Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2010 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package playground.christoph.evacuation.analysis; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import net.opengis.kml._2.DocumentType; import net.opengis.kml._2.FolderType; import net.opengis.kml._2.IconStyleType; import net.opengis.kml._2.LinkType; import net.opengis.kml._2.ObjectFactory; import net.opengis.kml._2.PlacemarkType; import net.opengis.kml._2.PointType; import net.opengis.kml._2.ScreenOverlayType; import net.opengis.kml._2.StyleType; import net.opengis.kml._2.UnitsEnumType; import net.opengis.kml._2.Vec2Type; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import; import; import; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.BasicLocation; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Scenario; import; import org.matsim.core.gbl.MatsimResource; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordImpl; import org.matsim.core.utils.geometry.CoordinateTransformation; import org.matsim.facilities.Facility; import org.matsim.vis.kml.KMZWriter; import org.matsim.vis.kml.MatsimKMLLogo; import org.matsim.vis.kml.NetworkFeatureFactory; import playground.christoph.evacuation.analysis.EvacuationTimePicture.AgentInfo; import playground.christoph.evacuation.config.EvacuationConfig; public class EvacuationTimePictureWriter { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EvacuationTimePictureWriter.class); /* * Strings */ private static final String TITLE = "Evacation Travel Times"; private static final String MEANEVACUATIONTIME = "mean evacuation time: "; private static final String TRIPS = "trips (valid/invalid): "; private static final String SECONDS = "s"; private static final String IMG = "<img src=\"./"; private static final String IMGEND = "\">"; private static final String LINKLOCATION = "Link_"; private static final String FACILITYLOCATION = "Facility_"; private static final String HISTOGRAM = "_Histogram"; private static final String BOXPLOT = "_Boxplot"; private static final String LEGENDHEADER = "mean evacuation time\nfrom location by "; /* * Icons */ private static final String SPACER = "spacer.png"; private static final String LEGEND = "_legend.png"; private static final String OVERALLHISTROGRAM = "_overallhistogram.png"; private static final String DEFAULTNODEICON = "node.png"; private static final String DEFAULTNODEICONRESOURCE = "icon18.png"; private static final Double ICONSCALE = Double.valueOf(0.5); /* * height of the charts */ private static final int OVERALLHISTOGRAMHEIGHT = 200; private static final int HISTOGRAMHEIGHT = 250; private static final int BOXPLOTHEIGHT = 250; /* * width of the charts */ private static final int OVERALLHISTOGRAMWIDTH = 300; private static final int HISTOGRAMWIDTH = 400; private static final int BOXPLOTWIDTH = 100; /* * constant for the file suffix of graphs */ private static final String PNG = ".png"; /* * Color Scale: * RGB * 255 0 0 * 255 127 0 * 255 205 0 * 255 255 0 * 205 230 0 * 127 230 0 * 0 255 0 * 0 255 153 * 0 255 255 * 0 205 255 * 0 127 255 * 0 0 255 */ // ALPHA - B - G - R /*package*/ static final byte[][] colorScale = new byte[][] { { (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 127, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 205, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 255, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 205, (byte) 230, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 127, (byte) 230, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 255, (byte) 0 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 255, (byte) 153 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 255, (byte) 255 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 205, (byte) 255 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 127, (byte) 255 }, { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 255 } }; private static final byte[] colorBlack = new byte[] { (byte) 255, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }; // private static final byte[] MATSIMRED = new byte[]{(byte) 255, (byte) 15, (byte) 15, (byte) 190}; // private static final byte[] MATSIMGREEN = new byte[]{(byte) 255, (byte) 15, (byte) 190, (byte) 15}; // private static final byte[] MATSIMWHITE = new byte[]{(byte) 230, (byte) 230, (byte) 230, (byte) 230}; private Scenario scenario; private KMZWriter kmzWriter; private DocumentType document; private ObjectFactory kmlObjectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); private StyleType[] colorBarStyles; private StyleType blackStyle; private CoordinateTransformation