List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder replace
@Override public StringBuilder replace(int start, int end, String str)
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public String getXPath() { //No property path is provided. Return empty criterion if (StringUtils.isEmpty(property)) return ""; StringBuilder criterion = new StringBuilder(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(values) && values.size() > 1) criterion.append(CmsConstants.LEFT_PARENTHESIS_WITH_LEADING_AND_TRAILING_SPACE); criterion.append(CmsConstants.EMPTY_SPACE); if (operator == null) operator = QueryOperator.EQUALS; if (QueryOperator.IS_NULL == operator) { checkThatPropertyPathRefersToSimpleProperty(); criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple)); } else if (QueryOperator.IS_NOT_NULL == operator) { checkThatPropertyPathRefersToSimpleProperty(); criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNotNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple)); } else if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(values)) { checkThatPropertyPathRefersToSimpleProperty(); if (operator == QueryOperator.EQUALS) criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple)); else if (operator == QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS) criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNotNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple)); else/*w w w .j a v a2s . c o m*/ //No value has been provided. No need to create an empty criterion return ""; } else { String propertyPath = property; if (QueryOperator.EQUALS == operator || QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS == operator || QueryOperator.LIKE == operator) { //Check for case matching to activate appropriate method. if (CaseMatching.LOWER_CASE == caseMatching) { propertyPath = CmsConstants.FN_LOWER_CASE + CmsConstants.LEFT_PARENTHESIS + property + CmsConstants.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS; } else if (CaseMatching.UPPER_CASE == caseMatching) { propertyPath = CmsConstants.FN_UPPER_CASE + CmsConstants.LEFT_PARENTHESIS + property + CmsConstants.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS; } } //Values exist. Create appropriate xpath criteria if (internalCondition == null) internalCondition = Condition.AND; performSpecialOperationsInCaseOfContainsOperator(); for (Object value : values) { if (value instanceof String) { //Check for case matching and transform the value accordingly. value = transformValueIfCaseMatchingIsEnabled(value); value = checkIfValueIsAReferenceAndLoadReferenceId((String) value); value = checkIfPropertyIsOfTypeLongIntegerOrDoubleAndConvertValueAccordingly(propertyPath, (String) value); } criterion.append(CmsConstants.EMPTY_SPACE + XPathUtils.createObjectCriteria(propertyPath, operator, value, propertyIsSimple, caseMatching, numberOfNodeLevelsToSearchInTheModelHierarchy) + CmsConstants.EMPTY_SPACE + internalCondition.toString().toLowerCase()); } //Remove the last internal condition criterion.replace(criterion.length() - internalCondition.toString().length(), criterion.length(), ""); } criterion.append(CmsConstants.EMPTY_SPACE); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(values) && values.size() > 1) criterion.append(CmsConstants.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_WITH_LEADING_AND_TRAILING_SPACE); return criterion.toString(); }
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public void absaSemEvalToMultiClassNER2015(String fileName) { SAXBuilder sax = new SAXBuilder(); XPathFactory xFactory = XPathFactory.instance(); try {// w w w. j a va 2s . co m Document doc =; XPathExpression<Element> expr = xFactory.compile("//sentence", Filters.element()); List<Element> sentences = expr.evaluate(doc); for (Element sent : sentences) { String sentString = sent.getChildText("text"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb = sb.append(sentString); Element opinionsElement = sent.getChild("Opinions"); if (opinionsElement != null) { List<List<Integer>> offsetList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); HashSet<String> targetClassSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Element> opinionList = opinionsElement.getChildren(); for (Element opinion : opinionList) { if (!opinion.getAttributeValue("target").equals("NULL")) { String className = opinion.getAttributeValue("category"); String targetString = opinion.getAttributeValue("target"); Integer