Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder replace

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder replace


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder replace.


public StringBuilder replace(int start, int end, String str) 

Source Link


From source file:org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.model.impl.query.criteria.SimpleCriterionImpl.java

public String getXPath() {

    //No property path is provided. Return empty criterion
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(property))
        return "";

    StringBuilder criterion = new StringBuilder();

    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(values) && values.size() > 1)


    if (operator == null)
        operator = QueryOperator.EQUALS;

    if (QueryOperator.IS_NULL == operator) {
        criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple));
    } else if (QueryOperator.IS_NOT_NULL == operator) {
        criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNotNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple));
    } else if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(values)) {


        if (operator == QueryOperator.EQUALS)
            criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple));
        else if (operator == QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS)
            criterion.append(XPathUtils.createNotNullCriterion(property, propertyIsSimple));
        else/*w  w w  .j  a v  a2s  .  c  o m*/
            //No value has been provided. No need to create an empty criterion
            return "";
    } else {
        String propertyPath = property;

        if (QueryOperator.EQUALS == operator || QueryOperator.NOT_EQUALS == operator
                || QueryOperator.LIKE == operator) {
            //Check for case matching to activate appropriate method.
            if (CaseMatching.LOWER_CASE == caseMatching) {
                propertyPath = CmsConstants.FN_LOWER_CASE + CmsConstants.LEFT_PARENTHESIS + property
                        + CmsConstants.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS;
            } else if (CaseMatching.UPPER_CASE == caseMatching) {
                propertyPath = CmsConstants.FN_UPPER_CASE + CmsConstants.LEFT_PARENTHESIS + property
                        + CmsConstants.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS;
        //Values exist. Create appropriate xpath criteria
        if (internalCondition == null)
            internalCondition = Condition.AND;


        for (Object value : values) {
            if (value instanceof String) {
                //Check for case matching and transform the value accordingly.
                value = transformValueIfCaseMatchingIsEnabled(value);

                value = checkIfValueIsAReferenceAndLoadReferenceId((String) value);

                value = checkIfPropertyIsOfTypeLongIntegerOrDoubleAndConvertValueAccordingly(propertyPath,
                        (String) value);

                    + XPathUtils.createObjectCriteria(propertyPath, operator, value, propertyIsSimple,
                            caseMatching, numberOfNodeLevelsToSearchInTheModelHierarchy)
                    + CmsConstants.EMPTY_SPACE + internalCondition.toString().toLowerCase());

        //Remove the last internal condition
        criterion.replace(criterion.length() - internalCondition.toString().length(), criterion.length(), "");


    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(values) && values.size() > 1)

    return criterion.toString();

From source file:es.ehu.si.ixa.pipe.convert.Convert.java

public void absaSemEvalToMultiClassNER2015(String fileName) {
    SAXBuilder sax = new SAXBuilder();
    XPathFactory xFactory = XPathFactory.instance();
    try {// w  w w.  j  a  va  2s  .  co m
        Document doc = sax.build(fileName);
        XPathExpression<Element> expr = xFactory.compile("//sentence", Filters.element());
        List<Element> sentences = expr.evaluate(doc);
        for (Element sent : sentences) {

            String sentString = sent.getChildText("text");
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb = sb.append(sentString);
            Element opinionsElement = sent.getChild("Opinions");
            if (opinionsElement != null) {
                List<List<Integer>> offsetList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
                HashSet<String> targetClassSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
                List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                List<Element> opinionList = opinionsElement.getChildren();
                for (Element opinion : opinionList) {
                    if (!opinion.getAttributeValue("target").equals("NULL")) {
                        String className = opinion.getAttributeValue("category");
                        String targetString = opinion.getAttributeValue("target");
                        Integer offsetFrom = Integer.parseInt(opinion.getAttributeValue("from"));
                        Integer offsetTo = Integer.parseInt(opinion.getAttributeValue("to"));
                        targetClassSet.add(targetString + "JAR!" + className + opinion.getAttributeValue("from")
                                + opinion.getAttributeValue("to"));
                List<Integer> offsetsWithoutDuplicates = new ArrayList<Integer>(new HashSet<Integer>(offsets));
                List<String> targetClassList = new ArrayList<String>(targetClassSet);

                for (int i = 0; i < offsetsWithoutDuplicates.size(); i++) {
                    List<Integer> offsetArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                    if (offsetsWithoutDuplicates.size() > i) {
                int counter = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < offsetList.size(); i++) {
                    Integer offsetFrom = offsetList.get(i).get(0);
                    Integer offsetTo = offsetList.get(i).get(1);
                    String className = targetClassList.get(i);
                    String aspectString = sentString.substring(offsetFrom, offsetTo);
                    sb.replace(offsetFrom + counter, offsetTo + counter, "<START:"
                            + className.split("JAR!")[1].substring(0, 3) + "> " + aspectString + " <END>");
                    counter += 18;
    } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {

