latlon);
                            if (tmp.size() > 0) {
                                waypoint.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude");
                                waypoint.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude");
                                waypoint.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString");
                                waypoint.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude
                    Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint coordinates");

                if (wpItems.length > j) {
                    wp = wpItems[j].split("<td");

                // waypoint note
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpNote = patternWpNote.matcher(wp[3]);
                    while (matcherWpNote.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpNote.groupCount() > 0) {
                            waypoint.note = matcherWpNote.group(1);
                            if (waypoint.note != null) {
                                waypoint.note = waypoint.note.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse note
                    Log.w(Settings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint note");

                if (cache.waypoints == null)
                    cache.waypoints = new ArrayList<Waypoint>();

    if (cache.latitude != null && cache.longitude != null) {
        cache.elevation = getElevation(cache.latitude, cache.longitude);

    cache.updated = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cache.detailedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cache.detailed = true;

    return caches;

From source file:carnero.cgeo.cgBase.java

public cgCacheWrap parseCache(String page, int reason) {
    if (page == null || page.length() == 0) {
        Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: No page given");
        return null;
    }//from w  w  w  . jav  a  2s .  c  o  m

    final Pattern patternGeocode = Pattern.compile(
            "<meta name=\"og:url\" content=\"[^\"]+/(GC[0-9A-Z]+)\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternCacheId = Pattern.compile("/seek/log\\.aspx\\?ID=(\\d+)",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternCacheGuid = Pattern.compile(
            "<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"[^\"]*/datastore/rss_galleryimages\\.ashx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternType = Pattern.compile(
            "<img src=\"[^\"]*/WptTypes/\\d+\\.gif\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\" (title=\"[^\"]*\" )?width=\"32\" height=\"32\"[^>]*>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);

    final Pattern patternName = Pattern.compile(
            "<h2[^>]*>[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_CacheName\">([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/h2>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternSize = Pattern.compile(
            "<div class=\"CacheSize[^\"]*\">[^<]*<p[^>]*>[^S]*Size[^:]*:[^<]*<span[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/icons/container/[a-z_]+\\.gif\" alt=\"Size: ([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<small>[^<]*</small>[^<]*</span>[^<]*</p>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternDifficulty = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxLegendScale\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternTerrain = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Localize6\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/stars/stars([0-9_]+)\\.gif\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternOwner = Pattern.compile(
            "<span class=\"minorCacheDetails\">[^\\w]*An?([^\\w]*Event)?[^\\w]*cache[^\\w]*by[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\">([^<]+)</a>[^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternOwnerReal = Pattern.compile(
            "<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxFindLinksHiddenByThisUser\" href=\"[^\"]*/seek/nearest\\.aspx\\?u=*([^\"]+)\">[^<]+</a>",
    final Pattern patternHidden = Pattern.compile(
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternHiddenEvent = Pattern.compile(
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternFavourite = Pattern.compile(
            "<a id=\"uxFavContainerLink\"[^>]*>[^<]*<div[^<]*<span class=\"favorite-value\">[^\\d]*([0-9]+)[^\\d^<]*</span>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);

    final Pattern patternFound = Pattern.compile(
            "<p>[^<]*<a id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_hlFoundItLog\"[^<]*<img src=\".*/images/stockholm/16x16/check\\.gif\"[^>]*>[^<]*</a>[^<]*</p>",
    final Pattern patternLatLon = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_LatLon\"[^>]*>(<b>)?([^<]*)(<\\/b>)?<\\/span>",
    final Pattern patternLocation = Pattern.compile("<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Location\"[^>]*>In ([^<]*)",
    final Pattern patternHint = Pattern.compile(
            "<p>([^<]*<strong>)?[^\\w]*Additional Hints([^<]*<\\/strong>)?[^\\(]*\\(<a[^>]+>Encrypt</a>\\)[^<]*<\\/p>[^<]*<div id=\"div_hint\"[^>]*>(.*)</div>[^<]*<div id=[\\'|\"]dk[\\'|\"]",
    final Pattern patternDescShort = Pattern.compile(
            "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_ShortDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>",
    final Pattern patternDesc = Pattern.compile(
            "<div class=\"UserSuppliedContent\">[^<]*<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_LongDescription\"[^>]*>((?:(?!</span>[^\\w^<]*</div>).)*)</span>[^<]*</div>[^<]*<p>[^<]*</p>[^<]*<p>[^<]*<strong>[^\\w]*Additional Hints</strong>",
    final Pattern patternCountLogs = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_lblFindCounts\"><p>(.*)<\\/p><\\/span>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    final Pattern patternCountLog = Pattern.compile(
            " src=\"\\/images\\/icons\\/([^\\.]*).gif\" alt=\"[^\"]*\" title=\"[^\"]*\" />([0-9]*)[^0-9]+",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLogs = Pattern.compile(
            "<table class=\"LogsTable[^\"]*\"[^>]*>[^<]*<tr>(.*)</tr>[^<]*</table>[^<]*<p",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternLog = Pattern.compile(
            "<td[^>]*>[^<]*<strong>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]*/images/icons/([^\\.]+)\\.[a-z]{2,5}\"[^>]*>&nbsp;([a-zA-Z]+) (\\d+)(, (\\d+))? by <a href=[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>[<^]*</strong>([^\\(]*\\((\\d+) found\\))?(<br[^>]*>)+((?:(?!<small>).)*)(<br[^>]*>)+<small>",
            Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
    final Pattern patternAttributes = Pattern.compile(
            "<h3 class=\"WidgetHeader\">[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^\\w]*Attributes[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">(([^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\" alt=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>)+)[^<]*<p",
    final Pattern patternAttributesInside = Pattern.compile("[^<]*<img src=\"([^\"]+)\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>",
    final Pattern patternSpoilers = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Images\">((<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>[^>]+</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>([^<]*(<br[^>]*>)+)?)+)[^<]*</span>",
    final Pattern patternSpoilersInside = Pattern.compile(
            "[^<]*<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img[^>]+>[^<]*<span>([^>]+)</span>[^<]*</a>[^<]*<br[^>]*>(([^<]*)(<br[^<]*>)+)?",
    final Pattern patternInventory = Pattern.compile(
            "<span id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_uxTravelBugList_uxInventoryLabel\">[^\\w]*Inventory[^<]*</span>[^<]*</h3>[^<]*<div class=\"WidgetBody\">([^<]*<ul>(([^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>[^<]+<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>)+)[^<]*<\\/ul>)?",
    final Pattern patternInventoryInside = Pattern.compile(
            "[^<]*<li>[^<]*<a href=\"[a-z0-9\\-\\_\\.\\?\\/\\:\\@]*\\/track\\/details\\.aspx\\?guid=([0-9a-z\\-]+)[^\"]*\"[^>]*>[^<]*<img src=\"[^\"]+\"[^>]*>[^<]*<span>([^<]+)<\\/span>[^<]*<\\/a>[^<]*<\\/li>",

