Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 GT webMarque Ltd * * This file is part of agileBase. * * agileBase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * agileBase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with agileBase. If not, see <>. */ package com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.apache.commons.math.util.MathUtils; import com.gtwm.pb.auth.Authenticator; import com.gtwm.pb.auth.PrivilegeType; import com.gtwm.pb.auth.DisallowedException; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.AuthManagerInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.AppUserInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.AuthenticatorInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.CachedReportFeedInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.CommentInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.CompanyInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.DataRowFieldInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.LocationDataRowFieldInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ReportCalcFieldInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ReportMapInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ReportQuickFilterInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ChartGroupingInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.SessionDataInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.DataManagementInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.DatabaseInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ReportDataInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.BaseReportInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ChartAggregateInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ChartDataInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ChartDataRowInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ChartInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.ReportFieldInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.DataRowInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.TableDataInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.TableInfo; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.BaseField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.BaseValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.CheckboxValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.CommentFeedField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.DateField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.IntegerField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.ReferencedReportDataField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.SeparatorField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.TextField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.FileField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.RelationField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.SequenceField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.TextValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.IntegerValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.DurationValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.DecimalValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.DecimalField; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.DateValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.interfaces.fields.FileValue; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.fields.DateValueDefn; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.fields.DecimalValueDefn; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.fields.TextValueDefn; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.fields.IntegerValueDefn; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageData.fields.CheckboxValueDefn; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageSchema.ListFieldDescriptorOption.TextContentSizes; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageSchema.fields.RelationFieldDefn; import com.gtwm.pb.model.manageUsage.UsageLogger; import com.gtwm.pb.servlets.ServletUtilMethods; import com.gtwm.pb.util.AppProperties; import com.gtwm.pb.util.DataDependencyException; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.AttachmentType; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.DataFormat; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.QuickFilterType; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Helpers; import com.gtwm.pb.util.MissingParametersException; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Naming; import com.gtwm.pb.util.ObjectNotFoundException; import com.gtwm.pb.util.CantDoThatException; import com.gtwm.pb.util.CodingErrorException; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.AggregateFunction; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.DatabaseFieldType; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.FieldContentType; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.HiddenFields; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.AppAction; import com.gtwm.pb.util.Enumerations.SummaryGroupingModifier; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUpload; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletRequestContext; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.grlea.log.SimpleLogger; import org.glowacki.CalendarParser; import org.glowacki.CalendarParserException; import org.im4java.core.ConvertCmd; import org.im4java.core.IM4JavaException; import org.im4java.core.IMOperation; import; // TODO: There is only one instance of DataManagement in the app // Consider making all methods and properties static public final class DataManagement implements DataManagementInfo { private DataManagement() { this.webAppRoot = null; this.dataSource = null; this.authManager = null; } /** * @param dataSource * Provides access to the relational database * @param webAppRoot * Allows access to the filesystem * @param authManager * Provides access to company, role, user etc. objects */ public DataManagement(DataSource dataSource, String webAppRoot, AuthManagerInfo authManager) { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.webAppRoot = webAppRoot; this.authManager = authManager; } public void addComment(SessionDataInfo sessionData, BaseField field, int rowId, AppUserInfo user, String rawComment) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, CantDoThatException, CodingErrorException { String SQLCode = "INSERT INTO dbint_comments(created, author, internalfieldname, rowid, text) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; // Protect against cross-site scripting String comment = Naming.makeValidXML(Helpers.smartCharsReplace(rawComment)); TableInfo table = field.getTableContainingField(); Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); statement.setTimestamp(1, timestamp); statement.setString(2, user.getForename() + " " + user.getSurname()); statement.setString(3, field.getInternalFieldName()); statement.setInt(4, rowId); statement.setString(5, comment); int rowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); if (rowsAffected != 1) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Error adding comment. " + rowsAffected + " rows inserted. SQL = " + statement); } // Concatenate all comments into the hidden comments field (for // searching) BaseField concatenationField = table.getField(HiddenFields.COMMENTS_FEED.getFieldName()); BaseField lastModifiedField = table.getField(HiddenFields.LAST_MODIFIED.getFieldName()); SQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + concatenationField.getInternalFieldName(); SQLCode += " = (? || coalesce(" + concatenationField.getInternalFieldName() + ", '')), "; SQLCode += lastModifiedField.getInternalFieldName() + " = now()"; SQLCode += " WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.setString(1, comment + "\n---\n"); statement.setInt(2, rowId); rowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(); if (rowsAffected != 1) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Error concatenating new comment with old. " + rowsAffected + " rows updated. SQL = " + statement); } statement.close(); conn.commit(); field.setHasComments(true); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } // Email notification Authenticator authenticator = (Authenticator) this.authManager.getAuthenticator(); CompanyInfo company = user.getCompany(); Set<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>(); for (AppUserInfo companyUser : company.getUsers()) { String email = companyUser.getEmail(); if (email != null) { if (email.contains("@") && authenticator.userAllowedTo(PrivilegeType.VIEW_TABLE_DATA, table, companyUser)) { recipients.add(email); } } } if (recipients.size() > 0) { this.emailComments(recipients, field, rowId, user, comment); } // HTTP / websocket notification // UsageLogger.sendNotification(user, table, sessionData.getReport(), // rowId, "comment", comment); } private void emailComments(Set<String> recipients, BaseField field, int rowId, AppUserInfo user, String comment) throws CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, SQLException { String body = user.getForename() + " " + user.getSurname() + " added the comment\n\n"; body += comment + "\n\n"; body += " to " + field.getTableContainingField().getSingularName() + " "; TableInfo table = field.getTableContainingField(); BaseReportInfo report = table.getDefaultReport(); BaseField pKey = table.getPrimaryKey(); Map<BaseField, String> filters = new HashMap<BaseField, String>(1); filters.put(pKey, String.valueOf(rowId)); List<DataRowInfo> rows = this.getReportDataRows(null, report, filters, true, new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(0), 1, QuickFilterType.AND, false); if (rows.size() != 1) { logger.warn("Row can't be retrieved for comment for table " + table + ", row ID " + rowId); return; } DataRowInfo row = rows.get(0); body += "'" + buildEventTitle(report, row, true) + "'\n"; try { String subject = "Comment for " + table.getSingularName(); boolean rowIdentifierFound = false; BaseField firstField = null; DataRowFieldInfo firstValue = null; ENTRY_LOOP: for (Map.Entry<BaseField, DataRowFieldInfo> rowEntry : row.getDataRowFields().entrySet()) { BaseField rowField = rowEntry.getKey(); if (!rowField.equals(pKey)) { if (rowField instanceof SequenceField) { subject += " " + rowEntry.getValue(); rowIdentifierFound = true; break ENTRY_LOOP; } else if (firstField == null && (!(rowField instanceof FileField))) { firstField = rowField; firstValue = rowEntry.getValue(); } } } if (!rowIdentifierFound) { subject += " " + firstField + "=" + firstValue; } Helpers.sendEmail(recipients, body, subject); } catch (MessagingException mex) { logger.warn("Error sending comment notification email: " + mex); } } public SortedSet<CommentInfo> getComments(BaseField field, int rowId) throws SQLException, CantDoThatException { SortedSet<CommentInfo> comments = new TreeSet<CommentInfo>(); Boolean hasComments = field.hasComments(); if (hasComments != null) { if (hasComments.equals(false)) { return comments; } } String sqlCode = "SELECT created, author, text FROM dbint_comments WHERE internalfieldname=? AND rowid=? order by created desc limit 10"; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCode); String internalFieldName = field.getInternalFieldName(); statement.setString(1, internalFieldName); statement.setInt(2, rowId); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { Timestamp createdTimestamp = results.getTimestamp(1); Calendar created = Calendar.getInstance(); created.setTimeInMillis(createdTimestamp.getTime()); String author = results.getString(2); String comment = results.getString(3); comments.add(new Comment(internalFieldName, rowId, author, created, comment)); } results.close(); statement.close(); if (comments.size() > 0) { field.setHasComments(true); } else if (hasComments == null) { // We've seen there are no comments for this particular record // but we don't know if there are any for the field in other // records. Check. sqlCode = "SELECT count(*) from dbint_comments WHERE internalfieldname=?"; statement = conn.prepareStatement(sqlCode); statement.setString(1, internalFieldName); results = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { int numComments = results.getInt(1); if (numComments > 0) { field.setHasComments(true); } else { // Another check in case another thread e.g. running // addComment has set this to true. // We don't want to overwrite that // TODO: Really, this should be atomic but it takes such // a small amount of time compared to the SQL it's // probably fine if (field.hasComments() == null) { field.setHasComments(false); } } } else { logger.error("Unable to see if comments exist with query " + statement); } results.close(); statement.close(); } } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } return comments; } public String getWebAppRoot() { return this.webAppRoot; } public void saveRecord(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table, LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToSave, boolean newRecord, int rowId, SessionDataInfo sessionData, List<FileItem> multipartItems) throws InputRecordException, ObjectNotFoundException, SQLException, CodingErrorException, DisallowedException, CantDoThatException, MissingParametersException { // editing a single record, pass in one row id Set<Integer> rowIds = new HashSet<Integer>(1); rowIds.add(rowId); this.saveRecord(request, table, dataToSave, newRecord, rowIds, sessionData, multipartItems); } public int globalEdit(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table, LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToSave, SessionDataInfo sessionData, List<FileItem> multipartItems) throws InputRecordException, ObjectNotFoundException, SQLException, CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, DisallowedException, MissingParametersException { int affectedFieldCount = dataToSave.size(); for (BaseField affectedField : dataToSave.keySet()) { if (affectedField.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.LAST_MODIFIED.getFieldName())) { affectedFieldCount--; } if (affectedField.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.MODIFIED_BY.getFieldName())) { affectedFieldCount--; } } if (affectedFieldCount > 1) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Global edits can only apply changes to one field at a time. Requested field changes were " + dataToSave); } Connection conn = null; Set<Integer> rowIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); BaseReportInfo sessionReport = sessionData.getReport(); BaseField primaryKey = table.getPrimaryKey(); try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); ReportDataInfo reportData = new ReportData(conn, sessionReport, false, false); // Generates a SELECT DISTINCT on the primary key including // filterValues & rowLimits in the WHERE clause Map<BaseField, Boolean> emptySorts = new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(); Map<BaseField, String> filterValues = sessionData.getReportFilterValues(); PreparedStatement statement = reportData.getReportSqlPreparedStatement(conn, filterValues, false, emptySorts, -1, primaryKey, QuickFilterType.AND, false); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { Integer item = results.getInt(1); if (item != null) { rowIds.add(item); } } results.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { // catch exception where field is not included // within report and simply return an empty tree logger.warn(sqlex.toString() + ". Probably occurred because field " + this + " isn't in report " + sessionReport + ", in which case it's nothing to worry about"); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } this.saveRecord(request, table, dataToSave, false, rowIds, sessionData, multipartItems); return rowIds.size(); } public void cloneRecord(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table, int rowId, SessionDataInfo sessionData, List<FileItem> multipartItems) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SQLException, CantDoThatException, CodingErrorException, InputRecordException, DisallowedException, MissingParametersException { // Get values to clone. Map<BaseField, BaseValue> values = this.getTableDataRow(sessionData, table, rowId, false); // Store in a linked hash map to maintain order as saveRecord needs // values in an order which isn't going to change. LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> valuesToClone = new LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue>(); // Get list of fields direct from source table // (getTableDataRow switches RelationField for // RelationField.getRelatedField) SortedSet<BaseField> fields = table.getFields(); // Ignore un-clonable fields for (BaseField field : fields) { if ((!