From source file:org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager.java

public void mergeResourcesFromUpgrade(Set<ResourceUpgradeRequest> upgradeRequests) throws Exception {
    Set<ResourceUpgradeResponse> serverUpdates = null;
    try {/*  w  w  w.ja  va 2 s  .c o  m*/
        ServerServices serverServices = this.configuration.getServerServices();
        if (serverServices != null) {
            DiscoveryServerService discoveryServerService = serverServices.getDiscoveryServerService();

            serverUpdates = discoveryServerService.upgradeResources(upgradeRequests);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Failed to process resource upgrades on the server.", e);
        throw e;

    if (serverUpdates != null) {
        for (ResourceUpgradeResponse upgradeResponse : serverUpdates) {
            String resourceKey = upgradeResponse.getUpgradedResourceKey();
            String name = upgradeResponse.getUpgradedResourceName();
            String description = upgradeResponse.getUpgradedResourceDescription();

            //only bother if there's something to upgrade at all on this resource.
            if (resourceKey != null || name != null || description != null) {
                ResourceContainer existingResourceContainer = getResourceContainer(
                if (existingResourceContainer != null) {
                    Resource existingResource = existingResourceContainer.getResource();

                    StringBuilder logMessage = new StringBuilder("Resource [")
                            .append(existingResource.toString()).append("] upgraded its ");

                    if (resourceKey != null) {
                        logMessage.append("resourceKey, ");

                    if (name != null) {
                        logMessage.append("name, ");

                    if (description != null) {
                        logMessage.append("description, ");

                    logMessage.replace(logMessage.length() - 1, logMessage.length(), "to become [")

                } else {
                    log.error("Upgraded a resource that is not present on the agent. This should not happen. "
                            + "The id of the missing resource is: " + upgradeResponse.getResourceId());

From source file:ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.business.deploy.boundary.DeploymentBoundary.java

 * @param startIndex/* w  w w.  j  a v  a  2 s .  c o m*/
 * @param maxResults when maxResults > 0 it is expected to get the deployments for pagination. In this case an additional count() query will be executed.
 * @param filters
 * @param colToSort
 * @param sortingDirection
 * @param myAmw
 * @return a Tuple containing the filter deployments and the total deployments for that filter if doPagingCalculation is true
public Tuple<Set<DeploymentEntity>, Integer> getFilteredDeployments(Integer startIndex, Integer maxResults,
        List<CustomFilter> filters, String colToSort, CommonFilterService.SortingDirectionType sortingDirection,
        List<Integer> myAmw) {
    Integer totalItemsForCurrentFilter;
    boolean doPaging = maxResults == null ? false : (maxResults > 0 ? true : false);

    StringBuilder stringQuery = new StringBuilder();

    DeploymentState lastDeploymentState = null;
    boolean hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet = isLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet(filters);
    Integer from = 0;
    Integer to = 0;


    if (hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet) {
        for (CustomFilter customFilter : filters) {
            if (customFilter.getFilterDisplayName()
                    .equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.DEPLOYMENT_STATE.getFilterDisplayName())) {
                lastDeploymentState = DeploymentState.getByString(customFilter.getValue());
                from = startIndex != null ? startIndex : 0;
                to = maxResults != null ? from + maxResults : from + 200;
                // sever side pagination is done after fetching from db for this combination
                startIndex = null;
                maxResults = null;

        if (lastDeploymentState == null) {
        } else {
            stringQuery.append("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " "
                    + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " ");
        commonFilterService.appendWhereAndMyAmwParameter(myAmw, stringQuery,
                "and " + getEntityDependantMyAmwParameterQl());
    } else {
        stringQuery.append("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " "
                + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " ");
        commonFilterService.appendWhereAndMyAmwParameter(myAmw, stringQuery,

    String baseQuery = stringQuery.toString();
    // left join required in order that order by works as expected on deployments having null references..
    String nullFix = stringQuery.toString()
            .replace(" from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " ",
                    " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " left join fetch "
                            + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".release left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS
                            + ".context ");
    stringQuery = stringQuery.replace(0, nullFix.length() - 1, nullFix);

    boolean lowerSortCol = DeploymentFilterTypes.APPSERVER_NAME.getFilterTabColumnName().equals(colToSort);

