Example usage for java.util Date toString

List of usage examples for java.util Date toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Date toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Converts this Date object to a String of the form:
 dow mon dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy
  • dow is the day of the week ( Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat ).


    From source file:org.dataone.proto.trove.mn.service.v1.impl.MNCoreImpl.java

    public Log getLogRecords(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Event event, String pidFilter, Integer start,
            Integer count) throws InvalidRequest, InvalidToken, NotAuthorized, NotImplemented, ServiceFailure {
        int total = 0;
        // Send a properties file? as a string, until we come up with a query syntax to support by default.
        Properties searchProperties = new Properties();
        if (fromDate != null) {
            searchProperties.setProperty("fromDate", fromDate.toString());
        }//www . java  2  s  . c om
        if (toDate != null) {
            searchProperties.setProperty("endTime", toDate.toString());
        if (event != null) {
            searchProperties.setProperty("event", event.xmlValue());
        if (pidFilter != null) {
            searchProperties.setProperty("pidFilter", pidFilter);
        if (start != null) {
            searchProperties.setProperty("start", Integer.toString(start));
        } else {
            searchProperties.setProperty("start", "0");
        if (count != null) {
            searchProperties.setProperty("count", Integer.toString(count));
        } else {
            searchProperties.setProperty("count", "1000");
        Log log;
        try {
            log = solrIndex.search(searchProperties);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ServiceFailure("2312", "SolrIndex failed-" + ex.getMessage());
        return log;

    From source file:com.doculibre.constellio.stats.StatsCompiler.java

    public synchronized void saveStats(SimpleSearch simpleSearch, SolrServer indexJournal, SolrServer indexCompile,
            QueryResponse res) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
        String collectionName = simpleSearch.getCollectionName();
        String luceneQuery = simpleSearch.getLuceneQuery();
        GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
        Date time = new Date();
        calendar.setTime(time);//from   ww  w .j  ava  2s. c o m
        String query = luceneQuery;
        String escapedQuery = escape(query);
        long nbRes = res.getResults().getNumFound();
        long qTime = res.getQTime();
        String desplayDate = time.toString();
        String searchDate = format(time);
        String queryWithParams = simpleSearch.toSimpleParams().toString();
        SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
        doc.addField("id", desplayDate + query);
        doc.addField("query", query);
        doc.addField("queryWithParams", queryWithParams);
        doc.addField("nbres", "" + nbRes);
        doc.addField("qtime", "" + qTime);
        doc.addField("dateaffiche", desplayDate);
        doc.addField("date", searchDate);
        doc.addField("recherche", "recherche");
        doc.addField("collection", collectionName);
        UpdateRequest up = new UpdateRequest();
        up.setAction(ACTION.COMMIT, true, true);
        String compileId = "collection_" + collectionName + " id_" + escapedQuery;
        SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
        // Requte Lucene
        solrQuery.setQuery("id:\"" + compileId + "\"");
        // nb rsultats par page
        // page de dbut
        QueryResponse qr = indexCompile.query(solrQuery);
        if (qr.getResults().getNumFound() > 0) {
            SolrDocument sd = qr.getResults().get(0);
            long freq = (Long) sd.getFieldValue("freq");
            long click = (Long) sd.getFieldValue("click");
            // indexCompile.deleteById(query);
            SolrInputDocument docCompile = new SolrInputDocument();
            docCompile.addField("id", compileId);
            docCompile.addField("query", query);
            if (!((String) sd.getFieldValue("nbres")).equals("0")) {
                ConstellioSpringUtils.getAutocompleteServices().onQueryAdd(docCompile, query);
            docCompile.addField("freq", freq + 1);
            docCompile.addField("nbres", "" + nbRes);
            docCompile.addField("recherche", "recherche");
            docCompile.addField("collection", collectionName);
            if (nbRes == 0) {
                docCompile.addField("zero", "true");
            } else {
                docCompile.addField("zero", "false");
            docCompile.addField("click", click);
            if (click == 0) {
                docCompile.addField("clickstr", "zero");
            } else {
                docCompile.addField("clickstr", "notzero");
            up.setAction(ACTION.COMMIT, true, true);
        } else {
            SolrInputDocument docCompile = new SolrInputDocument();
            docCompile.addField("id", compileId);
            docCompile.addField("query", query);
            if (nbRes != 0) {
                ConstellioSpringUtils.getAutocompleteServices().onQueryAdd(docCompile, query);
            docCompile.addField("freq", 1);
            docCompile.addField("recherche", "recherche");
            docCompile.addField("collection", collectionName);
            docCompile.addField("nbres", "" + nbRes);
            if (nbRes == 0) {
                docCompile.addField("zero", "true");
            } else {
                docCompile.addField("zero", "false");
            docCompile.addField("click", 0);
            docCompile.addField("clickstr", "zero");
            up.setAction(ACTION.COMMIT, true, true);