(field instanceof FileField)) && (!(field instanceof SeparatorField)) && (!(field instanceof CommentFeedField)) && (!(field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.COMMENTS_FEED.getFieldName()))) && (!(field instanceof ReferencedReportDataField)) && (!(field.getUnique()))) { if (field instanceof RelationField) { BaseValue relationValue = values.get(((RelationField) field).getRelatedField()); valuesToClone.put(field, relationValue); } else { valuesToClone.put(field, values.get(field)); } } } Set<Integer> rowIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); rowIds.add(-1); this.saveRecord(request, table, valuesToClone, true, rowIds, sessionData, multipartItems); } public void lockAllTableRecords(HttpServletRequest request, SessionDataInfo sessionData) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CantDoThatException, SQLException { TableInfo table = sessionData.getTable(); if (!table.getRecordsLockable()) { throw new CantDoThatException("Records in the " + table + " table can't be locked"); } String lockFieldInternalName = table.getField(HiddenFields.LOCKED.getFieldName()).getInternalFieldName(); String SQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + lockFieldInternalName + " = true WHERE " + lockFieldInternalName + " = false"; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); Statement statement = conn.createStatement(); statement.executeUpdate(SQLCode); statement.close(); conn.commit(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } // Also remove any lock override in the session ((SessionData) sessionData).unsetRecordLockOverride(); } public void lockReportRecords(HttpServletRequest request, SessionDataInfo sessionData) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CantDoThatException, SQLException, CodingErrorException { CompanyInfo company = this.authManager.getCompanyForLoggedInUser(request); BaseReportInfo report = sessionData.getReport(); TableInfo table = report.getParentTable(); if (!table.getRecordsLockable()) { throw new CantDoThatException("Records in the " + table + " table can't be locked"); } Map<BaseField, String> filters = sessionData.getReportFilterValues(); Map<BaseField, Boolean> sorts = new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(); List<DataRowInfo> dataRows = this.getReportDataRows(company, report, filters, false, sorts, -1, QuickFilterType.AND, false); String lockFieldInternalName = table.getField(HiddenFields.LOCKED.getFieldName()).getInternalFieldName(); String SQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + lockFieldInternalName + " = true WHERE " + lockFieldInternalName + " = false AND " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + " = ?"; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); for (DataRowInfo dataRow : dataRows) { int rowId = dataRow.getRowId(); statement.setInt(1, rowId); statement.executeUpdate(); } statement.close(); conn.commit(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } // Also remove any lock override in the session ((SessionData) sessionData).unsetRecordLockOverride(); } public void lockRecord(SessionDataInfo sessionData, TableInfo table, int rowId) throws SQLException, CantDoThatException, ObjectNotFoundException { if (!table.getRecordsLockable()) { throw new CantDoThatException("Records in the " + table + " table can't be locked"); } String SQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + table.getField(HiddenFields.LOCKED.getFieldName()).getInternalFieldName() + " = true WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + " = ?"; Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.setInt(1, rowId); int rowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(); if (rowsAffected != 1) { logger.warn("Expected one record to be locked but " + rowsAffected + " were. SQLCode = " + SQLCode + ", rowid = " + rowId); } statement.close(); conn.commit(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } // Override lock if we just locked the same record TableInfo recordLockOverrideTable = ((SessionData) sessionData).getRecordLockOverrideTable(); int recordLockOverrideRowId = ((SessionData) sessionData).getRecordLockOverrideRowId(); if (recordLockOverrideTable != null) { if ((recordLockOverrideTable.equals(table)) && (recordLockOverrideRowId == rowId)) { ((SessionData) sessionData).unsetRecordLockOverride(); } } } public boolean isRecordLocked(SessionDataInfo sessionData, TableInfo table, int rowId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException { TableDataInfo tableData = new TableData(table); Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); return tableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, rowId); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } private void setHiddenFieldValues(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table, LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToSave, boolean newRecord) throws CantDoThatException, ObjectNotFoundException, DisallowedException, MissingParametersException { BaseValue fieldValue; for (BaseField field : table.getFields()) { fieldValue = null; // Set values for hard-coded hidden fields: if (newRecord) { if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.DATE_CREATED.getFieldName())) { fieldValue = new DateValueDefn(new Date()); // without this line only the month & year part will be set ((DateValue) fieldValue).setDateResolution(Calendar.SECOND); } if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.CREATED_BY.getFieldName())) { fieldValue = this.getCurrentUserValue(request); } if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.LOCKED.getFieldName())) { fieldValue = new CheckboxValueDefn(false); } } if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.LAST_MODIFIED.getFieldName())) { fieldValue = new DateValueDefn(new Date()); // without this line only the month & year part will be set ((DateValue) fieldValue).setDateResolution(Calendar.SECOND); } if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.MODIFIED_BY.getFieldName())) { fieldValue = this.getCurrentUserValue(request); } if (fieldValue != null) { // by design, the user should never be able to send a request // to update the username/date hidden fields as this would // put a hole in the auditing functionality dataToSave.put(field, fieldValue); } } } private BaseValue getCurrentUserValue(HttpServletRequest request) throws MissingParametersException, ObjectNotFoundException, DisallowedException { BaseValue fieldValue; String userName = request.getRemoteUser(); AppUserInfo currentUser = null; if (userName == null) { currentUser = ServletUtilMethods.getPublicUserForRequest(request, this.authManager.getAuthenticator()); } else { currentUser = this.authManager.getUserByUserName(request, userName); } String fullname = currentUser.getForename() + " " + currentUser.getSurname(); fullname += " (" + currentUser.getUserName() + ")"; fieldValue = new TextValueDefn(fullname); return fieldValue; } /** * Used by both the public saveRecord and globalEdit methods */ private void saveRecord(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table, LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToSave, boolean newRecord, Set<Integer> rowIds, SessionDataInfo sessionData, List<FileItem> multipartItems) throws InputRecordException, ObjectNotFoundException, SQLException, CantDoThatException, CodingErrorException, DisallowedException, MissingParametersException { if ((dataToSave.size() == 0) && (!newRecord)) { // Note: this does actually happen quite a lot, from two particular // users, therefore I've commented out the log warning. // Haven't tracked down the cause but it doesn't seem to be creating // a problem. // logger.warn("Call to saveRecord with no data to save. User = " // + request.getRemoteUser() + ", table = " + table + ", rowIds = " // + rowIds); return; } this.setHiddenFieldValues(request, table, dataToSave, newRecord); boolean globalEdit = false; int rowId = -1; if (rowIds.size() > 1) { globalEdit = true; } else if (rowIds.size() == 1) { rowId = (new LinkedList<Integer>(rowIds)).getFirst(); } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Row ID list " + rowIds + " is invalid"); } StringBuilder SQLCodeBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Generate CSV of fields and placeholders to use in update/insert SQL // string StringBuilder fieldsCsvBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder valuePlaceholdersCsvBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) { fieldsCsvBuilder.append(field.getInternalFieldName()); fieldsCsvBuilder.append(", "); valuePlaceholdersCsvBuilder.append("?, "); fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder.append(field.getInternalFieldName()); fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder.append("=?, "); } // Used if doing an INSERT String fieldsCsv = fieldsCsvBuilder.toString(); String valuePlaceholdersCsv = valuePlaceholdersCsvBuilder.toString(); // Used if doing an UPDATE String fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv = fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsvBuilder.toString(); if (!fieldsCsv.equals("")) { fieldsCsv = fieldsCsv.substring(0, fieldsCsv.length() - 2); valuePlaceholdersCsv = valuePlaceholdersCsv.substring(0, valuePlaceholdersCsv.length() - 2); fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv = fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv.substring(0, fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv.length() - 2); } if (newRecord) { SQLCodeBuilder.append("INSERT INTO " + table.getInternalTableName()); if (fieldsCsv.equals("")) { SQLCodeBuilder.append(" VALUES(default)"); } else { SQLCodeBuilder.append("(" + fieldsCsv + ") VALUES (" + valuePlaceholdersCsv + ")"); } } else { SQLCodeBuilder.append("UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + fieldsAndPlaceholdersCsv); if (globalEdit) { // add filter for various row ids SQLCodeBuilder.append(" WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + " in (?"); for (int i = 1; i < rowIds.size(); i++) { SQLCodeBuilder.append(",?"); } SQLCodeBuilder.append(")"); } else { // add filter for single row id SQLCodeBuilder.append(" WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "=?"); } } Connection conn = null; int fieldNumber = 0; // Will be set if we're inserting a record int newRowId = -1; TableDataInfo tableData = new TableData(table); try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCodeBuilder.toString()); for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) { // If an exception is raised, currentField will be the field // which caused it // currentField = field; fieldNumber++; BaseValue fieldValue = dataToSave.get(field); if (field instanceof FileField) { if (fieldValue.isNull() || fieldValue.toString().equals("")) { throw new InputRecordException("No file specified for the upload", field); } } if (fieldValue.isNull()) { statement.setNull(fieldNumber, Types.NULL); } else { if (fieldValue instanceof TextValue) { String textValue = ((TextValue) fieldValue).toXmlString(); statement.setString(fieldNumber, textValue); } else if (fieldValue instanceof IntegerValue) { // if no related value, set relation field to null if (field instanceof RelationField && (((IntegerValue) fieldValue).getValueInteger() == -1) || (fieldValue.isNull())) { statement.setNull(fieldNumber, Types.NULL); } else { statement.setInt(fieldNumber, ((IntegerValue) fieldValue).getValueInteger()); } } else if (fieldValue instanceof DurationValue) { statement.setString(fieldNumber, ((DurationValue) fieldValue).getSqlFormatInterval()); } else if (fieldValue instanceof DecimalValue) { statement.setDouble(fieldNumber, ((DecimalValue) fieldValue).getValueFloat()); } else if (fieldValue instanceof DateValue) { if (((DateValue) fieldValue).getValueDate() != null) { java.util.Date javaDateValue = ((DateValue) fieldValue).getValueDate().getTime(); java.sql.Timestamp sqlTimestampValue = new java.sql.Timestamp(javaDateValue.getTime()); statement.setTimestamp(fieldNumber, sqlTimestampValue); } else { statement.setTimestamp(fieldNumber, null); } } else if (fieldValue instanceof CheckboxValue) { statement.setBoolean(fieldNumber, ((CheckboxValue) fieldValue).getValueBoolean()); } else if (fieldValue instanceof FileValue) { statement.setString(fieldNumber, ((FileValue) fieldValue).toString()); } else { throw new CodingErrorException("Field value " + fieldValue + " is of unknown type " + fieldValue.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } // We've finished setting individual fields, if an SQL error occurs // after here we won't know which // field caused it without looking for it by other means // currentField = null; if (!newRecord) { if (globalEdit) { // Fill in the 'WHERE [row id field] in (?,..,?)' for use in // the UPDATE statement for (Integer aRowId : rowIds) { if (tableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, aRowId)) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Record " + aRowId + " from table " + table + " is locked to prevent editing"); } statement.setInt(++fieldNumber, aRowId); } } else { // Fill in the 'WHERE [row id field]=?' for use in the // UPDATE statement if (tableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, rowId)) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Record " + rowId + " from table " + table + " is locked to prevent editing"); } statement.setInt(fieldNumber + 1, rowId); } } int numRowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); if ((numRowsAffected != 1) && (!globalEdit)) { conn.rollback(); if (numRowsAffected > 0) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(String.valueOf(numRowsAffected) + " records would be altered during a single record save"); } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "The current record can't be found to edit - perhaps someone else has deleted it"); } } if (newRecord) { // Find the newly inserted Row ID // postgres-specific code, not database independent String SQLCode = "SELECT currval('" + table.getInternalTableName() + "_" + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "_seq')"; statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { newRowId = results.getInt(1); } else { results.close(); statement.close(); throw new SQLException( "Row ID not found for the newly inserted record. '" + SQLCodeBuilder + "' didn't work"); } results.close(); statement.close(); } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { // Find out which field caused the error by looking for internal // field names in the error message String errorMessage = sqlex.getMessage(); for (BaseField possibleCauseField : dataToSave.keySet()) { if (errorMessage.contains(possibleCauseField.getInternalFieldName())) { if (errorMessage.contains("check constraint")) { errorMessage = "The value " + dataToSave.get(possibleCauseField) + " falls outside the allowed range"; } else if (errorMessage.contains("not-null constraint")) { errorMessage = "No value entered"; } else if (errorMessage.contains("unique constraint")) { errorMessage = "Value " + dataToSave.get(possibleCauseField) + " is already in the database and cannot be entered again"; } else if (errorMessage.contains("foreign key constraint") && possibleCauseField instanceof RelationField) { errorMessage = "Please select a valid " + ((RelationField) possibleCauseField).getRelatedTable() + " record first"; } else { errorMessage = "Value " + dataToSave.get(possibleCauseField) + " not allowed (" + Helpers.replaceInternalNames(errorMessage, table.getDefaultReport()) + ")"; } throw new InputRecordException(errorMessage, possibleCauseField, sqlex); } } // Not able to find field errorMessage = Helpers.replaceInternalNames(errorMessage, table.getDefaultReport()); throw new InputRecordException(errorMessage, null, sqlex); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } // If any fields were files to upload, do the actual uploads. // Do this after the commit in case the uploads take a long time and // time out the SQL connection. for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) { if (field instanceof FileField) { try { if (newRecord) { this.uploadFile(request, (FileField) field, (FileValue) dataToSave.get(field), newRowId, multipartItems); } else { this.uploadFile(request, (FileField) field, (FileValue) dataToSave.get(field), rowId, multipartItems); } } catch (CantDoThatException cdtex) { throw new InputRecordException("Error uploading file: " + cdtex.getMessage(), field, cdtex); } catch (FileUploadException fuex) { throw new InputRecordException("Error uploading file: " + fuex.getMessage(), field, fuex); } } } if (newRecord) { sessionData.setRowId(table, newRowId); } this.logLastDataChangeTime(request); logLastTableDataChangeTime(table); UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(this.dataSource); AppUserInfo user = null; if (request.getRemoteUser() == null) { user = ServletUtilMethods.getPublicUserForRequest(request, this.authManager.getAuthenticator()); } else { user = this.authManager.getUserByUserName(request, request.getRemoteUser()); } // Send websocket notification // UsageLogger.sendNotification(user, table, sessionData.getReport(), // rowId, "edit", "Record saved: " + dataToSave); // Log everything apart from hidden (auto set) fields Map<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToLog = new LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue>(); for (Map.Entry<BaseField, BaseValue> entrySet : dataToSave.entrySet()) { BaseField field = entrySet.getKey(); if (!field.getHidden()) { BaseValue value = entrySet.getValue(); dataToLog.put(field, value); } } if (newRecord) { usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, null, AppAction.SAVE_NEW_RECORD, newRowId, dataToLog.toString()); } else if (globalEdit) { // TODO: need better logging of global edits usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, null, AppAction.GLOBAL_EDIT, rowId, dataToLog.toString()); } else { BaseField fieldUpdated = null; Set<BaseField> fieldSet = new TreeSet<BaseField>(); for (BaseField field : dataToSave.keySet()) { if (!field.getHidden()) { fieldSet.add(field); } } if (fieldSet.size() == 1) { fieldUpdated = new LinkedList<BaseField>(fieldSet).getFirst(); } usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, fieldUpdated, AppAction.UPDATE_RECORD, rowId, dataToLog.toString()); } UsageLogger.startLoggingThread(usageLogger); } public int importCSV(HttpServletRequest request, TableInfo table, boolean updateExistingRecords, BaseField recordIdentifierField, boolean generateRowIds, char separator, char quotechar, int numHeaderLines, boolean useRelationDisplayValues, boolean importSequenceValues, boolean requireExactRelationMatches, boolean trim, boolean merge, List<FileItem> multipartItems, String csvContent) throws SQLException, InputRecordException, IOException, CantDoThatException, ObjectNotFoundException, DisallowedException, CodingErrorException { if (!FileUpload.isMultipartContent(new ServletRequestContext(request))) { if (csvContent == null) { throw new CantDoThatException( "To import CSV content, a file must be uploaded (form posted as multi-part) or csv_content specified"); } } int numImportedRecords = 0; // get field set to import into. LinkedHashSet to ensure order is // retained so the right values are imported into the right fields LinkedHashSet<BaseField> fields = new LinkedHashSet<BaseField>(table.getFields()); // if row IDs aren't included in the data to import, remove ID from the // field set BaseField primaryKey = table.getPrimaryKey(); if (recordIdentifierField == null) { recordIdentifierField = primaryKey; } if (generateRowIds || (updateExistingRecords && !recordIdentifierField.equals(primaryKey))) { fields.remove(primaryKey); } Map<RelationField, Map<String, String>> relationLookups = new HashMap<RelationField, Map<String, String>>(); // Remove fields which shouldn't be modified during the import // For serial fields, if we need to set serial values explicitly, this // will have to be dealt with later for (BaseField field : table.getFields()) { if (field instanceof SequenceField && (!field.equals(primaryKey)) && (!importSequenceValues)) { fields.remove(field); } else if (field.getHidden()) { if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.VIEW_COUNT.getFieldName()) || field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.COMMENTS_FEED.getFieldName())) { fields.remove(field); } else if (updateExistingRecords) { if (field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.DATE_CREATED.getFieldName()) || field.getFieldName().equals(HiddenFields.CREATED_BY.getFieldName())) { fields.remove(field); } } } else if (!field.getFieldCategory().savesData()) { fields.remove(field); } // Also, if importing relations by display value, look up // display/internal value mappings if (useRelationDisplayValues && field instanceof RelationField) { Map<String, String> displayToInternalValue = ((RelationFieldDefn) field).getItems(true, false); relationLookups.put((RelationField) field, displayToInternalValue); } } // Prepare SQL String insertSQLCode = null; String updateSQLCode = null; String logCreationSQLCode = null; // If updating, we'll need a record ID value. Depending on what the // identifier field is, this could be one of a couple of different types String recordIdentifierString = null; Integer recordIdentifierInteger = null; int recordIdentifierFieldNum = 0; DatabaseFieldType identifierFieldDbType = null; if (updateExistingRecords) { identifierFieldDbType = recordIdentifierField.getDbType(); if (!identifierFieldDbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.VARCHAR) && !identifierFieldDbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.INTEGER) && !identifierFieldDbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.SERIAL)) { throw new CantDoThatException("The record identifier field has to be text or a whole number, " + recordIdentifierField + " is a " + identifierFieldDbType); } updateSQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET "; int fieldNum = 0; for (BaseField field : fields) { fieldNum += 1; if (merge) { // Update database only if there's a non-null value from the // spreadsheet updateSQLCode += field.getInternalFieldName() + " = COALESCE(?," + field.getInternalFieldName() + "), "; } else { updateSQLCode += field.getInternalFieldName() + " = ?, "; } if (field.equals(recordIdentifierField)) { recordIdentifierFieldNum = fieldNum; } } if (recordIdentifierFieldNum == 0) { throw new CantDoThatException("Can't find the field specified as record identifier (" + recordIdentifierField + ") in the list of table fields " + fields + " in table " + table); } updateSQLCode = updateSQLCode.substring(0, updateSQLCode.length() - 2); updateSQLCode += " WHERE " + recordIdentifierField.getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; logCreationSQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + table.getField(HiddenFields.DATE_CREATED.getFieldName()).getInternalFieldName() + "=?, " + table.getField(HiddenFields.CREATED_BY.getFieldName()).getInternalFieldName() + "=? WHERE " + primaryKey.getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; } insertSQLCode = "INSERT INTO " + table.getInternalTableName() + "("; String placeholders = ""; for (BaseField field : fields) { insertSQLCode += field.getInternalFieldName() + ", "; placeholders += "?, "; } placeholders = placeholders.substring(0, placeholders.length() - 2); insertSQLCode = insertSQLCode.substring(0, insertSQLCode.length() - 2) + ") VALUES (" + placeholders + ")"; // Find content to import Reader inputStreamReader = null; if (csvContent != null) { inputStreamReader = new StringReader(csvContent); } else { for (FileItem item : multipartItems) { // if item is a file if (!item.isFormField()) { if (item.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".xls")) { throw new CantDoThatException( "You need to upload as a CSV to import, Excel files can't be imported directly"); } inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(item.getInputStream()); break; } } } if (inputStreamReader == null) { throw new CantDoThatException("No file uploaded"); } CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(inputStreamReader, separator, quotechar, numHeaderLines); // returns a list of String arrays List<String[]> csvLines = (List<String[]>) csvReader.readAll(); // do db inserts Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; // backupInsertStatement is for when an update returns 0 rows affected, // i.e. there's no matching row. In this case, do an insert PreparedStatement backupInsertStatement = null; PreparedStatement logCreationStatement = null; // These two variables used in exception handling int importLine = 0; BaseField fieldImported = null; Timestamp importTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); AppUserInfo loggedInUser = authManager.getUserByUserName(request, request.getRemoteUser()); String fullname = loggedInUser.getForename() + " " + loggedInUser.getSurname() + " (" + loggedInUser.getUserName() + ")"; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); if (updateExistingRecords) { statement = conn.prepareStatement(updateSQLCode); backupInsertStatement = conn.prepareStatement(insertSQLCode); logCreationStatement = conn.prepareStatement(logCreationSQLCode); } else { statement = conn.prepareStatement(insertSQLCode); } CSVLINE: for (String[] csvLineArray : csvLines) { // convert to an object rather than a primitive array - // easier to work with List<String> lineValues = Arrays.asList(csvLineArray); importLine++; // skip blank lines if (lineValues.size() == 1) { if (lineValues.get(0).length() == 0) { continue CSVLINE; } } int fieldNum = 0; for (BaseField field : fields) { fieldImported = field; fieldNum++; if (field.getHidden()) { String fieldName = field.getFieldName(); if (fieldName.equals(HiddenFields.LOCKED.getFieldName())) { statement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); } } else if (fieldName.equals(HiddenFields.DATE_CREATED.getFieldName()) || fieldName.equals(HiddenFields.LAST_MODIFIED.getFieldName())) { statement.setTimestamp(fieldNum, importTime); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setTimestamp(fieldNum, importTime); } } else if (fieldName.equals(HiddenFields.CREATED_BY.getFieldName()) || fieldName.equals(HiddenFields.MODIFIED_BY.getFieldName())) { statement.setString(fieldNum, fullname); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setString(fieldNum, fullname); } } } else if (fieldNum > lineValues.size()) { // booleans have a not null constraint if (field.getDbType().equals(Types.BOOLEAN)) { statement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); } } else { statement.setNull(fieldNum, Types.NULL); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setNull(fieldNum, Types.NULL); } } } else { String lineValue = lineValues.get(fieldNum - 1); if (lineValue != null) { if (trim) { lineValue = lineValue.trim(); } if (lineValue.equals("")) { // booleans have a not null constraint if (field.getDbType().equals(Types.BOOLEAN)) { statement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); } } else { statement.setNull(fieldNum, Types.NULL); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setNull(fieldNum, Types.NULL); } } } else { if ((field instanceof FileField) && (generateRowIds)) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Cannot generate row ids when importing file names. See line " + importLine + ", field '" + field.getFieldName() + "' with value '" + lineValue + "'"); } switch (field.getDbType()) { case VARCHAR: statement.setString(fieldNum, lineValue); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setString(fieldNum, lineValue); if (field.equals(recordIdentifierField)) { recordIdentifierString = lineValue; } } break; case TIMESTAMP: // deal with month and year // resolution dates exported if (lineValue.matches("^[a-zA-Z]{3}\\s\\d{2,4}$")) { lineValue = "01 " + lineValue; } else if (lineValue.matches("^\\d{2,4}")) { lineValue = "01 Jan " + lineValue; } try { Calendar calValue = CalendarParser.parse(lineValue, CalendarParser.DD_MM_YY); statement.setTimestamp(fieldNum, new Timestamp(calValue.getTimeInMillis())); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setTimestamp(fieldNum, new Timestamp(calValue.getTimeInMillis())); } } catch (CalendarParserException cpex) { throw new InputRecordException("Error importing line " + importLine + ", field " + field + ": " + cpex.getMessage(), field, cpex); } break; case FLOAT: lineValue = lineValue.trim().replaceAll("[^\\d\\.\\+\\-eE]", ""); statement.setDouble(fieldNum, Double.valueOf(lineValue)); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setDouble(fieldNum, Double.valueOf(lineValue)); } break; case INTEGER: if ((field instanceof RelationField) && (useRelationDisplayValues)) { // find key value for display value RelationField relationField = (RelationField) field; Map<String, String> valueKeyMap = relationLookups.get(relationField); String internalValueString = valueKeyMap.get(lineValue); if (internalValueString == null) { if (!requireExactRelationMatches) { // A very basic fuzzy matching // algorithm String potentialDisplayValue = null; String lineValueLowerCase = lineValue.toLowerCase(); FUZZYMATCH: for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : valueKeyMap .entrySet()) { potentialDisplayValue = entry.getKey(); if (potentialDisplayValue.toLowerCase() .contains(lineValueLowerCase)) { internalValueString = entry.getValue(); break FUZZYMATCH; } } } if (internalValueString == null) { throw new CantDoThatException("Error importing line " + importLine + ", field " + relationField + ": Can't find a related '" + relationField.getRelatedTable() + "' for " + relationField.getDisplayField() + " '" + lineValue + "'. "); } } int keyValue = Integer.valueOf(internalValueString); statement.setInt(fieldNum, keyValue); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setInt(fieldNum, keyValue); if (field.equals(recordIdentifierField)) { recordIdentifierInteger = keyValue; } } } else { lineValue = lineValue.trim().replaceAll("[^\\d\\.\\+\\-eE]", ""); int keyValue = Integer.valueOf(lineValue); statement.setInt(fieldNum, keyValue); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setInt(fieldNum, keyValue); if (field.equals(recordIdentifierField)) { recordIdentifierInteger = keyValue; } } } break; case SERIAL: lineValue = lineValue.trim().replaceAll("[^\\d\\.