coordTransform; private double minEvacuationTime = 0.0; private double maxEvacuationTime = Double.MIN_VALUE; private double meanEvacuationTime = 0.0; private double standardDeviation = 0.0; private boolean limitMaxEvacuationTime = true; private double evacuationTimeCutOffFactor = 3; // cut off values > mean + 3 * standard deviation private boolean doClustering = true; private double clusterFactor = 5.0; private int clusterIterations = 100; public EvacuationTimePictureWriter(Scenario scenario, CoordinateTransformation coordTransform, KMZWriter kmzWriter, DocumentType document) throws IOException { this.scenario = scenario; this.coordTransform = coordTransform; this.kmzWriter = kmzWriter; this.document = document; createDefaultStyles(); } private void calcMaxEvacuationTime(Map<Id, Double> evacuationTime) { double sum = 0.0; for (double d : evacuationTime.values()) { if (d > maxEvacuationTime) maxEvacuationTime = d; sum = sum + d; } int count = evacuationTime.size(); if (count == 0) return; meanEvacuationTime = sum / count; double sumSquares = 0.0; for (double d : evacuationTime.values()) { sumSquares = sumSquares + Math.pow(meanEvacuationTime - d, 2); } double variance = (1.0 / (count - 1)) * sumSquares; standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(variance);"Mean evacuation time: " + (int) meanEvacuationTime);"Standard deviation: " + (int) standardDeviation); int cuttedValues = 0; double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor; for (double d : evacuationTime.values()) { if (d > cutOffValue) cuttedValues++; }"Persons using transport mode: " + evacuationTime.values().size());"Travel times above cut off travel time: " + cuttedValues); } private int getColorIndex(double value) { double step; if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) { double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor; step = (cutOffValue - minEvacuationTime) / colorScale.length; // if the value is > than the cut off Value -> return the highest index if (value > cutOffValue) return colorScale.length - 1; } else { step = (maxEvacuationTime - minEvacuationTime) / colorScale.length; } return (int) Math.floor((value - minEvacuationTime) / step); } // Ids are personIds! public FolderType getLinkFolder(Map<Id, BasicLocation> locations, Map<Id, BasicLocation> positionAtEvacuationStart, Map<Id, AgentInfo> agentInfos) throws IOException { /* * Create basic structures */ // create main folder FolderType mainFolder = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); mainFolder.setName("Evacuation Times"); // add the MATSim logo to the kml mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup() .add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(MatsimKMLLogo.writeMatsimKMLLogo(kmzWriter))); /* * Identify all utilized modes */ Set<String> modes = new HashSet<String>(); for (AgentInfo agentInfo : agentInfos.values()) modes.addAll(agentInfo.transportModes); Set<String> orderedModes = new TreeSet<String>(modes); /* * for every transportMode */ for (String transportMode : orderedModes) { Map<Id, Double> times = new HashMap<Id, Double>(); for (Entry<Id, BasicLocation> entry : positionAtEvacuationStart.entrySet()) { AgentInfo agentInfo = agentInfos.get(entry.getKey()); if (agentInfo.transportModes.size() == 1 && agentInfo.transportModes.contains(transportMode)) { times.put(entry.getKey(), agentInfo.leftArea - EvacuationConfig.evacuationTime); } } /* * If no agents uses the current transport mode we can skip it. */ if (times.size() == 0) continue; /* * Filter locations - only those are needed, which contain agents of the * current transport mode. */ Map<Id, BasicLocation> transportModeLocations = new HashMap<Id, BasicLocation>(); for (Id id : times.keySet()) { transportModeLocations.put(id, locations.get(id)); } FolderType transportModeFolder = getLinkFolder(transportMode, transportModeLocations, times); // FolderType transportModeFolder = getLinkFolder(transportMode, locations, times); mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(transportModeFolder)); } return mainFolder; } // Ids are personIds and not Link/Facility Ids! public FolderType getLinkFolder(String transportMode, Map<Id, BasicLocation> locations, Map<Id, Double> evacuationTimes) throws IOException { calcMaxEvacuationTime(evacuationTimes); /* * create Folders and connect them */ FolderType mainFolder = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); FolderType linkFolder = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); FolderType facilityFolder = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); FolderType linkFolderA = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 0 .. 