    final cgCacheWrap caches = new cgCacheWrap();
    final cgCache cache = new cgCache();

    if (page.indexOf("Cache is Unpublished") > -1) {
        caches.error = "cache was unpublished";
        return caches;

    if (page.indexOf("Sorry, the owner of this listing has made it viewable to Premium Members only.") != -1) {
        caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only";
        return caches;

    if (page.indexOf("has chosen to make this cache listing visible to Premium Members only.") != -1) {
        caches.error = "requested cache is for premium members only";
        return caches;

    if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache is temporarily unavailable.") != -1) {
        cache.disabled = true;
    } else {
        cache.disabled = false;

    if (page.indexOf("<li>This cache has been archived,") != -1) {
        cache.archived = true;
    } else {
        cache.archived = false;

    if (page.indexOf("<p class=\"Warning\">This is a Premium Member Only cache.</p>") != -1) {
        cache.members = true;
    } else {
        cache.members = false;

    cache.reason = reason;

    // cache geocode
    try {
        final Matcher matcherGeocode = patternGeocode.matcher(page);
        while (matcherGeocode.find()) {
            if (matcherGeocode.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.geocode = (String) matcherGeocode.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache geocode
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache geocode");

    // cache id
    try {
        final Matcher matcherCacheId = patternCacheId.matcher(page);
        while (matcherCacheId.find()) {
            if (matcherCacheId.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.cacheid = (String) matcherCacheId.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache id
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache id");

    // cache guid
    try {
        final Matcher matcherCacheGuid = patternCacheGuid.matcher(page);
        while (matcherCacheGuid.find()) {
            if (matcherCacheGuid.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.guid = (String) matcherCacheGuid.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache guid
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache guid");

    // name
    try {
        final Matcher matcherName = patternName.matcher(page);
        while (matcherName.find()) {
            if (matcherName.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.name = Html.fromHtml(matcherName.group(1)).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache name
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache name");

    // owner real name
    try {
        final Matcher matcherOwnerReal = patternOwnerReal.matcher(page);
        while (matcherOwnerReal.find()) {
            if (matcherOwnerReal.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.ownerReal = URLDecoder.decode(matcherOwnerReal.group(1));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse owner real name
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner real name");

    final String username = settings.getUsername();
    if (cache.ownerReal != null && username != null && cache.ownerReal.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {
        cache.own = true;

    int pos = -1;
    String tableInside = page;

    pos = tableInside.indexOf("id=\"cacheDetails\"");
    if (pos == -1) {
        Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"cacheDetails\" not found on page");
        return null;

    tableInside = tableInside.substring(pos);

    pos = tableInside.indexOf("<div class=\"CacheInformationTable\"");
    if (pos == -1) {
        Log.e(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: ID \"CacheInformationTable\" not found on page");
        return null;

    tableInside = tableInside.substring(0, pos);

    if (tableInside != null && tableInside.length() > 0) {
        // cache terrain
        try {
            final Matcher matcherTerrain = patternTerrain.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherTerrain.find()) {
                if (matcherTerrain.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.terrain = new Float(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse terrain
            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache terrain");

        // cache difficulty
        try {
            final Matcher matcherDifficulty = patternDifficulty.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherDifficulty.find()) {
                if (matcherDifficulty.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.difficulty = new Float(
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse difficulty
            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache difficulty");

        // owner
        try {
            final Matcher matcherOwner = patternOwner.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherOwner.find()) {
                if (matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.owner = Html.fromHtml(matcherOwner.group(2)).toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse owner
            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache owner");

        // hidden
        try {
            final Matcher matcherHidden = patternHidden.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherHidden.find()) {
                if (matcherHidden.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.hidden = dateIn.parse(matcherHidden.group(1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse cache hidden date
            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hidden date");

        if (cache.hidden == null) {
            // event date
            try {
                final Matcher matcherHiddenEvent = patternHiddenEvent.matcher(tableInside);
                while (matcherHiddenEvent.find()) {
                    if (matcherHiddenEvent.groupCount() > 0) {
                        cache.hidden = dateEvIn.parse(matcherHiddenEvent.group(1));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // failed to parse cache event date
                Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache event date");

