List of usage examples for java.lang System setOut
public static void setOut(PrintStream out)
From source
protected void restoreOutput(PrintStream originalStream) { if (raw) { System.setOut(originalStream); } }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Splash splash = null;// w w w .j av a2s. c om boolean headless = (System.getProperty("muse.mode.server") != null); if (!headless) splash = new Splash(); else { System.out.println("Muse running in headless mode!"); browserOpen = false; } tellUser(splash, "Setting up logging..."); setupLogging(); basicSetup(args); BASE_URL = "http://localhost:" + PORT + "/" + WEBAPP_NAME; MUSE_CHECK_URL = BASE_URL + "/js/muse.js"; // for quick check of existing muse or successful start up. BASE_URL may take some time to run and may not always be available now that we set dirAllowed to false and public mode does not serve /muse. tellUser(splash, "Log file: " + debugFile + "***\n"); out.println("Starting up ePADD on the local computer at " + BASE_URL + ", " + formatDateLong(new GregorianCalendar())); out.println("***For troubleshooting information, see this file: " + debugFile + "***\n"); out.println("Current directory = " + System.getProperty("user.dir") + ", home directory = " + System.getProperty("user.home")); out.println("Memory status at the beginning: " + getMemoryStats()); if (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / MB < 512) aggressiveWarn( "You are probably running ePADD without enough memory. \nIf you launched ePADD from the command line, you can increase memory with an option like java -Xmx1g", 2000); tellUser(splash, "Memory: " + getMemoryStats()); // handle frequent error of user trying to launch another server when its already on // server.start() usually takes a few seconds to return // after that it takes a few seconds for the webapp to deploy // ignore any exceptions along the way and assume not if we can't prove it is alive boolean urlAlive = false; try { urlAlive = isURLAlive(MUSE_CHECK_URL); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("Exception: e"); e.printStackTrace(out); } boolean disableStart = false; if (urlAlive) { out.println("Oh! ePADD already running at: " + BASE_URL + ", will shut it down!"); tellUser(splash, "ePADD already running at: " + BASE_URL + ", will shut it down!"); killRunningServer(BASE_URL); boolean killed = false; int N_KILL_TRIES = 20, N_KILL_PERIOD_MILLIS = 3000; // check every 3 secs 20 times (total 1 minute) for the previous epadd to die // if it doesn't die after a minute, fail for (int i = 0; i < N_KILL_TRIES; i++) { try { Thread.sleep(N_KILL_PERIOD_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } out.println("Checking " + MUSE_CHECK_URL); tellUser(splash, "Checking " + MUSE_CHECK_URL); try { urlAlive = isURLAlive(MUSE_CHECK_URL); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("Exception: " + e); e.printStackTrace(out); } if (!urlAlive) break; } if (!urlAlive) { out.println("Good. Shutdown succeeded, will restart"); tellUser(splash, "Good. Shutdown succeeded, we'll restart ePADD."); } else { String message = "Previously running ePADD still alive despite attempt to shut it down, disabling fresh restart!\n"; message += "If you just want to use the previous instance of ePADD, please go to " + BASE_URL; message += "\nTo kill this instance, please go to your computer's task manager and kill running java or javaw processes.\nThen try launching ePADD again.\n"; aggressiveWarn(message, 2000); tellUser(splash, "Sorry, unable to kill previous ePADD. Quitting!"); try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } if (splash != null) splash.close(); return; } } // else // out.println ("Muse not already alive at URL: ..." + URL); if (!disableStart) { setupResources(); out.println("Starting ePADD at URL: ..." + BASE_URL); tellUser(splash, "Starting ePADD at " + BASE_URL); server.start(); PrintStream debugOut1 = err; try { File f = new File(debugFile); if (f.exists()) f.delete(); // particular problem on windows :-( debugOut1 = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(debugFile), false, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException ioe) { out.println("Warning: failed to delete debug file " + debugFile + " : " + ioe); } final PrintStream debugOut = debugOut1; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { shutdownSessions(); server.stop(); server.destroy(); debugOut.