List of usage examples for java.lang System nanoTime
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static native long nanoTime();
From source
public static void markLastNanoTime(Context arg4) { SharedPreferences.Editor v0 = getPref(arg4).edit(); v0.putLong("x_last_nano_time", System.nanoTime()); v0.commit();// www . ja v a2 s . co m }
From source
public static File createTempDir() throws IOException { File temp;/*from ww w . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ temp = File.createTempFile("encfs-java-tmp", Long.toString(System.nanoTime())); if (!temp.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete temporary file " + temp.getAbsolutePath()); } if (!temp.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("Could not create temporary directory"); } return temp; }
From source
public static long populate(List list, int size) { long start, stop, result = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { list.clear();/*from w w w.j a v a2 s. com*/ start = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { list.add(i); } stop = System.nanoTime(); result += stop - start; } return result / 100; }
From source
/** * The class constructor.//from ww w.j a v a2s. c o m * @param args Array of options: "filename variable a b N useVMP" if variable is continuous or "filename variable w N useVMP" for discrete */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // args: seedNetwork numberGaussians numberDiscrete seedAlgorithms int seedNetwork = 234235125; int numberOfGaussians = 50; int numberOfMultinomials = 50; int seed = 125634; int parallelSamples = 50; int samplingMethodSize = 20000; int repetitions = 10; int numberOfIterations = 100; if (args.length != 8) { if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Invalid number of parameters. Using default values"); } else { try { seedNetwork = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); numberOfGaussians = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); numberOfMultinomials = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); seed = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); parallelSamples = Integer.parseInt(args[4]); samplingMethodSize = Integer.parseInt(args[5]); repetitions = Integer.parseInt(args[6]); numberOfIterations = Integer.parseInt(args[7]); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println( "Invalid parameters. Provide integers: seedNetwork numberGaussians numberDiscrete seedAlgorithms parallelSamples sampleSize repetitions"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Using default parameters"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(ex.toString()); System.exit(20); } } int numberOfLinks = (int) 1.3 * (numberOfGaussians + numberOfMultinomials); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setSeed(seedNetwork); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfGaussianVars(numberOfGaussians); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfMultinomialVars(numberOfMultinomials, 2); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfLinks(numberOfLinks); String filename = "./networks/simulated/RandomBN_" + Integer.toString(numberOfMultinomials) + "D_" + Integer.toString(numberOfGaussians) + "C_" + Integer.toString(seedNetwork) + ""; BayesianNetworkGenerator.generateBNtoFile(numberOfMultinomials, 2, numberOfGaussians, numberOfLinks, seedNetwork, filename); BayesianNetwork bn = BayesianNetworkGenerator.generateBayesianNetwork(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.getDAG()); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.toString()); MAPInference mapInference = new MAPInference(); mapInference.setModel(bn); mapInference.setParallelMode(true); // Set also the list of variables of interest (or MAP variables). List<Variable> varsInterest = new ArrayList<>(); Variable var1 = bn.getVariables().getVariableById(3); Variable var2 = bn.getVariables().getVariableById(7); Variable var3 = bn.getVariables().getVariableById(60); varsInterest.add(var1); varsInterest.add(var2); varsInterest.add(var3); mapInference.setMAPVariables(varsInterest); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Variables of Interest: " + var1.getName() + ", " + var2.getName() + ", " + var3.getName() + "\n"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("CausalOrder: " + Arrays.toString(Utils.getCausalOrder(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getDAG()).stream().map(Variable::getName).toArray())); //List<Variable> modelVariables = Utils.getCausalOrder(bn.getDAG()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // Including evidence: //double observedVariablesRate = 0.00; //Assignment evidence = randomEvidence(seed, observedVariablesRate, bn); //mapInference.setEvidence(evidence); mapInference.setNumberOfIterations(numberOfIterations); mapInference.setSampleSize(parallelSamples); mapInference.setSeed(seed); double[] SA_All_prob = new double[repetitions]; double[] SA_Some_prob = new double[repetitions]; double[] HC_All_prob = new double[repetitions]; double[] HC_Some_prob = new double[repetitions]; double[] sampling_prob = new double[repetitions]; double[] SA_All_time = new double[repetitions]; double[] SA_Some_time = new double[repetitions]; double[] HC_All_time = new double[repetitions]; double[] HC_Some_time = new double[repetitions]; double[] sampling_time = new double[repetitions]; long timeStart; long timeStop; double execTime; Assignment bestMpeEstimate = new HashMapAssignment(bn.getNumberOfVars()); double bestMpeEstimateLogProb = -100000; int bestMpeEstimateMethod = -5; mapInference.setParallelMode(true); final double bestProbability = -93.40102227041749; // BEST MAP ESTIMATE FOUND: // {DiscreteVar3 = 1, DiscreteVar7 = 1, GaussianVar10 = 0,011} // with method:2 // and log probability: -93.40102227041749 // // BEST MAP ESTIMATE FOUND: // {DiscreteVar3 = 1, DiscreteVar7 = 0, GaussianVar10 = 14,672} // with method:2 // and log probability: -93.84634767213683 for (int k = 0; k < repetitions; k++) { mapInference.setSampleSize(parallelSamples); /*********************************************** * SIMULATED ANNEALING ************************************************/ // MPE INFERENCE WITH SIMULATED ANNEALING, ALL