        // favourite
        try {
            final Matcher matcherFavourite = patternFavourite.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherFavourite.find()) {
                if (matcherFavourite.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.favouriteCnt = Integer.parseInt(matcherFavourite.group(1));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse favourite count
            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse favourite count");

        // cache size
        try {
            final Matcher matcherSize = patternSize.matcher(tableInside);
            while (matcherSize.find()) {
                if (matcherSize.groupCount() > 0) {
                    cache.size = matcherSize.group(1).toLowerCase();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // failed to parse size
            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache size");

    // cache found
    try {
        final Matcher matcherFound = patternFound.matcher(page);
        while (matcherFound.find()) {
            if (matcherFound.group() != null && matcherFound.group().length() > 0) {
                cache.found = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse found
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse found");

    // cache type
    try {
        final Matcher matcherType = patternType.matcher(page);
        while (matcherType.find()) {
            if (matcherType.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.type = cacheTypes.get(matcherType.group(1).toLowerCase());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse type
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache type");

    // latitude and logitude
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLatLon = patternLatLon.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLatLon.find()) {
            if (matcherLatLon.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.latlon = matcherLatLon.group(2); // first is <b>

                HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(cache.latlon);
                if (tmp.size() > 0) {
                    cache.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude");
                    cache.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude");
                    cache.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString");
                    cache.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString");
                    cache.reliableLatLon = true;
                tmp = null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache coordinates");

    // cache location
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLocation = patternLocation.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLocation.find()) {
            if (matcherLocation.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.location = matcherLocation.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse location
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache location");

    // cache hint
    try {
        final Matcher matcherHint = patternHint.matcher(page);
        while (matcherHint.find()) {
            if (matcherHint.groupCount() > 2 && matcherHint.group(3) != null) {
                // replace linebreak and paragraph tags
                String hint = Pattern.compile("<(br|p)[^>]*>").matcher(matcherHint.group(3)).replaceAll("\n");
                if (hint != null) {
                    cache.hint = hint.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("</p>"), "").trim();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse hint
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hint");

    // short info debug
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "gc-code: " + cache.geocode);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "id: " + cache.cacheid);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "guid: " + cache.guid);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "name: " + cache.name);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "terrain: " + cache.terrain);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "difficulty: " + cache.difficulty);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "owner: " + cache.owner);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "owner (real): " + cache.ownerReal);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "hidden: " + dateOutShort.format(cache.hidden));
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "favorite: " + cache.favouriteCnt);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "size: " + cache.size);
    if (cache.found) {
       Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "found!");
    } else {
       Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "not found");
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "type: " + cache.type);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "latitude: " + String.format("%.6f", cache.latitude));
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "longitude: " + String.format("%.6f", cache.longitude));
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "location: " + cache.location);
    Log.d(cgSettings.tag, "hint: " + cache.hint);

    // cache short description
    try {
        final Matcher matcherDescShort = patternDescShort.matcher(page);
        while (matcherDescShort.find()) {
            if (matcherDescShort.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.shortdesc = matcherDescShort.group(1).trim();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse short description
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache short description");

    // cache description
    try {
        final Matcher matcherDesc = patternDesc.matcher(page);
        while (matcherDesc.find()) {
            if (matcherDesc.groupCount() > 0) {
                cache.description = matcherDesc.group(1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse short description
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache description");

    // cache attributes
    try {
        final Matcher matcherAttributes = patternAttributes.matcher(page);
        while (matcherAttributes.find()) {
            if (matcherAttributes.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String attributesPre = matcherAttributes.group(1);
                final Matcher matcherAttributesInside = patternAttributesInside.matcher(attributesPre);

                while (matcherAttributesInside.find()) {
                    if (matcherAttributesInside.groupCount() > 1
                            && matcherAttributesInside.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("blank") != true) {
                        if (cache.attributes == null) {
                            cache.attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
                        // by default, use the tooltip of the attribute
                        String attribute = matcherAttributesInside.group(2).toLowerCase();

                        // if the image name can be recognized, use the image name as attribute
                        String imageName = matcherAttributesInside.group(1).trim();
                        if (imageName.length() > 0) {
                            int start = imageName.lastIndexOf('/');
                            int end = imageName.lastIndexOf('.');
                            if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) {
                                attribute = imageName.substring(start + 1, end).replace('-', '_');
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache attributes
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache attributes");

    // cache spoilers
    try {
        final Matcher matcherSpoilers = patternSpoilers.matcher(page);
        while (matcherSpoilers.find()) {
            if (matcherSpoilers.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String spoilersPre = matcherSpoilers.group(1);
                final Matcher matcherSpoilersInside = patternSpoilersInside.matcher(spoilersPre);

                while (matcherSpoilersInside.find()) {
                    if (matcherSpoilersInside.groupCount() > 0) {
                        final cgSpoiler spoiler = new cgSpoiler();
                        spoiler.url = matcherSpoilersInside.group(1);

                        if (matcherSpoilersInside.group(2) != null) {
                            spoiler.title = matcherSpoilersInside.group(2);
                        if (matcherSpoilersInside.group(4) != null) {
                            spoiler.description = matcherSpoilersInside.group(4);

                        if (cache.spoilers == null) {
                            cache.spoilers = new ArrayList<cgSpoiler>();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache spoilers
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache spoilers");

