Example usage for java.util LinkedHashMap entrySet

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedHashMap entrySet


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedHashMap entrySet.


public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() 

Source Link


Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.


From source file:com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.DataManagement.java

 * Used by both the public saveRecord and globalEdit methods
 *///w w w.  ja v a 2 s .  c om
private void saveRecord(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table,
        LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToSave, boolean newRecord, Set<Integer> rowIds,
        SessionDataInfo sessionData, List<FileItem> multipartItems)
        throws InputRecordException, ObjectNotFoundException, SQLException, CantDoThatException,
        CodingErrorException, DisallowedException, MissingParametersException {
    if ((dataToSave.size() == 0) && (!newRecord)) {
        // Note: this does actually happen quite a lot, from two particular
        // users, therefore I've commented out the log warning.
        // Haven't tracked down the cause but it doesn't seem to be creating
        // a problem.
        // logger.warn("Call to saveRecord with no data to save. User = "
        // + request.getRemoteUser() + ", table = " + table + ", rowIds = "
        // + rowIds);
    this.setHiddenFieldValues(request, table, dataToSave, newRecord);
    boolean globalEdit = false;
    int rowId = -1;
    if (rowIds.size() > 1) {
        globalEdit = true;
    } else if (rowIds.size() == 1) {
        rowId = (new LinkedList<Integer>(rowIds)).getFirst();
    } else {
        throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Row ID list " + rowIds + " is invalid");
    StringBuilder SQLCodeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    // Generate CSV of fields and placeholders to use in update/insert SQL
    // string
    StringBuilder fieldsCsvBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder valuePlaceholdersCsvBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) {
        fieldsCsvBuilder.append(", ");
        valuePlaceholdersCsvBuilder.append("?, ");
        fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder.append("=?, ");
    // Used if doing an INSERT
    String fieldsCsv = fieldsCsvBuilder.toString();
    String valuePlaceholdersCsv = valuePlaceholdersCsvBuilder.toString();
    // Used if doing an UPDATE
    String fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv = fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder.toString();
    if (!fieldsCsv.equals("")) {
        fieldsCsv = fieldsCsv.substring(0, fieldsCsv.length() - 2);
        valuePlaceholdersCsv = valuePlaceholdersCsv.substring(0, valuePlaceholdersCsv.length() - 2);
        fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv = fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv.substring(0, fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv.length() - 2);
    if (newRecord) {
        SQLCodeBuilder.append("INSERT INTO " + table.getInternalTableName());
        if (fieldsCsv.equals("")) {
            SQLCodeBuilder.append(" VALUES(default)");
        } else {
            SQLCodeBuilder.append("(" + fieldsCsv + ") VALUES (" + valuePlaceholdersCsv + ")");
    } else {
        SQLCodeBuilder.append("UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv);
        if (globalEdit) {
            // add filter for various row ids
            SQLCodeBuilder.append(" WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + " in (?");
            for (int i = 1; i < rowIds.size(); i++) {
        } else {
            // add filter for single row id
            SQLCodeBuilder.append(" WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "=?");
    Connection conn = null;
    int fieldNumber = 0;
    // Will be set if we're inserting a record
    int newRowId = -1;
    TableDataInfo tableData = new TableData(table);
    try {
        conn = this.dataSource.getConnection();
        PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCodeBuilder.toString());
        for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) {
            // If an exception is raised, currentField will be the field
            // which caused it
            // currentField = field;
            BaseValue fieldValue = dataToSave.get(field);
            if (field instanceof FileField) {
                if (fieldValue.isNull() || fieldValue.toString().equals("")) {
                    throw new InputRecordException("No file specified for the upload", field);
