Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2016 YAMJ Members * * * This file is part of the Yet Another Movie Jukebox (YAMJ) project. * * YAMJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * YAMJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with YAMJ. If not, see <>. * * Web: * */ package com.moviejukebox.plugin; import static; import static; import; import; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.moviejukebox.model.Award; import com.moviejukebox.model.AwardEvent; import com.moviejukebox.model.Filmography; import com.moviejukebox.model.Movie; import com.moviejukebox.model.Person; import com.moviejukebox.model.enumerations.OverrideFlag; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; /** * Plugin to retrieve movie data from Russian movie database Written by Yury Sidorov. * * First the movie data is searched in IMDB and TheTvDB. * * After that the movie is searched in kinopoisk and movie data is updated. * * It is possible to specify URL of the movie page on kinopoisk in the .nfo file. In this case movie data will be retrieved from * this page only. */ public class KinopoiskPlugin extends ImdbPlugin { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KinopoiskPlugin.class); public static final String KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID = "kinopoisk"; private static final String SITE_DESIGN = "Site design changed - failed get KinoPoisk '{}'!"; private static final Charset CHARSET = Charset.forName("windows-1251"); private static final String ENGLISH = "english"; private static final String FILM_URL = ""; private static final String NAME_URL = ""; private final String preferredRating = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("kinopoisk.rating", "imdb"); private final TheTvDBPlugin tvdb; // Shows what name is on the first position with respect to divider private final String titleLeader = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("kinopoisk.title.leader", ENGLISH); private final String titleDivider = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("kinopoisk.title.divider", " - "); private final boolean joinTitles = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.title.join", Boolean.TRUE); // Set NFO information priority private final boolean nfoPriority = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.NFOpriority", Boolean.FALSE); private boolean nfoRating = false; private boolean nfoFanart = false; private boolean nfoPoster = false; private boolean nfoAwards = false; private final String tmpAwards = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("mjb.scrapeAwards", FALSE); private final boolean scrapeWonAwards = "won".equalsIgnoreCase(tmpAwards); private final boolean scrapeAwards = tmpAwards.equalsIgnoreCase(TRUE) || scrapeWonAwards; private final boolean scrapeBusiness = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.scrapeBusiness", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean scrapeTrivia = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.scrapeTrivia", Boolean.FALSE); // Set priority fanart & poster by private final boolean fanArt = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.fanart", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean poster = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.poster", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean kadr = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.kadr", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean companyAll = "all" .equalsIgnoreCase(PropertiesUtil.getProperty("", "first")); private final boolean countryAll = "all" .equalsIgnoreCase(PropertiesUtil.getProperty("", "first")); private final boolean clearAward = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.clear.award", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean clearTrivia = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.clear.trivia", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean translitCountry = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean russianCertification = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.russianCertification", Boolean.FALSE); private final String etalonId = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("kinopoisk.etalon", "448"); // Personal information private final boolean translateName = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("kinopoisk.translateName", Boolean.FALSE); private final int biographyLength = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("plugin.biography.maxlength", 500); private final boolean skipTV = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("plugin.people.skip.TV", Boolean.FALSE); private final boolean skipV = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("plugin.people.skip.V", Boolean.FALSE); private final List<String> jobsInclude = Arrays.asList(PropertiesUtil .getProperty("plugin.filmography.jobsInclude", "Director,Writer,Actor,Actress").split(",")); private int triviaMax = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("plugin.trivia.maxCount", 15); public KinopoiskPlugin() { super(); preferredCountry = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("imdb.preferredCountry", "Russia"); actorMax = PropertiesUtil.getReplacedIntProperty("", "", 10); directorMax = PropertiesUtil.getReplacedIntProperty("movie.director.maxCount", "plugin.people.maxCount.director", 2); writerMax = PropertiesUtil.getReplacedIntProperty("movie.writer.maxCount", "plugin.people.maxCount.writer", 3); tvdb = new TheTvDBPlugin(); } @Override public String getPluginID() { return KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID; } @Override public boolean scan(Movie mediaFile) { boolean retval = false; String kinopoiskId = mediaFile.