Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.att.pirates.controller; import com.att.pirates.model.ATTEmployee; import com.att.pirates.model.AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory; import com.att.pirates.model.Company; import com.att.pirates.model.ImpactTypes; import com.att.pirates.model.InsightProject; import com.att.pirates.model.InsightRelease; import com.att.pirates.model.JQueryDataTableParamModel; import com.att.pirates.model.Module; import com.att.pirates.model.PercentageModel; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectAppOwnerModel; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectApplicationModule; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectApplications; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectDetailsPersonnel; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectNoteViewModel; import com.att.pirates.model.ProjectStatusViewModel; import com.att.pirates.model.Threshold; import com.att.pirates.util.DBUtility; import com.att.pirates.util.DataService; import com.att.pirates.util.DataTablesParamUtility; import com.att.pirates.util.PiratesConstants; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import javax.validation.Valid; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.springframework.validation.FieldError; import org.springframework.validation.ObjectError; import org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils; /** * * @author mercychan */ @Controller public class ProjectController { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProjectController.class); private static final String msgHeader = "[Merce]: "; private static List<ATTEmployee> employees = null; private static List<ATTEmployee> employees_prismid = null; private static List<ATTEmployee> employees_application = null; private static List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> artifactHistory = null; @RequestMapping(value = "/projects/{prismId}/applicationlist", method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody String getApplicationListForPrismId(@PathVariable("prismId") String prismId) { List<ProjectApplications> apps = DataService.getProjectApplications(prismId); JsonObject jsonResponse = new JsonObject(); for (ProjectApplications ap : apps) { jsonResponse.addProperty(ap.getApplicationName(), ap.getApplicationName()); } logger.error(msgHeader + jsonResponse.toString()); return jsonResponse.toString(); } /* action to handle adding new projects */ @RequestMapping(value = "/projects/add", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String setAdministration(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { String sessionUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"); if (sessionUser == null || sessionUser.isEmpty() || "Not Logged In".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionUser)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("loginUser", "Not Logged In"); logger.error("[Merce]: user not logged in.. redirecting to logout page"); return "redirect:/logout"; } String release = request.getParameter("drpdwnRelease"); String pid = request.getParameter("pid"); String domain = request.getParameter("domain"); String projectName = request.getParameter("projectName"); String projectDescription = request.getParameter("projectDescription"); String applicationName = request.getParameter("drpdwnAppId"); String status = request.getParameter("drpdwnStatusId"); String lpm = request.getParameter("drpdwnleadPMId"); logger.error(msgHeader + "drpdwnStatusId: " + status); logger.error(msgHeader + "drpdwnleadPMId: " + lpm); logger.error(msgHeader + "projectName: " + projectName); logger.error(msgHeader + "projectDescription: " + HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(projectDescription)); logger.error(msgHeader + "applicationName: " + applicationName); if (status.isEmpty()) { return "redirect:/Administration"; } if (lpm.isEmpty()) { return "redirect:/Administration"; } if (pid == null || pid.isEmpty()) { // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/Administration"; } if (domain == null || domain.isEmpty()) { // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/Administration"; } if (projectName == null || projectName.isEmpty()) { // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/Administration"; } if (projectDescription == null || projectDescription.isEmpty()) { // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/Administration"; } if (applicationName == null || applicationName.isEmpty() || applicationName.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/Administration"; } List<String> allPids = DataService.getAllPrismIds(); if (allPids.contains(pid)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("pidExists", pid); // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/Administration"; } // do not support these characters // !"#$%&*+/:;=?@[]^`{|}~\ pid = pid.replace("\"", "").replace("#", "").replace("%", "").replace("&", "").replace(":", "") .replace(";", "").replace("=", "").replace("?", "").replace("\'", "").replace("[", "") .replace("]", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace("~", "").replace("\\", "") .replace("/", ""); DataService.addNewProjectToPIRATES(sessionUser, pid, Integer.valueOf(domain), Integer.valueOf(release), projectName, projectDescription, applicationName, Integer.valueOf(status), lpm); return "redirect:/projects/index/" + pid; } /* action to handle adding application to project */ @RequestMapping(value = "/projects/application/add/{prismId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String addApplicationToProject(HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable("prismId") String prismId) { String appName = request.getParameter("drpdwnAppId"); if (appName == null || appName.isEmpty() || appName == "0") { // return without going to data layer return "redirect:/projects/index/{prismId}"; } else { // 1. add to ProjectApplicationModules // 2. add to ProjectApplicationModulesEx // 3. add BR, SR, DES, DEV, AID, IST etc to AppProjectArtifactOwners String sessionUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"); if (sessionUser == null || sessionUser.isEmpty() || "Not Logged In".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionUser)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("loginUser", "Not Logged In"); logger.error("[Merce]: user not logged in.. redirecting to logout page"); return "redirect:/logout"; } DataService.processAddApplicationToProject(prismId, appName, sessionUser); return "redirect:/projects/index/{prismId}"; } } public static List<String> getAvailableApplicationForUUID(String uuid, String prismId) { return DataService.getAvailableApplicationForUUID(uuid, prismId); } public static List<String> getAvailableApplicationsForUUID(String uuid) { return DataService.getAvailableApplicationsForUUID(uuid); } /* main project details entry point */ @RequestMapping(value = "/projects/index/{prismId}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String projectIndex(@PathVariable("prismId") String prismId, Model model, HttpServletRequest request) { // logger.error(msgHeader + "prismId passed in is: " + prismId); model.addAttribute("prismId", prismId); InsightProject p = getProjectInfo(prismId).get(0); String projectname = p.getProjectName(); String releaseName = p.getReleaseName(); model.addAttribute("projectname", projectname); model.addAttribute("ReleaseList", DataService.getReleases()); model.addAttribute("StatusList", DataService.getStatusList()); model.addAttribute("ReleaseName", releaseName); model.addAttribute("ATTEmployees", getATTEmployees(prismId)); model.addAttribute("ATTLeadPMs", getAllPMs()); String expandNote = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("expandNote"); if (expandNote != null) { model.addAttribute("expandNote", expandNote); // reset expandNote session value request.getSession().setAttribute("expandNote", "false"); } String sessionUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"); if (sessionUser == null || sessionUser.isEmpty() || "Not Logged In".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionUser)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("loginUser", "Not Logged In"); logger.error("[Merce]: user not logged in.. redirecting to logout page"); return "redirect:/logout"; } List<InsightRelease> rc = GlobalDataController.GetProjectHierarchiesPOJO(sessionUser); // TODO: go to db and get project name by prismid List<InsightProject> projects = getProjectInfo(prismId); InsightProject prj = null; if (projects != null && projects.size() > 0) { prj = projects.get(0); } else { prj = new InsightProject(); } model.addAttribute("projectInfo", prj); InsightProject next = DataService.getNextProjectFromList(rc, prj); InsightProject previous = DataService.getPreviousProjectFromList(rc, prj); model.addAttribute("NextprojectInfo", next); model.addAttribute("PreviousprojectInfo", previous); return "projectIndex"; } /// <summary> /// Method that returns all companies used in this example /// </summary> /// <returns>List of companies</returns> /// <summary> /// Singleton collection of companies /// </summary> public static List<InsightProject> getProjectInfo(String prismId) { List<InsightProject> projects = new ArrayList<InsightProject>(); // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectInfo called with prismId: "+ prismId); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT p.[PRISMId] " + " ,p.[ProjectName] " + " ,p.[ProjectDescription] " + " ,p.[ProjectDueDate] " + " ,p.[LeadPM] " + " ,ps.[StatusName] " + " ,r.ReleaseName " + " ,p.[ProjectStartDate] " + " ,p.StatusId " + " ,p.ReleaseId " + " FROM Projects p Join " + " Releases r on r.ReleaseId = p.ReleaseId " + " join ProjectStatus ps on ps.StatusId = p.StatusId " + " Where p.PRISMId = ? "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); preparedStatement.setString(1, prismId); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; String projectName = HtmlUtils.htmlUnescape(rs.getString("ProjectName")); String projectDescription = rs.getString("ProjectDescription"); // HtmlUtils.htmlUnescape(rs.getString("ProjectDescription")) ; String projectDueDate = rs.getString("ProjectDueDate"); String leadPM = rs.getString("LeadPM"); String statusName = rs.getString("StatusName"); String releaseName = rs.getString("ReleaseName"); int statusId = rs.getInt("StatusId"); int releaseId = rs.getInt("ReleaseId"); String projectStartDate = rs.getString("ProjectStartDate"); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); projectDueDate = yFormat.format(format.parse(projectDueDate)); projectStartDate = yFormat.format(format.parse(projectStartDate)); logger.error(msgHeader + "projectDueDate: " + projectDueDate); logger.error(msgHeader + "projectStartDate: " + projectStartDate); // create a project and add it to list InsightProject p = new InsightProject(); p.setProjectName(projectName); p.setProjectDescription(projectDescription); p.setPrismId(prismId); p.setReleaseName(releaseName); p.setProjectDueDate(projectDueDate); p.setLeadPM(leadPM); p.setProjectStatus(statusName); p.setProjectStartDate(projectStartDate); p.setStatudId(statusId); p.setReleaseId(releaseId); projects.add(p); // logger.error(msgHeader + releaseName + "," + prismId + "," + projectName + ", "+ projectDescription); } logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectInfo called, got results: " + rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } return projects; } @RequestMapping(value = "/pid/{prismId}/getProjectNotesJson", method = RequestMethod.GET) public @ResponseBody String getCompanies(@PathVariable("prismId") String prismId, HttpServletRequest request) { // logger.error(msgHeader + " getCompanies prismId: " + prismId); JQueryDataTableParamModel param = DataTablesParamUtility.getParam(request); String sEcho = param.sEcho; int iTotalRecords; // total number of records (unfiltered) int iTotalDisplayRecords; //value will be set when code filters companies by keyword List<Company> allNotes = GlobalDataController.GetCompanies(prismId); iTotalRecords = allNotes.size(); List<Company> companies = new LinkedList<Company>(); for (Company c : allNotes) { if (c.getName().toLowerCase().contains(param.sSearch.toLowerCase()) || c.getAddress().toLowerCase().contains(param.sSearch.toLowerCase()) || c.getTown().toLowerCase().contains(param.sSearch.toLowerCase()) || c.getDateCreated().toLowerCase().contains(param.sSearch.toLowerCase())) { companies.add(c); // add company that matches given search criterion } } iTotalDisplayRecords = companies.size();// number of companies that match search criterion should be returned final int sortColumnIndex = param.iSortColumnIndex; final int sortDirection = param.sSortDirection.equals("asc") ? -1 : 1; Collections.sort(companies, new Comparator<Company>() { @Override public int compare(Company c1, Company c2) { switch (sortColumnIndex) { case 0: return 0; // sort by id is not allowed case 1: return c1.getName().compareTo(c2.getName()) * sortDirection; case 2: return c1.getAddress().compareTo(c2.getAddress()) * sortDirection; case 3: return c1.getTown().compareTo(c2.getTown()) * sortDirection; case 4: SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); try { Date c1d = yFormat.parse(c1.getDateCreated()); Date c2d = yFormat.parse(c2.getDateCreated()); return c1d.compareTo(c2d) * sortDirection; } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); } } return 0; } }); if (companies.size() < param.iDisplayStart + param.iDisplayLength) { companies = companies.subList(param.iDisplayStart, companies.size()); } else { companies = companies.subList(param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayStart + param.iDisplayLength); } try { JsonObject jsonResponse = new JsonObject(); jsonResponse.addProperty("sEcho", sEcho); jsonResponse.addProperty("iTotalRecords", iTotalRecords); jsonResponse.addProperty("iTotalDisplayRecords", iTotalDisplayRecords); Gson gson = new Gson(); jsonResponse.add("aaData", gson.toJsonTree(companies)); String tmp = jsonResponse.toString(); // logger.error(msgHeader + ".. json string: " + tmp); return jsonResponse.toString(); } catch (JsonIOException e) { logger.error(msgHeader + e.getMessage()); } return null; } public static List<ATTEmployee> getATTEmployeesForApplication(String PrismId, String applicationName) { if (employees_application != null && !employees_application.isEmpty()) { employees_application.clear(); } employees_application = null; if (employees_application == null) { employees_application = new ArrayList<ATTEmployee>(); // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployeesForApplication called. "); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " select e.UUID, e.Fullname " + " from ATTEmployeeApplicationAssignments ea join " + " ATT_Employees e on e.UUID = ea.UUID " + " where exists " + " ( " + " select * " + " from ProjectApplicationModules t " + " where t.PRISMId = ? and t.applicationname = ? and " + " t.applicationname = ea.applicationname " + " ) " + " order by e.displayorder, e.firstname, e.lastname "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); preparedStatement.setString(1, PrismId); preparedStatement.setString(2, applicationName); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; String UUID = rs.getString("UUID").toUpperCase(); String Fullname = rs.getString("FullName"); ATTEmployee e = new ATTEmployee(); e.setUUID(UUID); e.setFullName(Fullname); employees_application.add(e); } // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployees called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } } return employees_application; } public static List<ATTEmployee> getAllPMs() { List<ATTEmployee> rc = new ArrayList<ATTEmployee>(); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT [UUID] " + " ,cast([FirstName] as varchar(125)) + ' ' + cast([LastName] as varchar(125)) as [FullName] " + " FROM [ATT_Employees_PM] "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { String UUID = rs.getString("UUID"); String Fullname = rs.getString("FullName"); ATTEmployee e = new ATTEmployee(); e.setUUID(UUID); e.setFullName(Fullname); rc.add(e); } // end while // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployees called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } return rc; } public static List<ATTEmployee> getATTEmployees(String PrismId) { employees_prismid = null; if (employees_prismid == null) { employees_prismid = new ArrayList<ATTEmployee>(); // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployees called. "); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " select e.UUID, e.Fullname " + " from ATTEmployeeApplicationAssignments ea join " + " ATT_Employees e on e.UUID = ea.UUID " + " where exists " + " ( " + " select * " + " from ProjectApplicationModules t " + " where t.PRISMId = ? and " + " t.applicationname = ea.applicationname " + " ) " + " order by e.displayorder, e.firstname, e.lastname "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); preparedStatement.setString(1, PrismId); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; String UUID = rs.getString("UUID"); String Fullname = rs.getString("FullName"); boolean s = false; for (ATTEmployee a : employees_prismid) { if (a.getUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(UUID)) { s = true; break; } } if (!s) { ATTEmployee e = new ATTEmployee(); e.setUUID(UUID); e.setFullName(Fullname); employees_prismid.add(e); } } // end while // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployees called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } } return employees_prismid; } public static List<ATTEmployee> getATTEmployees_All() { if (employees == null) { employees = new ArrayList<ATTEmployee>(); // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployees called. "); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT UUID " + " ,FullName " + " FROM ATT_Employees " + " Order By UUID "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; String UUID = rs.getString("UUID"); String Fullname = rs.getString("FullName"); ATTEmployee e = new ATTEmployee(); e.setUUID(UUID); e.setFullName(Fullname); employees.add(e); } // logger.error(msgHeader + "getATTEmployees called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } } return employees; } public static ATTEmployee getATTEmployeeObjectByUUID(String UUID) { ATTEmployee rc = new ATTEmployee(); rc.setFullName(UUID); rc.setUUID(UUID); if (employees == null) { getATTEmployees_All(); } for (ATTEmployee e : employees) { if (e.getUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(UUID)) { return e; } } return rc; } private static List<PercentageModel> getPercentageModels(boolean isAgile) { List<PercentageModel> results = new ArrayList<PercentageModel>(); PercentageModel m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("0%"); m1.setValue("0.00"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("5%"); m1.setValue("0.05"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("10%"); m1.setValue("0.10"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("15%"); m1.setValue("0.15"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("20%"); m1.setValue("0.20"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("25%"); m1.setValue("0.25"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("30%"); m1.setValue("0.30"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("35%"); m1.setValue("0.35"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("40%"); m1.setValue("0.40"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("45%"); m1.setValue("0.45"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("50%"); m1.setValue("0.50"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("55%"); m1.setValue("0.55"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("60%"); m1.setValue("0.60"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("65%"); m1.setValue("0.65"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("70%"); m1.setValue("0.70"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("75%"); m1.setValue("0.75"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("80%"); m1.setValue("0.80"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("85%"); m1.setValue("0.85"); results.add(m1); if (isAgile) { m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("90%"); m1.setValue("0.90"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("95%"); m1.setValue("0.95"); results.add(m1); } else { m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("90% - Out for Review"); m1.setValue("0.90"); results.add(m1); m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("95% - Out for Approval"); m1.setValue("0.95"); results.add(m1); } m1 = new PercentageModel(); m1.setLabel("100%"); m1.setValue("1.00"); results.add(m1); return results; } @RequestMapping(value = "/addProjectStatus", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String addProjectPersonnel(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { model.addAttribute("PercentageModel", getPercentageModels(false)); model.addAttribute("PercentageModelAgile", getPercentageModels(true)); // in request, id is applicationid and prismid is project prismid // use these two pieces of info to query the the latest percentage complete for // 1. this prismid // 2. this application (insight: bcts or insight: dss) // 3. BR current complete percentage, SR, HLD etc // no need to set default percentage to avoid confusion ProjectStatusViewModel statusViewModel = new ProjectStatusViewModel(); // TODO: grab default pecentage for this applicationid and prismid String id = request.getParameter("id"); String prismId = request.getParameter("prismId"); int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(id); String appName = DataService.getApplicationNameByPrismIdApplicationId(applicationId, prismId); int impactType = DataService.getImpactTypeIdByPrismIdAndApplicationName(prismId, appName); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> owners = getProjectAppOwners(prismId); if (!owners.isEmpty()) { // logger.error("[Merce]: owners returned size.. " + owners.size()); for (ProjectAppOwnerModel p : owners) { // logger.error("[Merce]: p.getApplicationName() is.. " + p.getApplicationName() + ", appName to compare is: " + appName); if (appName.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getApplicationName())) { // run through one application // Agile if (PiratesConstants.AGILE.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { // if this application is Agile if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning BR % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setAgilePercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setAgileDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } break; } // end yes agile else { // if this application is NOT agile // BR if (PiratesConstants.BR.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning BR % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setBRPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setBRDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // SR if (PiratesConstants.SR.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning SR % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setSRPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setSRDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // HLD if (PiratesConstants.HLD.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning HLD % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setHLDPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setHLDDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // AID if (PiratesConstants.AID.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning AID % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setAIDPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setAIDDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // DES if (PiratesConstants.DES.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning DES % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setDESPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setDESDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // DEV if (PiratesConstants.DEV.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning DEV % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setDEVPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setDEVDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // IST if (PiratesConstants.IST.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning IST % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setISTPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setISTDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // ISTExec if (PiratesConstants.ISTExec.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName()) && impactType != 4) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning ISTExec % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setISTExecPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setISTExecDateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } // CloseOut if (PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getArtifactName())) { if (p.isIsPrimaryOwner()) { // logger.error("Match, assigning CloseOut % to: " + p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setCloseOutPercentageComplete(p.getPercentageCompleteStr()); statusViewModel.setCODateCreated(p.getDateCreated()); } } } // end not agile } // end one application } // end for loop } // end check if results model.addAttribute("projectStatusViewModel", statusViewModel); model.addAttribute("applicationName", appName); model.addAttribute("prismId", prismId); model.addAttribute("applicationId", applicationId); return "addProjectStatusForm"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/addProjectNotes", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String addProjectNotesForm(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { // logger.error(msgHeader + "addProjectNotesForm called.."); String prismId = request.getParameter("prismId"); model.addAttribute("prismId", prismId); model.addAttribute("projectApplications", DataService.getProjectApplications(prismId)); // grab loginuser from session try { String sessionUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"); if (sessionUser == null || sessionUser.isEmpty() || "Not Logged In".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionUser)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("loginUser", "Not Logged In"); logger.error("[Merce]: user not logged in.. redirecting to logout page"); return "redirect:/logout"; } SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); ProjectNoteViewModel noteViewModel = new ProjectNoteViewModel(); noteViewModel.setCreatedBy(sessionUser); noteViewModel.setPrismId(prismId); noteViewModel.setNoteType(0); noteViewModel.setDateCreated(format.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); model.addAttribute("projectNoteViewModel", noteViewModel); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { request.getSession().setAttribute("loginUser", "Not Logged In"); logger.error("[Merce]: user not logged in.. redirecting to logout page"); return "redirect:/logout"; } return "addProjectNoteForm"; } // updateprojectpersonnelform @RequestMapping(value = "/updateProjectPersonnel", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String updateProjectPersonnel(HttpServletRequest request, Model model) { String id = request.getParameter("id"); String prismId = request.getParameter("prismId"); int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(id); String appName = DataService.getApplicationNameByPrismIdApplicationId(applicationId, prismId); ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView mvp = new ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView(); List<ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView> mvPersonnel = getProjectDetailsPersonnelViewModel(prismId); if (mvPersonnel == null || mvPersonnel.isEmpty()) { mvp = new ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView(); } else { // locate the correct application to update/modify ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView filledMVS = null; for (ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView v : mvPersonnel) { if (v.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase(appName)) { filledMVS = v; break; } } if (filledMVS == null) { filledMVS = mvPersonnel.get(0); } // mvp.setModule(filledMVS.getModule().split(",")[0]); String[] ms = filledMVS.getModules(); if (ms != null && ms.length > 0) { // mvp.setModules(ms); List<Integer> mIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String i : ms) { mIds.add(DataService.getModuleIdByName(i, appName)); } List<String> newList = new ArrayList<String>(mIds.size()); for (Integer myInt : mIds) { newList.add(String.valueOf(myInt)); } String[] mArray = newList.toArray(new String[newList.size()]); mvp.setModuleIds(mArray); } mvp.setModule(filledMVS.getModule().split(",")[0]); mvp.setModuleId(DataService.getModuleIdByName(filledMVS.getModule().split(",")[0], appName)); mvp.setMethodology(filledMVS.getAgile() ? "Agile" : "Waterfall"); mvp.setImpact(appName); mvp.setImpactTypeId(getImpactByName(filledMVS.getImpact().split(",")[0])); mvp.setBrDuedate(filledMVS.getBrDuedate()); mvp.setSrDuedate(filledMVS.getSrDuedate()); mvp.setHldDuedate(filledMVS.getHldDuedate()); mvp.setAidDuedate(filledMVS.getAidDuedate()); mvp.setDevDuedate(filledMVS.getDevDuedate()); mvp.setDesDuedate(filledMVS.getDesDuedate()); mvp.setIstDuedate(filledMVS.getIstDuedate()); mvp.setIstExecDuedate(filledMVS.getIstExecDuedate()); mvp.setCloseOutDuedate(filledMVS.getCloseOutDuedate()); mvp.setAgileDuedate(filledMVS.getAgileDuedate()); // added per Jason's request mvp.setAgileArtifactsu(filledMVS.getAgileArtifactsu()); mvp.setBRu(filledMVS.getBRu()); mvp.setSRu(filledMVS.getSRu()); mvp.setHLDu(filledMVS.getHLDu()); mvp.setAIDu(filledMVS.getAIDu()); mvp.setDESu(filledMVS.getDESu()); mvp.setDEVu(filledMVS.getDEVu()); mvp.setISTu(filledMVS.getISTu()); mvp.setIstExecu(filledMVS.getIstExecu()); mvp.setCloseOutu(filledMVS.getCloseOutu()); mvp.setImpactDescription(filledMVS.getImpactDescription()); } model.addAttribute("prismId", prismId); model.addAttribute("applicationId", applicationId); model.addAttribute("applicationName", appName); model.addAttribute("ArtifactOwners", getATTEmployeesForApplication(prismId, appName)); model.addAttribute("emptyProjectPersonnelViewModel", mvp); model.addAttribute("Methodology", getProjectMethodologies()); model.addAttribute("Modules", DataService.getProjectModules(appName)); model.addAttribute("Impacts", getProjectImpactTypes()); model.addAttribute("elModules", Arrays.asList(mvp.getModuleIds())); return "updateProjectPersonnelForm"; } public static boolean isStringInList(List<String> container, String element) { boolean rc = false; for (String i : container) { if (i.equalsIgnoreCase(element)) { rc = true; break; } } return rc; } public static List<Module> getProjectModulesEx(String applicationName) { return DataService.getProjectModulesEx(applicationName); } /* this controller action handles the POST request for update ProjectInfo section of the accordian the first / top section */ @RequestMapping(value = "/updateProjectInfo/{prismId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String updateProjectInfo(@PathVariable("prismId") String prismId, @Valid @ModelAttribute("projectInfo") InsightProject projectInfo, BindingResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { logger.error("There are " + result.getErrorCount() + " errors.."); FieldError er = result.getFieldError(); logger.error("Field: " + er.getField() + " ErrorMsg: " + er.getDefaultMessage()); } else { String es = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(projectInfo.getProjectDescription()); String status = projectInfo.getProjectStatus(); String release = projectInfo.getReleaseName(); String startdate = projectInfo.getProjectStartDate(); String dueDate = projectInfo.getProjectDueDate(); // lookup statusid and releaseid int statusId = DataService.getStatusIdByname(status); int releaseId = DataService.getReleaseIdByName(release); InsightProject prj = new InsightProject(); prj.setPrismId(prismId); prj.setLeadPM(projectInfo.getLeadPM()); prj.setProjectDescription(es); prj.setProjectDueDate(dueDate); prj.setProjectName(HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(projectInfo.getProjectName())); prj.setProjectStartDate(startdate); prj.setStatudId(statusId); prj.setProjectStatus(status); prj.setReleaseName(release); prj.setReleaseId(releaseId); boolean rc = DataService.updateProjectInfo(prj); if (!rc) { logger.error("DataService.updateProjectInfo(prj); failed"); } } // prismId will be considered while expanding the placeholders // return "redirect:/impact_pirates/projects/index/{prismId}"; return "redirect:/projects/index/{prismId}"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/addProjectStatus/{prismId}/{applicationId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String addProjectStatus(@PathVariable("prismId") String prismId, @PathVariable("applicationId") String applicationId, @Valid @ModelAttribute("projectStatusViewModel") ProjectStatusViewModel projectStatusViewModel, HttpServletRequest request, BindingResult result) { String sessionUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"); if (sessionUser == null || sessionUser.isEmpty() || "Not Logged In".equalsIgnoreCase(sessionUser)) { request.getSession().setAttribute("loginUser", "Not Logged In"); logger.error("[Merce]: user not logged in.. redirecting to logout page"); return "redirect:/logout"; } NumberFormat defaultFormat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); defaultFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); int appId = Integer.parseInt(applicationId); String appName = DataService.getApplicationNameByPrismIdApplicationId(appId, prismId); int impactTypeId = DataService.getImpactTypeIdByPrismIdAndApplicationName(prismId, appName); if (result.hasErrors()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ObjectError r : result.getAllErrors()) { sb.append(r.getDefaultMessage()); } logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus errors: " + sb.toString()); } // refresh cahce? if (artifactHistory != null) { artifactHistory = null; } DataService.initializeProjectAppOwnerByPrismId(prismId); // TO if (impactTypeId != 3 && impactTypeId != 4) { // prefix. Agile if (projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus Agile is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus Agile is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.AGILE); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getAgileDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getAgileDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getAgileDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getAgileDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getAgileDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.AGILE, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getAgilePercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("Agile has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 1. BR if (projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus BR is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus BR is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.BR); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getBRDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getBRDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getBRDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getBRDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getBRDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.BR, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getBRPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("BR has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 2. SR if (projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus SR is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus SR is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.SR); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getSRDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getSRDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getSRDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getSRDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getSRDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.SR, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getSRPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("SR has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 3. HLD if (projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus HLD is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error( msgHeader + " addProjectStatus HLD is set, updateing .. " + prismId + ", " + applicationId); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.HLD); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getHLDDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getHLDDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getHLDDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getHLDDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getHLDDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.HLD, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getHLDPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("HLD has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 4. AID if (projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus AID is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus AID is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.AID); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getAIDDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getAIDDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getAIDDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getAIDDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getAIDDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.AID, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getAIDPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("AID has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 5. DES if (projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus DES is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus DES is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.DES); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getDESDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getDESDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getDESDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getDESDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getDESDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.DES, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getDESPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("DES has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 6. DEV if (projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus DEV is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus DEV is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.DEV); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getDEVDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getDEVDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getDEVDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getDEVDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getDEVDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.DEV, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getDEVPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("DEV has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } } // end not impacttypeid = 3, to and tso 4 // 7. IST if (projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus IST is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus IST is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.IST); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getISTDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getISTDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getISTDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getISTDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getISTDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.IST, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getISTPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("IST has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } // 8. ISTExec if (projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus ISTExec is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus ISTExec is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.ISTExec); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format( Double.parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecDateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecDateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecDateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecDateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.ISTExec, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getISTExecPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("ISTExec has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } if (impactTypeId != 3 && impactTypeId != 4) { // 8. CloseOut if (projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete() == null || projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete().isEmpty()) { logger.error( msgHeader + " addProjectStatus Closeout is not set, so keep record in database as is."); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " addProjectStatus Closeout is set, updateing .."); ProjectAppOwnerModel mod = DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner( prismId, Integer.valueOf(applicationId), PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT); if (mod != null && !mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double .parseDouble(projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete())))) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(mod); // now change the percentage completed to user input value mod.setPercentageComplete(projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete()); // check if percentcomplete user entered is 100%, if so, check if the datecreated has been changed to an earlier date try { if (projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete().equalsIgnoreCase("1.00") && !sdf.format(sdf.parse(projectStatusViewModel.getCODateCreatedT())) .equals(sdf.format(new Date()))) { logger.error( "100% complete and user changed datecreated to a date that's other than today, using this date instead of today.. " + projectStatusViewModel.getCODateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getCODateCreatedT()); } else { logger.error("User chooses to use today as datecreated, using it .. " + projectStatusViewModel.getCODateCreatedT()); mod.setDateCreated(projectStatusViewModel.getCODateCreatedT()); } } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + ex.getMessage()); } DataService.processProjectStatusForArtifact(mod, PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT, sessionUser, p); } else { if (mod != null && mod.getPercentageComplete() .equalsIgnoreCase(defaultFormat.format(Double.parseDouble( projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete() == null ? "0" : projectStatusViewModel.getCloseOutPercentageComplete())))) { logger.error("CloseOut has same value as in the DB, ignoring.."); } else { logger.error( "addProjectStatus error DataService.getProjectAppOwnerByPrismIdAppNameArtifactNamePrimaryOwner returned null"); } } } } // end && impactTypeId != 4 (TSO) && && impactTypeId != 3 (TO) // prismId will be considered while expanding the placeholders // return "redirect:/impact_pirates/projects/index/{prismId}"; if (artifactHistory != null) { artifactHistory = null; } DataService.initializeProjectAppOwnerByPrismId(prismId); return "redirect:/projects/index/{prismId}"; } private ProjectAppOwnerModel cloneProjectAppOwnerModel(ProjectAppOwnerModel mod) { ProjectAppOwnerModel p = new ProjectAppOwnerModel(); p.setUUID(mod.getUUID()); p.setCompletionDate(mod.getCompletionDate()); p.setPercentageComplete(mod.getPercentageComplete()); p.setArtifactName(mod.getArtifactName()); p.setApplicationName(mod.getApplicationName()); p.setPrismId(mod.getPrismId()); p.setModuleId(mod.getModuleId()); p.setIsPrimaryOwner(mod.isIsPrimaryOwner()); p.setMileStoneId(mod.getMileStoneId()); p.setExecutionPercentage(mod.getExecutionPercentage()); p.setProjectCloseOutPercentage(mod.getProjectCloseOutPercentage()); p.setDateCreated(mod.getDateCreated()); p.setUpdatedByUUID(mod.getUpdatedByUUID()); p.setSystemNote(mod.getSystemNote()); p.setApplicationId(mod.getApplicationId()); p.setDueDate(mod.getDueDate()); return p; } private static void processProjectAppOwners(List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> existingOwners, List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> userSelectedOwners, String prismId, String applicationId, String[] uuids, String artifactName, String moduleId, String UUID, String dueDateForArtifact) { existingOwners.clear(); existingOwners.addAll(DataService.getProjectAppOwnersByPrismIdAppNameAndArtifactName(prismId, Integer.parseInt(applicationId), artifactName)); userSelectedOwners.clear(); { // build userSelected list from string[] SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String today = format.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); for (String s : uuids) { ProjectAppOwnerModel t = new ProjectAppOwnerModel(); t.setPrismId(prismId); t.setApplicationId(applicationId); t.setApplicationName(DataService .getApplicationNameByPrismIdApplicationId(Integer.parseInt(applicationId), prismId)); t.setUUID(s); t.setModuleId(moduleId); t.setMileStoneId(DataService.getMileStoneIdByArtifactName(artifactName)); t.setArtifactName(artifactName); t.setDueDate(dueDateForArtifact); t.setDateCreated(today); t.setUpdatedByUUID(UUID); userSelectedOwners.add(t); } // find to be inserted rows (in userSelectedOwners but not in existingOwners) for (ProjectAppOwnerModel owner : userSelectedOwners) { boolean found = false; for (ProjectAppOwnerModel i : existingOwners) { if (owner.getApplicationId().