List of usage examples for java.util Date toString
public String toString()
where:dow mon dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy
From source
public String formatDate(Date date, String format, XWikiContext context) { if (date == null) { return ""; }// ww w. ja va2 s. c o m String xformat = format; String defaultFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"; if (format == null) { xformat = getXWikiPreference("dateformat", defaultFormat, context); } try { DateFormatSymbols formatSymbols = null; try { String language = getLanguagePreference(context); formatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(new Locale(language)); } catch (Exception e2) { String language = getXWikiPreference("default_language", context); if ((language != null) && (!language.equals(""))) { formatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(new Locale(language)); } } SimpleDateFormat sdf; if (formatSymbols != null) { sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(xformat, formatSymbols); } else { sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(xformat); } try { sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(getUserTimeZone(context))); } catch (Exception e) { } return sdf.format(date); } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to format date [" + date + "] with pattern [" + xformat + "]: " + e.getMessage()); if (format == null) { if (xformat.equals(defaultFormat)) { return date.toString(); } else { return formatDate(date, defaultFormat, context); } } else { return formatDate(date, null, context); } } }
From source
public String dwnldAction() { dbgLog.fine("***** within dwnldAction() *****"); resetMsgDwnldButton();//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . co m if (checkDwnldParameters()) { FacesContext cntxt = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) cntxt.getExternalContext().getResponse(); HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) cntxt.getExternalContext().getRequest(); StudyFile sf = dataTable.getStudyFile(); Long noRecords = dataTable.getRecordsPerCase(); String dsbUrl = getDsbUrl(); dbgLog.fine("dsbUrl=" + dsbUrl); String serverPrefix = req.getScheme() + "://" + req.getServerName() + ":" + req.getServerPort() + req.getContextPath(); dbgLog.fine("serverPrefix" + serverPrefix); Map<String, List<String>> mpl = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); // File inFile = new File(sf.getFileSystemLocation()); // File origFile = new File(inFile.getParent(), "_" + sf.getFileSystemName()); String formatType = (String) dwnldFileTypeSet.getValue(); dbgLog.fine("file type from the binding=" + formatType); if (formatType == null) { formatType = dwnldFileTypeSelected; dbgLog.fine("file type from the value=" + dwnldFileTypeSelected); } mpl.put("dtdwnld", Arrays.asList(formatType)); dbgLog.fine("citation info to be sent:\n" + getCitation()); mpl.put("studytitle", Arrays.asList(getStudyTitle())); dbgLog.fine("studyId=" + getStudyId().toString()); mpl.put("studyno", Arrays.asList(getStudyId().toString())); mpl.put("studyURL", Arrays.asList(studyURL)); mpl.put("", Arrays.asList("")); mpl.put("browserType", Arrays.asList(browserType)); mpl.put("recodedVarIdSet", getRecodedVarIdSet()); mpl.put("recodedVarNameSet", getRecodedVarNameSet()); mpl.put("recodedVarLabelSet", getRecodedVarLabelSet()); mpl.put("recodedVarTypeSet", getRecodedVariableType()); mpl.put("recodedVarBaseTypeSet", getBaseVariableTypeForRecodedVariable()); mpl.put("baseVarIdSet", getBaseVarIdSetFromRecodedVarIdSet()); mpl.put("baseVarNameSet", getBaseVarNameSetFromRecodedVarIdSet()); mpl.put("requestType", Arrays.asList("Download")); // Added by Matt Owen to find a way to sneak in Metadata that is lost between Rdata -> Tab mpl.put("originalFile", Arrays.asList(getOriginalFileSystemLocation().getAbsolutePath())); // ----------------------------------------------------- // Processing route, step by step: // // Step 0. Locate the data file and its attributes String fileId = sf.getId().toString(); String fileloc = sf.getFileSystemLocation(); String tabflnm = sf.getFileName(); boolean sbstOK = sf.isSubsettable(); String flct = sf.getFileType(); // Output debug statements"location=" + fileloc);"filename=" + tabflnm);"subsettable=" + sbstOK);"filetype=" + flct);"studyUrl = " + studyURL);"original file asbolute path = " + getOriginalFileSystemLocation().getAbsolutePath()); // D DvnRJobRequest sro = null; List<File> zipFileList = new ArrayList(); File tmpsbfl = null; if (sbstOK) { try { // this temp file will store the requested column(s): tmpsbfl = File.createTempFile("tempsubsetfile.", ".tab"); deleteTempFileList.add(tmpsbfl); // to produce this file, we'll either open the stream // and run our local subsetting code on it, or request // the subsetting to be performed natively by the access // driver, if it supports the functionality: // check whether a source file is tab-delimited or not boolean fieldcut = true; if ((noRecords != null) && (noRecords >= 1)) { fieldcut = false; } DataAccessRequest daReq = new DataAccessRequest(); daReq.setParameter("noVarHeader", "1"); DataAccessObject accessObject = DataAccess.createDataAccessObject(sf, daReq); if (accessObject.isSubsetSupported()) { dbgLog.fine("Using NATIVE subset functionality of the repository."); daReq.setParameter("vars", getVariableNamesForSubset());; InputStream inSubset = accessObject.getInputStream(); OutputStream outSubset = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath())); int bufsize = 8192; byte[] subsetDataBuffer = new byte[bufsize]; while ((bufsize = != -1) { outSubset.write(subsetDataBuffer, 0, bufsize); } inSubset.close(); outSubset.close(); // TODO: catch exceptions; reset the state of the page // if anything went wrong. See the fixed-field section // below for an example. } else {; if (fieldcut) { // Cutting requested fields of data from a TAB-delimited stream: Set<Integer> fields = getFieldNumbersForSubsetting(); dbgLog.fine("subsetting fields=" + fields); // Create an instance of DvnJavaFieldCutter FieldCutter fc = new DvnJavaFieldCutter(); // Executes the subsetting request fc.subsetFile(accessObject.getInputStream(), tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath(), fields, dataTable.getCaseQuantity(), "\t"); // TODO: catch exceptions; reset the state of the page // if anything went wrong. See the fixed-field section // below for an example. } else { // Cutting requested columns of data from a fixed-field stream: Map<Long, List<List<Integer>>> varMetaSet = getSubsettingMetaData(noRecords); DvnNewJavaFieldCutter fc = new DvnNewJavaFieldCutter(varMetaSet); try { //fc.cutColumns(new File(cutOp1), noRecords.intValue(), 0, "\t", tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath()); fc.cutColumns(accessObject.getInputStream(), noRecords.intValue(), 0, "\t", tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* could not generate subset due to an IO problem"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to an IO problem "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } catch (RuntimeException re) { re.printStackTrace(); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* could not generate subset due to an runtime error"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to an runtime error"); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } } } // Checks the resulting subset file: if (tmpsbfl.exists()) { Long subsetFileSize = tmpsbfl.length(); dbgLog.fine("subset file:Length=" + subsetFileSize); dbgLog.fine("subset file:name=" + tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath()); if (subsetFileSize > 0) { mpl.put("subsetFileName", Arrays.asList(tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath())); mpl.put("subsetDataFileName", Arrays.asList(tmpsbfl.getName())); } else { // subset file exists but it is empty msgDwnldButton.setValue("* an subset file is empty"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning( "exiting dwnldAction() due to a subsetting error:" + "a subset file is empty"); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } } else { // subset file was not created msgDwnldButton.setValue("* a subset file was not created"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to a subsetting error:" + "a subset file was not created"); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } // If we've made it this far, we can increment the number of // downloads for the study file: VDC vdc = vdcService.getVDCFromRequest(req); GuestBookResponse guestbookResponse = (GuestBookResponse) getVDCSessionBean() .getGuestbookResponseMap().get("guestBookResponse_" + sf.getStudy().getId()); if (guestbookResponse == null) { //need to set up dummy network response guestbookResponse = guestBookResponseServiceBean.initNetworkGuestBookResponse(sf.getStudy(), sf, getVDCSessionBean().getLoginBean()); } guestbookResponse.setStudyVersion(sf.getStudy().getStudyVersionByNumber(versionNumber)); String jsessionId = null; Cookie cookies[] = req.