List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger intValue
public int intValue()
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protected int getCAPathConstraint(TBSCertificateStructure crt) throws IOException { X509Extensions extensions = crt.getExtensions(); if (extensions == null) { return -1; }/* w ww . jav a2 s .c om*/ X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints); if (ext != null) { BasicConstraints basicExt = BouncyCastleUtil.getBasicConstraints(ext); if (basicExt.isCA()) { BigInteger pathLen = basicExt.getPathLenConstraint(); return (pathLen == null) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : pathLen.intValue(); } else { return -1; } } return -1; }
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@Override protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) { if (request.getParameter("Edit") != null) { subFile = "req_"; setBaseURL((String) this.getBaseURL()); wrd = wr.getReqByID(request.getParameter("Edit").toString()); String date = wrd.getTimestamp(); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("BASEURL", BASEURL); session.setAttribute("reqID", wrd.getId_req()); StrainsManager sm = new StrainsManager(); int str_id_str = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("strainID").toString()); ProjectsStrainsDAO psd = new ProjectsStrainsDAO(); psd = sm.getProjectsByID(str_id_str); session.setAttribute("projectID", psd.getProject_id()); //changes made to use rtools id=9 to determine eucomm strains as project id (3 for eucomm) is now used differently BigInteger iRTOOLS = sm.getRToolsCount(str_id_str); StrainsDAO sd = new StrainsDAO(); RToolsDAO rtd = new RToolsDAO(); int irtoolsID = 0; int iRtools = iRTOOLS.intValue(); if (iRtools > 1) { List dupRtools = sm.getRToolsByID(str_id_str); String arr = dupRtools.toArray().toString(); // Object[] obj = (Object[]) dupRtools.get(0); System.out.println("RTOOLS LIST SIZE IS " + dupRtools.size()); for (Iterator it = dupRtools.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { // Object[] obj = (Object[]); RToolsDAO returnRTD = (RToolsDAO); // Object obj = (Object); irtoolsID = returnRTD.getRtls_id(); }/*from www .jav a 2 s . com*/ // rtd=sm.get()RTOOLSByID(irtoolsID); } else if (iRtools == 1) { List rtool = sm.getRToolsByID(str_id_str); for (Iterator it = rtool.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { rtd = (RToolsDAO); } //TODO SCREEN FOR STRAINS WITH NO ENTRY IN RTOOLS_STRAINS TABLE irtoolsID = rtd.getRtls_id(); } else { irtoolsID = 8; } sd = sm.getStrainByID(str_id_str); if (sd.getRtoolsDAO().size() != 0) { System.out.println("project/rtools id=" + rtd.getRtls_id()); session.setAttribute("projectID", irtoolsID);//rtd.getRtls_id()); } else { session.setAttribute("projectID", 8); } return wr.getReqByID(request.getParameter("Edit").toString()); } return wr; }
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/** * Algorithm for comparison: if old span's y coordinate's mid lies within range of new span's y coordinates or not. * /*from w w w . j av a2 s. co m*/ * @param spanList {@link List}<{@link Span}> * @param span {@link Span} * @return boolean */ private static boolean isSameLineSpan(final List<Span> spanList, final Span span) { final Span lastSpan = spanList.get(spanList.size() - 1); final BigInteger s1Y0 = span.getCoordinates().getY0(); final BigInteger s1Y1 = span.getCoordinates().getY1(); final BigInteger s2Y0 = lastSpan.getCoordinates().getY0(); final BigInteger s2Y1 = lastSpan.getCoordinates().getY1(); final BigInteger s2Y = s2Y1.add(s2Y0); final int oldSpanMid = s2Y.intValue() / 2; boolean isSameLineSpan = oldSpanMid >= s1Y0.intValue() && oldSpanMid <= s1Y1.intValue(); return isSameLineSpan; }