offsetFrom = Integer.parseInt(opinion.getAttributeValue("from")); Integer offsetTo = Integer.parseInt(opinion.getAttributeValue("to")); offsets.add(offsetFrom); offsets.add(offsetTo); targetClassSet.add(targetString + "JAR!" + className + opinion.getAttributeValue("from") + opinion.getAttributeValue("to")); } } List<Integer> offsetsWithoutDuplicates = new ArrayList<Integer>(new HashSet<Integer>(offsets)); Collections.sort(offsetsWithoutDuplicates); List<String> targetClassList = new ArrayList<String>(targetClassSet); for (int i = 0; i < offsetsWithoutDuplicates.size(); i++) { List<Integer> offsetArray = new ArrayList<Integer>(); offsetArray.add(offsetsWithoutDuplicates.get(i++)); if (offsetsWithoutDuplicates.size() > i) { offsetArray.add(offsetsWithoutDuplicates.get(i)); } offsetList.add(offsetArray); } int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < offsetList.size(); i++) { Integer offsetFrom = offsetList.get(i).get(0); Integer offsetTo = offsetList.get(i).get(1); String className = targetClassList.get(i); String aspectString = sentString.substring(offsetFrom, offsetTo); sb.replace(offsetFrom + counter, offsetTo + counter, "<START:" + className.split("JAR!")[1].substring(0, 3) + "> " + aspectString + " <END>"); counter += 18; } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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public void mergeResourcesFromUpgrade(Set<ResourceUpgradeRequest> upgradeRequests) throws Exception { Set<ResourceUpgradeResponse> serverUpdates = null; try {/* w w w.ja va 2 s .c o m*/ ServerServices serverServices = this.configuration.getServerServices(); if (serverServices != null) { DiscoveryServerService discoveryServerService = serverServices.getDiscoveryServerService(); serverUpdates = discoveryServerService.upgradeResources(upgradeRequests); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to process resource upgrades on the server.", e); throw e; } if (serverUpdates != null) { for (ResourceUpgradeResponse upgradeResponse : serverUpdates) { String resourceKey = upgradeResponse.getUpgradedResourceKey(); String name = upgradeResponse.getUpgradedResourceName(); String description = upgradeResponse.getUpgradedResourceDescription(); //only bother if there's something to upgrade at all on this resource. if (resourceKey != null || name != null || description != null) { ResourceContainer existingResourceContainer = getResourceContainer( upgradeResponse.getResourceId()); if (existingResourceContainer != null) { Resource existingResource = existingResourceContainer.getResource(); StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder("Resource [") .append(existingResource.toString()).append("] upgraded its "); if (resourceKey != null) { existingResource.setResourceKey(resourceKey); logMessage.append("resourceKey, "); } if (name != null) { existingResource.setName(name); logMessage.append("name, "); } if (description != null) { existingResource.setDescription(description); logMessage.append("description, "); } logMessage.replace(logMessage.length() - 1, logMessage.length(), "to become [") .append(existingResource.toString()).append("]");; } else { log.error("Upgraded a resource that is not present on the agent. This should not happen. " + "The id of the missing resource is: " + upgradeResponse.getResourceId()); } } } } }
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/** * @param startIndex/* w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param maxResults when maxResults > 0 it is expected to get the deployments for pagination. In this case an additional count() query will be executed. * @param filters * @param colToSort * @param sortingDirection * @param myAmw * @return a Tuple containing the filter deployments and the total deployments for that filter if doPagingCalculation is true */ public Tuple<Set<DeploymentEntity>, Integer> getFilteredDeployments(Integer startIndex, Integer maxResults, List<CustomFilter> filters, String colToSort, CommonFilterService.SortingDirectionType sortingDirection, List<Integer> myAmw) { Integer totalItemsForCurrentFilter; boolean doPaging = maxResults == null ? false : (maxResults > 0 ? true : false); StringBuilder stringQuery = new StringBuilder(); DeploymentState lastDeploymentState = null; boolean hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet = isLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet(filters); Integer from = 0; Integer