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { if ("JSESSIONID".equals(cookies[i].getName())) { jsessionId = cookies[i].getValue(); } } if (jsessionId == null || "".equals(jsessionId)) { String[] stringArray = getVDCSessionBean().toString().split("@"); jsessionId = stringArray[1]; } guestbookResponse.setSessionId(jsessionId); String friendlyFormatName = ""; String formatRequestedMimeType = ""; if (formatType != null && !"".equals(formatType)) { if (formatType.equals("D00")) { formatRequestedMimeType = "text/tab-separated-values"; // tabular } else if (formatType.equals("D01")) { formatRequestedMimeType = "text/tab-separated-values"; // fixed-field } else { for (DataFileFormatType type : studyService.getDataFileFormatTypes()) { if (formatType.equals(type.getValue())) { formatRequestedMimeType = type.getMimeType(); } } } } if (formatRequestedMimeType == null || "".equals(formatRequestedMimeType)) { formatRequestedMimeType = "application/x-unknown"; } friendlyFormatName = FileUtil.getUserFriendlyTypeForMime(formatRequestedMimeType); guestbookResponse.setDownloadtype("Subsetting - " + friendlyFormatName); if (vdc != null) { studyService.incrementNumberOfDownloads(sf.getId(), vdc.getId(), (GuestBookResponse) guestbookResponse); } else { studyService.incrementNumberOfDownloads(sf.getId(), (Long) null, (GuestBookResponse) guestbookResponse); } // Step 3. Organizes parameters/metadata to be sent to the implemented // data-analysis-service class // skip the Rserve call completely (for plain tab file format, with no recoding)! -- L.A. if (!formatType.equals("D01") || (recodeSchema.size() > 0)) { Map<String, Map<String, String>> vls = getValueTablesForAllRequestedVariables(); // New (as of 3.6): support for ordered categorical variables // (ingested from R ordered factors). // Note that this is only being added here, i.e., to the // download-and-save part; if/when we make the analysis // and statistics utilize/handle these ordered categories // in some special way, we'll need to add the actual // ordered values to the SRO objects there as well. -- L.A. Map<String, List<String>> categoryOrders = getCategoryValueOrdersForAllRequestedVariables(); if (categoryOrders != null) { sro = new DvnRJobRequest(getDataVariableForRequest(), mpl, vls, recodeSchema, categoryOrders, null); } else { sro = new DvnRJobRequest(getDataVariableForRequest(), mpl, vls, recodeSchema); } /* * Add the recoded -> base variable name map; (new as of v3.6;) * TODO: (?) do the same for the other action requests. * -- L.A. */ sro.setRecodedToBaseVar(getRecodedVarToBaseVarName()); // dbgLog.fine("sro dump:\n"+ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(sro, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE)); // Step 4. Creates an instance of the the implemented // data-analysis-service class DvnRDataAnalysisServiceImpl das = new DvnRDataAnalysisServiceImpl(); // Executes a download or data analysis request and // stores the results in a Map <String, String> resultInfo = das.execute(sro); // Step 5. Check the exit status of the R process: if (resultInfo.get("RexecError").equals("true")) { msgDwnldButton.setValue("* The Request failed due to an R-runtime error"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.fine("exiting dwnldAction() due to an R-runtime error"); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } } if (recodeSchema.size() > 0) { resultInfo.put("subsettingCriteria", sro.getSubsetConditionsForCitation()); } else { resultInfo.put("subsettingCriteria", "variables: " + getVariableNamesForSubset()); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* file URL is malformed"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to a URL problem "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); return ""; } catch (IOException e) { // this may occur if the dataverse is not released, // or if the file exists, but it is not accessible, etc. e.printStackTrace(); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* an IO problem occurred"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to an IO problem "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); return ""; } // end of subset-OK case } else { // not subsettable data file msgDwnldButton.setValue("* this data file is not subsettable file"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction(): the data file is not subsettable "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } // end:subsetNotOKcase // final processing steps for all successful cases // add study-metadata to the resultInfo map if (formatType.equals("D01") && !(recodeSchema.size() > 0)) { resultInfo.put("wbDataFileName", tmpsbfl.getAbsolutePath()); // Fields that would normally be populated by R: resultInfo.put("PID", "N/A"); resultInfo.put("R_min_verion_no", "N/A"); resultInfo.put("dsbHost", "N/A"); Date now = new Date(); resultInfo.put("RexecDate", now.toString()); } else { resultInfo.put("R_min_verion_no", resultInfo.get("Rversion").substring(2)); } resultInfo.put("offlineCitation", getCitation()); resultInfo.put("studyTitle", getStudyTitle()); resultInfo.put("studyNo", getStudyId().toString()); resultInfo.put("dtId", dtId.toString()); if (versionNumber != null) { resultInfo.put("versionNumber", versionNumber.toString()); } resultInfo.put("studyURL", studyURL); resultInfo.put("dataverse_version_no", dvnVersionNumber); resultInfo.put("option", "subset"); resultInfo.put("variableList", getVariableNamesForSubset()); // calculate UNF (locally, on the application side): List<DataVariable> subsetVariableList = getDataVariableForRequest(); String subsetUNFvalue = "[NOT CALCULATED]"; String[] unfValues = new String[subsetVariableList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < subsetVariableList.size(); i++) { unfValues[i] = subsetVariableList.get(i).getUnf(); } dbgLog.fine("unf set:\n" + Arrays.deepToString(unfValues)); try { subsetUNFvalue = UNF5Util.calculateUNF(unfValues); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // if anything went wrong during the UNF calculation, it's not // a fatal condition; we'll just be displaying "not calculated" // instead of the UNF in the final README file. dbgLog.fine("error while trying to calculate subset UNF: Number Format Exception."); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { dbgLog.fine("error while trying to calculate subset UNF: IO Exception."); ex.printStackTrace(); } resultInfo.put("fileUNF", subsetUNFvalue); // writing necessary files: try { if (formatType.equals("D01") && !(recodeSchema.size() > 0)) { // (2) tab-delimited-format-only step: // // In the final zip file we package the subset file // and a replication README file (also contains citation). // We also *used to* include the SAS, SPSS and R control // files created by R. We are not doing this anymore, but // I left the code commented-out below. // -- L.A. Jan. 2012 // // We are also adding the variable header to the file here. /* SKIP CODE FILES -- L.A. String codeFileSas = "codeFile_sas_" + resultInfo.get("PID") + ".sas"; File tmpCCsasfl = new File(TEMP_DIR, codeFileSas); deleteTempFileList.add(tmpCCsasfl); zipFileList.add(tmpCCsasfl); String codeFileSpss = "codeFile_spss_" + resultInfo.get("PID") + ".sps"; File tmpCCspsfl = new File(TEMP_DIR, codeFileSpss); deleteTempFileList.add(tmpCCspsfl); zipFileList.add(tmpCCspsfl); String codeFileStata = "codeFile_stata_" + resultInfo.get("PID") + ".do"; File tmpCCdofl = new File(TEMP_DIR, codeFileStata); deleteTempFileList.add(tmpCCdofl); zipFileList.add(tmpCCdofl); StatisticalCodeFileWriter scfw = new StatisticalCodeFileWriter(sro); scfw.write(tmpCCsasfl, tmpCCspsfl, tmpCCdofl); */ // add the subset file: File tmpsbflnew = File.createTempFile("tempsubsetfile_new.", ".tab"); deleteTempFileList.add(tmpsbflnew); InputStream inb = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpsbfl)); OutputStream outb = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpsbflnew)); String varHeaderLine = getVariableHeaderForSubset(); // Add the variable header to the subset file: byte[] varHeaderBuffer = null; varHeaderBuffer = varHeaderLine.getBytes(); outb.write(varHeaderBuffer); outb.flush(); int bufsize; byte[] bffr = new byte[8192]; while ((bufsize = != -1) { outb.write(bffr, 0, bufsize); } inb.close(); outb.close(); dbgLog.fine("adding tab file: " + tmpsbflnew.getName()); zipFileList.add(tmpsbflnew); } else { // (2)The format-converted subset data file String wbDataFileName = resultInfo.get("wbDataFileName"); dbgLog.fine("wbDataFileName=" + wbDataFileName); File wbSubsetDataFile = new File(wbDataFileName); if (wbSubsetDataFile.exists()) { dbgLog.fine("wbSubsetDataFile:length=" + wbSubsetDataFile.length()); deleteTempFileList.add(wbSubsetDataFile); zipFileList.add(wbSubsetDataFile); } else { // the data file was not created dbgLog.fine("wbSubsetDataFile does not exist"); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* The requested data file is not available"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction(): data file was not transferred"); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } } // Create README file: String readMeFileName = null; if (resultInfo.get("PID") != null && !resultInfo.get("PID").equals("N/A")) { readMeFileName = REP_README_FILE_PREFIX + resultInfo.get("PID") + ".txt"; } else { readMeFileName = REP_README_FILE_PREFIX + fileId + ".txt"; } File readMeFile = new File(TEMP_DIR, readMeFileName); DvnReplicationREADMEFileWriter rw = new DvnReplicationREADMEFileWriter(resultInfo); rw.writeREADMEfile(readMeFile, true); zipFileList.add(readMeFile); deleteTempFileList.add(readMeFile); for (File f : zipFileList) { dbgLog.fine("file to zip: path=" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "\tname=" + f.getName()); } // We can now zip all the required files" try { String zipFilePrefix = null; if (resultInfo.get("PID") != null && !resultInfo.get("PID").equals("N/A")) { zipFilePrefix = "zipFile_" + resultInfo.get("PID") + ".zip"; } else { zipFilePrefix = "zipFile_" + fileId + ".zip"; } File zipFile = new File(TEMP_DIR, zipFilePrefix); //deleteTempFileList.add(zipFile); String zfname = zipFile.getName(); zipFileName = zfname; zipFiles(new FileOutputStream(zipFile), zipFileList); /* try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } */ zipResourceDynFileName = new ByteArrayResource( toByteArray(new FileInputStream(zipFile.getAbsolutePath())));"Subsetting: zipFileName=" + zipFileName);"Subsetting: zipFile, absolute path: " + zipFile.getAbsolutePath()); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); // Hide 'Create' button, show 'Download' button: dwnldButton.setRendered(false); dwnloadSubsetButton.setRendered(true);"***** within dwnldAction(): ends here *****"); /* * Navigation: * - is it necessary to use "faces-redirect" navigation here? * Or should we simply return "" as long as we want to stay * on the subsetting page? if (versionNumber != null) { return "/study/SubsettingPage?faces-redirect=true&dtId=" + dtId + "&versionNumber=" + versionNumber; } return "/study/SubsettingPage?faces-redirect=true&dtId=" + dtId; */ return ""; } catch (IOException e) { // file-access problem, etc. e.printStackTrace(); dbgLog.fine("download zipping IO exception"); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* an IO problem occurred"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to an IO problem "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } // end of zipping step } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* an IO problem occurred"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to an IO problem "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); dvnDSBTimerService.createTimer(deleteTempFileList, TEMP_FILE_LIFETIME); return ""; } // end: params are OK-case } else { // the selection is incomplete // show error message; pgDwnldErrMsg.setRendered(true); msgDwnldButton.setValue("* Error: Select a file format"); msgDwnldButton.setVisible(true); dbgLog.warning("exiting dwnldAction() due to incomplete data "); getVDCRequestBean().setSelectedTab("tabDwnld"); return ""; } // end: checking params }
From source
/** * The main method for this class. It will create a JFreeChart object to be written to the * response./*from w w w. jav a 2 s . c om*/ * * @param request the current request will all the parameters needed * @return JFreeChart object to be rendered * @should set value axis label to given units * @should set value axis label to concept numeric units if given units is null */ protected JFreeChart getChart(HttpServletRequest request) { // All available GET parameters String patientId = request.getParameter("patientId"); // required String conceptId1 = request.getParameter("conceptId"); // required String conceptId2 = request.getParameter("conceptId2"); String chartTitle = request.getParameter("chartTitle"); String units = request.getParameter("units"); String minRangeString = request.getParameter("minRange"); String maxRangeString = request.getParameter("maxRange"); String hideDate = request.getParameter("hideDate"); Patient patient = Context.getPatientService().getPatient(Integer.parseInt(patientId)); // Set date range to passed values, otherwise set a default date range to the last 12 months Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date fromDate = getFromDate(request.getParameter("fromDate")); Date toDate = getToDate(request.getParameter("toDate")); // Swap if fromDate is after toDate if (fromDate.getTime() > toDate.getTime()) { Long temp = fromDate.getTime(); fromDate.setTime(toDate.getTime()); toDate.setTime(temp); } // Graph parameters Double minRange = null; Double maxRange = null; Double normalLow = null; Double normalHigh = null; Double criticalLow = null; Double criticalHigh = null; String timeAxisTitle = null; String rangeAxisTitle = null; boolean userSpecifiedMaxRange = false; boolean userSpecifiedMinRange = false; // Fetching obs List<Obs> observations1 = new ArrayList<Obs>(); List<Obs> observations2 = new ArrayList<Obs>(); Concept concept1 = null, concept2 = null; if (conceptId1 != null) { concept1 = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(Integer.parseInt(conceptId1)); } if (conceptId2 != null) { concept2 = Context.getConceptService().getConcept(Integer.parseInt(conceptId2)); } if (concept1 != null) { observations1 = Context.getObsService().getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(patient, concept1); chartTitle = concept1.getName().getName(); rangeAxisTitle = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getUnits(); minRange = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getLowAbsolute(); maxRange = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getHiAbsolute(); normalLow = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getLowNormal(); normalHigh = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getHiNormal(); criticalLow = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getLowCritical(); criticalHigh = ((ConceptNumeric) concept1).getHiCritical(); // Only get observations2 if both concepts share the same units; update chart title and ranges if (concept2 != null) { String concept2Units = ((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getUnits(); if (concept2Units != null && concept2Units.equals(rangeAxisTitle)) { observations2 = Context.getObsService().getObservationsByPersonAndConcept(patient, concept2); chartTitle += " + " + concept2.getName().getName(); if (((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getHiAbsolute() != null && ((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getHiAbsolute() > maxRange) { maxRange = ((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getHiAbsolute(); } if (((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getLowAbsolute() != null && ((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getLowAbsolute() < minRange) { minRange = ((ConceptNumeric) concept2).getLowAbsolute(); } } else { log.warn("Units for concept id: " + conceptId2 + " don't match units for concept id: " + conceptId1 + ". Only displaying " + conceptId1); concept2 = null; // nullify concept2 so that the legend isn't shown later } } } else { chartTitle = "Concept " + conceptId1 + " not found"; rangeAxisTitle = "Value"; } // Overwrite with user-specified values, otherwise use default values if (units != null && units.length() > 0) { rangeAxisTitle = units; } if (minRangeString != null) { minRange = Double.parseDouble(minRangeString); userSpecifiedMinRange = true; } if (maxRangeString != null) { maxRange = Double.parseDouble(maxRangeString); userSpecifiedMaxRange = true; } if (chartTitle == null) { chartTitle = ""; } if (rangeAxisTitle == null) { rangeAxisTitle = ""; } if (minRange == null) { minRange = 0.0; } if (maxRange == null) { maxRange = 200.0; } // Create data set TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); TimeSeries series1, series2; // Interval-dependent units Class<? extends RegularTimePeriod> timeScale = null; if (toDate.getTime() - fromDate.getTime() <= 86400000) { // Interval <= 1 day: minutely timeScale = Minute.class; timeAxisTitle = "Time"; } else if (toDate.getTime() - fromDate.getTime() <= 259200000) { // Interval <= 3 days: hourly timeScale = Hour.class; timeAxisTitle = "Time"; } else { timeScale = Day.class; timeAxisTitle = "Date"; } if (concept1 == null) { series1 = new TimeSeries("NULL", Hour.class); } else { series1 = new TimeSeries(concept1.getName().getName(), timeScale); } if (concept2 == null) { series2 = new TimeSeries("NULL", Hour.class); } else { series2 = new TimeSeries(concept2.getName().getName(), timeScale); } // Add data points for concept1 for (Obs obs : observations1) { if (obs.getValueNumeric() != null && obs.getObsDatetime().getTime() >= fromDate.getTime() && obs.getObsDatetime().getTime() < toDate.getTime()) { cal.setTime(obs.getObsDatetime()); if (timeScale == Minute.class) { Minute min = new Minute(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); series1.addOrUpdate(min, obs.getValueNumeric()); } else if (timeScale == Hour.class) { Hour hour = new Hour(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); series1.addOrUpdate(hour, obs.getValueNumeric()); } else { Day day = new Day(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); series1.addOrUpdate(day, obs.getValueNumeric()); } } } // Add data points for concept2 for (Obs obs : observations2) { if (obs.getValueNumeric() != null && obs.getObsDatetime().getTime() >= fromDate.getTime() && obs.getObsDatetime().getTime() < toDate.getTime()) { cal.setTime(obs.getObsDatetime()); if (timeScale == Minute.class) { Minute min = new Minute(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); series2.addOrUpdate(min, obs.getValueNumeric()); } else if (timeScale == Hour.class) { Hour hour = new Hour(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); series2.addOrUpdate(hour, obs.getValueNumeric()); } else { Day day = new Day(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1, cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); series2.addOrUpdate(day, obs.getValueNumeric()); } } } // Add series to dataset dataset.addSeries(series1); if (!series2.isEmpty()) { dataset.addSeries(series2); } // As of JFreeChart 1.0.11 the default background color is dark grey instead of white. // This line restores the original white background. ChartFactory.setChartTheme(StandardChartTheme.createLegacyTheme()); JFreeChart chart = null; // Show legend only if more than one series if (concept2 == null) { chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(chartTitle, timeAxisTitle, rangeAxisTitle, dataset, false, false, false); } else { chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(chartTitle, timeAxisTitle, rangeAxisTitle, dataset, true, false, false); } // Customize title font Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 12); TextTitle title = chart.getTitle(); title.setFont(font); chart.setTitle(title); // Add subtitle, unless 'hideDate' has been passed if (hideDate == null) { TextTitle subtitle = new TextTitle(fromDate.toString() + " - " + toDate.toString()); subtitle.setFont(font); chart.addSubtitle(subtitle); } XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); plot.setNoDataMessage("No Data Available"); // Add