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@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)//from w ww . j av a 2 s . c om public ExportedFormDataList getFormDataList(String formBinding, String[] questionBindings, int offset, int limit, String sortField, boolean ascending) { // find out the total size BigInteger count = studyDAO.getNumberOfResponses(formBinding); log.debug("total number of responses " + count + " for form " + formBinding); // create sql statement List<Object[]> data = studyDAO.getResponseData(formBinding, questionBindings, offset, limit, sortField, ascending); log.debug("loading exported form data. #items:" + data.size()); // process results ExportedFormDataList dataList = new ExportedFormDataList(); if (data != null) { dataList.setFromIndex(offset); int requestedToIndex = offset + limit; dataList.setToIndex(requestedToIndex > data.size() ? data.size() : requestedToIndex); dataList.setTotalSize(count.intValue()); List<ExportedFormData> exportedFormData = getExportedFormData(questionBindings, data); dataList.setExportedFormData(exportedFormData); } return dataList; }
From source
/** * Given 10 features (and metacards) exist that match search criteria, since page size=4 and * startIndex=0, should get 4 results back - metacards 1 thru 4. * * @throws WfsException, SecurityServiceException * @throws TransformerConfigurationException * @throws UnsupportedQueryException/*from www .ja v a 2s . co m*/ */ @Test public void testPagingStartIndexZero() throws WfsException, SecurityServiceException, TransformerConfigurationException, UnsupportedQueryException { //Setup int pageSize = 4; int startIndex = 0; WfsSource source = getWfsSource(ONE_TEXT_PROPERTY_SCHEMA, MockWfsServer.getFilterCapabilities(), Wfs20Constants.EPSG_4326_URN, 10, false); Filter filter = builder.attribute(Metacard.ANY_TEXT).is().like().text(LITERAL); Query query = new QueryImpl(filter, startIndex, pageSize, null, false, 0); //Execute GetFeatureType featureType = source.buildGetFeatureRequest(query); BigInteger startIndexGetFeature = featureType.getStartIndex(); BigInteger countGetFeature = featureType.getCount(); //Verify assertThat(countGetFeature.intValue(), is(pageSize)); assertThat(startIndexGetFeature.intValue(), is(startIndex)); }
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private VisitorFeedbackImpl buildFeedbackObject(QueryResult queryResult) { BigInteger rating = (BigInteger) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_RATING); VisitorFeedbackImpl feedback = buildFeedbackObject((String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_ARTICLE), (String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_NAME), (String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_EMAIL), (String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_WEBSITE), (String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_FEEDBACK_TYPE), (String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_SUBJECT), (String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_COMMENT), (Boolean) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PROP_COMMENT_FLAGGED), rating == null ? null : rating.intValue()); feedback.setId((String) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID)); feedback.setPostTime(((Calendar) queryResult.getPropertyValueById(PropertyIds.CREATION_DATE)).getTime()); return feedback; }
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List<OrderedDatasource<?>> anaylizeRequestOrder(List<AbstractDatasourceType> datasources) { List<OrderedDatasource<?>> orderedDatasources = new ArrayList<OrderedDatasource<?