List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList addFirst
public void addFirst(E e)
From source
public synchronized void FullSync() { printMessage("disabling listener"); disableDirListener(); // hack while incoming set gets figured out setStatus(ClientStatus.SYNCING);// www . ja v a 2 s .com printMessage("Full sync started " +; // TODO: if lastSysc is 0 or bogus, favoror file creations over deletions // TODO: update all time comparisons to respect server/client time differences populateLocalFileList(); boolean listReturned = serverDiscussion(Common.Signal.requestServerFileList, Common.Signal.requestServerFileList_response, null); if (!listReturned) { printErrorExit("requestServerFileList did not return in time"); } System.out.println("comparing C=" + C.size() + " to S=" + S.size()); LinkedList<MyFile> SendToServer = new LinkedList<MyFile>(); // strange case = when there is the same name item but it is a file on the client and dir on server for (String name : C.keySet()) { MyFile c = C.get(name); if (S.containsKey(name)) { MyFile s = S.get(name); // if it is not a directory and the times are different, compare times if (!(new File(localDir + "/" + name)).isDirectory() && c.modtime != s.modtime) { System.out .println(name + " " + lastSync + " c.modtime=" + c.modtime + " s.modtime=" + s.modtime); if (c.modtime > lastSync) { if (s.modtime > lastSync) { System.out.println(name + " = conflict type 1"); } else { System.out.println(name + " = transfer from client to server 1"); SendToServer.addFirst(c); } } else { if (s.modtime > c.modtime) { System.out.println(name + " = transfer from server to client 1"); requestFile(; } else { System.out.println(name + " = conflict type 2"); } } } S.remove(name); } else { if (c.modtime > lastSync) { if ((new File(localDir + "/" + name)).isDirectory()) { System.out.println(name + " = create directory on server"); createDirectoryOnServer(name); } else { System.out.println(name + " = transfer from client to server 2"); SendToServer.addFirst(c); } } else { if ((new File(localDir + "/" + name)).isDirectory()) { System.out.println(name + " = remove directory on client"); Common.deleteLocalDirectory(new File(localDir + "/" + name)); } else { System.out.println(name + " = remove from client"); Common.deleteLocal(localDir + "/" + name); } } } } for (String name : S.keySet()) { // which is now S-C MyFile s = S.get(name); if (s.modtime > lastSync) { if (s.type.equals("directory")) { System.out.println(name + " = create local directory on client"); Common.createLocalDirectory(localDir + "/" + name); } else { System.out.println(name + " = transfer from server to client 2"); requestFile(; } } else { if (s.type.equals("directory")) { System.out.println(name + " = remove directory on server"); deleteOnServer(; } else { System.out.println(name + " = remove from server"); deleteOnServer(; } } } System.out.println("SendToServer"); for (MyFile item : SendToServer) { outQueue.addFirst(item); System.out.println(item); } checkQueue(); updateLastSync(); // TODO: this shoud actually happen after all inbound have finished System.out.println("Setting lasySync to " + lastSync); C.clear(); S.clear(); printMessage("enableing listener since sync is done"); enableDirListener(); printMessage("Sync finished " +; setStatus(ClientStatus.READY); }
From source
/** * Sorts certificate chain from root to leaf. * * This method sorts an array of certificates (e.g. from a PKCS #7 * data) that represents a certificate chain from root to leaf * according to the subject DNs and issuer DNs. * * The input array is a set of certificates that are part of a * chain but not in specific order./* w ww.j av a 2 s.c o m*/ * * The result is a new array that contains the certificate chain * sorted from root to leaf. The input array is unchanged. * * @param certs input array of certificates * @return new array containing sorted certificates */ public static[] sortCertificateChain([] certs) throws Exception { // lookup map: subject DN -> cert Map<String,> certMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // hierarchy map: subject DN -> issuer DN Map<String, String> parentMap = new