to = 0; filters.addAll(addFiltersForDeletedEnvironments(filters)); if (hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet) { for (CustomFilter customFilter : filters) { if (customFilter.getFilterDisplayName() .equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.DEPLOYMENT_STATE.getFilterDisplayName())) { lastDeploymentState = DeploymentState.getByString(customFilter.getValue()); from = startIndex != null ? startIndex : 0; to = maxResults != null ? from + maxResults : from + 200; // sever side pagination is done after fetching from db for this combination startIndex = null; maxResults = null; break; } } if (lastDeploymentState == null) { stringQuery.append(getListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContextQuery(false)); } else { stringQuery.append("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " "); } commonFilterService.appendWhereAndMyAmwParameter(myAmw, stringQuery, "and " + getEntityDependantMyAmwParameterQl()); } else { stringQuery.append("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " "); commonFilterService.appendWhereAndMyAmwParameter(myAmw, stringQuery, getEntityDependantMyAmwParameterQl()); } String baseQuery = stringQuery.toString(); // left join required in order that order by works as expected on deployments having null references.. String nullFix = stringQuery.toString() .replace(" from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " ", " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".release left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".context "); stringQuery = stringQuery.replace(0, nullFix.length() - 1, nullFix); boolean lowerSortCol = DeploymentFilterTypes.APPSERVER_NAME.getFilterTabColumnName().equals(colToSort); Query query = commonFilterService.addFilterAndCreateQuery(stringQuery, filters, colToSort, sortingDirection, DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id", lowerSortCol, hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet, false); query = commonFilterService.setParameterToQuery(startIndex, maxResults, myAmw, query); Set<DeploymentEntity> deployments = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // some stuff may be lazy loaded List<DeploymentEntity> resultList = query.getResultList(); final int allResults = resultList.size(); if (!hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet) { deployments.addAll(resultList); } else { resultList = specialSort(latestPerContextAndGroup(resultList), colToSort, sortingDirection); if (to > 0) { resultList = new ArrayList<>( resultList.subList(from, to < resultList.size() ? to : resultList.size())); } deployments.addAll(resultList); } if (doPaging) { String countQueryString = baseQuery.replace("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS, "select count(" + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id)"); // last param needs to be true if we are dealing with a combination of "State" and "Latest deployment job for App Server and Env" Query countQuery = commonFilterService.addFilterAndCreateQuery(new StringBuilder(countQueryString), filters, null, null, null, lowerSortCol, hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet, lastDeploymentState != null); commonFilterService.setParameterToQuery(null, null, myAmw, countQuery); totalItemsForCurrentFilter = (lastDeploymentState == null) ? ((Long) countQuery.getSingleResult()).intValue() : countQuery.getResultList().size(); // fix for the special case of multiple deployments on the same environment with exactly the same deployment date if (hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet && lastDeploymentState == null && deployments.size() != allResults) { totalItemsForCurrentFilter -= allResults - deployments.size(); } } else { totalItemsForCurrentFilter = deployments.size(); } return new Tuple<>(deployments, totalItemsForCurrentFilter); }
From source
