Java tutorial
/* * Grakn - A Distributed Semantic Database * Copyright (C) 2016 Grakn Labs Limited * * Grakn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Grakn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Grakn. If not, see <>. */ package; import ai.grakn.graql.GraqlShell; import ai.grakn.test.DistributionContext; import ai.grakn.util.GraknTestSetup; import ai.grakn.util.Schema; import; import; import; import; import; import mjson.Json; import; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import static; import static; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.allOf; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString; import static; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anything; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse; public class GraqlShellIT { @ClassRule public static final DistributionContext dist = DistributionContext.startInMemoryEngineProcess() .inheritIO(false); private static InputStream trueIn; private static PrintStream trueOut; private static PrintStream trueErr; private static final String expectedVersion = "graql-9.9.9"; private static final String historyFile = System.getProperty("") + "/graql-test-history"; private static int keyspaceSuffix = 0; @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { trueIn =; trueOut = System.out; trueErr = System.err; // TODO: Get these tests working consistently on Jenkins - causes timeouts assumeFalse(GraknTestSetup.usingTitan()); } @Before public void changeSuffix() { keyspaceSuffix += 1; } @AfterClass public static void resetIO() { System.setIn(trueIn); System.setOut(trueOut); System.setErr(trueErr); } @Test public void testStartAndExitShell() throws Exception { // Assert simply that the shell starts and terminates without errors assertTrue(testShell("exit\n").matches("[\\s\\S]*>>> exit(\r\n?|\n)")); } @Test public void testHelpOption() throws Exception { String result = testShell("", "--help"); // Check for a few expected usage messages assertThat(result, allOf(containsString("usage"), containsString(""), containsString("-e"), containsString("--execute <arg>"), containsString("query to execute"))); } @Test public void testVersionOption() throws Exception { String result = testShell("", "--version"); assertThat(result, containsString(expectedVersion)); } @Test public void testExecuteOption() throws Exception { String result = testShell("", "-e", "match $x isa entity; ask;"); // When using '-e', only results should be printed, no prompt or query assertThat(result, allOf(containsString("False"), not(containsString(">>>")), not(containsString("match")))); } @Test public void testDefaultKeyspace() throws Exception { testShell("insert im-in-the-default-keyspace sub entity;\ncommit\n"); assertShellMatches(ImmutableList.of("-k", "grakn"), "match im-in-the-default-keyspace sub entity; ask;", containsString("True")); } @Test public void testSpecificKeyspace() throws Exception { testShell("insert foo-foo sub entity;\ncommit\n", "-k", "foo"); testShell("insert bar-bar sub entity;\ncommit\n", "-k", "bar"); String fooFooinFoo = testShell("match foo-foo sub entity; ask;\n", "-k", "foo"); String fooFooInBar = testShell("match foo-foo sub entity; ask;\n", "-k", "bar"); String barBarInFoo = testShell("match bar-bar sub entity; ask;\n", "-k", "foo"); String barBarInBar = testShell("match bar-bar sub entity; ask;\n", "-k", "bar"); assertThat(fooFooinFoo, containsString("True")); assertThat(fooFooInBar, containsString("False")); assertThat(barBarInFoo, containsString("False")); assertThat(barBarInBar, containsString("True")); } @Test public void testFileOption() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); testShell("", err, "-f", "src/test/graql/shell test(weird name).gql"); assertEquals("", err.toString()); } @Test public void testLoadCommand() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("load src/test/graql/shell test(weird name).gql", anything(), "match movie sub entity; ask;", containsString("True")); } @Test public void testLoadCommandWithEscapes() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("load src/test/graql/shell\\ test\\(weird\\ name\\).gql", anything(), "match movie sub entity; ask;", containsString("True")); } @Test public void testMatchQuery() throws Exception { String[] result = testShell("match $x sub concept;\nexit").split("\r\n?