\\+\\-eE]", ""); int keyValue = Integer.valueOf(lineValue); statement.setInt(fieldNum, keyValue); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setInt(fieldNum, keyValue); if (field.equals(recordIdentifierField)) { recordIdentifierInteger = keyValue; } } break; case BOOLEAN: boolean filterValueIsTrue = Helpers.valueRepresentsBooleanTrue(lineValue); statement.setBoolean(fieldNum, filterValueIsTrue); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setBoolean(fieldNum, filterValueIsTrue); } break; } } } else { // booleans have a not null constraint if (field.getDbType().equals(Types.BOOLEAN)) { statement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setBoolean(fieldNum, false); } } else { statement.setNull(fieldNum, Types.NULL); if (updateExistingRecords) { backupInsertStatement.setNull(fieldNum, Types.NULL); } } } } } if (updateExistingRecords) { // for potential error messages String recordIdentifierDescription = null; if (identifierFieldDbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.INTEGER) || identifierFieldDbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.SERIAL)) { if (recordIdentifierInteger == null) { throw new InputRecordException( "Can't find a record identifier value at line " + importLine, recordIdentifierField); } recordIdentifierDescription = recordIdentifierField.getFieldName() + " = " + recordIdentifierInteger; // Set the 'WHERE recordIdentifier = ?' clause statement.setInt(fields.size() + 1, recordIdentifierInteger); } else { if (recordIdentifierString == null) { throw new InputRecordException( "Can't find a record identifier value at line " + importLine, recordIdentifierField); } recordIdentifierDescription = recordIdentifierField.getFieldName() + " = '" + recordIdentifierString + "'"; // Set the 'WHERE recordIdentifier = ?' clause statement.setString(fields.size() + 1, recordIdentifierString); } int rowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(); if (rowsAffected == 0) { // If can't find a match to update, insert a record // instead backupInsertStatement.executeUpdate(); // NB Postgres specific code to find Row ID of newly // inserted record, not cross-db compatible String newRowIdSQLCode = "SELECT currval('" + table.getInternalTableName() + "_" + primaryKey.getInternalFieldName() + "_seq')"; PreparedStatement newRowIdStatement = conn.prepareStatement(newRowIdSQLCode); ResultSet newRowIdResults = newRowIdStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { int newRowId = newRowIdResults.getInt(1); // Add creation metadata to the new row logCreationStatement.setTimestamp(1, importTime); logCreationStatement.setString(2, fullname); logCreationStatement.setInt(3, newRowId); int creationLogRowsAffected = logCreationStatement.executeUpdate(); if (creationLogRowsAffected == 0) { throw new SQLException( "Unable to update creation metadata of newly inserted record, using query " + logCreationStatement); } } else { newRowIdResults.close(); newRowIdStatement.close(); throw new SQLException("Row ID not found for the newly inserted record. '" + newRowIdStatement + "' didn't work"); } newRowIdResults.close(); newRowIdStatement.close(); } else if (rowsAffected > 1) { throw new InputRecordException("Error importing line " + importLine + ". The record identifier field " + recordIdentifierDescription + " should match only 1 record in the database but it actually matches " + rowsAffected, recordIdentifierField); } // reset to null for the next line recordIdentifierString = null; recordIdentifierInteger = null; } else { statement.executeUpdate(); } numImportedRecords += 1; } statement.close(); if (backupInsertStatement != null) { backupInsertStatement.close(); } if (logCreationStatement != null) { logCreationStatement.close(); } // reset the primary key ID sequence so new records can be added resetSequence((SequenceField) primaryKey, conn); // and any other sequence fields if (importSequenceValues) { for (BaseField field : table.getFields()) { if ((!field.equals(primaryKey)) && field instanceof SequenceField) { resetSequence((SequenceField) field, conn); } } } // ANALYZE the table after import if (numImportedRecords > 1000) { Statement analyzeStatement = conn.createStatement(); analyzeStatement.execute("ANALYZE " + table.getInternalTableName()); analyzeStatement.close(); } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { String databaseErrorMessage = Helpers.replaceInternalNames(sqlex.getMessage(), table.getDefaultReport()); logger.warn("Import failed, statement is " + statement); logger.warn("Backup insert statement is " + backupInsertStatement); String errorMessage = "Error importing CSV line " + importLine; if (!fieldImported.getHidden()) { errorMessage += ", field '" + fieldImported + "'"; } errorMessage += ": " + databaseErrorMessage; throw new InputRecordException(errorMessage, fieldImported, sqlex); } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { String causeMessage = nfex.getMessage(); causeMessage = causeMessage.replaceAll("For input string", "value"); String errorMessage = "Error parsing number when importing CSV line " + importLine; if (!fieldImported.getHidden()) { errorMessage += ", field '" + fieldImported + "'"; } errorMessage += ": " + causeMessage; throw new InputRecordException(errorMessage, fieldImported, nfex); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } this.logLastDataChangeTime(request); logLastTableDataChangeTime(table); UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(this.dataSource); String logMessage = "" + numImportedRecords; if (updateExistingRecords) { logMessage += " records imported"; } else { logMessage += " new records imported"; } if (csvContent != null) { logMessage += " from file"; } usageLogger.logDataChange(loggedInUser, table, null, AppAction.CSV_IMPORT, -1, logMessage); UsageLogger.startLoggingThread(usageLogger); return numImportedRecords; } /** * Set the sequence generator for the ID column of a table to start at the * next number above the highest value in the database. This ensures that * record inserts will work */ private static void resetSequence(SequenceField sequenceField, Connection conn) throws SQLException { TableInfo table = sequenceField.getTableContainingField(); // Find the max value String SQLCode = "SELECT MAX(" + sequenceField.getInternalFieldName() + ") FROM " + table.getInternalTableName(); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); Integer maxValue = null; if ( { maxValue = results.getInt(1) + 1; } else { throw new SQLException("Can't get max. sequence number for field " + sequenceField); } results.close(); statement.close(); SQLCode = "ALTER SEQUENCE " + table.getInternalTableName() + "_" + sequenceField.getInternalFieldName() + "_seq"; SQLCode += " RESTART WITH " + maxValue; statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } /** * Upload a file for a particular field in a particular record. If a file * with the same name already exists, rename the old one to avoid * overwriting. Reset the last modified time of the old one so the rename * doesn't muck this up. Maintaining the file timestamp is useful for * version history */ private void uploadFile(HttpServletRequest request, FileField field, FileValue fileValue, int rowId, List<FileItem> multipartItems) throws CantDoThatException, FileUploadException { if (rowId < 0) { throw new CantDoThatException("Row ID " + rowId + " invalid"); } if (!FileUpload.isMultipartContent(new ServletRequestContext(request))) { throw new CantDoThatException("To upload a file, the form must be posted as multi-part form data"); } if (fileValue.toString().contains("/")) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Filename contains a slash character which is not allowed, no upload done"); } if (fileValue.toString().contains("'") || fileValue.toString().contains("\"")) { throw new CantDoThatException("Filename must not contain quote marks"); } // Put the file in a unique folder per row ID. // This is in the format table ID / field ID / row ID String uploadFolderName = this.getWebAppRoot() + "uploads/" + field.getTableContainingField().getInternalTableName() + "/" + field.getInternalFieldName() + "/" + rowId; File uploadFolder = new File(uploadFolderName); if (!uploadFolder.exists()) { if (!uploadFolder.mkdirs()) { throw new CantDoThatException("Error creating upload folder " + uploadFolderName); } } for (FileItem item : multipartItems) { // if item is a file if (!item.isFormField()) { long fileSize = item.getSize(); if (fileSize == 0) { throw new CantDoThatException("An empty file was submitted, no upload done"); } String filePath = uploadFolderName + "/" + fileValue.toString(); File selectedFile = new File(filePath); String extension = ""; if (filePath.contains(".")) { extension = filePath.replaceAll("^.*\\.", "").toLowerCase(); } if (selectedFile.exists()) { // rename the existing file to something else so we don't // overwrite it String basePath = filePath; int fileNum = 1; if (basePath.contains(".")) { basePath = basePath.substring(0, basePath.length() - extension.length() - 1); } String renamedFileName = basePath + "-" + fileNum; if (!extension.equals("")) { renamedFileName += "." + extension; } File renamedFile = new File(renamedFileName); while (renamedFile.exists()) { fileNum++; renamedFileName = basePath + "-" + fileNum; if (!extension.equals("")) { renamedFileName += "." + extension; } renamedFile = new File(renamedFileName); } // Keep the original timestamp long lastModified = selectedFile.lastModified(); if (!selectedFile.renameTo(renamedFile)) { throw new FileUploadException("Rename of existing file from '" + selectedFile + "' to '" + renamedFile + "' failed"); } if (!renamedFile.setLastModified(lastModified)) { throw new FileUploadException("Error setting the last modified date of " + renamedFile); } // I think a File object's name is inviolable but just in // case selectedFile = new File(filePath); } try { item.write(selectedFile); } catch (Exception ex) { // Catching a general exception?! This is because the // library throws a raw exception. Not very good throw new FileUploadException("Error writing file: " + ex.getMessage()); } // Record upload speed long requestStartTime = request.getSession().getLastAccessedTime(); float secondsToUpload = (System.currentTimeMillis() - requestStartTime) / ((float) 1000); if (secondsToUpload > 10) { // Only time reasonably long uploads otherwise we'll amplify // errors float uploadSpeed = ((float) fileSize) / secondsToUpload; this.updateUploadSpeed(uploadSpeed); } if (extension.equals("jpg") || extension.equals("jpeg") || extension.equals("png")) { // image.png -> image.png.40.png String thumb40Path = filePath + "." + 40 + "." + extension; String thumb500Path = filePath + "." + 500 + "." + extension; File thumb40File = new File(thumb40Path); File thumb500File = new File(thumb500Path); int midSize = 500; if (field.getAttachmentType().equals(AttachmentType.PROFILE_PHOTO)) { midSize = 250; } try { BufferedImage originalImage =; int height = originalImage.getHeight(); int width = originalImage.getWidth(); // Conditional resize if ((height > midSize) || (width > midSize)) { Thumbnails.of(selectedFile).size(midSize, midSize).toFile(thumb500File); } else { FileUtils.copyFile(selectedFile, thumb500File); } // Allow files that are up to 60 px tall as long as the // width is no > 40 px Thumbnails.of(selectedFile).size(40, 60).toFile(thumb40File); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new FileUploadException("Error generating thumbnail: " + ioex.getMessage()); } } else if (extension.equals("pdf")) { // Convert first page to PNG with imagemagick ConvertCmd convert = new ConvertCmd(); IMOperation op = new IMOperation(); op.addImage(); // Placeholder for input PDF op.resize(500, 500); op.addImage(); // Placeholder for output PNG try { // [0] means convert only first page, new Object[] { filePath + "[0]", filePath + "." + 500 + ".png" }); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new FileUploadException("IO error while converting PDF to PNG: " + ioex); } catch (InterruptedException iex) { throw new FileUploadException("Interrupted while converting PDF to PNG: " + iex); } catch (IM4JavaException im4jex) { throw new FileUploadException("Problem converting PDF to PNG: " + im4jex); } } } } } public synchronized int getUploadSpeed() { return (int) this.uploadSpeed; } private synchronized void updateUploadSpeed(float uploadSpeed) { this.uploadSpeed = (this.uploadSpeed + uploadSpeed) / 2; } /** * Used when deleting a record. * * Recursively get any tables which contain data that depends on the record * specified, i.e. data that would be deleted in a cascade if the record * were deleted * * Along with each table, return a snippet of the contents of dependent * record(s) * * Also throw an exception immediately if any locked records are found as * this means the deletion should fail * * @param tables * The set of tables to check for dependencies between, e.g. all * the tables in a company * @param sessionData * Used to check for locked record overrides * @param recordDependencies * This method is recursive */ public static Map<TableInfo, String> getRecordsDependencies(Connection conn, Set<TableInfo> tables, SessionDataInfo sessionData, DatabaseInfo databaseDefn, TableInfo table, int rowId, Map<TableInfo, String> recordDependencies) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, CantDoThatException { for (TableInfo otherTable : tables) { Set<BaseField> otherTableFields = otherTable.getFields(); for (BaseField field : otherTableFields) { if (!(field instanceof RelationField)) { continue; } RelationField relationField = (RelationField) field; if (!(relationField.getRelatedTable().equals(table))) { continue; } // 'otherTable' contains a RelationField referencing 'table' we // are deleting a record from. // We should check for any records that will be lost from // 'otherTable' from cascade delete. BaseField primaryKey = otherTable.getPrimaryKey(); BaseField otherUniqueKey = null; Set<BaseField> textFields = new HashSet<BaseField>(); for (BaseField testField : otherTableFields) { // Only report text fields if (testField instanceof TextField) { if ((!testField.getHidden()) && (!((TextField) testField).usesLookup())) { textFields.add(testField); } } // If the table has a unique field, that will be more useful // to the user than the internal ID if (testField.getUnique() && (!testField.equals(primaryKey))) { otherUniqueKey = testField; } } String SQLCode = "SELECT " + primaryKey.getInternalFieldName(); if (otherUniqueKey != null) { SQLCode += ", " + otherUniqueKey.getInternalFieldName(); } for (BaseField textField : textFields) { SQLCode += ", " + textField.getInternalFieldName(); } // NB Don't put a LIMIT on this statement, we want to find all // children in the tree SQLCode += " FROM " + otherTable.getInternalTableName() + " WHERE " + relationField.getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.setInt(1, rowId); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { int otherRowId = results.getInt(1); String recordDescription = ""; if (otherUniqueKey == null) { recordDescription = "internal ID " + otherRowId + ": "; } else { String otherId = results.getString(otherUniqueKey.getInternalFieldName()); recordDescription = otherUniqueKey + " = " + otherId + ": "; } for (BaseField textField : textFields) { String fieldValue = results.getString(textField.getInternalFieldName()); if (fieldValue != null) { if (!fieldValue.equals("")) { recordDescription += fieldValue.replaceAll("\\n", "... ") + ", "; } } } if (recordDescription.length() > 100) { recordDescription = recordDescription.substring(0, 99) + "..."; } TableData otherTableData = new TableData(otherTable); if (otherTableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, otherRowId)) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Record " + otherRowId + " cannot be removed from dependent table " + otherTable + " because it is locked"); } // recurse if (!recordDependencies.keySet().contains(otherTable)) { recordDependencies.putAll(getRecordsDependencies(conn, tables, sessionData, databaseDefn, otherTable, otherRowId, recordDependencies)); } recordDependencies.put(otherTable, recordDescription); } results.close(); statement.close(); } } return recordDependencies; } private void removeUploadedFiles(TableInfo table, int rowId) { for (BaseField field : table.getFields()) { if (field instanceof FileField) { String folderName = this.getWebAppRoot() + "uploads/" + table.getInternalTableName() + "/" + field.getInternalFieldName() + "/" + rowId; File folder = new File(folderName); if (folder.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(folder); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Unable to remove " + folderName + " when removing field " + table + "." + field + ": " + e); } } } } } public void removeRecord(HttpServletRequest request, SessionDataInfo sessionData, DatabaseInfo databaseDefn, TableInfo table, int rowId, boolean cascade) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, DisallowedException, DataDependencyException { Map<TableInfo, String> recordDependencies = new LinkedHashMap<TableInfo, String>(); Set<TableInfo> tables = this.authManager.getCompanyForLoggedInUser(request).getTables(); Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); recordDependencies = getRecordsDependencies(conn, tables, sessionData, databaseDefn, table, rowId, recordDependencies); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } // check for cascading deletes: if (recordDependencies.size() > 0) { // check if user has permissions on all dependent tables: for (TableInfo dependentTable : recordDependencies.keySet()) { if (dependentTable.equals(table)) continue; if (this.authManager.getAuthenticator().loggedInUserAllowedTo(request, PrivilegeType.EDIT_TABLE_DATA, dependentTable)) continue; if (this.authManager.getAuthenticator().loggedInUserAllowedTo(request, PrivilegeType.MANAGE_TABLE, dependentTable)) continue; throw new CantDoThatException( // TODO: This should probably really // be a DisallowedException "Unable to delete record as you are not permitted to delete from the dependent table " + dependentTable); } // user has permissions on all dependent data. however, deletion // should only continue if the user has opted to cascade deletion if (!cascade) { String warning = ""; for (Map.Entry<TableInfo, String> dependency : recordDependencies.entrySet()) { warning += dependency.getKey().getSimpleName() + " - " + dependency.getValue() + "\n"; } throw new DataDependencyException(warning); } } // First get all the content of the row we're deleting, for logging // purposes Map<BaseField, BaseValue> deletedRow = this.getTableDataRow(null, table, rowId, false); String SQLCode = "DELETE FROM " + table.getInternalTableName() + " WHERE " + table.