List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger intValue
public int intValue()
From source
/** * @see com.sun.honeycomb.adm.client.AdminClient#wipeDisk(HCDisk) *///from w ww .ja v a2s . c o m public int wipeDisk(HCDisk disk) throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { if (!loggedIn()) throw new PermissionException(); if (null == disk) throw new MgmtException("Attempted to wipe nonexistent disk."); Object[] params = { Long.toString(this._sessionId), disk.getDiskId(), disk.getNodeId().toString() }; this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_WIPE_DISK, params, "wipeDisk"); BigInteger result = disk.wipe(new StatusCallback(), BigInteger.valueOf(0)); return result.intValue(); }
From source
/** * @see com.sun.honeycomb.adm.client.AdminClient#onlineDisk(HCDisk) *///w w w . j a va2 s. co m public int onlineDisk(HCDisk disk) throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { if (!loggedIn()) throw new PermissionException(); if (null == disk) throw new MgmtException("Attempted to online nonexistent disk."); Object[] params = { Long.toString(this._sessionId), disk.getDiskId(), disk.getNodeId().toString() }; this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_ONLINE_DISK, params, "onlineDisk"); BigInteger result = StatusCallback(), BigInteger.valueOf(0)); return result.intValue(); }
From source
/** * @see com.sun.honeycomb.adm.client.AdminClient#enableDisk(HCDisk) *//*from w w w .ja va 2s. co m*/ public int enableDisk(HCDisk disk) throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { if (!loggedIn()) throw new PermissionException(); if (null == disk) throw new MgmtException("Attempted to enable nonexistent disk."); Object[] params = { Long.toString(this._sessionId), disk.getDiskId(), disk.getNodeId().toString() }; this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_ENABLE_DISK, params, "enableDisk"); BigInteger result = disk.enable(new StatusCallback(), BigInteger.valueOf(0)); return result.intValue(); }
From source
/** * @see com.sun.honeycomb.adm.client.AdminClient#disableDisk(HCDisk) *///from w ww . ja va 2 s . co m public int disableDisk(HCDisk disk) throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { if (!loggedIn()) throw new PermissionException(); if (null == disk) throw new MgmtException("Attempted to disable nonexistent disk."); Object[] params = { Long.toString(this._sessionId), disk.getDiskId(), disk.getNodeId().toString() }; this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_DISABLE_DISK, params, "disableDisk"); BigInteger result = disk.disable(new StatusCallback(), BigInteger.valueOf(0)); return result.intValue(); }
From source
/** * @see com.sun.honeycomb.adm.client.AdminClient#powerNodeOn(cell,int) *//*from www . j a va2s. c om*/ public int powerNodeOn(HCCell cell, int nodeId) throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { // // We are inconsistently using node nomenclature // sometimes nodeids are 101-116 and sometime they're // 0-15. // if (nodeId < 100) nodeId += 101; if (!loggedIn()) throw new PermissionException(); Object[] params = { Long.toString(this._sessionId), Integer.toString(nodeId), Integer.toString(cell.getCellId()) }; this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_NODE_POWER_ON, params, "powerNodeOn"); BigInteger result = cell.powerNodeOn(new StatusCallback(), BigInteger.valueOf(nodeId)); return result.intValue(); }
From source