    From source file:org.transdroid.core.service.AppUpdateService.java

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        // Only run this service if app updates are handled via transdroid.org at all
        if (!navigationHelper.enableUpdateChecker())
            return;//from  ww w.j  a  v  a  2 s .  c  om
        if (!connectivityHelper.shouldPerformBackgroundActions() || !systemSettings.checkForUpdates()) {
            Log.d(this, "Skip the app update service, as background data is disabled, the service is explicitly "
                    + "disabled or we are not connected.");
        Date lastChecked = systemSettings.getLastCheckedForAppUpdates();
        Calendar lastDay = Calendar.getInstance();
        lastDay.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);
        if (lastChecked != null && lastChecked.after(lastDay.getTime())) {
            Log.d(this, "Skip the update service, as we already checked the last 24 hours (or to be exact at "
                    + lastChecked.toString() + ").");
        DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        Random random = new Random();
        try {
            // Retrieve what is the latest released app and search module versions
            String[] app = retrieveLatestVersion(httpclient, LATEST_URL_APP);
            String[] search = retrieveLatestVersion(httpclient, LATEST_URL_SEARCH);
            int appVersion = Integer.parseInt(app[0].trim());
            int searchVersion = Integer.parseInt(search[0].trim());
            // New version of the app?
            try {
                PackageInfo appPackage = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0);
                Log.d(this, "Local Transdroid is at " + appPackage.versionCode
                        + " and the reported latest version is " + appVersion);
                if (appPackage.versionCode < appVersion) {
                    // New version available! Notify the user.
                            getString(R.string.update_updateto, app[1].trim()),
                            DOWNLOAD_URL_APP + "?" + Integer.toString(random.nextInt()), 90000);
            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                // Not installed... this can never happen since this Service is part of the app itself
            // New version of the search module?
            try {
                PackageInfo searchPackage = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo("org.transdroid.search", 0);
                Log.d(this, "Local Transdroid Seach is at " + searchPackage.versionCode
                        + " and the reported latest version is " + searchVersion);
                if (searchPackage.versionCode < searchVersion) {
                    // New version available! Notify the user.
                            getString(R.string.update_updateto, search[1].trim()),
                            DOWNLOAD_URL_SEARCH + "?" + Integer.toString(random.nextInt()), 90001);
            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                // The search module isn't installed yet at all; ignore and wait for the user to manually
                // install it (when the first search is initiated)
            // Save that we successfully checked for app updates (and notified the user)
            // This prevents checking again for 1 day
            systemSettings.setLastCheckedForAppUpdates(new Date());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Cannot check right now for some reason; log and ignore
            Log.d(this, "Cannot retrieve latest app or search module version code from the site: " + e.toString());

    From source file:bbct.android.common.activity.MainActivity.java

    private void showSurvey1Dialog() {
        DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance();
        Date today = new Date();
        final String todayStr = dateFormat.format(today);
        if (!prefs.contains(SharedPreferenceKeys.INSTALL_DATE)) {
            prefs.edit().putString(SharedPreferenceKeys.INSTALL_DATE, todayStr).apply();
        }/*  ww  w .java2s  . co  m*/
        if (!prefs.contains(SharedPreferenceKeys.SURVEY1_DATE)) {
            String installDate = prefs.getString(SharedPreferenceKeys.INSTALL_DATE, today.toString());
            try {
                Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                cal.add(Calendar.DATE, SURVEY_DELAY);
                if (today.after(cal.getTime())) {
                    DialogUtil.showSurveyDialog(this, todayStr, R.string.survey1, SharedPreferenceKeys.SURVEY1_DATE,
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Error parsing install date");