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); TableDataInfo tableData = new TableData(table); if (tableData.isRecordLocked(conn, sessionData, rowId)) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Record " + rowId + " can't be removed from " + table + " because it is locked"); } statement.setInt(1, rowId); int numRowsDeleted = statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close(); // Make sure we don't delete more than one row if (numRowsDeleted > 1) { conn.rollback(); throw new ObjectNotFoundException( String.valueOf(numRowsDeleted) + " records deleted for row id " + String.valueOf(rowId)); } else { // Delete comments for the record Set<String> internalFieldNamesSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (BaseField field : table.getFields()) { if (!field.getHidden()) { internalFieldNamesSet.add("'" + field.getInternalFieldName() + "'"); } } String internalFieldNamesCsv = StringUtils.join(internalFieldNamesSet, ","); SQLCode = "DELETE FROM dbint_comments WHERE rowid=? AND internalfieldname IN (" + internalFieldNamesCsv + ")"; statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.setInt(1, rowId); int numCommentsDeleted = statement.executeUpdate(); if (numCommentsDeleted > 0) {"" + numCommentsDeleted + " comments deleted when deleting " + table + " record " + rowId); } statement.close(); conn.commit(); } } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } this.removeUploadedFiles(table, rowId); this.logLastDataChangeTime(request); logLastTableDataChangeTime(table); UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(dataSource); AppUserInfo user = this.authManager.getUserByUserName(request, request.getRemoteUser()); usageLogger.logDataChange(user, table, null, AppAction.REMOVE_RECORD, rowId, "Deleted data: " + deletedRow); UsageLogger.startLoggingThread(usageLogger); } private String getReportDataAsFormat(DataFormat dataFormat, AppUserInfo user, BaseReportInfo report, Map<BaseField, String> filters, boolean exactFilters, long cacheSeconds) throws CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, SQLException, XMLStreamException, ObjectNotFoundException, JsonGenerationException { String id = dataFormat.toString() + report.getInternalReportName(); CachedReportFeedInfo cachedFeed = null; if (filters.size() == 0) { // For now, only cache when there are no filters. Can reconsider // this in future if necessary cachedFeed = this.cachedReportFeeds.get(id); if (cachedFeed != null) { long lastDataChangeAge = System.currentTimeMillis() - getLastCompanyDataChangeTime(user.getCompany()); long cacheAge = cachedFeed.getCacheAge(); if ((cacheAge < lastDataChangeAge) || (cacheAge < (cacheSeconds * 1000))) { this.reportFeedCacheHits.incrementAndGet(); return cachedFeed.getFeed(); } } } int numRows = 10000; if (dataFormat.equals(DataFormat.RSS)) { numRows = 100; } List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows = this.getReportDataRows(user.getCompany(), report, filters, exactFilters, new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(0), numRows, QuickFilterType.AND, false); String dataFeedString = null; if (dataFormat.equals(DataFormat.JSON)) { dataFeedString = this.generateJSON(report, reportDataRows); } else if (dataFormat.equals(DataFormat.RSS)) { dataFeedString = this.generateRSS(user, report, reportDataRows); } else { throw new CodingErrorException("Format " + dataFormat + " has no report generator"); } UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(this.dataSource); usageLogger.logReportView(user, report, new HashMap<BaseField, String>(0), 10000, dataFormat.toString()); UsageLogger.startLoggingThread(usageLogger); if ((filters.size() == 0) && (cacheSeconds > 0)) { cachedFeed = new CachedFeed(dataFeedString); this.cachedReportFeeds.put(id, cachedFeed); } int cacheMisses = this.reportFeedCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); if (cacheMisses > 100) {"Public report data cache hits: " + this.reportFeedCacheHits + ", misses " + cacheMisses); this.reportFeedCacheHits.set(0); this.reportFeedCacheMisses.set(0); } return dataFeedString; } public String getReportRSS(AppUserInfo user, BaseReportInfo report, Map<BaseField, String> filters, boolean exactFilters, long cacheSeconds) throws SQLException, CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, XMLStreamException, ObjectNotFoundException { try { return this.getReportDataAsFormat(DataFormat.RSS, user, report, filters, exactFilters, cacheSeconds); } catch (JsonGenerationException jgex) { throw new CodingErrorException("RSS generation threw a JSON exception: " + jgex); } } public String getReportJSON(AppUserInfo user, BaseReportInfo report, Map<BaseField, String> filters, boolean exactFilters, long cacheSeconds) throws CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, SQLException, XMLStreamException, ObjectNotFoundException, JsonGenerationException { return this.getReportDataAsFormat(DataFormat.JSON, user, report, filters, exactFilters, cacheSeconds); } /** * Based on */ private String generateRSS(AppUserInfo user, BaseReportInfo report, List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows) throws XMLStreamException, ObjectNotFoundException { // Create a XMLOutputFactory XMLOutputFactory outputFactory = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); // Create XMLEventWriter StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); XMLEventWriter eventWriter = outputFactory.createXMLEventWriter(stringWriter); // Create a EventFactory XMLEventFactory eventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newInstance(); XMLEvent end = eventFactory.createDTD("\n"); // Create and write Start Tag StartDocument startDocument = eventFactory.createStartDocument(); eventWriter.add(startDocument); // Create open tag eventWriter.add(end); StartElement rssStart = eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", "rss"); eventWriter.add(rssStart); eventWriter.add(eventFactory.createAttribute("version", "2.0")); eventWriter.add(end); eventWriter.add(eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", "channel")); eventWriter.add(end); // Write the different nodes this.createNode(eventWriter, "title", report.getModule().getModuleName() + " - " + report.getReportName()); // TODO: Don't hard code host part of URL String reportLink = "" + report.getParentTable().getInternalTableName() + "&set_report=" + report.getInternalReportName(); this.createNode(eventWriter, "link", reportLink); this.createNode(eventWriter, "description", "A live data feed from"); DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"); Date lastDataChangeDate = new Date(getLastCompanyDataChangeTime(user.getCompany())); this.createNode(eventWriter, "pubdate", dateFormatter.format(lastDataChangeDate)); for (DataRowInfo reportDataRow : reportDataRows) { eventWriter.add(eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", "item")); eventWriter.add(end); this.createNode(eventWriter, "title", buildEventTitle(report, reportDataRow, false)); this.createNode(eventWriter, "description", reportDataRow.toString()); String rowLink = reportLink + "&set_row_id=" + reportDataRow.getRowId(); this.createNode(eventWriter, "link", rowLink); this.createNode(eventWriter, "guid", rowLink); eventWriter.add(end); eventWriter.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", "item")); eventWriter.add(end); } eventWriter.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", "channel")); eventWriter.add(end); eventWriter.add(eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", "rss")); eventWriter.add(end); return stringWriter.toString(); } private void createNode(XMLEventWriter eventWriter, String name, String value) throws XMLStreamException { XMLEventFactory eventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newInstance(); XMLEvent end = eventFactory.createDTD("\n"); XMLEvent tab = eventFactory.createDTD("\t"); // Create Start node StartElement sElement = eventFactory.createStartElement("", "", name); eventWriter.add(tab); eventWriter.add(sElement); // Create Content Characters characters = eventFactory.createCharacters(value); eventWriter.add(characters); // Create End node EndElement eElement = eventFactory.createEndElement("", "", name); eventWriter.add(eElement); eventWriter.add(end); } public String getReportMapJson(CompanyInfo company, BaseReportInfo report, Map<BaseField, String> filters) throws CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, SQLException { ReportMapInfo map = report.getMap(); if (map == null) { throw new CantDoThatException("Report has no map configured"); } ReportFieldInfo postcodeField = map.getPostcodeField(); if (postcodeField == null) { throw new CantDoThatException("Report map has no postcode field identified"); } ReportFieldInfo colourField = map.getColourField(); ReportFieldInfo categoryField = map.getCategoryField(); List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows = this.getReportDataRows(company, report, filters, false, new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(0), 10000, QuickFilterType.AND, true); JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(1024); JsonGenerator jg; try { jg = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(stringWriter); jg.writeStartArray(); for (DataRowInfo reportDataRow : reportDataRows) { jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeNumberField("rowId", reportDataRow.getRowId()); LocationDataRowFieldInfo postcodeDataRowField = (LocationDataRowFieldInfo) reportDataRow .getValue(postcodeField); jg.writeStringField("postcode", postcodeDataRowField.getKeyValue()); jg.writeNumberField("latitude", postcodeDataRowField.getLatitude()); jg.writeNumberField("longitude", postcodeDataRowField.getLongitude()); jg.writeStringField("title", buildEventTitle(report, reportDataRow, true)); if (colourField != null) { String colourValue = reportDataRow.getValue(colourField).getKeyValue(); jg.writeStringField("colourValue", colourValue); int upperHash = colourValue.toUpperCase().hashCode(); int hue = 0; if (upperHash != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { // hue = Math.abs(upperHash) % 360; } int saturation = 20; int lowerHash = colourValue.toLowerCase().hashCode(); if (lowerHash != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { saturation += (Math.abs(lowerHash) % 80); } int lightness = 50; int capsHash = WordUtils.capitalizeFully(colourValue).hashCode(); if (capsHash != Integer.MIN_VALUE) { lightness += (Math.abs(capsHash) % 40); } jg.writeNumberField("h", hue); jg.writeNumberField("s", saturation); jg.writeNumberField("l", lightness); } if (categoryField != null) { DataRowFieldInfo categoryValue = reportDataRow.getValue(categoryField); jg.writeStringField("categoryValue", categoryValue.getDisplayValue()); } jg.writeEndObject(); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new CodingErrorException("JSON generation produced IO Exception: " + ioex, ioex); } return stringWriter.toString(); } private String generateJSON(BaseReportInfo report, List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows) throws CodingErrorException, JsonGenerationException { JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(1024); JsonGenerator jg; try { jg = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(stringWriter); jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeFieldName("fields"); jg.writeStartArray(); for (ReportFieldInfo reportField : report.getReportFields()) { jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeStringField("id", reportField.getInternalFieldName()); jg.writeStringField("name", reportField.getFieldName()); jg.writeStringField("desc", reportField.getFieldDescription()); jg.writeEndObject(); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.writeFieldName("data"); jg.writeStartArray(); for (DataRowInfo reportDataRow : reportDataRows) { jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeNumberField("rowId", reportDataRow.getRowId()); String valueString = null; for (ReportFieldInfo reportField : report.getReportFields()) { BaseField field = reportField.getBaseField(); DataRowFieldInfo value = reportDataRow.getValue(reportField); boolean useKey = false; if (field instanceof TextField) { if (((TextField) field).getContentSize().equals(TextContentSizes.FEW_PARAS.getNumChars())) { useKey = true; } } if (useKey) { valueString = value.getKeyValue(); } else { valueString = value.getDisplayValue(); } jg.writeStringField(reportField.getInternalFieldName(), valueString); } jg.writeEndObject(); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.writeEndObject(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new CodingErrorException("StringWriter produced an IO exception!", ioex); } return stringWriter.toString(); } public String getReportTimelineJSON(AppUserInfo user, Set<BaseReportInfo> reports, Map<BaseField, String> filterValues) throws CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, SQLException, JsonGenerationException { String id = ""; SortedMap<BaseField, String> sortedFilterValues = new TreeMap<BaseField, String>(filterValues); for (BaseReportInfo report : reports) { ReportFieldInfo eventDateReportField = report.getCalendarStartField(); if (eventDateReportField == null) { throw new CantDoThatException("The report '" + report + "' has no suitable date field"); } id += report.getInternalReportName(); } id += sortedFilterValues.toString(); CachedReportFeedInfo cachedJSON = cachedCalendarJSONs.get(id); if (cachedJSON != null) { this.calendarJsonCacheHits.incrementAndGet(); // Note: if we choose not to invalidate the cache on every data // change, we could return only JSON that was newer than a certain // time here, say the last data change time plus ten secs return cachedJSON.getFeed(); } // RFC 2822 date format used by Simile timeline DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z"); UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(this.dataSource); JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(1024); JsonGenerator jg; try { jg = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(stringWriter); jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeArrayFieldStart("events"); for (BaseReportInfo report : reports) { String className = "report_" + report.getInternalReportName(); ReportFieldInfo eventDateReportField = report.getCalendarStartField(); List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows = this.getReportDataRows(user.getCompany(), report, filterValues, false, new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(0), 10000, QuickFilterType.AND, false); ROWS_LOOP: for (DataRowInfo reportDataRow : reportDataRows) { DataRowFieldInfo eventDateValue = reportDataRow.getValue(eventDateReportField); if (eventDateValue.getKeyValue().equals("")) { continue ROWS_LOOP; } jg.writeStartObject(); // timeline needs formatted dates Long eventDateEpoch = Long.parseLong(eventDateValue.getKeyValue()); // String formattedDate = dateFormatter.format(new // Date(eventDateEpoch)); jg.writeStringField("start", "new Date(" + eventDateEpoch + ")"); String eventTitle = eventDateValue.getDisplayValue() + ": " + buildEventTitle(report, reportDataRow, false); jg.writeStringField("caption", eventTitle); jg.writeStringField("description", eventTitle); // TODO: build short title from long title, don't rebuild // from // scratch. Just cut off everything after the 5th comma for // example String shortTitle = buildEventTitle(report, reportDataRow, true); jg.writeStringField("classname", className); jg.writeEndObject(); } usageLogger.logReportView(user, report, filterValues, 10000, "getTimelineJSON"); UsageLogger.startLoggingThread(usageLogger); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.writeEndObject(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CodingErrorException("StringWriter produced an IO exception: " + e); } String json = stringWriter.toString(); cachedJSON = new CachedFeed(json); cachedCalendarJSONs.put(id, cachedJSON); int cacheMisses = this.calendarJsonCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); if (cacheMisses > 100) {"Calendar JSON cache hits: " + this.calendarJsonCacheHits + ", misses " + cacheMisses); this.calendarJsonCacheHits.set(0); this.calendarJsonCacheMisses.set(0); } return json; } public String getReportCalendarJSON(AppUserInfo user, BaseReportInfo report, Map<BaseField, String> filterValues, Long startEpoch, Long endEpoch) throws CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, SQLException, JsonGenerationException { ReportFieldInfo eventDateReportField = report.getCalendarStartField(); if (eventDateReportField == null) { throw new CantDoThatException("The report '" + report + "' has