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getApplicationId()) && owner.getArtifactName().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getArtifactName()) && owner.getPrismId().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getPrismId()) && owner.getUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getUUID())) { // no match, we need to add found = true; break; } } // end for each existing owner owner.setIsNew(!found); } // end for each BRu // find rows to be deleted (in existing but not in userselected) for (ProjectAppOwnerModel o : existingOwners) { // isnew here means to be deleted boolean found = false; for (ProjectAppOwnerModel i : userSelectedOwners) { if (o.getApplicationId().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getApplicationId()) && o.getArtifactName().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getArtifactName()) && o.getPrismId().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getPrismId()) && o.getUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(i.getUUID())) { // match existing, no need to insert, do nothing found = true; break; } } // end for each userSelected o.setIsNew(!found); } // end for each existing } // end dynamic code block for BR } private static void displayProjectAppOwnerResults(List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> existingOwners, List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> userSelectedOwners, String artifactName) { // disabled. this only logs info // to enable set f to false boolean f = true; if (f) { return; } // display to be inserted for (ProjectAppOwnerModel o : userSelectedOwners) { if (o.getIsNew()) { logger.error( msgHeader + " userSelectedOwners " + artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " is tobe added.."); } else { // logger.error(msgHeader + " userSelectedOwners "+ artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " isnot new.."); } } // display to be deleted for (ProjectAppOwnerModel o : existingOwners) { if (o.getIsNew()) { logger.error( msgHeader + " existingOwners " + artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " is tobe deleted.."); } else { logger.error( msgHeader + " existingOwners " + artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " is tobe updated.."); } } } private void processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> existingOwners, List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> userSelectedOwners, String artifactName, String dueDateForArtifact, String UUID, int impactId) { if (impactId == 4 && artifactName.equalsIgnoreCase(PiratesConstants.ISTExec)) { return; } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement updateRow = null; PreparedStatement deleteRow = null; PreparedStatement insertRow = null; PreparedStatement syncRow = null; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String today = format.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); String insertSQL = " INSERT INTO [AppProjectArtifactOwners] " + " ([UUID] " + " ,[DueDate] " + " ,[ArtifactName] " + " ,[PRISMId] " + " ,[ApplicationName] " + " ,[ModuleId] " + " ,[IsPrimaryOwner] " + " ,[MileStoneId] " + " ,[DateCreated] " + " ,[UpdatedByUUID] " + " ,[SystemNote]) " + " VALUES " + " ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "; String updateSQL = " UPDATE AppProjectArtifactOwners " + " SET DueDate = ? " + " ,UpdatedByUUID = ? " + " ,SystemNote = ? " + " WHERE " + " UUID = ? and ArtifactName = ? and PRISMId = ? and ApplicationName = ? and ModuleId = ? and MileStoneId = ? "; String deleteSQL = " DELETE FROM AppProjectArtifactOwners " + " WHERE " + " UUID = ? and ArtifactName = ? and PRISMId = ? and ApplicationName = ? and ModuleId = ? and MileStoneId = ? "; // we need to make sure duedates for each artifact for all applications in this project // to be in sync String syncSQL = " Update a " + " Set a.duedate = t.duedate " + " from AppProjectArtifactOwners a " + " join " + " ( " + " select prismid, applicationname, artifactname, duedate " + " from AppProjectArtifactOwners " + " Where artifactname = ? and prismid = ? " + " And applicationname = ? " + " and isprimaryowner = 1 " + " ) t " + " on a.prismid=t.prismid and a.artifactname=t.artifactname " + " and a.applicationname <> t.applicationname " + " where a.isprimaryowner = 1 "; try { List<String> artifactNames = new ArrayList<String>(); String prismId = ""; String applicationName = ""; con = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(false); insertRow = con.prepareStatement(insertSQL); // inserts boolean isAdd = false; for (ProjectAppOwnerModel o : userSelectedOwners) { if (o.getIsNew()) { if (!isAdd) isAdd = true; logger.error(msgHeader + " userSelectedOwners " + artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " is being added.."); insertRow.setString(1, o.getUUID()); insertRow.setString(2, o.getDueDate()); insertRow.setString(3, o.getArtifactName()); insertRow.setString(4, o.getPrismId()); insertRow.setString(5, o.getApplicationName()); insertRow.setInt(6, Integer.valueOf(o.getModuleId())); insertRow.setInt(7, 1); insertRow.setInt(8, Integer.valueOf(o.getMileStoneId())); insertRow.setString(9, today); insertRow.setString(10, o.getUpdatedByUUID()); insertRow.setString(11, "Record created by " + o.getUpdatedByUUID() + " on " + o.getDateCreated()); insertRow.addBatch(); // update artifactNames list if (!artifactNames.contains(o.getArtifactName())) { artifactNames.add(o.getArtifactName()); } if (prismId.isEmpty()) { prismId = o.getPrismId(); } if (applicationName.isEmpty()) { applicationName = o.getApplicationName(); } } } if (isAdd) insertRow.executeBatch(); if (!isAdd) logger.error(msgHeader + " processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. nothing to insert"); // updates boolean isUpdate = false; updateRow = con.prepareStatement(updateSQL); for (ProjectAppOwnerModel o : existingOwners) { if (o.getIsNew()) { // do nothing here... } else { SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Date userSelected = yFormat.parse(dueDateForArtifact); Date existing = yFormat.parse(o.getDueDate()); if (existing.compareTo(userSelected) == 0) { logger.error(msgHeader + " new duedate: " + dueDateForArtifact + " is the same as existing duedate " + o.getDueDate() + " , nothing to do here..."); } else { if (!isUpdate) isUpdate = true; logger.error(msgHeader + " existingOwners " + artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " is being updated.."); updateRow.setString(1, dueDateForArtifact); updateRow.setString(2, UUID); updateRow.setString(3, "Record updated by " + UUID + " on " + today); updateRow.setString(4, o.getUUID()); updateRow.setString(5, o.getArtifactName()); updateRow.setString(6, o.getPrismId()); updateRow.setString(7, o.getApplicationName()); updateRow.setInt(8, Integer.valueOf(o.getModuleId())); updateRow.setInt(9, Integer.valueOf(o.getMileStoneId())); updateRow.addBatch(); // update artifactNames list if (!artifactNames.contains(o.getArtifactName())) { artifactNames.add(o.getArtifactName()); } if (prismId.isEmpty()) { prismId = o.getPrismId(); } if (applicationName.isEmpty()) { applicationName = o.getApplicationName(); } } } } if (isUpdate) updateRow.executeBatch(); if (!isUpdate) logger.error(msgHeader + " processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. nothing to update"); // deletes boolean isDelete = false; deleteRow = con.prepareStatement(deleteSQL); for (ProjectAppOwnerModel o : existingOwners) { if (o.getIsNew()) { if (!isDelete) isDelete = true; logger.error(msgHeader + " existingOwners " + artifactName + " " + o.getUUID() + " is being deleted.."); deleteRow.setString(1, o.getUUID()); deleteRow.setString(2, o.getArtifactName()); deleteRow.setString(3, o.getPrismId()); deleteRow.setString(4, o.getApplicationName()); deleteRow.setInt(5, Integer.valueOf(o.getModuleId())); deleteRow.setInt(6, Integer.valueOf(o.getMileStoneId())); deleteRow.addBatch(); } else { // do nothing here } } if (isDelete) deleteRow.executeBatch(); if (!isDelete) logger.error(msgHeader + " processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. nothing to delete"); if (isAdd || isUpdate || isDelete) { // sync up same artifact, same project different application's due dates if (!artifactNames.isEmpty()) { syncRow = con.prepareStatement(syncSQL); for (String a : artifactNames) { logger.error("Setting syncup parameters.. artifactname: " + a + ", prismId: " + prismId + ", applicationName: " + applicationName); syncRow.setString(1, a); syncRow.setString(2, prismId); syncRow.setString(3, applicationName); syncRow.addBatch(); } syncRow.executeBatch(); } con.commit(); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. nothing to commit"); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (con != null) { try { logger.error(e.getMessage() + ", processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. Transaction is being rolled back.. " + e.getMessage()); con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException excep) { logger.error(excep.getMessage() + ", processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. Transaction is being rolled back.." + excep.getMessage()); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException logOrIgnore) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex + ", processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName.. Transaction is being rolled back.." + ex.getMessage()); try { con.rollback(); } catch (SQLException logOrIgnore) { } } finally { if (updateRow != null) { try { updateRow.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (deleteRow != null) { try { deleteRow.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (insertRow != null) { try { insertRow.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } if (con != null) { try { con.setAutoCommit(true); con.close(); } catch (SQLException logOrIgnore) { } } } } @RequestMapping(value = "/updateProjectPersonnel/{prismId}/{applicationId}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String updateProjectPersonnels(@PathVariable("prismId") String prismId, @PathVariable("applicationId") String applicationId, @Valid @ModelAttribute("projectPersonnelsModelView") ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView projectPersonnelModelView, HttpServletRequest request, BindingResult result) { if (result.hasErrors()) { // should return to original page with errors, but the original page is a popup! logger.error(msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels errors?: " + result.hasErrors()); } // process projectapplicationModules String appname = DataService.getApplicationNameByPrismIdApplicationId(Integer.parseInt(applicationId), prismId); ProjectApplicationModule mod = DataService.getProjectAppModuleByPrismIdApplName(prismId, appname); // delete the app from project if user selects chkDelAppFromPrj if (request.getParameter("chkDelAppFromPrj") != null && request.getParameter("chkDelAppFromPrj").equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) { DataService.processDeleteApplicationFromProject(prismId, appname); return "redirect:/projects/index/{prismId}"; } String[] vars = request.getParameterValues("moduleIdsEx"); projectPersonnelModelView.setModuleIds(vars); // for(String i: vars) // { // logger.error(msgHeader + i); // } // logger.error(msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels getMethodology: " + projectPersonnelModelView.getMethodology()); // logger.error(msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels getModules: " + String.join(",", projectPersonnelModelView.getModuleIds())); // logger.error(msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels getImpactTypeId: " + projectPersonnelModelView.getImpactTypeId()); // logger.error(msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels getBrDuedate: " + projectPersonnelModelView.getBrDuedate()); // logger.error(msgHeader + " chkDelAppFromPrj: " + request.getParameter("chkDelAppFromPrj")); // 10-18-2015: add agile to the mix, when agile, we remove all other artifacts other than IST // set isAgile to the correct value boolean isAgile = false; if (!projectPersonnelModelView.getMethodology().isEmpty() && projectPersonnelModelView.getMethodology().equalsIgnoreCase("Agile")) { isAgile = true; } projectPersonnelModelView.setAgile(isAgile); logger.error("[Merce]: isAgile is set to: " + isAgile); String methodology = projectPersonnelModelView.getMethodology(); // Integer.valueOf(projectPersonnelModelView.getModuleIds()[0]); int moduleId = Integer.valueOf(vars[0]); projectPersonnelModelView.setModuleId(moduleId); logger.error("[Merce]: single moduleId is: " + moduleId); int impactId = projectPersonnelModelView.getImpactTypeId(); String impactDesc = HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(projectPersonnelModelView.getImpactDescription()); // String.join(",", projectPersonnelModelView.getModuleIds()); String moduleIds = String.join(",", vars); logger.error("[Merce]: multiple moduleId are: " + moduleIds); if (!methodology.equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getProjectMethodology()) || !moduleIds.equalsIgnoreCase(String.join(",", mod.getModuleIds())) || impactId != mod.getImpactTypeId() || !impactDesc.equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getImpactDescription())) { // cascade to child objects in DB, // this will actually update all foreign keys in // AppProjectArtifactOwners with the correct key values logger.error( msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels DO need to update methodology, module and impacttype "); DataService.updateProjectApplicationModules(prismId, appname, String.valueOf(moduleId), String.valueOf(impactId), methodology, impactDesc, projectPersonnelModelView.getModuleIds()); } else { logger.error(msgHeader + " updateProjectPersonnels no need to update methodology, module and impacttype and impactdescription"); } String sessionUser = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"); // if TSO there's no deliverables; if TO only IST and ISTExec // 1 CODE // 2 TBL CHG // 3 TO // 4 TSO does not have any deliverables, but we are treating it as TO as well // TO has only IST and ISTExec DataService.initializeProjectAppOwnerByPrismId(prismId); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> existingOwners = new ArrayList<ProjectAppOwnerModel>(); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> userSelectedOwners = new ArrayList<ProjectAppOwnerModel>(); // US610355 item #2 allow saving of resources even it's agile if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: BR"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.BR); } else { // 1. BR processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getBRu(), PiratesConstants.BR, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getBrDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "BR"); // ****** place BR update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.BR, projectPersonnelModelView.getBrDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of