    // cache inventory
    try {
        cache.inventoryItems = 0;

        final Matcher matcherInventory = patternInventory.matcher(page);
        while (matcherInventory.find()) {
            if (cache.inventory == null) {
                cache.inventory = new ArrayList<cgTrackable>();

            if (matcherInventory.groupCount() > 1) {
                final String inventoryPre = matcherInventory.group(2);

                if (inventoryPre != null && inventoryPre.length() > 0) {
                    final Matcher matcherInventoryInside = patternInventoryInside.matcher(inventoryPre);

                    while (matcherInventoryInside.find()) {
                        if (matcherInventoryInside.groupCount() > 0) {
                            final cgTrackable inventoryItem = new cgTrackable();
                            inventoryItem.guid = matcherInventoryInside.group(1);
                            inventoryItem.name = matcherInventoryInside.group(2);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse cache inventory
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache inventory (2)");

    // cache logs counts
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLogCounts = patternCountLogs.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLogCounts.find()) {
            if (matcherLogCounts.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String[] logs = matcherLogCounts.group(1).split("<img");
                final int logsCnt = logs.length;

                for (int k = 1; k < logsCnt; k++) {
                    Integer type = null;
                    Integer count = null;
                    final Matcher matcherLog = patternCountLog.matcher(logs[k]);

                    if (matcherLog.find()) {
                        String typeStr = matcherLog.group(1);
                        String countStr = matcherLog.group(2);
                        if (typeStr != null && typeStr.length() > 0) {
                            if (logTypes.containsKey(typeStr.toLowerCase()) == true) {
                                type = logTypes.get(typeStr.toLowerCase());
                        if (countStr != null && countStr.length() > 0) {
                            count = Integer.parseInt(countStr);
                        if (type != null && count != null) {
                            cache.logCounts.put(type, count);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse logs
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache log count");

    // cache logs
    try {
        final Matcher matcherLogs = patternLogs.matcher(page);
        while (matcherLogs.find()) {
            if (matcherLogs.groupCount() > 0) {
                final String[] logs = matcherLogs.group(1).split("</tr><tr>");
                final int logsCnt = logs.length;

                for (int k = 0; k < logsCnt; k++) {
                    final Matcher matcherLog = patternLog.matcher(logs[k]);

                    if (matcherLog.find()) {
                        final cgLog logDone = new cgLog();

                        String logTmp = matcherLog.group(10);

                        int day = -1;
                        try {
                            day = Integer.parseInt(matcherLog.group(3));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "Failed to parse logs date (day): " + e.toString());

                        int month = -1;
                        // January  | February  | March  | April  | May | June | July | August  | September | October  | November  | December
                        if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("January")) {
                            month = 0;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("February")) {
                            month = 1;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("March")) {
                            month = 2;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("April")) {
                            month = 3;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("May")) {
                            month = 4;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("June")) {
                            month = 5;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("July")) {
                            month = 6;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("August")) {
                            month = 7;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("September")) {
                            month = 8;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("October")) {
                            month = 9;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("November")) {
                            month = 10;
                        } else if (matcherLog.group(2).equalsIgnoreCase("December")) {
                            month = 11;
                        } else {
                            Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "Failed to parse logs date (month).");

                        int year = -1;
                        final String yearPre = matcherLog.group(5);

                        if (yearPre == null) {
                            Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
                            year = date.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                        } else {
                            try {
                                year = Integer.parseInt(matcherLog.group(5));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "Failed to parse logs date (year): " + e.toString());

                        long logDate;
                        if (year > 0 && month >= 0 && day > 0) {
                            Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
                            date.set(year, month, day, 12, 0, 0);
                            logDate = date.getTimeInMillis();
                            logDate = (long) (Math.ceil(logDate / 1000)) * 1000;
                        } else {
                            logDate = 0;

                        if (logTypes.containsKey(matcherLog.group(1).toLowerCase()) == true) {
                            logDone.type = logTypes.get(matcherLog.group(1).toLowerCase());
                        } else {
                            logDone.type = logTypes.get("icon_note");

                        logDone.author = Html.fromHtml(matcherLog.group(6)).toString();
                        logDone.date = logDate;
                        if (matcherLog.group(8) != null) {
                            logDone.found = new Integer(matcherLog.group(8));
                        logDone.log = logTmp;

                        if (cache.logs == null) {
                            cache.logs = new ArrayList<cgLog>();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // failed to parse logs
        Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse cache logs");

    int wpBegin = 0;
    int wpEnd = 0;

    wpBegin = page.indexOf("<table class=\"Table\" id=\"ctl00_ContentBody_Waypoints\">");
    if (wpBegin != -1) { // parse waypoints
        final Pattern patternWpType = Pattern.compile("\\/wpttypes\\/sm\\/(.+)\\.jpg",
        final Pattern patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon = Pattern
                .compile(">([^<]*<[^>]+>)?([^<]+)(<[^>]+>[^<]*)?<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        final Pattern patternWpName = Pattern.compile(">[^<]*<a[^>]+>([^<]*)<\\/a>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        final Pattern patternWpNote = Pattern.compile("colspan=\"6\">(.*)<\\/td>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

        String wpList = page.substring(wpBegin);

        wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</p>");
        if (wpEnd > -1 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) {
            wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd);

        if (wpList.indexOf("No additional waypoints to display.") == -1) {
            wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</table>");
            wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd);

            wpBegin = wpList.indexOf("<tbody>");
            wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("</tbody>");
            if (wpBegin >= 0 && wpEnd >= 0 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) {
                wpList = wpList.substring(wpBegin + 7, wpEnd);

            final String[] wpItems = wpList.split("<tr");