            if (fieldValue.isNull()) {
                statement.setNull(fieldNumber, Types.NULL);
            } else {
                if (fieldValue instanceof TextValue) {
                    String textValue = ((TextValue) fieldValue).toXmlString();
                    statement.setString(fieldNumber, textValue);
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof IntegerValue) {
                    // if no related value, set relation field to null
                    if (field instanceof RelationField && (((IntegerValue) fieldValue).getValueInteger() == -1)
                            || (fieldValue.isNull())) {
                        statement.setNull(fieldNumber, Types.NULL);
                    } else {
                        statement.setInt(fieldNumber, ((IntegerValue) fieldValue).getValueInteger());
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof DurationValue) {
                    statement.setString(fieldNumber, ((DurationValue) fieldValue).getSqlFormatInterval());
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof DecimalValue) {
                    statement.setDouble(fieldNumber, ((DecimalValue) fieldValue).getValueFloat());
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof DateValue) {
                    if (((DateValue) fieldValue).getValueDate() != null) {
                        java.util.Date javaDateValue = ((DateValue) fieldValue).getValueDate().getTime();
                        java.sql.Timestamp sqlTimestampValue = new java.sql.Timestamp(javaDateValue.getTime());
                        statement.setTimestamp(fieldNumber, sqlTimestampValue);
                    } else {
                        statement.setTimestamp(fieldNumber, null);
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof CheckboxValue) {
                    statement.setBoolean(fieldNumber, ((CheckboxValue) fieldValue).getValueBoolean());
                } else if (fieldValue instanceof FileValue) {
                    statement.setString(fieldNumber, ((FileValue) fieldValue).toString());
                } else {
                    throw new CodingErrorException("Field value " + fieldValue + " is of unknown type "
                            + fieldValue.getClass().getSimpleName());
        // We've finished setting individual fields, if an SQL error occurs
        // after here we won't know which
        // field caused it without looking for it by other means
        // currentField = null;
        if (!newRecord) {
            if (globalEdit) {
                // Fill in the 'WHERE [row id field] in (?,..,?)' for use in
                // the UPDATE statement
                for (Integer aRowId : rowIds) {
                    if (tableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, aRowId)) {
                        throw new CantDoThatException(
                                "Record " + aRowId + " from table " + table + " is locked to prevent editing");
                    statement.setInt(++fieldNumber, aRowId);
            } else {
                // Fill in the 'WHERE [row id field]=?' for use in the
                // UPDATE statement
                if (tableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, rowId)) {
                    throw new CantDoThatException(
                            "Record " + rowId + " from table " + table + " is locked to prevent editing");
                statement.setInt(fieldNumber + 1, rowId);
        int numRowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate();
        if ((numRowsAffected != 1) && (!globalEdit)) {
            if (numRowsAffected > 0) {
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.valueOf(numRowsAffected)
                        + " records would be altered during a single record save");
            } else {
                throw new ObjectNotFoundException(
                        "The current record can't be found to edit - perhaps someone else has deleted it");
        if (newRecord) {
            // Find the newly inserted Row ID
            // postgres-specific code, not database independent
            String SQLCode = "SELECT currval('" + table.getInternalTableName() + "_"
                    + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "_seq')";
            statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode);
            ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery();
            if (results.next()) {
                newRowId = results.getInt(1);
            } else {
                throw new SQLException(
