Example usage for java.math BigInteger intValue

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger intValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger intValue.


public int intValue() 

Source Link


Converts this BigInteger to an int .


From source file:uniol.apt.analysis.synthesize.SynthesizePN.java

private static int bigIntToInt(BigInteger value) {
    if (value.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)) > 0
            || value.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE)) < 0)
        throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot represent value as int: " + value);
    return value.intValue();

From source file:com.onesignal.GenerateNotification.java

private static NotificationCompat.Builder getBaseNotificationCompatBuilder(JSONObject gcmBundle,
        boolean notify) {
    int notificationIcon = getSmallIconId(gcmBundle);

    int notificationDefaults = 0;

    if (OneSignal.getVibrate(currentContext))
        notificationDefaults = Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;

    String message = null;/*from w w  w. j  a  v a  2  s .c om*/
    try {
        message = gcmBundle.getString("alert");
    } catch (Throwable t) {

    NotificationCompat.Builder notifBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(currentContext).setAutoCancel(true)
            .setSmallIcon(notificationIcon) // Small Icon required or notification doesn't display
            .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(message)).setContentText(message);
    if (notify)

    // Android 5.0 accent color to use, only works when AndroidManifest.xml is
    // targetSdkVersion >= 21
    if (gcmBundle.has("bgac")) {
        try {
            notifBuilder.setColor(new BigInteger(gcmBundle.getString("bgac"), 16).intValue());
        } catch (Throwable t) {
        } // Can throw if an old android support lib is used or parse error.

    BigInteger ledColor = null;

    if (notify && gcmBundle.has("ledc")) {
        try {
            ledColor = new BigInteger(gcmBundle.getString("ledc"), 16);
            notifBuilder.setLights(ledColor.intValue(), 2000, 5000);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            notificationDefaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS;
        } // Can throw if an old android support lib is used or parse error.
    } else
        notificationDefaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS;

    try {
        int visibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC;
        if (gcmBundle.has("vis"))
            visibility = Integer.parseInt(gcmBundle.getString("vis"));
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    } // Can throw if an old android support lib is used or parse error

    Bitmap largeIcon = getLargeIcon(gcmBundle);
    if (largeIcon != null)

    Bitmap bigPictureIcon = getBitmapIcon(gcmBundle, "bicon");
    if (bigPictureIcon != null)
                new NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle().bigPicture(bigPictureIcon).setSummaryText(message));

    if (notify && OneSignal.getSoundEnabled(currentContext)) {
        Uri soundUri = getCustomSound(gcmBundle);
        if (soundUri != null)
            notificationDefaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;

    if (!notify)
        notificationDefaults = 0;


    return notifBuilder;