|\n"); // Make sure we find a few results (don't be too fussy about the output here) assertEquals(">>> match $x sub concept;", result[4]); assertTrue(result.length > 5); } @Test public void testAskQuery() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("match $x isa relation; ask;", containsString("False")); } @Test public void testInsertQuery() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert entity2 sub entity;", anything(), "match $x isa entity2; ask;", containsString("False"), "insert $x isa entity2;", anything(), "match $x isa entity2; ask;", containsString("True")); } @Test public void testInsertOutput() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert X sub entity; $thingy isa X;", allOf(containsString("$thingy"), containsString("isa"), containsString("X"))); } @Test public void testAggregateQuery() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("match $x sub concept; aggregate count;", is("8") // Expect to see the whole meta-ontology ); } @Test public void testAutocomplete() throws Exception { String result = testShell("match $x isa \t"); // Make sure all the autocompleters are working (except shell commands because we are writing a query) assertThat(result, allOf(containsString("concept"), containsString("match"), not(containsString("exit")), containsString("$x"))); } @Test public void testAutocompleteShellCommand() throws Exception { String result = testShell("\t"); // Make sure all the autocompleters are working (including shell commands because we are not writing a query) assertThat(result, allOf(containsString("type"), containsString("match"), containsString("exit"))); } @Test public void testAutocompleteFill() throws Exception { String result = testShell("match $x sub concep\t;\n"); assertThat(result, containsString(Schema.MetaSchema.RELATION.getLabel().getValue())); } @Test public void testReasonerOff() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert man sub entity has name; name sub resource datatype string;", anything(), "insert person sub entity;", anything(), "insert has name 'felix' isa man;", anything(), "insert $my-rule isa inference-rule lhs {$x isa man;} rhs {$x isa person;};", anything(), "commit", "match isa person, has name $x;" // No results ); } @Test public void testReasoner() throws Exception { assertShellMatches(ImmutableList.of("--infer"), "insert man sub entity has name; name sub resource datatype string;", anything(), "insert person sub entity;", anything(), "insert has name 'felix' isa man;", anything(), "match isa person, has name $x;", // No results "insert $my-rule isa inference-rule lhs {$x isa man;} rhs {$x isa person;};", anything(), "commit", "match isa person, has name $x;", containsString("felix") // Results after result is added ); } @Test public void testInvalidQuery() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); testShell("insert movie sub entity; $moon isa movie; $europa isa $moon;\n", err); assertThat(err.toString(), allOf(containsString("not"), containsString("type"))); } @Test public void testComputeCount() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert X sub entity; $a isa X; $b isa X; $c isa X;", anything(), "commit", "compute count;", is("3")); } @Test public void testRollback() throws Exception { // Tinker graph doesn't support rollback assumeFalse(GraknTestSetup.usingTinker()); String[] result = testShell("insert E sub entity;\nrollback\nmatch $x label E;\n").split("\n"); // Make sure there are no results for match query assertEquals(">>> match $x label E;", result[result.length - 2]); assertEquals(">>> ", result[result.length - 1]); } @Test public void testLimit() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("match $x sub concept; limit 1;", anything() // Only one result ); } @Test public void testGraqlOutput() throws Exception { String result = testShell("", "-e", "match $x sub concept;", "-o", "graql"); assertThat(result, allOf(containsString("$x"), containsString(Schema.MetaSchema.ENTITY.getLabel().getValue()))); } @Test public void testJsonOutput() throws Exception { String[] result = testShell("", "-e", "match $x sub concept;", "-o", "json").split("\n"); assertTrue("expected more than 5 results: " + Arrays.toString(result), result.length > 5); Json json =[0]); Json x ="x"); assertTrue(x.has("id")); assertFalse(x.has("isa")); } @Test public void testHALOutput() throws Exception { String[] result = testShell("", "-e", "match $x sub concept;", "-o", "hal").split("\n"); assertTrue("expected more than 5 results: " + Arrays.toString(result), result.length > 5); Json json =[0]); Json x ="x"); assertTrue(x.has("_id")); assertTrue(x.has("_baseType")); } @Test public void testRollbackSemicolon() throws Exception { // Tinker graph doesn't support rollback