    From source file:com.ibm.xsp.webdav.DavXMLResponsePlain.java

    public void dateTag(String TagName, Date date) {
        if (date == null) {
            return;// w  w  w. ja v a  2s . c o m
        // "Sat, 26 Mar 2005 11:22:20 GMT";
        String[] dateParsed = date.toString().split(" ");
        String timeZone = dateParsed[dateParsed.length - 2];
        if (timeZone.equals("EEST")) {
            timeZone = "EET";
        if (timeZone.equals("EET") || timeZone.equals("ZE2")) {
            // if(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone).getRawOffset()>0){
            // LOGGER.info("Time zone="+timeZone);
            // LOGGER.info("Time offset="+ new Integer
            // (TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone).getRawOffset()).toString());
            date = new Date(date.getTime() - TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone).getRawOffset());
            timeZone = "GMT";
        String lastmodFormat = "EE', 'd' 'MMM' 'yyyy' 'HH':'mm':'ss";
        //Locale.UK is the secret to make it work in Win7!
        SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(lastmodFormat, Locale.UK);
        String datestring = fmt.format(date);
        this.simpleTag(TagName, datestring + " " + timeZone);

    From source file:it.cnr.isti.thematrix.configuration.LogST.java

     * Print a startup message in the logfile, with info on version and date, java System properties
     * @param version the program version//from   ww  w.  j  a v  a  2  s  .  c o  m
     * @param version2 the reference date as a string
    public void startupMessage(String version, String version2) {
        java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date();
        StringBuilder welcomeMessage = new StringBuilder();
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + "********************************************* \n");
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + "* " + version + " released on " + version2 + " *  \n");
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + "*********************************************  \n");
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + "Java Runtime Properties  \n\n");
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + System.getProperties().toString());
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + "\n\n");
        welcomeMessage.append(d.toString() + "*********************************************  \n");
        welcomeMessage.append("-> Avvio test: " + d.toString() + "\n");
        logP(0, welcomeMessage.toString());

    From source file:org.nuxeo.apidoc.introspection.XMLWriter.java

    public XMLWriter date(String name, Date value) throws IOException {
        return attr(name, value.toString());

    From source file:com.abm.mainet.water.service.PlumberLicenseServiceImpl.java

    @Transactional//from   w  w  w  .ja  va 2s .com
    public PlumLicenseRenewalSchDTO updatedUserTaskAndPlumberLicenseExecutionDetails(PlumberMaster master,
            TaskDefDto taskDefDto) {
        PlumLicenseRenewalSchDTO renewalSchDTO = new PlumLicenseRenewalSchDTO();
        Long licNo = iChallanDAO.getSequence(WaterConstants.PlumberLicense.PLUM_MASTER_TABLE.MODULE,
                WaterConstants.PlumberLicense.PLUM_MASTER_TABLE.COLUMN, master.getOrgid(),
                CFCConstants.RECEIPT_MASTER.Reset_Type, null);
        Date sysDate = UtilityService.getSQLDate(new Date());
        String string = sysDate.toString();
        String[] strings = string.split("-");
        String yearPart = strings[0];
        String paddingLicNo = String.format("%04d", Integer.parseInt(licNo.toString()));
        String orgId = master.getOrgid().toString();
        String licNumber = orgId.concat(yearPart).concat(paddingLicNo);
        Long dependOnId = null;
        List<TbPlumRenewalScheduler> renewalSchedulers = plumberLicenseRepository
                .getPlumRenewalSchedulerDetails(master.getServiceId(), master.getOrgid());
        for (TbPlumRenewalScheduler tbPlumRenewalScheduler : renewalSchedulers) {
            if (tbPlumRenewalScheduler.getTodate() == null) {
                dependOnId = tbPlumRenewalScheduler.getDependon();
        Date date = new Date();
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        String toDateDependOn = CommonMasterUtility.getNonHierarchicalLookUpObject(dependOnId).getLookUpCode();
        if (WaterConstants.PlumberLicense.TODATE_CALENDER_YEAR_WISE.equals(toDateDependOn)) {
            int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
            cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 11);
            cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 31);
            Date endDate = cal.getTime();
        } else if (WaterConstants.PlumberLicense.TODATE_FINANCIAL_YEAR_WISE.equals(toDateDependOn)) {
            int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
            cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 2);
            cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 31);
            Date endDate = cal.getTime();
        } else if (WaterConstants.PlumberLicense.TODATE_ON_LICENSE_DATE_WISE.equals(toDateDependOn)) {
            Date today = cal.getTime();
            cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1); // to get previous year add -1
            cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);
            Date nextYear = cal.getTime();
        return renewalSchDTO;

