List of usage examples for java.lang System setOut
public static void setOut(PrintStream out)
From source
private static void runCount(String path, long dirs, long files, FsShell shell) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(bytes); PrintStream oldOut = System.out; System.setOut(out); Scanner in = null;/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ String results = null; try { runCmd(shell, "-count", path); results = bytes.toString(); in = new Scanner(results); assertEquals(dirs, in.nextLong()); assertEquals(files, in.nextLong()); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } IOUtils.closeStream(out); System.setOut(oldOut); System.out.println("results:\n" + results); } }
From source
public static void redirectOutput(String file) throws Exception { System.out.println("Redirect output to " + file); FileOutputStream workerOut = new FileOutputStream(new File(file)); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(workerOut), true); System.setOut(ps); System.setErr(ps);//from w ww . ja v a 2s . co m"Successfully redirect System.out to " + file); }
From source
@Cover(classes = Connector.class, concept = BPMNConcept.CONNECTOR, keywords = { "Connector", "Missing class connector", "Process instance" }, story = "Execute connector with missing class on process instance.", jira = "") @Test//w w w.j a va 2s . com public void executeMissingClassConnectorOnProcessInstance() throws Exception { final PrintStream stdout = System.out; final ByteArrayOutputStream myOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(myOut)); try { final ProcessDefinitionBuilder processDefBuilder = new ProcessDefinitionBuilder() .createNewInstance("executeConnectorOnActivityInstance", "1.0"); processDefBuilder.addActor(ACTOR_NAME).addUserTask("step1", ACTOR_NAME).addConnector( "UnkownClassConnector", "unkownClassConnectorDef", "1.0.0", ConnectorEvent.ON_ENTER); final BusinessArchiveBuilder businessArchiveBuilder = new BusinessArchiveBuilder() .createNewBusinessArchive().setProcessDefinition(processDefBuilder.done()); businessArchiveBuilder.addConnectorImplementation( new BarResource("UnknownClassConnector.impl", IOUtils.toByteArray(BPMRemoteTests.class .getResourceAsStream("/org/bonitasoft/engine/connectors/UnknownClassConnector.impl")))); final ProcessDefinition processDefinition = deployAndEnableProcessWithActor( businessArchiveBuilder.done(), ACTOR_NAME, user); final ProcessInstance processInstance = getProcessAPI().startProcess(processDefinition.getId()); waitForFlowNodeInFailedState(processInstance, "step1"); disableAndDeleteProcess(processDefinition); } finally { System.setOut(stdout); } final String logs = myOut.toString(); System.out.println(logs); assertTrue("should have written in logs an exception", logs.contains("SConnectorException")); assertTrue("should have written in logs an exception", logs.contains("org.unknown.MyUnknownClass")); }
From source
public static void main(final String[] argv) throws FileNotFoundException { System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("UTreeSearch.log")))); final MersenneTwister rng = new MersenneTwister(44); final double c = 100.0; final int Ngames = 1; final int Nepisodes = 2 << 11; final int split_threshold = 2 << 9; final int top_actions = 2; final double size_regularization = 1; // final ChainWalk cw = new ChainWalk( 2, 0.2, 10 ); // final ChainWalk.Simulator sim = Simulator( State() ); // final ChainWalk.ActionGen action_gen = ActionGen( rng ); // final UTreeSearch<ChainWalk.State, ChainWalk.Action> ut // = new UTreeSearch<ChainWalk.State, ChainWalk.Action>( // ResetAdapter.of( sim ), new ChainWalk.IdentityRepresenter(), // SingleAgentJointActionGenerator.create( action_gen ), c, Nepisodes, // getChainWalkEvaluator( rng, action_gen.create() ), // new DefaultMctsVisitor<ChainWalk.State, ChainWalk.Action>() ); //; // for( int i = 0; i < Ngames; ++i ) { // final FuelWorldState fw = FuelWorldState.createDefaultWithChoices( rng ); // final FuelWorldSimulator sim = new FuelWorldSimulator( fw ); // final FuelWorldActionGenerator action_gen = new FuelWorldActionGenerator(); ///*w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ // while( !fw.isTerminal() ) { // final UTreeSearch<FuelWorldState, FuelWorldAction> ut // = new UTreeSearch<FuelWorldState, FuelWorldAction>( // ResetAdapter.of( sim ), new PrimitiveFuelWorldRepresenter(), // SingleAgentJointActionGenerator.create( action_gen ), c, Nepisodes, // getFuelWorldEvaluator( rng, action_gen.create() ), // new DefaultMctsVisitor<FuelWorldState, FuelWorldAction>(), // split_threshold, top_actions, size_regularization ); // //; // // final JointAction<FuelWorldAction> astar = BackupRules.MaxAction( ut.root() ).a(); // System.out.println( astar ); // System.out.println( "********************" ); // sim.takeAction( astar ); // // break; // } // } // final int L = 3; // final int W = 4; // final int F = 2; // for( int i = 0; i < Ngames; ++i ) { // final CliffWorld.State s = new CliffWorld.State( L, W, F ); // final CliffWorld.Simulator sim = new CliffWorld.Simulator( s, rng ); // final CliffWorld.Actions actions = new CliffWorld.Actions( rng ); // // int t = 0; // while( !s.isTerminal() ) { // final UTreeSearch<CliffWorld.State, CliffWorld.Action> ut // = new UTreeSearch<CliffWorld.State, CliffWorld.Action>( // ResetAdapter.of( sim ), new CliffWorld.PrimitiveRepresenter(), // SingleAgentJointActionGenerator.create( actions ), c, Nepisodes, // getEvaluator( rng, actions.create() ), // new DefaultMctsVisitor<CliffWorld.State, CliffWorld.Action>(), // split_threshold, top_actions, size_regularization ); // //; // // // final JointAction<CliffWorld.Action> astar = BackupRules.MaxAction( ut.root() ).a(); // System.out.println( astar ); // System.out.println( "********************" ); // sim.takeAction( astar ); // // System.out.println( "****************************************" ); // System.out.println( "** Final tree **************************" ); // ut.root().accept( new TreePrinter<CliffWorld.State, CliffWorld.Action>( 8 ) ); // System.out.println( "----------------------------------------" ); // // if( t++ == 1 ) { // break; // } // } // } final int Nother_taxis = 1; final double slip = 0.2; for (int i = 0; i < Ngames; ++i) { final TaxiState s = TaxiWorlds.dietterich2000(rng, Nother_taxis, slip); final TaxiSimulator sim = new TaxiSimulator(rng, s, slip, 40); final TaxiActionGenerator actions = new TaxiActionGenerator(); int t = 0; while (!s.isTerminal()) { final UTreeSearch<TaxiState, TaxiAction> ut = new UTreeSearch<TaxiState, TaxiAction>( ResetAdapter.of(sim), new PrimitiveTaxiRepresenter(s), SingleAgentJointActionGenerator.create(actions), c, Nepisodes, getEvaluator(rng, actions.create()), new DefaultMctsVisitor<TaxiState, TaxiAction>(), split_threshold, top_actions, size_regularization);; final JointAction<TaxiAction> astar = BackupRules.MaxAction(ut.root()).a(); System.out.println(astar); System.out.println("********************"); sim.takeAction(astar); System.out.println("****************************************"); System.out.println("** Final tree **************************"); ut.root().accept(new TreePrinter<TaxiState, TaxiAction>(8)); System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); if (t++ == 10) { break; } } } }
From source
/** * Created and shows the console window and redirects System.out and * System.err to it.//from ww w . jav a 2 */ private void initConsoleWindow() { frameConsoleWindow = new JFrame(String.format("%s Console Window", this.VERSION_STRING)); // frameConsoleWindow.setResizable( false ); consoleWindowTextArea = new JTextArea(); consoleWindowTextArea.setLineWrap(true); consoleWindowTextArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); final int centerX = (int) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getWidth() / 2; final int centerY = (int) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight() / 2; frameConsoleWindow.setBounds(centerX - GUI_CONSOLE_WIDTH / 2, centerY - GUI_HEIGHT / 