HashMap<>(); // reverse hierarchy map: issuer DN -> subject DN Map<String, String> childMap = new HashMap<>(); // build maps for ( cert : certs) { String subjectDN = cert.getSubjectDN().toString(); String issuerDN = cert.getIssuerDN().toString(); if (certMap.containsKey(subjectDN)) { throw new Exception("Duplicate certificate: " + subjectDN); } certMap.put(subjectDN, cert); // ignore self-signed certificate if (subjectDN.equals(issuerDN)) continue; if (childMap.containsKey(issuerDN)) { throw new Exception("Branched chain: " + issuerDN); } parentMap.put(subjectDN, issuerDN); childMap.put(issuerDN, subjectDN); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Certificates:"); for (String subjectDN : certMap.keySet()) { logger.debug(" - " + subjectDN); String parent = parentMap.get(subjectDN); if (parent != null) logger.debug(" parent: " + parent); String child = childMap.get(subjectDN); if (child != null) logger.debug(" child: " + child); } } // find leaf cert List<String> leafCerts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String subjectDN : certMap.keySet()) { // if cert has a child, skip if (childMap.containsKey(subjectDN)) continue; // found leaf cert leafCerts.add(subjectDN); } if (leafCerts.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Unable to find leaf certificate"); } if (leafCerts.size() > 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String subjectDN : leafCerts) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("[" + subjectDN + "]"); } throw new Exception("Multiple leaf certificates: " + sb); } // build sorted chain LinkedList<> chain = new LinkedList<>(); // start from leaf String current = leafCerts.get(0); while (current != null) { cert = certMap.get(current); if (cert == null) { // incomplete chain break; } // add to the beginning of chain chain.addFirst(cert); // follow parent to root current = parentMap.get(current); } return chain.toArray(new[chain.size()]); }
From source
public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(final Form form, final Locale locale) { final LinkedList<ResourceBundle> bundles = new LinkedList<ResourceBundle>(); for (String location : this.locations) { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); location = location.replace("${}", (NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_PREFIX + ':' + form.getName())); if (location.startsWith("alfresco:")) { location = location.substring("alfresco:".length()); loader = new ClassLoader(loader) { public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) { LOGGER.debug("loading resource " + name); final ResultSet results = searchService.query(Repository.getStoreRef(), SearchService.LANGUAGE_LUCENE, "PATH:\"" + name + "\""); try { LOGGER.debug("search returned " + results.length() + " results"); if (results.length() == 1) { final NodeRef nr = results.getNodeRef(0); final ContentReader reader = contentService.getReader(nr, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT); return reader.getContentInputStream(); } else { return super.getResourceAsStream(name); }//from www.jav a 2s .co m } finally { results.close(); } } }; } else if (location.startsWith("classpath:")) { location = location.substring("classpath:".length()); } LOGGER.debug("using loader " + loader + " for location " + location); try { final ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(location, locale, loader); LOGGER.debug("found bundle " + rb + " for location " + location); bundles.addFirst(rb); } catch (MissingResourceException mse) { LOGGER.debug("unable to located bundle at " + location + ": " + mse.getMessage()); } } ResourceBundle result = null; for (ResourceBundle rb : bundles) { result = (result == null ? rb : new ResourceBundleWrapper(rb, result)); } return result; }
From source
