Example usage for java.util LinkedList addFirst

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList addFirst


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedList addFirst.


public void addFirst(E e) 

Source Link


Inserts the specified element at the beginning of this list.


From source file:com.moviejukebox.plugin.KinopoiskPlugin.java

 * Scan Kinopoisk html page for the specified movie
 *///  w ww .ja v  a 2 s .c  o m
private boolean updateKinopoiskMediaInfo(Movie movie, String kinopoiskId) {
    try {
        String originalTitle = movie.getTitle();
        String newTitle = originalTitle;
        String xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId, CHARSET);
        boolean etalonFlag = kinopoiskId.equals(etalonId);
        // Work-around for issue #649
        xml = xml.replace("…", "…");
        xml = xml.replace("—", "—");

        // Title
        boolean overrideTitle = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteTitle(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
        if (overrideTitle || etalonFlag) {
            newTitle = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "class=\"moviename-big\" itemprop=\"name\">", 0, "</");
            if (StringTools.isValidString(newTitle)) {
                if (overrideTitle) {
                    int i = newTitle.indexOf("(?");
                    if (i >= 0) {
                        newTitle = newTitle.substring(0, i);
                    newTitle = newTitle.replace('\u00A0', ' ').trim();
                    if (movie.getSeason() != -1) {
                        newTitle = newTitle + ", ? " + movie.getSeason();

                    // Original title
                    originalTitle = newTitle;
                    for (String s : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "class=\"moviename-big\" itemprop=\"name\">",
                            "</span>", "itemprop=\"alternativeHeadline\">", "</span>")) {
                        if (!s.isEmpty()) {
                            originalTitle = s;
                            if (joinTitles) {
                                newTitle = newTitle + Movie.SPACE_SLASH_SPACE + originalTitle;
                } else {
                    newTitle = originalTitle;
            } else {
                if (etalonFlag) {
                    LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "movie title");
                newTitle = originalTitle;

        // Plot
        if (OverrideTools.checkOverwritePlot(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
            StringBuilder plot = new StringBuilder();
            for (String subPlot : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<span class=\"_reachbanner_\"", "</span>", "",
                    "<")) {
                if (!subPlot.isEmpty()) {
                    if (plot.length() > 0) {
                        plot.append(" ");

            movie.setPlot(plot.toString(), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);

            if (etalonFlag && (plot.length() == 0)) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "plot");

        boolean valueFounded = false;
        boolean genresFounded = false;
        boolean certificationFounded = false;
        boolean countryFounded = false;
        boolean yearFounded = false;
        boolean runtimeFounded = false;
        boolean taglineFounded = false;
        boolean releaseFounded = false;
        for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<table class=\"info\">", "</table>", "<tr", "</tr>")) {
            item = "<tr>" + item + "</tr>";
            // Genres
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteGenres(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
                LinkedList<String> newGenres = new LinkedList<>();
                boolean innerGenresFound = false;
                for (String genre : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", "</tr>",
                        "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bgenre%5D/", "</a>")) {
                    innerGenresFound = true;
                    genre = genre.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + genre.substring(1, genre.length());
                    if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(genre)) {
                    } else {
                if (innerGenresFound) {
                    // Limit genres count
                    int maxGenres = 9;
                    try {
                        maxGenres = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("genres.max", 9);
                    } catch (Exception ignore) {
                    while (newGenres.size() > maxGenres) {

                    movie.setGenres(newGenres, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
                    genresFounded = true;

            // Certification from MPAA
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteCertification(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
                if (!certificationFounded) {
                    certificationFounded = getCertification(movie, item, "> MPAA<", "</tr>",
                            "<a href=\"/film", "</a>", "alt=\" ");
                if (!certificationFounded || russianCertification) {
                    certificationFounded |= getCertification(movie, item, ">?<", "</tr>",
                            "<td style=\"color", "</span>", "ageLimit ");

            // Country
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteCountry(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
                Collection<String> scraped = HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</tr>",
                        "a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bcountry%5D/", "</a>");
                if (scraped != null && !scraped.isEmpty()) {
                    List<String> countries = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (String country : scraped) {
                        if (translitCountry) {
                            country = FileTools.makeSafeFilename(country);

                        if (!countryAll) {
                            // just first country, so break here
                    movie.setCountries(countries, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
                    countryFounded = true;

            // Year
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteYear(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
                for (String year : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", "</tr>",
                        "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Byear%5D/", "</a>")) {
                    movie.setYear(year, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
                    yearFounded = true;

            // Run time
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteRuntime(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID) || etalonFlag) {
                for (String runtime : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</tr>", "<td", "</td>")) {
                    if (runtime.contains("<span")) {
                        runtime = runtime.substring(0, runtime.indexOf("<span"));
                    movie.setRuntime(runtime, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
                    runtimeFounded = true;

            // Tagline
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteTagline(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
                for (String tagline : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</tr>", "<td ", "</td>")) {
                    if (tagline.length() > 0) {
                        movie.setTagline(tagline.replace("\u00AB", "\"").replace("\u00BB", "\""),
                        taglineFounded = true;

            // Release date
            if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteReleaseDate(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
                String releaseDate = "";
                for (String release : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "> ()<", "</tr>",
                        "<a href=\"/film/", "</a>")) {
                    releaseDate = release;
                    releaseFounded = true;
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(releaseDate)) {
                    for (String release : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "> ()<", "</tr>",
                            "<a href=\"/film/", "</a>")) {
                        releaseDate = release;
                        releaseFounded = true;
                movie.setReleaseDate(releaseDate, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);

        if (etalonFlag) {
            if (!genresFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "genres");
            if (!certificationFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "certification");
            if (!countryFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "country");
            if (!yearFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "year");
            if (!runtimeFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "runtime");
            if (!taglineFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "tagline");
            if (!releaseFounded) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "release");