>>(); for (AbstractDatasourceType datasource : datasources) { if (datasource instanceof WMSDatasource) { WMSDatasource wmsDatasource = (WMSDatasource) datasource; List<Layer> layers = wmsDatasource.getLayers().getLayer(); int index = 0; for (Layer layer : layers) { BigInteger position = layer.getPosition(); if (position != null) { int intPos = position.intValue(); WMSOrderedDatasource contains = contains(orderedDatasources, wmsDatasource, intPos); // splitten! wenn position zwischen zwei if (contains != null) { List<Layer> orderedLayers = contains.layers; int i = 0; for (Layer orderedLayer : orderedLayers) { if (orderedLayer.getPosition().intValue() < intPos) { i++;//from w ww. ja va2 s . c om } } contains.layers.add(i, layer); contains.min = contains.min < intPos ? contains.min : intPos; contains.max = contains.max > intPos ? contains.max : intPos; } else { List<Layer> newLayerList = new ArrayList<Layer>(); newLayerList.add(layer); int indexToAdd = getIndexToAdd(orderedDatasources, intPos); orderedDatasources.add(indexToAdd, new WMSOrderedDatasource(wmsDatasource, newLayerList, intPos, intPos)); } } else { WMSOrderedDatasource contains = contains(orderedDatasources, wmsDatasource); if (contains != null) { contains.layers.add(layer); } else { List<Layer> newLayerList = new ArrayList<Layer>(); newLayerList.add(layer); orderedDatasources.add(new WMSOrderedDatasource(wmsDatasource, newLayerList)); } } index++; } } else if (datasource instanceof WFSDatasource) { WFSDatasource wfsDatasource = (WFSDatasource) datasource; WFSOrderedDatasource newDatasource = new WFSOrderedDatasource(wfsDatasource); if (wfsDatasource.getPosition() != null) { int indexToAdd = getIndexToAdd(orderedDatasources, wfsDatasource.getPosition().intValue()); orderedDatasources.add(indexToAdd, newDatasource); } else { orderedDatasources.add(newDatasource); } } } return orderedDatasources; }
From source
/** * Gets sorted list of spans of the page. * /*from ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param spans {@link Spans} * @return {@link List}<{@link Span}> */ private static List<Span> getSortedSpanList(final Spans spans) { final List<Span> spanList = spans.getSpan(); final Set<Span> set = new TreeSet<Span>(new Comparator<Span>() { public int compare(final Span firstSpan, final Span secSpan) { BigInteger s1Y0 = firstSpan.getCoordinates().getY0(); BigInteger s1Y1 = firstSpan.getCoordinates().getY1(); final BigInteger s2Y0 = secSpan.getCoordinates().getY0(); final BigInteger s2Y1 = secSpan.getCoordinates().getY1(); int halfOfSecSpan = (s2Y1.intValue() - s2Y0.intValue()) / 2; int y1 = s2Y1.intValue() + halfOfSecSpan; int y0 = s2Y0.intValue() - halfOfSecSpan; // following if else code is to handle abnormal(out of synch) value y0 or y1 coordinate of new span. if (isApproxEqual(s1Y0.intValue(), s2Y0.intValue()) && s1Y1.intValue() > y1) { s1Y1 = BigInteger.valueOf(y1); firstSpan.getCoordinates().setY1(s1Y1); } else if (isApproxEqual(s1Y1.intValue(), s2Y1.intValue()) && s1Y0.intValue() < y0) { s1Y0 = BigInteger.valueOf(y0); firstSpan.getCoordinates().setY0(s1Y0); } final BigInteger s1Y = s1Y1.add(s1Y0); final BigInteger s2Y = s2Y1.add(s2Y0); // calculating middle of old span. final int oldSpanMid = s2Y.intValue() / 2; int returnValue = 0; // if old span's y coordinate's middle lies within range of new span's y coordinates or not. if true, the two spans // belong to same line compare them further on their x coordinates, else they belong to two different lines. if (oldSpanMid >= s1Y0.intValue() && oldSpanMid <= s1Y1.intValue()) { final BigInteger s1X1 = firstSpan.getCoordinates().getX1(); final BigInteger s2X1 = secSpan.getCoordinates().getX1(); returnValue = s1X1.compareTo(s2X1); } else { returnValue = s1Y.compareTo(s2Y); } return returnValue; } }); set.addAll(spanList); final List<Span> linkedList = new LinkedList<Span>(); linkedList.addAll(set); // TODO add the clear method to remove all elements of set since it not required after adding it to linked list. // set.clear(); return linkedList; }
