Java tutorial
/* * Automatic JavaScript Invariants is a plugin for Crawljax that can be used to derive JavaScript * invariants automatically and use them for regressions testing. Copyright (C) 2010 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it * will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should * have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see * <>. */ package com.clematis.jsmodify; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.clematis.core.episode.Episode; import com.clematis.core.episode.Story; import com.clematis.core.trace.DOMEventTrace; import com.clematis.core.trace.TimingTrace; import com.clematis.core.trace.TraceObject; import com.clematis.visual.EpisodeGraph; import com.clematis.visual.JSUml2Story; import com.crawljax.util.Helper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.VisibilityChecker; import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.guava.GuavaModule; import; import; import; /** * Reads an instrumentation array from the webbrowser and saves the contents in a JSON trace file. * * @author Frank Groeneveld * @version $Id: 6162 2009-12-16 13:56:21Z frank $ */ public class JSExecutionTracer { private static final int ONE_SEC = 1000; private static String outputFolder; private static String traceFilename; private static JSONArray points = new JSONArray(); private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JSExecutionTracer.class.getName()); public static final String FUNCTIONTRACEDIRECTORY = "functiontrace/"; private static PrintStream output; // private Trace trace; private static Story story; private static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); static String theTime; private static int counter = 0; // private ArrayList<TraceObject> sortedTraceList; // private ArrayList<Episode> episodeList; /** * @param filename */ public JSExecutionTracer(String filename) { traceFilename = filename; } /** * Initialize the plugin and create folders if needed. * * @param browser * The browser. */ public static void preCrawling() { try { points = new JSONArray(); Helper.directoryCheck(getOutputFolder()); output = new PrintStream(getOutputFolder() + getFilename()); // Add opening bracket around whole trace PrintStream oldOut = System.out; System.setOut(output); System.out.println("{"); System.setOut(oldOut); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Retrieves the JavaScript instrumentation array from the webbrowser and writes its contents in * Daikon format to a file. * * @param session * The crawling session. * @param candidateElements * The candidate clickable elements. */ public void preStateCrawling() { String filename = getOutputFolder() + FUNCTIONTRACEDIRECTORY + "jstrace-"; DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); Date date = new Date(); filename += dateFormat.format(date) + ".dtrace"; try {"Reading execution trace");"Parsing JavaScript execution trace"); // session.getBrowser().executeJavaScript("sendReally();"); Thread.sleep(ONE_SEC);"Saved execution trace as " + filename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Wrtie the story object to a JSON file on disk. */ public static void writeStoryToDisk() { mapper.setVisibilityChecker(VisibilityChecker.Std.defaultInstance().withFieldVisibility(Visibility.ANY)); mapper.disable(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS); mapper.disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES); // to allow coercion of JSON empty String ("") to null Object value: mapper.enable(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL_OBJECT); mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT); try { Helper.directoryCheck(Helper.addFolderSlashIfNeeded("captured_stories")); mapper.writeValue(new File("captured_stories/story"/*," + theTime*/ + ".json"), story); } catch (JsonGenerationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Get a list with all trace files in the executiontracedirectory. * * @return The list. */ public List<String> allTraceFiles() { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); /* find all trace files in the trace directory */ File dir = new File(getOutputFolder() + FUNCTIONTRACEDIRECTORY); String[] files = dir.list(); if (files == null) { return result; } for (String file : files) { if (file.endsWith(".dtrace")) { result.add(getOutputFolder() + FUNCTIONTRACEDIRECTORY + file); } } return result; } public static void postCrawling() { try { // Add closing bracket PrintStream oldOut = System.out; System.setOut(output); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("}"); System.setOut(oldOut); /* close the output file */ output.close(); extraxtTraceObjects(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method parses the JSON file containing the trace objects and extracts the objects */ public static void extraxtTraceObjects() { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // Register the module that serializes the Guava Multimap mapper.registerModule(new GuavaModule()); Multimap<String, TraceObject> traceMap = mapper.<Multimap<String, TraceObject>>readValue( new File("clematis-output/ftrace/function.trace"), new TypeReference<TreeMultimap<String, TraceObject>>() { }); Collection<TraceObject> timingTraces = traceMap.get("TimingTrace"); Collection<TraceObject> domEventTraces = traceMap.get("DOMEventTrace"); Collection<TraceObject> XHRTraces = traceMap.get("XHRTrace"); Collection<TraceObject> functionTraces = traceMap.get("FunctionTrace"); Iterator<TraceObject> it3 = domEventTraces.iterator(); TraceObject next2; ArrayList<TraceObject> removeus = new ArrayList<TraceObject>(); /** while (it3.hasNext()) { next2 =; if (next2 instanceof DOMEventTrace && (((DOMEventTrace) next2).getEventType().equals("mouseover") || (((DOMEventTrace) next2).getEventType().equals("mousemove")) || (((DOMEventTrace) next2).getEventType().equals("mouseout")) || (((DOMEventTrace) next2).getEventType().equals("mousedown")) || (((DOMEventTrace) next2).getEventType().equals("mouseup")))) { removeus.add(next2); } }*/ domEventTraces.removeAll(removeus); story = new Story(domEventTraces, functionTraces, timingTraces, XHRTraces); story.setOrderedTraceList(sortTraceObjects()); System.out.println(timingTraces.size()); Iterator<TraceObject> it = timingTraces.iterator(); TraceObject next; while (it.hasNext()) { next =; System.out.println("======="); System.out.println(next.getCounter()); } /* * ArrayList<TraceObject> bookmarkTraceObjects = new ArrayList<TraceObject>(); for * (TraceObject to : story.getOrderedTraceList()) { if (to instanceof DOMEventTrace) { * if (((DOMEventTrace)to).getEventType().equals("_BOOKMARK_")) { * bookmarkTraceObjects.add(to); * System.out.println("&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"); } } } */ story.setEpisodes(buildEpisodes()); ArrayList<Episode> ss = story.getEpisodes(); Iterator<Episode> it2 = ss.iterator(); System.out.println("hhhmmm"); while (it2.hasNext()) { System.out.println("--------"); System.out.println(; } System.out.println("# of trace objects: " + story.getOrderedTraceList().size()); System.out.println("# of episodes: " + story.getEpisodes().size()); /* * for (int i = 0; i < story.getEpisodes().size(); i ++) { Episode episode = * story.getEpisodes().get(i); if (episode.getSource() instanceof DOMEventTrace) { * DOMEventTrace source = (DOMEventTrace)episode.getSource(); * if(source.getTargetElement().contains("bookmarkButton")) { * System.out.println("***********"); if (i + 1 < story.getEpisodes().size()) { * story.getEpisodes().get(i).getSource().setIsBookmarked(true); // move isbookmarked to * episode System.out.println("* " + story.getEpisodes().get(i).getSource().toString()); * } } } } */ /* * for (int i = 0; i < story.getEpisodes().size(); i ++) { Episode episode = * story.getEpisodes().get(i); ArrayList<TraceObject> bookmarkObjects = new * ArrayList<TraceObject>(); for (int j = 0; j < episode.getTrace().getTrace().size(); j * ++) { if (episode.getTrace().getTrace().get(j) instanceof DOMEventTrace) { * DOMEventTrace domEventTrace = (DOMEventTrace)episode.getTrace().getTrace().get(j); if * (domEventTrace.getEventType().equals("_BOOKMARK_")) { * bookmarkObjects.add(domEventTrace); System.out.println("bookmark"); if (i + 1 < * story.getEpisodes().size()) { story.getEpisodes().get(i + * 1).getSource().setIsBookmarked(true); } } } } * episode.getTrace().getTrace().removeAll(bookmarkObjects); } for (Episode e : * story.getEpisodes()) { boolean bookmarkNextEpisode = false; // if * (e.getSource().getIsBookmarked()) System.out.println("============ " + * e.getSource().getIsBookmarked()); for (TraceObject to : e.getTrace().getTrace()) { if * (to instanceof DOMEventTrace) { if * (((DOMEventTrace)to).getEventType().equals("_BOOKMARK_")) * System.out.println("bookmark"); } } } */ /* * for (Episode episode : story.getEpisodes()) { if (episode.getSource() instanceof * DOMEventTrace) { if * (((DOMEventTrace)episode.getSource()).getTargetElement().contains("bookmarkButton")) * { System.out.print("**** " + ((DOMEventTrace)episode.getSource()).getEventType() + * " * "); } System.out.println("---- " + * ((DOMEventTrace)episode.getSource()).getTargetElement()); } } */// TODO TODO TODO project specific for photo gallery. eliminate unwanted episodes story.removeUselessEpisodes(); ss = story.getEpisodes(); it2 = ss.iterator(); System.out.println("hhhmmm2"); while (it2.hasNext()) { System.out.println("--------"); System.out.println(; } ArrayList<Episode> bookmarkEpisodes = new ArrayList<Episode>(); for (int i = 0; i < story.getEpisodes().size(); i++) { Episode episode = story.getEpisodes().get(i); if (episode.getSource() instanceof DOMEventTrace) { DOMEventTrace source = (DOMEventTrace) episode.getSource(); if (source.getTargetElement().contains("bookmarkButton")) { bookmarkEpisodes.add(episode); if (i + 1 < story.getEpisodes().size()) { story.getEpisodes().get(i + 1).setIsBookmarked(true); // story.getEpisodes().get(i).getSource().setIsBookmarked(true); // move // isbookmarked to episode System.out.println("* episode # " + (i + 1) + " bookmarked"); } } } } story.removeUselessEpisodes(bookmarkEpisodes); // story.removeToolbarEpisodes(); System.out.println("# of episodes after trimming: " + story.getEpisodes().size()); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE,d,MMM,HH-mm"); Date date = new Date(); System.out.println(dateFormat.format(date)); // dateFormat.format(date).toString() theTime = new String(dateFormat.format(date).toString()); System.out.println(theTime); // JavaScript episodes for JSUML2 Helper.directoryCheck(outputFolder + "/sequence_diagrams/"); PrintStream JSepisodes = new PrintStream(outputFolder + "/sequence_diagrams/allEpisodes.js"); for (Episode e : story.getEpisodes()) { // Create pic files for each episode's sequence diagram designSequenceDiagram(e, JSepisodes); } // Once all episodes have been saved to JS file, close JSepisodes.close(); // Create graph containing all episodes with embedded sequence diagrams EpisodeGraph eg = new EpisodeGraph(getOutputFolder(), story.getEpisodes()); eg.createGraph(); writeStoryToDisk(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void designSequenceDiagram(Episode e, PrintStream jSepisodes) { // Given an episode (source, trace included), a pic file will be created // in clematis-output/ftrace/sequence_diagrams /* * SequenceDiagram sd = new SequenceDiagram(getOutputFolder(), e); sd.createComponents(); * sd.createMessages(); sd.close(); */ try { JSUml2Story jsu2story = new JSUml2Story(jSepisodes, e); jsu2story.createComponents(); jsu2story.createMessages(); jsu2story.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { System.out.println("Error initializing print stream for allEpisodes.js"); e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e2) { System.out.println("IOException while printing episodes to JS."); e2.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method sorts all four groups of trace objects into one ordered list of trace objects */ private static ArrayList<TraceObject> sortTraceObjects() { ArrayList<TraceObject> sortedTrace = new ArrayList<TraceObject>(); ArrayList<Collection<TraceObject>> allCollections = new ArrayList<Collection<TraceObject>>(); if (story.getDomEventTraces().size() > 0) { allCollections.add(story.getDomEventTraces()); } if (story.getFunctionTraces().size() > 0) { allCollections.add(story.getFunctionTraces()); } if (story.getTimingTraces().size() > 0) { allCollections.add(story.getTimingTraces()); } if (story.getXhrTraces().size() > 0) { allCollections.add(story.getXhrTraces()); } if (allCollections.size() == 0) { System.out.println("No log"); return null; } ArrayList<Integer> currentIndexInCollection = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < allCollections.size(); i++) currentIndexInCollection.add(0); while (true) { int currentMinArray = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allCollections.size(); i++) { TraceObject traceObj = Iterables.get(allCollections.get(i), currentIndexInCollection.get(i)); TraceObject currObj = Iterables.get(allCollections.get(currentMinArray), currentIndexInCollection.get(currentMinArray)); if (traceObj.getCounter() < currObj.getCounter()) currentMinArray = i; } sortedTrace.add(Iterables.get(allCollections.get(currentMinArray), currentIndexInCollection.get(currentMinArray))); currentIndexInCollection.set(currentMinArray, currentIndexInCollection.get(currentMinArray) + 1); if (currentIndexInCollection.get(currentMinArray) >= allCollections.get(currentMinArray).size()) { allCollections.remove(currentMinArray); currentIndexInCollection.remove(currentMinArray); if (allCollections.size() == 0) break; } } return sortedTrace; } private static ArrayList<Episode> buildEpisodes() { ArrayList<Episode> episodes = new ArrayList<Episode>(); int i, j, previousEpisodeEnd = 0; if (story == null) return episodes; for (i = 0; i < story.getOrderedTraceList().size(); i++) { // Iterate through all TraceObjects and identify episodes TraceObject sourceTraceObj = story.getOrderedTraceList().get(i); if (sourceTraceObj.isEpisodeSource()) { // && !(sourceTraceObj.getClass().toString().contains("TimeoutCallback")) // && !(sourceTraceObj.getClass().toString().contains("XMLHttpRequestResponse"))) { // Simple case // If the TraceObject is the beginning of an episode // i.e. DOMEvent, XHRRequest, create an episode Episode episode = new Episode(sourceTraceObj); for (j = i + 1; j < story.getOrderedTraceList().size(); j++) { // Go through the succeeding TraceObjects looking for the // end of the episode (as indicated by another episode starter // (DOMEvent, TimingEvent, etc.) TraceObject currentTraceObj = story.getOrderedTraceList().get(j); if (Math.abs(currentTraceObj.getTimeStamp() - sourceTraceObj.getTimeStamp()) < 120 || Math.abs(story.getOrderedTraceList().get(j - 1).getTimeStamp() - currentTraceObj.getTimeStamp()) < 5) { // If the succeeding TraceObject is not the beginning of // another episode, add it to the current episode episode.addToTrace(currentTraceObj); } else { // End of current episode, break out of inner-loop break; } } // Add the newly created episode to the list of episodes episodes.add(episode); // Update i to the end of the newly created episode i = j - 1; previousEpisodeEnd = i; } else if (sourceTraceObj.getClass().toString().contains("TimeoutCallback") || sourceTraceObj.getClass().toString().contains("XMLHttpRequestResponse")) { // Special case // TimeoutCallback is triggered after the callback function // of a timeout has completed. Therefore, have to search backwards in // Episode. // e.g. FunctionEnter -> FunctionEnter -> FuntionExit -> FunctionExit -> // TimeoutCallback // As opposed to DOMEvent: // DOMEvent -> FunctionEnter -> FunctionEnter -> FuntionExit -> FunctionExit Episode episode = new Episode(sourceTraceObj); for (j = previousEpisodeEnd + 1; j < i; j++) { // Iterate from end of last episode to this TimeoutCallback TraceObject currentTraceObj = story.getOrderedTraceList().get(j); episode.addToTrace(currentTraceObj); } // Add the newly created episode to the list of episodes episodes.add(episode); previousEpisodeEnd = i; } } return episodes; } /** * @return Name of the file. */ public static String getFilename() { return traceFilename; } public static String getOutputFolder() { return Helper.addFolderSlashIfNeeded(outputFolder); } public void setOutputFolder(String absolutePath) { outputFolder = absolutePath; } /** * Dirty way to save program points from the proxy request threads. TODO: Frank, find cleaner * way. * * @param string * The JSON-text to save. */ public static void addPoint(String string) { JSONArray buffer = null; JSONObject targetAttributes = null; JSONObject targetElement = null; String JSONLabel = new String(); int i; try { /* save the current System.out for later usage */ PrintStream oldOut = System.out; /* redirect it to the file */ System.setOut(output); buffer = new JSONArray(string); for (i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) { if (points.length() > 0) { // Add comma after previous trace object System.out.println(","); } points.put(buffer.getJSONObject(i)); if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("args") && ((String) buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("messageType")).contains("FUNCTION_ENTER")) { try { JSONArray args = (JSONArray) buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("args"); String newValue = args.toString(); buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("args"); buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("args", newValue); } catch (JSONException jse) { // argument is not a JSON object continue; } } if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("returnValue") && !buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("returnValue").getClass().toString().contains("Null")) { try { JSONObject rv = (JSONObject) buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("returnValue"); String newValue = rv.toString(); buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("returnValue"); buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("returnValue", newValue); } catch (JSONException jse) { // argument is not a JSON object continue; } } if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("targetElement")) { JSONArray extractedArray = new JSONArray( buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("targetElement").toString()); try { targetAttributes = extractedArray.getJSONObject(1); String targetType = extractedArray.get(0).toString(); targetElement = new JSONObject("{\"elementType\":\"" + targetType + "\",\"attributes\":" + targetAttributes.toString() + "}"); } catch (Exception e) { // targetElement is not usual DOM element // E.g. DOMContentLoaded if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("eventType") && buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("eventType").toString().contains("ContentLoaded")) { targetElement = new JSONObject("{\"elementType\":\"DOCUMENT\",\"attributes\":\"-\"}"); } else { targetElement = new JSONObject("{\"elementType\":\"UNKNOWN\",\"attributes\":\"-\"}"); } } buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("targetElement"); buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("targetElement", targetElement.toString()); } // Insert @class key for Jackson mapping if (buffer.getJSONObject(i).has("messageType")) { String mType = buffer.getJSONObject(i).get("messageType").toString(); // Maybe better to change mType to ENUM and use switch // instead of 'if's if (mType.contains("FUNCTION_CALL")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionCall"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("FUNCTION_ENTER")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionEnter"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("FUNCTION_EXIT")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionExit"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("RETURN_STATEMENT")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.FunctionReturnStatement"); JSONLabel = "\"FunctionTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("DOM_EVENT")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.DOMEventTrace"); JSONLabel = "\"DOMEventTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("DOM_MUTATION")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.DOMMutationTrace"); JSONLabel = "\"DOMEventTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("DOM_ELEMENT_VALUE")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.DOMElementValueTrace"); JSONLabel = "\"DOMEventTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("TIMEOUT_SET")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.TimeoutSet"); JSONLabel = "\"TimingTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("TIMEOUT_CALLBACK")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.TimeoutCallback"); JSONLabel = "\"TimingTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("XHR_OPEN")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.XMLHttpRequestOpen"); JSONLabel = "\"XHRTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("XHR_SEND")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.XMLHttpRequestSend"); JSONLabel = "\"XHRTrace\":"; } else if (mType.contains("XHR_RESPONSE")) { buffer.getJSONObject(i).put("@class", "com.clematis.core.trace.XMLHttpRequestResponse"); JSONLabel = "\"XHRTrace\":"; } // messageType obsolete buffer.getJSONObject(i).remove("messageType"); } System.out.print(JSONLabel + "[" + buffer.getJSONObject(i).toString(2) + "]"); } /* Restore the old system.out */ System.setOut(oldOut); if (i > 0) { counter = buffer.getJSONObject(buffer.length() - 1).getInt("counter") + 1; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static int getCounter() { return counter; } }