                        "Row ID not found for the newly inserted record. '" + SQLCodeBuilder + "' didn't work");
    } catch (SQLException sqlex) {
        // Find out which field caused the error by looking for internal
        // field names in the error message
        String errorMessage = sqlex.getMessage();
        for (BaseField possibleCauseField : dataToSave.keySet()) {
            if (errorMessage.contains(possibleCauseField.getInternalFieldName())) {
                if (errorMessage.contains("check constraint")) {
                    errorMessage = "The value " + dataToSave.get(possibleCauseField)
                            + " falls outside the allowed range";
                } else if (errorMessage.contains("not-null constraint")) {
                    errorMessage = "No value entered";
                } else if (errorMessage.contains("unique constraint")) {
                    errorMessage = "Value " + dataToSave.get(possibleCauseField)
                            + " is already in the database and cannot be entered again";
                } else if (errorMessage.contains("foreign key constraint")
                        && possibleCauseField instanceof RelationField) {
                    errorMessage = "Please select a valid "
                            + ((RelationField) possibleCauseField).getRelatedTable() + " record first";
                } else {
                    errorMessage = "Value " + dataToSave.get(possibleCauseField) + " not allowed ("
                            + Helpers.replaceInternalNames(errorMessage, table.getDefaultReport()) + ")";
                throw new InputRecordException(errorMessage, possibleCauseField, sqlex);
        // Not able to find field
        errorMessage = Helpers.replaceInternalNames(errorMessage, table.getDefaultReport());
        throw new InputRecordException(errorMessage, null, sqlex);
    } finally {
        if (conn != null) {
    // If any fields were files to upload, do the actual uploads.
    // Do this after the commit in case the uploads take a long time and
    // time out the SQL connection.
    for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) {
        if (field instanceof FileField) {
            try {
                if (newRecord) {
                    this.uploadFile(request, (FileField) field, (FileValue) dataToSave.get(field), newRowId,
                } else {
                    this.uploadFile(request, (FileField) field, (FileValue) dataToSave.get(field), rowId,
            } catch (CantDoThatException cdtex) {
                throw new InputRecordException("Error uploading file: " + cdtex.getMessage(), field, cdtex);
            } catch (FileUploadException fuex) {
                throw new InputRecordException("Error uploading file: " + fuex.getMessage(), field, fuex);
    if (newRecord) {
        sessionData.setRowId(table, newRowId);
    UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(this.dataSource);
    AppUserInfo user = null;
    if (request.getRemoteUser() == null) {
        user = ServletUtilMethods.getPublicUserForRequest(request, this.authManager.getAuthenticator());
    } else {
        user = this.authManager.getUserByUserName(request, request.getRemoteUser());
    // Send websocket notification
    // UsageLogger.sendNotification(user, table, sessionData.getReport(),
    // rowId, "edit", "Record saved: " + dataToSave);
    // Log everything apart from hidden (auto set) fields
    Map<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToLog = new LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue>();
    for (Map.Entry<BaseField, BaseValue> entrySet : dataToSave.entrySet()) {
        BaseField field = entrySet.getKey();
        if (!field.getHidden()) {
            BaseValue value = entrySet.getValue();
            dataToLog.put(field, value);
    if (newRecord) {
        usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, null, AppAction.SAVE_NEW_RECORD, newRowId, dataToLog.toString());
    } else if (globalEdit) {
        // TODO: need better logging of global edits
        usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, null, AppAction.GLOBAL_EDIT, rowId, dataToLog.toString());
    } else {
        BaseField fieldUpdated = null;
        Set<BaseField> fieldSet = new TreeSet<BaseField>();
        for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) {
            if (!field.getHidden()) {
        if (fieldSet.size() == 1) {
            fieldUpdated = new LinkedList<BaseField>(fieldSet).getFirst();
        usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, fieldUpdated, AppAction.UPDATE_RECORD, rowId,

