Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2007 Heart & Stroke Foundation * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * This software was written for the * Department of Family Medicine * McMaster University * Hamilton * Ontario, Canada */ package; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts.action.Action; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import; import; import; import org.oscarehr.common.model.Demographic; import org.oscarehr.common.model.Hsfo2Patient; import org.oscarehr.common.model.Hsfo2Visit; import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils; import oscar.OscarProperties; import; import; import; import oscar.util.UtilDateUtilities; /** * insert into encounterForm (form_name,form_value,form_table,hidden ) values ( 'HSFP * form','../form/','form_hsfo_visit',0); * * Class used to fill data for the HSFO form Study */ public class ManageHSFOAction extends Action { Logger logger = MiscUtils.getLogger(); public static enum FORM { registration, flowsheet, graphs } /** Creates a new instance of ManageHSFOAction */ public ManageHSFOAction() { } protected Integer getFormIdFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { Integer formId = null; if (request.getParameter("formId") != null) { formId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("formId")); } if (formId == null && request.getAttribute("formId") != null) { formId = (Integer) request.getAttribute("formId"); } return formId; } public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {"ContextPath: " + request.getContextPath());"pathInfo: " + request.getPathInfo()); Map<String, String[]> params = request.getParameterMap(); Hsfo2Visit latestHsfo2Visit = new Hsfo2Visit(); PatientList historyList = new PatientList(); // RecordList record = new RecordList(); List recordList = new LinkedList(); String patientId = (String) request.getAttribute("demographic_no"); if (patientId == null) { patientId = request.getParameter("demographic_no"); } String isfirstrecord = ""; boolean isFirstRecord = false; String user = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); HSFODAO hsfoDAO = new HSFODAO(); isFirstRecord = hsfoDAO.isFirstRecord(patientId); DemographicData demoData = new DemographicData(); //DemographicData.Demographic de = demoData.getDemographic( patientId ); Demographic de = demoData.getDemographic(patientId); boolean isDisplayGraphs = "displayGraphs".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("operation")); boolean isFromRegistrationForm = false; if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("isFromRegistrationForm"))) { //true means the request is from registration form, should goto followup form isFromRegistrationForm = true; } FORM forwardToForm = null; int patientHistorySize = 0; boolean isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient = false; // boolean isFromRegistrationForm = false; Integer formId = getFormIdFromRequest(request); Hsfo2Visit formHsfo2Visit = null; if (formId != null) formHsfo2Visit = hsfoDAO.retrieveSelectedRecord(formId); boolean isHistoryForm = !isFromRegistrationForm && (formId != null && formHsfo2Visit != null); if (formId != null) isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient = hsfoDAO.isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient(patientId, formId); boolean isRegistForm = !isDisplayGraphs && !isFromRegistrationForm && (isFirstRecord || isFirstVisitRecordForThePatient); //prepare data Hsfo2Patient hsfo2Patient = hsfoDAO.retrievePatientRecord(patientId); if (hsfo2Patient == null) hsfo2Patient = new Hsfo2Patient(); List patientHistory = hsfoDAO.retrieveVisitRecord(patientId); //save only or submit, it's for registration form and stay in that form boolean isSaveOnly = "Save".