            String[] wp;
            for (int j = 1; j < wpItems.length; j++) {
                final cgWaypoint waypoint = new cgWaypoint();

                wp = wpItems[j].split("<td");

                // waypoint type
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpType = patternWpType.matcher(wp[3]);
                    while (matcherWpType.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpType.groupCount() > 0) {
                            waypoint.type = matcherWpType.group(1);
                            if (waypoint.type != null) {
                                waypoint.type = waypoint.type.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse type
                    Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint type");

                // waypoint prefix
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpPrefix = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[4]);
                    while (matcherWpPrefix.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpPrefix.groupCount() > 1) {
                            waypoint.prefix = matcherWpPrefix.group(2);
                            if (waypoint.prefix != null) {
                                waypoint.prefix = waypoint.prefix.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse prefix
                    Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint prefix");

                // waypoint lookup
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpLookup = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[5]);
                    while (matcherWpLookup.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpLookup.groupCount() > 1) {
                            waypoint.lookup = matcherWpLookup.group(2);
                            if (waypoint.lookup != null) {
                                waypoint.lookup = waypoint.lookup.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse lookup
                    Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint lookup");

                // waypoint name
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpName = patternWpName.matcher(wp[6]);
                    while (matcherWpName.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpName.groupCount() > 0) {
                            waypoint.name = matcherWpName.group(1);
                            if (waypoint.name != null) {
                                waypoint.name = waypoint.name.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse name
                    Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint name");

                // waypoint latitude and logitude
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpLatLon = patternWpPrefixOrLookupOrLatlon.matcher(wp[7]);
                    while (matcherWpLatLon.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpLatLon.groupCount() > 1) {
                            waypoint.latlon = Html.fromHtml(matcherWpLatLon.group(2)).toString();

                            final HashMap<String, Object> tmp = this.parseLatlon(waypoint.latlon);
                            if (tmp.size() > 0) {
                                waypoint.latitude = (Double) tmp.get("latitude");
                                waypoint.longitude = (Double) tmp.get("longitude");
                                waypoint.latitudeString = (String) tmp.get("latitudeString");
                                waypoint.longitudeString = (String) tmp.get("longitudeString");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse latitude and/or longitude
                    Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint coordinates");

                if (wpItems.length > j) {
                    wp = wpItems[j].split("<td");

                // waypoint note
                try {
                    final Matcher matcherWpNote = patternWpNote.matcher(wp[3]);
                    while (matcherWpNote.find()) {
                        if (matcherWpNote.groupCount() > 0) {
                            waypoint.note = matcherWpNote.group(1);
                            if (waypoint.note != null) {
                                waypoint.note = waypoint.note.trim();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // failed to parse note
                    Log.w(cgSettings.tag, "cgeoBase.parseCache: Failed to parse waypoint note");

                if (cache.waypoints == null)
                    cache.waypoints = new ArrayList<cgWaypoint>();

    if (cache.latitude != null && cache.longitude != null) {
        cache.elevation = getElevation(cache.latitude, cache.longitude);

    final cgRating rating = getRating(cache.guid, cache.geocode);
    if (rating != null) {
        cache.rating = rating.rating;
        cache.votes = rating.votes;
        cache.myVote = rating.myVote;

    cache.updated = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cache.detailedUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cache.detailed = true;

    return caches;

From source file:de.geeksfactory.opacclient.apis.SISIS.java

public AccountData account(Account acc) throws IOException, JSONException, OpacErrorException {
    start(); // TODO: Is this necessary?

    int resultNum;

    if (!login(acc)) {
        return null;
    }//from  ww  w.j av  a 2s .  com

    // Geliehene Medien
    String html = httpGet(opac_url + "/userAccount.do?methodToCall=showAccount&typ=1", ENCODING);
    List<LentItem> medien = new ArrayList<>();
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
    parse_medialist(medien, doc, 1);
    if (doc.select(".box-right").size() > 0) {
        for (Element link : doc.select(".box-right").first().select("a")) {
            String href = link.attr("abs:href");
            Map<String, String> hrefq = getQueryParamsFirst(href);
            if (hrefq == null || hrefq.get("methodToCall") == null) {
            if (hrefq.get("methodToCall").equals("pos") && !"1".equals(hrefq.get("anzPos"))) {
                html = httpGet(href, ENCODING);
                parse_medialist(medien, Jsoup.parse(html), Integer.parseInt(hrefq.get("anzPos")));
    if (doc.select("#label1").size() > 0) {
        resultNum = 0;
        String rNum = doc.select("#label1").first().text().trim().replaceAll(".*\\(([0-9]*)\\).*", "$1");
        if (rNum.length() > 0) {
            resultNum = Integer.parseInt(rNum);

        assert (resultNum == medien.size());

    // Ordered media ("Bestellungen")
    html = httpGet(opac_url + "/userAccount.do?methodToCall=showAccount&typ=6", ENCODING);
    List<ReservedItem> reserved = new ArrayList<>();
    doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
    parse_reslist("6", reserved, doc, 1);
    Elements label6 = doc.select("#label6");
    if (doc.select(".box-right").size() > 0) {
        for (Element link : doc.select(".box-right").first().select("a")) {
            String href = link.attr("abs:href");
            Map<String, String> hrefq = getQueryParamsFirst(href);
            if (hrefq == null || hrefq.get("methodToCall") == null) {
            if (hrefq.get("methodToCall").equals("pos") && !"1".equals(hrefq.get("anzPos"))) {
                html = httpGet(href, ENCODING);
                parse_reslist("6", reserved, Jsoup.parse(html), Integer.parseInt(hrefq.get("anzPos")));