2, GUI_CONSOLE_WIDTH, GUI_HEIGHT); final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(consoleWindowTextArea); // scrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER ); scrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 15, 0, 0)); frameConsoleWindow.getContentPane().add(scrollPane); final OutputStream out = new OutputStream() { private final PrintStream original = new PrintStream(System.out); @Override public void write(final int b) throws IOException { updateConsoleTextArea(String.valueOf((char) b)); original.print(String.valueOf((char) b)); } @Override public void write(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException { updateConsoleTextArea(new String(b, off, len)); original.print(new String(b, off, len)); } @Override public void write(final byte[] b) throws IOException { write(b, 0, b.length); } }; final OutputStream err = new OutputStream() { private final PrintStream original = new PrintStream(System.out); @Override public void write(final int b) throws IOException { updateConsoleTextArea(String.valueOf((char) b)); original.print(String.valueOf((char) b)); } @Override public void write(final byte[] b, final int off, final int len) throws IOException { updateConsoleTextArea(new String(b, off, len)); original.print(new String(b, off, len)); } @Override public void write(final byte[] b) throws IOException { write(b, 0, b.length); } }; System.setOut(new PrintStream(out, true)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(err, true)); }
From source
static String execCmd(FsShell shell, String... args) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream baout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(baout, true); PrintStream old = System.out; System.setOut(out);;/*from ww w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ out.close(); System.setOut(old); return baout.toString(); }
From source
private void redirectOutputs(Properties bootProp) { if (this.redirectedOutputs) { return;/* w ww.j a va 2 s. co m*/ } this.redirectedOutputs = true; try { System.setErr(newLogStream("SystemErr", bootProp)); System.setOut(newLogStream("SystemOut", bootProp)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(SYSTEM_ERR); } }
From source
/** * Don't use the output of this thing unless you really really have to * stdout can change a lot/*from w w w . j av a 2s .c om*/ * @param params * @return */ protected String launchAndCaptureOutput(String[] params) { ByteArrayOutputStream testOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(testOut)); launchPlugin(params); String redirected = testOut.toString(); System.setOut(System.out); return redirected; }
From source
/** * <b>Query 4.2</b><br/> * This function is supposed to <b>SET</b> the DataSet Metrics, or Parameter * Values for the Variables that are passed in via the input/output maps as * part of details.<br/>//www.j av a 2s.c om * Variables will already be bound to dataObjects, so the function will have * to do something like the following : * * <pre> * If Variable.isParameterVariable() Variable.setParameterValue(value) * If Variable.isDataVariable() Variable.getDataObjectBinding().setDataMetrics(xml) * </pre> * * @param details * A ComponentDetails Object which contains: * <ul> * <li>component, * <li>maps of component input arguments to template variables, * <li>maps of component output arguments to template variables, * <li>template variable descriptions (dods) - list of triples * </ul> * @return List of extra template variable descriptions (will mostly be * empty in Q4.2 though) */ public ArrayList<ComponentPacket> findOutputDataPredictedDescriptions(ComponentPacket details) { ArrayList<ComponentPacket> list = new ArrayList<ComponentPacket>(); HashMap<String, KBObject> omap = this.objPropMap; HashMap<String, KBObject> dmap = this.dataPropMap; // If the component has no rules, then simplify !! // Extract info from details object ComponentVariable c = details.getComponent(); HashMap<String, Variable> sRoleMap = details.getStringRoleMaps(); HashMap<String, Boolean> noParamBindings = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); ArrayList<KBTriple> redbox = details.getRequirements(); Component comp = this.getCachedComponent(c.getBinding().getID()); if (comp == null) { logger.debug(c.getBinding().getID() + " is not a valid component"); details.addExplanations(c.getBinding().getID() + " is not a valid component"); details.