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } })); boolean success = waitTillPageAlive(MUSE_CHECK_URL, TIMEOUT_SECS); if (success) { try { int shutdownPort = PORT + 1; // shut down port is arbitrarily set to port + 1. it is ASSUMED to be free. tellUser(splash, "Setting up shutdown port..."); new ShutdownThread(server, shutdownPort).start(); // this will start a non-daemon thread that keeps the process alive out.println("Listening for ePADD shutdown message on port " + shutdownPort); tellUser(splash, "Listening for ePADD shutdown message on port " + shutdownPort); } catch (Exception e) { out.println( "Unable to start shutdown listener, you will have to stop the server manually using Cmd-Q on Mac OS or kill javaw processes on Windows"); } try { setupSystemTrayIcon(); } catch (Exception e) { out.println("Unable to setup system tray icon: " + e); e.printStackTrace(err); } // open browser window if (browserOpen) { preferredBrowser = null; // launch a browser here try { String link; link = "http://localhost:" + PORT + "/muse/index.jsp"; if (startPage != null) { // startPage has to be absolute link = "http://localhost:" + PORT + "/muse/" + startPage; } if (baseDir != null) link = link + "?cacheDir=" + baseDir; // typically this is used when starting from command line. note: still using name, cacheDir launchBrowser(link, splash); } catch (Exception e) { out.println( "Warning: Unable to launch browser due to exception (use the -n option to prevent ePADD from trying to launch a browser):"); e.printStackTrace(out); } } } else { out.println("\n\n\nSORRY!!! UNABLE TO DEPLOY WEBAPP, EXITING\n\n\n"); tellUser(splash, "SORRY!!! UNABLE TO DEPLOY WEBAPP, EXITING"); } savedSystemOut = out; savedSystemErr = err; System.setOut(debugOut); System.setErr(debugOut); if (splash != null) splash.close(); } // program should not halt here, as ShutdownThread is running as a non-daemon thread. // splashDemo.closeWindow(); }
From source
/** * Helper function which does the actual data requirement checking * //ww w .j a v a2 s . c o m * @param details * @param specialize * @param useRules * @return */ public ArrayList<ComponentPacket> findDataDetails(ComponentPacket details, boolean specialize, boolean useRules) { ArrayList<ComponentPacket> list = new ArrayList<ComponentPacket>(); HashMap<String, KBObject> omap = this.objPropMap; HashMap<String, KBObject> dmap = this.dataPropMap; // Extract info from details object ComponentVariable c = details.getComponent(); HashMap<String, Variable> roleMaps = details.getStringRoleMaps(); HashMap<String, Role> varMaps = details.getStringVariableMap(); ArrayList<KBTriple> redbox = details.getRequirements(); // Get All component bindings String incompid = c.getID(); Binding cb = c.getBinding(); ArrayList<String> cbindings = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!cb.isSet()) cbindings.add(cb.getID()); else { for (WingsSet s : cb) { cbindings.add(((Binding) s).getID()); } } // Get List of all concrete components ArrayList<Component> ccomps = new ArrayList<Component>(); for (String cbid : cbindings) { Component comp = this.getCachedComponent(cbid); if (comp == null) { logger.debug(cbid + " is not a valid component"); details.addExplanations(cbid + " is not a valid component"); details.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(details); return list; } boolean isConcrete = (comp.getType() == Component.CONCRETE); if (!specialize) { // If no specialization required, add component as is ccomps.add(comp); } else if (isConcrete) { // If specialization required, but component is already concrete, // add as is ccomps.add(comp); } else { /* If the component is abstract, then get all it's concrete * components. Example of how components are structured in ontology: * absClass * - [abs (isConcrete: false)] * - conc1Class * - [conc1 (isConcrete: true)] * - conc2Class * - [conc2 (isConcrete: true)] * Note: Only 1 Component Instance per Class */ ArrayList<String> concreteids = this.getConcreteComponentsForAbstract(comp.getID()); for (String concreteid : concreteids) { Component instcomp = this.getCachedComponent(concreteid); if (instcomp != null && instcomp.getType() == Component.CONCRETE) { ccomps.add(instcomp); } } } } logger.debug("Available components to check validity: " + ccomps); // For All concrete components : // - Get mapping of specialized arguments to variables // - Transfer "relevant" output variable properties to input variables // - Pass back the specialized component + specialized mappings + // modified red-box // - Handle *NEW* Arguments as well -> Create *NEW* DataVariables // Get Metrics property hierarchy triples for adding into the temporary // kb for (Component ccomp : ccomps) { HashMap<Role, Variable> sRoleMap = new HashMap<Role, Variable>(); ArrayList<String> varids = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create a new temporary kb KBAPI tkb = this.ontologyFactory.getKB(OntSpec.PLAIN); // Add the redbox (i.e. datavariable constraints) to the temporary // kb, along with domain knowledge about the data catalog tkb.addTriples(redbox); tkb.addTriples(domainKnowledge); KBObject ccompobj = this.kb.getIndividual(ccomp.getID()); // Create a copy of the specialized component in the temporary kb KBObject tcomp = this.copyObjectIntoKB(incompid, ccompobj, tkb, this.pcdomns, null, false); boolean typesOk = true; // For all argument roles of the specialized component : ArrayList<ComponentRole> allArgs = new ArrayList<ComponentRole>(ccomp.getInputs()); allArgs.addAll(ccomp.getOutputs()); HashSet<String> explanations = new HashSet<String>(); ComponentPacket cmr; ComponentVariable concreteComponent = new ComponentVariable(incompid); concreteComponent.setBinding(new Binding(ccomp.getID())); if (specialize) concreteComponent.setConcrete(true); else