abnormal/critical range background color (only for single-concept graphs) if (concept2 == null) { IntervalMarker abnormalLow, abnormalHigh, critical; if (normalHigh != null) { abnormalHigh = new IntervalMarker(normalHigh, maxRange, COLOR_ABNORMAL); plot.addRangeMarker(abnormalHigh); } if (normalLow != null) { abnormalLow = new IntervalMarker(minRange, normalLow, COLOR_ABNORMAL); plot.addRangeMarker(abnormalLow); } if (criticalHigh != null) { critical = new IntervalMarker(criticalHigh, maxRange, COLOR_CRITICAL); plot.addRangeMarker(critical); } if (criticalLow != null) { critical = new IntervalMarker(minRange, criticalLow, COLOR_CRITICAL); plot.addRangeMarker(critical); } // there is data outside of the absolute lower limits for this concept (or of what the user specified as minrange) if (plot.getRangeAxis().getLowerBound() < minRange) { IntervalMarker error = new IntervalMarker(plot.getRangeAxis().getLowerBound(), minRange, COLOR_ERROR); plot.addRangeMarker(error); } if (plot.getRangeAxis().getUpperBound() > maxRange) { IntervalMarker error = new IntervalMarker(maxRange, plot.getRangeAxis().getUpperBound(), COLOR_ERROR); plot.addRangeMarker(error); } } // Visuals XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(); if (r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) r; renderer.setBaseShapesFilled(true); renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(true); } // Customize the plot (range and domain axes) // Modify x-axis (datetime) DateAxis timeAxis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis(); if (timeScale == Day.class) { timeAxis.setDateFormatOverride(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy")); } timeAxis.setRange(fromDate, toDate); // Set y-axis range (values) NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); if (userSpecifiedMinRange) { minRange = (rangeAxis.getLowerBound() < minRange) ? rangeAxis.getLowerBound() : minRange; } if (userSpecifiedMaxRange) { // otherwise we just use default range maxRange = (rangeAxis.getUpperBound() > maxRange) ? rangeAxis.getUpperBound() : maxRange; } rangeAxis.setRange(minRange, maxRange); return chart; }
From source
void verifyPreAuth(Domain domain, String acctNameForLogging, String acctValue, String acctBy, long timestamp, long expires, String preAuth, boolean admin, Map<String, Object> authCtxt) throws ServiceException { if (preAuth == null || preAuth.length() == 0) throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("preAuth must not be empty", null); if (acctNameForLogging == null) { acctNameForLogging = acctValue;/*from w ww . ja va 2s . c om*/ } // see if domain is configured for preauth String domainPreAuthKey = domain.getAttr(Provisioning.A_zimbraPreAuthKey, null); if (domainPreAuthKey == null) throw ServiceException.INVALID_REQUEST("domain is not configured for preauth", null); // see if request is recent long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = Math.abs(now - timestamp); if (diff > TIMESTAMP_WINDOW) { Date nowDate = new Date(now); Date preauthDate = new Date(timestamp); throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED(acctNameForLogging, AuthMechanism.namePassedIn(authCtxt), "preauth timestamp is too old, server time: " + nowDate.toString() + ", preauth timestamp: " + preauthDate.toString()); } // compute expected preAuth HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("account", acctValue); if (admin) params.put("admin", "1"); params.put("by", acctBy); params.put("timestamp", timestamp + ""); params.put("expires", expires + ""); String computedPreAuth = PreAuthKey.computePreAuth(params, domainPreAuthKey); if (!computedPreAuth.equalsIgnoreCase(preAuth)) { throw AuthFailedServiceException.AUTH_FAILED(acctNameForLogging, AuthMechanism.namePassedIn(authCtxt), "preauth mismatch"); } }
From source
/** * Once the Submit button has been pressed, create the package, add in the * packaged stock entries// w w w . j a va2 s . co m * * @param dispenseNow * boolean * @param allPackagedDrugsList * java.util.List<PackageDrugInfo> * @throws Exception * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private void submitForm(boolean dispenseNow, java.util.List<PackageDrugInfo> allPackagedDrugsList) throws Exception { Transaction tx = null; Map<Object, Integer> labelQuantities = new HashMap<Object, Integer>(); try { ConexaoJDBC conn = new ConexaoJDBC(); if (conn.dispensadonoperiodo(allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId())) { System.out.println("Num of Days: " + dias); MessageBox mbox = new MessageBox(new Shell(), SWT.YES | SWT.NO | SWT.ICON_WARNING); mbox.setText("Levantamento de ARVs"); mbox.setMessage("ATENO:\nO PACIENTE " + txtPatientId.getText() + " J? FORAM DISPENSADOS MEDICAMENTOS NESTE PER?ODO!\n \nA LTIMA DISPENSA FOI H? " + dias + " DIA(s)\n \nQUER DISPENSAR DE NOVO?"); switch ( { case SWT.YES: { //***************Ainda a configurar a informacao mais correcta ConfirmWithPasswordDialogAdapter passwordDialog = new ConfirmWithPasswordDialogAdapter( getShell(), getHSession()); passwordDialog.setMessage("Por favor insserir a Password"); // if password verified String messg =; if (messg.equalsIgnoreCase("verified")) { } tx = getHSession().beginTransaction(); if (newPack.getPrescription() != null) { if (previousPack != null) { savePillCounts(); } // Check if package contains ARV, and // do ARV Start date check. // Should be moved to a facade or manager class for (PackageDrugInfo info : allPackagedDrugsList) { if (!info.isSideTreatment()) { // Check the ARV Start Date if an // ARV package is present. checkARVStartDate(); break; } } savePackageAndPackagedDrugs(dispenseNow, allPackagedDrugsList); getLog().info("savePackageAndPackagedDrugs() called"); setNextAppointmentDate(); if (allPackagedDrugsList.size() > 0) { // This map keeps a track of drugs dispensed in separate // batches Map<String, String> drugNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Update pdi's to include accum drugs for (PackageDrugInfo info : allPackagedDrugsList) { info.setQtyInHand(PackageManager.getQuantityDispensedForLabel( newPack.getAccumulatedDrugs(), info.getDispensedQty(), info.getDrugName(), info.getPackagedDrug().getStock().getDrug().getPackSize(), false, true)); labelQuantities.put(info, 1); // set the String that will print out on each drug label // to indicate // (<amount dispensed> + <accumulated amount>) if (drugNames.containsKey(info.getDrugName())) { // not first batch, exclude pillcount value info.setSummaryQtyInHand(PackageManager.getQuantityDispensedForLabel( newPack.getAccumulatedDrugs(), info.getDispensedQty(), info.getDrugName(), info.getDispensedQty(), false, false)); } else { info.setSummaryQtyInHand(PackageManager.getQuantityDispensedForLabel( newPack.getAccumulatedDrugs(), info.getDispensedQty(), info.getDrugName(), info.getDispensedQty(), false, true)); } drugNames.put(info.getDrugName(), "test"); // set the String that will print out on the // prescription summary label to indicate // for each drug the (<total amount dispensed> + <total // accumulated amount>) // before printing the labels, save pdi List TemporaryRecordsManager.savePackageDrugInfosToDB(getHSession(), allPackagedDrugsList); getHSession().flush(); } } tx.commit(); /*if (iDartProperties.printDrugLabels) { // Add the qty for the summary label labelQuantities.put(ScriptSummaryLabel.KEY, rdBtnPrintSummaryLabelYes.getSelection() ? 1 : 0); //Add the qty for the next appointment labelQuantities.put(CommonObjects.NEXT_APPOINTMENT_KEY, ( (rdBtnDispenseLater.getSelection() || rdBtnYesAppointmentDate.getSelection()) ? 1 : 0)); // Add the qty for the package label labelQuantities.put(PackageCoverLabel.KEY, rdBtnDispenseLater.getSelection() ? 1 : 0); // print labels PackageManager.printLabels(getHSession(), allPackagedDrugsList, labelQuantities); }*/ } /* * * * Leitura da dispensa de ARV no formulario pelo botao create package, e a posterior insercao na tabela t_tarv do MS ACCESS * */ Vector<String> vMedicamentos = new Vector<String>(); //ConexaoJDBC conn=new ConexaoJDBC(); ConexaoODBC conn2 = new ConexaoODBC(); //Inicializa as variaveis para a insercao n acess int dispensedQty = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispensedQty(); String notes = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getNotes(); String patientId = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId(); String specialInstructions1 = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions1(); String specialInstructions2 = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions2(); Date dispenseDate = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispenseDate(); int weeksSupply = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getWeeksSupply(); int prescriptionDuration = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPrescriptionDuration(); String dateExpectedString = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDateExpectedString(); List<PrescriptionToPatient> lp = conn.listPtP(allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId()); String reasonforupdate = lp.get(0).getReasonforupdate(); String regime = lp.get(0).getRegimeesquema(); int idade = lp.get(0).getIdade(); Date dataInicioNoutroServico = lp.get(0).getDataInicionoutroservico(); String motivomudanca = lp.get(0).getMotivomudanca(); String linha = lp.get(0).getLinha(); for (int i = 0; i < allPackagedDrugsList.size(); i++) { //adiciona os medicantos no vector vMedicamentos.add(new String(allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDrugName())); /* * vMedicamentos.add( new String(allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDrugName())); * System.out.println("\n\n\n********************************** leitua de dados gui criacao de