Example usage for java.util ListIterator hasNext

List of usage examples for java.util ListIterator hasNext


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util ListIterator hasNext.


boolean hasNext();

Source Link


Returns true if this list iterator has more elements when traversing the list in the forward direction.


From source file:it.doqui.index.ecmengine.business.personalization.multirepository.index.lucene.RepositoryAwareADMLuceneSearcherImpl.java

private String parameterise(String unparameterised, Map<QName, QueryParameterDefinition> map,
        QueryParameter[] queryParameters, NamespacePrefixResolver nspr) throws QueryParameterisationException {

    Map<QName, List<Serializable>> valueMap = new HashMap<QName, List<Serializable>>();

    if (queryParameters != null) {
        for (QueryParameter parameter : queryParameters) {
            List<Serializable> list = valueMap.get(parameter.getQName());
            if (list == null) {
                list = new ArrayList<Serializable>();
                valueMap.put(parameter.getQName(), list);
            }//from  w w w . j a va  2  s  .c  o m

    Map<QName, ListIterator<Serializable>> iteratorMap = new HashMap<QName, ListIterator<Serializable>>();

    List<QName> missing = new ArrayList<QName>(1);
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(unparameterised);
    int index = 0;
    while ((index = buffer.indexOf("${", index)) != -1) {
        int endIndex = buffer.indexOf("}", index);
        String qNameString = buffer.substring(index + 2, endIndex);
        QName key = QName.createQName(qNameString, nspr);
        QueryParameterDefinition parameterDefinition = map.get(key);
        if (parameterDefinition == null) {
            buffer.replace(index, endIndex + 1, "");
        } else {
            ListIterator<Serializable> it = iteratorMap.get(key);
            if ((it == null) || (!it.hasNext())) {
                List<Serializable> list = valueMap.get(key);
                if ((list != null) && (list.size() > 0)) {
                    it = list.listIterator();
                if (it != null) {
                    iteratorMap.put(key, it);
            String value;
            if (it == null) {
                value = parameterDefinition.getDefault();
            } else {
                value = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, it.next());
            buffer.replace(index, endIndex + 1, value);
    if (missing.size() > 0) {
        StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
        error.append("The query uses the following parameters which are not defined: ");
        for (QName qName : missing) {
            error.append(", ");
        error.delete(error.length() - 1, error.length() - 1);
        error.delete(error.length() - 1, error.length() - 1);
        throw new QueryParameterisationException(error.toString());
    return buffer.toString();

From source file:junk.gui.HazardDataSetCalcCondorApp.java

 * Returns the metadata associated with this calculation
 * @returns the String containing the values selected for different parameters
 *///from   www .  ja va2s . c  o  m
public String getParametersInfo() {
    String lf = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
    String metadata = "IMR Param List:" + lf + "---------------" + lf
            + this.imrGuiBean.getVisibleParametersCloned().getParameterListMetadataString() + lf + lf
            + "Region Param List: " + lf + "----------------" + lf
            + sitesGuiBean.getVisibleParametersCloned().getParameterListMetadataString() + lf + lf
            + "IMT Param List: " + lf + "---------------" + lf
            + imtGuiBean.getVisibleParametersCloned().getParameterListMetadataString() + lf + lf
            + "Forecast Param List: " + lf + "--------------------" + lf
            + erfGuiBean.getERFParameterList().getParameterListMetadataString() + lf + lf
            + "TimeSpan Param List: " + lf + "--------------------" + lf
            + erfGuiBean.getSelectedERFTimespanGuiBean().getParameterListMetadataString() + lf + lf
            + "Miscellaneous Metadata:" + lf + "--------------------" + lf + "Maximum Site Source Distance = "
            + maxDistance + lf + lf + "X Values = ";

    //getting the X values used to generate the metadata.
    ListIterator it = function.getXValuesIterator();
    String xVals = "";
    while (it.hasNext())
        xVals += (Double) it.next() + " , ";
    xVals = xVals.substring(0, xVals.lastIndexOf(","));

    //adding the X Vals used to the Metadata.
    metadata += xVals;
    return metadata;