From source file:org.cesecore.certificates.util.AlgorithmTools.java

 * Gets the key specification from a public key. Example: "2048" for a RSA 
 * or DSA key or "secp256r1" for EC key. The EC curve is only detected 
 * if <i>publickey</i> is an object known by the bouncy castle provider.
 * @param publicKey The public key to get the key specification from
 * @return The key specification, "unknown" if it could not be determined and
 * null if the key algorithm is not supported
 *//* w w w  .ja  v a  2s  . co m*/
public static String getKeySpecification(final PublicKey publicKey) {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
    String keyspec = null;
    if (publicKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        keyspec = Integer.toString(((RSAPublicKey) publicKey).getModulus().bitLength());
    } else if (publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        keyspec = Integer.toString(((DSAPublicKey) publicKey).getParams().getP().bitLength());
    } else if (publicKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        final ECPublicKey ecPublicKey = (ECPublicKey) publicKey;
        if (ecPublicKey.getParams() instanceof ECNamedCurveSpec) {
            keyspec = ((ECNamedCurveSpec) ecPublicKey.getParams()).getName();
            // Prefer to return a curve name alias that also works with the default and BC provider
            for (String keySpecAlias : getEcKeySpecAliases(keyspec)) {
                if (isNamedECKnownInDefaultProvider(keySpecAlias)) {
                    keyspec = keySpecAlias;
        } else {
            keyspec = KEYSPEC_UNKNOWN;
            // Try to detect if it is a curve name known by BC even though the public key isn't a BC key
            final ECParameterSpec namedCurve = ecPublicKey.getParams();
            if (namedCurve != null) {
                final int c1 = namedCurve.getCofactor();
                final EllipticCurve ec1 = namedCurve.getCurve();
                final BigInteger a1 = ec1.getA();
                final BigInteger b1 = ec1.getB();
                final int fs1 = ec1.getField().getFieldSize();
                //final byte[] s1 = ec1.getSeed();
                final ECPoint g1 = namedCurve.getGenerator();
                final BigInteger ax1 = g1.getAffineX();
                final BigInteger ay1 = g1.getAffineY();
                final BigInteger o1 = namedCurve.getOrder();
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("a1=" + a1 + " b1=" + b1 + " fs1=" + fs1 + " ax1=" + ax1 + " ay1=" + ay1 + " o1="
                            + o1 + " c1=" + c1);
                final Enumeration<String> ecNamedCurves = ECNamedCurveTable.getNames();
                while (ecNamedCurves.hasMoreElements()) {
                    final String ecNamedCurveBc = ecNamedCurves.nextElement();
                    final ECNamedCurveParameterSpec parameterSpec2 = ECNamedCurveTable
                    final ECCurve ec2 = parameterSpec2.getCurve();
                    final BigInteger a2 = ec2.getA().toBigInteger();
                    final BigInteger b2 = ec2.getB().toBigInteger();
                    final int fs2 = ec2.getFieldSize();
                    final org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint g2 = parameterSpec2.getG();
                    final BigInteger ax2 = g2.getX().toBigInteger();
                    final BigInteger ay2 = g2.getY().toBigInteger();
                    final BigInteger h2 = parameterSpec2.getH();
                    final BigInteger n2 = parameterSpec2.getN();
                    if (a1.equals(a2) && ax1.equals(ax2) && b1.equals(b2) && ay1.equals(ay2) && fs1 == fs2
                            && o1.equals(n2) && c1 == h2.intValue()) {
                        // We have a matching curve here!
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("a2=" + a2 + " b2=" + b2 + " fs2=" + fs2 + " ax2=" + ax2 + " ay2=" + ay2
                                    + " h2=" + h2 + " n2=" + n2 + " " + ecNamedCurveBc);
                        // Since this public key is a SUN PKCS#11 pub key if we get here, we only return an alias if it is recognized by the provider
                        if (isNamedECKnownInDefaultProvider(ecNamedCurveBc)) {
                            keyspec = ecNamedCurveBc;
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("<getKeySpecification: " + keyspec);
    return keyspec;

From source file:Main.java

public static int[] generateCompactWindowNaf(int width, BigInteger k) {
    if (width == 2) {
        return generateCompactNaf(k);
    }//from  www .  j  a  v a  2s.  c  o  m

    if (width < 2 || width > 16) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'width' must be in the range [2, 16]");
    if ((k.bitLength() >>> 16) != 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("'k' must have bitlength < 2^16");
    if (k.signum() == 0) {
        return EMPTY_INTS;

    int[] wnaf = new int[k.bitLength() / width + 1];

    // 2^width and a mask and sign bit set accordingly
    int pow2 = 1 << width;
    int mask = pow2 - 1;
    int sign = pow2 >>> 1;

    boolean carry = false;
    int length = 0, pos = 0;

    while (pos <= k.bitLength()) {
        if (k.testBit(pos) == carry) {

        k = k.shiftRight(pos);

        int digit = k.intValue() & mask;
        if (carry) {

        carry = (digit & sign) != 0;
        if (carry) {
            digit -= pow2;

        int zeroes = length > 0 ? pos - 1 : pos;
        wnaf[length++] = (digit << 16) | zeroes;
        pos = width;

    // Reduce the WNAF array to its actual length
    if (wnaf.length > length) {
        wnaf = trim(wnaf, length);

    return wnaf;

From source file:com.livinglogic.ul4.FunctionFormat.java

public static String call(BigInteger obj, String formatString, Locale locale) {
    IntegerFormat format = new IntegerFormat(formatString);

    if (locale == null)
        locale = Locale.ENGLISH;/* ww  w. j ava  2  s  .c  om*/

    String output = null;

    boolean neg = obj.signum() < 0;
    if (neg)
        obj = obj.negate();

    switch (format.type) {
    case 'b':
        output = obj.toString(2);
    case 'c':
        if (neg || obj.compareTo(new BigInteger("65535")) > 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("value out of bounds for c format");
        output = Character.toString((char) obj.intValue());
    case 'd':
        output = obj.toString();
    case 'o':
        output = obj.toString(8);
    case 'x':
        output = obj.toString(16);
    case 'X':
        output = obj.toString(16).toUpperCase();
    case 'n':
        // FIXME: locale formatting
        output = obj.toString();
    return formatIntegerString(output, neg, format);