package"); System.out.println("amountPerTime = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getAmountPerTime()); System.out.println("this.batchNumber = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getBatchNumber()); System.out.println(" = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getClinic()); System.out.println("this.dispensedQty ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDispensedQty()); System.out.println("this.formLanguage1 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getFormLanguage1()); System.out.println("this.formLanguage2 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getFormLanguage2()); System.out.println("this.formLanguage3 = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getFormLanguage3()); System.out.println("this.drugName ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDrugName()); System.out.println("this.expiryDate ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getExpiryDate()); System.out.println("this.notes = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getNotes()); System.out.println("this.patientId ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPatientId()); System.out.println("this.patientFirstName ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPatientFirstName()); System.out.println("this.patientLastName = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPatientLastName()); System.out.println("this.specialInstructions1 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getSpecialInstructions1()); System.out.println("this.specialInstructions2 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getSpecialInstructions2()); System.out.println("this.stockId = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getStockId()); System.out.println("this.timesPerDay = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getTimesPerDay()); System.out.println("this.numberOfLabels ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getNumberOfLabels()); System.out.println("this.sideTreatment ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).isSideTreatment()); System.out.println("this.cluser = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getCluser()); System.out.println("this.dispenseDate ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDispenseDate()); System.out.println("this.packageIndex ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPackageIndex()); System.out.println("this.weeksSupply = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getWeeksSupply()); System.out.println("this.packagedDrug = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPackagedDrug()); System.out.println("this.qtyInHand = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getQtyInHand()); System.out.println("this.summaryQtyInHand = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getSummaryQtyInHand()); System.out.println("this.qtyInLastBatch = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getQtyInLastBatch()); System.out.println("this.prescriptionDuration = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPrescriptionDuration()); System.out.println("this.dateExpectedString = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDateExpectedString()); System.out.println("this.packageId = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPackageId()); */ } if (vMedicamentos != null) for (int i = 0; i < vMedicamentos.size(); i++) System.out.println("Medicamento " + i + " " + vMedicamentos.get(i)); System.out.println(" Quantidade: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispensedQty()); System.out.println(" Notes: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getNotes()); System.out.println(" NID: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId()); System.out.println(" Instucaao1: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions1()); System.out.println(" Instruncao2: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions2()); System.out.println(" Data de dispensa: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispenseDate()); System.out.println(" Semanas: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getWeeksSupply()); System.out.println(" duracao da prescricao semanas: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPrescriptionDuration()); System.out.println( " data proxima visita: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDateExpectedString()); System.out.println(" tipotarv: " + lp.get(0).getReasonforupdate()); System.out.println(" Regime: " + lp.get(0).getRegimeesquema()); System.out.println(" Idade: " + lp.get(0).getIdade()); System.out.println(" DAta inicio noutro servico: " + dataInicioNoutroServico); System.out.println(" Motivo da mudanca: " + motivomudanca); System.out.println(" Linha Terapeutica: " + linha); //convertendo a data para adequar com a coluna datatarv do ms access - t_tarv SimpleDateFormat parseFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); Date datatarv = parseFormat.parse(dispenseDate.toString()); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String resultdatatarv = format.format(datatarv); //Convertendo a data de String para Date. proxima visita Date dateproximavisita = conn.converteData(dateExpectedString); System.out.println(" Date proxima: " + dateproximavisita); SimpleDateFormat parseFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH); Date dateproxima = parseFormat2.parse(dateproximavisita.toString()); SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String resultdataproximaconsulta = format2.format(dateproxima); String dataNoutroServico = ""; if (dataInicioNoutroServico != null) dataNoutroServico = format2.format(dataInicioNoutroServico); if (motivomudanca != null && motivomudanca.length() > 0) //quando ha motivo de mudanca conn2.insereT_tarvMotivo(vMedicamentos, patientId, resultdatatarv, dispensedQty, regime, weeksSupply, reasonforupdate, resultdataproximaconsulta, idade, motivomudanca, linha); else if (dataInicioNoutroServico != null) //Quando transferido de conn2.insereT_tarvTransferidoDE(vMedicamentos, patientId, resultdatatarv, dispensedQty, regime, weeksSupply, reasonforupdate, resultdataproximaconsulta, idade, dataNoutroServico, linha); else //metodo invocado para a insercao em t_tarv no ms access conn2.insereT_tarv(vMedicamentos, patientId, resultdatatarv, dispensedQty, regime, weeksSupply, reasonforupdate, resultdataproximaconsulta, idade, linha); } break; } } else { tx = getHSession().beginTransaction(); if (newPack.getPrescription() != null) { if (previousPack != null) { savePillCounts(); } // Check if package contains ARV, and // do ARV Start date check. // Should be moved to a facade or manager class for (PackageDrugInfo info : allPackagedDrugsList) { if (!info.isSideTreatment()) { // Check the ARV Start Date if an // ARV package is present. checkARVStartDate(); break; } } savePackageAndPackagedDrugs(dispenseNow, allPackagedDrugsList); getLog().info("savePackageAndPackagedDrugs() called"); setNextAppointmentDate(); if (allPackagedDrugsList.size() > 0) { // This map keeps a track of drugs dispensed in separate // batches Map<String, String> drugNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Update pdi's to include accum drugs for (PackageDrugInfo info : allPackagedDrugsList) { info.setQtyInHand(PackageManager.getQuantityDispensedForLabel( newPack.getAccumulatedDrugs(), info.getDispensedQty(), info.getDrugName(), info.getPackagedDrug().getStock().getDrug().getPackSize(), false, true)); labelQuantities.put(info, 1); // set the String that will print out on each drug label // to indicate // (<amount dispensed> + <accumulated amount>) if (drugNames.containsKey(info.getDrugName())) { // not first batch, exclude pillcount value info.setSummaryQtyInHand(PackageManager.getQuantityDispensedForLabel( newPack.getAccumulatedDrugs(), info.getDispensedQty(), info.getDrugName(), info.getDispensedQty(), false, false)); } else { info.setSummaryQtyInHand(PackageManager.getQuantityDispensedForLabel( newPack.getAccumulatedDrugs(), info.getDispensedQty(), info.getDrugName(), info.getDispensedQty(), false, true)); } drugNames.put(info.getDrugName(), "test"); // set the String that will print out on the // prescription summary label to indicate // for each drug the (<total amount dispensed> + <total // accumulated amount>) // before printing the labels, save pdi List TemporaryRecordsManager.savePackageDrugInfosToDB(getHSession(), allPackagedDrugsList); getHSession().flush(); } } tx.commit(); /*if (iDartProperties.printDrugLabels) { // Add the qty for the summary label labelQuantities.put(ScriptSummaryLabel.KEY, rdBtnPrintSummaryLabelYes.getSelection() ? 1 : 0); //Add the qty for the next appointment labelQuantities.put(CommonObjects.NEXT_APPOINTMENT_KEY, ( (rdBtnDispenseLater.getSelection() || rdBtnYesAppointmentDate.getSelection()) ? 1 : 0)); // Add the qty for the package label labelQuantities.put(PackageCoverLabel.KEY, rdBtnDispenseLater.getSelection() ? 