/** * * @see com.sun.honeycomb.adm.client.AdminClient#powerOff(cell,boolean,boolean) *//*from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public int powerOff(HCCell cell, boolean _sp, boolean _useIpmi) throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { if (!loggedIn()) throw new PermissionException(); BigInteger useIpmi; BigInteger sp; if (_useIpmi) { useIpmi = BigInteger.valueOf(0); } else { useIpmi = BigInteger.valueOf(1); } if (_sp) { sp = BigInteger.valueOf(0); } else { sp = BigInteger.valueOf(1); } Object[] params = { Long.toString(this._sessionId), Byte.toString(cell.getCellId()) }; String msgKey = AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_SHUTDOWN; if (_sp) { if (_useIpmi) { msgKey = AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_SHUTDOWN_ALL_IPMI; } else { msgKey = AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_SHUTDOWN_ALL; } } else if (_useIpmi) { msgKey = AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_SHUTDOWN_IPMI; } this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_SHUTDOWN, params, "powerOff"); BigInteger result = cell.powerOff(new StatusCallback(), useIpmi, sp); return result.intValue(); }
From source
private List<List<String>> getTestAdminOrderListData(Set<Long> rightBranchIds, OrderStatus status, List<OrderStatus> commonAvailebleStatusList, OrderSearchData searchData, User authUser, Integer start, Integer numberOfRecords, List<OrderStatus> rightStatusList, Boolean overdue) { Long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); User currentUser = authManager.getCurrentUser(); String currentDate = getCurrentDateToString(); OrderCssManager ocm = new OrderCssManager(currentUser); ViewResolver vr = new ViewResolver(currentUser, branchRightsHolder); HashMap<Long, HashMap<String, Boolean>> br = branchRightsHolder.getBranchRights(); HashMap<Rights, Boolean> cr = new HashMap(); for (Rights r : Rights.values()) { cr.put(r, UserRightsUtil.isRight(r)); }//from w w 2 s . c o m List<Long> toWork = branchRightsHolder.getBranches(BranchRights.ORDER_NEW_TO_WORK); List<Long> toReject = branchRightsHolder.getBranches(BranchRights.ORDER_NEW_TO_REJECT); Authentication a = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM"); DateFormatter fullDateFormatter = new DateFormatter(); //LinkedHashMap<Long, HashMap> rawRes = new LinkedHashMap(); List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList(); List<Object[]> preRes = orderDao.getTestOrdersAndCountsForAdminBySql(rightBranchIds, status, searchData, authUser.getUserId(), start, numberOfRecords, rightStatusList, overdue); Set<Long> orderIds = new HashSet(); for (Object[] rawOrder : preRes) { Long orderId = getLong(rawOrder[0]); orderIds.add(orderId); } HashMap<Long, List<HashMap>> otherOrders = new HashMap(); HashMap<Long, List<HashMap>> orderDirections = new HashMap(); HashMap<Long, List<HashMap>> orderSalaries = new HashMap(); //log.warn("searchLogicTime1:" + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); List<Object[]> otherOrdersRawRes = orderDao.getTestOtherOrdersForAdminBySql(orderIds); //log.warn("searchLogicTime2:" + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); for (Object[] rawOtherOrder : otherOrdersRawRes) { Long orderId = getLong(rawOtherOrder[0]); List<HashMap> otherOrdersList = otherOrders.get(orderId); if (otherOrdersList == null) { otherOrdersList = new ArrayList(); } if (otherOrdersList.size() < 5) { HashMap<String, Object> otherOrderData = new HashMap(); Long otherOrderId = getLong(rawOtherOrder[1]); Long otherOrderBranchId = getLong(rawOtherOrder[2]); String otherOrderOldId = (String) rawOtherOrder[3]; String otherOrderNumber = otherOrderOldId; if (otherOrderOldId == null || otherOrderOldId.equals("")) { otherOrderNumber = otherOrderId.toString(); } otherOrderData.put("orderId", otherOrderId); otherOrderData.put("branchId", otherOrderBranchId); otherOrderData.put("number", otherOrderNumber); otherOrdersList.add(otherOrderData); otherOrders.put(orderId, otherOrdersList); } } List<Object[]> orderDirectionRawRes = orderDao.getTestDirectionsForAdminBySql(orderIds); for (Object[] rawDirectionData : orderDirectionRawRes) { Long orderId = getLong(rawDirectionData[0]); List<HashMap> directionsList = orderDirections.get(orderId); if (directionsList == null) { directionsList = new ArrayList(); } HashMap<String, Object> directionData = new HashMap(); Long directionId = getLong(rawDirectionData[1]); String directionName = (String) rawDirectionData[2]; directionData.put("directionId", directionId); directionData.put("directionName", directionName); directionsList.add(directionData); orderDirections.put(orderId, directionsList); } List<Object[]> authorSalariesRawRes = orderDao.getTestSalariesForAdminBySql(orderIds); for (Object[] rawSalaryData : authorSalariesRawRes) { Long orderId = getLong(rawSalaryData[0]); List<HashMap> salaryList = orderSalaries.get(orderId); if (salaryList == null) { salaryList = new ArrayList(); } HashMap<String, Object> salaryData = new HashMap(); Double authorSalaryCost = (Double) rawSalaryData[1]; Long authorSalaryId = getLong(rawSalaryData[2]); salaryData.put("salaryId", authorSalaryId); salaryData.put("cost", authorSalaryCost); salaryList.add(salaryData); orderSalaries.put(orderId, salaryList); } //log.warn("rawRes= "+rawRes.size()); /*for (Map.Entry<Long, HashMap> order : rawRes.entrySet()) { Long orderId = order.getKey(); HashMap orderData = order.getValue(); List<HashMap> otherOrdersData = otherOrders.get(orderId); List<HashMap> directionsData = orderDirections.get(orderId); List<HashMap> SalaryData = orderSalaries.get(orderId); if (otherOrdersData == null) { otherOrdersData = new ArrayList(); } if (directionsData == null) { directionsData = new ArrayList(); } if (SalaryData == null) { SalaryData = new ArrayList(); } orderData.put("otherOrders", otherOrdersData); orderData.put("directions", directionsData); orderData.put("authorSalaries", SalaryData); result.add(orderData); }*/ for (Object[] rawOrder : preRes) { List<String> orderData = new ArrayList(); Long orderId = getLong(rawOrder[0]); Date deadlineDate = (Date) rawOrder[1]; Date realDate = (Date) rawOrder[2]; String clientFio = (String) rawOrder[3]; String clientPhone = (String) rawOrder[4]; String clientEmail = (String) rawOrder[5]; String city = (String) rawOrder[6]; Double cost = (Double) rawOrder[7]; Double authorSalary = (Double) rawOrder[8]; Boolean firstFlag = (Boolean) rawOrder[9]; Boolean secondFlag = (Boolean) rawOrder[10]; String statusStr = (String) rawOrder[11]; OrderStatus orderStatus = OrderStatus.valueOf(statusStr); Long branchId = getLong(rawOrder[12]); Long orderTypeId = getLong(rawOrder[13]); Long authorId = getLong(rawOrder[14]); String comment = (String) rawOrder[15]; String authorComment = (String) rawOrder[16]; Date readyDate = (Date) rawOrder[17]; String commentToAuthorSalary = (String) rawOrder[18]; Boolean unloadedInShop = (Boolean) rawOrder[19]; Long parentOrderId = getLong(rawOrder[20]); Boolean selected = (Boolean) rawOrder[21]; Boolean childSelected = (Boolean) rawOrder[22]; Boolean statusOfUser = (Boolean) rawOrder[23]; /*log.warn(""); log.warn("oid:"+orderId); log.warn("statusOfUser:"+statusOfUser);*/ String oldId = (String) rawOrder[24]; String number = oldId; if (oldId == null || oldId.equals("")) { number = orderId.toString(); } String subject = (String) rawOrder[25]; Date orderDate = (Date) rawOrder[26]; String branchName = (String) rawOrder[27]; String abbrevation = (String) rawOrder[28]; String orderTypeName = (String) rawOrder[29]; String authorLogin = (String) rawOrder[30]; String authorName = (String) rawOrder[31]; String authorSurname = (String) rawOrder[32]; Boolean existReject = false; BigInteger bi = (BigInteger) rawOrder[33]; Integer countMess = (bi != null ? bi.intValue() : null); Double paymentSum = (Double) rawOrder[34]; paymentSum = (paymentSum != null ? paymentSum : 0D); BigInteger countAllAuthorMess = (BigInteger) rawOrder[35]; BigInteger countAllAdminMess = (BigInteger) rawOrder[36]; BigInteger countNotReadyAdminMess = (BigInteger) rawOrder[37]; BigInteger countAllDelegateMess = (BigInteger) rawOrder[38]; BigInteger countNotReadyDelegateMess = (BigInteger) rawOrder[39]; BigInteger countNotReadyAuthorMessages = new BigInteger("0"); if (countMess != null) { countNotReadyAuthorMessages = bi; } if (countNotReadyDelegateMess != null) { countNotReadyAuthorMessages = countNotReadyAuthorMessages.add(countNotReadyDelegateMess); } List<OrderStatus> availableStatusList = new ArrayList(commonAvailebleStatusList); if (statusStr.equals( { if (!toWork.contains(branchId)) { availableStatusList.remove(OrderStatus.WORKING); } if (!toReject.contains(branchId)) { availableStatusList.remove(OrderStatus.REJECTION); } } List<HashMap> otherOrdersData = otherOrders.get(orderId); List<HashMap> directionsData = orderDirections.get(orderId); List<HashMap> SalaryData = orderSalaries.get(orderId); if (otherOrdersData == null) { otherOrdersData = new ArrayList(); } if (directionsData == null) { directionsData = new ArrayList(); } if (SalaryData == null) { SalaryData = new ArrayList(); } HashMap<String, Boolean> branchRights = br.get(branchId); boolean rightChangeOrder = false; if ((childSelected == null || !childSelected) && branchRights.get("CHANGE_ORDER") && webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/change", a)) { rightChangeOrder = true; } String rowClass = ocm.getRowClass(selected, authorId, cost, statusOfUser, orderStatus, SalaryData, null); orderData.add("<tr class=" + rowClass + ">"); /*log.warn("sou:"+statusOfUser+";"); log.warn("cost:"+StringAdapter.getString(cost)+";"); if(cost!=null){ log.warn("costcomp:"+(cost>0D)+";"); }*/ String col = ""; if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_FLAGS)) { col = "<td><a class='info red " + (firstFlag != null && firstFlag ? "active" : "") + "' data-orderId=" + orderId + " onclick='return changeFirstFlag(this);'></a>"; col += "<br/>"; col += "<a class='info blue " + (secondFlag != null && secondFlag ? "active" : "") + "' data-orderId=" + orderId + " onclick='return changeSecondFlag(this);'></a></td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_NUMBER)) { if (branchRights.get("GET_ORDER") && webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/get", a)) { col = "<td><a href='#' class='orderShow flat' data-id=" + orderId + " data-number=" + number + ">"; col += "<p class='order-num'><span class='orderCount'>" + abbrevation + "</span>" + number + "</p></a></td>"; } else { col = "<td>" + StringAdapter.getString(number) + "</td>"; } orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_DIRECTIONS)) { col = "<td class='directionsTd' data-orderId=" + orderId + ">"; if (branchRights.get("ORDER_CHANGE_DIRECTIONS") && (childSelected == null || !childSelected)) { col += "<div class='directionDiv add-order-select' data-orderId=" + orderId + ">"; for (HashMap dir : directionsData) { col += "<select class='directionSelect' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-value=" + dir.get("directionId") + ">"; col += "<option value=''></option>"; for (Direction d : directionService.getAll()) { col += "<option value=" + d.getDirectionId() + " " + (d.getDirectionId().equals(dir.get("directionId")) ? "selected" : "") + ">" + d.getName() + "</option>"; } col += "</select></br>"; } col += "</div>"; col += "<a class='add-direction addDirectionSubmit info add active' data-orderId=" + orderId + ">+</a>"; } else { for (HashMap d : directionsData) { col += d.get("directionName"); } } col += "</td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_TYPE)) { col = "<td><div class='changeDiv dbl-area-select' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='orderType' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div class='text'>" + orderTypeName + "</div>"; col += "<select>"; for (OrderType ot : orderTypeService.getAll()) { col += "<option value=" + ot.getOrderTypeId() + " " + (ot.getOrderTypeId().equals(orderTypeId) ? "selected" : "") + ">" + ot.getName() + "</option>"; } col += "</select></div></td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_SUBJECT)) { col = "<td><div class='changeDiv dbl-area-auto' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='subject' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div class='text'>" + subject + "</div>"; col += "<textarea>" + subject + "</textarea></div></td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_DATE)) { col = "<td><div data-fromTable='true' class='changeDiv dbl-area' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='deadlineDate' style='width: inherit;' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div style='font-size: 0.8em;'>" + (deadlineDate != null ? df.format(deadlineDate) : "") + "</div>"; col += "<input type='text' class='date' value=" + (deadlineDate != null ? : "") + "></div>"; col += "<div data-fromTable='true' class='changeDiv dbl-area' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='realDate' style='width: inherit;' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div style='font-size: 0.8em;'>" + (realDate != null ? df.format(realDate) : "") + "</div>"; col += "<input type='text' class='date' value=" + (realDate != null ? : "") + "></div></td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_CLIENT)) { col = "<td>"; if (parentOrderId == null) { col += "<div class='changeDiv dbl-area-auto' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='clientFio' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div class='text'>" + clientFio + "</div>"; col += "<input type='text' value='" + clientFio + "'></div>"; if (branchRights.get("ORDER_SHOW_CLIENT_EMAIL") != null) { col += "<div class='changeDiv dbl-area-auto' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='clientEmail' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div class='text'>" + clientEmail + "</div>"; col += "<input type='text' value=" + clientEmail + "></div>"; } if (branchRights.get("ORDER_SHOW_CLIENT_PHONE") != null) { col += "<div class='changeDiv dbl-area-auto' data-orderId=" + orderId + " data-parameterName='clientPhone' data-isRight=" + rightChangeOrder + ">"; col += "<div class='text'>" + clientPhone + "</div>"; col += "<input type='text' value=" + clientPhone + "></div>"; } if (vr.showButtonsDivInTable(branchId, clientEmail, clientPhone)) { col += "<div class='icon-contacts' style='width: 80px;'>"; if (vr.showSendEmailButtomInTable(branchId, clientEmail) && webPrivs.isAllowed("/Notice/addEmailByClient", a)) { col += "<a href='' class='mail orderEmailLink' "; if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/showClientEmailTitle", a) && branchRights.get("ORDER_SHOW_CLIENT_EMAIL_TITLE") != null) { col += " data=" + clientEmail + " title=" + clientEmail + " "; } col += " onclick='createWindowEmailNotice('/Notice/addEmailByClient?orderId=" + orderId + "'); return false;' > </a>"; } if (vr.showSendSmsButtomInTable(branchId, clientPhone) && webPrivs.isAllowed("/Notice/addSmsByClient", a)) { col += "<a href='' class='sms orderSmsLink' "; if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/showClientPhoneTitle", a) && branchRights.get("ORDER_SHOW_CLIENT_PHONE_TITLE") != null) { col += " data=" + clientPhone + " title=" + clientPhone + " "; } col += " onclick='createFloatWindow('/Notice/addSmsByClient?orderId=" + orderId + "'); return false;' > </a>"; } } col += "<div class='clearfix'></div>"; if (!otherOrdersData.isEmpty()) { col += "<div class='other-order'>"; col += "<a class='other-title' onclick='$(this).next().toggle()'> </a>"; col += "<ul style='display: none;' > "; for (HashMap od : otherOrdersData) { if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/get", a) && br.get((Long) od.get("branchId")).get("GET_ORDER") != null) { col += "<li><a href='#' class='orderShow' data-url='/Order/get?orderId=" + od.get("orderId") + "&ajax=1' data-id=" + od.get("orderId") + " data-number=" + od.get("number") + " > #" + od.get("number") + "</a></li>"; } } col += "</ul>"; } } else { col += ""; } col += "</td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_PRICE)) { if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/changeCost", a) && branchRights.get("ORDER_CHANGE_COST") != null) { col = "<td id='updatableCostTd" + orderId + "' class='updatableTd dbl-area' data-type='cost' data-orderId=" + orderId + ">" + (cost != null ? cost : "") + "</td>"; } else { if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/showCost", a) && branchRights.get("ORDER_SHOW_COST") != null) { col = "<td><div class='dbl-area'>" + (cost != null ? cost : "") + "</div></td>"; } } orderData.add(col); } String userString = authUser.getSurname() + " " + authUser.getName(); if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_PREPAYMENT)) { col = "<td>"; if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Payment/search", a) && branchRights.get("PAYMENT_SEARCH") != null) { col += "<div class='advance-payment modal-window'>"; col += "<form id='paymentObj' onsubmit='return false;' data-orderid=" + orderId + " class='add-payment-form' action='" + SystemVariables.BASE_URL + "/Payment/add?ajax=true' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"; col += "<div class='value'><span>" + paymentSum + "</span>"; col += "<div class='modal-content'><table><tr><td class='title'>?</td><td>" + userString + "</td></tr>"; col += "<tr><td class='title'></td><td>" + (currentDate != null ? currentDate : "") + "</td></tr>"; col += "<tr><td class='title'></td><td><input id='amount' name='amount' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off'></td></tr>"; col += "<tr><td class='title'>C?<br/></td><td><select id='paymentType' name='paymentType'>"; for (PaymentType pt : paymentTypeService.getActive()) { col += "<option value=" + pt.getId() + ">" + pt.getName() + "</option>"; } col += "</select></td></tr>"; col += "<tr><td colspan='2'><div class='uploadify-button' data-id=" + orderId + " data-num='0' style='width: 50%;'> </div><input name='file' type='file' class='hidden ajaxUpload' id='fileInput" + orderId + "' data-id=" + orderId + " data-num='0'></td></tr>"; col += "</table><br/><input type='hidden' name='orderId' value=" + orderId + " />"; col += "<input type='submit' class='modal-close' value=''></div></div></form></div>"; } col += "</td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_AUTHOR_SALARY)) { if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/changeAuthorSalary", a) && branchRights.get("ORDER_CHANGE_AUTHOR_SALARY") != null) { col = "<td class='author-salary dbl-area' data-orderId=" + orderId + ">"; col += "<div class='value-area " + (commentToAuthorSalary != null && !commentToAuthorSalary.equals("") ? "warning" : "") + "'>" + (authorSalary != null ? authorSalary : "") + "</div>"; col += "<div class='input-area' style='display: none;' >"; col += "<input class='author-salary-input' type='text' name='authorSalary' value=" + (authorSalary != null ? authorSalary : "") + ">"; col += "<textarea class='comment-salary-input' >" + (commentToAuthorSalary != null ? commentToAuthorSalary : "") + "</textarea></div></td>"; } else { col = "<td>" + (authorSalary != null ? authorSalary : "") + "</td>"; } orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_STATUS)) { col = "<td class=" + ocm.getStatusClass(statusStr, cost, paymentSum) + "><div class='dbl-area-select color' >"; if (webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/changeStatus", a) && webPrivs.isAllowed("/Order/changeStatusFromTable", a) && branchRights.get("ORDER_CHANGE_STATUS") != null && branchRights.get("ORDER_CHANGE_STATUS_FROM_TABLE") != null) { col += "<div class='status-in-table text order-status' id='statusDiv" + orderId + "' >" + vr.getStatusName(orderStatus, existReject, cost, statusOfUser) + "</div>"; col += "<select id='statuSelect" + orderId + "' data-orderId=" + orderId + " class='statusSelect' name='status'>"; for (OrderStatus os : availableStatusList) { col += "<option value=" + os.toString() + " " + (os.equals(orderStatus) ? "selected" : "") + " >" + os.getName() + "</option>"; } col += "</select>"; } else { col += "<div class='text'>" + vr.getStatusName(orderStatus, existReject, cost, statusOfUser) + "</div>"; } col += "</div></td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_AUTHOR)) { col = "<td>"; if (vr.allowShowAuthor()) { col += vr.getAuthorParams(authorId, authorSurname, authorName, authorLogin, branchId, "<br/>"); } col += "</td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_AUTHOR_MESSAGE)) { col = "<td>"; if (!countNotReadyAuthorMessages.