no suitable date field"); } ReportFieldInfo endDateReportField = report.getCalendarEndField(); // Try cache first // Make a sortedMap so toString is always consistent for the same // key/value pairs and we can use it as an ID SortedMap<BaseField, String> sortedFilterValues = new TreeMap<BaseField, String>(filterValues); String id = report.getInternalReportName() + sortedFilterValues.toString(); CachedReportFeedInfo cachedJSON = cachedCalendarJSONs.get(id); if (cachedJSON != null) { this.calendarJsonCacheHits.incrementAndGet(); // Note: if we choose not to invalidate the cache on every data // change, we could return only JSON that was newer than a certain // time here, say the last data change time plus ten secs return cachedJSON.getFeed(); } String dateFieldInternalName = eventDateReportField.getInternalFieldName(); int dateResolution = 0; if (eventDateReportField instanceof ReportCalcFieldInfo) { dateResolution = ((ReportCalcFieldInfo) eventDateReportField).getDateResolution(); } else { BaseField eventDateBaseField = eventDateReportField.getBaseField(); DateField eventDateField = (DateField) eventDateBaseField; dateResolution = eventDateField.getDateResolution(); } boolean allDayValues = true; if (dateResolution > Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) { allDayValues = false; } List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows = this.getReportDataRows(user.getCompany(), report, filterValues, false, new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(0), 10000, QuickFilterType.AND, false); JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(1024); JsonGenerator jg; try { jg = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(stringWriter); jg.writeStartArray(); String internalReportName = report.getInternalReportName(); String internalTableName = report.getParentTable().getInternalTableName(); ROWS_LOOP: for (DataRowInfo reportDataRow : reportDataRows) { DataRowFieldInfo eventDateValue = reportDataRow.getValue(eventDateReportField); if (eventDateValue.getKeyValue().equals("")) { continue ROWS_LOOP; } jg.writeStartObject(); jg.writeStringField("id", internalReportName + "_" + reportDataRow.getRowId()); jg.writeStringField("internalTableName", internalTableName); jg.writeNumberField("rowId", reportDataRow.getRowId()); boolean allDayEvent = allDayValues; if (!allDayValues) { String eventDateDisplayValue = eventDateValue.getDisplayValue(); // TODO: trim may not be necessary if (eventDateDisplayValue.trim().endsWith("00:00")) { allDayEvent = true; } } jg.writeBooleanField("allDay", allDayEvent); // fullcalendar needs the number of seconds since the epoch Long eventDateEpoch = Long.parseLong(eventDateValue.getKeyValue()) / 1000; jg.writeNumberField("start", eventDateEpoch); if (!allDayEvent) { if (endDateReportField.equals(eventDateReportField)) { jg.writeNumberField("end", eventDateEpoch + 3600); } else { DataRowFieldInfo endDateValue = reportDataRow.getValue(endDateReportField); String endDateEpochString = endDateValue.getKeyValue(); if (endDateEpochString.equals("")) { // events last 1 hr by default jg.writeNumberField("end", eventDateEpoch + 3600); } else { Long endDateEpoch = Long.parseLong(endDateValue.getKeyValue()) / 1000; if (endDateEpoch > eventDateEpoch) { jg.writeNumberField("end", endDateEpoch); } else { jg.writeNumberField("end", eventDateEpoch + 3600); } } } } else if (!endDateReportField.equals(eventDateReportField)) { // all day event possibly spans multiple days DataRowFieldInfo endDateValue = reportDataRow.getValue(endDateReportField); String endDateEpochString = endDateValue.getKeyValue(); if (!endDateEpochString.equals("")) { Long endDateEpoch = Long.parseLong(endDateValue.getKeyValue()) / 1000; if (endDateEpoch > eventDateEpoch) { jg.writeNumberField("end", endDateEpoch); } } } jg.writeStringField("className", "report_" + internalReportName); // fullcalendar // TODO: check if classname is used in UI, remove if not jg.writeStringField("classname", "report_" + internalReportName); jg.writeStringField("dateFieldInternalName", dateFieldInternalName); String eventTitle = buildEventTitle(report, reportDataRow, false); jg.writeStringField("title", eventTitle); jg.writeEndObject(); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CodingErrorException("StringWriter produced an IO exception: " + e); } UsageLogger usageLogger = new UsageLogger(this.dataSource); usageLogger.logReportView(user, report, filterValues, 10000, "getCalendarJSON"); UsageLogger.startLoggingThread(usageLogger); String json = stringWriter.toString(); cachedJSON = new CachedFeed(json); cachedCalendarJSONs.put(id, cachedJSON); int cacheMisses = this.calendarJsonCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); if (cacheMisses > 100) {"JSON cache hits: " + this.calendarJsonCacheHits + ", misses " + cacheMisses); this.calendarJsonCacheHits.set(0); this.calendarJsonCacheMisses.set(0); } return json; } /** * TODO: perhaps move this static method to a more appropriate class * * @param shortTitle * If true, return only the first part of the title */ public static String buildEventTitle(BaseReportInfo report, DataRowInfo reportDataRow, boolean shortTitle) { // ignore any date fields other than the one used for specifying // the event date // ignore any blank fields // for numeric and boolean fields, include the field title StringBuilder eventTitleBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int fieldCount = 0; REPORT_FIELD_LOOP: for (ReportFieldInfo reportField : report.getReportFields()) { BaseField baseField = reportField.getBaseField(); DataRowFieldInfo dataRowField = reportDataRow.getValue(baseField); String displayValue = dataRowField.getDisplayValue(); if (displayValue.equals("")) { continue REPORT_FIELD_LOOP; } if (baseField.getDbType().equals(DatabaseFieldType.TIMESTAMP) || baseField.equals(baseField.getTableContainingField().getPrimaryKey())) { continue REPORT_FIELD_LOOP; } switch (baseField.getDbType()) { case BOOLEAN: boolean reportFieldTrue = Helpers.valueRepresentsBooleanTrue(dataRowField.getKeyValue()); if (reportFieldTrue) { eventTitleBuilder.append(reportField.getFieldName() + ", "); fieldCount++; } break; case INTEGER: case FLOAT: eventTitleBuilder.append(reportField.getFieldName()).append(" = ").append(displayValue + ", "); fieldCount++; break; case SERIAL: eventTitleBuilder.append(reportField.getFieldName()).append(" = ") .append(dataRowField.getKeyValue() + ", "); fieldCount++; break; default: eventTitleBuilder.append(displayValue + ", "); fieldCount++; } if (shortTitle && (fieldCount > 3)) { break REPORT_FIELD_LOOP; } } int titleLength = eventTitleBuilder.length(); if (titleLength > 1) { eventTitleBuilder.delete(eventTitleBuilder.length() - 2, eventTitleBuilder.length()); } String eventTitle = eventTitleBuilder.toString(); return eventTitle; } public List<DataRowInfo> getReportDataRows(CompanyInfo company, BaseReportInfo reportDefn, Map<BaseField, String> filterValues, boolean exactFilters, Map<BaseField, Boolean> sessionSorts, int rowLimit, QuickFilterType filterType, boolean lookupPostcodeLatLong) throws SQLException, CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException { Connection conn = null; List<DataRowInfo> reportDataRows = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); ReportDataInfo reportData = this.getReportData(company, reportDefn, conn, true); reportDataRows = reportData.getReportDataRows(conn, filterValues, exactFilters, sessionSorts, rowLimit, filterType, lookupPostcodeLatLong); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } if ((reportDataRows.size() > 0) && (filterValues.size() == 0)) { DataRowInfo firstRow = reportDataRows.get(0); this.topRecords.put(reportDefn, firstRow.getRowId()); } return reportDataRows; } public ReportDataInfo getReportData(CompanyInfo company, BaseReportInfo report, boolean updateCacheIfObsolete) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); return this.getReportData(company, report, conn, updateCacheIfObsolete); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } private ReportDataInfo getReportData(CompanyInfo company, BaseReportInfo reportDefn, Connection conn, boolean updateCacheIfObsolete) throws SQLException { // If company specified: use the cache to look up report metadata. If // the // report data isn't cached, cache it now // Additionally, if updateCacheIfObsolete specified, update the cache if // it gets out of date ReportDataInfo reportData; boolean useCaching = (company != null); if (this.cachedReportDatas.containsKey(reportDefn)) { reportData = this.cachedReportDatas.get(reportDefn); if (useCaching && updateCacheIfObsolete) { Long companyDataLastChangedTime = getLastCompanyDataChangeTime(company); boolean dataChangedAfterCached = (companyDataLastChangedTime > reportData.getCacheCreationTime()); if (dataChangedAfterCached && reportData.exceededCacheTime()) { boolean useSample = false; if (reportDefn.getRowCount() > 1000) { useSample = true; } reportData = new ReportData(conn, reportDefn, useCaching, useSample); this.cachedReportDatas.put(reportDefn, reportData); this.reportDataCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); } else { this.reportDataCacheHits.incrementAndGet(); } } } else { reportData = new ReportData(conn, reportDefn, useCaching, false); if (useCaching) { this.cachedReportDatas.put(reportDefn, reportData); this.reportDataCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); } } if ((this.reportDataCacheHits.get() + this.reportDataCacheMisses.get()) > 10000) {"Report data cache hits = " + this.reportDataCacheHits + ", misses = " + this.reportDataCacheMisses); this.reportDataCacheHits.set(0); this.reportDataCacheMisses.set(0); } return reportData; } public String getReportDataText(BaseReportInfo reportDefn, Set<BaseField> textFields, Map<BaseField, String> reportFilterValues, int rowLimit) throws SQLException, CantDoThatException { StringBuilder conglomoratedText = new StringBuilder(8192); if (textFields.size() == 0) { throw new CantDoThatException("One or more text fields must be supplied to get report data text"); } Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); ReportDataInfo reportData = new ReportData(conn, reportDefn, false, false); Map<String, List<ReportQuickFilterInfo>> whereClauseMap = reportData.getWhereClause(reportFilterValues, false, QuickFilterType.AND); String filterArgs = null; List<ReportQuickFilterInfo> filtersUsed = null; // TODO: there is only one WHERE clause - there should be an // improvement // over a loop for (Map.Entry<String, List<ReportQuickFilterInfo>> whereClause : whereClauseMap.entrySet()) { filterArgs = whereClause.getKey(); filtersUsed = whereClause.getValue(); } String SQLCode = "SELECT "; for (BaseField textField : textFields) { SQLCode += "lower(" + textField.getInternalFieldName() + "), "; } SQLCode = SQLCode.substring(0, SQLCode.length() - 2); SQLCode += " FROM " + reportDefn.getInternalReportName(); if (filterArgs.length() > 0) { SQLCode += " WHERE " + filterArgs; } SQLCode += " LIMIT " + rowLimit; PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement = reportData.fillInFilterValues(filtersUsed, statement, false); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); int colNum = 0; int numCols = textFields.size(); while ( { for (colNum = 1; colNum <= numCols; colNum++) { String colString = results.getString(colNum); if (!results.wasNull()) { conglomoratedText.append(results.getString(colNum)).append(" "); } } } results.close(); statement.close(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } return conglomoratedText.toString(); } public boolean isRowIdInReport(BaseReportInfo report, int rowId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); ReportDataInfo reportData = new ReportData(conn, report, false, false); return reportData.isRowIdInReport(conn, rowId); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } public Map<RelationField, List<DataRow>> getChildDataTableRows(DatabaseInfo databaseDefn, TableInfo tableDefn, int rowid, HttpServletRequest request) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, CodingErrorException { Connection conn = null; Map<RelationField, List<DataRow>> childDataTableRows = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); // retrieve the related sets of records: DataRow tableRow = new DataRow(tableDefn, rowid, conn); childDataTableRows = tableRow.getChildDataRows(databaseDefn, conn, request); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } if (childDataTableRows == null) { return new HashMap<RelationField, List<DataRow>>(0); } else { return childDataTableRows; } } private static Map<String, String> getKeyToDisplayMapping(Connection conn, String internalSourceName, String internalKeyFieldName, String internalDisplayFieldName) throws SQLException { // Buffer the set of display values for this field: String SQLCode = "SELECT " + internalKeyFieldName + ", " + internalDisplayFieldName; SQLCode += " FROM " + internalSourceName; PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); Map<String, String> displayLookup = new HashMap<String, String>(); while ( { displayLookup.put(results.getString(internalKeyFieldName), results.getString(internalDisplayFieldName)); } results.close(); statement.close(); return displayLookup; } public ChartDataInfo getChartData(CompanyInfo company, ChartInfo chart, Map<BaseField, String> reportFilterValues, boolean aggressiveCache) throws SQLException, CantDoThatException { boolean needSummary = (chart.getAggregateFunctions().size() > 0); if (!needSummary) { return null; } // Work out whether any user filters are active that could affect the // returned data. If there are, always look up direct from db ReportDataInfo reportData = new ReportData(null, chart.getReport(), false, false); Map<String, List<ReportQuickFilterInfo>> whereClauseMap = reportData.getWhereClause(reportFilterValues, false, QuickFilterType.AND); if (whereClauseMap.size() > 0) { return this.fetchChartData(chart, reportFilterValues); } ChartDataInfo chartData = this.cachedChartDatas.get(chart); if (chartData == null) { chartData = this.fetchChartData(chart, reportFilterValues); this.cachedChartDatas.put(chart, chartData); this.chartDataCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); } else { long cacheCreationTime = chartData.getCacheCreationTime(); long lastDataChangeTime = getLastCompanyDataChangeTime(company); long lastSchemaChangeTime = this.getLastSchemaChangeTime(company); long interval = 0; if (aggressiveCache) { interval = 48 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } if (((cacheCreationTime - interval) <= lastDataChangeTime) || ((cacheCreationTime - interval) <= lastSchemaChangeTime)) { chartData = this.fetchChartData(chart, reportFilterValues); this.cachedChartDatas.put(chart, chartData); this.chartDataCacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); } else { this.chartDataCacheHits.incrementAndGet(); } } if ((this.chartDataCacheHits.get() + this.chartDataCacheMisses.get()) > 100) {"Summary data cache hits = " + this.chartDataCacheHits + ", misses = " + this.chartDataCacheMisses); this.chartDataCacheHits.set(0); this.chartDataCacheMisses.set(0); } return chartData; } /** * Fetch direct from the database */ private ChartDataInfo fetchChartData(ChartInfo chart, Map<BaseField, String> reportFilterValues) throws CantDoThatException, SQLException { Set<ChartAggregateInfo> aggregateFunctions = chart.getAggregateFunctions(); Set<ChartGroupingInfo> groupings = chart.getGroupings(); logger.debug("Chart groupings are " + groupings); List<ChartDataRowInfo> reportSummaryRows; reportSummaryRows = new LinkedList<ChartDataRowInfo>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); // First, cache the set of display values for relation fields Map<ReportFieldInfo, Map<String, String>> displayLookups = new HashMap<ReportFieldInfo, Map<String, String>>(); for (ChartGroupingInfo grouping : groupings) { ReportFieldInfo groupingReportField = grouping.getGroupingReportField(); BaseField baseField = groupingReportField.getBaseField(); if (baseField instanceof RelationField) { String relatedKey = ((RelationField) baseField).getRelatedField().getInternalFieldName(); String relatedDisplay = ((RelationField) baseField).getDisplayField().getInternalFieldName(); String relatedSource = ((RelationField) baseField).getRelatedTable().getInternalTableName(); Map<String, String> displayLookup = getKeyToDisplayMapping(conn, relatedSource, relatedKey, relatedDisplay); displayLookups.put(groupingReportField, displayLookup); } } // Create