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (nfoPriority) { // checked NFO data nfoRating = mediaFile.getRating() > -1; nfoFanart = StringTools.isValidString(mediaFile.getFanartURL()); nfoPoster = StringTools.isValidString(mediaFile.getPosterURL()); nfoAwards = !mediaFile.getAwards().isEmpty(); } if (StringTools.isNotValidString(kinopoiskId)) { // store original russian title and year String name = mediaFile.getOriginalTitle(); String year = mediaFile.getYear(); final String previousTitle = mediaFile.getTitle(); int dash = previousTitle.indexOf(titleDivider); if (dash != -1) { if (titleLeader.equals(ENGLISH)) { mediaFile.setTitle(previousTitle.substring(0, dash), mediaFile.getOverrideSource(OverrideFlag.TITLE)); } else { mediaFile.setTitle(previousTitle.substring(dash), mediaFile.getOverrideSource(OverrideFlag.TITLE)); } } // Get base info from imdb or tvdb if (!mediaFile.isTVShow()) { super.scan(mediaFile); } else { tvdb.scan(mediaFile); } // Let's replace dash (-) by space ( ) in Title. //name.replace(titleDivider, " "); dash = name.indexOf(titleDivider); if (dash != -1) { if (titleLeader.equals(ENGLISH)) { name = name.substring(0, dash); } else { name = name.substring(dash); } } kinopoiskId = getKinopoiskId(mediaFile, name, year, mediaFile.getSeason()); mediaFile.setId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, kinopoiskId); // } else { // If ID is specified in NFO, set original title to unknown // mediaFile.setTitle(Movie.UNKNOWN); } if (StringTools.isValidString(kinopoiskId)) { // Replace some movie data by data from Kinopoisk retval = updateKinopoiskMediaInfo(mediaFile, kinopoiskId); } return retval; } @Override public boolean scanNFO(String nfo, Movie movie) { boolean result = false; LOG.debug("Scanning NFO for Kinopoisk Id"); int beginIndex = nfo.indexOf(""); StringTokenizer st = null; if (beginIndex != -1) { st = new StringTokenizer(nfo.substring(beginIndex + 26), "/"); } else { beginIndex = nfo.indexOf(""); if (beginIndex != -1) { st = new StringTokenizer(nfo.substring(beginIndex + 18), "/"); } } if (st != null) { movie.setId(KinopoiskPlugin.KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, st.nextToken()); LOG.debug("Kinopoisk Id found in nfo = {}", movie.getId(KinopoiskPlugin.KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)); result = true; } else { LOG.debug("No Kinopoisk Id found in nfo !"); } super.scanNFO(nfo, movie); return result; } public String getKinopoiskId(Movie movie) { String kinopoiskId = movie.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (StringTools.isNotValidString(kinopoiskId)) { int season = movie.getSeason(); String name = movie.getOriginalTitle(); String year = movie.getYear(); int dash = name.indexOf(titleDivider); if (dash > -1) { name = titleLeader.equals(ENGLISH) ? name.substring(0, dash) : name.substring(dash); } getKinopoiskId(movie, name, year, season); } return kinopoiskId; } public String getKinopoiskId(Movie movie, String name, String year, int season) { String kinopoiskId = movie.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (StringTools.isNotValidString(kinopoiskId)) { kinopoiskId = getKinopoiskId(name, year, season); if (StringTools.isValidString(year) && StringTools.isNotValidString(kinopoiskId)) { // Search for year +/-1, since the year is not always correct int tmpYear = NumberUtils.toInt(year, -1); if (tmpYear > -1) { kinopoiskId = getKinopoiskId(name, Integer.toString(tmpYear - 1) + "-" + Integer.toString(tmpYear + 1), season); if (StringTools.isNotValidString(kinopoiskId)) { // Trying without specifying the year kinopoiskId = getKinopoiskId(name, Movie.UNKNOWN, season); } } } } return kinopoiskId; } /** * Retrieve Kinopoisk matching the specified movie name and year. This routine is base on a Google request. * * @param movieName * @param year * @param season * @return */ public String getKinopoiskId(String movieName, String year, int season) { try { String kinopoiskId; String sb = movieName; // Unaccenting letters sb = Normalizer.normalize(sb, Normalizer.Form.NFD); sb = sb.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""); sb = "&m_act[find]=" + URLEncoder.encode(sb, "UTF-8").replace(" ", "+"); if (season != -1) { sb = sb + "&m_act[content_find]=serial"; } else if (StringTools.isValidString(year)) { if (year.indexOf('-') > -1) { String[] years = year.split("-"); sb = sb + "&m_act[from_year]=" + years[0]; sb = sb + "&m_act[to_year]=" + years[1]; } else { sb = sb + "&m_act[year]=" + year; } } sb = "[from]=forma&m_act[what]=content" + sb; String xml = httpClient.request(sb, CHARSET); // Checking for zero results if (!xml.contains("class=\"search_results\"")) { // Checking direct movie page if (xml.contains("class=\"moviename-big\"")) { return HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "id_film = ", ";"); } return Movie.UNKNOWN; } // Checking if we got the movie page directly int beginIndex = xml.indexOf("id_film = "); if (beginIndex == -1) { // It's search results page, searching a link to the movie page beginIndex = xml.indexOf("class=\"search_results\""); if (beginIndex == -1) { return Movie.UNKNOWN; } beginIndex = xml.indexOf("/level/1/film/", beginIndex); if (beginIndex == -1) { return Movie.UNKNOWN; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(xml.substring(beginIndex + 14), "/\""); kinopoiskId = st.nextToken(); } else { // It's the movie page StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(xml.substring(beginIndex + 10), ";"); kinopoiskId = st.nextToken(); } if (StringTools.isValidString(kinopoiskId) && StringUtils.isNumeric(kinopoiskId)) { return kinopoiskId; } } catch (IOException error) { LOG.error("Failed retreiving Kinopoisk Id for movie : {}", movieName); LOG.error("Error : {}", error.getMessage()); } return Movie.UNKNOWN; } private static boolean getCertification(Movie movie, String xml, String open, String close, String begin, String end, String key) { boolean certificationFounded = false; for (String mpaaTag : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, open, close, begin, end)) { int pos = mpaaTag.indexOf(key); if (pos != -1) { int start = pos + key.length(); pos = mpaaTag.indexOf("\"", start); if (pos != -1) { mpaaTag = mpaaTag.substring(start, pos); movie.setCertification(mpaaTag, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); certificationFounded = true; } } break; } return certificationFounded; } /** * Scan Kinopoisk html page for the specified movie */ private boolean updateKinopoiskMediaInfo(Movie movie, String kinopoiskId) { try { String originalTitle = movie.getTitle(); String newTitle = originalTitle; String xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId, CHARSET); boolean etalonFlag = kinopoiskId.equals(etalonId); // Work-around for issue #649 xml = xml.replace("…", "…"); xml = xml.replace("—", "—"); // Title boolean overrideTitle = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteTitle(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (overrideTitle || etalonFlag) { newTitle = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "class=\"moviename-big\" itemprop=\"name\">", 0, "</"); if (StringTools.isValidString(newTitle)) { if (overrideTitle) { int i = newTitle.indexOf("(?"); if (i >= 0) { newTitle = newTitle.substring(0, i); movie.setMovieType(Movie.TYPE_TVSHOW); } newTitle = newTitle.replace('\u00A0', ' ').trim(); if (movie.getSeason() != -1) { newTitle = newTitle + ", ? " + movie.getSeason(); } // Original title originalTitle = newTitle; for (String s : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "class=\"moviename-big\" itemprop=\"name\">", "</span>", "itemprop=\"alternativeHeadline\">", "</span>")) { if (!s.isEmpty()) { originalTitle = s; if (joinTitles) { newTitle = newTitle + Movie.SPACE_SLASH_SPACE + originalTitle; } } break; } } else { newTitle = originalTitle; } } else { if (etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "movie title"); } newTitle = originalTitle; } } // Plot if (OverrideTools.checkOverwritePlot(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { StringBuilder plot = new StringBuilder(); for (String subPlot : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<span class=\"_reachbanner_\"", "</span>", "", "<")) { if (!subPlot.isEmpty()) { if (plot.length() > 0) { plot.append(" "); } plot.append(subPlot); } } movie.setPlot(plot.toString(), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (etalonFlag && (plot.length() == 0)) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "plot"); } } boolean valueFounded = false; boolean genresFounded = false; boolean certificationFounded = false; boolean countryFounded = false; boolean yearFounded = false; boolean runtimeFounded = false; boolean taglineFounded = false; boolean releaseFounded = false; for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<table class=\"info\">", "</table>", "<tr", "</tr>")) { item = "<tr>" + item + "</tr>"; // Genres if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteGenres(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { LinkedList<String> newGenres = new LinkedList<>(); boolean innerGenresFound = false; for (String genre : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", "</tr>", "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bgenre%5D/", "</a>")) { innerGenresFound = true; genre = genre.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + genre.substring(1, genre.length()); if ("".equalsIgnoreCase(genre)) { newGenres.addFirst(genre); } else { newGenres.add(genre); } } if (innerGenresFound) { // Limit genres count int maxGenres = 9; try { maxGenres = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("genres.max", 9); } catch (Exception ignore) { // } while (newGenres.size() > maxGenres) { newGenres.removeLast(); } movie.setGenres(newGenres, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); genresFounded = true; } } // Certification from MPAA if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteCertification(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { if (!certificationFounded) { certificationFounded = getCertification(movie, item, "> MPAA<", "</tr>", "<a href=\"/film", "</a>", "alt=\" "); } if (!certificationFounded || russianCertification) { certificationFounded |= getCertification(movie, item, ">?<", "</tr>", "<td style=\"color", "</span>", "ageLimit "); } } // Country if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteCountry(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { Collection<String> scraped = HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</tr>", "a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bcountry%5D/", "</a>"); if (scraped != null && !scraped.isEmpty()) { List<String> countries = new ArrayList<>(); for (String country : scraped) { if (translitCountry) { country = FileTools.makeSafeFilename(country); } countries.add(country); if (!countryAll) { // just first country, so break here break; } } movie.setCountries(countries, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); countryFounded = true; } } // Year if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteYear(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { for (String year : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", "</tr>", "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Byear%5D/", "</a>")) { movie.setYear(year, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); yearFounded = true; break; } } // Run time if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteRuntime(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID) || etalonFlag) { for (String runtime : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</tr>", "<td", "</td>")) { if (runtime.contains("<span")) { runtime = runtime.substring(0, runtime.indexOf("<span")); } movie.setRuntime(runtime, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); runtimeFounded = true; break; } } // Tagline if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteTagline(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { for (String