10 valid Trips FolderType linkFolderB = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 10 .. 100 valid Trips FolderType linkFolderC = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 100 .. 1000 valid Trips FolderType linkFolderD = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 1000 and more valid Trips FolderType facilityFolderA = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 0 .. 10 valid Trips FolderType facilityFolderB = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 10 .. 100 valid Trips FolderType facilityFolderC = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 100 .. 1000 valid Trips FolderType facilityFolderD = this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolderType(); // 1000 and more valid Trips mainFolder.setName("Evacuation Times " + transportMode); linkFolder.setName("Links"); facilityFolder.setName("Facilities"); linkFolderA.setName("Links with 0..9 valid Trips"); linkFolderB.setName("Links with 10..99 valid Trips"); linkFolderC.setName("Links with 100..9 valid Trips"); linkFolderD.setName("Links with 1000 and more valid Trips"); facilityFolderA.setName("Facilities with 0..9 valid Trips"); facilityFolderB.setName("Facilities with 10..99 valid Trips"); facilityFolderC.setName("Facilities with 100..9 valid Trips"); facilityFolderD.setName("Facilities with 1000 and more valid Trips"); mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(linkFolder)); mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(facilityFolder)); linkFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(linkFolderA)); linkFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(linkFolderB)); linkFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(linkFolderC)); linkFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(linkFolderD)); facilityFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(facilityFolderA)); facilityFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(facilityFolderB)); facilityFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(facilityFolderC)); facilityFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createFolder(facilityFolderD)); /* * create overall histogram and add it to the kmz file */ ScreenOverlayType histogram = createHistogram(transportMode, evacuationTimes); mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(histogram)); /* * create legend and add it to the kmz file */ ScreenOverlayType legend = createLegend(transportMode); mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlay(legend)); Map<BasicLocation, List<Double>> locationMap = new HashMap<BasicLocation, List<Double>>(); for (Entry<Id, BasicLocation> entry : locations.entrySet()) { Id id = entry.getKey(); BasicLocation location = entry.getValue(); List<Double> list = locationMap.get(location); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Double>(); locationMap.put(location, list); } Double value = evacuationTimes.get(id); if (value == null) value = Double.NaN; list.add(value); }"Number of different start locations found: " + locationMap.size()); if (doClustering) { EvacuationTimeClusterer clusterer = new EvacuationTimeClusterer(scenario.getNetwork(), locationMap, scenario.getConfig().global().getNumberOfThreads()); int numClusters = (int) Math.ceil(locationMap.size() / clusterFactor); locationMap = clusterer.buildCluster(numClusters, clusterIterations); } for (Entry<BasicLocation, List<Double>> entry : locationMap.entrySet()) { BasicLocation location = entry.getKey(); List<Double> list = entry.getValue(); int valid = 0; int invalid = 0; /* * Remove NaN entries from the List */ List<Double> listWithoutNaN = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Double d : list) { if (d.isNaN()) { invalid++; } else listWithoutNaN.add(d); } /* * If trip with significant to high evacuation times should be cut off */ if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) { double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor; ListIterator<Double> iter = listWithoutNaN.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { double value =; if (value > cutOffValue) { iter.remove(); invalid++; } } } valid = list.size() - invalid; double mean = 0.0; for (Double d : list) { mean = mean + d; } mean = mean / list.size(); // if at least one valid entry found - otherwise it would result in a divide by zero error if (listWithoutNaN.size() == 0) continue; // if (invalid < list.size()) mean = mean / (list.size() - invalid); // else continue; int index = getColorIndex(mean); StyleType styleType = colorBarStyles[index]; PlacemarkType placemark = createPlacemark(transportMode, location, mean, valid, invalid); placemark.setStyleUrl(styleType.getId()); if (location instanceof Facility) { if (valid < 10) facilityFolderA.