some maps to store min. and max. values of each // aggregate column // These numbers can be used e.g. to scale values when charting // summary data Map<ChartAggregateInfo, Number> maxAggValues = new HashMap<ChartAggregateInfo, Number>(); Map<ChartAggregateInfo, Number> minAggValues = new HashMap<ChartAggregateInfo, Number>(); Map<ChartAggregateInfo, Number> grandTotals = new HashMap<ChartAggregateInfo, Number>(); // Also a map for working with in the loop Map<ReportFieldInfo, Date> previousDateValues = new HashMap<ReportFieldInfo, Date>(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // Get database data BaseReportInfo report = chart.getReport(); ReportData.enableOptimisations(conn, report, true); statement = chart.getChartSqlPreparedStatement(conn, reportFilterValues, false); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ResultSet summaryResults = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { ChartDataRowInfo resultRow = new ChartDataRow(); int resultColumn = 0; for (ChartGroupingInfo grouping : groupings) { ReportFieldInfo groupingReportField = grouping.getGroupingReportField(); SummaryGroupingModifier groupingModifier = grouping.getGroupingModifier(); BaseField baseField = groupingReportField.getBaseField(); resultColumn++; String value = ""; DatabaseFieldType dbType = baseField.getDbType(); if (baseField instanceof RelationField) { value = summaryResults.getString(resultColumn); Map<String, String> displayLookup = displayLookups.get(groupingReportField); value = displayLookup.get(value); } else if (dbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.TIMESTAMP)) { if (groupingModifier != null) { value = summaryResults.getString(resultColumn); } else { Date dbValue = summaryResults.getTimestamp(resultColumn); if (dbValue != null) { if (groupingReportField instanceof ReportCalcFieldInfo) { // See DateFieldDefn constructor for // format // explanation value = ((ReportCalcFieldInfo) groupingReportField).formatDate(dbValue); } else { DateField dateField = (DateField) baseField; value = (dateField.formatDate(dbValue)); if (Integer.valueOf(dateField.getDateResolution()) .equals(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { Date previousDbValue = previousDateValues.get(groupingReportField); if (previousDbValue != null) { calendar.setTime(previousDbValue); int previousDayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); calendar.setTime(dbValue); int dayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); int difference = Math.abs(dayOfYear - previousDayOfYear); if (difference > 1) { value += " (" + (difference - 1) + " day gap)"; } } previousDateValues.put(groupingReportField, dbValue); } } } } } else if (dbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.FLOAT)) { double floatValue = summaryResults.getDouble(resultColumn); if (baseField instanceof DecimalField) { value = ((DecimalField) baseField).formatFloat(floatValue); } else if (groupingReportField instanceof ReportCalcFieldInfo) { value = ((ReportCalcFieldInfo) groupingReportField).formatFloat(floatValue); } else { value = summaryResults.getString(resultColumn); } } else if (dbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.BOOLEAN)) { if (summaryResults.getBoolean(resultColumn)) { value = "true"; } else { value = "false"; } } else { value = summaryResults.getString(resultColumn); } resultRow.addGroupingValue(grouping, value); } for (ChartAggregateInfo aggregateFunction : aggregateFunctions) { resultColumn++; DatabaseFieldType dbType = aggregateFunction.getReportField().getBaseField().getDbType(); Double value = null; // deal with aggregate results which are timestamps // rather than doubles if ((!aggregateFunction.getAggregateFunction().equals(AggregateFunction.COUNT)) && (dbType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.TIMESTAMP))) { java.sql.Timestamp timestampValue = summaryResults.getTimestamp(resultColumn); if (timestampValue != null) { Long longValue = timestampValue.getTime(); value = longValue.doubleValue(); } } else { value = summaryResults.getDouble(resultColumn); } if (value != null) { int precision = 1; ReportFieldInfo aggReportField = aggregateFunction.getReportField(); if (aggReportField instanceof ReportCalcFieldInfo) { DatabaseFieldType dbFieldType = ((ReportCalcFieldInfo) aggReportField).getDbType(); if (dbFieldType.equals(DatabaseFieldType.FLOAT)) { precision = ((ReportCalcFieldInfo) aggReportField).getDecimalPrecision(); } } else if (aggReportField.getBaseField() instanceof DecimalField) { precision = ((DecimalField) aggReportField.getBaseField()).getPrecision(); } Number currentGrandTotal = grandTotals.get(aggregateFunction); if (currentGrandTotal == null) { currentGrandTotal = new Double(0); } double currentGrandTotalDbl = currentGrandTotal.doubleValue() + value; grandTotals.put(aggregateFunction, Double.valueOf(currentGrandTotalDbl)); value = MathUtils.round(value, precision); resultRow.addAggregateValue(aggregateFunction, value); Number currentMin = minAggValues.get(aggregateFunction); Number currentMax = maxAggValues.get(aggregateFunction); if (currentMin == null) { minAggValues.put(aggregateFunction, value); } else if (value.doubleValue() < currentMin.doubleValue()) { minAggValues.put(aggregateFunction, value); } if (currentMax == null) { maxAggValues.put(aggregateFunction, value); } else if (value.doubleValue() > currentMax.doubleValue()) { maxAggValues.put(aggregateFunction, value); } } } reportSummaryRows.add(resultRow); } summaryResults.close(); statement.close(); ReportData.enableOptimisations(conn, report, false); float durationSecs = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / ((float) 1000); if (durationSecs > AppProperties.longSqlTime) { logger.debug("Long SELECT SQL execution time of " + durationSecs + " seconds for summary '" + chart + "', statement = " + statement); } return new ChartData(reportSummaryRows, minAggValues, maxAggValues, grandTotals); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { throw new SQLException( "Error getting report summary data " + chart + ": " + sqlex + ". SQL = " + statement); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } public Map<BaseField, BaseValue> getTableDataRow(SessionDataInfo sessionData, TableInfo table, int rowId, boolean logView) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, CantDoThatException, CodingErrorException { Connection conn = null; TableDataInfo tableData = new TableData(table); Map<BaseField, BaseValue> tableDataRow = null; // Only log the view if we're not looking at the top (default) record in // a report boolean logTheView = logView; if (logTheView) { BaseReportInfo sessionReport = sessionData.getReport(); if (table.getReports().contains(sessionReport)) { Integer topRowId = topRecords.get(sessionReport); if (topRowId != null) { if (topRowId.equals(rowId)) { logTheView = false; } } } } try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); tableDataRow = tableData.getTableDataRow(conn, rowId, logTheView); conn.commit(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } if (tableDataRow == null) { return new HashMap<BaseField, BaseValue>(0); } else { return tableDataRow; } } public String getTableDataRowJson(TableInfo table, int rowId) throws SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, CantDoThatException, CodingErrorException { Map<BaseField, BaseValue> tableDataRow = this.getTableDataRow(null, table, rowId, false); JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(512); JsonGenerator jg; try { jg = jsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(stringWriter); jg.writeStartObject(); for (Map.Entry<BaseField, BaseValue> rowEntry : tableDataRow.entrySet()) { BaseField field = rowEntry.getKey(); BaseValue value = rowEntry.getValue(); if (field.equals(table.getPrimaryKey())) { jg.writeNumberField("rowId", ((IntegerValue) value).getValueInteger()); } else if (value instanceof IntegerValue) { jg.writeNumberField(field.getInternalFieldName(), ((IntegerValue) value).getValueInteger()); } else if (value instanceof CheckboxValue) { jg.writeBooleanField(field.getInternalFieldName(), ((CheckboxValue) value).getValueBoolean()); } else if (value instanceof DecimalValue) { jg.writeNumberField(field.getInternalFieldName(), ((DecimalValue) value).getValueFloat()); } else { jg.writeStringField(field.getInternalFieldName(), value.toString()); } } jg.writeEndObject(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } catch (IOException ioex) { throw new CodingErrorException("JSON generation threw an IO exception: " + ioex); } return stringWriter.toString(); } public int getNextRowId(SessionDataInfo sessionData, BaseReportInfo report, boolean forwardSearch) throws SQLException, CantDoThatException { Map<BaseField, String> reportFilterValues = sessionData.getReportFilterValues(); ReportDataInfo reportData = new ReportData(null, report, false, false); Map<String, List<ReportQuickFilterInfo>> whereClauseMap = reportData.getWhereClause(reportFilterValues, false, QuickFilterType.AND); String filterArgs = null; List<ReportQuickFilterInfo> filtersUsed = null; for (Map.Entry<String, List<ReportQuickFilterInfo>> whereClause : whereClauseMap.entrySet()) { filterArgs = whereClause.getKey(); filtersUsed = whereClause.getValue(); } int currentRowId = sessionData.getRowId(report.getParentTable()); int nextRowId = currentRowId; BaseField primaryKey = report.getParentTable().getPrimaryKey(); String SQLCode = "SELECT "; if (forwardSearch) { SQLCode += "min(" + primaryKey.getInternalFieldName() + ") FROM ("; } else { SQLCode += "max(" + primaryKey.getInternalFieldName() + ") FROM ("; } // subquery SQLCode += "SELECT " + primaryKey.getInternalFieldName(); SQLCode += " FROM " + report.getInternalReportName(); if (filterArgs.length() > 0) { SQLCode += " WHERE " + filterArgs; } // end subquery SQLCode += " ) AS rowids_q WHERE "; if (forwardSearch) { SQLCode += primaryKey.getInternalFieldName() + " > " + currentRowId; } else { SQLCode += primaryKey.getInternalFieldName() + " < " + currentRowId; } Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement = reportData.fillInFilterValues(filtersUsed, statement, false); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { nextRowId = results.getInt(1); if (results.wasNull()) { nextRowId = currentRowId; // TODO: cycle round if no result found rather than stopping } } results.close(); statement.close(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } return nextRowId; } public boolean childDataRowsExist(TableInfo parentTable, int parentRowId, TableInfo childTable) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; boolean exists = false; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); DataRowInfo dataRow = new DataRow(parentTable, parentRowId, new HashMap<BaseField, DataRowFieldInfo>()); exists = dataRow.childDataRowsExist(conn, childTable); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } return exists; } public Set<Integer> getRelatedRowIds(BaseReportInfo masterReport, int masterRowId, TableInfo relatedTable) throws CantDoThatException, SQLException { if (!masterReport.getReportBaseFields().contains(relatedTable.getPrimaryKey())) { throw new CantDoThatException( "Field " + relatedTable.getPrimaryKey() + " not found in report " + masterReport); } Connection conn = null; Set<Integer> relatedRowIds = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String SQLCode = "SELECT " + relatedTable.getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName(); SQLCode += " FROM " + masterReport.getInternalReportName(); SQLCode += " WHERE " + masterReport.getInternalReportName() + "." + masterReport.getParentTable().getPrimaryKey().getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.setInt(1, masterRowId); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { // There will always be at least one row in the master report, // if there are no related rows the value will be null int rowId = results.getInt(1); if (!results.wasNull()) { relatedRowIds.add(rowId); } } results.close(); statement.close(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } return relatedRowIds; } private void anonymizeComments(TableInfo table, HttpServletRequest request, List<String> capitalisedWords) throws CantDoThatException, SQLException, ObjectNotFoundException, DisallowedException { if (!request.getServerName().contains("backup")) { throw new CantDoThatException("For safety, anonymisation can only run on a test/backup server"); } if (!this.authManager.getAuthenticator().loggedInUserAllowedTo(request, PrivilegeType.MANAGE_TABLE, table)) { AppUserInfo user = this.authManager.getLoggedInUser(request); throw new DisallowedException(user, PrivilegeType.MANAGE_TABLE, table); } Pattern capitalWordsPattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][a-z0-9]+"); Random rand = new Random(); Connection conn = null; try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); BaseField commentsFeed = table.getField(HiddenFields.COMMENTS_FEED.getFieldName()); BaseField pKey = table.getPrimaryKey(); // Read existing comments and add to the capitalizedWords list Set<Integer> rowIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); List<String> commentsList = new LinkedList<String>(); String SQLCode = "SELECT " + pKey.getInternalFieldName() + ", " + commentsFeed.getInternalFieldName() + " FROM " + table.getInternalTableName(); SQLCode += " WHERE " + commentsFeed.getInternalFieldName() + " IS NOT NULL"; PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { rowIds.add(results.getInt(1)); String comments = results.getString(2); commentsList.add(comments); // extract capitalised words Matcher matcher = capitalWordsPattern.matcher(comments); while (matcher.find()) { capitalisedWords.add(; } } results.close(); statement.close(); SQLCode = "UPDATE " + table.getInternalTableName() + " SET " + commentsFeed.getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; SQLCode += " WHERE " + pKey.getInternalFieldName() + "=?"; statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); int numComments = commentsList.size(); for (int rowId : rowIds) { statement.setInt(2, rowId); // Choose a random comment and anonymize it String comment = commentsList.get(rand.nextInt(numComments)); statement.setString(1, anonymiseNote(capitalisedWords, comment)); int rowsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(); if (rowsAffected != 1) { throw new SQLException("Update failed: returned " + rowsAffected + " rows: " + statement); } } statement.close(); conn.commit(); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } } public void anonymiseData(TableInfo table, HttpServletRequest request, SessionDataInfo sessionData, Map<BaseField, FieldContentType> fieldContentTypes, List<FileItem> multipartItems) throws SQLException, CodingErrorException, CantDoThatException, InputRecordException, ObjectNotFoundException, DisallowedException, MissingParametersException { if (!request.getServerName().contains("backup")) { throw new CantDoThatException("For safety, anonymisation can only run on a test/backup server"); } Random randomGenerator = new Random(); String[] alphabet = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }; // Get data we're going to anonymise List<DataRowInfo> dataRows = this.getReportDataRows(null, table.getDefaultReport(), new HashMap<BaseField, String>(), false, new HashMap<BaseField, Boolean>(0), -1, QuickFilterType.AND, false); // Build up list of names List<String> forenames = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> surnames = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> emailAddresses = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> companyNameParts = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> phoneNumbers = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> niNumbers = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> capitalisedWords = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> emailParts = new LinkedList<String>(); Set<String> emailSuffixes = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); emailSuffixes.add(""); emailSuffixes.add("com"); emailSuffixes.add(""); emailSuffixes.add(".org"); emailSuffixes.add(".net"); emailSuffixes.add(""); Pattern numeralPattern = Pattern.compile("[123456789]"); // no zero Pattern capitalWordsPattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][a-z0-9]+"); int randomMultiplier = randomGenerator.nextInt(10) + 5; for (DataRowInfo dataRow : dataRows) { for (BaseField field : fieldContentTypes.keySet()) { FieldContentType contentType = fieldContentTypes.get(field); String keyValue = dataRow.getDataRowFields().get(field).getKeyValue(); if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.COMPANY_NAME)) { for (String part : keyValue.split("\\s")) { String cleanedPart = part.replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); companyNameParts.add(cleanedPart); capitalisedWords.add(cleanedPart); } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.FULL_NAME)) { String fullName = keyValue; String surname = fullName.replaceAll("^.