tagline : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</tr>", "<td ", "</td>")) { if (tagline.length() > 0) { movie.setTagline(tagline.replace("\u00AB", "\"").replace("\u00BB", "\""), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); taglineFounded = true; break; } } } // Release date if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteReleaseDate(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { String releaseDate = ""; for (String release : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "> ()<", "</tr>", "<a href=\"/film/", "</a>")) { releaseDate = release; releaseFounded = true; break; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(releaseDate)) { for (String release : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "> ()<", "</tr>", "<a href=\"/film/", "</a>")) { releaseDate = release; releaseFounded = true; break; } } movie.setReleaseDate(releaseDate, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); } } if (etalonFlag) { if (!genresFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "genres"); } if (!certificationFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "certification"); } if (!countryFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "country"); } if (!yearFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "year"); } if (!runtimeFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "runtime"); } if (!taglineFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "tagline"); } if (!releaseFounded) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "release"); } } // Rating if (!nfoRating) { valueFounded = false; for (String rating : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<a href=\"/film/" + kinopoiskId + "/votes/\"", "</a>", "<span", "</span>")) { int kinopoiskRating = StringTools.parseRating(rating); movie.addRating(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, kinopoiskRating); valueFounded = true; break; } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "rating"); } int imdbRating = movie.getRating(IMDB_PLUGIN_ID); if (imdbRating == -1 || etalonFlag) { // Get IMDB rating from kinopoisk page String rating = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, ">IMDb:", 0, " ("); valueFounded = false; if (StringTools.isValidString(rating)) { imdbRating = StringTools.parseRating(rating); movie.addRating(IMDB_PLUGIN_ID, imdbRating); valueFounded = true; } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "IMDB rating"); } } } // Top250 if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteTop250(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { movie.setTop250(HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "<a href=\"/level/20/#", 0, "\""), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); } // Poster String posterURL = movie.getPosterURL(); if (StringTools.isNotValidString(posterURL) || (!nfoPoster && poster) || etalonFlag) { valueFounded = false; if (poster || etalonFlag) { String previousURL = posterURL; posterURL = Movie.UNKNOWN; // Load page with all poster String wholeArts = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/posters/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) { if (wholeArts.contains("<table class=\"fotos")) { String picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts, "src=\"", 0, "\""); if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) { posterURL = "" + picture; valueFounded = true; } } } if (StringTools.isNotValidString(posterURL)) { posterURL = previousURL; } if (StringTools.isValidString(posterURL)) { movie.setPosterURL(posterURL); movie.setPosterFilename(movie.getBaseName() + ".jpg"); LOG.debug("Set poster URL to {} for {}", posterURL, movie.getBaseName()); } } if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movie.getPosterURL())) { if (overrideTitle) { movie.setTitle(originalTitle, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); } // Removing Poster info from plugins. Use of PosterScanner routine instead. // movie.setPosterURL(locatePosterURL(movie, "")); } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "poster"); } } // Fanart String fanURL = movie.getFanartURL(); if (StringTools.isNotValidString(fanURL) || (!nfoFanart && (fanArt || kadr)) || etalonFlag || fanURL.contains("originalnull")) { valueFounded = false; try { String previousURL = fanURL; fanURL = Movie.UNKNOWN; // Load page with all wallpaper String wholeArts = httpClient.request("" + kinopoiskId + "/wall/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) { if (wholeArts.contains("<table class=\"fotos")) { String picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts, "src=\"", 0, ".jpg"); if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) { if (picture.contains("_")) { picture = picture.substring(0, picture.indexOf('_')); } String size = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts, "<u><a href=\"/picture/" + picture + "/w_size/", 0, "/"); wholeArts = httpClient.request( "" + picture + "/w_size/" + size, CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) { picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts, "src=\"http://st-im.kinopoisk.r/im/wallpaper/", 0, "\""); if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) { fanURL = "" + picture; valueFounded = true; } } } } } if (kadr && (StringTools.isNotValidString(fanURL) || fanURL.contains("originalnull"))) { // Load page with all videoimage wholeArts = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/stills/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(wholeArts)) { // Looking for photos table int photosInd = wholeArts.indexOf("<table class=\"fotos"); if (photosInd != -1) { String picture = HTMLTools.extractTag(wholeArts, "src=\"", 0, "\""); if (StringTools.isValidString(picture)) { fanURL = "" + picture; valueFounded = true; } } } } if (StringTools.isNotValidString(fanURL)) { fanURL = previousURL; } if (StringTools.isValidString(fanURL)) { movie.setFanartURL(fanURL); movie.setFanartFilename(movie.getBaseName() + fanartToken + "." + fanartExtension); LOG.debug("Set fanart URL to {} for {}", fanURL, movie.getBaseName()); } } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore } } // Studio/Company if (OverrideTools.checkOverwriteCompany(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID)) { xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/studio/", CHARSET); valueFounded = false; if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { Collection<String> studio = new ArrayList<>(); if (xml.contains(">?:<")) { for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">?:<", "</table>", "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bstudio%5D/", "</a>")) { studio.add(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp)); if (!companyAll) { break; } } } if (xml.contains(">:<") && (companyAll || studio.isEmpty())) { for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">:<", "</table>", "<a href=\"/lists/m_act%5Bcompany%5D/", "</a>")) { studio.add(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp)); } } if (!studio.isEmpty()) { movie.setCompany(companyAll ? StringUtils.join(studio, Movie.SPACE_SLASH_SPACE) : new ArrayList<>(studio).get(0), KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); valueFounded = true; } } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "company"); } } // Awards if ((scrapeAwards && !nfoAwards) || etalonFlag) { if (clearAward) { movie.clearAwards(); } xml = httpClient.request("" + kinopoiskId + "/awards/", CHARSET); Collection<AwardEvent> awards = new ArrayList<>(); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { int beginIndex = xml.indexOf("<b><a href=\"/awards/"); if (beginIndex != -1) { for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 width=100%>", "<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />", "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" ", "</table>")) { String name = Movie.UNKNOWN; int year = -1; int won = 0; int nominated = 0; Collection<String> wons = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<String> nominations = new ArrayList<>(); for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "<td height=\"40\" class=\"news\" style=\"padding: 10px\">", "</td>", "<a href=\"/awards/", "</a>")) { int coma = tmp.indexOf(","); name = tmp.substring(0, coma); year = NumberUtils.toInt(tmp.substring(coma + 2, coma + 6)); break; } for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", ":", "(", ")")) { won = NumberUtils.toInt(tmp); break; } if (won > 0) { for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, "><", "</ul>", "<li class=\"trivia\">", "</li>")) { wons.add(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp).replaceAll(" {2,}", " ")); } } for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", ":", "(", ")")) { nominated = NumberUtils.toInt(tmp); break; } if (nominated > 0) { for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(item, ">?<", "</ul>", "<li class=\"trivia\"", "</li>")) { nominations.add(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp).replaceAll(" {2,}", " ")); } } if (StringTools.isValidString(name) && year > 1900 && year < 2020 && (!scrapeWonAwards || (won > 0))) { Award award = new Award(); award.setName(name); award.setYear(year); if (won > 0) { award.setWons(wons); } if (nominated > 0) { award.setNominations(nominations); } AwardEvent event = new AwardEvent(); event.setName(name); event.addAward(award); awards.add(event); } } } } if (!awards.isEmpty()) { movie.setAwards(awards); } else if (etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "award"); } } // Cast enhancement boolean overrideCast = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteActors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); boolean overridePeopleCast = OverrideTools.checkOverwritePeopleActors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); boolean overrideDirectors = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteDirectors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); boolean overridePeopleDirectors = OverrideTools.checkOverwritePeopleDirectors(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); boolean overrideWriters = OverrideTools.checkOverwriteWriters(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); boolean overridePeopleWriters = OverrideTools.checkOverwritePeopleWriters(movie, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (overrideCast || overridePeopleCast || overrideDirectors || overridePeopleDirectors || overrideWriters || overridePeopleWriters || etalonFlag) { xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/cast", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { if (overrideDirectors || overridePeopleDirectors || etalonFlag) { int count = scanMoviePerson(movie, xml, "director", directorMax, overrideDirectors, overridePeopleDirectors); if (etalonFlag && count == 0) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "directors"); } } if (overrideWriters || overridePeopleWriters || etalonFlag) { int count = scanMoviePerson(movie, xml, "writer", writerMax, overrideWriters, overridePeopleWriters); if (etalonFlag && count == 0) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "writers"); } } if (overrideCast || overridePeopleCast || etalonFlag) { int count = scanMoviePerson(movie, xml, "actor", actorMax, overrideCast, overridePeopleCast); if (etalonFlag && count == 0) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "cast"); } } Collection<Filmography> outcast = new ArrayList<>(); for (Filmography p : movie.getPeople()) { if (StringTools.isNotValidString(p.