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); else if (valid < 100) facilityFolderB.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); else if (valid < 1000) facilityFolderC.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); else facilityFolderD.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); } else if (location instanceof Link) { if (valid < 10) linkFolderA.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); else if (valid < 100) linkFolderB.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); else if (valid < 1000) linkFolderC.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); else linkFolderD.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); } else { mainFolder.getAbstractFeatureGroup().add(this.kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemark(placemark)); } histogramToKMZ(transportMode, location, listWithoutNaN); boxplotToKMZ(transportMode, location, listWithoutNaN); } return mainFolder; } private void histogramToKMZ(String transportMode, BasicLocation location, List<Double> listWithoutNaN) throws IOException { String filename = createFilenameFromLocation(location, "_" + transportMode + HISTOGRAM); if (filename == null) return; double[] array = new double[listWithoutNaN.size()]; int i = 0; ListIterator<Double> iter = listWithoutNaN.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { array[i] =; i++; } // if no valid travel times exist -> create an empty histogram if (array.length == 0) { array = new double[1]; array[0] = 0.0; } writeChartToKmz(filename, createHistogramChart(transportMode, array), HISTOGRAMWIDTH, HISTOGRAMHEIGHT); } private void boxplotToKMZ(String transportMode, BasicLocation location, List<Double> listWithoutNaN) throws IOException { String filename = createFilenameFromLocation(location, "_" + transportMode + BOXPLOT); if (filename == null) return; // List<Double> listWithoutNaN = new ArrayList<Double>(); // for (Double d : list) if (!d.isNaN()) listWithoutNaN.add(d); // if no valid travel times exist -> create an empty histogram if (listWithoutNaN.size() == 0) listWithoutNaN.add(0.0); writeChartToKmz(filename, createBoxplotChart(listWithoutNaN), BOXPLOTWIDTH, BOXPLOTHEIGHT); } private String createFilenameFromLocation(BasicLocation location, String suffix) { String prefix; Id id; if (location instanceof Link) { prefix = LINKLOCATION; id = ((Link) location).getId(); } else if (location instanceof Facility) { prefix = FACILITYLOCATION; id = ((Facility) location).getId(); } else { log.warn("Unkwown location type: " + location.getClass().toString() + ". Skipping it!"); return null; } StringBuffer filename = new StringBuffer(); filename.append(prefix); filename.append(id.toString()); filename.append(suffix); filename.append(PNG); return filename.toString(); } private PlacemarkType createPlacemark(String transportMode, BasicLocation location, double mean, int valid, int invalid) { Coord coord = null; if (location instanceof Link) { coord = getShiftedLinkCoord((Link) location); } else coord = location.getCoord(); Coord transformedCoord = this.coordTransform.transform(coord); String histogram = createFilenameFromLocation(location, "_" + transportMode + HISTOGRAM); String boxplot = createFilenameFromLocation(location, "_" + transportMode + BOXPLOT); PlacemarkType placemark = kmlObjectFactory.createPlacemarkType(); placemark.setDescription(createPlacemarkDescription(mean, valid, invalid, histogram, boxplot)); PointType point; point = kmlObjectFactory.createPointType(); point.getCoordinates().add( Double.toString(transformedCoord.getX()) + "," + Double.toString(transformedCoord.getY()) + ",0.0"); placemark.setAbstractGeometryGroup(kmlObjectFactory.createPoint(point)); return placemark; } private String createPlacemarkDescription(double mean, int valid, int invalid, String histogram, String boxplot) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(100); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTH2); buffer.append(TITLE); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDH2); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTH3); buffer.append(MEANEVACUATIONTIME); buffer.append((int) mean); buffer.append(SECONDS); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDH3); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.STARTH3); buffer.append(TRIPS); buffer.append(valid); buffer.append(" / "); buffer.append(invalid); buffer.append(NetworkFeatureFactory.ENDH3); buffer.append(IMG); buffer.append(histogram); buffer.append(IMGEND); buffer.append(IMG); buffer.append(boxplot); buffer.append(IMGEND); /* * Add