From source file:playground.christoph.evacuation.analysis.EvacuationTimePictureWriter.java

private ScreenOverlayType createHistogram(String transportMode, Map<Id, Double> evacuationTimes)
        throws IOException {

    /*// www .  j ava2s.  c o  m
     * Remove NaN entries from the List
    List<Double> listWithoutNaN = new ArrayList<Double>();
    for (Double d : evacuationTimes.values())
        if (!d.isNaN())

     * If trip with significant to high evacuation times should be cut off
    if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) {
        double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor;
        ListIterator<Double> iter = listWithoutNaN.listIterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            double value = iter.next();
            if (value > cutOffValue)

    double[] array = new double[listWithoutNaN.size()];
    int i = 0;
    for (double d : listWithoutNaN)
        array[i++] = d;

    JFreeChart chart = createHistogramChart(transportMode, array);
    BufferedImage chartImage = chart.createBufferedImage(OVERALLHISTOGRAMWIDTH, OVERALLHISTOGRAMHEIGHT);

    // clone image and set alpha value
    for (int x = 0; x < OVERALLHISTOGRAMWIDTH; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < OVERALLHISTOGRAMHEIGHT; y++) {
            int rgb = chartImage.getRGB(x, y);
            Color c = new Color(rgb);
            int r = c.getRed();
            int b = c.getBlue();
            int g = c.getGreen();
            int argb = 225 << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b; // 225 as transparency value
            image.setRGB(x, y, argb);

    byte[] imageBytes = bufferedImageToByteArray(image);
    this.kmzWriter.addNonKMLFile(imageBytes, transportMode + OVERALLHISTROGRAM);

    ScreenOverlayType overlay = kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlayType();
    LinkType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType();
    icon.setHref(transportMode + OVERALLHISTROGRAM);
    overlay.setName("Histogram " + transportMode);
    // place the image top right
    Vec2Type overlayXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type();
    Vec2Type screenXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type();
    return overlay;

From source file:TimestreamsTests.java

 * Returns a HMAC for given parameters//  w w  w .  j  a v a2s .  c o  m
 * @param params
 *            are all the parameters to hash
 * @return the HMAC as a String
private String getSecurityString(List<String> params) {
    String toHash = "";
    ListIterator<String> it = params.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        toHash += it.next() + "&";
    return hmacString(toHash, PRIKEY, "HmacSHA256");

From source file:TimestreamsTests.java

 * Creates a HMAC for given parameters and returns a URL with security
 * parameters//from  www.  j  a  va2  s  .co  m
 * @param url
 *            is the URL to add the security parameters to
 * @param params
 *            are all the parameters to hash
 * @param now
 *            is a UTC timestamp
 * @return the URL with security parameters
private String getSecurityString(String url, List<String> params, String now) {
    String toHash = "";
    ListIterator<String> it = params.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        toHash += it.next();
    String hmac = hmacString(toHash, PRIKEY, "HmacSHA256");
    String urlStr = url + "?pubkey=" + PUBKEY + "&now=" + now;
    urlStr += "&hmac=" + hmac;
    return urlStr;

From source file:com.abm.mainet.common.service.EmployeeService.java

public List<LookUp> getAllEmployee(List<Object[]> emp) {
    List<LookUp> list = new ArrayList<LookUp>(0);

    ListIterator<Object[]> listIterator = emp.listIterator();
    while (listIterator.hasNext()) {
        Object[] obj = listIterator.next();

        LookUp title = getEmpTitle(obj);
        String fname = (String) obj[1];
        String lname = " ";
        if (obj[2] != null) {
            lname = (String) obj[2];
        }/*from ww w  .j  av  a  2s.  c  om*/

        String fullName = " ";

        if (title.getLookUpDesc() != null) {
            fullName = title.getLookUpDesc() + " " + fname + " " + lname;
        } else {
            fullName = " " + fname + " " + lname;
        // fullName = fname + " " + lname;
        LookUp lookUp = new LookUp("", fullName);
        lookUp.setLookUpId((long) obj[4]);
    return list;