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.MyXid.java

public void addPartition(String dbName, String tblName, AddPartitionDesc addPartitionDesc)
        throws InvalidObjectException, MetaException {
    boolean success = false;

    Connection con = null;// ww  w .  j  a  v  a2s  .  co  m
    PreparedStatement ps = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    dbName = dbName.toLowerCase();
    tblName = tblName.toLowerCase();

    boolean isPathMaked = false;
    ArrayList<Path> pathToMake = new ArrayList<Path>();
    Warehouse wh = new Warehouse(hiveConf);

    long tblID = 0;

    try {
        con = getSegmentConnection(dbName);
    } catch (MetaStoreConnectException e1) {
        LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage());
        throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage());
    } catch (SQLException e1) {
        LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + e1.getMessage());
        throw new MetaException(e1.getMessage());

    try {
        stmt = con.createStatement();

        String tblType = null;
        boolean hasPriPart = false;
        boolean hasSubPart = false;
        String priPartKey = null;
        String subPartKey = null;
        String priPartType = null;
        String subPartType = null;

        String priKeyType = null;
        String subKeyType = null;
        ResultSet tblSet = null;
        boolean isTblFind = false;
        boolean isColFind = false;

        String tblFormat = null;
        String tblLocation = null;

        PrimitiveTypeInfo pti = null;
        ObjectInspector StringIO = null;
        ObjectInspector ValueIO = null;
        ObjectInspectorConverters.Converter converter1 = null;
        ObjectInspectorConverters.Converter converter2 = null;

        ArrayList<String> partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>();
        String sql = null;

        HiveConf hconf = (HiveConf) hiveConf;
        boolean externalPartition = hconf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVESUPPORTEXTERNALPARTITION);

        if (addPartitionDesc.getLevel() == 0) {
            sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, pri_part_type, pri_part_key, tbl_format, tbl_location"
                    + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName + "' and tbl_name='" + tblName + "'";

            tblSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            isTblFind = false;

            while (tblSet.next()) {
                isTblFind = true;
                tblID = tblSet.getLong(1);
                tblType = tblSet.getString(2);
                priPartKey = tblSet.getString(4);
                priPartType = tblSet.getString(3);
                tblFormat = tblSet.getString(5);
                tblLocation = tblSet.getString(6);

                if (priPartType != null && !priPartType.isEmpty()) {
                    hasPriPart = true;

            if (!isTblFind) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not find table " + dbName + ":"
                        + tblName);

                throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName);

            if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) {
                if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null
                        && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat
                            + " can not support alter partition");
                    throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition");

                if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")
                        && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) {
                } else {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType
                            + " can not support alter partition");

                    throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition");

            if (!hasPriPart) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table " + dbName + ":" + tblName
                        + " is not pri-partitioned");

                throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not pri-partitioned");

            sql = "SELECT type_name from COLUMNS where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and column_name='"
                    + priPartKey.toLowerCase() + "'";
            isColFind = false;
            ResultSet colSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while (colSet.next()) {
                isColFind = true;
                priKeyType = colSet.getString(1);

            if (!isColFind) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table "
                        + "can not find partition key information " + priPartKey);

                throw new MetaException("can not find partition key information " + priPartKey);

            pti = new PrimitiveTypeInfo();
            StringIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory
            ValueIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory
            converter1 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO);
            converter2 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO);

            if ((addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE_PARTITION")
                    && !priPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("range"))
                    || (addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("LIST_PARTITION")
                            && !priPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("list"))) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not add  a "
                        + addPartitionDesc.getPartType() + " partition, but the pri-partition type is "
                        + priPartType);

                throw new MetaException("can not add  a " + addPartitionDesc.getPartType()
                        + " partition, but the pri-partition type is " + priPartType);

            LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> partSpaces = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
            Set<String> subPartNameSet = new TreeSet<String>();

            sql = "SELECT level, part_name, part_values from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID;// + " order by level asc";

            ResultSet partSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            int partLevel = 0;

            while (partSet.next()) {
                partLevel = partSet.getInt(1);

                if (partLevel == 0) {
                    String partName = partSet.getString(2);
                    List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    Array spaceArray = partSet.getArray(3);

                    ResultSet priValueSet = spaceArray.getResultSet();

                    while (priValueSet.next()) {

                    partSpaces.put(partName, valueList);
                } else if (partLevel == 1) {
                    String partName = partSet.getString(2);

            partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>();

            LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> addPartSpaces = (LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>) addPartitionDesc

            Iterator<String> itr = addPartSpaces.keySet().iterator();

            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                String key = itr.next().toLowerCase();
                if (partSpaces.containsKey(key)) {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName
                            + " have already contain a pri parititon named: " + key);

                    throw new MetaException(
                            "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a pri parititon named: " + key);

            Iterator<List<String>> listItr = addPartSpaces.values().iterator();

            while (listItr.hasNext()) {
                Iterator<String> valueItr = listItr.next().iterator();
                if (valueItr.hasNext()) {
                    String value = valueItr.next();

                    if (converter1.convert(value) == null) {
                        LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                                + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "value : " + value
                                + " should be type of " + priKeyType);