    Query query = commonFilterService.addFilterAndCreateQuery(stringQuery, filters, colToSort, sortingDirection,
            DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id", lowerSortCol, hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet, false);

    query = commonFilterService.setParameterToQuery(startIndex, maxResults, myAmw, query);

    Set<DeploymentEntity> deployments = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    // some stuff may be lazy loaded
    List<DeploymentEntity> resultList = query.getResultList();
    final int allResults = resultList.size();

    if (!hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet) {
    } else {
        resultList = specialSort(latestPerContextAndGroup(resultList), colToSort, sortingDirection);
        if (to > 0) {
            resultList = new ArrayList<>(
                    resultList.subList(from, to < resultList.size() ? to : resultList.size()));

    if (doPaging) {
        String countQueryString = baseQuery.replace("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS,
                "select count(" + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id)");
        // last param needs to be true if we are dealing with a combination of "State" and "Latest deployment job for App Server and Env"
        Query countQuery = commonFilterService.addFilterAndCreateQuery(new StringBuilder(countQueryString),
                filters, null, null, null, lowerSortCol, hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet,
                lastDeploymentState != null);

        commonFilterService.setParameterToQuery(null, null, myAmw, countQuery);
        totalItemsForCurrentFilter = (lastDeploymentState == null)
                ? ((Long) countQuery.getSingleResult()).intValue()
                : countQuery.getResultList().size();
        // fix for the special case of multiple deployments on the same environment with exactly the same deployment date
        if (hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet && lastDeploymentState == null
                && deployments.size() != allResults) {
            totalItemsForCurrentFilter -= allResults - deployments.size();
    } else {
        totalItemsForCurrentFilter = deployments.size();

    return new Tuple<>(deployments, totalItemsForCurrentFilter);

From source file:org.kuali.ole.select.document.OleOrderQueueDocument.java

 * This method invokes cancelDocument of DocumentService to delete selected requisitions.
 * Sets error message appriopriately if this action fails.
 *//*w ww. j ava2  s  .co m*/
public void delete() {
    LOG.debug("Inside delete of OleOrderQueueDocument");
    WorkflowDocumentService workflowDocumentService = SpringContext.getBean(WorkflowDocumentService.class);
    Person principalPerson = SpringContext.getBean(PersonService.class)
    WorkflowDocument workflowDocument;
    List<OleRequisitionItem> refreshItems = new ArrayList<OleRequisitionItem>();
    OleRequisitionDocument requisitionDocument;
    StringBuilder orderQueueRequisitionDeleted = new StringBuilder();
    boolean isErrorMsg = false;
    for (OleRequisitionItem item : requisitionItems) {
        boolean itemAdded = item.isItemAdded();
        if (itemAdded) {
            try {
                workflowDocument = workflowDocumentService
                        .loadWorkflowDocument(item.getRequisition().getDocumentNumber(), principalPerson);
                if (workflowDocument.isSaved()) {
                    requisitionDocument = SpringContext.getBean(BusinessObjectService.class)

                    try {
                        isErrorMsg = true;
                    } catch (WorkflowException wfe) {
                                new String[] { requisitionDocument.getDocumentNumber(), wfe.getMessage() });
                } else {
                            new String[] { workflowDocument.getStatus().toString(),
                                    item.getRequisition().getDocumentNumber() });
            } catch (WorkflowException ex) {
                        RiceKeyConstants.ERROR_CUSTOM, ex.getMessage());
        } else {

    int len = orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.lastIndexOf(",");
    if (isErrorMsg) {
        orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.replace(len, len + 1, " ");
                new String[] { orderQueueRequisitionDeleted.toString() });
    requisitionItems = refreshItems;
    LOG.debug("Leaving delete of OleOrderQueueDocument");