1 : 0); // print labels PackageManager.printLabels(getHSession(), allPackagedDrugsList, labelQuantities); }*/ } /* * * * Leitura da dispensa de ARV no formulario pelo botao create package, e a posterior insercao na tabela t_tarv do MS ACCESS * */ Vector<String> vMedicamentos = new Vector<String>(); //ConexaoJDBC conn=new ConexaoJDBC(); ConexaoODBC conn2 = new ConexaoODBC(); //Inicializa as variaveis para a insercao n acess int dispensedQty = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispensedQty(); String notes = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getNotes(); String patientId = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId(); String specialInstructions1 = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions1(); String specialInstructions2 = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions2(); Date dispenseDate = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispenseDate(); int weeksSupply = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getWeeksSupply(); int prescriptionDuration = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPrescriptionDuration(); String dateExpectedString = allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDateExpectedString(); List<PrescriptionToPatient> lp = conn.listPtP(allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId()); String reasonforupdate = lp.get(0).getReasonforupdate(); String regime = lp.get(0).getRegimeesquema(); int idade = lp.get(0).getIdade(); Date dataInicioNoutroServico = lp.get(0).getDataInicionoutroservico(); String motivomudanca = lp.get(0).getMotivomudanca(); String linha = lp.get(0).getLinha(); for (int i = 0; i < allPackagedDrugsList.size(); i++) { //adiciona os medicantos no vector vMedicamentos.add(new String(allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDrugName())); /* * vMedicamentos.add( new String(allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDrugName())); * System.out.println("\n\n\n********************************** leitua de dados gui criacao de package"); System.out.println("amountPerTime = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getAmountPerTime()); System.out.println("this.batchNumber = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getBatchNumber()); System.out.println(" = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getClinic()); System.out.println("this.dispensedQty ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDispensedQty()); System.out.println("this.formLanguage1 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getFormLanguage1()); System.out.println("this.formLanguage2 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getFormLanguage2()); System.out.println("this.formLanguage3 = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getFormLanguage3()); System.out.println("this.drugName ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDrugName()); System.out.println("this.expiryDate ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getExpiryDate()); System.out.println("this.notes = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getNotes()); System.out.println("this.patientId ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPatientId()); System.out.println("this.patientFirstName ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPatientFirstName()); System.out.println("this.patientLastName = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPatientLastName()); System.out.println("this.specialInstructions1 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getSpecialInstructions1()); System.out.println("this.specialInstructions2 ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getSpecialInstructions2()); System.out.println("this.stockId = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getStockId()); System.out.println("this.timesPerDay = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getTimesPerDay()); System.out.println("this.numberOfLabels ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getNumberOfLabels()); System.out.println("this.sideTreatment ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).isSideTreatment()); System.out.println("this.cluser = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getCluser()); System.out.println("this.dispenseDate ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDispenseDate()); System.out.println("this.packageIndex ="+ allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPackageIndex()); System.out.println("this.weeksSupply = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getWeeksSupply()); System.out.println("this.packagedDrug = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPackagedDrug()); System.out.println("this.qtyInHand = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getQtyInHand()); System.out.println("this.summaryQtyInHand = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getSummaryQtyInHand()); System.out.println("this.qtyInLastBatch = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getQtyInLastBatch()); System.out.println("this.prescriptionDuration = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPrescriptionDuration()); System.out.println("this.dateExpectedString = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getDateExpectedString()); System.out.println("this.packageId = "+allPackagedDrugsList.get(i).getPackageId()); */ } if (vMedicamentos != null) for (int i = 0; i < vMedicamentos.size(); i++) System.out.println("Medicamento " + i + " " + vMedicamentos.get(i)); System.out.println(" Quantidade: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispensedQty()); System.out.println(" Notes: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getNotes()); System.out.println(" NID: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPatientId()); System.out.println(" Instucaao1: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions1()); System.out.println(" Instruncao2: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getSpecialInstructions2()); System.out.println(" Data de dispensa: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDispenseDate()); System.out.println(" Semanas: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getWeeksSupply()); System.out.println( " duracao da prescricao semanas: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getPrescriptionDuration()); System.out.println(" data proxima visita: " + allPackagedDrugsList.get(0).getDateExpectedString()); System.out.println(" tipotarv: " + lp.get(0).getReasonforupdate()); System.out.println(" Regime: " + lp.get(0).getRegimeesquema()); System.out.println(" Idade: " + lp.get(0).getIdade()); System.out.println(" DAta inicio noutro servico: " + dataInicioNoutroServico); System.out.println(" Motivo da mudanca: " + motivomudanca); System.out.println(" Linha Terapeutica: " + linha); //convertendo a data para adequar com a coluna datatarv do ms access - t_tarv SimpleDateFormat parseFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); Date datatarv = parseFormat.parse(dispenseDate.toString()); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String resultdatatarv = format.format(datatarv); //Convertendo a data de String para Date. proxima visita Date dateproximavisita = conn.converteData(dateExpectedString); System.out.println(" Date proxima: " + dateproximavisita); SimpleDateFormat parseFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.ENGLISH); Date dateproxima = parseFormat2.parse(dateproximavisita.toString()); SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String resultdataproximaconsulta = format2.format(dateproxima); String dataNoutroServico = ""; if (dataInicioNoutroServico != null) dataNoutroServico = format2.format(dataInicioNoutroServico); if (motivomudanca != null && motivomudanca.length() > 0) //quando ha motivo de mudanca conn2.insereT_tarvMotivo(vMedicamentos, patientId, resultdatatarv, dispensedQty, regime, weeksSupply, reasonforupdate, resultdataproximaconsulta, idade, motivomudanca, linha); else if (dataInicioNoutroServico != null) //Quando transferido de conn2.insereT_tarvTransferidoDE(vMedicamentos, patientId, resultdatatarv, dispensedQty, regime, weeksSupply, reasonforupdate, resultdataproximaconsulta, idade, dataNoutroServico, linha); else //metodo invocado para a insercao em t_tarv no ms access conn2.insereT_tarv(vMedicamentos, patientId, resultdatatarv, dispensedQty, regime, weeksSupply, reasonforupdate, resultdataproximaconsulta, idade, linha); } } catch (HibernateException he) {//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ getLog().error("Problem with Saving this package", he); if (tx != null) { tx.rollback(); } MessageBox m = new MessageBox(getShell(), SWT.OK | SWT.ICON_INFORMATION); m.setText("Problem Saving Package"); m.setMessage("There was a problem saving this package of drugs.");; } setScreenToInitialState(); tblPrescriptionInfo.clearAll(); pillCountTable.clearTable(); }
From source
@Override public String createUser(String username) throws Exception { PreparedStatement st;//from ww w . j av a 2 s. c om String sql; ResultSet res; String retval = "0"; try { Date date = new Date(); sql = "INSERT INTO credential SET login=?, display_firstname=?, display_lastname='', password=UNHEX(SHA1(?))"; if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) { sql = "INSERT INTO credential SET login=?, display_firstname=?, display_lastname='', password=crypt(?)"; } st = connection.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); if (dbserveur.equals("oracle")) { st = connection.prepareStatement(sql, new String[] { "userid" }); } st.setString(1, username); st.setString(2, username); st.setString(3, date.toString() + "somesalt"); st.executeUpdate(); res = st.getGeneratedKeys(); if ( retval = Integer.toString(res.getInt(1)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return retval; }
From source