        // Rating
        if (!nfoRating) {
            valueFounded = false;
            for (String rating : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<a href=\"/film/" + kinopoiskId + "/votes/\"",
                    "</a>", "<span", "</span>")) {
                int kinopoiskRating = StringTools.parseRating(rating);
                movie.addRating(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, kinopoiskRating);
                valueFounded = true;
            if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "rating");

            int imdbRating = movie.getRating(IMDB_PLUGIN_ID);
            if (imdbRating == -1 || etalonFlag) {
                // Get IMDB rating from kinopoisk page
                String rating = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, ">IMDb:", 0, " (");
                valueFounded = false;
                if (StringTools.isValidString(rating)) {
                    imdbRating = StringTools.parseRating(rating);
                    movie.addRating(IMDB_PLUGIN_ID, imdbRating);
                    valueFounded = true;
                if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                    LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "IMDB rating");

        // Top250
        if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteTop250(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
            movie.setTop250(HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "<a href=\"/level/20/#", 0, "\""), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);

        // Poster
        String posterURL = movie.getPosterURL();
        if (StringTools.isNotValidString(posterURL) || (!nfoPoster && poster) || etalonFlag) {
            valueFounded = false;
            if (poster || etalonFlag) {
                String previousURL = posterURL;
                posterURL = Movie.UNKNOWN;

                // Load page with all poster
                String wholeArts = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/posters/", CHARSET);
                if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) {
                    if (wholeArts.contains("<table class=\"fotos")) {
                        String picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts,
                                "src=\"http://st.kinopoisk.ru/images/poster/sm_", 0, "\"");
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) {
                            posterURL = "http://st.kinopoisk.ru/images/poster/" + picture;
                            valueFounded = true;

                if (StringTools.isNotValidString(posterURL)) {
                    posterURL = previousURL;

                if (StringTools.isValidString(posterURL)) {
                    movie.setPosterFilename(movie.getBaseName() + ".jpg");
                    LOG.debug("Set poster URL to {} for {}", posterURL, movie.getBaseName());
            if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movie.getPosterURL())) {
                if (overrideTitle) {
                    movie.setTitle(originalTitle, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
                // Removing Poster info from plugins. Use of PosterScanner routine instead.
                // movie.setPosterURL(locatePosterURL(movie, ""));
            if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "poster");

        // Fanart
        String fanURL = movie.getFanartURL();
        if (StringTools.isNotValidString(fanURL) || (!nfoFanart && (fanArt || kadr)) || etalonFlag
                || fanURL.contains("originalnull")) {
            valueFounded = false;
            try {
                String previousURL = fanURL;
                fanURL = Movie.UNKNOWN;

                // Load page with all wallpaper
                String wholeArts = httpClient.request("http://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/" + kinopoiskId + "/wall/",
                if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) {
                    if (wholeArts.contains("<table class=\"fotos")) {
                        String picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts,
                                "src=\"http://st.kinopoisk.ru/images/wallpaper/sm_", 0, ".jpg");
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) {
                            if (picture.contains("_")) {
                                picture = picture.substring(0, picture.indexOf('_'));
                            String size = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts,
                                    "<u><a href=\"/picture/" + picture + "/w_size/", 0, "/");
                            wholeArts = httpClient.request(
                                    "http://www.kinopoisk.ru/picture/" + picture + "/w_size/" + size, CHARSET);
                            if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) {
                                picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts,
                                        "src=\"http://st-im.kinopoisk.r/im/wallpaper/", 0, "\"");
                                if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) {
                                    fanURL = "http://st.kinopoisk.ru/im/wallpaper/" + picture;
                                    valueFounded = true;

                if (kadr && (StringTools.isNotValidString(fanURL) || fanURL.contains("originalnull"))) {
                    // Load page with all videoimage
                    wholeArts = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/stills/", CHARSET);
                    if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) {
                        // Looking for photos table
                        int photosInd = wholeArts.indexOf("<table class=\"fotos");
                        if (photosInd != -1) {
                            String picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts,
                                    "src=\"http://st.kinopoisk.ru/images/kadr/sm_", 0, "\"");
                            if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) {
                                fanURL = "http://www.kinopoisk.ru/images/kadr/" + picture;
                                valueFounded = true;

                if (StringTools.isNotValidString(fanURL)) {
                    fanURL = previousURL;

                if (StringTools.isValidString(fanURL)) {
                    movie.setFanartFilename(movie.getBaseName() + fanartToken + "." + fanartExtension);
                    LOG.debug("Set fanart URL to {} for {}", fanURL, movie.getBaseName());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // Ignore

        // Studio/Company
        if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteCompany(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) {
            xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/studio/", CHARSET);
            valueFounded = false;
            if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) {
                Collection<String> studio = new ArrayList<>();
                if (xml.contains(">?:<")) {
                    for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">?:<", "</table>",
                            "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bstudio%5D/", "</a>")) {
                        if (!companyAll) {
                if (xml.contains(">:<") && (companyAll || studio.isEmpty())) {
                    for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">:<", "</table>",
                            "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bcompany%5D/", "</a>")) {
                if (!studio.isEmpty()) {
                    movie.setCompany(companyAll ? StringUtils.join(studio, Movie.SPACE_SLASH_SPACE)
                            : new ArrayList<>(studio).get(0), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
                    valueFounded = true;
            if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "company");