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(0L))) { col += "<p class='circle'>" + countNotReadyAuthorMessages + "</p>"; } else { col += "(" + countAllAuthorMess + ")"; } col += "<br/>"; if (orderStatus != null && orderStatus.equals(OrderStatus.NEW)) { for (HashMap sal : SalaryData) { col += "<br/> " + sal.get("cost"); } } col += "</td>"; orderData.add(col); } if (cr.get(Rights.TABLE_ADMIN_MESSAGE)) { col = "<td>"; if (!countNotReadyAdminMess.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(0L))) { col += "<p class='circle'>" + countNotReadyAdminMess + "</p>"; } else { col += "(" + countAllAdminMess + ")"; } if (unloadedInShop != null && unloadedInShop) { col += "<br/><span class='info check'></span>"; } col += "</td>"; orderData.add(col); } orderData.add("</tr>"); result.add(orderData); } //log.warn("searchLogicTime:" + Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime)); return result; }
From source
/** * CMIS getChildren.//from w w w .j av a2s.c om */ public ObjectInFolderList getChildren(CallContext context, String folderId, String filter, Boolean includeAllowableActions, Boolean includePathSegment, BigInteger maxItems, BigInteger skipCount, ObjectInfoHandler objectInfos) { log.debug("getChildren({})", folderId); // split filter Set<String> filterCollection = splitFilter(filter); // set defaults if values not set boolean iaa = (includeAllowableActions == null ? false : includeAllowableActions.booleanValue()); boolean ips = (includePathSegment == null ? false : includePathSegment.booleanValue()); // skip and max int skip = (skipCount == null ? 0 : skipCount.intValue()); if (skip < 0) { skip = 0; } int max = (maxItems == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxItems.intValue()); if (max < 0) { max = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } try { if (!OKMFolder.getInstance().isValid(null, folderId)) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Not a folder!"); } // get the folder Folder fld = OKMFolder.getInstance().getProperties(null, folderId); // set object info of the the folder if (context.isObjectInfoRequired()) { compileObjectType(context, fld, null, false, false, objectInfos); } // prepare result ObjectInFolderListImpl result = new ObjectInFolderListImpl(); result.setObjects(new ArrayList<ObjectInFolderData>()); result.setHasMoreItems(false); int count = 0; // iterate through children (folders) for (Folder child : OKMFolder.getInstance().getChildren(null, fld.getPath())) { count++; if (skip > 0) { skip--; continue; } if (result.getObjects().size() >= max) { result.setHasMoreItems(true); continue; } // build and add child object ObjectInFolderDataImpl objectInFolder = new ObjectInFolderDataImpl(); objectInFolder .setObject(compileObjectType(context, child, filterCollection, iaa, false, objectInfos)); if (ips) { objectInFolder.setPathSegment(PathUtils.getName(child.getPath())); } result.getObjects().add(objectInFolder); } // iterate through children (documents) for (Document child : OKMDocument.getInstance().getChildren(null, fld.getPath())) { count++; if (skip > 0) { skip--; continue; } if (result.getObjects().size() >= max) { result.setHasMoreItems(true); continue; } // build and add child object ObjectInFolderDataImpl objectInFolder = new ObjectInFolderDataImpl(); objectInFolder .setObject(compileObjectType(context, child, filterCollection, iaa, false, objectInfos)); if (ips) { objectInFolder.setPathSegment(PathUtils.getName(child.getPath())); } result.getObjects().add(objectInFolder); } result.setNumItems(BigInteger.valueOf(count)); return result; } catch (PathNotFoundException e) { throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new CmisStorageException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new CmisStorageException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
From source