a spacer image which has the same width as all other * images together - doing so should ensure that they are * displayed side by side. */ buffer.append(IMG); buffer.append(SPACER); buffer.append(IMGEND); return buffer.toString(); // NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.0"); // formatter.format(mean); } private JFreeChart createHistogramChart(String transportMode, double[] travelTimes) { HistogramDataset dataset = new HistogramDataset(); dataset.setType(HistogramType.RELATIVE_FREQUENCY); dataset.addSeries("evacuation travel time " + transportMode, travelTimes, 20); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createHistogram(null, null, "frequency", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false); chart.getXYPlot().setForegroundAlpha(0.75f); /* * set x-axis range */ double min = 0.0; double max = maxEvacuationTime; if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) { double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor; max = cutOffValue; } chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().setLowerBound(min); chart.getXYPlot().getDomainAxis().setUpperBound(max); return chart; } private JFreeChart createBoxplotChart(List<Double> travelTimes) { DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultBoxAndWhiskerCategoryDataset(); dataset.add(travelTimes, "Series", ""); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBoxAndWhiskerChart(null, null, "evacuation travel time", dataset, false); chart.getCategoryPlot().setForegroundAlpha(0.75f); return chart; } private void createDefaultStyles() throws IOException { LinkType iconLink = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); iconLink.setHref(DEFAULTNODEICON); this.kmzWriter.addNonKMLFile(MatsimResource.getAsInputStream(DEFAULTNODEICONRESOURCE), DEFAULTNODEICON); colorBarStyles = new StyleType[colorScale.length]; for (int i = 0; i < colorScale.length; i++) { byte[] color = colorScale[i]; this.colorBarStyles[i] = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.colorBarStyles[i].setId("Color" + i); IconStyleType iStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createIconStyleType(); iStyle.setIcon(iconLink); iStyle.setColor(color); iStyle.setScale(EvacuationTimePictureWriter.ICONSCALE); this.colorBarStyles[i].setIconStyle(iStyle); this.document.getAbstractStyleSelectorGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createStyle(colorBarStyles[i])); } this.blackStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createStyleType(); this.blackStyle.setId("blackStyle"); IconStyleType iStyle = kmlObjectFactory.createIconStyleType(); iStyle.setIcon(iconLink); iStyle.setColor(EvacuationTimePictureWriter.colorBlack); iStyle.setScale(EvacuationTimePictureWriter.ICONSCALE); this.blackStyle.setIconStyle(iStyle); this.document.getAbstractStyleSelectorGroup().add(kmlObjectFactory.createStyle(this.blackStyle)); createSpacer(HISTOGRAMWIDTH + BOXPLOTWIDTH, 1); } private void createSpacer(int width, int height) throws IOException { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); byte[] imageBytes = bufferedImageToByteArray(image); this.kmzWriter.addNonKMLFile(imageBytes, SPACER); } private ScreenOverlayType createHistogram(String transportMode, Map<Id, Double> evacuationTimes) throws IOException { /* * Remove NaN entries from the List */ List<Double> listWithoutNaN = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Double d : evacuationTimes.values()) if (!d.isNaN()) listWithoutNaN.add(d); /* * If trip with significant to high evacuation times should be cut off */ if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) { double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor; ListIterator<Double> iter = listWithoutNaN.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { double value =; if (value > cutOffValue) iter.remove(); } } double[] array = new double[listWithoutNaN.size()]; int i = 0; for (double d : listWithoutNaN) array[i++] = d; JFreeChart chart = createHistogramChart(transportMode, array); BufferedImage chartImage = chart.createBufferedImage(OVERALLHISTOGRAMWIDTH, OVERALLHISTOGRAMHEIGHT); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(OVERALLHISTOGRAMWIDTH, OVERALLHISTOGRAMHEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); // clone image and set alpha value for (int x = 0; x < OVERALLHISTOGRAMWIDTH; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < OVERALLHISTOGRAMHEIGHT; y++) { int rgb = chartImage.getRGB(x, y); Color c = new