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@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)// ww w .j av a 2s .com public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryShopSummary(ShopVo shopVo) throws Exception { int pageNo = shopVo.getPageNo(); int pageSize = shopVo.getPageSize(); String shopType = shopVo.getShopTypeNo(); String shopNo = shopVo.getShopNo(); String sql = "select tsi.shop_no shopNo,tsi.shop_summary shopSummary,tsi.shop_name shopName from tbl_shop_info tsi where 1=1 "; String sqlCount = "select count(*) from tbl_shop_info tsi where 1=1 "; if (shopType != null && !shopType.equals("")) { sql = sql + " and tsi.shop_Type_No=:shopTypeNo "; sqlCount = sqlCount + " and tsi.shop_Type_No=:shopTypeNo "; } if (shopNo != null && !shopNo.equals("")) { sql = sql + " and tsi.shop_No=:shopNo "; sqlCount = sqlCount + " and tsi.shop_No=:shopNo "; } Query query = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sql); Query queryCount = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sqlCount.toString()); if (shopType != null && !shopType.equals("")) { query.setParameter("shopTypeNo", shopType); queryCount.setParameter("shopTypeNo", shopType); } if (shopNo != null && !shopNo.equals("")) { query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo); queryCount.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo); } query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); BigInteger totalRows = (BigInteger) queryCount.uniqueResult(); if (totalRows.intValue() == 0) { return new PageFinder<Map<String, Object>>(pageNo, pageSize, 0); } PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = new PageFinder<Map<String, Object>>(pageNo, pageSize, totalRows.intValue()); query.setMaxResults(pageFinder.getPageSize()); query.setFirstResult(pageFinder.getStartOfPage()); pageFinder.setData(query.list()); return pageFinder; }
From source
@Override @Transactional(readOnly = true)//from ww w. j av m public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pagedProduct(Map<String, String> map) throws Exception { String shopNo = String.valueOf(map.get("shopNo")); int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(map.get("pageNo")); int pageSize = Integer.parseInt(map.get("pageSize")); String catNo = String.valueOf(map.get("catNo") == null ? "" : map.get("catNo")); String sqlProduct = "select IF(tp.prod_name is null,'',tp.prod_name) prodName," + " IF(tp.default_pic is null,'',tp.default_pic) prodPic," + " tp.price prodPrice," + " tp.prod_no prodNo," + " ifnull(tp.stock,0) stock," + " ifnull(tp.stock_preemption,0) stockPreemption," + " IF(tp.sell_num is null,0,tp.sell_num) sellNum ," + " tc.is_recommend isRecommend " + " from tbl_product tp left join tbl_commodity tc on tc.commo_no = tp.commo_no" + " where tc.seller_no = :shopNo and tc.publish_state ='1' and tp.is_groupbuy !='2' "; if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) { sqlProduct = sqlProduct + " and tc.cat_no=:catNo "; } sqlProduct = sqlProduct + " and tp.delete_flag ='0' order by ifnull(tp.sort,2147483647) asc, tp.sell_num desc,tc.publish_time desc"; String countSql = "select count(*) " + " from tbl_product tp left join tbl_commodity tc on tc.commo_no = tp.commo_no" + " where tc.seller_no = :shopNo and tc.publish_state ='1' and tp.delete_flag ='0' "; if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) { countSql = countSql + " and tc.cat_no=:catNo "; } Query query = shopDao.createSQLQuery(sqlProduct); query = productDao.createSQLQuery(sqlProduct); query.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo); if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) { query.setParameter("catNo", catNo); } query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); Query queryCount = shopDao.createSQLQuery(countSql.toString()); queryCount.setParameter("shopNo", shopNo); if (catNo != null && !catNo.isEmpty()) { queryCount.setParameter("catNo", catNo); } BigInteger totalRows = (BigInteger) queryCount.uniqueResult(); if (totalRows.intValue() == 0) { return new PageFinder<Map<String, Object>>(pageNo, pageSize, 0); } PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = new PageFinder<Map<String, Object>>(pageNo, pageSize, totalRows.intValue()); query.setMaxResults(pageFinder.getPageSize()); query.setFirstResult(pageFinder.getStartOfPage()); pageFinder.setData(query.list()); return pageFinder; }