From source file:org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.StandardSecurityHandler.java

private static byte[] computeHash2B(byte[] input, byte[] password, byte[] userKey) throws IOException {
    try {/*  w  w  w . j a  va 2 s . co  m*/
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        byte[] k = md.digest(input);

        byte[] e = null;
        for (int round = 0; round < 64 || ((int) e[e.length - 1] & 0xFF) > round - 32; round++) {
            byte[] k1;
            if (userKey != null && userKey.length >= 48) {
                k1 = new byte[64 * (password.length + k.length + 48)];
            } else {
                k1 = new byte[64 * (password.length + k.length)];

            int pos = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
                System.arraycopy(password, 0, k1, pos, password.length);
                pos += password.length;
                System.arraycopy(k, 0, k1, pos, k.length);
                pos += k.length;
                if (userKey != null && userKey.length >= 48) {
                    System.arraycopy(userKey, 0, k1, pos, 48);
                    pos += 48;

            byte[] kFirst = new byte[16];
            byte[] kSecond = new byte[16];
            System.arraycopy(k, 0, kFirst, 0, 16);
            System.arraycopy(k, 16, kSecond, 0, 16);

            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding");
            SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(kFirst, "AES");
            IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(kSecond);
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec, ivSpec);
            e = cipher.doFinal(k1);

            byte[] eFirst = new byte[16];
            System.arraycopy(e, 0, eFirst, 0, 16);
            BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(1, eFirst);
            BigInteger remainder = bi.mod(new BigInteger("3"));
            String nextHash = HASHES_2B[remainder.intValue()];

            md = MessageDigest.getInstance(nextHash);
            k = md.digest(e);

        if (k.length > 32) {
            byte[] kTrunc = new byte[32];
            System.arraycopy(k, 0, kTrunc, 0, 32);
            return kTrunc;
        } else {
            return k;
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

From source file:models.db.acentera.impl.ProjectImpl.java

public static Long getUniqueCloudId() {
    Session s = (Session) HibernateSessionFactory.getSession();

    Random rand = new Random();
    long cloudId = 0;
    boolean notUnique = true;
    while (notUnique) {
        cloudId = rand.nextInt(10000000);

        Query query = s.createSQLQuery("select count(1) from  project where cloudId = :cloudId limit 1")
                .setParameter("cloudId", cloudId);

        List result = query.list();
        BigInteger l = (BigInteger) result.get(0);
        if (l.intValue() <= 0) {
            notUnique = false;//from w  w  w  .  j  av a2s .  co m

    return cloudId;

From source file:org.oscarehr.common.dao.BillingONCHeader1Dao.java

public int getNumberOfDemographicsWithInvoicesForProvider(String providerNo, Date startDate, Date endDate,
        boolean distinct) {
    String distinctStr = "distinct";
    if (distinct == false) {
        distinctStr = StringUtils.EMPTY;
    }//from w  w w .  j a  v  a  2  s  .c o  m

    Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("select count(" + distinctStr
            + " demographic_no) from billing_on_cheader1 ch where ch.provider_no = ? and billing_date >= ? and billing_date <= ?");
    query.setParameter(1, providerNo);
    query.setParameter(2, startDate);
    query.setParameter(3, endDate);
    BigInteger bint = (BigInteger) query.getSingleResult();
    return bint.intValue();

From source file:org.apache.taverna.scufl2.translator.t2flow.defaultdispatchstack.ParallelizeParser.java

public Configuration parseConfiguration(T2FlowParser t2FlowParser, ConfigBean configBean,
        ParserState parserState) throws ReaderException {
    ParallelizeConfig parallelConfig = unmarshallConfig(t2FlowParser, configBean, "xstream",
    Configuration c = new Configuration();

    BigInteger maxJobs = parallelConfig.getMaxJobs();
    if (maxJobs != null && maxJobs.intValue() > 0 && maxJobs.intValue() != Defaults.maxJobs) {
        ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) c.getJson();
        json.put("maxJobs", maxJobs.intValue());
    }/*  w  w  w.  j  av  a 2s  .  c  om*/
    return c;

From source file:cn.mljia.common.notify.port.adapter.persistence.HibernateNotifyRecordRepository.java

public Integer notifyRecordOfByPageCount(Integer maxNotifyTimes) throws NegativeException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    sql.append(//from w  w w.  j  ava2 s .  co m
            "select count(1) from tb_common_notify_record  where 1 = 1 and status != 'SUCCESS' and status != 'FAILED' and notify_times < :maxNotifyTimes  ");
    Query query = this.session().createSQLQuery(sql.toString()).setParameter("maxNotifyTimes", maxNotifyTimes);
    BigInteger count = (BigInteger) query.uniqueResult();
    return count != null ? count.intValue() : 0;