List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger intValue
public int intValue()
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/** * Default Element constructor/* w w w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ * * @param element Element as a <code>XSElementDecl</code> * @param path Path as a <code>String</code> * @param minOccurs Minimum occurences as a <code>BigInteger</code> * @param maxOccurs Maximum occurences as a <code>BigInteger</code> */ public Element(XSElementDecl element, String path, BigInteger minOccurs, BigInteger maxOccurs) { = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path.length()); String type = element.getType().getName(); if (type == null) { this.type = element.getType().getBaseType().getName(); } else { this.type = type; } this.fullPath = path; this.minOccurs = minOccurs.intValue(); this.maxOccurs = maxOccurs.intValue(); }
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/** * Convert a {@link BigInteger} to another type * /*from w ww. ja va 2 s. co m*/ * @param type * the class to convert too * @param value * the value to convert * @return Number * the converted number of null. * */ protected Number allocateNumber(Class type, BigInteger value) { if (type == Byte.class || type == byte.class) { return new Byte(value.byteValue()); } if (type == Short.class || type == short.class) { return new Short(value.shortValue()); } if (type == Integer.class || type == int.class) { return new Integer(value.intValue()); } if (type == Long.class || type == long.class) { return new Long(value.longValue()); } if (type == Float.class || type == float.class) { return new Float(value.floatValue()); } if (type == Double.class || type == double.class) { return new Double(value.doubleValue()); } if (type == BigDecimal.class) { return new BigDecimal(value); } if (type == BigInteger.class) { return value; } return null; }
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public CloseableHttpClient getHttp(String finalURL, HttpServletRequest request, ConfigManager cfgMgr) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager phcm = (PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager) session .getAttribute("TREMOLO_HTTP_POOL"); CloseableHttpClient http = (CloseableHttpClient) session.getAttribute("TREMOLO_HTTP_CLIENT"); if (http == null) { //create a new connection manager and client phcm = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(cfgMgr.getHttpClientSocketRegistry()); BigInteger num = cfgMgr.getCfg().getThreadsPerRoute(); if (num == null) { phcm.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(6); } else {/*w ww .j av a 2 s .co m*/ phcm.setDefaultMaxPerRoute(num.intValue()); } phcm.setDefaultSocketConfig(SocketConfig.custom().setSoKeepAlive(true).build()); http = HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(phcm) .setDefaultRequestConfig(cfgMgr.getGlobalHttpClientConfig()).build(); session.setAttribute("TREMOLO_HTTP_POOL", phcm); session.setAttribute("TREMOLO_HTTP_CLIENT", http); LogoutUtil.insertFirstLogoutHandler(request, new CloseHttpConnectionsOnLogout(http, phcm)); } return http; }
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private int getSequenceNumber(TrustStatusListType tsl) { BigInteger tslSequenceNumber = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getTSLSequenceNumber(); if (tslSequenceNumber != null) { return tslSequenceNumber.intValue(); }//from w w w. jav a2s . c o m return -1; }
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@Audit @RolesAllowed(Role.ADMIN)/*from ww w .java 2 s . c o m*/ public void runCombine() { if (processFilesData.isProcessActive()) { throw new SecureFSError("Process already active!"); } combined = false; ValidationData validationData = processFilesData.getValidationData(); List<UiShare> badShares = validationData.getUiShares().stream() .filter(s -> s.getIndex() <= 0 || s.getShare() == null).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!badShares.isEmpty()) { throw new SecureFSError("Found " + badShares.size() + " invalid Shares"); } List<UiShare> shares = validationData.getUiShares(); BigInteger tmpSecret = new Shamir().combine(validationData.getNrOfShares(), validationData.getThreshold(), validationData.getModulus(), shares); if (tmpSecret == null || tmpSecret.intValue() == 0) { throw new SecureFSError("Generated invalid Secret"); } newSecret = tmpSecret; combined = true; }
