List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList addFirst
public void addFirst(E e)
From source
/** * Gets the full path, or the closest parent id which we don't have in * cache.// w ww.ja v a2 s.c o m * <p> * If {@code fetch} is {@code true}, returns the full path. * <p> * If {@code fetch} is {@code false}, does not touch the mapper, only the * context, therefore may return a missing parent id instead of the path. * * @param fetch {@code true} if we can use the database, {@code false} if * only caches should be used */ public PathAndId getPathOrMissingParentId(SimpleFragment hierFragment, boolean fetch) throws StorageException { LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); Serializable parentId = null; while (true) { String name = hierFragment.getString(Model.HIER_CHILD_NAME_KEY); if (name == null) { // (empty string for normal databases, null for Oracle) name = ""; } list.addFirst(name); parentId = hierFragment.get(Model.HIER_PARENT_KEY); if (parentId == null) { // root break; } // recurse in the parent RowId rowId = new RowId(Model.HIER_TABLE_NAME, parentId); hierFragment = (SimpleFragment) getIfPresent(rowId); if (hierFragment == null) { // try in mapper cache hierFragment = (SimpleFragment) getFromMapper(rowId, false, true); if (hierFragment == null) { if (!fetch) { return new PathAndId(null, parentId); } hierFragment = (SimpleFragment) getFromMapper(rowId, true, false); } } } String path; if (list.size() == 1) { String name = list.peek(); if (name.isEmpty()) { // root, special case path = "/"; } else { // placeless document, no initial slash path = name; } } else { path = StringUtils.join(list, "/"); } return new PathAndId(path, null); }
From source
public final void addToMDPath(final String mdVariant) { if (mdVariant == null) throw new NullPointerException(); synchronized (this) { final LinkedList<String> newL = new LinkedList<String>(this.mdPath); newL.addFirst(mdVariant); this.mdPath = Collections.unmodifiableList(newL); }/*ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ }
From source
public void run() { logger.debug("InboundMessageThread running"); Boolean dbconnected = false;/*from w w w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ if (Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).isConnected(sessionID) == false) { dbconnected = Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).connect(sessionID, hostID); } else { dbconnected = true; } if (dbconnected) { JDBInterfaceLog il = new JDBInterfaceLog(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JeMail mail = new JeMail(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBInterface inter = new JDBInterface(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingMaterialDefinition imd = new IncommingMaterialDefinition(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingProcessOrderStatusChange iposc = new IncommingProcessOrderStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingProductionDeclarationConfirmation ipd = new IncommingProductionDeclarationConfirmation( getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingProcessOrder ipo = new IncommingProcessOrder(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingLocation ilocn = new IncommingLocation(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingPalletStatusChange ipsc = new IncommingPalletStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingPalletMove ipmv = new IncommingPalletMove(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingBatchStatusChange bsc = new IncommingBatchStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingJourney ij = new IncommingJourney(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingInspectionResult iirslt = new IncommingInspectionResult(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingDespatchConfirmation idc = new IncommingDespatchConfirmation(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingQMInspectionRequest iireq = new IncommingQMInspectionRequest(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingMaterialAutoMove imam = new IncommingMaterialAutoMove(getHostID(), getSessionID()); GenericMessageHeader gmh = new GenericMessageHeader(); LinkedList<String> filenames = new LinkedList<String>(); BasicFileAttributes attrs; while (true) { com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(100); if (allDone) { if (dbconnected) { Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).disconnect(getSessionID()); } return; } if (InboundMessageCollectionThread.recoveringFiles == false) { dir = new File(inputPath); chld = dir.listFiles((FileFilter) FileFileFilter.FILE); if (chld == null) { allDone = true; } else { Arrays.sort(chld, LastModifiedFileComparator.LASTMODIFIED_COMPARATOR); filenames.clear(); for (int i = 0; (i < chld.length) & (i < maxfiles); i++) { fileName = chld[i].getName(); try { attrs = Files.readAttributes(chld[i].getAbsoluteFile().toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class); if (attrs.size() > 0) { if (fileName.endsWith(".xml")) { filenames.addFirst(fileName); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(50); } } else { try { chld[i].delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (IOException e) { } } if (filenames.size() > 0) { logger.debug("Begin processing " + String.valueOf(filenames.size()) + " files."); for (int i = filenames.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (allDone) { if (dbconnected) { Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).disconnect(getSessionID()); } return; } fromFile = filenames.get(i); try { logger.debug("<--- START OF PROCESSING " + fromFile + " ---->"); logger.debug("Reading message header : " + inputPath + fromFile); if (gmh.readAddressInfo(inputPath + fromFile, getSessionID()) == true) { messageProcessedOK = true; errorMessage = ""; if (gmh.getInterfaceType().length() == 0) { messageProcessedOK = false; errorMessage = "Unrecognised Commander4j XML message format in file " + fromFile; logger.debug(errorMessage); String datetime = ""; datetime = JUtility .getISOTimeStampStringFormat(JUtility.getSQLDateTime()); gmh.setMessageDate(datetime); gmh.setInterfaceDirection("Unknown"); gmh.setMessageInformation(fromFile); gmh.setInterfaceType("Unknown"); gmh.setMessageRef("Unknown"); } else { if (gmh.getInterfaceDirection().equals("Input") == false) { messageProcessedOK = false; errorMessage = "Inbound message ignored - Interface Direction = " + gmh.getInterfaceDirection(); } else { String interfaceType = gmh.getInterfaceType(); logger.debug("Processing " + interfaceType + " started."); if (interfaceType.equals("Despatch Confirmation") == true) { messageProcessedOK = idc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = idc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Material Definition") == true) { messageProcessedOK = imd.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = imd.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Process Order") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipo.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipo.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Location") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ilocn.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ilocn.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Pallet Status Change") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipsc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipsc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Pallet Move") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipmv.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipmv.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Batch Status Change") == true) { messageProcessedOK = bsc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = bsc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Journey Definition") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ij.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ij.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Process Order Status Change") == true) { messageProcessedOK = iposc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = iposc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Production Declaration") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipd.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipd.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("QM Inspection Request") == true) { messageProcessedOK = iireq.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = iireq.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("QM Inspection Result") == true) { messageProcessedOK = iirslt.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = iirslt.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Material Auto Move") == true) { messageProcessedOK = imam.