List of usage examples for java.lang System nanoTime
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static native long nanoTime();
From source
/** * Verifies that the standard migration is still working. *///from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m @Test public final void verifyStandardMigration() { // Create the Flyway instance Flyway cut = new Flyway(); // Point it to the database databasePath = "dbmigration" + System.nanoTime(); cut.setDataSource("jdbc:h2:file:./target/" + databasePath, "sa", null); cut.setValidateOnMigrate(true); cut.setInitOnMigrate(true); cut.setInitVersion("0"); // Start the migration int migrations = cut.migrate(); assertThat("", migrations, is(2)); try { Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Not expected } MigrationInfoService migrationInfoService =; assertThat("", migrationInfoService.pending().length, is(0)); }
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@Override public String recognize(byte[] image) throws OCRException { if (tessExecutable == null) { tessExecutable = getDefaultTessExecutable(); }/*from w ww . j a va2 s . com*/ File source = null; File dest = null; try { String prefix = System.nanoTime() + ""; source = File.createTempFile(prefix, ".jpg"); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(source)); dos.write(image); dos.flush(); dos.close(); String sourceFileName = source.getAbsolutePath(); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String.format("%s %s %s -l eng nobatch digits", tessExecutable, sourceFileName, sourceFileName)); String destFileName = sourceFileName + ".txt"; dest = new File(destFileName); int result = p.waitFor(); if (result == 0) { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dest)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(str).append("\n"); } in.close(); return sb.toString().trim(); } else { String msg; switch (result) { case 1: msg = "Errors accessing files. There may be spaces in your image's filename."; break; case 29: msg = "Cannot recognize the image or its selected region."; break; case 31: msg = "Unsupported image format."; break; default: msg = "Errors occurred."; } throw new OCRException(msg); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new OCRException("recognize failed", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.error("interrupted", e); } finally { if (source != null) { source.delete(); } if (dest != null) { dest.delete(); } } return null; }
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/** * We are going to perform Ax = b where A is the input matrix. x is the output vector and b is the input vector * @param matrix The input matrix A//from www . j a v a 2 s. c o m * @param inputVector The input vector b * @param outputVector The output vector x * @param numIterations The max number of iterations to perform * @return The solution vector */ public static DenseVector solve(DistributedMatrix matrix, DenseVector inputVector, DenseVector outputVector, long numIterations, JavaSparkContext jsc) { long start = System.nanoTime(); //Jacobi Method as shown in the example from long k = 0; boolean stop = false; int i = 0; double result = 0.0; //Initial solution DenseVector x1;// = Vectors.zeros(inputVector.size()).toDense(); double[] x1Values = new double[inputVector.size()]; DenseVector x2 = Vectors.zeros(inputVector.size()).toDense(); DenseVector res = Vectors.zeros(inputVector.size()).toDense(); DistributedMatrix LU; DistributedMatrix Dinv; DistributedMatrix T = null; DenseVector C = Vectors.zeros(inputVector.size()).toDense(); /*if(!isDiagonallyDominant(A,M,N,nz)){ fprintf(stderr, "[%s] The matrix is not diagonally dominant\n",__func__); //return 0; }*/ LU = OtherOperations.GetLU(matrix, jsc); Dinv = OtherOperations.GetD(matrix, true, jsc); for (i = 0; i < x1Values.length; i++) { x1Values[i] = 1.0; } x1 = new DenseVector(x1Values); //T=-D^{-1}(L+U) T = L3.DGEMM(-1.0, Dinv, LU, 0.0, T, jsc); //C=D^{-1}B C = L2.DGEMV(1.0, Dinv, inputVector, 0.0, C, jsc); long maxIterations = inputVector.size() * 2; if (numIterations != 0) { maxIterations = numIterations; } while (!stop) { // x^{(1)}= Tx^{(0)}+C //x2 = T*x1 x2 = L2.DGEMV(1.0, T, x1, 0.0, x2, jsc); //x2 = x2+C BLAS.axpy(1.0, C, x2); //res = A*x - b res = inputVector.copy(); L2.DGEMV(1.0, matrix, x2, -1.0, res, jsc); result = L1.vectorSumElements(res); if ((Math.abs(result) <= EPSILON) || (k == maxIterations)) { //fprintf(stderr,"Sum vector res is %lg\n",result); stop = true; } x1 = x2.copy(); k++; } outputVector = x2.copy(); long end = System.nanoTime(); LOG.warn("Total time in solve system is: " + (end - start) / 1e9 + " and " + k + " iterations."); return outputVector; }
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public void setPassword(String password) { this.salt = hashProvider.computeHash(System.nanoTime() + ""); this.password = hashProvider.computeHash(password + salt); }
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public Random64() { super(); setSeed(System.nanoTime()); }
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public long ping() { return System.nanoTime(); }
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protected static void doSendAggrEvent(EPRuntime runtime, long workerId, Map<String, ? extends Object> map) { runtime.sendEvent(new CurrentTimeEvent(System.nanoTime() / 1000)); runtime.sendEvent(map, "EsperTestAggregationEvent"); EPOnDemandQueryResult result = runtime .executeQuery("SELECT workerId, SUM(V) AS RESULT, guid FROM SW GROUP BY workerId, guid"); for (EventBean row : result.getArray()) { Long receivedWorkerId = (Long) row.get("workerId"); if (receivedWorkerId != workerId) continue; Integer guid = (Integer) row.get("guid"); Double aggregationValue = (Double) row.get("RESULT"); System.out.println("guid=" + guid + ", RESULT=" + aggregationValue); //KEEPME m_aggregationResults.put(guid, aggregationValue); MapEventBean outMap = (MapEventBean) row; runtime.sendEvent(outMap.getProperties(), "OutputEvent"); }// w w w.j av a2 s. c om EPOnDemandQueryResult resultAvg = runtime .executeQuery("SELECT workerId, AVG(V) AS RESULT, guid FROM SW GROUP BY workerId, guid"); for (EventBean row : resultAvg.getArray()) { Long receivedWorkerId = (Long) row.get("workerId"); if (receivedWorkerId != workerId) continue; Integer guid = (Integer) row.get("guid"); Double aggregationValue = (Double) row.get("RESULT"); System.out.println("guid=" + guid + ", RESULT=" + aggregationValue); //KEEPME m_aggregationAvgResults.put(guid, aggregationValue); MapEventBean outMap = (MapEventBean) row; runtime.sendEvent(outMap.getProperties(), "OutputEvent"); } // it has to go last runtime.route(map, "CleanupWindowEvent"); }
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public RunInfo run() { RunInfo r = new RunInfo(); log.debug("running tool: " + command); CommandExecutor cmdExecutor = new CommandExecutor(); if (workingDir != null) { cmdExecutor.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); }/*ww w .j a v a 2s. com*/ long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try { int exitStatus = cmdExecutor.runCommand(command); r.setSuccess(exitStatus == 0); r.setReport(cmdExecutor.getCommandError()); if (r.isSuccess() && "".equals(r.getReport())) { String report = cmdExecutor.getCommandOutput(); if ("".equals(report)) { r.setReport("Successfully executed command."); } else { r.setReport(report); } } else if (!r.isSuccess() && "".equals(r.getReport())) { r.setReport("Failed to execute command."); } } catch (Exception e) { r.setSuccess(false); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); // For security reasons(!!) we do not provide very detailed information to the client here. r.setReport("An error occured while running the requested command on the server."); return r; } long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime; r.setElapsedTimeMS(elapsedTime / 1000000); return r; }
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public static long startTimer() { long start_time = System.nanoTime(); return start_time; }
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public void startCallback() { this.startCallbackNano = System.nanoTime(); }