        // Awards
        if ((scrapeAwards && !nfoAwards) || etalonFlag) {
            if (clearAward) {
            xml = httpClient.request("http://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/" + kinopoiskId + "/awards/", CHARSET);
            Collection<AwardEvent> awards = new ArrayList<>();
            if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) {
                int beginIndex = xml.indexOf("<b><a href=\"/awards/");
                if (beginIndex != -1) {
                    for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml,
                            "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%>",
                            "<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />",
                            "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" ",
                            "</table>")) {
                        String name = Movie.UNKNOWN;
                        int year = -1;
                        int won = 0;
                        int nominated = 0;
                        Collection<String> wons = new ArrayList<>();
                        Collection<String> nominations = new ArrayList<>();
                        for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item,
                                "<td height=\"40\" class=\"news\" style=\"padding: 10px\">", "</td>",
                                "<a href=\"/awards/", "</a>")) {
                            int coma = tmp.indexOf(",");
                            name = tmp.substring(0, coma);
                            year = NumberUtils.toInt(tmp.substring(coma + 2, coma + 6));
                        for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", ":", "(",
                                ")")) {
                            won = NumberUtils.toInt(tmp);
                        if (won > 0) {
                            for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", "</ul>",
                                    "<li class=\"trivia\">", "</li>")) {
                                wons.add(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp).replaceAll(" {2,}", " "));
                        for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", ":", "(", ")")) {
                            nominated = NumberUtils.toInt(tmp);
                        if (nominated > 0) {
                            for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</ul>",
                                    "<li class=\"trivia\"", "</li>")) {
                                nominations.add(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp).replaceAll(" {2,}", " "));
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(name) && year > 1900 && year < 2020
                                && (!scrapeWonAwards || (won > 0))) {
                            Award award = new Award();
                            if (won > 0) {
                            if (nominated > 0) {

                            AwardEvent event = new AwardEvent();
            if (!awards.isEmpty()) {
            } else if (etalonFlag) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "award");

        // Cast enhancement
        boolean overrideCast = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteActors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
        boolean overridePeopleCast = OverrideTools.checkOverwritePeopleActors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
        boolean overrideDirectors = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteDirectors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
        boolean overridePeopleDirectors = OverrideTools.checkOverwritePeopleDirectors(movie,
        boolean overrideWriters = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteWriters(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
        boolean overridePeopleWriters = OverrideTools.checkOverwritePeopleWriters(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);

        if (overrideCast || overridePeopleCast || overrideDirectors || overridePeopleDirectors
                || overrideWriters || overridePeopleWriters || etalonFlag) {
            xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/cast", CHARSET);
            if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) {
                if (overrideDirectors || overridePeopleDirectors || etalonFlag) {
                    int count = scanMoviePerson(movie, xml, "director", directorMax, overrideDirectors,
                    if (etalonFlag && count == 0) {
                        LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "directors");
                if (overrideWriters || overridePeopleWriters || etalonFlag) {
                    int count = scanMoviePerson(movie, xml, "writer", writerMax, overrideWriters,
                    if (etalonFlag && count == 0) {
                        LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "writers");
                if (overrideCast || overridePeopleCast || etalonFlag) {
                    int count = scanMoviePerson(movie, xml, "actor", actorMax, overrideCast,
                    if (etalonFlag && count == 0) {
                        LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "cast");

                Collection<Filmography> outcast = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Filmography p : movie.getPeople()) {
                    if (StringTools.isNotValidString(p.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID))) {
                for (Filmography p : outcast) {

        // Business
        if (scrapeBusiness || etalonFlag) {
            xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/box/", CHARSET);
            if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) {
                valueFounded = false;
                for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">:<", "</table>",
                        "<font color=\"#ff6600\"", "</h3>")) {
                    if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp)) {
                        tmp = tmp.replaceAll("\u00A0", ",").replaceAll(",$", "");
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp) && !"--".equals(tmp)) {
                            valueFounded = true;
                if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                    LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business: summary");
                valueFounded = false;
                for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "> -? (?)<",
                        "</table>", "<h3 style=\"font-size: 18px; margin: 0; padding: 0;color:#f60\"",
                        "</h3>")) {
                    if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp)) {
                        tmp = tmp.replaceAll("\u00A0", ",").replaceAll(",$", "");
                        if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp) && !"--".equals(tmp)) {
                            movie.setOpenWeek("USA", tmp);
                            valueFounded = true;
                if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                    LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business: first weekend");
                valueFounded = false;
                for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">?? ?<", "</table>",
                        "<tr><td colspan=2", "</h3>")) {
                    tmp += "</h3>";
                    String country = HTMLTools.extractTag(tmp, ">", ":");
                    if (StringTools.isValidString(country)) {
                        String money = HTMLTools
                                .removeHtmlTags("<h3 " + HTMLTools.extractTag(tmp, "<h3 ", "</h3>"))
                                .replaceAll("\u00A0", ",").replaceAll(",$", "");
                        if (!"--".equals(money)) {
                                    " ??"
                                                    ? "Russia"
                                                    : " ?".equals(country) ? "USA"
                                                            : " ?".equals(country)
                                                                    ? "Worldwide"
                                                                    : "  ?".equals(
                                                                            country) ? "Others" : country,
                            valueFounded = true;
                if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                    LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business: gross");
            } else if (etalonFlag) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business");

        // Did You Know
        if (scrapeTrivia || etalonFlag) {
            if (clearTrivia) {
            if (etalonFlag && triviaMax == 0) {
                triviaMax = 1;
            if (triviaMax != 0) {
                xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/view_info/ok/#trivia", CHARSET);
                if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) {
                    int i = 0;
                    for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">  , ...<", "</ul>",
                            "<li class=\"trivia", "</li>")) {
                        if (i < triviaMax || triviaMax == -1) {
                            valueFounded = true;
                        } else {
            if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) {
                LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "trivia");

        // Finally set title
        if (overrideTitle) {
            movie.setTitle(newTitle, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID);
    } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException error) {
        LOG.error("Failed retreiving movie data from Kinopoisk : {}", kinopoiskId);
    return true;

From source file:org.apache.hyracks.algebricks.rewriter.rules.PushSelectIntoJoinRule.java

public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context)
        throws AlgebricksException {
    Collection<LogicalVariable> joinLiveVarsLeft = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();
    Collection<LogicalVariable> joinLiveVarsRight = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();
    Collection<LogicalVariable> liveInOpsToPushLeft = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();
    Collection<LogicalVariable> liveInOpsToPushRight = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();