public static List<ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel> getProjectDetailsStatus(String prismId, String uuid) { List<ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel> detailStatus = new ArrayList<ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel>(); try {// w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m // logger.error("getProjectDetailsStatus, before calling getProjectAppOwners(prismId)"); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> results = getProjectAppOwners(prismId); // logger.error("getProjectDetailsStatus, after calling getProjectAppOwners(prismId)"); if (!results.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProjectAppOwnerModel p : results) { list.add(p.getApplicationName()); } // convert the List into a Set Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(list); // create a new List from the Set // now, they are unique ArrayList<String> distinctApps = new ArrayList<String>(set); Collections.sort(distinctApps); for (String app : distinctApps) { int impactTypeId = DataService.getImpactTypeIdByPrismIdAndApplicationName(prismId, app); boolean validateThreshold = !(impactTypeId == 4); ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel aRow = new ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel(); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> thisAppRows = getAppOwnerModelObjectsByAppName(results, app); if (!thisAppRows.isEmpty()) { aRow.setApplicationId(thisAppRows.get(0).getApplicationId()); aRow.setApplication(app); aRow.setImpactType(impactTypeId); // 1. BR List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allBRs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.BR); if (!allBRs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setBR(allBRs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setBRheaderDueDate(allBRs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setBRDuedate(allBRs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allBRs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allBRs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setBR(aRow.getBR() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setBRDuedate(aRow.getBRDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setBRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getBR(), aRow.getBRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getBRheaderDueDate(), false, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setBR("0%"); aRow.setBRDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setBRheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setBRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getBR(), aRow.getBRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getBRheaderDueDate(), false, validateThreshold)); } // end of BR // 2. SR List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allSRs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.SR); if (!allSRs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setSR(allSRs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setSRheaderDueDate(allSRs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setSRDuedate(allSRs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allSRs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allSRs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setSR(aRow.getSR() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setSRDuedate(aRow.getSRDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setSRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getSR(), aRow.getSRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getSRheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setSR("0%"); aRow.setSRDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setSRheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setSRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getSR(), aRow.getSRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getSRheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of SR // 3. HLD List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allHLDs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.HLD); if (!allHLDs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setHLD(allHLDs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setHLDheaderDueDate(allHLDs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setHLDDuedate(allHLDs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allHLDs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allHLDs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setHLD(aRow.getHLD() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setHLDDuedate(aRow.getHLDDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setHLDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getHLD(), aRow.getHLDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getHLDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setHLD("0%"); aRow.setHLDDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setHLDheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setHLDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getHLD(), aRow.getHLDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getHLDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of HLD // 4. AID List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allAIDs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.AID); if (!allAIDs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setAID(allAIDs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAIDheaderDueDate(allAIDs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setAIDDuedate(allAIDs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allAIDs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allAIDs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setAID(aRow.getAID() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAIDDuedate(aRow.getAIDDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setAIDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAID(), aRow.getAIDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAIDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setAID("0%"); aRow.setAIDDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setAIDheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setAIDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAID(), aRow.getAIDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAIDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of AID // 5. AD List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allADs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.DES); if (!allADs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setDES(allADs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDESheaderDueDate(allADs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setDESDuedate(allADs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allADs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allADs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setDES(aRow.getDES() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDESDuedate(aRow.getDESDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setDESStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDES(), aRow.getDESDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDESheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setDES("0%"); aRow.setDESDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setDESheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setDESStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDES(), aRow.getDESDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDESheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of DES // 6. DEV List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allDEVs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.DEV); if (!allDEVs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setDEV(allDEVs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDEVheaderDueDate(allDEVs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setDEVDuedate(allDEVs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allDEVs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allDEVs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setDEV(aRow.getDEV() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDEVDuedate(aRow.getDEVDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setDEVStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDEV(), aRow.getDEVDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDEVheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setDEV("0%"); aRow.setDEVDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setDEVheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setDEVStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDEV(), aRow.getDEVDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDEVheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of DEV // 7. IST List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allISTs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.IST); if (!allISTs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setIST(allISTs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTheaderDueDate(allISTs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setISTDuedate(allISTs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allISTs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allISTs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setIST(aRow.getIST() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTDuedate(aRow.getISTDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setISTStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getIST(), aRow.getISTDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setIST("0%"); aRow.setISTDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setISTheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setISTStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getIST(), aRow.getISTDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of IST // 8. ISTExec List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allISTExecs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.ISTExec); if (!allISTExecs.isEmpty() && impactTypeId != 4) { aRow.setISTExec(allISTExecs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTExecheaderDueDate(allISTExecs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setISTExecDuedate(allISTExecs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allISTExecs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allISTExecs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setISTExec(aRow.getISTExec() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTExecDuedate(aRow.getISTExecDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setISTExecStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getISTExec(), aRow.getISTExecDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTExecheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setISTExec("0%"); aRow.setISTExecDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setISTExecheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setISTExecStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getISTExec(), aRow.getISTExecDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTExecheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of ISTExec // 9. CloseOut List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allCloseout = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT); if (!allCloseout.isEmpty()) { aRow.setCloseOut(allCloseout.