/** Converts the FSM from a non-deterministic to a deterministic one by * eliminating all the unrestricted transitions. *///from w ww . ja v a2 s. co m void eliminateVoidTransitions() throws TokeniserException { //kalina:clear() faster than init() which is called with init() newStates.clear(); Set<Set<FSMState>> sdStates = new HashSet<Set<FSMState>>(); LinkedList<Set<FSMState>> unmarkedDStates = new LinkedList<Set<FSMState>>(); DFSMState dCurrentState = new DFSMState(this); Set<FSMState> sdCurrentState = new HashSet<FSMState>(); sdCurrentState.add(initialState); sdCurrentState = lambdaClosure(sdCurrentState); newStates.put(sdCurrentState, dCurrentState); sdStates.add(sdCurrentState); //find out if the new state is a final one Iterator<FSMState> innerStatesIter = sdCurrentState.iterator(); String rhs; FSMState currentInnerState; Set<String> rhsClashSet = new HashSet<String>(); boolean newRhs = false; while (innerStatesIter.hasNext()) { currentInnerState =; if (currentInnerState.isFinal()) { rhs = currentInnerState.getRhs(); rhsClashSet.add(rhs); dCurrentState.rhs = rhs; newRhs = true; } } if (rhsClashSet.size() > 1) { Err.println("Warning, rule clash: " + rhsClashSet + "\nSelected last definition: " + dCurrentState.rhs); } if (newRhs) dCurrentState.buildTokenDesc(); rhsClashSet.clear(); unmarkedDStates.addFirst(sdCurrentState); dInitialState = dCurrentState; Set<FSMState> nextSet; while (!unmarkedDStates.isEmpty()) { //Out.println("\n\n=====================" + unmarkedDStates.size()); sdCurrentState = unmarkedDStates.removeFirst(); for (int type = 0; type < maxTypeId; type++) { //Out.print(type); nextSet = new HashSet<FSMState>(); innerStatesIter = sdCurrentState.iterator(); while (innerStatesIter.hasNext()) { currentInnerState =; Set<FSMState> tempSet = currentInnerState.nextSet(type); if (null != tempSet) nextSet.addAll(tempSet); } //while(innerStatesIter.hasNext()) if (!nextSet.isEmpty()) { nextSet = lambdaClosure(nextSet); dCurrentState = newStates.get(nextSet); if (dCurrentState == null) { //we have a new DFSMState dCurrentState = new DFSMState(this); sdStates.add(nextSet); unmarkedDStates.add(nextSet); //check to see whether the new state is a final one innerStatesIter = nextSet.iterator(); newRhs = false; while (innerStatesIter.hasNext()) { currentInnerState =; if (currentInnerState.isFinal()) { rhs = currentInnerState.getRhs(); rhsClashSet.add(rhs); dCurrentState.rhs = rhs; newRhs = true; } } if (rhsClashSet.size() > 1) { Err.println("Warning, rule clash: " + rhsClashSet + "\nSelected last definition: " + dCurrentState.rhs); } if (newRhs) dCurrentState.buildTokenDesc(); rhsClashSet.clear(); newStates.put(nextSet, dCurrentState); } newStates.get(sdCurrentState).put(type, dCurrentState); } // if(!nextSet.isEmpty()) } // for(byte type = 0; type < 256; type++) } // while(!unmarkedDStates.isEmpty()) }
From source
public static TreeSet<String> getAllTokens(String value) { TreeSet<String> blockSet = new TreeSet<String>(); if (Subnet.isValidIP(value)) { String ip = Subnet.normalizeIP(value); if (SET.contains(ip)) { blockSet.add(ip);/*from ww w. j a va2 s . co m*/ } } else if (Subnet.isValidCIDR(value)) { String cidr = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(value); if (CIDR.contains((String) null, cidr)) { blockSet.add(cidr); } TreeSet<String> set = SET.getAll(); for (String ip : set) { if (Subnet.containsIP(cidr, ip)) { blockSet.add(ip); } } for (String ip : set) { if (SubnetIPv6.containsIP(cidr, ip)) { blockSet.add(ip); } } } else if (Domain.isHostname(value)) { LinkedList<String> regexList = new LinkedList<String>(); String host = Domain.normalizeHostname(value, true); do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); if (Block.dropExact('.' + host)) { blockSet.add('.' + host); regexList.addFirst('.' + host); } } while (host.contains(".")); } else if (SET.contains(value)) { blockSet.add(value); } return blockSet; }
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/** * Find the differences between two texts. Simplifies the problem by * stripping any common prefix or suffix off the texts before diffing. * * @param list1 Old string to be diffed. * @param list2 New string to be diffed. * @param checklines Speedup flag. If false, then don't run a * line-level diff first to identify the changed areas. * If true, then run a faster slightly less optimal diff. * @param deadline Time when the diff should be complete by. Used * internally for recursive calls. Users should set DiffTimeout instead. * @return Linked List of Diff objects.//ww w .j av a 2 s .co m */ private LinkedList<Diff<T>> diff_main(List<T> list1, List<T> list2, boolean checklines, long deadline) { // Check for null inputs. if (list1 == null || list2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null inputs. (diff_main)"); } // Check for equality (speedup). LinkedList<Diff<T>> diffs; if (list1.equals(list2)) { diffs = new LinkedList<Diff<T>>(); if (list1.size() != 0) { diffs.add(new Diff<T>(Operation.EQUAL, list1)); } return diffs; } // Trim off common prefix (speedup). int commonlength = diff_commonPrefix(list1, list2); List<T> commonprefix = list1.subList(0, commonlength); list1 = list1.subList(commonlength, list1.size()); list2 = list2.subList(commonlength, list2.size()); // Trim off common suffix (speedup). commonlength = diff_commonSuffix(list1, list2); List<T> commonsuffix = list1.subList(list1.size() - commonlength, list1.size()); list1 = list1.subList(0, list1.size() - commonlength); list2 = list2.subList(0, list2.size() - commonlength); // Compute the diff on the middle block. diffs = diff_compute(list1, list2, checklines, deadline); // Restore the prefix and suffix. if (commonprefix.size() != 0) { diffs.addFirst(new Diff<T>(Operation.EQUAL, commonprefix)); } if (commonsuffix.size() != 0) { diffs.addLast(new Diff<T>(Operation.EQUAL, commonsuffix)); } diff_cleanupMerge(diffs); return diffs; }
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protected CacheException validate(CIProperties headers, RepositoryNode node, long size) throws CacheException { LinkedList<Pair<String, Exception>> validationFailures = new LinkedList<Pair<String, Exception>>(); // First check actual length = Content-Length header if any long contLen = getContentLength(); if (contLen >= 0 && contLen != size) { Alert alert = Alert.auAlert(Alert.FILE_VERIFICATION, au); alert.setAttribute(Alert.ATTR_URL, getFetchUrl()); String msg = "File size (" + size + ") differs from Content-Length header (" + contLen + "): " + getFetchUrl();// w ww.j a va2 s . c om alert.setAttribute(Alert.ATTR_TEXT, msg); raiseAlert(alert); validationFailures.add(new ImmutablePair(getUrl(), new ContentValidationException.WrongLength(msg))); } // 2nd, empty file if (size == 0) { Exception ex = new ContentValidationException.EmptyFile("Empty file stored"); validationFailures.add(new ImmutablePair(getUrl(), ex)); } // 3rd plugin-supplied ContentValidator. Any // ContentValidationException it throws will take precedence over the // previous (wrong length, empty), but an unexpected exception will not // take precedence. String contentType = getContentType(); ContentValidatorFactory cvfact = au.getContentValidatorFactory(contentType); if (cvfact != null) { ContentValidator cv = cvfact.createContentValidator(au, contentType); if (cv != null) { CachedUrl cu = getTempCachedUrl(headers, size, node); try { cv.validate(cu); } catch (ContentValidationException e) { logger.debug2("Validation error1", e); // Plugin-triggered ContentValidationException goes first validationFailures.addFirst(new ImmutablePair(getUrl(), e)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug2("Validation error2", e); // Unexpected error in validator goes first validationFailures.addFirst( new ImmutablePair(getUrl(), new ContentValidationException.ValidatorExeception(e))); } finally { cu.release(); } } } return firstMappedException(validationFailures); }
From source
private List<BMFileFilter> createFileFilters(String category) { List<FileTypeResolver> resolvers = FileTypeResolverUtils.getTypeResolvers(category); String baseDesc = getCategoryDisplayName(); LinkedList<BMFileFilter> filters = new LinkedList<>(); if (resolvers.isEmpty()) { filters.add(new BMFileFilter(null) { @Override/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . co m*/ public String getShortDescription() { return "UNDEFINED"; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "No resolvers were found for this filetype category"; } }); return filters; } for (FileTypeResolver resolver : resolvers) { filters.add(resolver.getFileFilter()); } List<String> shortDescs = new ArrayList<>(filters.size()); for (BMFileFilter bmff : filters) { shortDescs.add(bmff.getShortDescription()); } Collections.sort(shortDescs); // creating the composite filter for all recognized files StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(baseDesc).append(" ("); sb.append(shortDescs.get(0)); if (shortDescs.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < shortDescs.size(); i++) { sb.append(", ").append(shortDescs.get(i)); } } sb.append(")"); List<IOFileFilter> ioFileFilters = new ArrayList<>(filters.size()); for (BMFileFilter bmff : filters) { ioFileFilters.add(bmff.getFileFilter()); } // add a filter that allows showing directories when "all supported files" option in the filechooser is selected ioFileFilters.add(new BMDirectoryFileFilter().getFileFilter()); OrFileFilter orFileFilter = new OrFileFilter(ioFileFilters); final String allFiltersDesc = sb.toString(); BMFileFilter combinedFilter = new BMFileFilter(orFileFilter) { @Override public String getShortDescription() { return allFiltersDesc; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Any supported file"; } }; filters.addFirst(combinedFilter); return filters; }
From source
/** * Update the band structure by removing or splitting bands from which * the planet would have accreted mass./*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param list The dust list to be updated * @param p The planet being constructed */ protected void updateBands(LinkedList<DustRecord> list, DolePlanetRecord p) { final double min = p.getRMin(); /* minimum and maximum reach of the planet */ final double max = p.getRMax(); final Iterator<DustRecord> i = list.iterator(); List<DustRecord> pendingPrepend = null; while (i.hasNext()) { final DustRecord b =; /* check for trivial rejection */ if ((max < b.getInnerEdge()) || (min > b.getOuterEdge())) { continue; } if (max < b.getOuterEdge()) { if (min > b.getInnerEdge()) { /* interval within band, so split it */ final DustRecord newband = new DustRecord(b.getInnerEdge(), min); b.setInnerEdge(max); if (pendingPrepend == null) { pendingPrepend = new ArrayList<DustRecord>(); } pendingPrepend.add(newband); } else { /* interval overlaps inner edge */ b.setInnerEdge(max); } } else { if (min > b.getInnerEdge()) { /* interval overlaps outer edge */ b.setOuterEdge(min); } else { /* interval contains band, so kill it */ i.remove(); } } } // now add the elements we couldn't because we'd have mucked up the iterator // java list/iterator semantics can be v. annoying sometimes if (pendingPrepend != null) { for (DustRecord newband : pendingPrepend) { list.addFirst(newband); } } }
From source
@Override public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException { Collection<LogicalVariable> joinLiveVarsLeft = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>(); Collection<LogicalVariable> joinLiveVarsRight = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>(); Collection<LogicalVariable> liveInOpsToPushLeft = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>(); Collection<LogicalVariable> liveInOpsToPushRight = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>(); List<ILogicalOperator> pushedOnLeft = new ArrayList<ILogicalOperator>(); List<ILogicalOperator> pushedOnRight = new ArrayList<ILogicalOperator>(); LinkedList<ILogicalOperator> notPushedStack = new LinkedList<ILogicalOperator>(); Collection<LogicalVariable> usedVars = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>(); Collection<LogicalVariable> producedVars = new HashSet<LogicalVariable>(); AbstractLogicalOperator op = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue(); if (op.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.SELECT) { return false; }// w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m SelectOperator select = (SelectOperator) op; Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef2 = op.getInputs().get(0); AbstractLogicalOperator son = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef2.getValue(); AbstractLogicalOperator op2 = son; boolean needToPushOps = false; while (son.isMap()) { needToPushOps = true; Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRefLink = son.getInputs().get(0); son = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRefLink.getValue(); } if (son.