Color(rgb); int r = c.getRed(); int b = c.getBlue(); int g = c.getGreen(); int argb = 225 << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b; // 225 as transparency value image.setRGB(x, y, argb); } } byte[] imageBytes = bufferedImageToByteArray(image); this.kmzWriter.addNonKMLFile(imageBytes, transportMode + OVERALLHISTROGRAM); ScreenOverlayType overlay = kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlayType(); LinkType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); icon.setHref(transportMode + OVERALLHISTROGRAM); overlay.setIcon(icon); overlay.setName("Histogram " + transportMode); // place the image top right Vec2Type overlayXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); overlayXY.setX(0.0); overlayXY.setY(1.0); overlayXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlayXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setOverlayXY(overlayXY); Vec2Type screenXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); screenXY.setX(0.02); screenXY.setY(0.98); screenXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); screenXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setScreenXY(screenXY); return overlay; } private ScreenOverlayType createLegend(String transportMode) throws IOException { double step = 0.0; if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) { double cutOffValue = meanEvacuationTime + standardDeviation * evacuationTimeCutOffFactor; step = (cutOffValue - minEvacuationTime) / colorScale.length; } else step = (maxEvacuationTime - minEvacuationTime) / colorScale.length; String[] legendTexts = new String[colorScale.length]; double from = minEvacuationTime; double to = step; for (int i = 0; i < legendTexts.length; i++) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append((int) from); sb.append(SECONDS); sb.append(" - "); sb.append((int) to); sb.append(SECONDS); legendTexts[i] = sb.toString(); from = to; to = to + step; } /* * If we limit the max evacuation time, then the last legend entry is not * "from - to" but "from" */ if (limitMaxEvacuationTime) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append((int) from); sb.append(SECONDS); sb.append(" - ..."); legendTexts[legendTexts.length - 1] = sb.toString(); } BufferedImage image = new EvacuationTimeLegend().createLegend(LEGENDHEADER + transportMode, legendTexts); byte[] imageBytes = bufferedImageToByteArray(image); this.kmzWriter.addNonKMLFile(imageBytes, transportMode + LEGEND); ScreenOverlayType overlay = kmlObjectFactory.createScreenOverlayType(); LinkType icon = kmlObjectFactory.createLinkType(); icon.setHref(transportMode + LEGEND); overlay.setIcon(icon); overlay.setName("Legend " + transportMode); // place the image bottom left Vec2Type overlayXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); overlayXY.setX(0.0); overlayXY.setY(0.0); overlayXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlayXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setOverlayXY(overlayXY); Vec2Type screenXY = kmlObjectFactory.createVec2Type(); screenXY.setX(0.02); screenXY.setY(0.07); screenXY.setXunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); screenXY.setYunits(UnitsEnumType.FRACTION); overlay.setScreenXY(screenXY); return overlay; } /** * Writes the given JFreeChart to the kmz file specified for the kmz writer attribute of this class. * @param filename the filename to use in the kmz * @param chart * @throws IOException */ private void writeChartToKmz(final String filename, final JFreeChart chart, int height, int width) throws IOException { byte[] img; img = ChartUtilities.encodeAsPNG(chart.createBufferedImage(height, width)); this.kmzWriter.addNonKMLFile(img, filename); } private byte[] bufferedImageToByteArray(BufferedImage image) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", out); byte[] imageBytes = out.toByteArray(); return imageBytes; } /** * Calculates the position of a placemark in a way that it is 40 % of the link * length away from the node where the link starts. Requires that the coordinates * as well as the link length use the same SI units! * * @param l * @return the Coord instance */ private Coord getShiftedLinkCoord(final Link l) { Coord coordFrom = l.getFromNode().getCoord(); Coord coordTo = l.getToNode().getCoord(); double xDiff = coordTo.getX() - coordFrom.getX(); double yDiff = coordTo.getY() - coordFrom.getY(); double length = Math.sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff)); double scale = 0.4; scale = l.getLength() * scale; Coord vec = new CoordImpl(coordFrom.getX() + (xDiff * scale / length), coordFrom.getY() + (yDiff * scale / length)); return vec; } }