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID))) { outcast.add(p); } } for (Filmography p : outcast) { movie.removePerson(p); } } } // Business if (scrapeBusiness || etalonFlag) { xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/box/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { valueFounded = false; for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">:<", "</table>", "<font color=\"#ff6600\"", "</h3>")) { if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp)) { tmp = tmp.replaceAll("\u00A0", ",").replaceAll(",$", ""); if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp) && !"--".equals(tmp)) { movie.setBudget(tmp); valueFounded = true; break; } } } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business: summary"); } valueFounded = false; for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "> -? (?)<", "</table>", "<h3 style=\"font-size: 18px; margin: 0; padding: 0;color:#f60\"", "</h3>")) { if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp)) { tmp = tmp.replaceAll("\u00A0", ",").replaceAll(",$", ""); if (StringTools.isValidString(tmp) && !"--".equals(tmp)) { movie.setOpenWeek("USA", tmp); valueFounded = true; break; } } } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business: first weekend"); } valueFounded = false; for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, ">?? ?<", "</table>", "<tr><td colspan=2", "</h3>")) { tmp += "</h3>"; String country = HTMLTools.extractTag(tmp, ">", ":"); if (StringTools.isValidString(country)) { String money = HTMLTools .removeHtmlTags("<h3 " + HTMLTools.extractTag(tmp, "<h3 ", "</h3>")) .replaceAll("\u00A0", ",").replaceAll(",$", ""); if (!"--".equals(money)) { movie.setGross( " ??" .equals(country) ? "Russia" : " ?".equals(country) ? "USA" : " ?".equals(country) ? "Worldwide" : " ?".equals( country) ? "Others" : country, money); valueFounded = true; } } } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business: gross"); } } else if (etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "business"); } } // Did You Know if (scrapeTrivia || etalonFlag) { if (clearTrivia) { movie.clearDidYouKnow(); } if (etalonFlag && triviaMax == 0) { triviaMax = 1; } if (triviaMax != 0) { xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/view_info/ok/#trivia", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { int i = 0; for (String tmp : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "> , ...<", "</ul>", "<li class=\"trivia", "</li>")) { if (i < triviaMax || triviaMax == -1) { movie.addDidYouKnow(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(tmp)); valueFounded = true; i++; } else { break; } } } } if (!valueFounded && etalonFlag) { LOG.error(SITE_DESIGN, "trivia"); } } // Finally set title if (overrideTitle) { movie.setTitle(newTitle, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); } } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException error) { LOG.error("Failed retreiving movie data from Kinopoisk : {}", kinopoiskId); LOG.error(SystemTools.getStackTrace(error)); } return true; } private int scanMoviePerson(Movie movie, String xml, String mode, int personMax, boolean overrideNormal, boolean overridePeople) { int count = 0; boolean clearList = Boolean.TRUE; if (personMax > 0 && -1 != xml.indexOf("<a name=\"" + mode + "\">")) { for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<a name=\"" + mode + "\">", "<a name=\"", "<div class=\"dub ", "<div class=\"clear\"></div> </div> <div class=\"clear\"></div>")) { String name = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, "<div class=\"name\"><a href=\"/name/", "</a>"); int beginIndex = name.indexOf("/\">"); String personID = name.substring(0, beginIndex); name = name.substring(beginIndex + 3); String origName = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, "<span class=\"gray\">", "</span>") .replace('\u00A0', ' ').trim(); beginIndex = origName.indexOf(" ("); if (beginIndex > -1) { origName = origName.substring(0, beginIndex); } if (StringTools.isNotValidString(origName)) { origName = name; } String role = Movie.UNKNOWN; String dubler = Movie.UNKNOWN; if ("actor".equals(mode)) { role = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, "<div class=\"role\">", "</div>").replaceAll("^\\.+\\s", "") .replaceAll("\\s.$", ""); if (item.contains("<div class=\"dubInfo\">")) { dubler = HTMLTools.extractTag( HTMLTools.extractTag(item, "<div class=\"dubInfo\">", "</span>"), "<div class=\"name\"><a href=\"/name/", "</a>"); dubler = dubler.substring(dubler.indexOf("/\">") + 3); } } count++; // NOTE: kinopoisk just enhances people informations, but don't overwrite them if (overridePeople) { boolean found = false; for (Filmography p : movie.getPeople()) { if (p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(origName) && p.getJob().equalsIgnoreCase(mode)) { p.setId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, personID); p.setTitle(name); p.setCharacter(role); p.setDoublage(dubler); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { switch (mode) { case "actor": movie.addActor(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID + ":" + personID, origName + ":" + name, role, NAME_URL + personID + "/", dubler, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); break; case "director": movie.addDirector(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID + ":" + personID, origName + ":" + name, NAME_URL + personID + "/", KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); break; case "writer": movie.addWriter(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID + ":" + personID, origName + ":" + name, NAME_URL + personID + "/", KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); break; default: break; } } } if (overrideNormal) { switch (mode) { case "actor": if (clearList) { movie.clearCast(); clearList = Boolean.FALSE; } movie.addActor(translateName ? name : origName, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); break; case "director": if (clearList) { movie.clearDirectors(); clearList = Boolean.FALSE; } movie.addDirector(translateName ? name : origName, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); break; case "writer": if (clearList) { movie.clearWriters(); clearList = Boolean.FALSE; } movie.addWriter(translateName ? name : origName, KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); break; default: break; } } if (count == personMax) { break; } } } return count; } @Override public boolean scan(Person person) { String kinopoiskId = person.