BR logic here ****** // } if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: SR"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.SR); } else { // 2. update SR processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getSRu(), PiratesConstants.SR, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getSrDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "SR"); // ****** place SR update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.SR, projectPersonnelModelView.getSrDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of SR logic here ****** // } if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: HLD"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.HLD); } else { // 3. update HLD processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getHLDu(), PiratesConstants.HLD, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getHldDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "HLD"); // ****** place HLD update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.HLD, projectPersonnelModelView.getHldDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of HLD logic here ****** // } if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: AID"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.AID); } else { // 4. update AID processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getAIDu(), PiratesConstants.AID, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getAidDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "AID"); // ****** place AID update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.AID, projectPersonnelModelView.getAidDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of AID logic here ****** // } if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: DES"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.DES); } else { // 5. update DES processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getDESu(), PiratesConstants.DES, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getDesDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "AD"); // ****** place AD update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.DES, projectPersonnelModelView.getDesDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of AD logic here ****** // } if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: DEV"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.DEV); } else { // 6. update DEV processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getDEVu(), PiratesConstants.DEV, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getDevDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "DEV"); // ****** place DEV update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.DEV, projectPersonnelModelView.getDevDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of DEV logic here ****** // } if (impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TSO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: IST"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.IST); } else { // 7. update IST processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getISTu(), PiratesConstants.IST, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getIstDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "IST"); // ****** place IST update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.IST, projectPersonnelModelView.getIstDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of IST logic here ****** // } // 8. update IstExec processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getIstExecu(), PiratesConstants.ISTExec, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getIstExecDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "ISTExec"); // ****** place ISTExec update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.ISTExec, projectPersonnelModelView.getIstExecDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of ISTExec logic here ****** // if (impactId == 3 || impactId == 4) { logger.error(msgHeader + " impactId is TO, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: CLOSEOUT"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT); } else { // 9. update Closeout processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getCloseOutu(), PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getCloseOutDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "CloseOut"); // ****** place Closeout update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT, projectPersonnelModelView.getCloseOutDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of Closeout logic here ****** // } // handle Agile artifact if (!isAgile) { logger.error(msgHeader + " isAgile is false, deleting prismid: " + prismId + ", appname: " + appname + ", artifact: AGILE"); DataService.deleteArtifactOwnerTO(prismId, appname, PiratesConstants.AGILE); } else { // 10. update Agile processProjectAppOwners(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, prismId, applicationId, projectPersonnelModelView.getAgileArtifactsu(), PiratesConstants.AGILE, String.valueOf(moduleId), sessionUser, projectPersonnelModelView.getAgileDuedate()); displayProjectAppOwnerResults(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, "Agile"); // ****** place Agile update logic here **** // processProjectAppOwnersByArtifactName(existingOwners, userSelectedOwners, PiratesConstants.AGILE, projectPersonnelModelView.getAgileDuedate(), sessionUser, impactId); // ****** end of Agile logic here ****** // } // prismId will be considered while expanding the placeholders // return "redirect:/impact_pirates/projects/index/{prismId}"; return "redirect:/projects/index/{prismId}"; } private static List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> getProjectDetails(String prismId) { List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> projectsPersonnel = new ArrayList<ProjectDetailsPersonnel>(); // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectDetailsPersonnel called with prismId: "+ prismId); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT apa.ApplicationName, " + " app.ApplicationId, " + " apa.ArtifactName, " + " m.ModuleName, " + " upper(apa.UUID) as UUID, " + " apa.MileStoneId, " + " apa.ModuleId, " + " pam.ImpactTypeId, " + " pam.ProjectMethodology, " + " apa.DueDate, " + " isnull(pam.ImpactDescription,'') as ImpactDescription " + " FROM AppProjectArtifactOwners as apa " + " join Modules m on m.ModuleId = apa.ModuleId " + " join ProjectApplicationModules pam on pam.PRISMId = apa.PRISMId " + " and pam.ModuleId = apa.ModuleId and pam.ApplicationName = apa.ApplicationName " + " join Applications app on app.ApplicationName = apa.ApplicationName " + " where apa.PRISMId = ? " + " order by apa.ApplicationName, apa.ArtifactName, m.ModuleName, apa.UUID "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); preparedStatement.setString(1, prismId); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); String applicationName = rs.getString("ApplicationName"); String applicationId = rs.getString("ApplicationId"); String artifactName = rs.getString("ArtifactName"); String moduleName = rs.getString("ModuleName"); String uuid = rs.getString("UUID"); String mileStoneId = rs.getString("MileStoneId"); String moduleId = rs.getString("ModuleId"); String impactTypeId = rs.getString("ImpactTypeId"); String methodology = rs.getString("ProjectMethodology"); String impactDescription = rs.getString("ImpactDescription"); String artDueDate = rs.getString("DueDate"); String artifactDuedate = yFormat.format(format.parse(artDueDate)); // create a projectDetailPersonnel and add it to list ProjectDetailsPersonnel p = new ProjectDetailsPersonnel(); p.setApplicationName(applicationName); p.setApplicationId(applicationId); p.setArtifactName(artifactName); p.setModuleName(moduleName); p.setUuid(uuid); p.setMileStoneId(mileStoneId); p.setModuleId(moduleId); p.setPrismId(prismId); p.setImpactTypeId(impactTypeId); p.setProjectMethodology(methodology); p.setArtifactDueDate(artifactDuedate); p.setImpactDescription(HtmlUtils.htmlUnescape(impactDescription)); projectsPersonnel.add(p); } // logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectDetailsPersonnel called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } return projectsPersonnel; } private static String getImpactTypeById(String Id) { String res = ""; Map<String, String> impacts = new HashMap<String, String>(); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT [ImpactTypeId] " + " ,[ImpactType] " + " ,[ImpactTypeFullName] " + " FROM [ImpactTypes] "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { int impacttypeid = rs.getInt("ImpactTypeId"); String impacttype = rs.getString("ImpactType"); String impacttypeFullName = rs.getString("ImpactTypeFullName"); ImpactTypes e = new ImpactTypes(); e.setImpactTypeId(impacttypeid); e.setImpactType(impacttype); e.setImpactTypeFullName(impacttypeFullName); impacts.put(String.valueOf(e.getImpactTypeId()), e.getImpactType()); } res = impacts.get(Id); return res; } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } // impacts.put("1","CODE"); // impacts.put("2","TBL CHG"); // impacts.put("3","TO"); // impacts.put("4","TSO"); return res; } private static int getImpactByName(String impactName) { List<ImpactTypes> types = getProjectImpactTypes(); for (ImpactTypes t : types) { if (t.getImpactType().equalsIgnoreCase(impactName)) { return t.getImpactTypeId(); } } return 0; } private static List<String> getProjectMethodologies() { List<String> methods = new ArrayList<String>(); methods.add("Waterfall"); methods.add("Agile"); return methods; } private static List<ImpactTypes> getProjectImpactTypes() { List<ImpactTypes> impacts = new ArrayList<ImpactTypes>(); // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectImpactTypes called. "); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT ImpactTypeId, ImpactType, ImpactTypeFullName + ' ('+ ImpactType + ')' as 'ImpactTypeFullName' " + " FROM ImpactTypes "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; int impacttypeid = rs.getInt("ImpactTypeId"); String impacttype = rs.getString("ImpactType"); String impacttypeFullName = rs.getString("ImpactTypeFullName"); ImpactTypes e = new ImpactTypes(); e.setImpactTypeId(impacttypeid); e.setImpactType(impacttype); e.setImpactTypeFullName(impacttypeFullName); impacts.add(e); } // logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectImpactTypes called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } return impacts; } public static List<ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView> getProjectDetailsPersonnelViewModel(String prismId) { List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> personnels = getProjectDetails(prismId); List<ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView> viewModel = new ArrayList<ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView>(); // SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (personnels == null || personnels.isEmpty()) { return viewModel; } if (employees == null) { employees = getATTEmployees_All(); } // get a unique list of applicationnames // the initial List ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : personnels) { list.add(p.getApplicationName()); } // convert the List into a Set Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(list); // create a new List from the Set // now, they are unique ArrayList<String> resultAppNames = new ArrayList<String>(set); Collections.sort(resultAppNames); for (String appName : resultAppNames) { ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView aRow = new ProjectDetailsPersonnelModelView(); aRow.setPrismId(prismId); // get list of projectdetailspersonnel belong to this app List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> thisAppRows = getPersonnelObjectsByAppName(personnels, appName); if (!thisAppRows.isEmpty()) { // get the applicationId value, only need to use the item 0 since all records have the same appId value aRow.setApplicationName(appName); aRow.setApplicationId(thisAppRows.get(0).getApplicationId()); aRow.setImpactDescription(thisAppRows.get(0).getImpactDescription()); // prefix. AGILE // there might be more than one owner of Agile artifacts, although we are only // handling the isPrimary = 1 for now List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allAgiles = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.AGILE); List<String> AgileNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> Agileuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no BR for this app & project, we use NA if (allAgiles.isEmpty()) { AgileNames.add("NA"); Agileuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allAgiles) { AgileNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); Agileuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setAgileArtifact(String.join(",", AgileNames)); aRow.setAgileArtifactsu(Agileuuids.toArray(new String[Agileuuids.size()])); if (allAgiles != null && !allAgiles.isEmpty()) { aRow.setAgileDuedate(allAgiles.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setAgileDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 1. BR // there might be more than one owner of BR artifacts, although we are only // handling the isPrimary = 1 for now List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allBRs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.BR); List<String> BRNames = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no BR for this app & project, we use NA if (allBRs.isEmpty()) { BRNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allBRs) { BRNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setBR(String.join(",", BRNames)); aRow.setBRu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allBRs != null && !allBRs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setBrDuedate(allBRs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setBrDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 2. SR List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allSRs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.SR); List<String> SRNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no SR for this app & project, we use NA if (allSRs.isEmpty()) { SRNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allSRs) { SRNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setSR(String.join(",", SRNames)); aRow.setSRu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allSRs != null && !allSRs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setSrDuedate(allSRs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setSrDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 3. HLD List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allHLDs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.HLD); List<String> HLDNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no HLD for this app & project, we use NA if (allHLDs.isEmpty()) { HLDNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allHLDs) { HLDNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setHLD(String.join(",", HLDNames)); aRow.setHLDu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allHLDs != null && !allHLDs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setHldDuedate(allHLDs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setHldDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 