private boolean login() throws MgmtException, ConnectException, PermissionException { if (_sessionId == AdminClient.NOT_LOGGED_IN_SESSION_ID) { Date now = new Date(); BigInteger loginResult = getSilo(SiloInfo.getInstance().getSiloUrl()) .login(BigInteger.valueOf(now.getTime())); switch (loginResult.intValue()) { case CliConstants.MGMT_OK: _sessionId = now.getTime();//from w ww. j a va 2 s . com _lastChecked = now; Object[] params = { Long.toString(_sessionId) }; this.extLog(ExtLevel.EXT_INFO, AdminResourcesConstants.MSG_KEY_LOGIN, params, "login"); this._cachedCellId = this.getMasterCellId(); getAuditLogger(); return true; case CliConstants.MGMT_ALREADY_LOGGED: return false; case CliConstants.MGMT_NOT_MASTER_CELL: throw new PermissionException("Need to log on the master " + "cell to perform this command"); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error code from server"); } } else { return loggedIn(); } }
From source
@Override public ObjectList getContentChanges(String repositoryId, Holder<String> changeLogTokenHolder, Boolean includeProperties, String filter, Boolean includePolicyIds, Boolean includeAcl, BigInteger maxItems, ExtensionsData extension) { if (changeLogTokenHolder == null) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Missing change log token holder"); }/*from w ww . java 2 s. c om*/ String changeLogToken = changeLogTokenHolder.getValue(); long minDate; if (changeLogToken == null) { minDate = 0; } else { try { minDate = Long.parseLong(changeLogToken); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Invalid change log token"); } } try { AuditReader reader = Framework.getService(AuditReader.class); if (reader == null) { throw new CmisRuntimeException("Cannot find audit service"); } int max = maxItems == null ? -1 : maxItems.intValue(); if (max < 0) { max = DEFAULT_CHANGE_LOG_SIZE; } // TODO XXX repositoryId as well Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String query = "FROM LogEntry log" // + " WHERE log.eventDate >= :minDate" // + " AND log.eventId IN (:evCreated, :evModified, :evRemoved)" // + " ORDER BY log.eventDate"; params.put("minDate", new Date(minDate)); params.put("evCreated", DocumentEventTypes.DOCUMENT_CREATED); params.put("evModified", DocumentEventTypes.DOCUMENT_UPDATED); params.put("evRemoved", DocumentEventTypes.DOCUMENT_REMOVED); List<?> entries = reader.nativeQuery(query, params, 1, max + 1); ObjectListImpl ol = new ObjectListImpl(); boolean hasMoreItems = entries.size() > max; ol.setHasMoreItems(Boolean.valueOf(hasMoreItems)); if (hasMoreItems) { entries = entries.subList(0, max); } List<ObjectData> ods = new ArrayList<ObjectData>(entries.size()); Date date = null; for (Object entry : entries) { LogEntry logEntry = (LogEntry) entry; ObjectDataImpl od = new ObjectDataImpl(); ChangeEventInfoDataImpl cei = new ChangeEventInfoDataImpl(); // change type String eventId = logEntry.getEventId(); ChangeType changeType; if (DocumentEventTypes.DOCUMENT_CREATED.equals(eventId)) { changeType = ChangeType.CREATED; } else if (DocumentEventTypes.DOCUMENT_UPDATED.equals(eventId)) { changeType = ChangeType.UPDATED; } else if (DocumentEventTypes.DOCUMENT_REMOVED.equals(eventId)) { changeType = ChangeType.DELETED; } else { continue; } cei.setChangeType(changeType); // change time GregorianCalendar changeTime = (GregorianCalendar) Calendar.getInstance(); date = logEntry.getEventDate(); changeTime.setTime(date); cei.setChangeTime(changeTime); od.setChangeEventInfo(cei); // properties: id, doc type PropertiesImpl properties = new PropertiesImpl(); properties.addProperty(new PropertyIdImpl(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID, logEntry.getDocUUID())); properties.addProperty(new PropertyIdImpl(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, logEntry.getDocType())); od.setProperties(properties); ods.add(od); } ol.setObjects(ods); ol.setNumItems(BigInteger.valueOf(-1)); String latestChangeLogToken = date == null ? null : String.valueOf(date.getTime()); changeLogTokenHolder.setValue(latestChangeLogToken); return ol; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CmisRuntimeException(e.toString(), e); } }