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); if (StringTools.isNotValidString(kinopoiskId)) { kinopoiskId = getKinopoiskPersonId(person.getName(), person.getJob()); person.setId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, kinopoiskId); } boolean retval = super.scan(person); if (StringTools.isValidString(kinopoiskId)) { retval = updateKinopoiskPersonInfo(person); } return retval; } private boolean updateKinopoiskPersonInfo(Person person) { String kinopoiskId = person.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); boolean returnStatus = false; try { String xml = httpClient.request(NAME_URL + kinopoiskId + "/view_info/ok/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { if (StringTools.isNotValidString(person.getName())) { person.setName(HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "<span style=\"font-size:13px;color:#666\">", "</span>")); } person.setTitle(HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "<h1 style=\"padding:0px;margin:0px\" class=\"moviename-big\">", "</h1>")); String date = Movie.UNKNOWN; if (xml.contains("<td class=\"birth\"")) { String bd = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "<td class=\"birth\"", "</td>"); if (StringTools.isValidString(bd) && bd.contains("</a>")) { bd = HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(bd).replaceAll("^[^>]*>", ""); if (bd.indexOf('') > -1) { bd = bd.substring(0, bd.indexOf('')).replace(",", "").trim(); } if (StringTools.isValidString(bd)) { date = bd; } } } if (xml.contains("> ?</td><td>")) { String dd = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, "> ?</td><td>", "</td>"); if (StringTools.isValidString(dd)) { dd = HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(dd); dd = dd.substring(0, dd.indexOf('')).replace(",", "").trim(); if (StringTools.isValidString(dd)) { date += "/" + dd; } } } if (StringTools.isValidString(date)) { person.setYear(date); } if (xml.contains(">? ?</td><td>")) { String bp = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, ">? ?</td><td>", "</td>"); if (StringTools.isValidString(bp)) { bp = HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(bp); if (StringTools.isValidString(bp) && !"-".equals(bp)) { person.setBirthPlace(bp); } } } String km = HTMLTools.extractTag(xml, ">? </td><td>", "</td>"); if (StringTools.isValidString(km)) { person.setKnownMovies(Integer.parseInt(km)); } StringBuilder bio = new StringBuilder(); for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<ul class=\"trivia\"", "</ul>", "<li class=\"trivia\"", "</li>")) { bio.append(HTMLTools.removeHtmlTags(item).replaceAll("\u0097", "-")).append(" "); } if (StringTools.isValidString(bio.toString())) { person.setBiography(StringTools.trimToLength(bio.toString(), biographyLength)); } if (xml.contains("" + kinopoiskId + ".jpg") && StringTools.isNotValidString(person.getPhotoURL())) { person.setPhotoURL("" + kinopoiskId + ".jpg"); } if (xml.contains("/film/" + kinopoiskId + "/cast/") && StringTools.isNotValidString(person.getBackdropURL())) { xml = httpClient.request(FILM_URL + kinopoiskId + "/cast/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { String size = Movie.UNKNOWN; if (xml.contains("/w_size/1600/")) { size = "1600"; } else if (xml.contains("/w_size/1280/")) { size = "1280"; } else if (xml.contains("/w_size/1024/")) { size = "1024"; } if (StringTools.isValidString(size)) { String id = xml.substring(xml.indexOf("/w_size/" + size + "/") - 25, xml.indexOf("/w_size/" + size + "/")); id = id.substring(id.indexOf("/picture/") + 9); xml = httpClient.request("" + id + "/w_size/" + size + "/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { int beginInx = xml.indexOf(""); if (beginInx > -1) { person.setBackdropURL(xml.substring(beginInx, xml.indexOf("\"", beginInx))); } } } } } } if (!"imdb".equals(preferredRating)) { xml = httpClient.request(NAME_URL + kinopoiskId + "/sort/rating/", CHARSET); if (StringTools.isValidString(xml)) { Map<Float, Filmography> newFilmography = new TreeMap<>(); for (String block : HTMLTools.extractTags(xml, "<center><div style='position: relative' ></div></center>", "<tr><td><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></td></tr>", "<tr><td colspan=3 height=4><spacer type=block height=4></td></tr>", "</div> </td></tr>")) { String job = HTMLTools.extractTag(block, "<div style=\"padding-left: 9px\" id=\"", "\">"); if (Filmography.JOB_PRODUCER.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_PRODUCER); } else if (Filmography.JOB_DIRECTOR.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_DIRECTOR); } else if (Filmography.JOB_WRITER.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_WRITER); } else if (Filmography.JOB_ACTOR.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_ACTOR); } else if (Filmography.JOB_EDITOR.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_EDITOR); } else if ("himself".equals(job) || "herself".equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_THEMSELVES); } else if (Filmography.JOB_DESIGN.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_DESIGN); } else if (Filmography.JOB_OPERATOR.