concreteComponent.setConcrete(c.isConcrete()); ArrayList<String> inputRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentRole arg : allArgs) { // Get the argument ID for the specialized argument String argid = arg.getRoleName(); Variable var = roleMaps.get(argid); String varid = null; String roleid = null; if (var == null) { // Create a new Variable for role if none exists currently // varid = arg.getID()+"_"+ccomp.getName()+"_Variable"; varid = ccomp.getNamespace() + argid; roleid = ccomp.getID() + "_" + argid + "_role"; short type = 0; if (arg.isParam()) type = VariableType.PARAM; else type = VariableType.DATA; var = new Variable(varid, type); } else { varid = var.getID(); roleid = varMaps.get(var.getID()).getID(); // Make sure that the variable has a type that is either // subsumed by the argument type, or that the argument type // is subsumed by the variable type if (!checkTypeCompatibility(tkb, varid, arg.getID())) { logger.debug(arg.getID() + " is not type compatible with variable: " + varid); explanations.add("INFO " + ccomp + " is not selectable because " + arg.getID() + " is not type compatible with variable: " + varid); typesOk = false; break; } } // Copy over the argument's classes to the variable KBObject argobj = this.kb.getIndividual(arg.getID()); KBObject varobj = this.copyObjectClassesIntoKB(varid, argobj, tkb, this.dcdomns, null, false); // create hasArgumentID property for the variable tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasArgumentID"), tkb.createLiteral(argid)); Role r = new Role(roleid); r.setRoleId(argid); r.setDimensionality(arg.getDimensionality()); // Set variable data binding if (var.isDataVariable() && var.getBinding() != null && var.getBinding().getName() != null) { tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral(var.getBinding().getName())); } else { tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral("")); } // Set variable parameter binding (default if none set) if (var.isParameterVariable()) { KBObject arg_value = null; ValueBinding parambinding = (ValueBinding) var.getBinding(); if (parambinding != null && parambinding.getValue() != null) { arg_value = tkb.createXSDLiteral(parambinding.getValueAsString(), parambinding.getDatatype()); } else if (arg.getParamDefaultalue() != null) { arg_value = tkb.createLiteral(arg.getParamDefaultalue()); } if (arg_value != null) { tkb.setPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasValue"), arg_value); } } // assign this variable as an input or output to the component if (ccomp.getInputs().contains(arg)) { inputRoles.add(r.getRoleId()); tkb.addTriple(tcomp, omap.get("hasInput"), varobj); } else { tkb.addTriple(tcomp, omap.get("hasOutput"), varobj); } sRoleMap.put(r, var); varids.add(var.getID()); } // Empty triple list returned if errors encountered below ArrayList<KBTriple> empty = new ArrayList<KBTriple>(); // Return if there was some problem with types if (!typesOk) { logger.debug(ccomp + " is not selectable "); explanations.add("INFO " + ccomp + " is not selectable "); cmr = new ComponentPacket(concreteComponent, sRoleMap, empty); cmr.setInputRoles(inputRoles); cmr.addExplanations(explanations); cmr.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(cmr); continue; } // ** Run Rules ** if (useRules && ccomp.hasRules()) { // Redirect output to a byte stream ByteArrayOutputStream bost = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream oldout = System.out; System.setOut(new PrintStream(bost, true)); // Run propagation rules on the temporary kb tkb.setRulePrefixes(this.rulePrefixes); tkb.applyRules(this.getCachedComponentRules(ccomp)); //tkb.applyRulesFromString(allrules); // Get printouts from Rules and store as Explanations if (!bost.toString().equals("")) { for (String exp : bost.toString().split("\\n")) { explanations.add(exp); } } // Set output back to original System.out System.setOut(oldout); } // Checking for invalidity KBObject invalidProp = tkb.getProperty(this.pcns + "isInvalid"); KBObject isInvalid = tkb.getPropertyValue(tcomp, invalidProp); if (isInvalid != null && (Boolean) isInvalid.getValue()) { logger.debug(ccomp + " is not selectable "); explanations.add("INFO " + ccomp + " is not selectable "); cmr = new ComponentPacket(concreteComponent, sRoleMap, empty); cmr.setInputRoles(inputRoles); cmr.addExplanations(explanations); cmr.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(cmr); continue; } // Set parameter values (if any) for (Variable var : roleMaps.values()) { if (var.isParameterVariable() && var.getBinding() == null) { KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(var.getID()); KBObject val = tkb.getPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasValue")); if (val != null && val.getValue() != null) { tkb.addTriple(varobj, tkb.getResource(this.wflowns + "hasParameterValue"), val); var.setBinding(new ValueBinding(val.getValue(), val.getDataType())); } } } // Create a constraint engine and get Relevant Constraints here ConstraintEngine cons = new ConstraintEngineKB(tkb, ""); cons.addWhitelistedNamespace(this.dcdomns); cons.addWhitelistedNamespace(this.dcns); cons.addWhitelistedNamespace(this.wflowns); ArrayList<String> blacklistedIds = new ArrayList<String>(); blacklistedIds.add(dmap.get("hasArgumentID").getID()); blacklistedIds.add(dmap.get("hasBindingID").getID()); blacklistedIds.add(this.dcns + "hasMetrics"); blacklistedIds.add(this.dcns + "hasDataMetrics"); blacklistedIds.add(this.pcns + "hasValue"); for (String id : blacklistedIds) cons.addBlacklistedId(id); ArrayList<KBTriple> constraints = cons.getConstraints(varids); for (String id : blacklistedIds) cons.removeBlacklistedId(id); cmr = new ComponentPacket(concreteComponent, sRoleMap, constraints); cmr.setInputRoles(inputRoles); cmr.addExplanations(explanations); list.add(cmr); } return list; }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); Options options = getOptions();//w ww . jav a2 s .co m CommandLine line; try { line = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { printHelp(options); return; } if (line.hasOption("help")) { printHelp(options); return; } String[] remainingArgs = line.getArgs(); Protocol easyhttps = new Protocol("https", new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443); Protocol.registerProtocol("easyhttps", easyhttps); BuildServerDaemon buildServer = new BuildServerDaemon(); if (line.hasOption("config")) { String c = line.getOptionValue("config"); buildServer.setConfigFile(c); } else if (remainingArgs.length == 1) buildServer.setConfigFile(remainingArgs[0]); boolean once = line.hasOption("once"); if (line.hasOption("submission")) { once = true; buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(DEBUG_SPECIFIC_SUBMISSION, line.getOptionValue("submission")); if (line.hasOption("testSetup")) buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(DEBUG_SPECIFIC_TESTSETUP, line.getOptionValue("testSetup")); if (line.hasOption("skipDownload")) buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(DEBUG_SKIP_DOWNLOAD, "true"); } else if (line.hasOption("testSetup")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You can only specify a specific test setup if you also specify a specific submission"); } if (line.hasOption("projectNum")) { buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(DEBUG_SPECIFIC_PROJECT, line.getOptionValue("projectNum")); } if (line.hasOption("quiet")) buildServer.setQuiet(true); if (line.hasOption("verify")) buildServer.setVerifyOnly(); if (line.hasOption("course")) { buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(DEBUG_SPECIFIC_COURSE, line.getOptionValue("course")); } if (line.hasOption("logLevel")) buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(LOG4J_THRESHOLD, line.getOptionValue("logLevel")); if (line.hasOption("downloadOnly")) { System.out.println("Setting download only"); buildServer.setDownloadOnly(true); once = true; } if (once) { buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(LOG_DIRECTORY, "console"); buildServer.setDoNotLoop(true); buildServer.getConfig().setProperty(DEBUG_PRESERVE_SUBMISSION_ZIPFILES, "true"); } buildServer.initConfig(); Logger log = buildServer.getLog(); /** Redirect standard out and err to dev null, since clover * writes to standard out and error */ PrintStream systemOut = System.out; PrintStream systemErr = System.err; if (buildServer.isQuiet()) { System.setOut(new PrintStream(new DevNullOutputStream())); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new DevNullOutputStream())); } try { buildServer.executeServerLoop(); if (log != null)"Shutting down"); System.out.println("Shutting down"); timedSystemExit0(); } catch (Throwable e) { buildServer.clearMyPidFile(); if (log != null) log.fatal("BuildServerDaemon got fatal exception; waiting for cron to restart me: ", e); e.printStackTrace(systemErr); System.exit(1); } if (buildServer.isQuiet()) { System.setOut(systemOut); System.setErr(systemErr); } }
From source
private String testShell(String input, ByteArrayOutputStream berr, String... args) throws Exception { args = specifyUniqueKeyspace(args);/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(bout, trueOut)); // Intercept stderr, but make sure it is still printed using the TeeOutputStream PrintStream err = new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(berr, trueErr)); try { System.out.flush(); System.err.flush(); System.setIn(in); System.setOut(out); System.setErr(err); GraqlShell.runShell(args, expectedVersion, historyFile); } catch (Exception e) { System.setErr(trueErr); e.printStackTrace(); err.flush(); fail(berr.toString()); } finally { resetIO(); } out.flush(); err.flush(); return bout.toString(); }
From source
protected void setOutput() { String stdOut = ""; String stdErr = ""; try {/* w w w. j av a 2s. c om*/ String key = Constants.STDOUT; String value =; if (value != null) { if (!value.equals("")) { stdOut = System.getProperty("user.dir") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + value + ".out"; } } key = Constants.STDERR; value =; if (value != null) { if (!value.equals("")) { stdErr = System.getProperty("user.dir") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + value + ".err"; } } if (!stdOut.equals("")) {"Redirecting stdOut to " + stdOut); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(stdOut, true); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos); System.setOut(ps); } if (!stdErr.equals("")) {"Redirecting stdErr to " + stdErr); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(stdErr, true); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(fos); System.setErr(ps); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(" std output exception", e); } }