    List<ILogicalOperator> pushedOnLeft = new ArrayList<ILogicalOperator>();
    List<ILogicalOperator> pushedOnRight = new ArrayList<ILogicalOperator>();
    List<ILogicalOperator> pushedOnEither = new ArrayList<ILogicalOperator>();
    LinkedList<ILogicalOperator> notPushedStack = new LinkedList<ILogicalOperator>();
    Collection<LogicalVariable> usedVars = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();
    Collection<LogicalVariable> producedVars = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>();

    AbstractLogicalOperator op = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue();
    if (op.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) {
        return false;
    }// ww w  . j  av a  2s. c om
    SelectOperator select = (SelectOperator) op;
    Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef2 = op.getInputs().get(0);
    AbstractLogicalOperator son = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef2.getValue();
    AbstractLogicalOperator op2 = son;
    boolean needToPushOps = false;
    while (son.isMap()) {
        needToPushOps = true;
        Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRefLink = son.getInputs().get(0);
        son = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRefLink.getValue();

    if (son.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.INNERJOIN
            && son.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.LEFTOUTERJOIN) {
        return false;
    boolean isLoj = son.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.LEFTOUTERJOIN;
    AbstractBinaryJoinOperator join = (AbstractBinaryJoinOperator) son;

    Mutable<ILogicalOperator> joinBranchLeftRef = join.getInputs().get(0);
    Mutable<ILogicalOperator> joinBranchRightRef = join.getInputs().get(1);

    if (needToPushOps) {
        ILogicalOperator joinBranchLeft = joinBranchLeftRef.getValue();
        ILogicalOperator joinBranchRight = joinBranchRightRef.getValue();
        VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(joinBranchLeft, joinLiveVarsLeft);
        VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(joinBranchRight, joinLiveVarsRight);
        Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opIterRef = opRef2;
        ILogicalOperator opIter = op2;
        while (opIter != join) {
            LogicalOperatorTag tag = ((AbstractLogicalOperator) opIter).getOperatorTag();
            if (tag == LogicalOperatorTag.PROJECT) {
            } else {
                VariableUtilities.getUsedVariables(opIter, usedVars);
                VariableUtilities.getProducedVariables(opIter, producedVars);
                if (usedVars.size() == 0) {
                } else if (joinLiveVarsLeft.containsAll(usedVars)) {
                } else if (joinLiveVarsRight.containsAll(usedVars)) {
                } else {
                    return false;
            opIterRef = opIter.getInputs().get(0);
            opIter = opIterRef.getValue();
        if (isLoj && pushedOnLeft.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

    boolean intersectsAllBranches = true;
    boolean[] intersectsBranch = new boolean[join.getInputs().size()];
    LinkedList<LogicalVariable> selectVars = new LinkedList<LogicalVariable>();
    int i = 0;
    for (Mutable<ILogicalOperator> branch : join.getInputs()) {
        LinkedList<LogicalVariable> branchVars = new LinkedList<LogicalVariable>();
        VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(branch.getValue(), branchVars);
        if (i == 0) {
        } else {
        if (OperatorPropertiesUtil.disjoint(selectVars, branchVars)) {
            intersectsAllBranches = false;
        } else {
            intersectsBranch[i] = true;
    if (!intersectsBranch[0] && !intersectsBranch[1]) {
        return false;
    if (needToPushOps) {
        //We should push independent ops into the first branch that the selection depends on
        if (intersectsBranch[0]) {
            pushOps(pushedOnEither, joinBranchLeftRef, context);
        } else {
            pushOps(pushedOnEither, joinBranchRightRef, context);
        pushOps(pushedOnLeft, joinBranchLeftRef, context);
        pushOps(pushedOnRight, joinBranchRightRef, context);
    if (intersectsAllBranches) {
        addCondToJoin(select, join, context);
    } else { // push down
        Iterator<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> branchIter = join.getInputs().iterator();
        ILogicalExpression selectCondition = select.getCondition().getValue();
        boolean lojToInner = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < intersectsBranch.length; j++) {
            Mutable<ILogicalOperator> branch = branchIter.next();
            boolean inter = intersectsBranch[j];
            if (!inter) {

            // if a left outer join, if the select condition is not-missing filtering,
            // we rewrite left outer join
            // to inner join for this case.
            if (j > 0 && isLoj && containsNotMissingFiltering(selectCondition)) {
                lojToInner = true;
            if ((j > 0 && isLoj) && containsMissingFiltering(selectCondition)) {
                // Select "is-not-missing($$var)" cannot be pushed in the right branch of a LOJ;
            } else {
                // Conditions for the left branch can always be pushed.
                // Other conditions can be pushed to the right branch of a LOJ.
                copySelectToBranch(select, branch, context);
        if (lojToInner) {
            // Rewrites left outer join  to inner join.
            InnerJoinOperator innerJoin = new InnerJoinOperator(join.getCondition());
            join = innerJoin;
    ILogicalOperator top = join;
    for (ILogicalOperator npOp : notPushedStack) {
        List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> npInpList = npOp.getInputs();
        npInpList.add(new MutableObject<ILogicalOperator>(top));
        top = npOp;
    return true;


From source file:com.projity.script.object.TimeIntervals.java

public TimeIntervals translate(int winCount) { //TODO case winCount<0

    //      for (TimeWindow w : history) System.out.println("history0: "+w);
    //      for (TimeWindow w : win) System.out.println("win0: "+w);