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setCloseOutheaderDueDate(allCloseout.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setCloseOutDuedate(allCloseout.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allCloseout.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allCloseout.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setCloseOut(aRow.getCloseOut() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setCloseOutDuedate(aRow.getCloseOutDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setCloseOutStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getCloseOut(), aRow.getCloseOutDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getCloseOutheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setCloseOut("0%"); aRow.setCloseOutDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setCloseOutheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setCloseOutStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getCloseOut(), aRow.getCloseOutDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getCloseOutheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of CloseOut // 10. Agile List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allAgile = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.AGILE); if (!allAgile.isEmpty()) { aRow.setAgile(allAgile.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAgileheaderDueDate(allAgile.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setAgileDuedate(allAgile.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allAgile.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allAgile.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setAgile(aRow.getAgile() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAgileDuedate(aRow.getAgileDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setAgileStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAgile(), aRow.getAgileDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAgileheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setAgile("0%"); aRow.setAgileDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setAgileheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setAgileStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAgile(), aRow.getAgileDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAgileheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of Agile aRow.setPrismId(prismId); detailStatus.add(aRow); } // end thisAppRow.ANY() check } // end distinct appName loop } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + "Error occurred getProjectDetailsStatuc... " + ex.getMessage()); } // new code SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); List<Date> tmpDates = new ArrayList<Date>(); Date BR = null; Date SR = null; Date HLD = null; Date AID = null; Date AD = null; Date DEV = null; Date IST = null; Date ISTExec = null; Date CloseOut = null; Date Agile = null; // Process BR for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getBRheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getBRheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getBRheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); BR = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process SR for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getSRheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getSRheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getSRheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); SR = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process HLD for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getHLDheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getHLDheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getHLDheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); HLD = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process AID for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getAIDheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getAIDheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getAIDheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); AID = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process AD for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getDESheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getDESheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getDESheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); AD = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process DEV for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getDEVheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getDEVheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getDEVheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); DEV = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process IST for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getISTheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getISTheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getISTheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); IST = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process ISTExec for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getISTExecheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getISTExecheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getISTExecheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); ISTExec = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process Closeout for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getCloseOutheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getCloseOutheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getCloseOutheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); CloseOut = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process Agile for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getAgileheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getAgileheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getAgileheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); Agile = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // TODO if (BR != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setBRheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(BR)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert BR from Date " + BR.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (SR != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setSRheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(SR)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert SR from Date " + SR.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (HLD != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setHLDheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(HLD)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert HLD from Date " + HLD.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (AID != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setAIDheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(AID)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert AID from Date " + AID.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (AD != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setDESheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(AD)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert AD from Date " + AD.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (DEV != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setDEVheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(DEV)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert DEV from Date " + DEV.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (IST != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setISTheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(IST)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert IST from Date " + IST.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (ISTExec != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setISTExecheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(ISTExec)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert ISTExec from Date " + ISTExec.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (CloseOut != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setCloseOutheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(CloseOut)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert CloseOut from Date " + CloseOut.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (Agile != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setAgileheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(Agile)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert Agile from Date " + Agile.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } return detailStatus; }