assumeFalse(GraknTestSetup.usingTinker()); String result = testShell( "insert entity2 sub entity; insert $x isa entity2;\nrollback;\nmatch $x isa entity;\n"); String[] lines = result.split("\n"); // Make sure there are no results for match query assertEquals(result, ">>> match $x isa entity;", lines[lines.length - 2]); assertEquals(result, ">>> ", lines[lines.length - 1]); } @Test public void testErrorWhenEngineNotRunning() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); testShell("", err, "-r", "localhost:7654"); assertFalse(err.toString().isEmpty()); } @Test @Ignore /* TODO: Fix this test * Sometimes we see this: "Websocket closed, code: 1005, reason: null". * Other times, JLine crashes when receiving certain input. */ public void fuzzTest() throws Exception { int repeats = 100; for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++) { String input = randomString(i); try { testShellAllowErrors(input); } catch (Throwable e) { // We catch all exceptions so we can report exactly what input caused the error throw new RuntimeException("Error when providing the following input to shell: [" + input + "]", e); } } } @Test public void testLargeQuery() throws Exception { String value = Strings.repeat("really-", 100000) + "long-value"; assertShellMatches("insert X sub resource datatype string; val '" + value + "' isa X;", anything(), "match $x isa X;", allOf(containsString("$x"), containsString(value))); } @Test public void whenErrorIsLarge_UserStillSeesEntireErrorMessage() throws Exception { String value = Strings.repeat("really-", 100000) + "long-value"; ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Query has a syntax error testShell("insert X sub resource datatype string; value '" + value + "' isa X;\n", err); assertThat(err.toString(), allOf(containsString("syntax error"), containsString(value))); } @Test public void testCommitError() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String out = testShell("insert bob sub relation;\ncommit;\nmatch $x sub relation;\n", err); assertFalse(out, err.toString().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testCommitErrorExecuteOption() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String out = testShell("", err, "-e", "insert bob sub relation;"); assertFalse(out, err.toString().isEmpty()); } @Test public void testDefaultDontDisplayResources() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert X sub entity; R sub resource datatype string; X has R; isa X has R 'foo';", anything(), "match $x isa X;", allOf(containsString("id"), not(containsString("\"foo\"")))); } @Test public void testDisplayResourcesCommand() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert X sub entity; R sub resource datatype string; X has R; isa X has R 'foo';", anything(), "display R;", "match $x isa X;", allOf(containsString("id"), containsString("\"foo\""))); } @Test public void whenRunningCleanCommand_TheGraphIsCleanedAndCommitted() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert my-type sub entity;", is("{}"), "commit", "match $x sub entity;", containsString("entity"), containsString("entity"), "clean", is("Are you sure? This will clean ALL data in the current keyspace and immediately commit."), is("Type 'confirm' to continue."), "confirm", is("Cleaning..."), "match $x sub entity;", containsString("entity"), "rollback", "match $x sub entity;", containsString("entity")); } @Test public void whenCancellingCleanCommand_TheGraphIsNotCleaned() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert my-type sub entity;", is("{}"), "match $x sub entity;", containsString("entity"), containsString("entity"), "clean", is("Are you sure? This will clean ALL data in the current keyspace and immediately commit."), is("Type 'confirm' to continue."), "n", is("Cancelling clean."), "match $x sub entity;", containsString("entity"), containsString("entity"), "clean", is("Are you sure? This will clean ALL data in the current keyspace and immediately commit."), is("Type 'confirm' to continue."), "no thanks bad idea thanks for warning me", is("Cancelling clean."), "match $x sub entity;", containsString("entity"), containsString("entity")); } @Test public void testExecuteMultipleQueries() throws Exception { assertShellMatches("insert X sub entity; $x isa X; match $y isa X; match $y isa X; aggregate count;", // Make sure we see results from all three queries containsString("$x"), containsString("$y"), is("1")); } @Test public void whenRunningBatchLoad_LoadCompletes() throws Exception { testShell("", "-k", "batch", "-f", "src/test/graql/shell