/** * This method invokes cancelDocument of DocumentService to delete selected requisitions. * Sets error message appriopriately if this action fails. *//*w ww. j ava2 s .co m*/ public void delete() { LOG.debug("Inside delete of OleOrderQueueDocument"); WorkflowDocumentService workflowDocumentService = SpringContext.getBean(WorkflowDocumentService.class); Person principalPerson = SpringContext.getBean(PersonService.class) .getPerson(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPerson().getPrincipalId()); WorkflowDocument workflowDocument; List<OleRequisitionItem> refreshItems = new ArrayList<OleRequisitionItem>(); OleRequisitionDocument requisitionDocument; StringBuilder orderQueueRequisitionDeleted = new StringBuilder(); boolean isErrorMsg = false; for (OleRequisitionItem item : requisitionItems) { boolean itemAdded = item.isItemAdded(); if (itemAdded) { try { workflowDocument = workflowDocumentService .loadWorkflowDocument(item.getRequisition().getDocumentNumber(), principalPerson); if (workflowDocument.isSaved()) { requisitionDocument = SpringContext.getBean(BusinessObjectService.class) .findBySinglePrimaryKey(OleRequisitionDocument.class, Long.valueOf(item.getRequisition().getPurapDocumentIdentifier())); requisitionDocument.setDocumentHeader(SpringContext.getBean(DocumentHeaderService.class) .getDocumentHeaderById(item.getRequisition().getDocumentNumber())); try { requisitionDocument.getDocumentHeader().setWorkflowDocument(workflowDocument); SpringContext.getBean(DocumentService.class).cancelDocument(requisitionDocument, OLEConstants.OrderQueue.CANCEL_ANNOTATION); orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.append(item.getRequisition().getDocumentNumber()) .append(","); isErrorMsg = true; } catch (WorkflowException wfe) { GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(OLEConstants.OrderQueue.REQUISITIONS, OLEKeyConstants.ERROR_ORDERQUEUE_REQUISITIONS_CANCELED_WFE, new String[] { requisitionDocument.getDocumentNumber(), wfe.getMessage() }); refreshItems.add(item); } } else { GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(OLEConstants.OrderQueue.REQUISITIONS, OLEKeyConstants.ERROR_ORDERQUEUE_REQUISITIONS_CANCELED, new String[] { workflowDocument.getStatus().toString(), item.getRequisition().getDocumentNumber() }); refreshItems.add(item); } } catch (WorkflowException ex) { GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(OLEConstants.OrderQueue.REQUISITIONS, RiceKeyConstants.ERROR_CUSTOM, ex.getMessage()); refreshItems.add(item); } } else { refreshItems.add(item); } } int len = orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.lastIndexOf(","); if (isErrorMsg) { orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.replace(len, len + 1, " "); GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putInfo(OLEConstants.OrderQueue.REQUISITIONS, OLEKeyConstants.MESSAGE_ORDERQUEUE_REQUISITIONS_CANCELED, new String[] { orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.toString() }); } requisitionItems = refreshItems; LOG.debug("Leaving delete of OleOrderQueueDocument"); }
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/** * <p>/* w w w .j a v a2 s . co m*/ * writeAtom</p> * * @param atom a {@link ffx.potential.bonded.Atom} object. * @param serial a int. * @param sb a {@link java.lang.StringBuilder} object. * @param anisouSB a {@link java.lang.StringBuilder} object. * @param bw a {@link} object. * @throws if any. */ public void writeAtom(Atom atom, int serial, StringBuilder sb, StringBuilder anisouSB, BufferedWriter bw) throws IOException { String name = atom.getName(); if (name.length() > 4) { name = name.substring(0, 4); } else if (name.length() == 1) { name = name + " "; } else if (name.length() == 2) { if (atom.getAtomType().valence == 0) { name = name + " "; } else { name = name + " "; } } double xyz[] = vdwH ? atom.getRedXYZ() : atom.getXYZ(null); sb.replace(6, 16, String.format("%5s " + padLeft(name.toUpperCase(), 4), Hybrid36.encode(5, serial))); Character altLoc = atom.getAltLoc(); if (altLoc != null) { sb.setCharAt(16, altLoc); } else { sb.setCharAt(16, ' '); } sb.replace(30, 66, String.format("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], atom.getOccupancy(), atom.getTempFactor())); name = Atom.ElementSymbol.values()[atom.getAtomicNumber() - 1].toString(); name = name.toUpperCase(); if (atom.isDeuterium()) { name = "D"; } sb.replace(76, 78, padLeft(name, 2)); sb.replace(78, 80, String.format("%2d", 0)); if (!listMode) { bw.write(sb.toString()); bw.newLine(); } else { listOutput.add(sb.toString()); } // ============================================================================= // 1 - 6 Record name "ANISOU" // 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number. // 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name. // 17 Character altLoc Alternate location indicator // 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name. // 22 Character chainID Chain identifier. // 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. // 