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(details); return list; } c.setRequirements(comp.getComponentRequirement()); boolean typesOk = true; // Set default parameter values (if not already set) // - Also recheck type compatibility ArrayList<String> inputRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentRole role : comp.getInputs()) { inputRoles.add(role.getRoleName()); Variable v = sRoleMap.get(role.getRoleName()); if (role.isParam()) { if (v.getBinding() == null) { v.setBinding(new ValueBinding(role.getParamDefaultalue())); noParamBindings.put(v.getID(), true); } else if (v.getBinding().getValue() == null) { v.getBinding().setValue(role.getParamDefaultalue()); noParamBindings.put(v.getID(), true); } } else { ArrayList<String> varclassids = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Metric> vartypes = v.getBinding().getMetrics().getMetrics().get(KBUtils.RDF + "type"); if (vartypes != null) { for (Metric m : vartypes) { varclassids.add(m.getValueAsString()); } // Check type compatibility of roles if (!checkTypeCompatibility(varclassids, role.getID())) { details.addExplanations("INFO " + comp + " is not selectable because " + role.getID() + " is not type compatible with variable binding: " + v.getBinding()); typesOk = false; break; } } } } details.setInputRoles(inputRoles); if (!typesOk) { details.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(details); return list; } if (!comp.hasRules()) { // No rules. Just set default parameter values (if not already set) list.add(details); return list; } // Create a new temporary KB store to run rules on KBAPI tkb = this.ontologyFactory.getKB(OntSpec.PLAIN); KBObject compobj = this.kb.getIndividual(comp.getID()); // Add component to the temporary KB store (add all its classes // explicitly) KBObject tcomp = this.copyObjectIntoKB(comp.getID(), compobj, tkb, this.pcdomns, null, false); // Keep a map of variable object to variable name HashMap<Variable, String> variableNameMap = new HashMap<Variable, String>(); for (String rolestr : sRoleMap.keySet()) { Variable var = sRoleMap.get(rolestr); // Map template variable to a temporary variable for running rules // - Reason is that the same variable may be used in multiple roles // and we want to distinguish them String variableName = var.getID() + "_" + rolestr; variableNameMap.put(var, variableName); } // Add the information from redbox to the temporary KB store // Cache varid to varobj HashMap<String, KBObject> varIDObjMap = new HashMap<String, KBObject>(); for (Variable var : sRoleMap.values()) { KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(variableNameMap.get(var)); varIDObjMap.put(var.getID(), varobj); } // Add information from redbox for (KBTriple t : redbox) { KBObject subj = varIDObjMap.get(t.getSubject().getID()); KBObject obj = varIDObjMap.get(t.getObject().getID()); if (subj == null) subj = t.getSubject(); if (obj == null) obj = t.getObject(); tkb.addTriple(subj, t.getPredicate(), obj); } // Get a mapping of ArgID's to arg for the Component // Also note which roles are inputs HashMap<String, ComponentRole> argMaps = new HashMap<String, ComponentRole>(); HashMap<String, Boolean> sInputRoles = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); for (ComponentRole role : comp.getInputs()) { argMaps.put(role.getRoleName(), role); sInputRoles.put(role.getRoleName(), true); } for (ComponentRole role : comp.getOutputs()) { argMaps.put(role.getRoleName(), role); } // Convert metrics to Property assertions in the Temporary KB for (String rolestr : sRoleMap.keySet()) { Variable var = sRoleMap.get(rolestr); ComponentRole arg = argMaps.get(rolestr); if (arg == null) { details.addExplanations("ERROR Component catalog cannot recognize role id " + rolestr); continue; } String variableName = variableNameMap.get(var); // Get a KBObject for the temporary variable KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(variableName); if (var.isDataVariable()) { // If the variable is a data variable (& is bound) if (var.getBinding() != null) { // Convert Metrics to PC properties in order to run rules Metrics metrics = var.getBinding().getMetrics(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Metric>> propValMap = metrics.getMetrics(); for (String propid : propValMap.keySet()) { for (Metric tmp : propValMap.get(propid)) { Object val = tmp.getValue(); String valstring = tmp.getValueAsString(); int type = tmp.getType(); String dtype = tmp.getDatatype(); KBObject metricProp = this.kb.getProperty(propid); if (metricProp != null) { //System.out.println(var.getName()+": " + propid + " = " +valstring); if (type == Metric.URI) { // Object Property KBObject valobj = this.kb.getResource(valstring); if (valobj == null) { // TODO: Log and explain (make a utility // function) details.addExplanations( "ERROR Cannot Recognize Metrics Value " + valstring); continue; } // Copy over the object class into kb as well // (except where the object itself is a class) if (!metricProp.getID().equals(KBUtils.RDF + "type")) { valobj = this.copyObjectIntoKB(valobj.getID(), valobj, tkb, null, null, true); // Remove any existing values first for (KBTriple t : tkb.genericTripleQuery(varobj, metricProp, null)) tkb.removeTriple(t); } // Add a Triple for the metric property value tkb.addTriple(varobj, metricProp, valobj); } else if (type == Metric.LITERAL && val != null) { // Literal value KBObject tobj = dtype != null ? tkb.createXSDLiteral(valstring, dtype) : tkb.createLiteral(val); if (tobj != null) { // Remove any existing values first for (KBTriple t : tkb.genericTripleQuery(varobj, metricProp, null)) tkb.removeTriple(t); // Add a Triple for the metric propertyvalue tkb.addTriple(varobj, metricProp, tobj); } else { details.addExplanations("ERROR Cannot Convert Metrics Value " + valstring); continue; } } } else { // TODO: Log and explain (make a utility function) details.addExplanations( "ERROR No Such Metrics Property Known to Component Catalog : " + propid); continue; } } } // Create other standard PC properties on variable // - hasDimensionSizes // - hasBindingID if (var.getBinding().isSet()) { String dimensionSizes = ""; ArrayList<Binding> vbs = new ArrayList<Binding>(); vbs.add(var.getBinding()); while (!vbs.isEmpty()) { Binding vb = vbs.remove(0); if (vb.isSet()) { for (WingsSet vs : vb) { vbs.add((Binding) vs); } if (!dimensionSizes.equals("")) dimensionSizes += ","; dimensionSizes += vb.getSize(); } } tkb.setPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasDimensionSizes"), tkb.createLiteral(dimensionSizes)); } if (var.getBinding().getID() != null) tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral(var.getBinding().getName())); else tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral("")); // end if (var.getDataBinding() != null) } // end if (var.isDataVariable()) } else if (var.isParameterVariable()) { // If the Variable/Argument is a Parameter ValueBinding parambinding = (ValueBinding) var.getBinding(); if (parambinding != null && parambinding.getValue() != null) { // If the template has any value specified, use that instead //arg_value = tkb.createLiteral(var.getBinding().getValue()); KBObject arg_value = tkb.createXSDLiteral(parambinding.getValueAsString(), parambinding.getDatatype()); tkb.setPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasValue"), arg_value); } if (dmap.containsKey("hasBindingID")) // Set the hasBindingID term tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasBindingID"), tkb.createLiteral("Param" + arg.getName())); } // Copy argument classes from Catalog as classes for the temporary // variable in the temporary kb store KBObject argobj = kb.getIndividual(arg.getID()); this.copyObjectClassesIntoKB(varobj.getID(), argobj, tkb, null, null, true); // Set the temporary variable's argumentID so rules can get/set // triples based on the argument tkb.addTriple(varobj, dmap.get("hasArgumentID"), tkb.createLiteral(rolestr)); // Set hasInput or hasOutput for the temporary Variable if (sInputRoles.containsKey(rolestr)) { tkb.addTriple(tcomp, omap.get("hasInput"), varobj); } else { tkb.addTriple(tcomp, omap.get("hasOutput"), varobj); } // end of for (String rolestr : sRoleMap.keySet()) } // Add all metrics and datametrics properties to temporary store tkb.addTriples(metricTriples); // Set current output variable metrics to do a diff with later for (String rolestr : sRoleMap.keySet()) { Variable var = sRoleMap.get(rolestr); if (var.isDataVariable() && !sInputRoles.containsKey(rolestr)) { Metrics metrics = new Metrics(); KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(variableNameMap.get(var)); // Create Metrics from PC Properties for (KBObject metricProp : metricProps) { KBObject val = tkb.getPropertyValue(varobj, metricProp); if (val == null) continue; // Add value if (val.isLiteral()) metrics.addMetric(metricProp.getID(), new Metric(Metric.LITERAL, val.getValue(), val.getDataType())); else metrics.addMetric(metricProp.getID(), new Metric(Metric.URI, val.getID())); } var.getBinding().setMetrics(metrics); } } KBRuleList rules = this.getCachedComponentRules(comp); if (rules.getRules().size() > 0) { // Redirect Standard output to a byte stream ByteArrayOutputStream bost = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream oldout = System.out; System.setOut(new PrintStream(bost, true)); // *** Run propagation rules on the temporary ontmodel *** tkb.setRulePrefixes(this.rulePrefixes); tkb.applyRules(rules); //tkb.applyRulesFromString(allrules); // Add printouts from rules as explanations if (!bost.toString().equals("")) { for (String exp : bost.toString().split("\\n")) { details.addExplanations(exp); } } // Reset the Standard output System.setOut(oldout); } // Check if the rules marked this component as invalid for // the current component details packet KBObject invalidProp = this.dataPropMap.get("isInvalid"); KBObject isInvalid = tkb.getPropertyValue(tcomp, invalidProp); if (isInvalid != null && (Boolean) isInvalid.getValue()) { details.addExplanations("INFO " + tcomp + " is not valid for its inputs"); logger.debug(tcomp + " is not valid for its inputs"); details.setInvalidFlag(true); list.add(details); return list; } // Check component dependencies // If set, overwrite the component dependencies with these ComponentRequirement req = this.getComponentRequirements(tcomp, tkb); if (req != null) { if (req.getMemoryGB() != 0) c.getRequirements().setMemoryGB(req.getMemoryGB()); if (req.getStorageGB() != 0) c.getRequirements().setStorageGB(req.getStorageGB()); } // Set values of variables by looking at values set by rules // in temporary kb store // - Only set if there isn't already a binding value for the variable for (Variable var : sRoleMap.values()) { if (var.isParameterVariable() && (noParamBindings.containsKey(var.getID()) || var.getBinding() == null || var.getBinding().getValue() == null)) { KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(variableNameMap.get(var)); KBObject origvarobj = tkb.getResource(var.getID()); KBObject val = tkb.getPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasValue")); if (val != null && val.getValue() != null) { tkb.addTriple(origvarobj, tkb.getResource(this.wflowns + "hasParameterValue"), val); var.setBinding(new ValueBinding(val.getValue(), val.getDataType())); } } } // To create the output Variable metrics, we go through the metrics // property of the output data variables and get their metrics property // values for (String rolestr : sRoleMap.keySet()) { Variable var = sRoleMap.get(rolestr); if (var.isDataVariable() && !sInputRoles.containsKey(rolestr)) { Metrics curmetrics = var.getBinding().getMetrics(); Metrics metrics = new Metrics(); KBObject varobj = tkb.getResource(variableNameMap.get(var)); // Create