    //for (TimeWindow w : history) System.out.println("id="+w.getId());
    TimeIntervals t = new TimeIntervals();
    t.setScale(scale);/* ww  w  . j  a  v a2  s  .  c o m*/
    LinkedList<TimeWindow> twin = t.getWin();
    if (winCount == 0 || win.size() == 0)
        return t; //or null
    if (winCount > 0) {
        t.winId = winId + win.size();
        int lastId = t.winId - 1 + winCount;
        int maxHistoryId = Math.min(history.getLast().getId(), lastId);
        int i = t.winId;
        if (i <= maxHistoryId) {
            ListIterator<TimeWindow> it = history.listIterator();
            TimeWindow w;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                w = it.next();
                if (w.getId() == t.winId) {
            for (; i <= maxHistoryId && it.hasNext(); i++) {
                w = it.next();
                //               System.out.println("Found in history: "+w);
        LinkedList<TimeWindow> newWin = new LinkedList<TimeWindow>();
        generateWindows(scale, (twin.size() > 0 ? twin : win).getLast().getE(), start, end, lastId - i + 1,
        t.indexWindows(t.winId + t.getWin().size(), newWin);
        //         for (TimeWindow w : newWin) System.out.println("New window: "+w);
    } else {
        t.winId = winId - 1;
        int lastId = t.winId + 1 + winCount;
        int minHistoryId = Math.max(history.getFirst().getId(), lastId);
        int i = t.winId;
        if (i >= minHistoryId) {
            ListIterator<TimeWindow> it = history.listIterator(history.size() - 1);
            TimeWindow w;
            while (it.hasPrevious()) {
                w = it.previous();
                if (w.getId() == t.winId) {
            for (; i >= minHistoryId; i--) {
                w = it.previous();
                //               System.out.println("Found in history: "+w);
        //         System.out.println("winId="+winId+", t.winId="+t.winId+", lastId="+lastId+", i="+i+" minHistoryId="+minHistoryId);
        LinkedList<TimeWindow> newWin = new LinkedList<TimeWindow>();
        generateWindows(scale, (twin.size() > 0 ? twin : win).getFirst().getS(), start, end, lastId - i - 1,
        t.indexWindows(lastId, newWin);
        //         for (TimeWindow w : newWin) System.out.println("New window: "+w);
        t.getWin().addAll(0, newWin);
        history.addAll(0, newWin);

    int translation = 0;
    for (TimeWindow w : t.getWin()) {
        if (winCount > 0) {
        } else {
    winId = winId + translation;

    //      for (TimeWindow w : history) System.out.println("history1: "+w);
    //      for (TimeWindow w : win) System.out.println("win1: "+w);
    //      for (TimeWindow w : twin) System.out.println("t.win1: "+w);

    return t;

From source file:org.drools.semantics.builder.model.inference.DelegateInferenceStrategy.java

private void applyPropertyRestrictions(OWLOntology ontoDescr, OntoModel hierarchicalModel,
        OWLDataFactory factory) {/*w ww  .j av a2 s  . c  o m*/

    for (PropertyRelation prop : hierarchicalModel.getProperties()) {
        if (prop.getTarget() == null) {
            logger.warn("Property without target concept " + prop.getName());

    Map<String, Set<OWLClassExpression>> supers = new HashMap<String, Set<OWLClassExpression>>();
    for (OWLClass klass : ontoDescr.getClassesInSignature(true)) {
        supers.put(klass.getIRI().toQuotedString(), new HashSet<OWLClassExpression>());
    for (OWLClass klass : ontoDescr.getClassesInSignature(true)) {
        if (isDelegating(klass)) {
            OWLClassExpression delegate = aliases.get(klass);
        } else {
            Set<OWLClassExpression> sup = supers.get(klass.asOWLClass().getIRI().toQuotedString());
            Set<OWLClassExpression> ancestors = klass.getSuperClasses(ontoDescr);
            for (OWLClassExpression anc : ancestors) {
                if (reverseAliases.containsKey(anc)) {

    for (Concept con : hierarchicalModel.getConcepts()) { //use concepts as they're sorted!

        if (isDelegating(con.getIri())) {

        if (con == null) {
            logger.warn("Looking for superclasses of an undefined concept");

        LinkedList<OWLClassExpression> orderedSupers = new LinkedList<OWLClassExpression>();
        // cardinalities should be fixed last
        for (OWLClassExpression sup : supers.get(con.getIri())) {
            if (sup instanceof OWLCardinalityRestriction) {
            } else {

        for (OWLClassExpression sup : orderedSupers) {
            if (sup.isClassExpressionLiteral()) {

            processSuperClass(sup, con, hierarchicalModel, factory);

        //            for ( PropertyRelation prop : con.getProperties().values() ) {
        //                if ( prop.isRestricted() && ( prop.getMaxCard() == null || prop.getMaxCard() > 1 ) ) {
        //                    prop.setName( prop.getName() + "s" );
        //                }
        //            }


From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.wikipedia.parser.mediawiki.ModularParser.java

private Table buildTable(SpanManager sm, ContentElementParsingParameters cepp, LinkedList<Span> lineSpans) {

    Table result = new Table();
    int col = -1;
    int row = 0;//from   w w  w  .  j a  v a2  s  .co  m
    int subTables = 0;
    LinkedList<Span> tableDataSpans = new LinkedList<Span>();

    if (calculateSrcSpans) {
        result.setSrcSpan(new SrcSpan(sm.getSrcPos(lineSpans.getFirst().getStart()), -1));


    while (!lineSpans.isEmpty()) {
        Span s = lineSpans.removeFirst();

        int pos = s.nonWSCharPos(sm);
        char c0 = s.charAt(pos, sm);
        char c1 = s.charAt(pos + 1, sm);

        if (subTables == 0 && (c0 == '!' || c0 == '|')) {
            if (!tableDataSpans.isEmpty()) {

                SrcSpan ei = null;
                if (calculateSrcSpans) {
                    ei = new SrcSpan(sm.getSrcPos(tableDataSpans.getFirst().getStart() - 1) + 1, -1);