4. AID List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allAIDs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.AID); List<String> AIDNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no AID for this app & project, we use NA if (allAIDs.isEmpty()) { AIDNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allAIDs) { AIDNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setAID(String.join(",", AIDNames)); aRow.setAIDu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allAIDs != null && !allAIDs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setAidDuedate(allAIDs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setAidDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 5. AD/DES List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allADs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.DES); List<String> ADNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no DES for this app & project, we use NA if (allADs.isEmpty()) { ADNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allADs) { ADNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setDES(String.join(",", ADNames)); aRow.setDESu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allADs != null && !allADs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setDesDuedate(allADs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setDesDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 6. DEV List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allDEVs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.DEV); List<String> DEVNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no DES for this app & project, we use NA if (allDEVs.isEmpty()) { DEVNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allDEVs) { DEVNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setDEV(String.join(",", DEVNames)); aRow.setDEVu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allDEVs != null && !allDEVs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setDevDuedate(allDEVs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setDevDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 7. IST List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allISTs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.IST); List<String> ISTNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no DES for this app & project, we use NA if (allISTs.isEmpty()) { ISTNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allISTs) { ISTNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setIST(String.join(",", ISTNames)); aRow.setISTu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allISTs != null && !allISTs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setIstDuedate(allISTs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setIstDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 8. isAgile? String m = thisAppRows.get(0).getProjectMethodology(); if (m != null && m.equalsIgnoreCase(PiratesConstants.WATERFALL)) { aRow.setAgile(false); } else { aRow.setAgile(true); } // 9. Module(s) List<String> modules = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : thisAppRows) { modules.add(p.getModuleName()); } List<String> modulesEx = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : thisAppRows) { List<String> mods = DataService.getModulesForPrismIDAppName(prismId, p.getApplicationName()); modulesEx.addAll(mods); } // convert the List into a Set Set<String> setModulesEx = new HashSet<String>(modulesEx); // create a new List from the Set // now, they are unique ArrayList<String> uniqueModulesEx = new ArrayList<String>(setModulesEx); aRow.setModules(uniqueModulesEx.toArray(new String[uniqueModulesEx.size()])); // convert the List into a Set Set<String> setModules = new HashSet<String>(modules); // create a new List from the Set // now, they are unique ArrayList<String> uniqueModules = new ArrayList<String>(setModules); aRow.setModule(String.join(",", uniqueModules)); // 10. impact type List<String> impactNamess = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : thisAppRows) { impactNamess.add(getImpactTypeById(p.getImpactTypeId())); } Set<String> setImpacts = new HashSet<String>(impactNamess); ArrayList<String> uniqueImpacts = new ArrayList<String>(setImpacts); aRow.setImpact(String.join(",", uniqueImpacts)); // 11. ISTExec List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allISTExecs = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.ISTExec); List<String> ISTExecNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no ISTExec for this app & project, we use NA if (allISTExecs.isEmpty() || impactNamess.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("TSO")) { ISTExecNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allISTExecs) { ISTExecNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setIstExec(String.join(",", ISTExecNames)); aRow.setIstExecu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allISTExecs != null && !allISTExecs.isEmpty() && !impactNamess.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("TSO")) { aRow.setIstExecDuedate(allISTExecs.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setIstExecDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // 12. CloseOut List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> allCloseOuts = getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT); List<String> CloseoutNames = new ArrayList<String>(); BRuuids = new ArrayList<String>(); // mchan 8/20/15, handle when no ISTExec for this app & project, we use NA if (allCloseOuts.isEmpty()) { CloseoutNames.add("NA"); BRuuids.add("NA"); } else { for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : allCloseOuts) { CloseoutNames.add(getEmployeNameByUUID(employees, p.getUuid())); BRuuids.add(p.getUuid()); } } aRow.setCloseOut(String.join(",", CloseoutNames)); aRow.setCloseOutu(BRuuids.toArray(new String[BRuuids.size()])); if (allCloseOuts != null && !allCloseOuts.isEmpty()) { aRow.setCloseOutDuedate(allCloseOuts.get(0).getArtifactDueDate()); } else { aRow.setCloseOutDuedate("1900-01-01"); } // add row to collection viewModel.add(aRow); } } // end for each unique resultApps return viewModel; } private static String getEmployeNameByUUID(List<ATTEmployee> employees, String uuid) { String rc = ""; if (employees == null || employees.isEmpty()) { return rc; } for (ATTEmployee e : employees) { if (e.getUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(uuid)) { rc = e.getFullName(); break; } } return rc; } private static List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> list, String artifactName) { List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> appOwner = new ArrayList<ProjectAppOwnerModel>(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return appOwner; } for (ProjectAppOwnerModel p : list) { if (p.getArtifactName().equalsIgnoreCase(artifactName)) { appOwner.add(p); } } return appOwner; } private static List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> getPersonnelObjectsByArtifactName( List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> list, String artifactName) { List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> personnels = new ArrayList<ProjectDetailsPersonnel>(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return personnels; } for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : list) { if (p.getArtifactName().equalsIgnoreCase(artifactName)) { personnels.add(p); } } return personnels; } private static List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> getPersonnelObjectsByAppName(List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> list, String applicationName) { List<ProjectDetailsPersonnel> personnels = new ArrayList<ProjectDetailsPersonnel>(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return personnels; } for (ProjectDetailsPersonnel p : list) { if (p.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase(applicationName)) { personnels.add(p); } } return personnels; } private static List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> getAppOwnerModelObjectsByAppName(List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> list, String applicationName) { List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> appOwner = new ArrayList<ProjectAppOwnerModel>(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { return appOwner; } for (ProjectAppOwnerModel p : list) { if (p.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase(applicationName)) { appOwner.add(p); } } return appOwner; } private static List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> getProjectAppOwners(String prismId) { List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> rc = new ArrayList<ProjectAppOwnerModel>(); // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectAppOwners called with prismId: "+ prismId); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " SELECT " + " apa.UUID " + " ,apa.DueDate " + " ,apa.CompletionDate " + " ,apa.PercentageComplete " + " ,apa.ArtifactName " + " ,apa.PRISMId " + " ,apa.ApplicationName " + " ,apa.ModuleId " + " ,apa.IsPrimaryOwner " + " ,apa.MileStoneId " + " ,apa.ExecutionPercentage " + " ,apa.ProjectCloseOutPercentage " + " ,isnull(apa.DateCreated,'') as DateCreated " + " ,apa.UpdatedByUUID " + " ,apa.SystemNote " + " ,app.ApplicationId " + " FROM AppProjectArtifactOwners apa join Applications app " + " On app.ApplicationName = apa.ApplicationName " + " Where apa.PRISMId = ? and apa.isPrimaryOwner = 1 " + " Order by apa.ApplicationName, apa.ArtifactName, apa.UUID "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); preparedStatement.setString(1, prismId); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); // for percentage NumberFormat defaultFormat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); defaultFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); // String uuid = rs.getString("UUID"); // String theDueDate = rs.getString("DueDate"); String dueDate = yFormat.format(format.parse(theDueDate)); // String theCompDate = rs.getString("CompletionDate") == null ? "1900-01-01 14:58:00.00" : rs.getString("CompletionDate"); String completionDate = yFormat.format(format.parse(theCompDate)); // String pCompletedDtr = rs.getString("PercentageComplete") == null ? "0.00" : rs.getString("PercentageComplete"); double percentComplete = Double.parseDouble( rs.getString("PercentageComplete") == null ? "0" : rs.getString("PercentageComplete")); String PercentCompleted = defaultFormat.format(percentComplete); // String artifactName = rs.getString("ArtifactName"); // String applicationName = rs.getString("ApplicationName"); // String moduleId = rs.getString("ModuleId"); // String isPrimary = rs.getString("IsPrimaryOwner"); // String mileStoneId = rs.getString("MileStoneId"); // double ExecPercent = Double.parseDouble( rs.getString("ExecutionPercentage") == null ? "0" : rs.getString("ExecutionPercentage")); String ExecutionPercentage = defaultFormat.format(ExecPercent); // double prjCOPercent = Double.parseDouble(rs.getString("ProjectCloseOutPercentage") == null ? "0" : rs.getString("ProjectCloseOutPercentage")); String PrjCloseOutPercentage = defaultFormat.format(prjCOPercent); // String dCreated = rs.getString("DateCreated"); String dateCreated = yFormat.format(format.parse(dCreated)); // String updatedByUUID = rs.getString("UpdatedByUUID"); // String systemNote = rs.getString("SystemNote"); // String applicationId = rs.getString("ApplicationId"); // create a projectDetailPersonnel and add it to list ProjectAppOwnerModel p = new ProjectAppOwnerModel(); p.setUUID(uuid); p.setDueDate(dueDate); p.setCompletionDate(completionDate); p.setPercentageComplete(PercentCompleted); p.setPercentageCompleteStr(pCompletedDtr); p.setArtifactName(artifactName); p.setPrismId(prismId); p.setApplicationName(applicationName); p.setModuleId(moduleId); p.setIsPrimaryOwner(isPrimary.equalsIgnoreCase("1")); p.setMileStoneId(mileStoneId); p.setExecutionPercentage(ExecutionPercentage); p.setProjectCloseOutPercentage(PrjCloseOutPercentage); p.setDateCreated(dateCreated); p.setUpdatedByUUID(updatedByUUID); p.setSystemNote(systemNote); p.setApplicationId(applicationId); rc.add(p); } logger.error(msgHeader + "getProjectAppOwners called, got results: " + rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } return rc; } // project status logic public static List<ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel> getProjectDetailsStatus(String prismId, String uuid) { List<ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel> detailStatus = new ArrayList<ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel>(); try { // logger.error("getProjectDetailsStatus, before calling getProjectAppOwners(prismId)"); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> results = getProjectAppOwners(prismId); // logger.error("getProjectDetailsStatus, after calling getProjectAppOwners(prismId)"); if (!results.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProjectAppOwnerModel p : results) { list.add(p.getApplicationName()); } // convert the List into a Set Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(list); // create a new List from the Set // now, they are unique ArrayList<String> distinctApps = new ArrayList<String>(set); Collections.sort(distinctApps); for (String app : distinctApps) { int impactTypeId = DataService.getImpactTypeIdByPrismIdAndApplicationName(prismId, app); boolean validateThreshold = !