From source file:ffx.potential.parsers.BiojavaFilter.java

 * <p>/*  w w  w  .j a  v a2 s .  co  m*/
 * writeAtom</p>
 * @param atom a {@link ffx.potential.bonded.Atom} object.
 * @param serial a int.
 * @param sb a {@link java.lang.StringBuilder} object.
 * @param anisouSB a {@link java.lang.StringBuilder} object.
 * @param bw a {@link java.io.BufferedWriter} object.
 * @throws java.io.IOException if any.
public void writeAtom(Atom atom, int serial, StringBuilder sb, StringBuilder anisouSB, BufferedWriter bw)
        throws IOException {
    String name = atom.getName();
    if (name.length() > 4) {
        name = name.substring(0, 4);
    } else if (name.length() == 1) {
        name = name + "  ";
    } else if (name.length() == 2) {
        if (atom.getAtomType().valence == 0) {
            name = name + "  ";
        } else {
            name = name + " ";
    double xyz[] = vdwH ? atom.getRedXYZ() : atom.getXYZ(null);
    sb.replace(6, 16, String.format("%5s " + padLeft(name.toUpperCase(), 4), Hybrid36.encode(5, serial)));
    Character altLoc = atom.getAltLoc();
    if (altLoc != null) {
        sb.setCharAt(16, altLoc);
    } else {
        sb.setCharAt(16, ' ');
    sb.replace(30, 66, String.format("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], atom.getOccupancy(),
    name = Atom.ElementSymbol.values()[atom.getAtomicNumber() - 1].toString();
    name = name.toUpperCase();
    if (atom.isDeuterium()) {
        name = "D";
    sb.replace(76, 78, padLeft(name, 2));
    sb.replace(78, 80, String.format("%2d", 0));
    if (!listMode) {
    } else {
    // =============================================================================
    //  1 - 6        Record name   "ANISOU"
    //  7 - 11       Integer       serial         Atom serial number.
    // 13 - 16       Atom          name           Atom name.
    // 17            Character     altLoc         Alternate location indicator
    // 18 - 20       Residue name  resName        Residue name.
    // 22            Character     chainID        Chain identifier.
    // 23 - 26       Integer       resSeq         Residue sequence number.
    // 27            AChar         iCode          Insertion code.
    // 29 - 35       Integer       u[0][0]        U(1,1)
    // 36 - 42       Integer       u[1][1]        U(2,2)
    // 43 - 49       Integer       u[2][2]        U(3,3)
    // 50 - 56       Integer       u[0][1]        U(1,2)
    // 57 - 63       Integer       u[0][2]        U(1,3)
    // 64 - 70       Integer       u[1][2]        U(2,3)
    // 77 - 78       LString(2)    element        Element symbol, right-justified.
    // 79 - 80       LString(2)    charge         Charge on the atom.
    // =============================================================================
    double[] anisou = atom.getAnisou(null);
    if (anisou != null) {
        anisouSB.replace(6, 80, sb.substring(6, 80));
        anisouSB.replace(28, 70,
                String.format("%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d", (int) (anisou[0] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[1] * 1e4),
                        (int) (anisou[2] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[3] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[4] * 1e4),
                        (int) (anisou[5] * 1e4)));
        if (!listMode) {
        } else {

From source file:ffx.potential.parsers.BiojavaFilter.java

public void writeSIFTAtom(Atom atom, int serial, StringBuilder sb, StringBuilder anisouSB, BufferedWriter bw,
        String siftScore) throws IOException {
    String name = atom.getName();
    if (name.length() > 4) {
        name = name.substring(0, 4);//from   w  w  w.j  a  va2 s .c  o m
    } else if (name.length() == 1) {
        name = name + "  ";
    } else if (name.length() == 2) {
        if (atom.getAtomType().valence == 0) {
            name = name + "  ";
        } else {
            name = name + " ";
    double xyz[] = vdwH ? atom.getRedXYZ() : atom.getXYZ(null);
    sb.replace(6, 16, String.format("%5s " + padLeft(name.toUpperCase(), 4), Hybrid36.encode(5, serial)));
    Character altLoc = atom.getAltLoc();
    if (altLoc != null) {
        sb.setCharAt(16, altLoc);
    } else {
        sb.setCharAt(16, ' ');
    if (siftScore == null) {
        sb.replace(30, 66,
                String.format("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], atom.getOccupancy(), 110.0));
    } else {
        sb.replace(30, 66, String.format("%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%6.2f%6.2f", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2],
                atom.getOccupancy(), (1 + (-1 * Float.parseFloat(siftScore))) * 100));
    name = Atom.ElementSymbol.values()[atom.getAtomicNumber() - 1].toString();
    name = name.toUpperCase();
    if (atom.isDeuterium()) {
        name = "D";
    sb.replace(76, 78, padLeft(name, 2));
    sb.replace(78, 80, String.format("%2d", 0));
    if (!listMode) {
    } else {
    // =============================================================================
    //  1 - 6        Record name   "ANISOU"
    //  7 - 11       Integer       serial         Atom serial number.
    // 13 - 16       Atom          name           Atom name.
    // 17            Character     altLoc         Alternate location indicator
    // 18 - 20       Residue name  resName        Residue name.
    // 22            Character     chainID        Chain identifier.
    // 23 - 26       Integer       resSeq         Residue sequence number.
    // 27            AChar         iCode          Insertion code.
    // 29 - 35       Integer       u[0][0]        U(1,1)
    // 36 - 42       Integer       u[1][1]        U(2,2)
    // 43 - 49       Integer       u[2][2]        U(3,3)
    // 50 - 56       Integer       u[0][1]        U(1,2)
    // 57 - 63       Integer       u[0][2]        U(1,3)
    // 64 - 70       Integer       u[1][2]        U(2,3)
    // 77 - 78       LString(2)    element        Element symbol, right-justified.
    // 79 - 80       LString(2)    charge         Charge on the atom.
    // =============================================================================
    double[] anisou = atom.getAnisou(null);
    if (anisou != null) {
        anisouSB.replace(6, 80, sb.substring(6, 80));
        anisouSB.replace(28, 70,
                String.format("%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d", (int) (anisou[0] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[1] * 1e4),
                        (int) (anisou[2] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[3] * 1e4), (int) (anisou[4] * 1e4),
                        (int) (anisou[5] * 1e4)));
        if (!listMode) {
        } else {