                TableElement te = new TableElement(parseSections(sm, cepp, tableDataSpans), row, col);

            if (c1 == '-') {
                col = -1;
            } else if (c0 == '|' && c1 == '}') {

                if (calculateSrcSpans) {

                return result;
            } else if (c0 == '|' && c1 == '+') {
                        parseContentElement(sm, cepp, new Span(s.getStart() + pos + 2, s.getEnd()).trim(sm)));
            } else {
                int multipleCols;
                if ((multipleCols = sm.indexOf("||", s.getStart() + pos + 1, s.getEnd())) != -1) {
                    lineSpans.addFirst(new Span(multipleCols + 1, s.getEnd()));

                int optionTagPos = sm.indexOf("|", s.getStart() + pos + 1, s.getEnd());

                if (optionTagPos != -1) {
                    s.setStart(optionTagPos + 1).trim(sm);
                } else {
                    s.adjustStart(pos + 1).trim(sm);
        } else if (c0 == '|' && c1 == '}') {
        } else if (c0 == '{' && c1 == '|') {


    if (tableDataSpans.size() != 0) {

        SrcSpan ei = null;
        if (calculateSrcSpans) {
            ei = new SrcSpan(sm.getSrcPos(tableDataSpans.getFirst().getStart() - 1) + 1, -1);

        TableElement te = new TableElement(parseSections(sm, cepp, tableDataSpans), row, col);



    if (calculateSrcSpans) {

    return result;

From source file:org.hyperic.hq.measurement.server.session.AvailabilityManagerImpl.java

private PageList<HighLowMetricValue> getPageList(List<AvailabilityDataRLE> availInfo, long begin, long end,
        long interval, boolean prependUnknowns) {
    PageList<HighLowMetricValue> rtn = new PageList<HighLowMetricValue>();
    for (Iterator<AvailabilityDataRLE> it = availInfo.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        AvailabilityDataRLE rle = it.next();
        long availStartime = rle.getStartime();
        long availEndtime = rle.getEndtime();
        //skip measurements that are before first time slot
        if (availEndtime < begin) {
        }// w w w. j a  v  a  2s.  c o  m
        LinkedList<AvailabilityDataRLE> queue = new LinkedList<AvailabilityDataRLE>();
        int i = 0;
        for (long curr = begin; curr <= end; curr += interval) {
            long next = curr + interval;
            next = (next > end) ? end : next;
            long endtime = ((AvailabilityDataRLE) queue.getFirst()).getEndtime();
            //while next time slot is after measurement time range
            while (next > endtime) {
                // it should not be the case that there are no more
                // avails in the array, but we need to handle it
                if (it.hasNext()) {
                    AvailabilityDataRLE tmp = (AvailabilityDataRLE) it.next();
                    endtime = tmp.getEndtime();
                } else {
                    endtime = availEndtime;
                    int measId = rle.getMeasurement().getId().intValue();
                    String msg = "Measurement, " + measId + ", for interval " + begin + " - " + end
                            + " did not return a value for range " + curr + " - " + (curr + interval);
            endtime = availEndtime;
            while (curr > endtime) {
                // this should not happen unless the above !it.hasNext()
                // else condition is true
                if (queue.size() == 0) {
                    rle = new AvailabilityDataRLE(rle.getMeasurement(), rle.getEndtime(), next, AVAIL_UNKNOWN);
                rle = (AvailabilityDataRLE) queue.getLast();
                availStartime = rle.getStartime();
                availEndtime = rle.getEndtime();
                endtime = availEndtime;
            HighLowMetricValue val;
            if (curr >= availStartime) {
                val = getMetricValue(queue, curr);
            } else if (prependUnknowns) {
                val = new HighLowMetricValue(AVAIL_UNKNOWN, curr);
            } else {
            if (rtn.size() <= i) {
            } else {
                updateMetricValue(val, (HighLowMetricValue) rtn.get(i));
    if (rtn.size() == 0) {
    return rtn;

From source file:org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph.java

 * Do backprop (gradient calculation)//from  ww  w. j  av  a2 s .c o  m
 * @param truncatedBPTT    false: normal backprop. true: calculate gradients using truncated BPTT for RNN layers
 * @param externalEpsilons null usually (for typical supervised learning). If not null (and length > 0) then assume that
 *                         the user has provided some errors externally, as they would do for example in reinforcement
 *                         learning situations.
protected void calcBackpropGradients(boolean truncatedBPTT, INDArray... externalEpsilons) {
    if (flattenedGradients == null)

    LinkedList<Triple<String, INDArray, Character>> gradients = new LinkedList<>();

    //Do backprop according to the reverse of the topological ordering of the network
    boolean[] setVertexEpsilon = new boolean[topologicalOrder.length]; //If true: already set epsilon for this vertex; later epsilons should be *added* to the existing one, not set
    for (int i = topologicalOrder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        GraphVertex current = vertices[topologicalOrder[i]];

        if (current.isInputVertex())
            continue; //No op
        //FIXME: make the frozen vertex feature extraction more flexible
        if (current.hasLayer() && current.getLayer() instanceof FrozenLayer)

        if (current.isOutputVertex()) {
            //Two reasons for a vertex to be an output vertex:
            //(a) it's an output layer (i.e., instanceof IOutputLayer), or
            //(b) it's a normal layer, but it has been marked as an output layer for use in external errors - for reinforcement learning, for example

            int thisOutputNumber = configuration.getNetworkOutputs().indexOf(current.getVertexName());
            if (current.getLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer) {
                IOutputLayer outputLayer = (IOutputLayer) current.getLayer();

                INDArray currLabels = labels[thisOutputNumber];
            } else {
                setVertexEpsilon[topologicalOrder[i]] = true;

        Pair<Gradient, INDArray[]> pair = current.doBackward(truncatedBPTT);
        INDArray[] epsilons = pair.getSecond();

        //Inputs to the current GraphVertex:
        VertexIndices[] inputVertices = current.getInputVertices();