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_OPERATOR); } else if (Filmography.JOB_COMPOSER.equals(job)) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_MUSIC); } else if (job.contains("_titr_")) { StringUtils.capitalize(Filmography.JOB_ACTOR); } if (!jobsInclude.contains(job)) { continue; } for (String item : HTMLTools.extractTags(block + "endmarker", "<tr><td colspan=3 style=\"padding-left:20px\">", "endmarker", "<div class=\"item\">", "</div></div>")) { String id = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, " href=\"/level/1/film/", "/\""); String url = "" + id + "/"; String title = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, " href=\"/level/1/film/" + id + "/\"", "</a>").replaceAll("[^>]*>", "").replaceAll("\u00A0", " ").trim(); if (skipTV && (title.contains(" (?)") || title.contains(" ()"))) { continue; } else if (skipV && title.contains(" ()")) { continue; } String year = Movie.UNKNOWN; if (title.lastIndexOf('(') > -1) { year = HTMLTools.extractTag(title.substring(title.lastIndexOf('(')), "(", ")"); title = title.replace("(" + year + ")", "").trim(); } String name = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, "<span class=\"role\">", "</span>").replaceAll("\u00A0", " ").trim(); String character = Movie.UNKNOWN; if (name.contains("... ")) { String[] names = name.split("\\.\\.\\. "); name = names[0].trim(); if ("Actor".equals(job)) { character = names[1]; } } if (title.endsWith(", The")) { title = "The " + title.replace(", The", ""); } if (StringTools.isNotValidString(name)) { name = title; } else if (name.endsWith(", The")) { name = "The " + name.replace(", The", ""); } String ratingStr = HTMLTools.extractTag(item, "<div class=\"rating\"><a href=\"", "</a>").replaceAll("[^>]*>", ""); int rating = StringTools.parseRating(ratingStr); float key = 101F - (rating + NumberUtils.toFloat("0." + id)); if (newFilmography.get(key) == null) { Filmography film = new Filmography(); film.setId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, id); film.setName(title); film.setTitle(name); film.setOriginalTitle(name); film.setYear(year); film.setJob(job); film.setCharacter(character); film.setDepartment(); film.setRating(Integer.toString(rating)); film.setUrl(url); newFilmography.put(key, film); } } } if (!newFilmography.isEmpty()) { if ((!person.getFilmography().isEmpty()) && ("combine".equals(preferredRating) || "average".equals(preferredRating))) { for (Filmography film : person.getFilmography()) { String name = film.getName().replace("", "").replace("?", "").trim(); String title = film.getTitle().replace("", "").replace("?", "").trim(); String originalTitle = film.getOriginalTitle().replace("", "").replace("?", "").trim(); for (Filmography f : newFilmography.values()) { String name2 = f.getName().replace("", "").replace("?", "").replace(": ? 1 ", ": ? I").replace(": ? 2 ", ": ? II").replace(": ? 3 ", ": ? III").replace(": ? 4 ", ": ? IV").replace(": ? 5 ", ": ? V").replace(": ? 6 ", ": ? VI").replace(": ? 7 ", ": ? VII").replace(": ? 8 ", ": ? VIII").replace(": ? 9 ", ": ? IX").replace(": ? 10 ", ": ? X").trim(); String title2 = f.getTitle().replace("", "").replace("?", "").replace(": ? 1 ", ": ? I").replace(": ? 2 ", ": ? II").replace(": ? 3 ", ": ? III").replace(": ? 4 ", ": ? IV").replace(": ? 5 ", ": ? V").replace(": ? 6 ", ": ? VI").replace(": ? 7 ", ": ? VII").replace(": ? 8 ", ": ? VIII").replace(": ? 9 ", ": ? IX").replace(": ? 10 ", ": ? X").trim(); String originalTitle2 = f.getOriginalTitle().replace("", "").replace("?", "").replace(": ? 1 ", ": ? I").replace(": ? 2 ", ": ? II").replace(": ? 3 ", ": ? III").replace(": ? 4 ", ": ? IV").replace(": ? 5 ", ": ? V").replace(": ? 6 ", ": ? VI").replace(": ? 7 ", ": ? VII").replace(": ? 8 ", ": ? VIII").replace(": ? 9 ", ": ? IX").replace(": ? 10 ", ": ? X").trim(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(name2) || name2.equalsIgnoreCase(title) || name2.equalsIgnoreCase(originalTitle) || title2.equalsIgnoreCase(name2) || title2.equalsIgnoreCase(title) || title2.equalsIgnoreCase(originalTitle) || originalTitle2.equalsIgnoreCase(name2) || originalTitle2.equalsIgnoreCase(title) || originalTitle2.equalsIgnoreCase(originalTitle)) { String id = f.getId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID); film.setId(KINOPOISK_PLUGIN_ID, id); film.setName(f.getName()); film.setTitle(f.getTitle()); film.setOriginalTitle(f.getOriginalTitle()); film.setYear(f.getYear()); film.setJob(f.getJob()); film.setCharacter(f.getCharacter()); film.setDepartment(); film.setRating(Integer.toString((int) ("combine".equals(preferredRating) ? (NumberUtils.toFloat(f.getRating()) * 1000 + NumberUtils.toFloat(film.getRating())) : ((NumberUtils.toFloat(film.getRating()) + NumberUtils.toFloat(f.getRating())) / 2)))); film.setUrl(f.getUrl()); } } } } else if ("kinopoisk".equals(preferredRating) || (person.getFilmography().isEmpty())) { person.setFilmography(new ArrayList<>(newFilmography.values())); } } } } returnStatus = true; } catch (IOException | NumberFormatException error) { LOG.error("Failed retreiving KinopoiskPlugin data for person: {}", kinopoiskId); LOG.error(SystemTools.getStackTrace(error)); } return returnStatus; } private String getKinopoiskPersonId(String person, String mode) { String personId = Movie.UNKNOWN; try { String sb = person; sb = sb.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""); sb = "&m_act[find]=" + URLEncoder.encode(sb, "UTF-8").replace(" ", "+"); for (int step = 0; step < 3 && StringTools.isNotValidString(personId); step++) { String xml = httpClient .request("[from]=forma" + (step < 2 ? ("&m_act[what]=actor") : "") + sb + (step == 0 ? ("&m_act[work]=" + mode) : ""), CHARSET); // Checking for zero results int beginIndex = xml.indexOf("class=\"search_results\""); if (beginIndex > 0) { // Checking if we got the person page directly int beginInx = xml.indexOf("id_actor = "); if (beginInx == -1) { // It's search results page, searching a link to the person page beginIndex = xml.indexOf("/name/", beginIndex); if (beginIndex != -1) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(xml.substring(beginIndex + 16), "/"); personId = st.nextToken(); } } else { // It's the person page StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(xml.substring(beginInx + 11), ";"); personId = st.nextToken(); } } } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Error : {}", ex.getMessage(), ex); } return personId; } }