27 AChar iCode Insertion code. // 29 - 35 Integer u[0][0] U(1,1) // 36 - 42 Integer u[1][1] U(2,2) // 43 - 49 Integer u[2][2] U(3,3) // 50 - 56 Integer u[0][1] U(1,2) // 57 - 63 Integer u[0][2] U(1,3) // 64 - 70 Integer u[1][2] U(2,3) // 77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol, right-justified. // 79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom. // ============================================================================= double[] anisou = atom.getAnisou(null); if (anisou != null) { anisouSB.replace(6, 80, sb.substring(6, 80)); anisouSB.replace(28, 70, String.format("%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d", (int) (anisou[0] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[1] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[2] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[3] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[4] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[5] * 1e4))); if (!listMode) { bw.write(anisouSB.toString()); bw.newLine(); } else { listOutput.add(anisouSB.toString()); } } }
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public void writeSIFTAtom(Atom atom, int serial, StringBuilder sb, StringBuilder anisouSB, BufferedWriter bw, String siftScore) throws IOException { String name = atom.getName(); if (name.length() > 4) { name = name.substring(0, 4);//from w w w.j a va2 s .c o m } else if (name.length() == 1) { name = name + " "; } else if (name.length() == 2) { if (atom.getAtomType().valence == 0) { name = name + " "; } else { name = name + " "; } } double xyz[] = vdwH ? atom.getRedXYZ() : atom.getXYZ(null); sb.replace(6, 16, String.format("%5s " + padLeft(name.toUpperCase(), 4), Hybrid36.encode(5, serial))); Character altLoc = atom.getAltLoc(); if (altLoc != null) { sb.setCharAt(16, altLoc); } else { sb.setCharAt(16, ' '); } if (siftScore == null) { sb.replace(30, 66, String.format("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], atom.getOccupancy(), 110.0)); } else { sb.replace(30, 66, String.format("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], atom.getOccupancy(), (1 + (-1 * Float.parseFloat(siftScore))) * 100)); } name = Atom.ElementSymbol.values()[atom.getAtomicNumber() - 1].toString(); name = name.toUpperCase(); if (atom.isDeuterium()) { name = "D"; } sb.replace(76, 78, padLeft(name, 2)); sb.replace(78, 80, String.format("%2d", 0)); if (!listMode) { bw.write(sb.toString()); bw.newLine(); } else { listOutput.add(sb.toString()); } // ============================================================================= // 1 - 6 Record name "ANISOU" // 7 - 11 Integer serial Atom serial number. // 13 - 16 Atom name Atom name. // 17 Character altLoc Alternate location indicator // 18 - 20 Residue name resName Residue name. // 22 Character chainID Chain identifier. // 23 - 26 Integer resSeq Residue sequence number. // 27 AChar iCode Insertion code. // 29 - 35 Integer u[0][0] U(1,1) // 36 - 42 Integer u[1][1] U(2,2) // 43 - 49 Integer u[2][2] U(3,3) // 50 - 56 Integer u[0][1] U(1,2) // 57 - 63 Integer u[0][2] U(1,3) // 64 - 70 Integer u[1][2] U(2,3) // 77 - 78 LString(2) element Element symbol, right-justified. // 79 - 80 LString(2) charge Charge on the atom. // ============================================================================= double[] anisou = atom.getAnisou(null); if (anisou != null) { anisouSB.replace(6, 80, sb.substring(6, 80)); anisouSB.replace(28, 70, String.format("%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d", (int) (anisou[0] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[1] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[2] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[3] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[4] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[5] * 1e4))); if (!listMode) { bw.write(anisouSB.toString()); bw.newLine(); } else { listOutput.add(anisouSB.toString()); } } }
From source
/** * Shorten the specified name to the specified target name. This will * be done by first stripping out the vowels, and then removing * characters from the middle of the word until it reaches the target * length./* w w w. ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ public static String shorten(String name, int targetLength) { if (name == null || name.length() <= targetLength) return name; StringBuilder nm = new StringBuilder(name); while (nm.length() > targetLength) { if (!stripVowel(nm)) { // cut out the middle char nm.replace(nm.length() / 2, (nm.length() / 2) + 1, ""); } } return nm.toString(); }
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/** * Access the internal reference which can be used to access the message from within the system. * //from ww w . j a v a 2s. c om * @param channelRef * The channel reference. * @param id * The message id. * @return The the internal reference which can be used to access the message from within the system. */ public String messageReference(String channelRef, String id) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // start with the channel ref buf.append(channelRef); // swap channel for msg int pos = buf.indexOf(REF_TYPE_CHANNEL); buf.replace(pos, pos + REF_TYPE_CHANNEL.length(), REF_TYPE_MESSAGE); // add the id buf.append(Entity.SEPARATOR); buf.append(id); return buf.toString(); }
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protected static String exportLayoutFriendlyURLs(PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String content) { Group group = null;//from w ww.ja va2 s .c o m try { group = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId()); } catch (Exception e) { if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) { _log.warn(e); } return content; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(content); String friendlyURLPrivateGroupPath = PropsValues.LAYOUT_FRIENDLY_URL_PRIVATE_GROUP_SERVLET_MAPPING; String friendlyURLPrivateUserPath = PropsValues.LAYOUT_FRIENDLY_URL_PRIVATE_USER_SERVLET_MAPPING; String friendlyURLPublicPath = PropsValues.LAYOUT_FRIENDLY_URL_PUBLIC_SERVLET_MAPPING; String href = "href="; int beginPos = content.length(); while (true) { int hrefLength = href.length(); beginPos = content.lastIndexOf(href, beginPos); if (beginPos == -1) { break; } char c = content.charAt(beginPos + hrefLength); if ((c == CharPool.APOSTROPHE) || (c == CharPool.QUOTE)) { hrefLength++; } int endPos1 = content.indexOf(CharPool.APOSTROPHE, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos2 = content.indexOf(CharPool.CLOSE_BRACKET, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos3 = content.indexOf(CharPool.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACE, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos4 = content.indexOf(CharPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos5 = content.indexOf(CharPool.LESS_THAN, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos6 = content.indexOf(CharPool.QUESTION, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos7 = content.indexOf(CharPool.QUOTE, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos8 = content.indexOf(CharPool.SPACE, beginPos + hrefLength); int endPos = endPos1; if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos2 != -1) && (endPos2 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos2; } if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos3 != -1) && (endPos3 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos3; } if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos4 != -1) && (endPos4 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos4; } if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos5 != -1) && (endPos5 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos5; } if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos6 != -1) && (endPos6 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos6; } if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos7 != -1) && (endPos7 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos7; } if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos8 != -1) && (endPos8 < endPos))) { endPos = endPos8; } if (endPos == -1) { beginPos--; continue; } String url = content.substring(beginPos + hrefLength, endPos); if (!url.startsWith(friendlyURLPrivateGroupPath) && !url.startsWith(friendlyURLPrivateUserPath) && !url.startsWith(friendlyURLPublicPath)) { beginPos--; continue; } int beginGroupPos = content.indexOf(CharPool.SLASH, beginPos + hrefLength + 1); if (beginGroupPos == -1) { beginPos--; continue; } int endGroupPos = content.indexOf(CharPool.SLASH, beginGroupPos + 1); if (endGroupPos == -1) { beginPos--; continue; } String groupFriendlyURL = content.substring(beginGroupPos, endGroupPos); if (groupFriendlyURL.equals(group.getFriendlyURL())) { sb.replace(beginGroupPos, endGroupPos, "@data_handler_group_friendly_url@"); } beginPos--; } return sb.toString(); }