VARIABLES //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.SA_GLOBAL); //mpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MPE estimate (SA.All): " + mpeEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //toString(modelVariables) //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()) + ", logProb: " + mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); SA_All_prob[k] = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); SA_All_time[k] = execTime; if (mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate() > bestMpeEstimateLogProb) { bestMpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateLogProb = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateMethod = 1; } // MPE INFERENCE WITH SIMULATED ANNEALING, SOME VARIABLES AT EACH TIME timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.SA_LOCAL); //mpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MPE estimate (SA.Some): " + mpeEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //toString(modelVariables) //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: "+ Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()) + ", logProb: " + mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); SA_Some_prob[k] = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); SA_Some_time[k] = execTime; if (mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate() > bestMpeEstimateLogProb) { bestMpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateLogProb = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateMethod = 0; } /*********************************************** * HILL CLIMBING ************************************************/ // MPE INFERENCE WITH HILL CLIMBING, ALL VARIABLES timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.HC_GLOBAL); //mpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); //modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MPE estimate (HC.All): " + mpeEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()) + ", logProb: " + mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); HC_All_prob[k] = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); HC_All_time[k] = execTime; if (mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate() > bestMpeEstimateLogProb) { bestMpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateLogProb = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateMethod = 3; } // MPE INFERENCE WITH HILL CLIMBING, ONE VARIABLE AT EACH TIME timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.HC_LOCAL); //mpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MPE estimate (HC.Some): " + mpeEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //toString(modelVariables) //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()) + ", logProb: " + mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); HC_Some_prob[k] = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); HC_Some_time[k] = execTime; if (mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate() > bestMpeEstimateLogProb) { bestMpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateLogProb = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateMethod = 2; } /*********************************************** * SAMPLING AND DETERMINISTIC ************************************************/ // MPE INFERENCE WITH SIMULATION AND PICKING MAX mapInference.setSampleSize(samplingMethodSize); timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.SAMPLING); //mpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); //modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MPE estimate (SAMPLING): " + mpeEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()) + ", logProb: " + mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); sampling_prob[k] = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); sampling_time[k] = execTime; if (mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate() > bestMpeEstimateLogProb) { bestMpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateLogProb = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); bestMpeEstimateMethod = -1; } } double determ_prob = 0; double determ_time = 0; // if(bn.getNumberOfVars()<=50) { // // // MPE INFERENCE, DETERMINISTIC // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-2); // // //mpeEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); // //modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MPE estimate (DETERM.): " + mpeEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()) + ", logProb: " + mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // determ_prob = mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate(); // determ_time = execTime; // // } // else { // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Too many variables for deterministic method"); // } /*********************************************** * DISPLAY OF RESULTS ************************************************/ if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("*** RESULTS ***"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("SA_All log-probabilities"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(SA_All_prob)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("SA_Some log-probabilities"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(SA_Some_prob)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("HC_All log-probabilities"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(HC_All_prob)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("HC_Some log-probabilities"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(HC_Some_prob)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Sampling log-probabilities"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(sampling_prob)); // if(bn.getNumberOfVars()<=50) { // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Deterministic log-probability"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(determ_prob)); // } if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("SA_All RMS probabilities"); double SA_All_RMS = Math.sqrt( -> Math.pow(value - bestProbability, 2)) .average().getAsDouble()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(SA_All_RMS)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("SA_Some