From source file:com.projity.pm.graphic.model.transform.NodeCacheTransformer.java

private void handleGroup(List destList, ListIterator groupIterator, Node parentGroup, NodeGroup group,
        GraphicNode last, List nodes, NodeTransformer composition, boolean preserveHierarchy) {
    GraphicNode groupNode = createGroup(groupIterator.nextIndex(), group, group.getSorter(), last.getNode());
    destList.add(groupNode);/*  w  w w  .j  ava 2 s . c  om*/
    model.addRelationship(parentGroup, groupNode.getNode());
    if (groupIterator.hasNext()) {
        groupList(nodes, destList, groupIterator, groupNode.getNode(), composition, preserveHierarchy);
    } else {
        for (Iterator j = nodes.iterator(); j.hasNext();)
            model.addRelationship(groupNode.getNode(), ((GraphicNode) j.next()).getNode());

From source file:org.slc.sli.dashboard.unit.client.SDKAPIClientTest.java

public void testGetAssessmentsForStudent()
        throws URISyntaxException, IOException, MessageProcessingException, SLIClientException {
    String token = "token";
    String key = "studentId";
    String studentId = "288598192";

    String filename = getFilename(MOCK_DATA_DIRECTORY + "common/" + MOCK_ASSESSMENTS_FILE);
    when(mockSdk.read(anyString())).thenReturn(fromFileWithValue(filename, studentId, key));

    List<GenericEntity> assessments = client.getAssessmentsForStudent(token, studentId);

    assertNotNull(assessments);// ww  w  . j  ava 2s  .c o  m
    assertEquals(18, assessments.size());
    ListIterator<GenericEntity> li = assessments.listIterator();
    int count = 0;
    while (li.hasNext()) {
        GenericEntity ge = li.next();
        assertEquals(ge.getString(key), studentId);
        if (ge.getString("assessmentName").equals("StateTest_READING")) {
    assertEquals(count, 6);

From source file:com.projity.pm.criticalpath.CriticalPath.java

private void doPass(Task startTask, TaskSchedule.CalculationContext context) {
    if (startTask != null) {
    }/*from w w  w .  java  2 s .c  om*/

    PredecessorTaskList.TaskReference taskReference;
    boolean forward = context.forward;
    ListIterator i = forward ? predecessorTaskList.listIterator() : predecessorTaskList.reverseIterator();
    Task task;
    TaskSchedule schedule;

    //      int count = 0;
    //      long z = System.currentTimeMillis();
    boolean projectForward = project.isForward();
    while (forward ? i.hasNext() : i.hasPrevious()) {
        taskReference = (PredecessorTaskList.TaskReference) (forward ? i.next() : i.previous());
        traceTask = task = taskReference.getTask();
        context.taskReferenceType = taskReference.getType();
        schedule = task.getSchedule(context.scheduleType);
        if (!forward)
            context.taskReferenceType = -taskReference.getType();

        if (task.isReverseScheduled()) {//  reverse scheduled must always be calculated
        if (task.getCalculationStateCount() >= context.stateCount) {
            if (context.assign && (projectForward || !task.isWbsParent())) { // in reverse scheduling, I see some parents have 0 or 1 as their dates. This is a workaround.
                if (schedule.getBegin() != 0L && !isSentinel(task))
                    earliestStart = Math.min(earliestStart, schedule.getStart());
                if (schedule.getEnd() != 0 && !isSentinel(task))
                    latestFinish = Math.max(latestFinish, schedule.getFinish());

            //            schedule.dump();
    //      System.out.println("pass forward=" + forward + " tasks:" + count + " time " + (System.currentTimeMillis() -z) + " ms");

From source file:oscar.form.study.hsfo2.pageUtil.ManageHSFOAction.java

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    logger.info("ContextPath: " + request.getContextPath());
    logger.info("pathInfo: " + request.getPathInfo());
    Map<String, String[]> params = request.getParameterMap();

    Hsfo2Visit latestHsfo2Visit = new Hsfo2Visit();
    PatientList historyList = new PatientList();
    // RecordList record = new RecordList();
    List recordList = new LinkedList();