Metrics from PC Properties for (KBObject metricProp : metricProps) { ArrayList<KBObject> vals = tkb.getPropertyValues(varobj, metricProp); if (vals == null) continue; for (KBObject val : vals) { if (vals.size() > 1) { if (!curmetrics.getMetrics().containsKey(metricProp.getID())) continue; // If multiple values present, ignore value that is equal to current value for (Metric mval : curmetrics.getMetrics().get(metricProp.getID())) { if (!val.isLiteral() && val.getID().equals(mval.getValue())) continue; else if (val.isLiteral() && val.getValue().equals(mval.getValue())) continue; } } // Add value if (val.isLiteral()) metrics.addMetric(metricProp.getID(), new Metric(Metric.LITERAL, val.getValue(), val.getDataType())); else metrics.addMetric(metricProp.getID(), new Metric(Metric.URI, val.getID())); } } ArrayList<KBObject> clses = this.getAllClassesOfInstance(tkb, varobj.getID()); for (KBObject cls : clses) metrics.addMetric(KBUtils.RDF + "type", new Metric(Metric.URI, cls.getID())); // Set metrics for the Binding if (var.getBinding() != null) var.getBinding().setMetrics(metrics); // -- Dealing with Collections -- // User other Properties for creating output binding collections // and setting the collection item metrics as well // PC Properties used: // - hasDimensionSizes // - hasDimensionIndexProperties int dim = 0; final int maxdims = 10; // not more than 10 dimensions int[] dimSizes = new int[maxdims]; String[] dimIndexProps = new String[maxdims]; KBObject dimSizesObj = tkb.getPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasDimensionSizes")); KBObject dimIndexPropsObj = tkb.getPropertyValue(varobj, dmap.get("hasDimensionIndexProperties")); // Parse dimension sizes string (can be given as a comma-separated list) // Example 2,3 // - This will create a 2x3 matrix if (dimSizesObj != null && dimSizesObj.getValue() != null) { if (dimSizesObj.getValue().getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Integer")) { dimSizes[0] = (Integer) dimSizesObj.getValue(); dim = 1; } else { String dimSizesStr = (String) dimSizesObj.getValue(); for (String dimSize : dimSizesStr.split(",")) { try { int size = Integer.parseInt(dimSize); dimSizes[dim] = size; dim++; } catch (Exception e) { } } } } // Parse dimension index string (can be given as a comma // separated list) // Example hasXIndex, hasYIndex // - This will set each output item's // - first dimension index using property hasXIndex // - second dimension index using property hasYIndex // Example output: // - output // - output0 (hasXIndex 0) // - output00 (hasXIndex 0, hasYIndex 0) // - output01 (hasXIndex 0, hasYIndex 1) // - output0 (hasXIndex 1) // - output10 (hasXIndex 1, hasYIndex 0) // - output11 (hasXIndex 1, hasYIndex 1) if (dimIndexPropsObj != null && dimIndexPropsObj.getValue() != null) { int xdim = 0; String dimIndexPropsStr = (String) dimIndexPropsObj.getValue(); for (String dimIndexProp : dimIndexPropsStr.split(",")) { try { dimIndexProps[xdim] = dimIndexProp; xdim++; } catch (Exception e) { } } } // If the output is a collection // dim = 1 is a List // dim = 2 is a Matrix // dim = 3 is a Cube // .. and so on if (dim > 0) { int[] dimCounters = new int[dim]; dimCounters[0] = 1; for (int k = 1; k < dim; k++) { int perms = 1; for (int l = k - 1; l >= 0; l--) perms *= dimSizes[l]; dimCounters[k] = dimCounters[k - 1] + perms; } Binding b = var.getBinding(); ArrayList<Binding> vbs = new ArrayList<Binding>(); vbs.add(b); int counter = 0; while (!vbs.isEmpty()) { Binding vb = vbs.remove(0); if (vb.getMetrics() == null) continue; int vdim = 0; for (vdim = 0; vdim < dim; vdim++) { if (counter < dimCounters[vdim]) break; } if (vdim < dim) { for (int i = 0; i < dimSizes[vdim]; i++) { Binding cvb = new Binding(b.getNamespace() + UuidGen.generateAUuid("" + i)); // Copy over metrics from parent variable binding Metrics tmpMetrics = new Metrics(vb.getMetrics()); // Add dimension index (if property set) String prop = dimIndexProps[vdim]; if (prop != null && !prop.equals("")) { Metric nm = new Metric(Metric.LITERAL, i, KBUtils.XSD + "integer"); tmpMetrics.addMetric(this.dcdomns + prop, nm); } cvb.setMetrics(tmpMetrics); vb.add(cvb); vbs.add(cvb); } } counter++; } } // end if(dim > 0) } } // FIXME: Handle multiple configurations list.add(details); return list; }