RMS probabilities"); double SA_Some_RMS = Math.sqrt( .map(value -> Math.pow(value - bestProbability, 2)).average().getAsDouble()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(SA_Some_RMS)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("HC_All RMS probabilities"); double HC_All_RMS = Math.sqrt( -> Math.pow(value - bestProbability, 2)) .average().getAsDouble()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(HC_All_RMS)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("HC_Some RMS probabilities"); double HC_Some_RMS = Math.sqrt( .map(value -> Math.pow(value - bestProbability, 2)).average().getAsDouble()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(HC_Some_RMS)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Sampling RMS probabilities"); double sampling_RMS = Math.sqrt( .map(value -> Math.pow(value - bestProbability, 2)).average().getAsDouble()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(sampling_RMS)); double[] RMS_means = { SA_All_RMS, SA_Some_RMS, HC_All_RMS, HC_Some_RMS, sampling_RMS }; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(RMS_means)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("SA_All times"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(SA_All_time)); double SA_All_times_mean =; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Mean time: " + Double.toString(SA_All_times_mean)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("SA_Some times"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(SA_Some_time)); double SA_Some_times_mean =; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Mean time: " + Double.toString(SA_Some_times_mean)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("HC_All times"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(HC_All_time)); double HC_All_times_mean =; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Mean time: " + Double.toString(HC_All_times_mean)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("HC_Some times"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(HC_Some_time)); double HC_Some_times_mean =; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Mean time: " + Double.toString(HC_Some_times_mean)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Sampling times"); double sampling_times_mean =; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(sampling_time)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Mean time: " + Double.toString(sampling_times_mean)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("All means:"); double[] time_means = { SA_All_times_mean, SA_Some_times_mean, HC_All_times_mean, HC_Some_times_mean, sampling_times_mean }; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(time_means)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // if(bn.getNumberOfVars()<=50) { // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Deterministic time"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Double.toString(determ_time)); // } if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("BEST MAP ESTIMATE FOUND:"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bestMpeEstimate.outputString(Utils.getTopologicalOrder(bn.getDAG()))); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with method:" + bestMpeEstimateMethod); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("and log probability: " + bestMpeEstimateLogProb); }
From source
public static long iterAdd(List list) { ListIterator iter = list.listIterator(); long start, stop, result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { start = System.nanoTime(); iter.add(list.size() + 1 + i);/* w ww. j a v a 2 s . co m*/ stop = System.nanoTime(); result += stop - start; } return result / 100; }
From source
public static long iterRemove(List list) { ListIterator iter = list.listIterator(); long start, stop, result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {;/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ start = System.nanoTime(); iter.remove(); stop = System.nanoTime(); result += stop - start; } return result / 100; }
From source
/** * Ensures the current thread sleeps at least the given milliseconds before * returning from this method.//w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m */ public static void ensureSleepNanos(long nanos) throws InterruptedException { if (nanos < 1) return; long now = System.nanoTime(); final long targetTime = now + nanos; do { long millis = nanos / (1000 * 1000); int fractionalNanos = (int) (nanos % (1000 * 1000)); Thread.sleep(millis, fractionalNanos); nanos = targetTime - System.nanoTime(); } while (nanos > 0); }
From source
/** * Takes the event's uptime timestamp, and * computes the UTC timestamp, in nanos. * //from w w w . java 2 s . c o m * @param eventTimestamp The evnt * @return The timestamp in nanos. */ public static long computeJavaTimeStamp(long eventTimestamp) { long javaTime = new Date().getTime(); long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); long newtimestamp = javaTime * 1000000 + (eventTimestamp - nanoTime); return newtimestamp; }
From source
public static void sleepNanos(long nanoDuration) throws InterruptedException { final long end = System.nanoTime() + nanoDuration; long timeLeft = nanoDuration; do {/*w ww . j a v a 2s . com*/ if (timeLeft > SLEEP_PRECISION) { Thread.sleep(1); } else if (timeLeft > SPIN_YIELD_PRECISION) { Thread.sleep(0); } timeLeft = end - System.nanoTime(); if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); } while (timeLeft > 0); }
From source
/** * sleep until timeout./*from w w w . ja v a2s . c o m*/ * * @param nanos */ public final static void deepSleep(long sleepFor, TimeUnit unit) { if (sleepFor < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sleepFor can't be minus."); } long startTimeInNanos = System.nanoTime(); long leftNanos = unit.toNanos(sleepFor); boolean isInterrupted = false; while (leftNanos > 0) { try { TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.sleep(leftNanos); leftNanos = 0; } catch (InterruptedException e) { isInterrupted = true; leftNanos -= (System.nanoTime() - startTimeInNanos); } } if (isInterrupted) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } }