Example usage for java.util Date toString

List of usage examples for java.util Date toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Date toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Converts this Date object to a String of the form:
 dow mon dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy
  • dow is the day of the week ( Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat ).


    From source file:FolderModel.java

    protected String[] getCachedData(int row) {
        if (cached[row] == null) {
            try {/*w  ww . j  a  v a  2  s  .  c o m*/
                Message m = messages[row];
                String[] theData = new String[4];
                // Date
                Date date = m.getSentDate();
                if (date == null) {
                    theData[0] = "Unknown";
                } else {
                    theData[0] = date.toString();
                // From
                Address[] adds = m.getFrom();
                if (adds != null && adds.length != 0) {
                    theData[1] = adds[0].toString();
                } else {
                    theData[1] = "";
                // Subject
                String subject = m.getSubject();
                if (subject != null) {
                    theData[2] = subject;
                } else {
                    theData[2] = "(No Subject)";
                cached[row] = theData;
            } catch (MessagingException e) {
        return cached[row];

    From source file:io.milton.cloud.server.apps.calendar.CalendarManager.java

    private void appendLine(Date d, OutputStream out) {
        try {/*from  w  w w .ja va2s.  co m*/
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    From source file:org.jpos.gl.rule.CanPost.java

    private void checkEntries(GLTransaction txn, Date postDate) throws GLException {
        List list = txn.getEntries();
        Iterator iter = list.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            GLEntry entry = (GLEntry) iter.next();
            Account acct = entry.getAccount();
            Date end = acct.getExpiration();
            if (end != null && postDate.compareTo(end) > 0) {
                throw new GLException("Account '" + acct.toString()
                        + "' cannot accept transactions with a post date greater than " + end.toString());
            }//from w w  w  .jav  a 2  s. c om

    From source file:org.devware.batch.validator.ItemValidator.java

    * Effecture le controle sur le date  d une personne. 
    * Le model ici etant constitu de la classe personne
    * L objet errors en parametre comporte des erreurs
    * Ces erreurs seront utilis par le processeur: les ligne errone sont 
    * pas traites par ce dernier//from  w  ww. j ava  2  s  . c  om
    * @param  date   Le nom   valider de la personne
    * @param  errors L' objet erreur comportant les erreurs 
    * @see          ValidatingItemProcessor
    protected void validateDate(Date date, Errors errors) {
        // on verifie si la date est null
        if (date == null) {
            errors.rejectValue("Personne.date", "error.null.date");
        // on verifie le format de la date
        if (date != null && !date.toString().matches("[a-zA-Z]+")) {
            errors.rejectValue("Personne.date", "error.format.date");

    From source file:MessageViewer.java

    protected void loadHeaders() {
        // setup what we want in our viewer
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        // date//from   w  w w  . j  ava 2 s  .  c  o  m
        sb.append("Date: ");
        try {
            Date duh = displayed.getSentDate();
            if (duh != null) {
            } else {
            // from
            sb.append("From: ");
            Address[] adds = displayed.getFrom();
            if (adds != null && adds.length > 0) {
            // to
            sb.append("To: ");
            adds = displayed.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);
            if (adds != null && adds.length > 0) {
            // subject
            sb.append("Subject: ");
        } catch (MessagingException me) {

    From source file:org.intermine.dwr.TrackAjaxServices.java

     * @param timeRange The time range to search within.
     * @return The query tracks in that time-range.
     *///from  w  ww  .j  a v  a  2 s  . c o m
    public List<Object[]> getQueryTracksDataTable(String timeRange) {
        Date startTimeRange = calculateDate(timeRange);
        String timeStampConstraint = " timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "' ";
        String sql = "SELECT type, COUNT(type),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT username FROM querytrack WHERE username!=''"
                + " AND type=qt.type AND" + timeStampConstraint + " GROUP BY username) AS querysubselect),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT sessionidentifier FROM querytrack"
                + " WHERE username='' AND type=qt.type AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + " GROUP BY sessionidentifier) AS querysubselect2)"
                + " FROM querytrack AS qt WHERE qt.timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'"
                + " GROUP BY qt.type ORDER BY COUNT(type) DESC LIMIT 20";
        return getTracksDataTable(sql);