                        throw new MetaException("value : " + value + " should be type of " + priKeyType);

                    Iterator<List<String>> PartValuesItr = partSpaces.values().iterator();
                    while (PartValuesItr.hasNext()) {
                        if (PartValuesItr.next().contains(value)) {
                            LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                                    + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName
                                    + " have already contain a pri partition contain value: " + value);

                            throw new MetaException("table : " + tblName
                                    + " have already contain a pri partition contain value: " + value);

            ps = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO partitions(level, tbl_id, " + " part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)");

            for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : addPartSpaces.entrySet()) {
                ps.setInt(1, 0);
                ps.setLong(2, tblID);

                Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", entry.getValue().toArray());
                ps.setArray(4, spaceArray);
                ps.setString(3, entry.getKey());


            if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) {
                for (String partName : partToAdd) {
                    if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) {
                        pathToMake.addAll(wh.getPriPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, partName, subPartNameSet));
                    } else {
                        pathToMake.addAll(Warehouse.getPriPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partName,
            } else {
                for (String partName : partToAdd) {
                            Warehouse.getPriPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partName, subPartNameSet));
        } else if (addPartitionDesc.getLevel() == 1) {
            sql = "SELECT tbl_id, tbl_type, sub_part_type, sub_part_key, tbl_format, tbl_location"
                    + " from TBLS where db_name='" + dbName.toLowerCase() + "' and tbl_name='"
                    + tblName.toLowerCase() + "'";

            tblSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            isTblFind = false;

            while (tblSet.next()) {
                isTblFind = true;
                tblID = tblSet.getLong(1);
                tblType = tblSet.getString(2);
                subPartKey = tblSet.getString(4);
                subPartType = tblSet.getString(3);
                tblFormat = tblSet.getString(5);
                tblLocation = tblSet.getString(6);

                if (subPartType != null && !subPartType.isEmpty()) {
                    hasSubPart = true;


            if (!isTblFind) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not find table " + dbName + ":"
                        + tblName);

                throw new MetaException("can not find table " + dbName + ":" + tblName);

            if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANAGED_TABLE")) {
                if (tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE") && tblFormat != null
                        && tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata")) {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType + ":" + tblFormat
                            + " can not support alter partition");
                    throw new MetaException(tblType + ":" + tblFormat + " can not support alter partition");

                if (externalPartition && tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")
                        && (tblFormat == null || !tblFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("pgdata"))) {
                } else {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + tblType
                            + " can not support alter partition");

                    throw new MetaException(tblType + " can not support alter partition");

            if (!hasSubPart) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table " + dbName + ":" + tblName
                        + " is not sun-partitioned");

                throw new MetaException("table " + dbName + ":" + tblName + " is not sun-partitioned");

            sql = "SELECT type_name from COLUMNS where tbl_id=" + tblID + " and column_name='"
                    + subPartKey.toLowerCase() + "'";

            isColFind = false;
            ResultSet colSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            while (colSet.next()) {
                isColFind = true;
                subKeyType = colSet.getString(1);


            if (!isColFind) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "can not find partition key information "
                        + priPartKey);

                throw new MetaException("can not find partition key information " + priPartKey);

            pti = new PrimitiveTypeInfo();
            StringIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory
            ValueIO = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory
            converter1 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO);
            converter2 = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(StringIO, ValueIO);

            if ((addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("RANGE_PARTITION")
                    && !subPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("range"))
                    || (addPartitionDesc.getPartType().equalsIgnoreCase("LIST_PARTITION")
                            && !subPartType.equalsIgnoreCase("list"))) {
                LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                        + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "you can not add  a "
                        + addPartitionDesc.getPartType() + " partition, but the sub-partition type is "
                        + subPartType);

                throw new MetaException("you can not add  a " + addPartitionDesc.getPartType()
                        + " partition, but the sub-partition type is " + subPartType);

            LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> partSpaces = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
            Set<String> partNameSet = new TreeSet<String>();

            sql = "SELECT level,  part_name, part_values from PARTITIONS where" + " tbl_id=" + tblID;// + " order by level asc";

            ResultSet partSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            int partLevel = 0;

            while (partSet.next()) {
                partLevel = partSet.getInt(1);

                if (partLevel == 1) {
                    String partName = partSet.getString(2);
                    List<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>();
                    Array spaceArray = partSet.getArray(3);

                    ResultSet priValueSet = spaceArray.getResultSet();

                    while (priValueSet.next()) {
                    partSpaces.put(partName, valueList);
                } else if (partLevel == 0) {
                    String partName = partSet.getString(2);

            partToAdd = new ArrayList<String>();

            LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> addPartSpaces = (LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>) addPartitionDesc

            Iterator<String> itr = addPartSpaces.keySet().iterator();

            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                String key = itr.next().toLowerCase();
                if (partSpaces.containsKey(key)) {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName
                            + " have already contain a sub parititon named: " + key);

                    throw new MetaException(
                            "table : " + tblName + " have already contain a sub parititon named: " + key);

                if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) {
                    LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                            + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg="
                            + "use : 'alter table tblname add default subpartition' to add default subpartition!");

                    throw new MetaException(
                            "use : 'alter table tblname add default subpartition' to add default subpartition!");

            Iterator<List<String>> listItr = addPartSpaces.values().iterator();

            while (listItr.hasNext()) {
                Iterator<String> valueItr = listItr.next().iterator();
                if (valueItr.hasNext()) {
                    String value = valueItr.next();

                    if (converter1.convert(value) == null) {
                        LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                                + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "value : " + value
                                + " should be type of " + priKeyType);

                        throw new MetaException("value : " + value + " should be type of " + priKeyType);

                    Iterator<List<String>> PartValuesItr = partSpaces.values().iterator();
                    while (PartValuesItr.hasNext()) {
                        if (PartValuesItr.next().contains(value)) {
                            LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                                    + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + "table : " + tblName
                                    + " have already contain a sub partition contain value: " + value);

                            throw new MetaException("table : " + tblName
                                    + " have already contain a sub partition contain value: " + value);

            ps = con.prepareStatement(
                    "INSERT INTO partitions(level, tbl_id, " + " part_name, part_values) values(?,?,?,?)");

            for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : addPartSpaces.entrySet()) {
                ps.setInt(1, 1);
                ps.setLong(2, tblID);

                Array spaceArray = con.createArrayOf("varchar", entry.getValue().toArray());
                ps.setArray(4, spaceArray);
                ps.setString(3, entry.getKey());


            if (!tblType.equalsIgnoreCase("EXTERNAL_TABLE")) {
                for (String partName : partToAdd) {
                    if (tblLocation == null || tblLocation.trim().isEmpty()) {
                        pathToMake.addAll(wh.getSubPartitionPaths(dbName, tblName, partNameSet, partName));
                    } else {
                                Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partNameSet, partName));
            } else {
                for (String partName : partToAdd) {
                            Warehouse.getSubPartitionPaths(new Path(tblLocation), partNameSet, partName));

        success = true;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        LOG.error("add partition error, db=" + dbName + ", tbl=" + tblName + ", level="
                + addPartitionDesc.getLevel() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage());

        throw new MetaException(ex.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (!success) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {

            if (isPathMaked) {
                for (Path path : pathToMake) {
                    wh.deleteDir(path, false);


    if (success) {
        boolean mkDirOK = false;
        List<Path> createdPath = new ArrayList<Path>();
        try {
            for (Path path : pathToMake) {
                mkDirOK = wh.mkdirs(path);
                if (!mkDirOK) {

        } catch (Exception x) {
            mkDirOK = false;

        if (!mkDirOK) {
            dropPartitionMeta(dbName, tblID, addPartitionDesc);
            if (!createdPath.isEmpty()) {
                for (Path path : createdPath) {
                    wh.deleteDir(path, true);

            throw new MetaException("can not create hdfs path, add partition failed");