(impactTypeId == 4); ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel aRow = new ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel(); List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> thisAppRows = getAppOwnerModelObjectsByAppName(results, app); if (!thisAppRows.isEmpty()) { aRow.setApplicationId(thisAppRows.get(0).getApplicationId()); aRow.setApplication(app); aRow.setImpactType(impactTypeId); // 1. BR List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allBRs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.BR); if (!allBRs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setBR(allBRs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setBRheaderDueDate(allBRs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setBRDuedate(allBRs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allBRs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allBRs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setBR(aRow.getBR() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setBRDuedate(aRow.getBRDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setBRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getBR(), aRow.getBRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getBRheaderDueDate(), false, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setBR("0%"); aRow.setBRDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setBRheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setBRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getBR(), aRow.getBRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getBRheaderDueDate(), false, validateThreshold)); } // end of BR // 2. SR List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allSRs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.SR); if (!allSRs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setSR(allSRs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setSRheaderDueDate(allSRs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setSRDuedate(allSRs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allSRs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allSRs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setSR(aRow.getSR() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setSRDuedate(aRow.getSRDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setSRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getSR(), aRow.getSRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getSRheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setSR("0%"); aRow.setSRDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setSRheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setSRStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getSR(), aRow.getSRDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getSRheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of SR // 3. HLD List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allHLDs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.HLD); if (!allHLDs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setHLD(allHLDs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setHLDheaderDueDate(allHLDs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setHLDDuedate(allHLDs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allHLDs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allHLDs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setHLD(aRow.getHLD() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setHLDDuedate(aRow.getHLDDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setHLDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getHLD(), aRow.getHLDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getHLDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setHLD("0%"); aRow.setHLDDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setHLDheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setHLDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getHLD(), aRow.getHLDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getHLDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of HLD // 4. AID List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allAIDs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.AID); if (!allAIDs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setAID(allAIDs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAIDheaderDueDate(allAIDs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setAIDDuedate(allAIDs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allAIDs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allAIDs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setAID(aRow.getAID() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAIDDuedate(aRow.getAIDDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setAIDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAID(), aRow.getAIDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAIDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setAID("0%"); aRow.setAIDDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setAIDheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setAIDStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAID(), aRow.getAIDDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAIDheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of AID // 5. AD List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allADs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName(thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.DES); if (!allADs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setDES(allADs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDESheaderDueDate(allADs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setDESDuedate(allADs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allADs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allADs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setDES(aRow.getDES() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDESDuedate(aRow.getDESDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setDESStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDES(), aRow.getDESDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDESheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setDES("0%"); aRow.setDESDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setDESheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setDESStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDES(), aRow.getDESDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDESheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of DES // 6. DEV List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allDEVs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.DEV); if (!allDEVs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setDEV(allDEVs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDEVheaderDueDate(allDEVs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setDEVDuedate(allDEVs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allDEVs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allDEVs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setDEV(aRow.getDEV() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setDEVDuedate(aRow.getDEVDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setDEVStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDEV(), aRow.getDEVDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDEVheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setDEV("0%"); aRow.setDEVDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setDEVheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setDEVStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getDEV(), aRow.getDEVDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getDEVheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of DEV // 7. IST List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allISTs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.IST); if (!allISTs.isEmpty()) { aRow.setIST(allISTs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTheaderDueDate(allISTs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setISTDuedate(allISTs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allISTs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allISTs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setIST(aRow.getIST() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTDuedate(aRow.getISTDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setISTStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getIST(), aRow.getISTDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setIST("0%"); aRow.setISTDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setISTheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setISTStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getIST(), aRow.getISTDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of IST // 8. ISTExec List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allISTExecs = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.ISTExec); if (!allISTExecs.isEmpty() && impactTypeId != 4) { aRow.setISTExec(allISTExecs.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTExecheaderDueDate(allISTExecs.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setISTExecDuedate(allISTExecs.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allISTExecs.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allISTExecs.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setISTExec(aRow.getISTExec() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setISTExecDuedate(aRow.getISTExecDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setISTExecStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getISTExec(), aRow.getISTExecDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTExecheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setISTExec("0%"); aRow.setISTExecDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setISTExecheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setISTExecStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getISTExec(), aRow.getISTExecDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getISTExecheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of ISTExec // 9. CloseOut List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allCloseout = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.CLOSEOUT); if (!allCloseout.isEmpty()) { aRow.setCloseOut(allCloseout.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setCloseOutheaderDueDate(allCloseout.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setCloseOutDuedate(allCloseout.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allCloseout.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allCloseout.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setCloseOut(aRow.getCloseOut() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setCloseOutDuedate(aRow.getCloseOutDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setCloseOutStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getCloseOut(), aRow.getCloseOutDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getCloseOutheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setCloseOut("0%"); aRow.setCloseOutDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setCloseOutheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setCloseOutStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getCloseOut(), aRow.getCloseOutDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getCloseOutheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of CloseOut // 10. Agile List<ProjectAppOwnerModel> allAgile = getProjectAppOwnerModelObjectByArtifactName( thisAppRows, PiratesConstants.AGILE); if (!allAgile.isEmpty()) { aRow.setAgile(allAgile.get(0).getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAgileheaderDueDate(allAgile.get(0).getDueDate()); aRow.setAgileDuedate(allAgile.get(0).getDateCreated()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(allAgile.get(0).getUpdatedByUUID()); // get history records List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> history = getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( allAgile.get(0)); if (!history.isEmpty()) { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : history) { // for percentage aRow.setAgile(aRow.getAgile() + "," + h.getPercentageComplete()); aRow.setAgileDuedate(aRow.getAgileDuedate() + "," + h.getDateLogged()); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID(aRow.getUpdatedByUUID() + "," + h.getUpdatedByUUID()); } } // after processing each history record aRow.setAgileStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAgile(), aRow.getAgileDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAgileheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end processing isEmpty() else { aRow.setAgile("0%"); aRow.setAgileDuedate("NA"); aRow.setUpdatedByUUID("NA"); aRow.setAgileheaderDueDate("NA"); aRow.setAgileStr(getRowDueDatePercentageString(aRow.getAgile(), aRow.getAgileDuedate(), aRow.getUpdatedByUUID(), uuid, aRow.getAgileheaderDueDate(), true, validateThreshold)); } // end of Agile aRow.setPrismId(prismId); detailStatus.add(aRow); } // end thisAppRow.ANY() check } // end distinct appName loop } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + "Error occurred getProjectDetailsStatuc... " + ex.getMessage()); } // new code SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); List<Date> tmpDates = new ArrayList<Date>(); Date BR = null; Date SR = null; Date HLD = null; Date AID = null; Date AD = null; Date DEV = null; Date IST = null; Date ISTExec = null; Date CloseOut = null; Date Agile = null; // Process BR for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getBRheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getBRheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getBRheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); BR = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process SR for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getSRheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getSRheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getSRheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); SR = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process HLD for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getHLDheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getHLDheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getHLDheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); HLD = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process AID for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getAIDheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getAIDheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getAIDheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); AID = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process AD for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getDESheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getDESheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getDESheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); AD = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process DEV for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getDEVheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getDEVheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getDEVheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); DEV = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process IST for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getISTheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getISTheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getISTheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); IST = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process ISTExec for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getISTExecheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getISTExecheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getISTExecheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); ISTExec = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process Closeout for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getCloseOutheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getCloseOutheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getCloseOutheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); CloseOut = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // Process Agile for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { if (!("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(i.getAgileheaderDueDate()))) { try { Date t = yFormat.parse(i.getAgileheaderDueDate()); tmpDates.add(t); } catch (ParseException pe) { logger.error("can't parse date from value " + i.getAgileheaderDueDate() + ", so skipping .. exception: " + pe.getMessage()); } } } if (tmpDates.size() > 0) { // sort all BRduedates, pick the earliest one as the final one Collections.sort(tmpDates, new Comparator<Date>() { @Override public int compare(Date o1, Date o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); Agile = tmpDates.get(0); } tmpDates.clear(); // TODO if (BR != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setBRheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(BR)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert BR from Date " + BR.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (SR != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setSRheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(SR)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert SR from Date " + SR.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (HLD != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setHLDheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(HLD)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert HLD from Date " + HLD.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (AID != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setAIDheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(AID)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert AID from Date " + AID.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (AD != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setDESheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(AD)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert AD from Date " + AD.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (DEV != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setDEVheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(DEV)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert DEV from Date " + DEV.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (IST != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setISTheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(IST)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert IST from Date " + IST.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (ISTExec != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setISTExecheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(ISTExec)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert ISTExec from Date " + ISTExec.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (CloseOut != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setCloseOutheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(CloseOut)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert CloseOut from Date " + CloseOut.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } if (Agile != null) { try { for (ProjectDetailsStatusViewModel i : detailStatus) { i.setAgileheaderDueDate(yFormat.format(Agile)); } } catch (Exception pe) { logger.error("Can not convert Agile from Date " + Agile.toString() + ", pe: " + pe.getMessage() + ". Skipping.."); } } return detailStatus; } private static String getRowDueDatePercentageString(String Percentage, String Duedate, String UpdatedByUUID, String uuid, String headerDueDate, boolean left, boolean validateThreshold) { String[] datecreatedList = Duedate.split(","); String[] percentageList = Percentage.split(","); String[] uuidList = UpdatedByUUID.split(","); SimpleDateFormat xFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy"); if (datecreatedList == null || datecreatedList.length == 0) { return "NA"; } if (("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(datecreatedList[0])) || ("NA".equalsIgnoreCase(headerDueDate))) { return "NA"; } if (percentageList.length != datecreatedList.length) { //logger.error("Error, DateCreated count does not equal Percentage count"); return ""; } try { // mchan: added code to evaluate if the latest updated date fits in the threashold // get threshold info for user, 1 = noupdate, 2 = duein List<Threshold> thresholds = DataService.getEmployeeThresholds(uuid); String warningMsg = ""; if (thresholds != null && !thresholds.isEmpty() && validateThreshold) { // since we have a list of dates, we just need the max List<Integer> noupdates = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> dueins = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String percent = percentageList[0]; BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal(percent.trim().replace("%", "")).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)); if (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) { //logger.error(d + ", is exactly one"); } else if (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 1) { //logger.error(d + ", is greater than one"); } else if (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == -1) { //logger.error(d + ", is less than one"); } for (Threshold t : thresholds) { // process NoUpdate if (PiratesConstants.NOUPDATE.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getThresholdType())) { try { noupdates.add(Integer.parseInt(t.getThresholdValue())); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { //logger.error("Error parsing threshold value, type: NOUPDATE, value: " + t.getThresholdValue()); } } // process DueIn if (PiratesConstants.DUEIN.equalsIgnoreCase(t.getThresholdType())) { try { dueins.add(Integer.parseInt(t.getThresholdValue())); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { //logger.error("Error parsing threshold value, type: DUEIN, value: " + t.getThresholdValue()); } } } // done parsing thresholds if (!noupdates.isEmpty() && (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == -1) && (!"NA".equalsIgnoreCase(datecreatedList[0])) && validateThreshold) { // compare dates, last updated and today and then match it with the maxnoupdate and maxduein // last updated date Date lastUpdated = xFormat.parse(datecreatedList[0]); Date today = new Date(); if (lastUpdated.before(today)) { long diff = today.getTime() - lastUpdated.getTime(); int diffindays = (int) (diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); Collections.sort(noupdates); Integer[] foo = noupdates.toArray(new Integer[noupdates.size()]); // now in descending order ArrayUtils.reverse(foo); for (Integer i : foo) { if (diffindays >= i) { warningMsg = "Status is static for more than " + String.valueOf(i) + " days! <br/>"; break; } } } else { warningMsg = "Today cannot be before LastUpdatedDate ??!"; } } // check artifact due in x number if days, but ignore NA if ((!dueins.isEmpty()) && (d.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == -1) && (!"NA".equalsIgnoreCase(headerDueDate))) { Collections.sort(dueins); Date dueDate = xFormat.parse(headerDueDate); Date today = new Date(); if (today.before(dueDate)) { // logger.error("dueDate.getTime() is: " + dueDate.getTime()); // logger.error("today.getTime() is: " + today.getTime()); long diff = dueDate.getTime() - today.getTime(); int diffindays = (int) (diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // logger.error("dueDate.getTime() - today.getTime() is: " + diffindays); Collections.sort(dueins); Integer[] foo = dueins.toArray(new Integer[dueins.size()]); // now in descending order ArrayUtils.reverse(foo); for (Integer i : foo) { if (diffindays <= i) { warningMsg = warningMsg + "Artifact is due in " + (diffindays == 0 ? "less than a day" : String.valueOf(diffindays) + " days"); break; } } } else { // logger.error("header duedate is: " + dueDate); // logger.error("today is: " + today); // logger.error("Today is NOT before due date ??"); warningMsg = warningMsg + "Project overdue"; } } } // end processing thresholds int i = 0; // display in dropdown from greatest to least, so we need to revert the array StringBuilder selectHtml = new StringBuilder(); if (!warningMsg.isEmpty()) { selectHtml.append( "<div class='dropdown'> <button style='background-color: #FF8080' class='btn btn-default dropdown-toggle' type='button' id='dropdownMenu1' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-expanded='true'>"); } else { selectHtml.append( "<div class='dropdown'> <button class='btn btn-default dropdown-toggle' type='button' id='dropdownMenu1' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-expanded='true'>"); } selectHtml.append(yFormat.format(xFormat.parse(datecreatedList[0]))).append(" ") .append(percentageList[0]); selectHtml.append("<span class='caret'></span></button>"); selectHtml.append("<ul class='dropdown-menu' role='menu' aria-labelledby='dropdownMenu1'>"); for (String s : datecreatedList) { String tmplblBRduedate = yFormat.format(xFormat.parse(s)); // logger.error("DueDate is: " + tmplblBRduedate); String percentStr = percentageList[i]; String byuuidstr = uuidList[i]; String newUUID = getATTEmployeeObjectByUUID(byuuidstr).getFullName(); if (i == 0 && !warningMsg.isEmpty()) { if (!left) { // tooltip on the right side selectHtml.append("<li role='presentation'>") .append("<a role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' href='#'>").append(tmplblBRduedate) .append(" " + percentStr + " ") .append("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign question' id='mytimestamp' data='") .append(warningMsg).append("'></span>").append("</a>").append("</li>"); } else { // tooltip on left selectHtml.append( "<li role='presentation'><a role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' href='#'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign question' id='mytimestamp' data='") .append(warningMsg).append("'></span> ").append(tmplblBRduedate) .append(" " + percentStr + "</a> </li>"); } } else { if (!left) { // tooltip on the right side selectHtml.append("<li role='presentation'>") .append("<a role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' href='#'>").append(tmplblBRduedate) .append(" " + percentStr + " ") .append("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign question' id='mytimestamp' data='") .append("Last updated by: " + newUUID).append("'></span>").append("</a>") .append("</li>"); } else { selectHtml.append( "<li role='presentation'><a role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' href='#'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign question' id='mytimestamp' data='") .append("Last updated by: " + newUUID).append("'></span> ") .append(tmplblBRduedate).append(" " + percentStr + "</a> </li>"); } } i++; } selectHtml.append("</ul>"); selectHtml.append("</div>"); return selectHtml.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(msgHeader + "Error occurred getRowDueDatePercentageString... " + ex.getMessage()); } return null; } private static void getAppProjectArtifactHistory() { // TODO: port over to hibernate later artifactHistory = new ArrayList<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory>(); // logger.error(msgHeader + "getAppProjectArtifactHistory called. "); ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { conn = DBUtility.getDBConnection(); // SQL query command String SQL = " Select UUID " + " ,DueDate " + " ,CompletionDate " + " ,PercentageComplete " + " ,ArtifactName " + " ,PRISMId " + " ,ApplicationName " + " ,ModuleId " + " ,IsPrimaryOwner " + " ,MileStoneId " + " ,ExecutionPercentage " + " ,ProjectCloseOutPercentage " + " ,DateLogged " + " ,DateCreated " + " ,SystemNote " + " ,UpdatedByUUID " + " from dbo.AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory " + " order by PRISMId, ApplicationName, ArtifactName, DateLogged desc "; preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(SQL); rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); int rowCount = 0; while ( { rowCount++; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat yFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); // for percentage NumberFormat defaultFormat = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(); defaultFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(0); // String uuid = rs.getString("UUID"); // String theDueDate = rs.getString("DueDate"); String dueDate = yFormat.format(format.parse(theDueDate)); // String theCompDate = rs.getString("CompletionDate") == null ? "1900-01-01 14:58:00.00" : rs.getString("CompletionDate"); String completionDate = yFormat.format(format.parse(theCompDate)); // double percentComplete = Double.parseDouble( rs.getString("PercentageComplete") == null ? "0" : rs.getString("PercentageComplete")); String PercentCompleted = defaultFormat.format(percentComplete); // String artifactName = rs.getString("ArtifactName"); // String applicationName = rs.getString("ApplicationName"); // String moduleId = rs.getString("ModuleId"); // String isPrimary = rs.getString("IsPrimaryOwner"); // String mileStoneId = rs.getString("MileStoneId"); // double ExecPercent = Double.parseDouble( rs.getString("ExecutionPercentage") == null ? "0" : rs.getString("ExecutionPercentage")); String ExecutionPercentage = defaultFormat.format(ExecPercent); // double prjCOPercent = Double.parseDouble(rs.getString("ProjectCloseOutPercentage") == null ? "0" : rs.getString("ProjectCloseOutPercentage")); String PrjCloseOutPercentage = defaultFormat.format(prjCOPercent); // String logCreated = rs.getString("DateLogged"); String dateLogged = yFormat.format(format.parse(logCreated)); // String dCreated = rs.getString("DateCreated") == null ? rs.getString("DateLogged") : rs.getString("DateCreated"); String dateCreated = yFormat.format(format.parse(dCreated)); // String updatedByUUID = rs.getString("UpdatedByUUID"); // String systemNote = rs.getString("SystemNote"); // String prismID = rs.getString("PRISMId"); AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory p = new AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory(); p.setUUID(uuid); p.setDueDate(dueDate); p.setCompletionDate(completionDate); p.setPercentageComplete(PercentCompleted); p.setArtifactName(artifactName); p.setPRISMId(prismID); // PRISMId p.setApplicationName(applicationName); p.setModuleId(moduleId); p.setIsPrimaryOwner(isPrimary.equalsIgnoreCase("1")); p.setMileStoneId(mileStoneId); p.setExecutionPercentage(ExecutionPercentage); p.setProjectCloseOutPercentage(PrjCloseOutPercentage); p.setDateCreated(dateCreated); p.setUpdatedByUUID(updatedByUUID); p.setSystemNote(systemNote); p.setDateLogged(dateLogged); artifactHistory.add(p); } // logger.error(msgHeader + "getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner called, got results: "+rowCount); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (preparedStatement != null) preparedStatement.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } } private static List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner( ProjectAppOwnerModel application) { if (artifactHistory == null) { getAppProjectArtifactHistory(); } List<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory> results = new ArrayList<AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory>(); /* select * from dbo.AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory where ArtifactName = '' and PRISMId = '' and ApplicationName = '' and ModuleId = '' and MileStoneId = '' */ // TODO: port over to hibernate later // logger.error(msgHeader + "getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner called. "); int counter = 0; try { for (AppProjectArtifactOwnersHistory h : artifactHistory) { if (h.getArtifactName().equalsIgnoreCase(application.getArtifactName()) && h.getPRISMId().equalsIgnoreCase(application.getPrismId()) && h.getApplicationName().equalsIgnoreCase(application.getApplicationName()) && h.getModuleId().equalsIgnoreCase(application.getModuleId()) && h.getMileStoneId().equalsIgnoreCase(application.getMileStoneId())) { counter++; results.add(h); } } // logger.error(msgHeader + "getStatusHistoryListByApplicationOwner called, got results: "+ counter); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return results; } }