From source
/** * Dirty way to save program points from the proxy request threads. TODO: Frank, find cleaner * way./* w w w . ja va 2 s . com*/ * * @param string * The JSON-text to save. */ public static void addPoint(String string) { JSONArray buffer = null; JSONObject targetAttributes = null; JSONObject targetElement = null; String JSONLabel = new String(); int i; try { /* save the current System.out for later usage */ PrintStream oldOut = System.out; /* redirect it to the file */ System.setOut(output); buffer = new JSONArray(string); for (i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { if (points.length() > 0) { // Add comma after previous trace object System.out.println(","); } points.put(buffer.getJSONObject(i)); if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("args") && ((String) buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("messageType")).contains("FUNCTION_ENTER")) { try { JSONArray args = (JSONArray) buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("args"); String newValue = args.toString(); buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("args"); buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("args", newValue); } catch (JSONException jse) { // argument is not a JSON object continue; } } if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("returnValue") && !buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("returnValue").getClass().toString().contains("Null")) { try { JSONObject rv = (JSONObject) buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("returnValue"); String newValue = rv.toString(); buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("returnValue"); buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("returnValue", newValue); } catch (JSONException jse) { // argument is not a JSON object continue; } } if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("targetElement")) { JSONArray extractedArray = new JSONArray( buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("targetElement").toString()); try { targetAttributes = extractedArray.getJSONObject(1); String targetType = extractedArray.get(0).toString(); targetElement = new JSONObject("{\"elementType\":\"" + targetType + "\",\"attributes\":" + targetAttributes.toString() + "}"); } catch (Exception e) { // targetElement is not usual DOM element // E.g. DOMContentLoaded if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("eventType") && buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("eventType").toString().contains("ContentLoaded")) { targetElement = new JSONObject("{\"elementType\":\"DOCUMENT\",\"attributes\":\"-\"}"); } else { targetElement = new JSONObject("{\"elementType\":\"UNKNOWN\",\"attributes\":\"-\"}"); } } buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("targetElement"); buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("targetElement", targetElement.toString()); } // Insert @class key for Jackson mapping if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("messageType")) { String mType = buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("messageType").toString(); // Maybe better to change mType to ENUM and use switch // instead of 'if's if (mType.contains("FUNCTION_CALL")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionCall"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("FUNCTION_ENTER")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionEnter"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("FUNCTION_EXIT")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionExit"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("RETURN_STATEMENT")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionReturnStatement"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("DOM_EVENT")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.DOMEventTrace"); JSONLabel = "\"DOMEventTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("DOM_MUTATION")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.DOMMutationTrace"); JSONLabel = "\"DOMEventTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("DOM_ELEMENT_VALUE")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.DOMElementValueTrace"); JSONLabel = "\"DOMEventTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("TIMEOUT_SET")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.TimeoutSet"); JSONLabel = "\"TimingTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("TIMEOUT_CALLBACK")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.TimeoutCallback"); JSONLabel = "\"TimingTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("XHR_OPEN")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.XMLHttpRequestOpen"); JSONLabel = "\"XHRTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("XHR_SEND")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.XMLHttpRequestSend"); JSONLabel = "\"XHRTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("XHR_RESPONSE")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.XMLHttpRequestResponse"); JSONLabel = "\"XHRTrace\":"; } // messageType obsolete buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("messageType"); } System.out.print(JSONLabel + "[" + buffer.getJSONObject(i).toString(2) + "]"); } /* Restore the old system.out */ System.setOut(oldOut); if (i > 0) { counter = buffer.getJSONObject(buffer.length() - 1).getInt("counter") + 1; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * The test has been passed once the "terminateAfterString" has been seen. * @param args Command line arguments for the runner * @param terminateAfterString the runner is searching the stdout and stderr for this string. as soon as it appears, the test has passed * @param failOnPatterns The runner is searching stdout and stderr for the pattern (regexp) specified here. If one appears, the test has failed * @param type Set the type of the runner * @param expectedReturnValue Expected return code from the runner. * @param checkLogForTerminateString If true, the runner checks also the log4j logger for the terminate string *//*from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ protected void runWithArgs(String[] args, String terminateAfterString, String[] failOnPatterns, RunTypes type, int expectedReturnValue, boolean checkLogForTerminateString) {"Running with args {}", Arrays.toString(args)); outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); errContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(errContent)); // we wait for at most three minutes final int START_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 180; final long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + (START_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000); Runner runner = new Runner(args, type, expectedReturnValue); runner.start(); boolean expectedStringSeen = false; boolean testPassedFromLog4j = false; do { sleep(1000); String outContentString = outContent.toString(); String errContentString = errContent.toString(); if (failOnPatterns != null) { for (String failOnString : failOnPatterns) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(failOnString); if (pattern.matcher(outContentString).find() || pattern.matcher(errContentString).find()) { LOG.warn("Failing test. Output contained illegal string '" + failOnString + "'"); sendOutput(); // stopping runner. runner.sendStop();"Output contained illegal string '" + failOnString + "'"); } } } // check output for the expected terminateAfterString. if (checkLogForTerminateString) { LoggingEvent matchedEvent = UtilsTest.getEventContainingString(terminateAfterString); if (matchedEvent != null) { testPassedFromLog4j = true;"Found expected output in logging event {}", matchedEvent); } } if (outContentString.contains(terminateAfterString) || errContentString.contains(terminateAfterString) || testPassedFromLog4j) { expectedStringSeen = true;"Found expected output in redirected streams"); // send "stop" command to command line interface"RunWithArgs: request runner to stop"); runner.sendStop(); // wait for the thread to stop try { runner.join(30000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while stopping runner", e); } LOG.warn("RunWithArgs runner stopped."); } else { // check if thread died if (!runner.isAlive()) { // leave loop: the runner died, so we can not expect new strings to show up. break; } } } while (runner.getRunnerError() == null && !expectedStringSeen && System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline); sendOutput(); if (runner.getRunnerError() != null) { // this lets the test fail. throw new RuntimeException("Runner failed", runner.getRunnerError()); } Assert.assertTrue("During the timeout period of " + START_TIMEOUT_SECONDS + " seconds the " + "expected string did not show up", expectedStringSeen);"Test was successful"); }
From source
private Set<String> getShellResultWithOSRedirect(SentryShellSolr sentryShell, String[] args, boolean expectedExecuteResult) throws Exception { PrintStream oldOut = System.out; ByteArrayOutputStream outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent)); assertEquals(expectedExecuteResult, sentryShell.executeShell(args)); Set<String> resultSet = Sets.newHashSet(outContent.toString().split("\n")); System.setOut(oldOut);/* ww w .jav a2s . c om*/ return resultSet; }
From source
private Set<String> getShellResultWithOSRedirect(SentryShellIndexer sentryShell, String[] args, boolean expectedExecuteResult) throws Exception { PrintStream oldOut = System.out; ByteArrayOutputStream outContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(outContent)); assertEquals(expectedExecuteResult, sentryShell.executeShell(args)); String outContentStr = outContent.toString(); Set<String> resultSet = outContentStr.length() > 0 ? Sets.<String>newHashSet(outContentStr.split("\n")) : Sets.<String>newHashSet(); System.setOut(oldOut);//w w w .j a va 2s . com return resultSet; }