    String patientId = (String) request.getAttribute("demographic_no");
    if (patientId == null) {
        patientId = request.getParameter("demographic_no");
    }/*  www  .  ja  v a2s. c o  m*/
    String isfirstrecord = "";
    boolean isFirstRecord = false;
    String user = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");

    HSFODAO hsfoDAO = new HSFODAO();
    isFirstRecord = hsfoDAO.isFirstRecord(patientId);

    DemographicData demoData = new DemographicData();
    //DemographicData.Demographic de = demoData.getDemographic( patientId );
    Demographic de = demoData.getDemographic(patientId);

    boolean isDisplayGraphs = "displayGraphs".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("operation"));

    boolean isFromRegistrationForm = false;
    if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("isFromRegistrationForm"))) {
        //true means the request is from registration form, should goto followup form
        isFromRegistrationForm = true;

    FORM forwardToForm = null;
    int patientHistorySize = 0;
    boolean isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient = false;
    //    boolean isFromRegistrationForm = false;  

    Integer formId = getFormIdFromRequest(request);
    Hsfo2Visit formHsfo2Visit = null;
    if (formId != null)
        formHsfo2Visit = hsfoDAO.retrieveSelectedRecord(formId);
    boolean isHistoryForm = !isFromRegistrationForm && (formId != null && formHsfo2Visit != null);

    if (formId != null)
        isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient = hsfoDAO.isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient(patientId, formId);
    boolean isRegistForm = !isDisplayGraphs && !isFromRegistrationForm
            && (isFirstRecord || isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient);

    //prepare data
    Hsfo2Patient hsfo2Patient = hsfoDAO.retrievePatientRecord(patientId);
    if (hsfo2Patient == null)
        hsfo2Patient = new Hsfo2Patient();
    List patientHistory = hsfoDAO.retrieveVisitRecord(patientId);

    //save only or submit, it's for registration form and stay in that form
    boolean isSaveOnly = "Save".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("Save"));
    if (!isSaveOnly && !isFirstRecord) {
        isSaveOnly = !hsfo2Patient.isSubmitted();

    if (isSaveOnly) {
        //stay in regist form and treat as history
        isRegistForm = true;
        isHistoryForm = true;
        if (patientHistory.size() > 0)
            formHsfo2Visit = (Hsfo2Visit) patientHistory.get(patientHistory.size() - 1);

    if (isHistoryForm) {
        latestHsfo2Visit = formHsfo2Visit;
    } else // create new form
        patientHistorySize = patientHistory.size();

        if (patientHistorySize >= 1) {
            latestHsfo2Visit = (Hsfo2Visit) patientHistory.get(patientHistorySize - 1);
            latestHsfo2Visit.setId(hsfoDAO.getMaxVisitId() + 1);
            getLabWork(latestHsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient, ConvertUtil.toInt(patientId));

            //If it's followup form, BP should not be prepopulated. Clean again.
        } else {
            latestHsfo2Visit = new Hsfo2Visit();
            getLabWork(latestHsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient, ConvertUtil.toInt(patientId));


    if (isRegistForm) {
        // registration, get data from DemographicData;
        isfirstrecord = "true";


        if (!isHistoryForm) {


        request.setAttribute("EmrHCPId1", user);
        request.setAttribute("EmrHCPId2", de.getProviderNo()); // TODO: may need to convert to provider name

        forwardToForm = FORM.registration;
    } else {
        //populate graphy data for followup form. the latestHsfo2Visit already keep the information of last visit.
        isfirstrecord = "false";

        if (!isDisplayGraphs)
            forwardToForm = FORM.flowsheet;
        else {
            // If patientHistory is greater than 1 than fill the graphing arrays
            TimeSeries sbpSeries = new TimeSeries("Systolic Blood Pressure", Day.class);
            TimeSeries dbpSeries = new TimeSeries("Diastolic Blood Pressure", Day.class);
            TimeSeries bmiSeries = new TimeSeries("BMI", Day.class);
            TimeSeries waistSeries = new TimeSeries("Waist", Day.class);
            TimeSeries ldlSeries = new TimeSeries("LDL", Day.class);
            TimeSeries tcHdlSeries = new TimeSeries("TC/HDL", Day.class);
            TimeSeries importanceSeries = new TimeSeries("Importance", Day.class);
            TimeSeries confidenceSeries = new TimeSeries("Confidence", Day.class);