        //Set epsilons for the vertices that provide inputs to this vertex:
        if (inputVertices != null) {
            int j = 0;
            for (VertexIndices v : inputVertices) {
                GraphVertex gv = vertices[v.getVertexIndex()];
                if (setVertexEpsilon[gv.getVertexIndex()]) {
                    //This vertex: must output to multiple vertices... we want to add the epsilons here
                    INDArray currentEps = gv.getEpsilon();
                    gv.setEpsilon(currentEps.add(epsilons[j++])); //TODO: in some circumstances, it may be safe  to do in-place add (but not always)
                } else {
                setVertexEpsilon[gv.getVertexIndex()] = true;


        if (pair.getFirst() != null) {
            Gradient g = pair.getFirst();
            Map<String, INDArray> map = g.gradientForVariable();
            LinkedList<Triple<String, INDArray, Character>> tempList = new LinkedList<>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                String origName = entry.getKey();
                String newName = current.getVertexName() + "_" + origName;
                        new Triple<>(newName, entry.getValue(), g.flatteningOrderForVariable(origName)));
            for (Triple<String, INDArray, Character> t : tempList)

    //Now, add the gradients in the order we need them in for flattening (same as params order)
    Gradient gradient = new DefaultGradient(flattenedGradients);
    for (Triple<String, INDArray, Character> t : gradients) {
        gradient.setGradientFor(t.getFirst(), t.getSecond(), t.getThird());

    this.gradient = gradient;

From source file:org.jnap.core.mvc.async.AsyncRequestInterceptor.java

public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler,
        ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception {

    if (isAsync(request, handler)) {
        Method handlerMethod = (Method) request
        if (handlerMethod != null) {
            LinkedList<AsyncResponseHandler> handlers = new LinkedList<AsyncResponseHandler>();
            AsyncResponseHandler responseHandler = null;

            if (AsyncResponseModel.class.isInstance(modelAndView)) {
                // TODO AsyncState.SUSPEND_RESPONSE
            }/* w w  w.  java2s .  c  om*/

            if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Broadcast.class)) {
                Broadcast annotation = handlerMethod.getAnnotation(Broadcast.class);
                int delay = annotation.delay();
                Class[] suspendTimeout = annotation.value();

                AsyncState state = annotation.resumeOnBroadcast() ? AsyncState.RESUME_ON_BROADCAST
                        : AsyncState.BROADCAST;
                responseHandler = new AsyncResponseHandler(state, delay, 0, SCOPE.APPLICATION, true,
                        suspendTimeout, null);

                if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Cluster.class)) {
                    // TODO add @Cluster support

            if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Suspend.class)) {
                Suspend annotation = handlerMethod.getAnnotation(Suspend.class);
                long suspendTimeout = annotation.period();
                suspendTimeout = TimeUnitConverter.convert(suspendTimeout, annotation.timeUnit());

                Suspend.SCOPE scope = annotation.scope();
                boolean outputComments = annotation.outputComments();

                boolean trackable = false;
                //               TODO add Trackable support
                //               if (TrackableResource.class.isAssignableFrom(am.getMethod().getReturnType())) {
                //                  trackable = true;
                //               }

                AsyncState state = annotation.resumeOnBroadcast() ? AsyncState.SUSPEND_RESUME
                        : AsyncState.SUSPEND;
                if (trackable) {
                    state = AsyncState.SUSPEND_TRACKABLE;
                responseHandler = new AsyncResponseHandler(state, suspendTimeout, 0, scope, outputComments);

            if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Subscribe.class)) {
                boolean trackable = false;
                //               TODO add Trackable support
                //               if (TrackableResource.class.isAssignableFrom(am.getMethod().getReturnType())) {
                //                  trackable = true;
                //               }

                Subscribe annotation = handlerMethod.getAnnotation(Subscribe.class);
                AsyncState state = trackable ? AsyncState.SUBSCRIBE_TRACKABLE : AsyncState.SUBSCRIBE;
                String topic = annotation.value(); // TODO add SpEL support
                responseHandler = new AsyncResponseHandler(state, 30000, -1, Suspend.SCOPE.APPLICATION, false,
                        null, topic);


            if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Publish.class)) {
                String topic = handlerMethod.getAnnotation(Publish.class).value(); // TODO add SpEL support
                responseHandler = new AsyncResponseHandler(AsyncState.PUBLISH, 30000, -1,
                        Suspend.SCOPE.APPLICATION, false, null, topic);

            if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Resume.class)) {
                handlers.addFirst(new AsyncResponseHandler(AsyncState.RESUME,

            if (handlerMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Schedule.class)) {
                Schedule annotation = handlerMethod.getAnnotation(Schedule.class);
                AsyncState state = annotation.resumeOnBroadcast() ? AsyncState.SCHEDULE_RESUME
                        : AsyncState.SCHEDULE;
                handlers.addFirst(new AsyncResponseHandler(state, annotation.period(), annotation.waitFor()));

            for (AsyncResponseHandler asyncHandler : handlers) {
                asyncHandler.handle(request, response, modelAndView);
        } else {
            logger.warn("Atmosphere annotation support disabled on this request.");

From source file:org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork.java

/** Equivalent to backprop(), but calculates gradient for truncated BPTT instead. */
protected void truncatedBPTTGradient() {
    if (flattenedGradients == null)
        initGradientsView();/*from   www.j  a  v  a 2s .com*/
    String multiGradientKey;
    gradient = new DefaultGradient();
    Layer currLayer;

    if (!(getOutputLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer)) {
                "Warning: final layer isn't output layer. You cannot use backprop (truncated BPTT) without an output layer.");

    IOutputLayer outputLayer = (IOutputLayer) getOutputLayer();
    if (labels == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("No labels found");
    if (outputLayer.conf().getLayer().getWeightInit() == WeightInit.ZERO) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Output layer weights cannot be initialized to zero when using backprop.");