test(weird name).gql"); testShell("", "-k", "batch", "-b", "src/test/graql/batch-test.gql"); assertShellMatches(ImmutableList.of("-k", "batch"), "match $x isa movie; ask;", containsString("True")); } @Test public void whenRunningBatchLoadAndAnErrorOccurs_PrintStatus() throws Exception { testShell("", "-k", "batch", "-f", "src/test/graql/shell test(weird name).gql"); assertShellMatches(ImmutableList.of("-k", "batch", "-b", "src/test/graql/batch-test-bad.gql"), is("Status of batch: FAILED"), is("Number batches completed: 1"), containsString("Approximate queries executed:"), containsString("All tasks completed")); } @Test public void whenUserMakesAMistake_SubsequentQueriesStillWork() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String out = testShell("match $x sub concet; aggregate count;\n" + "match $x sub concept; ask;\n", err); assertThat(err.toString(), not(containsString("error"))); assertThat(out, containsString("True")); } @Test public void testDuplicateRelation() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); testShell("insert R sub relation, relates R1, relates R2; R1 sub role; R2 sub role;\n" + "insert X sub entity, plays R1, plays R2;\n" + "insert $x isa X; (R1: $x, R2: $x) isa R;\n" + "match $x isa X; insert (R1: $x, R2: $x) isa R;\n" + "commit\n", err); assertThat(err.toString().toLowerCase(), allOf(anyOf(containsString("exists"), containsString("one or more")), containsString("relation"))); } private static String randomString(int length) { Random random = new Random(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); random.ints().limit(length).forEach(i -> sb.append((char) i)); return sb.toString(); } private void assertShellMatches(Object... matchers) throws Exception { assertShellMatches(ImmutableList.of(), matchers); } // Arguments should be strings or matchers. Strings are interpreted as input, matchers as expected output private void assertShellMatches(List<String> arguments, Object... matchers) throws Exception { String input = Stream.of(matchers).filter(String.class::isInstance).map(String.class::cast) .collect(joining("\n", "", "\n")); List<Matcher<? super String>> matcherList = Stream.of(matchers) .map(obj -> (obj instanceof Matcher) ? (Matcher<String>) obj : is(">>> " + obj)).collect(toList()); String output = testShell(input, arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()])); List<String> outputLines = Lists.newArrayList(output.replace(" \r", "").split("\n")); ImmutableSet<String> noPromptArgs = ImmutableSet.of("-e", "-f", "-b", "-v", "-h"); if (Sets.intersection(Sets.newHashSet(arguments), noPromptArgs).isEmpty()) { // Remove first four lines containing license and last line containing prompt outputLines = outputLines.subList(4, outputLines.size() - 1); } assertThat(outputLines, contains(matcherList)); } private String testShell(String input, String... args) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String result = testShell(input, err, args); String errMessage = err.toString(); assertTrue("Error: \"" + errMessage + "\"", errMessage.isEmpty()); return result; } private String testShellAllowErrors(String input, String... args) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream err = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); return testShell(input, err, args); } private String testShell(String input, ByteArrayOutputStream berr, String... args) throws Exception { args = specifyUniqueKeyspace(args); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(bout, trueOut)); // Intercept stderr, but make sure it is still printed using the TeeOutputStream PrintStream err = new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(berr, trueErr)); try { System.out.flush(); System.err.flush(); System.setIn(in); System.setOut(out); System.setErr(err); GraqlShell.runShell(args, expectedVersion, historyFile); } catch (Exception e) { System.setErr(trueErr); e.printStackTrace(); err.flush(); fail(berr.toString()); } finally { resetIO(); } out.flush(); err.flush(); return bout.toString(); } // TODO: Remove this when we can clear graphs properly (TP #13745) private String[] specifyUniqueKeyspace(String[] args) { List<String> argList = Lists.newArrayList(args); int keyspaceIndex = argList.indexOf("-k") + 1; if (keyspaceIndex == 0) { argList.add("-k"); argList.add(GraqlShell.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE); keyspaceIndex = argList.size() - 1; } argList.set(keyspaceIndex, argList.get(keyspaceIndex) + keyspaceSuffix); return argList.toArray(new String[argList.size()]); } }