    // Prebooked media ("Vormerkungen")
    html = httpGet(opac_url + "/userAccount.do?methodToCall=showAccount&typ=7", ENCODING);
    doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
    parse_reslist("7", reserved, doc, 1);
    if (doc.select(".box-right").size() > 0) {
        for (Element link : doc.select(".box-right").first().select("a")) {
            String href = link.attr("abs:href");
            Map<String, String> hrefq = getQueryParamsFirst(href);
            if (hrefq == null || hrefq.get("methodToCall") == null) {
            if (hrefq.get("methodToCall").equals("pos") && !"1".equals(hrefq.get("anzPos"))) {
                html = httpGet(href, ENCODING);
                parse_reslist("7", reserved, Jsoup.parse(html), Integer.parseInt(hrefq.get("anzPos")));
    if (label6.size() > 0 && doc.select("#label7").size() > 0) {
        resultNum = 0;
        String rNum = label6.text().trim().replaceAll(".*\\(([0-9]*)\\).*", "$1");
        if (rNum.length() > 0) {
            resultNum = Integer.parseInt(rNum);
        rNum = doc.select("#label7").text().trim().replaceAll(".*\\(([0-9]*)\\).*", "$1");
        if (rNum.length() > 0) {
            resultNum += Integer.parseInt(rNum);
        assert (resultNum == reserved.size());

    AccountData res = new AccountData(acc.getId());

    if (doc.select("#label8").size() > 0) {
        String text = doc.select("#label8").first().text().trim();
        if (text.matches("Geb.+hren[^\\(]+\\(([0-9.,]+)[^0-9A-Z]*(|EUR|CHF|Fr)\\)")) {
            text = text.replaceAll("Geb.+hren[^\\(]+\\(([0-9.,]+)[^0-9A-Z]*(|EUR|CHF|Fr)\\)", "$1 $2");
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("[^0-9.]*", Pattern.MULTILINE);
    if (doc.select(".box3").size() > 0) {
        for (Element box : doc.select(".box3")) {
            if (box.select("strong").size() == 1) {
                String text = box.select("strong").text();
                if (text.equals("Jahresgebhren")) {
                    text = box.text();
                    text = p.matcher(text).replaceAll("");


    return res;

From source file:csiro.pidsvc.mappingstore.Manager.java

public String resolveLookupValue(String ns, String key) {
    LookupMapDescriptor lookupDescriptor = getLookupMapType(ns);
    if (lookupDescriptor == null)
        return null;

    try {//w w w.ja  va 2 s. c o  m
        if (lookupDescriptor.isStatic()) {
            String ret = getLookupValue(ns, key);
            return ret == null ? lookupDescriptor.getDefaultValue(key) : ret;
        } else if (lookupDescriptor.isHttpResolver()) {
            final Pattern reType = Pattern.compile("^T:(.+)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
            final Pattern reExtract = Pattern.compile("^E:(.+)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
            final Pattern reNamespace = Pattern.compile("^NS:(.+?):(.+)$",
                    Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
            Matcher m;
            String endpoint, extractorType, extractor, content;
            String[] dynKeyValue = getLookupKeyValue(ns);

            if (dynKeyValue == null)
                return null;

            // Endpoint.
            endpoint = dynKeyValue[0];
            if (endpoint.contains("$0"))
                endpoint = endpoint.replace("$0", key);
                endpoint += key;

            // Type.
            m = reType.matcher(dynKeyValue[1]);
            extractorType = m.group(1);

            // Extractor.
            m = reExtract.matcher(dynKeyValue[1]);
            extractor = m.group(1);

            // Execute HTTP GET request.
            content = Http.simpleGetRequestStrict(endpoint);
            if (content == null)
                return lookupDescriptor.getDefaultValue(key);

            // Retrieve data.
            if (extractor.equals(""))
                return content;
            if (extractorType.equalsIgnoreCase("Regex")) {
                Pattern re = Pattern.compile(extractor);
                m = re.matcher(content);

                if (m.find())
                    return m.groupCount() > 0 ? m.group(1) : m.group();
            } else if (extractorType.equalsIgnoreCase("XPath")) {
                Processor processor = new Processor(false);
                XPathCompiler xpathCompiler = processor.newXPathCompiler();

                // Declare XML namespaces.
                m = reNamespace.matcher(dynKeyValue[1]);
                while (m.find())
                    xpathCompiler.declareNamespace(m.group(1), m.group(2));

                // Evaluate XPath expression.
                XdmItem node = xpathCompiler.evaluateSingle(extractor,
                        processor.newDocumentBuilder().build(new StreamSource(new StringReader(content))));
                return node == null ? lookupDescriptor.getDefaultValue(key) : node.getStringValue();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return lookupDescriptor.getDefaultValue(key);