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private String convertNaturalNumberToWords(BigInteger naturalNumber) { Validate.isTrue(naturalNumber.compareTo(ZERO) >= 0); Validate.isTrue(naturalNumber.compareTo(MAX_NATURAL_NUMBER_SUPPORTED) <= 0, "Given number " + naturalNumber + " is larger than maximum supported natural number " + MAX_NATURAL_NUMBER_SUPPORTED); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (naturalNumber.compareTo(BigInteger.TEN) < 0) { result.append(NUMERAL_SYMBOL_NAMES.get(naturalNumber.intValue())); } else if (naturalNumber.compareTo(ONE_HUNDRED) < 0) { final BigInteger tensDigit = naturalNumber.divide(TEN); final BigInteger onesDigit = naturalNumber.mod(TEN); final String strTensDigit = TENS_MULTIPLES_NAMES.get(tensDigit.intValue()); final String strOnesDigit = onesDigit.compareTo(ZERO) > 0 ? convertNaturalNumberToWords(onesDigit) : StringUtils.EMPTY;//www.jav a2s . c o m result.append(strTensDigit).append(" ").append(strOnesDigit); } else if (naturalNumber.compareTo(ONE_THOUSAND) < 0) { final BigInteger hundredsDigit = naturalNumber.divide(ONE_HUNDRED); final BigInteger rest = naturalNumber.mod(ONE_HUNDRED); final String strHundredsDigit; if (hundredsDigit.equals(ZERO)) { strHundredsDigit = StringUtils.EMPTY; } else if (hundredsDigit.equals(ONE)) { strHundredsDigit = StringUtils.EMPTY; } else { strHundredsDigit = convertNaturalNumberToWords(hundredsDigit); } final String restStr = rest.compareTo(ZERO) > 0 ? convertNaturalNumberToWords(rest) : StringUtils.EMPTY; result.append(strHundredsDigit).append(" ").append(HUNDRED_NAME).append(" ").append(restStr); } else { int mostSignificantGroupBase = this.findMostSignificantGroupBase(naturalNumber); for (int i = mostSignificantGroupBase / 3; i > 0; i--) { int groupNumber = this.getNthGroupNumber(naturalNumber, i); //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (groupNumber == 0) { // don't write 'sifir milyon' } else if (groupNumber == 1 && i == 1) { // don't write 'bir bin', but write 'bir milyon'(below) result.append(" ").append(THOUSAND_NAME); } else { final String strGroupNumber = this.convertNaturalNumberToWords(BigInteger.valueOf(groupNumber)); result.append(" ").append(strGroupNumber).append(" ").append(THOUSAND_POWER_NAMES.get(i)); } result = new StringBuilder(result.toString().trim()); } final BigInteger lastGroupNumber = naturalNumber.mod(ONE_THOUSAND); if (lastGroupNumber.compareTo(ZERO) > 0) result.append(" ").append(convertNaturalNumberToWords(lastGroupNumber)); } return result.toString().trim(); }
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/** * @return Next Ord Number in ordered entities. */// ww w.j av a 2 s . c o m @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public Integer calculateNextOrdNumber(Long formId) { String sql = "select max(ord +1) from form_element where form_id = :formId"; Query query = em.createNativeQuery(sql); query.setParameter("formId", formId); BigInteger o = (BigInteger) query.getSingleResult(); if (o == null) { o = BigInteger.valueOf(1l); } return o == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(o.intValue()); }
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public List<LlaveBean> getExistingKeysInChileindica(Integer ano, Integer codigoRegion) {"Obteniendo llaves para del ao " + ano + " y la regin " + codigoRegion); try {/*from www. ja v a 2s . co m*/ List<LlaveBean> keys = null; ConsultaLlavesResponse response = wsConsultaLlaves.getWSConsultaLlavesPort().WSConsultaLlaves( BigInteger.valueOf(ano.longValue()), BigInteger.valueOf(codigoRegion.longValue())); Respuesta respuesta = response.getRespuesta(); if (!BigInteger.ZERO.equals(respuesta.getCodigoRespuesta())) { LOGGER.error( "El servicio web Consulta de llaves " + wsConsultaLlaves.getWSConsultaLlavesPortAddress() + " ha devuelto un cdigo de error " + respuesta.getCodigoRespuesta() + ". El mensaje de error fue: " + respuesta.getTextoRespuesta()); throw new WSCallException(respuesta.getCodigoRespuesta(), respuesta.getTextoRespuesta()); } if (response.getLlavesInversion() != null) { keys = new ArrayList<LlaveBean>(response.getLlavesInversion().length); for (LlavesInversionData projectKey : response.getLlavesInversion()) { LlaveBean key = new LlaveBean(); key.setAno(projectKey.getAno().intValue()); key.setRegion(codigoRegion); key.setcFicha(projectKey.getC_Ficha().intValue()); key.setcInstitucion(projectKey.getC_Institucion().intValue()); key.setcPreinversion(projectKey.getC_Preinversion().intValue()); BigInteger fechaRegistro = projectKey.getFechaRegistro(); if (fechaRegistro != null) { key.setFechaRegistro(fechaRegistro.intValue()); } boolean updatable = service.checkIfProjectMustBeUpdated(key.getRegion(), key.getAno(), key.getcInstitucion(), key.getcPreinversion(), key.getcFicha(), key.getFechaRegistro()); key.setUpdatable(updatable); keys.add(key); } return keys; } else { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"El WS de consulta de llaves no ha devuelto datos para el ao " + ano + " y la regin " + codigoRegion); } return new ArrayList<LlaveBean>(); } } catch (RemoteException e) { LOGGER.error("Error llamando al servicio web " + wsConsultaLlaves.getWSConsultaLlavesPortAddress(), e); throw new WSCallException(e); } catch (ServiceException e) { LOGGER.error("Error llamando al servicio web " + wsConsultaLlaves.getWSConsultaLlavesPortAddress(), e); throw new WSCallException(e); } }
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/** * CMIS getTypesDescendants.//w w w . ja v a2s . c o m */ public List<TypeDefinitionContainer> getTypesDescendants(CallContext context, String typeId, BigInteger depth, Boolean includePropertyDefinitions) { List<TypeDefinitionContainer> result = new ArrayList<TypeDefinitionContainer>(); // check depth int d = (depth == null ? -1 : depth.intValue()); if (d == 0) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Depth must not be 0!"); } // set property definition flag to default value if not set boolean ipd = (includePropertyDefinitions == null ? false : includePropertyDefinitions.booleanValue()); if (typeId == null) { result.add(getTypesDescendants(d, fTypes.get(FOLDER_TYPE_ID), ipd)); result.add(getTypesDescendants(d, fTypes.get(DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID), ipd)); // result.add(getTypesDescendants(depth, // fTypes.get(RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID), includePropertyDefinitions)); // result.add(getTypesDescendants(depth, fTypes.get(POLICY_TYPE_ID), // includePropertyDefinitions)); } else { TypeDefinitionContainer tc = fTypes.get(typeId); if (tc != null) { result.add(getTypesDescendants(d, tc, ipd)); } } return result; }
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@Override public void saveNew(ActionEvent event) { DetalleMuestreo detallemuestreo = getDetallemuestreo(); detallemuestreo.setIdMuestreo(muestreo);; BigInteger cant = detallemuestreoService.cantidad(muestreo.getIdMuestreo()); BigDecimal dividir = new BigDecimal(cant); List<DetalleMuestreo> q = detallemuestreoService.findAll(); BigDecimal suma = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal promedio = BigDecimal.ZERO; for (DetalleMuestreo detalle : q) { if (detalle.getIdMuestreo().getIdMuestreo() == muestreo.getIdMuestreo()) { suma = suma.add(detalle.getPesoDetalleMuestreo()); }/*from ww w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ } int sumaint = suma.intValue(); int cantint = cant.intValue(); //int prom=sumaint/cantint; // promedio=new BigDecimal(prom); // System.out.println(prom); promedio = suma.divide(dividir); Muestreo newMuestreo = getMuestreo(); newMuestreo.setPesoPromedioMuestreo(suma.divide(dividir)); // muestreo.setPesoPromedioMuestreo(suma); System.out.println(promedio); muestreoService.merge(newMuestreo); loadLazyModels(); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Successful")); try { FacesContext context1 = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); context1.getExternalContext().redirect("/siapa/views/detalleMuestreo/index.xhtml"); } catch (IOException e) { } }