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("Save")); if (!isSaveOnly && !isFirstRecord) { isSaveOnly = !hsfo2Patient.isSubmitted(); } if (isSaveOnly) { //stay in regist form and treat as history isRegistForm = true; isHistoryForm = true; if (patientHistory.size() > 0) formHsfo2Visit = (Hsfo2Visit) patientHistory.get(patientHistory.size() - 1); } if (isHistoryForm) { latestHsfo2Visit = formHsfo2Visit; } else // create new form { patientHistorySize = patientHistory.size(); if (patientHistorySize >= 1) { latestHsfo2Visit = (Hsfo2Visit) patientHistory.get(patientHistorySize - 1); latestHsfo2Visit.setVisitDateIdToday(); latestHsfo2Visit.setId(hsfoDAO.getMaxVisitId() + 1); cleanNonePrefilledData(latestHsfo2Visit); getLabWork(latestHsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient, ConvertUtil.toInt(patientId)); //If it's followup form, BP should not be prepopulated. Clean again. latestHsfo2Visit.setSBP(0); latestHsfo2Visit.setDBP(0); } else { latestHsfo2Visit = new Hsfo2Visit(); latestHsfo2Visit.setVisitDateIdToday(); getLabWork(latestHsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient, ConvertUtil.toInt(patientId)); } } if (isRegistForm) { // registration, get data from DemographicData; isfirstrecord = "true"; hsfo2Patient.setPatient_Id(patientId); if (!isHistoryForm) { hsfo2Patient.setFName(de.getFirstName()); hsfo2Patient.setLName(de.getLastName()); hsfo2Patient.setBirthDate(oscar.util.DateUtils.toDate(de.getFormattedDob())); hsfo2Patient.setSex(de.getSex()); hsfo2Patient.setPostalCode(de.getPostal()); hsfo2Patient.setRegistrationId(HsfoUtil.getRegistrationId()); latestHsfo2Visit.setVisitDateIdToday(); } request.setAttribute("EmrHCPId1", user); request.setAttribute("EmrHCPId2", de.getProviderNo()); // TODO: may need to convert to provider name forwardToForm = FORM.registration; } else { //populate graphy data for followup form. the latestHsfo2Visit already keep the information of last visit. isfirstrecord = "false"; if (!isDisplayGraphs) forwardToForm = FORM.flowsheet; else { // If patientHistory is greater than 1 than fill the graphing arrays TimeSeries sbpSeries = new TimeSeries("Systolic Blood Pressure", Day.class); TimeSeries dbpSeries = new TimeSeries("Diastolic Blood Pressure", Day.class); TimeSeries bmiSeries = new TimeSeries("BMI", Day.class); TimeSeries waistSeries = new TimeSeries("Waist", Day.class); TimeSeries ldlSeries = new TimeSeries("LDL", Day.class); TimeSeries tcHdlSeries = new TimeSeries("TC/HDL", Day.class); TimeSeries importanceSeries = new TimeSeries("Importance", Day.class); TimeSeries confidenceSeries = new TimeSeries("Confidence", Day.class); Map<GraphDesc, TimeSeries> graphDescSeriesMap = new HashMap<GraphDesc, TimeSeries>(); graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Systolic Blood Pressure", "Dates", "SBP(mmHg)"), sbpSeries); graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Diastolic Blood Pressure", "Dates", "DBP(mmHg)"), dbpSeries); graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("BMI", "Dates", "BMI(kg/m2)"), bmiSeries); graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Waist", "Dates", "Waist(cm)"), waistSeries); graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("LDL", "Dates", "LDL(mmol/L)"), ldlSeries); { GraphDesc tcHdlDesc = new GraphDesc("TC/HDL", "Dates", "TC/HDL(ratio)"); tcHdlDesc.setFileName("TC_HDL"); graphDescSeriesMap.put(tcHdlDesc, tcHdlSeries); } graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Importance", "Dates", "Importance(1-10)"), importanceSeries); graphDescSeriesMap.put(new GraphDesc("Confidence", "Dates", "Confidence(1-10)"), confidenceSeries); if (patientHistorySize >= 1) { ListIterator patientHistoryIt = patientHistory.listIterator(); // int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 0, f = 0, g = 0, h = 0; while (patientHistoryIt.hasNext()) { Hsfo2Visit Hsfo2Visit = (Hsfo2Visit); // visitDateArray.add( setDateFull( Hsfo2Visit.getVisitDate_Id() ) ); // visitIdArray.add( "" + Hsfo2Visit.getID() ); // //////// final Date visitDate = Hsfo2Visit.getVisitDate_Id(); if (visitDate != null) { final Day visitDay = new Day(visitDate); if (Hsfo2Visit.getSBP() != 0) { sbpSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getSBP()); } if (Hsfo2Visit.getDBP() != 0) { dbpSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getDBP()); } if (Hsfo2Visit.getWeight() != 0) { Double bmi = getBmi(Hsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient); if (bmi > 0) bmiSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, bmi); } // modified by victor for waist_unit null bug,2007 // if (Hsfo2Visit.getWaist() != 0{ if (Hsfo2Visit.getWaist() != 0 && Hsfo2Visit.getWaist_unit() != null) { double waistv = Hsfo2Visit.getWaist(); String waistunit = Hsfo2Visit.getWaist_unit(); double waist = 0.0; if (waistunit.equals("cm")) { waist = waistv; } else { // 1 inch = 2.54 cm waist = waistv * 2.54; } waistSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, waist); } if (Hsfo2Visit.getChange_importance() != 0) { importanceSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getChange_importance()); } if (Hsfo2Visit.getChange_confidence() != 0) { confidenceSeries.addOrUpdate(visitDay, Hsfo2Visit.getChange_confidence()); } } final Date labResultDate = Hsfo2Visit.getTC_HDL_LabresultsDate(); if (labResultDate != null) { final Day labResultDay = new Day(labResultDate); if (Hsfo2Visit.getTC_HDL() != 0) { tcHdlSeries.addOrUpdate(labResultDay, Hsfo2Visit.getTC_HDL()); } if (Hsfo2Visit.getLDL() != 0) { ldlSeries.addOrUpdate(labResultDay, Hsfo2Visit.getLDL()); } } } } //generate the graph and export as picture. generateGraphs(request, response, graphDescSeriesMap); forwardToForm = FORM.graphs; ; } } historyList.setPatientHistory(patientHistory); // set request attributes to forward to jsp request.setAttribute("siteId", OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("hsfo2.loginSiteCode", "xxx")); request.setAttribute("Hsfo2Patient", hsfo2Patient); request.setAttribute("historyList", historyList); request.setAttribute("Hsfo2Visit", latestHsfo2Visit); //getDay() is date of week request.setAttribute("isFirstRecord", isfirstrecord); return mapping.findForward(; } protected void cleanNonePrefilledData(Hsfo2Visit Hsfo2Visit) { if (Hsfo2Visit == null) return; //assessment of CV risk factor Hsfo2Visit.setAssessActivity(null); Hsfo2Visit.setAssessAlcohol(null); Hsfo2Visit.setAssessSmoking(null); //Always Often Hsfo2Visit.setSel_HighSaltFood(null); Hsfo2Visit.setSel_DashDiet(null); Hsfo2Visit.setSel_Stressed(null); //Patient View Hsfo2Visit.setPtView(null); //Current assessment of selected lifestyle goal- Importance and Confidence Hsfo2Visit.setChange_importance(0); Hsfo2Visit.setChange_confidence(0); //Physical Exam Measures Except height Hsfo2Visit.setDBP(0); Hsfo2Visit.setSBP(0); Hsfo2Visit.setWeight(0.0); Hsfo2Visit.setWeight_unit(""); Hsfo2Visit.setWaist(0.0); Hsfo2Visit.setWaist_unit(""); //How often does patient miss taking his/her meds Hsfo2Visit.setOften_miss(0); //Next Visit in Hsfo2Visit.setNextVisitInMonths(0); Hsfo2Visit.setNextVisitInWeeks(0); //labwork: only prefilled if the data get from oscar emr Hsfo2Visit.setTC_HDL_LabresultsDate(null); Hsfo2Visit.setLDL(0); Hsfo2Visit.setTC_HDL(0); Hsfo2Visit.setHDL(0); Hsfo2Visit.setTriglycerides(0); Hsfo2Visit.setA1C_LabresultsDate(null); Hsfo2Visit.setA1C(0.0); Hsfo2Visit.setFBS(0.0); Hsfo2Visit.setEgfrDate(null); Hsfo2Visit.setEgfr(0); Hsfo2Visit.setAcr(0.0); //Data fields that is NOT PREFILLED in the follow up form (do not flow from baseline to follow up/ one follow up to next follow up) // Side effects // Rx decision Hsfo2Visit.setDiuret_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setDiuret_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setAce_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setAce_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setArecept_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setArecept_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setBeta_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setBeta_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setCalc_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setCalc_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setAnti_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setAnti_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setStatin_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setStatin_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setLipid_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setLipid_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setHypo_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setHypo_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setInsul_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setInsul_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setASA_SideEffects(false); Hsfo2Visit.setASA_RxDecToday(""); Hsfo2Visit.setMonitor(null); } // return 0 if invalid protected double getBmi(Hsfo2Visit Hsfo2Visit, Hsfo2Patient Hsfo2Patient) { double weight = Hsfo2Visit.getWeight(); String weightunit = Hsfo2Visit.getWeight_unit(); double