From source file:com.startupbidder.dao.MockDataBuilder.java

private List<Listing> getStartuplyListings(int fromId, int toId) {
    List<Listing> listings = new ArrayList<Listing>();
    List<String> startuplyIds = getStartuplyIds();
    log.info("Loading " + startuplyIds.size() + " Startuply listings");

    try {/* w  ww  . jav  a  2s .c  om*/
        Pattern namePattern = Pattern.compile("<h1 id=\"companyNameHeader\"[^>]*>([^<]*)", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Pattern websitePattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"http://([^\"]*)\">\\1", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Pattern addressPattern = Pattern.compile(
                "<table id=\"branchTable\".*<td class=\"SortedColumn\">[^<]*</td>\\s*<td[^>]*>([^<]*)",
                Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);
        Pattern logoPattern = Pattern.compile("<img\\s+src=\"([^\"]*)\"\\s+id=\"ctl00_Content_Logo\"",
        Pattern industriesPattern = Pattern.compile(
                "<div[^>]*>Industries</div>\\s*<div[^>]*>\\s*<a[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>\\s*", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Pattern industries2Pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*,\\s*<a[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Pattern missionPattern = Pattern.compile("<h1[^>]*>[^<]* Mission</h1>\\s*<div[^>]*>\\s*([^<]*)",
        Pattern mantraPattern = Pattern.compile("([^\\.]+)");
        Pattern productsPattern = Pattern.compile("<h1[^>]*>[^<]* Products</h1>\\s*<div[^>]*>\\s*([^<]*)",
        Pattern teamPattern = Pattern.compile("<h1[^>]*>[^<]* Team</h1>\\s*<div[^>]*>\\s*([^<]*)",
        Pattern lifePattern = Pattern.compile("<h1[^>]*>Life [^<]</h1>\\s*<div[^>]*>\\s*([^<]*)",
        int counter = 0;
        for (String startuplyId : startuplyIds) {
            if (counter <= fromId || counter >= toId) {

            String startuplyPath = STARTUPLY_ROOT + "/Companies/" + startuplyId + ".aspx";
            StartuplyCache startuplyCache = null;
            try {
                startuplyCache = getOfy().get(StartuplyCache.class, startuplyPath);
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
            if (startuplyCache == null) {
                try {
                    URL url = new URL(startuplyPath);
                    HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                    StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
                    IOUtils.copy(connection.getInputStream(), stringWriter, "UTF-8");
                    String startuplyPage = stringWriter.toString();
                    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(startuplyPage)) {
                        startuplyPage = startuplyPage.replaceAll("<br />", ""); // messes up multiline desc if we don't do this
                        startuplyCache = new StartuplyCache(startuplyPath, startuplyPage);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while importing Startuply startup: " + startuplyId, e);
            if (startuplyCache == null) {
                log.info("Could not load Startuply cache for id: " + startuplyId);
            } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startuplyCache.page)) {
                log.info("Unable to import, empty response for Startuply cache page for id: " + startuplyId);
            } else {
                try {
                    String name = "";
                    Matcher nameMatcher = namePattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (nameMatcher.find()) {
                        name = nameMatcher.group(1);
                    String address = "";
                    Matcher addressMatcher = addressPattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (addressMatcher.find()) {
                        address = addressMatcher.group(1);
                    String website = "";
                    Matcher websiteMatcher = websitePattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (websiteMatcher.find()) {
                        website = "http://" + websiteMatcher.group(1);
                    String logo = "";
                    Matcher logoMatcher = logoPattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (logoMatcher.find()) {
                        logo = STARTUPLY_ROOT + logoMatcher.group(1);
                    String industries = "";
                    Matcher industriesMatcher = industriesPattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (industriesMatcher.find()) {
                        industries = industriesMatcher.group(1);
                        while (industriesMatcher.find()) {
                            industries += " " + industriesMatcher.group(1);
                    String description = "";
                    String mantra = "";
                    Matcher missionMatcher = missionPattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (missionMatcher.find()) {
                        description = missionMatcher.group(1);
                        Matcher mantraMatcher = mantraPattern.matcher(description);
                        if (mantraMatcher.find()) {
                            mantra = mantraMatcher.group(1);
                    Matcher productsMatcher = productsPattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (productsMatcher.find()) {
                        String products = productsMatcher.group(1);
                        description += " " + products;
                    Matcher teamMatcher = teamPattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (teamMatcher.find()) {
                        String team = teamMatcher.group(1);
                        description += " " + team;
                    Matcher lifeMatcher = lifePattern.matcher(startuplyCache.page);
                    if (lifeMatcher.find()) {
                        String life = lifeMatcher.group(1);
                        description += " " + life;

                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
                        log.info("Unable to import, couldn't find name for Startuply id: " + startuplyId);
                    } else {
                        String type = bestGuessListingType(name, industries, description);
                        //log.info("Matched name:[" + name + "] address:["+address + "] website:["+website + "] logo:["+logo + "] industries:["+industries+"] mantra:["+mantra+"] description:["+description+"]");
                        int askamt = 5 * new Random().nextInt(20) * 1000;
                        int askpct = 5 + 5 * new Random().nextInt(9);
                        if (askamt < 10000) {
                            askamt = 0;
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mantra)) {
                            mantra = industries;
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(description)) {
                            description = "In summary, " + name + " is a great company in the " + industries
                                    + " space.";
                        Listing listing = prepareListing(STARTUPLY, // DtoToVoConverter.convert(user),
                                name, Listing.State.ACTIVE, type, askamt, askpct, mantra, description, website,
                                null, null, logo, address);
                        //log.info("Added Startuply listing: "+listing);
                        log.info("Added Startuply listing " + counter + " of " + startuplyIds.size() + " name: "
                                + name);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception while importing Startuply startup: " + startuplyId, e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return listings;