    From source file:com.bah.alter.PutGeowave.java

    public void onTrigger(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session) throws ProcessException {
        FlowFile flowFile = session.get();//w  w w .j  av  a  2  s  . c o m
        if (flowFile == null) {
        System.out.println("PutGeowave processor executing ");
        final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        session.exportTo(flowFile, outputStream);
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(outputStream.toString());
        if (jsonObject.has("coordinates")) {
            try {
                JSONObject coordinate = jsonObject.getJSONObject("coordinates");
                System.out.println("has coordinate");
                double longitude = 0;
                double latitude = 0;
                try {
                    JSONArray point = coordinate.getJSONArray("coordinates");
                    longitude = point.getDouble(0);
                    latitude = point.getDouble(1);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    System.out.println("Couldn't get coordinates");
                System.out.println("lat: " + latitude + " long: " + longitude);
                String featureId = "0";
                try {
                    featureId = jsonObject.getString("id_str");
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    System.out.println("failed to get id");
                Date date = new Date();
                try {
                    date = sf.parse(jsonObject.getString("created_at"));
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    System.out.println("Couldn't parse date");
                System.out.println("Date: " + date.toString());
                try (IndexWriter indexWriter = geowaveDataStore.createIndexWriter(index)) {
                            GeometryUtils.GEOMETRY_FACTORY.createPoint(new Coordinate(longitude, latitude)));
                    pointBuilder.set("TimeStamp", date);
                    pointBuilder.set("Latitude", latitude);
                    pointBuilder.set("Longitude", longitude);
                    final SimpleFeature sft = pointBuilder.buildFeature(featureId);
                    indexWriter.write(adapter, sft);
                    System.out.println("wrote to accumulo");
                    session.transfer(flowFile, SUCCESS);
                } catch (final IOException | JSONException e) {
                    System.out.println("Failed to write to accumulo");
                    session.transfer(flowFile, FAILURE);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                System.out.println("No coordinates");
                session.transfer(flowFile, FAILURE);

    From source file:org.brandroid.openmanager.fragments.DialogHandler.java

    public static void populateFileInfoViews(View v, OpenPath file) throws IOException {
        String apath = file.getAbsolutePath();
        if (file instanceof OpenMediaStore)
            file = ((OpenMediaStore) file).getFile();
        Date date = new Date();
        if (file.lastModified() != null)
            date = new Date(file.lastModified());
        TextView numDir = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_dirs_label);
        TextView numFile = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_files_label);
        TextView numSize = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_size);
        TextView numTotal = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_total_size);
        TextView numFree = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_free_size);
        //if (file.isDirectory()) {
        new CountAllFilesTask(numDir, numFile, numSize, numFree, numTotal).execute(file);
        //} else {/*  ww  w  . ja  v  a 2s  .  co  m*/
        ((TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_time_stamp)).setText(date.toString());
        ((TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_path_label)).setText(file.getPath());
        ((TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_read_perm)).setText(file.canRead() + "");
        ((TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_write_perm)).setText(file.canWrite() + "");
        ((TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_execute_perm)).setText(file.canExecute() + "");
        if (file.isDirectory())
            ((ImageView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_icon)).setImageResource(R.drawable.lg_folder);
            ((ImageView) v.findViewById(R.id.info_icon)).setImageDrawable(getFileIcon(v.getContext(), file, false));