            Map<GraphDesc, TimeSeries> graphDescSeriesMap = new HashMap<GraphDesc, TimeSeries>();
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Systolic Blood Pressure", "Dates", "SBP(mmHg)"), sbpSeries);
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Diastolic Blood Pressure", "Dates", "DBP(mmHg)"), dbpSeries);
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("BMI", "Dates", "BMI(kg/m2)"), bmiSeries);
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Waist", "Dates", "Waist(cm)"), waistSeries);
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("LDL", "Dates", "LDL(mmol/L)"), ldlSeries);
                GraphDesc tcHdlDesc = new GraphDesc("TC/HDL", "Dates", "TC/HDL(ratio)");
                graphDescSeriesMap.put(tcHdlDesc, tcHdlSeries);
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Importance", "Dates", "Importance(1-10)"), importanceSeries);
            graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Confidence", "Dates", "Confidence(1-10)"), confidenceSeries);

            if (patientHistorySize >= 1) {

                ListIterator patientHistoryIt = patientHistory.listIterator();
                //        int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0;
                while (patientHistoryIt.hasNext()) {
                    Hsfo2Visit Hsfo2Visit = (Hsfo2Visit) patientHistoryIt.next();
                    //          visitDateArray.add( setDateFull( Hsfo2Visit.getVisitDate_Id() ) );
                    //          visitIdArray.add( "" + Hsfo2Visit.getID() );

                    // ////////
                    final Date visitDate = Hsfo2Visit.getVisitDate_Id();
                    if (visitDate != null) {
                        final Day visitDay = new Day(visitDate);
                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getSBP() != 0) {
                            sbpSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getSBP());

                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getDBP() != 0) {
                            dbpSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getDBP());

                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getWeight() != 0) {
                            Double bmi = getBmi(Hsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient);
                            if (bmi > 0)
                                bmiSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, bmi);
                        // modified by victor for waist_unit null bug,2007
                        // if (Hsfo2Visit.getWaist() != 0{
                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getWaist() != 0 && Hsfo2Visit.getWaist_unit() != null) {
                            double waistv = Hsfo2Visit.getWaist();
                            String waistunit = Hsfo2Visit.getWaist_unit();
                            double waist = 0.0;
                            if (waistunit.equals("cm")) {
                                waist = waistv;
                            } else {
                                // 1 inch = 2.54 cm
                                waist = waistv * 2.54;
                            waistSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, waist);

                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getChange_importance() != 0) {
                            importanceSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getChange_importance());

                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getChange_confidence() != 0) {
                            confidenceSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getChange_confidence());

                    final Date labResultDate = Hsfo2Visit.getTC_HDL_LabresultsDate();
                    if (labResultDate != null) {
                        final Day labResultDay = new Day(labResultDate);
                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getTC_HDL() != 0) {
                            tcHdlSeries.addOrUpdate(labResultDay, Hsfo2Visit.getTC_HDL());

                        if (Hsfo2Visit.getLDL() != 0) {
                            ldlSeries.addOrUpdate(labResultDay, Hsfo2Visit.getLDL());



            //generate the graph and export as picture.
            generateGraphs(request, response, graphDescSeriesMap);
            forwardToForm = FORM.graphs;



    // set request attributes to forward to jsp
    request.setAttribute("siteId", OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("hsfo2.loginSiteCode", "xxx"));

    request.setAttribute("Hsfo2Patient", hsfo2Patient);
    request.setAttribute("historyList", historyList);
    request.setAttribute("Hsfo2Visit", latestHsfo2Visit); //getDay() is date of week
    request.setAttribute("isFirstRecord", isfirstrecord);

    return mapping.findForward(forwardToForm.name());