From source file:org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary.java

 * Shorten the specified name to the specified target name. This will
 * be done by first stripping out the vowels, and then removing
 * characters from the middle of the word until it reaches the target
 * length./*  w w w. ja v  a 2  s .c  o  m*/
public static String shorten(String name, int targetLength) {
    if (name == null || name.length() <= targetLength)
        return name;

    StringBuilder nm = new StringBuilder(name);
    while (nm.length() > targetLength) {
        if (!stripVowel(nm)) {
            // cut out the middle char
            nm.replace(nm.length() / 2, (nm.length() / 2) + 1, "");
    return nm.toString();

From source file:org.sakaiproject.message.impl.BaseMessageService.java

 * Access the internal reference which can be used to access the message from within the system.
 * //from ww w .  j a v  a 2s.  c om
 * @param channelRef
 *        The channel reference.
 * @param id
 *        The message id.
 * @return The the internal reference which can be used to access the message from within the system.
public String messageReference(String channelRef, String id) {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

    // start with the channel ref

    // swap channel for msg
    int pos = buf.indexOf(REF_TYPE_CHANNEL);
    buf.replace(pos, pos + REF_TYPE_CHANNEL.length(), REF_TYPE_MESSAGE);

    // add the id

    return buf.toString();

From source file:com.liferay.portlet.journal.lar.JournalPortletDataHandlerImpl.java

protected static String exportLayoutFriendlyURLs(PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String content) {

    Group group = null;//from  w  ww.ja va2 s .c o  m

    try {
        group = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) {

        return content;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(content);

    String friendlyURLPublicPath = PropsValues.LAYOUT_FRIENDLY_URL_PUBLIC_SERVLET_MAPPING;

    String href = "href=";

    int beginPos = content.length();

    while (true) {
        int hrefLength = href.length();

        beginPos = content.lastIndexOf(href, beginPos);

        if (beginPos == -1) {

        char c = content.charAt(beginPos + hrefLength);

        if ((c == CharPool.APOSTROPHE) || (c == CharPool.QUOTE)) {

        int endPos1 = content.indexOf(CharPool.APOSTROPHE, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos2 = content.indexOf(CharPool.CLOSE_BRACKET, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos3 = content.indexOf(CharPool.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACE, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos4 = content.indexOf(CharPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos5 = content.indexOf(CharPool.LESS_THAN, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos6 = content.indexOf(CharPool.QUESTION, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos7 = content.indexOf(CharPool.QUOTE, beginPos + hrefLength);
        int endPos8 = content.indexOf(CharPool.SPACE, beginPos + hrefLength);

        int endPos = endPos1;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos2 != -1) && (endPos2 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos2;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos3 != -1) && (endPos3 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos3;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos4 != -1) && (endPos4 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos4;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos5 != -1) && (endPos5 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos5;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos6 != -1) && (endPos6 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos6;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos7 != -1) && (endPos7 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos7;

        if ((endPos == -1) || ((endPos8 != -1) && (endPos8 < endPos))) {
            endPos = endPos8;

        if (endPos == -1) {


        String url = content.substring(beginPos + hrefLength, endPos);

        if (!url.startsWith(friendlyURLPrivateGroupPath) && !url.startsWith(friendlyURLPrivateUserPath)
                && !url.startsWith(friendlyURLPublicPath)) {



        int beginGroupPos = content.indexOf(CharPool.SLASH, beginPos + hrefLength + 1);

        if (beginGroupPos == -1) {


        int endGroupPos = content.indexOf(CharPool.SLASH, beginGroupPos + 1);

        if (endGroupPos == -1) {


        String groupFriendlyURL = content.substring(beginGroupPos, endGroupPos);

        if (groupFriendlyURL.equals(group.getFriendlyURL())) {
            sb.replace(beginGroupPos, endGroupPos, "@data_handler_group_friendly_url@");


    return sb.toString();