Example usage for java.lang System nanoTime

List of usage examples for java.lang System nanoTime


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang System nanoTime.


public static native long nanoTime();

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Returns the current value of the running Java Virtual Machine's high-resolution time source, in nanoseconds.


From source file:UUIDGenerator.java

 * MD5 a random string with localhost/date etc will return 128 bits construct a string of 18
 * characters from those bits.//from  www.j av a 2 s .co  m
 * @return string
public static String getUUID() {
    if (baseUUID == null) {
        baseUUID = getInitialUUID();
        baseUUID = "urn:uuid:" + baseUUID;
    if (++incrementingValue >= Long.MAX_VALUE) {
        incrementingValue = 0;

    if (useNano) {
        return baseUUID + (System.nanoTime() + incrementingValue) + Integer.toString(myRand.nextInt());
    } else {

        return baseUUID + (System.currentTimeMillis() + incrementingValue + Integer.toString(myRand.nextInt()));


From source file:AtomicSimpleRandom.java

public AtomicSimpleRandom() {
    this.seed = System.nanoTime() + seq.getAndAdd(129);

From source file:com.sirti.microservice.hbase.service.UnicoStoricoService.java

public UnicoStoricoResultSet findAll() {
    UnicoStoricoResultSet hkpiresultset = new UnicoStoricoResultSet();

    try {//ww w. j  a  v a2  s  . com
        long starttime = System.nanoTime();
        List<UnicoStorico> hkpilist = unicoStoricoDao.findAll();
        long endtime = System.nanoTime();
        hkpiresultset.setDuration((endtime - starttime) / 1000000);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return hkpiresultset;

From source file:com.ms.commons.lang.RangeBuilderTest.java

public void testPrimitive() {
    List<Person> data = new ArrayList<Person>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        Random r = new Random(System.nanoTime());
        Person p = new Person();
        p.setSalary(r.nextFloat());//  w  ww. j  ava 2 s.  c o  m
        p.setName("name" + r.nextInt(10));
    Range range = RangeBuilder.data(data).property("age").range();
    range = RangeBuilder.data(data).property("name").keyName("newName").range();
    range = RangeBuilder.data(data).property("salary").desc().range();
    range = RangeBuilder.data(data).property("id").asc().range();

From source file:com.musevisions.android.SudokuSolver.SudokuRetriever.java

 * Loads pictures data. This method may take long, so be sure to call it asynchronously without
 * blocking the main thread./*from w  w  w  .jav  a  2s  . c om*/
public synchronized void prepare() {
    // Clear in case images need to be updated
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();

    mContents = loadFromURL();

    long deltaTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
    double timeMs = (double) deltaTime / 1E6;

    Log.i(TAG, "Done querying URL in, " + timeMs + " ms. " + mContents.length() + " elements found.");

From source file:com.webbfontaine.valuewebb.irms.core.DefaultRuleScriptSourceGenerator.java

public String generateScriptName(String baseName, String scriptText) {
    return String.format("%s%s%d", baseName, RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(8), System.nanoTime());

From source file:AtomicPseudoRandom.java

public AtomicPseudoRandom() {
    this((int) System.nanoTime());

From source file:info.novatec.flyway.branching.extension.BranchingMigrationH2IntegrationTest.java

protected String getJdbcUrl() {
    databasePath = "dbmigration" + System.nanoTime();
    return "jdbc:h2:file:./target/" + databasePath;

From source file:enumj.NanoTimer.java

public static <U, R> long buildNanos(Supplier<U> construction, Function<U, R> action, Supplier<String> msg) {
    print("Construction: " + msg.get());
    final U input = construction.get();
    print("Action: " + msg.get());
    final long t0 = System.nanoTime();
    final R result = action.apply(input);
    return System.nanoTime() - t0;

From source file:by.zuyeu.deyestracker.core.detection.task.DetectEyesTask.java

public Rect[] call() throws Exception {
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    Rect[] result = new Rect[0];
    if (frame != null && !frame.empty()) {
        for (EyesDetector detector : detectors) {
            Rect[] detectedEyes = detector.detectEyes(frame);
            result = ArrayUtils.addAll(result, detectedEyes);
        }/*from  w w w. ja v  a2 s  . c o m*/
    long endTime = System.nanoTime();
    LOG.debug("eyes detected = {}", result.length);
    LOG.debug("detection time: {} ms", (float) (endTime - startTime) / 1000000);
    return result;