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = imam.getErrorMessage(); } GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Input", interfaceType, messageProcessedOK.toString()); logger.debug("Processing " + interfaceType + " finished."); } } logger.debug( " === RESULT " + messageProcessedOK.toString() + " ==="); if (messageProcessedOK) { il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusSuccess, "Processed OK", "DB Update", fromFile); reader.deleteFile(backupPath + gmh.getInterfaceType() + File.separator + fromFile); reader.move_FileToDirectory(inputPath + fromFile, backupPath + gmh.getInterfaceType(), true); } else { il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusError, errorMessage, "DB Update", fromFile); if (inter.getInterfaceProperties(gmh.getInterfaceType(), "Input") == true) { if (inter.getEmailError() == true) { String emailaddresses = inter.getEmailAddresses(); StringConverter stringConverter = new StringConverter(); ArrayConverter arrayConverter = new ArrayConverter( String[].class, stringConverter); arrayConverter.setDelimiter(';'); arrayConverter.setAllowedChars(new char[] { '@', '_' }); String[] emailList = (String[]) arrayConverter .convert(String[].class, emailaddresses); if (emailList.length > 0) { String siteName = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()) .getSiteDescription(); String attachedFilename = Common.base_dir + + inputPath + fromFile; logger.debug("Attaching file " + Common.base_dir + + inputPath + fromFile); mail.postMail(emailList, "Error Processing Incoming " + gmh.getInterfaceType() + " for [" + siteName + "] on " + JUtility.getClientName(), errorMessage, fromFile, attachedFilename); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(2000); } } } reader.deleteFile( errorPath + gmh.getInterfaceType() + File.separator + fromFile); reader.move_FileToDirectory(inputPath + fromFile, errorPath + gmh.getInterfaceType(), true); } } logger.debug("<--- END OF PROCESSING " + fromFile + " ---->"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } }
From source
/** * Adds end entity and creates its token that will be downloaded. This method is responsible for deleting the end entity if something goes wrong with token creation. * @param tokenType the type of the token that will be created (one of: TOKEN_USERGEN, TOKEN_SOFT_P12, TOKEN_SOFT_JKS from EndEntityConstants) * @param tokenName the name of the token. It will be used only in messages and logs * @param tokenDownloadType the download type/format of the token. This is used only with TOKEN_USERGEN since this is the only one that have different formats: PEM, DER,...) * @return generated token as byte array or null if token could not be generated *///from ww w.j a v a 2 s. c om private byte[] addEndEntityAndGenerateToken(int tokenType, String tokenName, TokenDownloadType tokenDownloadType) { //Update the EndEntityInformation data getSubjectDn().update(); getSubjectAlternativeName().update(); getSubjectDirectoryAttributes().update(); //Fill End Entity information final EndEntityInformation endEntityInformation = getEndEntityInformation(); endEntityInformation.setCAId(getCAInfo().getCAId()); endEntityInformation.setCardNumber(""); //TODO Card Number endEntityInformation.setCertificateProfileId( authorizedCertificateProfiles.get(Integer.parseInt(getSelectedCertificateProfile())).getId()); endEntityInformation.setDN(getSubjectDn().toString()); endEntityInformation.setEndEntityProfileId( authorizedEndEntityProfiles.get(Integer.parseInt(getSelectedEndEntityProfile())).getId()); endEntityInformation.setExtendedinformation(new ExtendedInformation());//TODO don't know anything about it... endEntityInformation.setHardTokenIssuerId(0); //TODO not sure.... endEntityInformation.setKeyRecoverable(false); //TODO not sure... endEntityInformation.setPrintUserData(false); // TODO not sure... endEntityInformation.setStatus(EndEntityConstants.STATUS_NEW); endEntityInformation.setSubjectAltName(getSubjectAlternativeName().toString()); endEntityInformation.setTimeCreated(new Date()); endEntityInformation.setTimeModified(new Date()); endEntityInformation.setType(new EndEntityType(EndEntityTypes.ENDUSER)); // sendnotification must be set after setType, because it adds to the type endEntityInformation.setSendNotification( getEndEntityProfile().getValue(EndEntityProfile.SENDNOTIFICATION, 0).equals(EndEntityProfile.TRUE) && !endEntityInformation.getSendNotification()); endEntityInformation.setTokenType(tokenType); // Fill end-entity information (Username and Password) final byte[] randomData = new byte[16]; final Random random = new SecureRandom(); random.nextBytes(randomData); if (StringUtils.isBlank(endEntityInformation.getUsername())) { String autousername = new String(Hex.encode(randomData)); while (raMasterApiProxyBean.searchUser(raAuthenticationBean.getAuthenticationToken(), autousername) != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Autogenerated username '" + autousername + "' is already reserved. Generating the new one..."); } random.nextBytes(randomData); autousername = new String(Hex.encode(randomData)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Unique username '" + autousername + "' has been generated"); } endEntityInformation.setUsername(autousername); } if (getEndEntityProfile().useAutoGeneratedPasswd()) { // If auto-generated passwords are used, this is set on the CA side when adding or changing the EE as long as the password is null endEntityInformation.setPassword(null); } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(endEntityInformation.getPassword())) { // If not needed just use some random data random.nextBytes(randomData); endEntityInformation .setPassword(new String(Hex.encode(CertTools.generateSHA256Fingerprint(randomData)))); } //Fill end-entity information (KeyStoreAlgorithm* or CertificateRequest) if (KeyPairGeneration.ON_SERVER.equals(getSelectedKeyPairGenerationEnum())) { final String[] tokenKeySpecSplit = getSelectedAlgorithm().split("_"); endEntityInformation.getExtendedinformation().setKeyStoreAlgorithmType(tokenKeySpecSplit[0]); endEntityInformation.getExtendedinformation().setKeyStoreAlgorithmSubType(tokenKeySpecSplit[1]); } else if (KeyPairGeneration.PROVIDED_BY_USER.equals(getSelectedKeyPairGenerationEnum())) { try { endEntityInformation.getExtendedinformation().setCertificateRequest( CertTools.getCertificateRequestFromPem(getCertificateRequest()).getEncoded()); } catch (IOException e) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_invalid_certificate_request"); return null; } } //Add end-entity try { if (raMasterApiProxyBean.addUser(raAuthenticationBean.getAuthenticationToken(), endEntityInformation, /*clearpwd=*/false)) {"End entity with username " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + " has been successfully added"); } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageInfo("enroll_end_entity_could_not_be_added", endEntityInformation.getUsername());"Certificate could not be generated for end entity with username " + endEntityInformation.getUsername()); return null; } } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { raLocaleBean.addMessageInfo("enroll_unauthorized_operation", e.getMessage());"You are not authorized to execute this operation", e); return null; } catch (WaitingForApprovalException e) { requestId = e.getRequestId();"Request with ID " + requestId + " is still waiting for approval"); return null; } catch (EjbcaException e) { ErrorCode errorCode = EjbcaException.getErrorCode(e); if (errorCode != null) { if (errorCode.equals(ErrorCode.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_username_already_exists", endEntityInformation.getUsername());"The username " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + " already exists"); } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageError(errorCode);"EjbcaException has been caught. Error Code: " + errorCode, e); } } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_end_entity_could_not_be_added", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), e.getMessage());"End entity with username " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + " could not be added. Contact your administrator or check the logs.", e); } return null; } //The end-entity has been added now! Make sure clean-up is done in this "try-finally" block if something goes wrong try { //Generates a keystore token if user has specified "ON SERVER" key pair generation. //Generates a certificate token if user has specified "PROVIDED_BY_USER" key pair generation byte[] ret = null; if (KeyPairGeneration.ON_SERVER.equals(getSelectedKeyPairGenerationEnum())) { try { ret = raMasterApiProxyBean.generateKeyStore(raAuthenticationBean.getAuthenticationToken(), endEntityInformation); } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { raLocaleBean.addMessageInfo("enroll_unauthorized_operation", e.getMessage());"You are not authorized to execute this operation", e); } catch (EjbcaException e) { ErrorCode errorCode = EjbcaException.getErrorCode(e); if (errorCode != null) { if (errorCode.equals( ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_WITH_THIS_SUBJECTDN_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_ANOTHER_USER)) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_subject_dn_already_exists_for_another_user", subjectDn.getValue());"Subject DN " + subjectDn.getValue() + " already exists for another user", e); } else if (errorCode.equals(ErrorCode.LOGIN_ERROR)) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_keystore_could_not_be_generated", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), errorCode); "Keystore could not be generated for user " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + ": " + e.getMessage() + ", " + errorCode); } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageError(errorCode);"Exception creating keystore. Error Code: " + errorCode, e); } } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_keystore_could_not_be_generated", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), e.getMessage());"Keystore could not be generated for user " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_keystore_could_not_be_generated", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), e.getMessage());"Keystore could not be generated for user " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (KeyPairGeneration.PROVIDED_BY_USER.equals(getSelectedKeyPairGenerationEnum())) { try { endEntityInformation.getExtendedinformation().setCertificateRequest( CertTools.getCertificateRequestFromPem(getCertificateRequest()).getEncoded()); final byte[] certificateDataToDownload = raMasterApiProxyBean .createCertificate(raAuthenticationBean.getAuthenticationToken(), endEntityInformation); if (certificateDataToDownload == null) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_certificate_could_not_be_generated", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), "null");"Certificate could not be generated for end entity with username " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + ": null"); } else if (tokenDownloadType == TokenDownloadType.PEM_FULL_CHAIN) { X509Certificate certificate = CertTools.getCertfromByteArray(certificateDataToDownload, X509Certificate.class); LinkedList<Certificate> chain = new LinkedList<Certificate>( getCAInfo().getCertificateChain()); chain.addFirst(certificate); ret = CertTools.getPemFromCertificateChain(chain); } else if (tokenDownloadType == TokenDownloadType.PKCS7) { X509Certificate certificate = CertTools.getCertfromByteArray(certificateDataToDownload, X509Certificate.class); LinkedList<Certificate> chain = new LinkedList<Certificate>( getCAInfo().getCertificateChain()); chain.addFirst(certificate); ret = CertTools.getPemFromPkcs7( CertTools.createCertsOnlyCMS(CertTools.convertCertificateChainToX509Chain(chain))); } else if (tokenDownloadType == TokenDownloadType.PEM) { X509Certificate certificate = CertTools.getCertfromByteArray(certificateDataToDownload, X509Certificate.class); ret = CertTools.getPemFromCertificateChain(Arrays.asList((Certificate) certificate)); } else { ret = certificateDataToDownload; } } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { raLocaleBean.addMessageInfo("enroll_unauthorized_operation", e.getMessage());"You are not authorized to execute this operation", e); } catch (EjbcaException | CertificateEncodingException | CertificateParsingException | ClassCastException | CMSException | IOException e) { ErrorCode errorCode = EjbcaException.getErrorCode(e); if (errorCode != null) { if (errorCode.equals( ErrorCode.CERTIFICATE_WITH_THIS_SUBJECTDN_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_ANOTHER_USER)) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_subject_dn_already_exists_for_another_user", subjectDn.getValue());"Subject DN " + subjectDn.getValue() + " already exists for another user", e); } else if (errorCode.equals(ErrorCode.LOGIN_ERROR)) { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_certificate_could_not_be_generated", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), errorCode);"Certificate could not be generated for user " + endEntityInformation.getUsername() + ": " + e.getMessage() + ", " + errorCode); } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageError(errorCode);"Exception creating certificate. Error Code: " + errorCode, e); } } else { raLocaleBean.addMessageError("enroll_certificate_could_not_be_generated", endEntityInformation.getUsername(), e.getMessage());"Certificate could not be generated for end entity with username " + endEntityInformation.getUsername(), e); } } } return ret; } finally { //End entity clean-up must be done if enrollment could not be completed (but end-entity has been added) try { EndEntityInformation fromCA = raMasterApiProxyBean.searchUser( raAuthenticationBean.getAuthenticationToken(), endEntityInformation.getUsername()); if (fromCA != null && fromCA.getStatus() != EndEntityConstants.STATUS_GENERATED) { raMasterApiProxyBean.deleteUser(raAuthenticationBean.getAuthenticationToken(), endEntityInformation.getUsername()); } } catch (AuthorizationDeniedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } endEntityInformation.setUsername(""); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addIdeaToListInCache(Idea originalIdea, String keyOfTheList, int noOfIdeas, int