    From source file:org.intermine.dwr.TrackAjaxServices.java

     * @param timeRange The time range to search within.
     * @return The list search tracks in that time-range.
     *//* w w w  . jav  a  2  s  .c  o m*/
    public List<Object[]> getSearchTracksDataTable(String timeRange) {
        Date startTimeRange = calculateDate(timeRange);
        String timeStampConstraint = " timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'";
        String sql = "SELECT keyword, COUNT(keyword),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT username FROM searchtrack WHERE username!=''"
                + " AND keyword=st.keyword AND" + timeStampConstraint + "GROUP BY username) AS searchsubselect),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT sessionidentifier FROM searchtrack"
                + " WHERE username='' AND keyword=st.keyword AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + "GROUP BY sessionidentifier) AS searchsubselect2)"
                + " FROM searchtrack AS st WHERE st.timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'"
                + " GROUP BY st.keyword ORDER BY COUNT(keyword) DESC LIMIT 50";
        return getTracksDataTable(sql);

    From source file:org.intermine.dwr.TrackAjaxServices.java

     * @param timeRange The time range to search within.
     * @return The template tracks in that time-range.
     *///from  w  ww. j a  v  a 2 s  .c  o  m
    public List<Object[]> getTemplateTracksPercentage(String timeRange) {
        Date startTimeRange = calculateDate(timeRange);
        String timeStampConstraint = " timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'";
        String sql = "SELECT templatename, COUNT(templatename),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT username FROM templatetrack WHERE username!='' "
                + "AND templatename=tt.templatename AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + "GROUP BY username) AS templatesubselect),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT sessionidentifier FROM templatetrack"
                + " WHERE username='' AND templatename=tt.templatename AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + " GROUP BY sessionidentifier) " + "AS templatesubselect2)"
                + " FROM templatetrack AS tt WHERE tt.timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'"
                + " GROUP BY tt.templatename ORDER BY COUNT(templatename) DESC LIMIT 20";
        return getTracksDataTable(sql);

    From source file:org.intermine.dwr.TrackAjaxServices.java

     * @param timeRange The time range to search within.
     * @return The list execution tracks in that time-range.
     *///  w ww  .  ja  v  a2  s  .c o  m
    public List<Object[]> getListExecutionTracksDataTable(String timeRange) {
        Date startTimeRange = calculateDate(timeRange);
        String timeStampConstraint = " timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'";
        String sql = "SELECT type, COUNT(type),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT username FROM listtrack WHERE username!=''"
                + " AND event='EXECUTION' AND type=lt.type AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + "GROUP BY username) AS listsubselect),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT sessionidentifier FROM listtrack"
                + " WHERE username='' AND event='EXECUTION'" + " AND type=lt.type AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + "GROUP BY sessionidentifier) AS listsubselect2)" + " FROM listtrack AS lt WHERE lt.timestamp > '"
                + startTimeRange.toString() + "'"
                + " AND lt.event='EXECUTION' GROUP BY lt.type ORDER BY COUNT(type) DESC LIMIT 20";
        return getTracksDataTable(sql);

    From source file:org.intermine.dwr.TrackAjaxServices.java

     * @param timeRange The time range to search within.
     * @return The list creation tracks in that time-range.
     *//*from   ww  w  . j  av  a 2  s. com*/
    public List<Object[]> getListCreationTracksDataTable(String timeRange) {
        Date startTimeRange = calculateDate(timeRange);
        String timeStampConstraint = " timestamp > '" + startTimeRange.toString() + "'";
        String sql = "SELECT type, COUNT(type),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT username FROM listtrack WHERE username!=''"
                + " AND event='CREATION' AND type=lt.type AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + "GROUP BY username) AS listsubselect),"
                + " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT sessionidentifier FROM listtrack"
                + " WHERE username='' AND event='CREATION'" + " AND type=lt.type AND" + timeStampConstraint
                + " GROUP BY sessionidentifier) AS listsubselect2)" + " FROM listtrack AS lt WHERE lt.timestamp > '"
                + startTimeRange.toString() + "'"
                + " AND lt.event='CREATION' GROUP BY lt.type ORDER BY COUNT(type) DESC LIMIT 20";
        return getTracksDataTable(sql);