From source file:csiro.pidsvc.mappingstore.Manager.java

protected String exportLookupImpl(String ns) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement pst = null;
    ResultSet rs = null, rsMap = null;
    String ret = "";

    try {//w ww .  j a  v  a2  s. c o m
        if (ns == null) {
            // Export all lookup maps.
            pst = _connection
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT ns, type, behaviour_type, behaviour_value FROM lookup_ns;");
        } else {
            // Export a particular lookup map.
            pst = _connection.prepareStatement(
                    "SELECT ns, type, behaviour_type, behaviour_value FROM lookup_ns WHERE ns = ?;");
            pst.setString(1, ns);

        if (pst.execute()) {
            rs = pst.getResultSet();
            boolean dataAvailable = rs.next();

            // Backups may be empty. Otherwise throw an exception.
            if (ns != null && !dataAvailable)
                throw new SQLException("Lookup map configuration cannot be exported. Data may be corrupted.");

            if (dataAvailable) {
                do {
                    String lookupNamespace = rs.getString("ns");
                    String lookupType = rs.getString("type");

                    ret += "<lookup xmlns=\"urn:csiro:xmlns:pidsvc:backup:1.0\">";
                    ret += "<ns>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(lookupNamespace) + "</ns>";

                    String behaviourValue = rs.getString("behaviour_value");
                    ret += "<default type=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(rs.getString("behaviour_type"))
                            + "\">"
                            + (behaviourValue == null ? "" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(behaviourValue))
                            + "</default>";

                    pst = _connection.prepareStatement("SELECT key, value FROM lookup WHERE ns = ?;");
                    pst.setString(1, lookupNamespace);
                    if (!pst.execute())
                        throw new SQLException(
                                "Lookup map configuration cannot be exported. Data may be corrupted.");
                    rsMap = pst.getResultSet();
                    if (lookupType.equalsIgnoreCase("Static")) {
                        ret += "<Static>";
                        while (rsMap.next()) {
                            ret += "<pair>";
                            ret += "<key>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(rsMap.getString(1)) + "</key>";
                            ret += "<value>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(rsMap.getString(2)) + "</value>";
                            ret += "</pair>";
                        ret += "</Static>";
                    } else if (lookupType.equalsIgnoreCase("HttpResolver")) {
                        ret += "<HttpResolver>";
                        if (!rsMap.next())
                            throw new SQLException(
                                    "Lookup map configuration cannot be exported. Data is corrupted.");

                        final Pattern reType = Pattern.compile("^T:(.+)$",
                                Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
                        final Pattern reExtract = Pattern.compile("^E:(.+)$",
                                Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
                        final Pattern reNamespace = Pattern.compile("^NS:(.+?):(.+)$",
                                Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE);
                        Matcher m;
                        String namespaces = "";
                        String buf = rsMap.getString(2);

                        ret += "<endpoint>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(rsMap.getString(1)) + "</endpoint>";

                        // Type.
                        m = reType.matcher(buf);
                        ret += "<type>" + m.group(1) + "</type>";

                        // Extractor.
                        m = reExtract.matcher(buf);
                        ret += "<extractor>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(m.group(1)) + "</extractor>";

                        // Namespaces.
                        m = reNamespace.matcher(buf);
                        while (m.find())
                            namespaces += "<ns prefix=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(m.group(1)) + "\">"
                                    + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(m.group(2)) + "</ns>";
                        if (!namespaces.isEmpty())
                            ret += "<namespaces>" + namespaces + "</namespaces>";

                        ret += "</HttpResolver>";
                    ret += "</lookup>";
                } while (rs.next());
    } finally {
        if (rsMap != null)
        if (rs != null)
        if (pst != null)
    return ret;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.federated.SimpleFederatedQueryEngine.java

private String performImportPythonScript(String importScript, String entityValue, AdvancedQueryPojo query,
        Boolean isSrcAdmin, LinkedList<String> debugLog) {
    String modCode = importScript;
    try {//from w  ww .ja  v a2s .c o m
        // Create a return value
        String fnName = "var" + new ObjectId();

        // Pull all the imports, evaluate them outside the security manager
        Pattern importRegex = Pattern.compile("^\\s*(?:import|from)\\s[^\n]+", Pattern.MULTILINE);
        Matcher m = importRegex.matcher(importScript);
        StringBuffer sbImports = new StringBuffer();
        while (m.find()) {
        if (null != query) {
            _pyEngine.put("_query", query.toApi()); // full query            
        if (null != entityValue) {
            _pyEngine.put("_entityValue", entityValue); // allow either entityValue            

        // Logging function
        if (null != debugLog) {
            String logName = "log" + new ObjectId();
            _pyEngine.put(logName, debugLog);
            _pyEngine.eval("def ikanow_log(logmsg):\n   " + logName + ".add(logmsg)\n\n");
        } else {
            _pyEngine.eval("def ikanow_log(logmsg):\n   pass\n\n");

        // Enable SSL everywhere (https://wiki.python.org/jython/NewSocketModule#SSLSupport)
        //didn't work: http://jython.xhaus.com/installing-an-all-trusting-security-provider-on-java-and-jython/

        // Now run the script
        modCode = m.replaceAll("");
        modCode = modCode.replaceAll("\n([^\n]+)$", "\n" + fnName + " = " + "$1");
        if ((null == isSrcAdmin) || !isSrcAdmin) {
            _scriptingSecurityManager.eval(_pyEngine, modCode);
        } else {

        // Get return value
        Object result = _pyEngine.get(fnName.toString());

        if (_DEBUG)
            _logger.debug("DEB: T1: Return val from script: " + result);

        if (null == result) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Null return from script - final line needs to evaluate expression to return, eg 'response.read()' or 'varname'");
        } //TESTED (by hand)

        return result.toString();

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } catch (Error ee) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ee);