expiryDelay) { LinkedList<Idea> listOfIdeas = (LinkedList<Idea>) CacheHelper.getObject(CacheConstants.IDEA_NAMESPACE, keyOfTheList);// w ww.j a v a 2s.c o m if (listOfIdeas != null) { if (listOfIdeas.size() >= noOfIdeas) { /* Remove the last element which is also the oldest */ listOfIdeas.pollLast(); } } else { listOfIdeas = new LinkedList<Idea>(); } /* Create a new idea object to contain the required data only */ Idea ideaWithTheRequiredDataOnly = new Idea(); ideaWithTheRequiredDataOnly .setTitle(StringUtils.abbreviate(originalIdea.getTitle(), ServiceConstants.FIFTY)); /* Limit the description to hundred characters */ ideaWithTheRequiredDataOnly .setDescription(StringUtils.abbreviate(originalIdea.getDescription(), ServiceConstants.HUNDRED)); ideaWithTheRequiredDataOnly.setKey(originalIdea.getKey()); /* Add the idea to the head of the list */ listOfIdeas.addFirst(ideaWithTheRequiredDataOnly); /* Put the updated list back to the cache */ CacheHelper.putObject(CacheConstants.IDEA_NAMESPACE, keyOfTheList, listOfIdeas, expiryDelay); }
From source
@Override protected void processEvent(Event event) { if (event instanceof ConnectionStatusEvent) { ConnectionStatusEvent connectionStatusEvent = (ConnectionStatusEvent) event; String channelId = connectionStatusEvent.getChannelId(); Integer metaDataId = connectionStatusEvent.getMetaDataId(); String information = connectionStatusEvent.getMessage(); Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(event.getDateTime()); String connectorId = channelId + "_" + metaDataId; ConnectionStatusEventType eventType = connectionStatusEvent.getState(); ConnectionStatusEventType connectionStatusEventType = eventType; Integer connectorCount = null; Integer maximum = null;//from ww w . ja v a2 s .c om if (event instanceof ConnectorCountEvent) { ConnectorCountEvent connectorCountEvent = (ConnectorCountEvent) connectionStatusEvent; maximum = connectorCountEvent.getMaximum(); Boolean increment = connectorCountEvent.isIncrement(); if (maximum != null) { maxConnectionMap.put(connectorId, maximum); } else { maximum = maxConnectionMap.get(connectorId); } AtomicInteger count = connectorCountMap.get(connectorId); if (count == null) { count = new AtomicInteger(); connectorCountMap.put(connectorId, count); } if (increment != null) { if (increment) { count.incrementAndGet(); } else { count.decrementAndGet(); } } connectorCount = count.get(); if (connectorCount == 0) { connectionStatusEventType = ConnectionStatusEventType.IDLE; } else { connectionStatusEventType = ConnectionStatusEventType.CONNECTED; } } String stateString = null; if (connectionStatusEventType.isState()) { Color color = getColor(connectionStatusEventType); stateString = connectionStatusEventType.toString(); if (connectorCount != null) { if (maximum != null && connectorCount.equals(maximum)) { stateString += " <font color='red'>(" + connectorCount + ")</font>"; } else if (connectorCount > 0) { stateString += " (" + connectorCount + ")"; } } connectorStateMap.put(connectorId, new Object[] { color, stateString }); } SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS"); String channelName = ""; String connectorType = ""; LinkedList<String[]> channelLog = null; Channel channel = ControllerFactory.getFactory().createChannelController() .getDeployedChannelById(channelId); if (channel != null) { channelName = channel.getName(); // grab the channel's log from the HashMap, if not exist, create // one. if (connectorInfoLogs.containsKey(channelId)) { channelLog = connectorInfoLogs.get(channelId); } else { channelLog = new LinkedList<String[]>(); } if (metaDataId == 0) { connectorType = "Source: " + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransportName() + " (" + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransformer().getInboundDataType().toString() + " -> " + channel.getSourceConnector().getTransformer().getOutboundDataType().toString() + ")"; } else { Connector connector = getConnectorFromMetaDataId(channel.getDestinationConnectors(), metaDataId); connectorType = "Destination: " + connector.getTransportName() + " - " + connector.getName(); } } if (channelLog != null) { synchronized (this) { if (channelLog.size() == MAX_LOG_SIZE) { channelLog.removeLast(); } channelLog.addFirst( new String[] { String.valueOf(logId), channelName, dateFormat.format(timestamp), connectorType, ((ConnectionStatusEvent) event).getState().toString(), information, channelId, Integer.toString(metaDataId) }); if (entireConnectorInfoLogs.size() == MAX_LOG_SIZE) { entireConnectorInfoLogs.removeLast(); } entireConnectorInfoLogs.addFirst( new String[] { String.valueOf(logId), channelName, dateFormat.format(timestamp), connectorType, ((ConnectionStatusEvent) event).getState().toString(), information, channelId, Integer.toString(metaDataId) }); logId++; // put the channel log into the HashMap. connectorInfoLogs.put(channelId, channelLog); } } } }