*\\s", ""); String forename = fullName.substring(0, fullName.length() - surname.length()); forenames.add(forename); surnames.add(surname); capitalisedWords.add(forename); capitalisedWords.add(surname); } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.PHONE_NUMBER)) { if (keyValue.length() > 0) { StringBuffer phoneNumber = new StringBuffer("01632 "); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { phoneNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); } phoneNumbers.add(phoneNumber.toString()); } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.NI_NUMBER)) { if (keyValue.length() > 0) { StringBuffer niNumber = new StringBuffer(); niNumber.append(alphabet[randomGenerator.nextInt(26)]); niNumber.append(alphabet[randomGenerator.nextInt(26)]); niNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); niNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); niNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); niNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); niNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); niNumber.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); niNumber.append(alphabet[randomGenerator.nextInt(26)]); niNumbers.add(niNumber.toString()); } else { niNumbers.add(""); } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.EMAIL_ADDRESS)) { if (keyValue.contains("@")) { String emailSansSuffix = keyValue.trim().toLowerCase(); for (String emailSuffix : emailSuffixes) { emailSansSuffix = emailSansSuffix.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(emailSuffix) + "$", ""); } String[] emailComponents = emailSansSuffix.replace("@", ".").split("\\."); for (String emailComponent : emailComponents) { emailParts.add(emailComponent); } } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.NOTES)) { // extract capitalised words Matcher matcher = capitalWordsPattern.matcher(keyValue); while (matcher.find()) { capitalisedWords.add(; } } } } // Anonymise Set<String> generatedCompanyNames = new HashSet<String>(1000); for (DataRowInfo dataRow : dataRows) { int rowId = dataRow.getRowId(); LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue> dataToSave = new LinkedHashMap<BaseField, BaseValue>(); for (BaseField field : fieldContentTypes.keySet()) { FieldContentType contentType = fieldContentTypes.get(field); if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.COMPANY_NAME)) { int partIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(companyNameParts.size()); String companyName = ""; int pass = 0; while (companyName.equals("") && (pass < 100)) { pass++; String companyNamePart = companyNameParts.get(partIndex); if (!companyNamePart.trim().toLowerCase().equals("ltd")) { companyName += companyNamePart + " "; } if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { partIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(companyNameParts.size()); companyNamePart = companyNameParts.get(partIndex); companyName += companyNamePart + " "; if (!companyNamePart.trim().toLowerCase().equals("ltd")) { if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { partIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(companyNameParts.size()); companyNamePart = companyNameParts.get(partIndex); companyName += companyNamePart + " "; } } } companyName = companyName.trim(); // Company name may be unsuitable for a whole host // of reasons if (companyName.toLowerCase().equals("ltd") || companyName.toLowerCase().endsWith(" the") || companyName.toLowerCase().endsWith(" for") || companyName.toLowerCase().endsWith(" &") || companyName.toLowerCase().endsWith(" of") || companyName.matches("^\\W.*") || generatedCompanyNames.contains(companyName)) { companyName = ""; } } generatedCompanyNames.add(companyName); TextValue companyNameValue = new TextValueDefn(companyName); dataToSave.put(field, companyNameValue); } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.FULL_NAME)) { int forenameIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(forenames.size()); String randomForename = forenames.get(forenameIndex); int surnameIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(surnames.size()); String randomSurname = surnames.get(surnameIndex); TextValue fullNameValue = new TextValueDefn(randomForename + randomSurname); dataToSave.put(field, fullNameValue); } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.PHONE_NUMBER)) { String currentKey = dataRow.getDataRowFields().get(field).getKeyValue(); if (!currentKey.equals("")) { int phoneIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(phoneNumbers.size()); TextValue phoneNumber = new TextValueDefn(phoneNumbers.get(phoneIndex)); dataToSave.put(field, phoneNumber); } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.NI_NUMBER)) { int niIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(niNumbers.size()); TextValue niNumber = new TextValueDefn(niNumbers.get(niIndex)); dataToSave.put(field, niNumber); } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.EMAIL_ADDRESS)) { int dataRowIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(dataRows.size()); String currentKey = dataRow.getDataRowFields().get(field).getKeyValue(); if (currentKey != null) { String emailAddress = ""; if (currentKey.contains("@")) { int partIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(emailParts.size()); emailAddress = emailParts.get(partIndex); if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { emailAddress += "." + emailParts.get(randomGenerator.nextInt(emailParts.size())); } emailAddress += "@"; emailAddress += emailParts.get(randomGenerator.nextInt(emailParts.size())); if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { emailAddress += ".com"; } else if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { emailAddress += ""; } else if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { emailAddress += ""; } else if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { emailAddress += ""; } else if (randomGenerator.nextBoolean()) { emailAddress += ".net"; } else { emailAddress += ".org"; } } TextValue emailValue = new TextValueDefn(emailAddress); dataToSave.put(field, emailValue); } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.CODE)) { int dataRowIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(dataRows.size()); String currentKey = dataRow.getDataRowFields().get(field).getKeyValue(); if (currentKey != null) { int length = currentKey.length(); StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i < 3 || (i % 10 == 0)) { code.append(alphabet[randomGenerator.nextInt(26)]); } else { code.append(randomGenerator.nextInt(10)); } } TextValue codeValue = new TextValueDefn(code.toString()); dataToSave.put(field, codeValue); } } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.NOTES)) { // Replace all capitalised words with another capitalised // word int dataRowIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(dataRows.size()); String currentKey = dataRow.getDataRowFields().get(field).getKeyValue(); String newKey = anonymiseNote(capitalisedWords, currentKey); TextValue textValue = new TextValueDefn(newKey); dataToSave.put(field, textValue); } else if (contentType.equals(FieldContentType.OTHER)) { int dataRowIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(dataRows.size()); DataRowInfo randomDataRow = dataRows.get(dataRowIndex); String randomKey = randomDataRow.getValue(field).getKeyValue(); if (field instanceof TextField) { // Anonymise numbers within the text Matcher matcher = numeralPattern.matcher(randomKey); char[] keyChars = randomKey.toCharArray(); while (matcher.matches()) { int position = matcher.start(); keyChars[position] = alphabet[randomGenerator.nextInt(26)].charAt(0); } TextValue textValue = new TextValueDefn(String.valueOf(keyChars)); dataToSave.put(field, textValue); } else if (field instanceof IntegerField) { String valueString = randomDataRow.getValue(field).getKeyValue(); if (valueString != null) { if (!valueString.equals("")) { valueString = valueString.replace(",", ""); int integer = Integer.valueOf(valueString); integer = integer * randomMultiplier; IntegerValue intValue = new IntegerValueDefn(integer); dataToSave.put(field, intValue); } } } else if (field instanceof DecimalField) { String valueString = randomDataRow.getValue(field).getKeyValue(); if (valueString != null) { if (!valueString.equals("")) { valueString = valueString.replace(",", ""); double decimal = Double.valueOf(valueString); decimal = decimal * randomMultiplier; DecimalValue decimalValue = new DecimalValueDefn(decimal); dataToSave.put(field, decimalValue); } } } else if (field instanceof RelationField) { IntegerValue intValue = new IntegerValueDefn(Integer.valueOf(randomKey)); dataToSave.put(field, intValue); } } else { throw new CodingErrorException("Unhandled anonymisation content type " + contentType); } } this.saveRecord(request, table, dataToSave, false, rowId, sessionData, multipartItems); } this.anonymizeComments(table, request, capitalisedWords); } private static String anonymiseNote(List<String> capitalisedWords, String note) { String[] alphabet = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" }; Pattern numeralPattern = Pattern.compile("[123456789]"); // no zero Pattern capitalWordsPattern = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][a-z0-9]+"); String newNote = note; Matcher capitalWordMatcher = capitalWordsPattern.matcher(note); Random randomGenerator = new Random(); while (capitalWordMatcher.find()) { int capitalWordIndex = randomGenerator.nextInt(capitalisedWords.size()); String capitalWord = capitalisedWords.get(capitalWordIndex); newNote = newNote.replace(, capitalWord); } // Also anonymise numbers within the text Matcher numeralMatcher = numeralPattern.matcher(newNote); char[] keyChars = newNote.toCharArray(); while (numeralMatcher.find()) { int position = numeralMatcher.start(); keyChars[position] = alphabet[randomGenerator.nextInt(26)].charAt(0); } return String.valueOf(keyChars); } public BaseReportInfo getMostPopularReport(HttpServletRequest request, DatabaseInfo databaseDefn, AppUserInfo user) throws SQLException, CodingErrorException { BaseReportInfo mostPopularReport = this.userMostPopularReportCache.get(user); if (mostPopularReport != null) { return mostPopularReport; } String SQLCode = "SELECT report FROM dbint_log_report_view WHERE app_user=? AND app_timestamp > (now() - '2 months'::interval) GROUP BY report ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 50"; Connection conn = null; AuthenticatorInfo authenticator = this.authManager.getAuthenticator(); try { conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(SQLCode); statement.setString(1, user.getUserName()); ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { String internalReportName = results.getString(1); try { TableInfo table = databaseDefn.findTableContainingReport(request, internalReportName); BaseReportInfo report = table.getReport(internalReportName); if (!report.equals(table.getDefaultReport())) { if (authenticator.loggedInUserAllowedToViewReport(request, report)) { results.close(); statement.close(); this.userMostPopularReportCache.put(user, report); return report; } } } catch (ObjectNotFoundException onfex) { // The report from the logs no longer exists } catch (DisallowedException dex) { // The user no longer has privileges on the most popular // report } } results.close(); statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlex) { logger.error("Unable to get most popular report from logs: " + sqlex); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } return null; } public String toString() { return "DataManagement is a class for managing data (duh!)"; } public static void logLastTableDataChangeTime(TableInfo table) { lastTableDataChangeTimes.put(table, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public static long getLastTableDataChangeTime(TableInfo table) { Long lastTime = lastTableDataChangeTimes.get(table); if (lastTime == null) { logLastTableDataChangeTime(table); return lastTableDataChangeTimes.get(table); } return lastTime; } public void logLastDataChangeTime(HttpServletRequest request) throws ObjectNotFoundException { // Public user (not logged in) changes don't count // TODO: think of something better if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) { CompanyInfo company = this.authManager.getCompanyForLoggedInUser(request); setLastCompanyDataChangeTime(company); } } public void logLastSchemaChangeTime(HttpServletRequest request) throws ObjectNotFoundException { CompanyInfo company = this.authManager.getCompanyForLoggedInUser(request); this.setLastSchemaChangeTime(company); } private static Long getLastCompanyDataChangeTime(CompanyInfo company) { Long lastTime = lastCompanyDataChangeTimes.get(company); if (lastTime == null) { setLastCompanyDataChangeTime(company); return lastCompanyDataChangeTimes.get(company); } return lastTime; } private Long getLastSchemaChangeTime(CompanyInfo company) { Long lastTime = this.lastSchemaChangeTimes.get(company); if (lastTime == null) { this.setLastSchemaChangeTime(company); return this.lastSchemaChangeTimes.get(company); } return lastTime; } /** * Acts similarly to logLastChangeTime but taking a company object directly * instead of a HTTP request * * @see #logLastDataChangeTime(HttpServletRequest) */ private static void setLastCompanyDataChangeTime(CompanyInfo company) { lastCompanyDataChangeTimes.put(company, System.currentTimeMillis()); // Note: clearing optional cachedCalendarJSONs.clear(); } private void setLastSchemaChangeTime(CompanyInfo company) { this.lastSchemaChangeTimes.put(company, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Stores a cache of some info about report data: the mean and std. dev. of * each numeric field in the report */ private Map<BaseReportInfo, ReportDataInfo> cachedReportDatas = new ConcurrentHashMap<BaseReportInfo, ReportDataInfo>(); private Map<ChartInfo, ChartDataInfo> cachedChartDatas = new ConcurrentHashMap<ChartInfo, ChartDataInfo>(); // Static because used in static methods private static Map<String, CachedReportFeedInfo> cachedCalendarJSONs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CachedReportFeedInfo>(); private Map<String, CachedReportFeedInfo> cachedReportFeeds = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CachedReportFeedInfo>(); private final DataSource dataSource; private final String webAppRoot; private final AuthManagerInfo authManager; /** * Keep a record of the last time any schema or data change occurred for * each company, to help inform caching */ private static Map<CompanyInfo, Long> lastCompanyDataChangeTimes = new ConcurrentHashMap<CompanyInfo, Long>(); private static Map<TableInfo, Long> lastTableDataChangeTimes = new ConcurrentHashMap<TableInfo, Long>(); private Map<CompanyInfo, Long> lastSchemaChangeTimes = new ConcurrentHashMap<CompanyInfo, Long>(); private Map<AppUserInfo, BaseReportInfo> userMostPopularReportCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<AppUserInfo, BaseReportInfo>(); private AtomicInteger reportDataCacheHits = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger reportDataCacheMisses = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger chartDataCacheHits = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger chartDataCacheMisses = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger calendarJsonCacheHits = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger calendarJsonCacheMisses = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger reportFeedCacheHits = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger reportFeedCacheMisses = new AtomicInteger(); /** * Store the first record ID from each report, for use when logging record * accesses (don't log if the current record is the top record, it's * probably just been loaded as the defauls) */ private Map<BaseReportInfo, Integer> topRecords = new ConcurrentHashMap<BaseReportInfo, Integer>(); private float uploadSpeed = 50000; // Default to 50KB per second private static final SimpleLogger logger = new SimpleLogger(DataManagement.class); }