    //calculate and apply the backward gradient for every layer
    int numLayers = getnLayers();
    //Store gradients is a list; used to ensure iteration order in DefaultGradient linked hash map. i.e., layer 0 first instead of output layer
    LinkedList<Pair<String, INDArray>> gradientList = new LinkedList<>();

    Pair<Gradient, INDArray> currPair = outputLayer.backpropGradient(null);

    for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : currPair.getFirst().gradientForVariable().entrySet()) {
        multiGradientKey = String.valueOf(numLayers - 1) + "_" + entry.getKey();
        gradientList.addLast(new Pair<>(multiGradientKey, entry.getValue()));

    if (getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(numLayers - 1) != null)
        currPair = new Pair<>(currPair.getFirst(), this.layerWiseConfigurations
                .getInputPreProcess(numLayers - 1).backprop(currPair.getSecond(), getInputMiniBatchSize()));

    // Calculate gradients for previous layers & drops output layer in count
    for (int j = numLayers - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
        currLayer = getLayer(j);
        if (currLayer instanceof RecurrentLayer) {
            currPair = ((RecurrentLayer) currLayer).tbpttBackpropGradient(currPair.getSecond(),
        } else {
            currPair = currLayer.backpropGradient(currPair.getSecond());

        LinkedList<Pair<String, INDArray>> tempList = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : currPair.getFirst().gradientForVariable().entrySet()) {
            multiGradientKey = String.valueOf(j) + "_" + entry.getKey();
            tempList.addFirst(new Pair<>(multiGradientKey, entry.getValue()));

        for (Pair<String, INDArray> pair : tempList)

        //Pass epsilon through input processor before passing to next layer (if applicable)
        if (getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(j) != null)
            currPair = new Pair<>(currPair.getFirst(), getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(j)
                    .backprop(currPair.getSecond(), getInputMiniBatchSize()));

    //Add gradients to Gradients, in correct order
    for (Pair<String, INDArray> pair : gradientList)
        gradient.setGradientFor(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond());

From source file:org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork.java

/** Calculate gradients and errors. Used in two places:
 * (a) backprop (for standard multi layer network learning)
 * (b) backpropGradient (layer method, for when MultiLayerNetwork is used as a layer)
 * @param epsilon Errors (technically errors .* activations). Not used if withOutputLayer = true
 * @param withOutputLayer if true: assume last layer is output layer, and calculate errors based on labels. In this
 *                        case, the epsilon input is not used (may/should be null).
 *                        If false: calculate backprop gradients
 * @return Gradients and the error (epsilon) at the input
 *///  w ww .ja va2 s.  c om
protected Pair<Gradient, INDArray> calcBackpropGradients(INDArray epsilon, boolean withOutputLayer) {
    if (flattenedGradients == null)
    String multiGradientKey;
    Gradient gradient = new DefaultGradient(flattenedGradients);
    Layer currLayer;

    //calculate and apply the backward gradient for every layer
     * Skip the output layer for the indexing and just loop backwards updating the coefficients for each layer.
     * (when withOutputLayer == true)
     * Activate applies the activation function for each layer and sets that as the input for the following layer.
     * Typical literature contains most trivial case for the error calculation: wT * weights
     * This interpretation transpose a few things to get mini batch because ND4J is rows vs columns organization for params
    int numLayers = getnLayers();
    //Store gradients is a list; used to ensure iteration order in DefaultGradient linked hash map. i.e., layer 0 first instead of output layer
    LinkedList<Triple<String, INDArray, Character>> gradientList = new LinkedList<>();

    int layerFrom;
    Pair<Gradient, INDArray> currPair;
    if (withOutputLayer) {
        if (!(getOutputLayer() instanceof IOutputLayer)) {
                    "Warning: final layer isn't output layer. You cannot use backprop without an output layer.");
            return null;

        IOutputLayer outputLayer = (IOutputLayer) getOutputLayer();
        if (labels == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("No labels found");
        currPair = outputLayer.backpropGradient(null);

        for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : currPair.getFirst().gradientForVariable().entrySet()) {
            String origName = entry.getKey();
            multiGradientKey = String.valueOf(numLayers - 1) + "_" + origName;
            gradientList.addLast(new Triple<>(multiGradientKey, entry.getValue(),
        if (getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(numLayers - 1) != null)
            currPair = new Pair<>(currPair.getFirst(), this.layerWiseConfigurations
                    .getInputPreProcess(numLayers - 1).backprop(currPair.getSecond(), getInputMiniBatchSize()));

        layerFrom = numLayers - 2;
    } else {
        currPair = new Pair<>(null, epsilon);
        layerFrom = numLayers - 1;

    // Calculate gradients for previous layers & drops output layer in count
    for (int j = layerFrom; j >= 0; j--) {
        currLayer = getLayer(j);
        if (currLayer instanceof FrozenLayer)
        currPair = currLayer.backpropGradient(currPair.getSecond());

        LinkedList<Triple<String, INDArray, Character>> tempList = new LinkedList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, INDArray> entry : currPair.getFirst().gradientForVariable().entrySet()) {
            String origName = entry.getKey();
            multiGradientKey = String.valueOf(j) + "_" + origName;
            tempList.addFirst(new Triple<>(multiGradientKey, entry.getValue(),
        for (Triple<String, INDArray, Character> triple : tempList)

        //Pass epsilon through input processor before passing to next layer (if applicable)
        if (getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(j) != null)
            currPair = new Pair<>(currPair.getFirst(), getLayerWiseConfigurations().getInputPreProcess(j)
                    .backprop(currPair.getSecond(), getInputMiniBatchSize()));

    //Add gradients to Gradients (map), in correct order
    for (Triple<String, INDArray, Character> triple : gradientList) {
        gradient.setGradientFor(triple.getFirst(), triple.getSecond(), triple.getThird());

    return new Pair<>(gradient, currPair.getSecond());