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.INNERJOIN && son.getOperatorTag() != LogicalOperatorTag.LEFTOUTERJOIN) { return false; } boolean isLoj = son.getOperatorTag() == LogicalOperatorTag.LEFTOUTERJOIN; AbstractBinaryJoinOperator join = (AbstractBinaryJoinOperator) son; Mutable<ILogicalOperator> joinBranchLeftRef = join.getInputs().get(0); Mutable<ILogicalOperator> joinBranchRightRef = join.getInputs().get(1); if (needToPushOps) { ILogicalOperator joinBranchLeft = joinBranchLeftRef.getValue(); ILogicalOperator joinBranchRight = joinBranchRightRef.getValue(); VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(joinBranchLeft, joinLiveVarsLeft); VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(joinBranchRight, joinLiveVarsRight); Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opIterRef = opRef2; ILogicalOperator opIter = op2; while (opIter != join) { LogicalOperatorTag tag = ((AbstractLogicalOperator) opIter).getOperatorTag(); if (tag == LogicalOperatorTag.PROJECT) { notPushedStack.addFirst(opIter); } else { VariableUtilities.getUsedVariables(opIter, usedVars); VariableUtilities.getProducedVariables(opIter, producedVars); if (joinLiveVarsLeft.containsAll(usedVars)) { pushedOnLeft.add(opIter); liveInOpsToPushLeft.addAll(producedVars); } else if (joinLiveVarsRight.containsAll(usedVars)) { pushedOnRight.add(opIter); liveInOpsToPushRight.addAll(producedVars); } else { return false; } } opIterRef = opIter.getInputs().get(0); opIter = opIterRef.getValue(); } if (isLoj && pushedOnLeft.isEmpty()) { return false; } } boolean intersectsAllBranches = true; boolean[] intersectsBranch = new boolean[join.getInputs().size()]; LinkedList<LogicalVariable> selectVars = new LinkedList<LogicalVariable>(); select.getCondition().getValue().getUsedVariables(selectVars); int i = 0; for (Mutable<ILogicalOperator> branch : join.getInputs()) { LinkedList<LogicalVariable> branchVars = new LinkedList<LogicalVariable>(); VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(branch.getValue(), branchVars); if (i == 0) { branchVars.addAll(liveInOpsToPushLeft); } else { branchVars.addAll(liveInOpsToPushRight); } if (OperatorPropertiesUtil.disjoint(selectVars, branchVars)) { intersectsAllBranches = false; } else { intersectsBranch[i] = true; } i++; } if (!intersectsBranch[0] && !intersectsBranch[1]) { return false; } if (needToPushOps) { pushOps(pushedOnLeft, joinBranchLeftRef, context); pushOps(pushedOnRight, joinBranchRightRef, context); } if (intersectsAllBranches) { addCondToJoin(select, join, context); } else { // push down Iterator<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> branchIter = join.getInputs().iterator(); ILogicalExpression selectCondition = select.getCondition().getValue(); boolean lojToInner = false; for (int j = 0; j < intersectsBranch.length; j++) { Mutable<ILogicalOperator> branch =; boolean inter = intersectsBranch[j]; if (inter) { if (j > 0 && isLoj) { // if a left outer join, if the select condition is not-null filtering, // we rewrite left outer join // to inner join for this case. if (containsNotNullFiltering(selectCondition)) { lojToInner = true; } } if ((j > 0 && isLoj) && containsNullFiltering(selectCondition)) { // Select is-null($$var) cannot be pushed in the right branch of a LOJ; notPushedStack.addFirst(select); } else { // Conditions for the left branch can always be pushed. // Other conditions can be pushed to the right branch of a LOJ. copySelectToBranch(select, branch, context); } } } if (lojToInner) { // Rewrites left outer join to inner join. InnerJoinOperator innerJoin = new InnerJoinOperator(join.getCondition()); innerJoin.getInputs().addAll(join.getInputs()); join = innerJoin; context.computeAndSetTypeEnvironmentForOperator(join); } } ILogicalOperator top = join; for (ILogicalOperator npOp : notPushedStack) { List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> npInpList = npOp.getInputs(); npInpList.clear(); npInpList.add(new MutableObject<ILogicalOperator>(top)); context.computeAndSetTypeEnvironmentForOperator(npOp); top = npOp; } opRef.setValue(top); return true; }