From source
/** * Fernflower converts JAR files to a zipped decompiled JAR file then * it unzips the JAR file./* w ww . ja v a2 s. com*/ */ private JSONObject fern_flower() {// m_srcFernFolder.mkdirs(); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler = new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { LogUtil.log(LogUtil.LogType.DECOMPILE, "Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + t.getName()); m_progressStream.putStream("Uncaught exception: " + e.toString()); } }; m_fern_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Save start time for tracking m_fernThread = new Thread(m_threadGroup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { File inputJarFile = null; String inputJarFileName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_dexFileNames.length; i++) { inputJarFileName = m_dexFileNames[i] + ".jar"; OmniFile inputJarOmniFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_appFolderPath + inputJarFileName); inputJarFile = inputJarOmniFile.getStdFile(); if (inputJarFile.exists() && inputJarFile.isFile()) { boolean success = true; try { m_progressStream.putStream("Fernflower starting: " + inputJarFileName); PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(m_progressStream); System.setErr(printStream); System.setOut(printStream); OmniFile fernLog = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath + "/" + m_dexFileNames[i] + "_log.txt"); PrintStream logStream = new PrintStream(fernLog.getOutputStream()); PrintStreamLogger logger = new PrintStreamLogger(logStream); final Map<String, Object> mapOptions = new HashMap<>(); ConsoleDecompiler decompiler = new ConsoleDecompiler(m_srcFernFolder.getStdFile(), mapOptions, logger); decompiler.addSpace(inputJarFile, true); m_progressStream .putStream("Fernflower decompiler.addSpace complete: " + inputJarFileName); decompiler.decompileContext(); m_progressStream.putStream( "Fernflower decompiler.decompileContext complete: " + inputJarFileName); String decompiledJarFilePath = m_srcFernFolderPath + "/" + inputJarFileName; OmniFile decompiledJarFile = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, decompiledJarFilePath); success = OmniZip.unzipFile(decompiledJarFile, m_srcFernFolder, null, null); decompiledJarFile.delete(); if (success) { m_progressStream .putStream("Fernflower decompiler.unpack complete: " + inputJarFileName); } else { m_progressStream .putStream("Fernflower decompiler.unpack failed: " + inputJarFileName); } } catch (Exception e) { String str = LogUtil.logException(LogUtil.LogType.FERNFLOWER, e); m_progressStream.putStream("Fernflower exception " + inputJarFileName); m_progressStream.putStream(str); success = false; } /** * Look for the classes.jar file and unzip it */ if (!success) { OmniFile of = new OmniFile(m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath + "/classes.jar"); if (of.exists()) { ApkZipUtil.unzip(of, m_srcFernFolder, m_progressStream); m_progressStream.putStream( "Fernflower utility unzip complete with errors: " + inputJarFileName); } else { m_progressStream.putStream("File does not exist: " + of.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } m_progressStream.putStream("Fernflower complete: " + TimeUtil.deltaTimeHrMinSec(m_fern_time)); m_fern_time = 0; } }, FERN_THREAD, STACK_SIZE); m_fernThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); m_fernThread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(uncaughtExceptionHandler); m_fernThread.start(); // String processStatus = getThreadStatus( true, m_fernThread); // String url = OmniHash.getHashedServerUrl( m_ctx, m_volumeId, m_srcFernFolderPath); String processKey = "fern_thread"; String urlKey = "fern_url"; return processWrapper(processKey, urlKey); }