heightr = 0; heightr = Hsfo2Visit.getHeight(); String heightunit = Hsfo2Visit.getHeight_unit(); double height = 0.0; if (heightunit != null) { // convert height to meter if (heightunit.equals("cm")) { height = heightr / 100; } else { // 1 inch = 0.0254 meter height = heightr * 0.0254; } } if (weightunit != null) { double bmi; if (weightunit.equals("kg")) { bmi = weight / (height * height); } else { // 1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pound bmi = (weight / 2.20462262) / (height * height); } // BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(bmi).setScale(2,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); // return b.doubleValue(); return bmi; } return 0.0; //invalid } /** * get the most recent lab work of this patient * @param Hsfo2Visit * @param patientId */ protected void getLabWork(Hsfo2Visit hsfo2Visit, Hsfo2Patient hsfo2Patient, int patientId) { HSFODAO hsfoDao = new HSFODAO(); hsfoDao.getLabWork(hsfo2Visit, hsfo2Patient, patientId); } public void generateGraphs(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Map<GraphDesc, TimeSeries> graphDescSeriesMap) { if (graphDescSeriesMap == null || graphDescSeriesMap.size() == 0) return; OscarProperties props = OscarProperties.getInstance(); String graphDirPath = props.getProperty("hsfo2.generategraph.dir", "/hsfo2Graphs"); //graphDirPath = this.getServlet().getServletContext().getContextPath() + "/" + graphDirPath; //graphDirPath = request.getContextPath() + "/" + graphDirPath; String graphDirRealPath = getServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath(graphDirPath); //make sure the directory exists File graphDir = new File(graphDirRealPath); if (!graphDir.exists() || !graphDir.isDirectory()) { graphDir.mkdirs(); } for (Map.Entry<GraphDesc, TimeSeries> entry : graphDescSeriesMap.entrySet()) { //one dataset only contain one series here GraphDesc graphDesc = entry.getKey(); TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(entry.getValue()); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(graphDesc.getGraphTitle(), graphDesc.getXAxisLabel(), graphDesc.getYAxisLabel(), dataset, true, true, true); //might need to adjust the XYPlot, see Line 459 of MeasurementGraphAction2 try { String fileName = graphDesc.getFileName() + "." + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ".jpg"; String realFilePath = graphDirRealPath + "/" + fileName; ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(new File(realFilePath), chart, 900, 200);"graph file: " + realFilePath + " generated and saved. "); request.setAttribute("graphFile." + graphDesc.getFileName(), request.getContextPath() + "/" + graphDirPath + "/" + fileName); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Problem in creating chart: " + e.toString()); } } } protected String setDate(Date visitDate) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(visitDate); return setDate(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + 1900); } // method to convert the date protected String setDate(int mnth, int year) { String date = ""; String month = ""; String yr = ""; yr = Integer.toString(year); yr = yr.substring(2); switch (mnth) { case 0: month = "Jan"; break; case 1: month = "Feb"; break; case 2: month = "Mar"; break; case 3: month = "Apr"; break; case 4: month = "May"; break; case 5: month = "Jun"; break; case 6: month = "Jul"; break; case 7: month = "Aug"; break; case 8: month = "Sep"; break; case 9: month = "Oct"; break; case 10: month = "Nov"; break; case 11: month = "Dec"; break; default: month = " "; break; } date = month + "-" + yr; return date; } protected String setDateFull(Date visitDate) { return UtilDateUtilities.DateToString(visitDate, "yyyy-MMM-dd"); } // method to convert the date protected String setDate(int mnth, int day, int year) { String date = ""; String month = ""; switch (mnth) { case 0: month = "Jan"; break; case 1: month = "Feb"; break; case 2: month = "Mar"; break; case 3: month = "Apr"; break; case 4: month = "May"; break; case 5: month = "Jun"; break; case 6: month = "Jul"; break; case 7: month = "Aug"; break; case 8: month = "Sep"; break; case 9: month = "Oct"; break; case 10: month = "Nov"; break; case 11: month = "Dec"; break; default: month = " "; break; } date = month + " " + day + ", " + year; return date; } }