From source
/** * Creates a strategy with the given parameters. * /*from ww w .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * <p>The strategy is guaranteed to be running at the successful exit of this method. Strategies created by this method * are tracked and shut down, if necessary, at the end of the test. * * @param inParameters an <code>Object...</code> value containing the parameters to pass to the module creation command * @return a <code>ModuleURN</code> value containing the URN of the strategy * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ protected ModuleURN createStrategy(Object... inParameters) throws Exception { verifyNullProperties(); LinkedList<Object> actualParameters = new LinkedList<Object>(Arrays.asList(inParameters)); if (inParameters.length <= 6) { actualParameters.addFirst(null); } ModuleURN strategyURN = createModule(StrategyModuleFactory.PROVIDER_URN, actualParameters.toArray()); theStrategy = strategyURN; verifyStrategyReady(strategyURN); return strategyURN; }
From source
protected String getPath(State state) { LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); for (boolean first = true;; first = false) { String name = (String) state.get(KEY_NAME); String parentId = (String) state.get(KEY_PARENT_ID); list.addFirst(name); if (parentId == null || (state = transaction.getStateForRead(parentId)) == null) { if (first) { if ("".equals(name)) { return "/"; // root } else { return name; // placeless, no slash }/*w ww . jav a 2s . c o m*/ } else { return StringUtils.join(list, '/'); } } } }
From source
public static boolean containsREGEX(String host) throws ProcessException { host = Domain.extractHost(host, true); if (host == null) { return false; } else {/*from w w w.ja v a2s. c o m*/ LinkedList<String> tokenList = new LinkedList<String>(); do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token = '.' + host; tokenList.addFirst(token); } while (host.contains(".")); return REGEX.get(null, tokenList, true) != null; } }
From source
/** * Finds all configuration objects of the given class applicable to the * recorded samplers, that is:// ww w.j a va 2 s . com * <ul> * <li>All such elements directly within the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (these have * the highest priority). * <li>All such elements directly within the target controller (higher * priority) or directly within any containing controller (lower priority), * including the Test Plan itself (lowest priority). * </ul> * * @param myTarget * tree node for the recording target controller. * @param myClass * Class of the elements to be found. * @param ascending * true if returned elements should be ordered in ascending * priority, false if they should be in descending priority. * * @return a collection of applicable objects of the given class. */ // TODO - could be converted to generic class? private Collection<?> findApplicableElements(JMeterTreeNode myTarget, Class<? extends TestElement> myClass, boolean ascending) { JMeterTreeModel treeModel = GuiPackage.getInstance().getTreeModel(); LinkedList<TestElement> elements = new LinkedList<>(); // Look for elements directly within the HTTP proxy: Enumeration<?> kids = treeModel.getNodeOf(this).children(); while (kids.hasMoreElements()) { JMeterTreeNode subNode = (JMeterTreeNode) kids.nextElement(); if (subNode.isEnabled()) { TestElement element = (TestElement) subNode.getUserObject(); if (myClass.isInstance(element)) { if (ascending) { elements.addFirst(element); } else { elements.add(element); } } } } // Look for arguments elements in the target controller or higher up: for (JMeterTreeNode controller = myTarget; controller != null; controller = (JMeterTreeNode) controller .getParent()) { kids = controller.children(); while (kids.hasMoreElements()) { JMeterTreeNode subNode = (JMeterTreeNode) kids.nextElement(); if (subNode.isEnabled()) { TestElement element = (TestElement) subNode.getUserObject(); if (myClass.isInstance(element)) { log.debug("Applicable: " + element.getName()); if (ascending) { elements.addFirst(element); } else { elements.add(element); } } // Special case for the TestPlan's Arguments sub-element: if (element instanceof TestPlan) { TestPlan tp = (TestPlan) element; Arguments args = tp.getArguments(); if (myClass.isInstance(args)) { if (ascending) { elements.addFirst(args); } else { elements.add(args); } } } } } } return elements; }