Java tutorial
/* * AMW - Automated Middleware allows you to manage the configurations of * your Java EE applications on an unlimited number of different environments * with various versions, including the automated deployment of those apps. * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 by Puzzle ITC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.exception.*; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.util.ConfigurationService; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.util.ConfigKey; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.util.ContextNames; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.util.DefaultResourceTypeDefinition; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.util.Tuple; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.enterprise.event.Event; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.*; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributeView; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static; import static; @Stateless public class DeploymentBoundary { private static final String DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME = "DeploymentEntity"; private static final String PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_ENTITY_QL = "propDescEnt"; private static final String DIFF_VERSIONS = "diff versions"; public enum DeploymentOperationValidation { MISSING_PERMISSION, WRONG_STATE, SUCCESS; public boolean isPossible() { return DeploymentOperationValidation.SUCCESS.equals(this); } } @Inject private ResourceEditService resourceEditService; @Inject private DeploymentNotificationService deploymentNotificationService; @Inject private PermissionService permissionService; @Inject private ContextDomainService contextDomainService; @Inject private ResourceDependencyResolverService dependencyResolver; @Inject private ShakedownTestService shakedownTestService; @Inject private SequencesService sequencesService; @Inject CommonFilterService commonFilterService; @Inject AuditService auditService; @Inject protected EntityManager em; @Inject protected Logger log; @Inject private Event<DeploymentEvent> deploymentEvent; @Inject private ResourceGroupLocator resourceGroupLocator; @Inject private DeploymentParameterBoundary deploymentParameterBoundary; @Inject private ContextLocator contextLocator; @Inject ReleaseMgmtService releaseMgmtService; private PropertyDescriptorEntity mavenVersionProperty = null; private Map<String, List<Integer>> deletedContextNameIdMap; private List<DeploymentFilterTypes> selectableDeploymentFilterTypes; public List<DeploymentFilterTypes> getDeploymentFilterTypes() { if (selectableDeploymentFilterTypes == null) { selectableDeploymentFilterTypes = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeploymentFilterTypes deploymentFilterType : DeploymentFilterTypes.values()) { if (deploymentFilterType.isSelectable()) { selectableDeploymentFilterTypes.add(deploymentFilterType); } } } return selectableDeploymentFilterTypes; } public ComparatorFilterOption[] getComparatorFilterOptions() { return ComparatorFilterOption.values(); } /** * @param startIndex * @param maxResults when maxResults > 0 it is expected to get the deployments for pagination. In this case an additional count() query will be executed. * @param filters * @param colToSort * @param sortingDirection * @param myAmw * @return a Tuple containing the filter deployments and the total deployments for that filter if doPagingCalculation is true */ public Tuple<Set<DeploymentEntity>, Integer> getFilteredDeployments(Integer startIndex, Integer maxResults, List<CustomFilter> filters, String colToSort, CommonFilterService.SortingDirectionType sortingDirection, List<Integer> myAmw) { Integer totalItemsForCurrentFilter; boolean doPaging = maxResults == null ? false : (maxResults > 0 ? true : false); StringBuilder stringQuery = new StringBuilder(); DeploymentState lastDeploymentState = null; boolean hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet = isLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet(filters); Integer from = 0; Integer to = 0; filters.addAll(addFiltersForDeletedEnvironments(filters)); if (hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet) { for (CustomFilter customFilter : filters) { if (customFilter.getFilterDisplayName() .equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.DEPLOYMENT_STATE.getFilterDisplayName())) { lastDeploymentState = DeploymentState.getByString(customFilter.getValue()); from = startIndex != null ? startIndex : 0; to = maxResults != null ? from + maxResults : from + 200; // sever side pagination is done after fetching from db for this combination startIndex = null; maxResults = null; break; } } if (lastDeploymentState == null) { stringQuery.append(getListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContextQuery(false)); } else { stringQuery.append("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " "); } commonFilterService.appendWhereAndMyAmwParameter(myAmw, stringQuery, "and " + getEntityDependantMyAmwParameterQl()); } else { stringQuery.append("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " "); commonFilterService.appendWhereAndMyAmwParameter(myAmw, stringQuery, getEntityDependantMyAmwParameterQl()); } String baseQuery = stringQuery.toString(); // left join required in order that order by works as expected on deployments having null references.. String nullFix = stringQuery.toString() .replace(" from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " ", " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".release left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".context "); stringQuery = stringQuery.replace(0, nullFix.length() - 1, nullFix); boolean lowerSortCol = DeploymentFilterTypes.APPSERVER_NAME.getFilterTabColumnName().equals(colToSort); Query query = commonFilterService.addFilterAndCreateQuery(stringQuery, filters, colToSort, sortingDirection, DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id", lowerSortCol, hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet, false); query = commonFilterService.setParameterToQuery(startIndex, maxResults, myAmw, query); Set<DeploymentEntity> deployments = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // some stuff may be lazy loaded List<DeploymentEntity> resultList = query.getResultList(); final int allResults = resultList.size(); if (!hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet) { deployments.addAll(resultList); } else { resultList = specialSort(latestPerContextAndGroup(resultList), colToSort, sortingDirection); if (to > 0) { resultList = new ArrayList<>( resultList.subList(from, to < resultList.size() ? to : resultList.size())); } deployments.addAll(resultList); } if (doPaging) { String countQueryString = baseQuery.replace("select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS, "select count(" + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id)"); // last param needs to be true if we are dealing with a combination of "State" and "Latest deployment job for App Server and Env" Query countQuery = commonFilterService.addFilterAndCreateQuery(new StringBuilder(countQueryString), filters, null, null, null, lowerSortCol, hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet, lastDeploymentState != null); commonFilterService.setParameterToQuery(null, null, myAmw, countQuery); totalItemsForCurrentFilter = (lastDeploymentState == null) ? ((Long) countQuery.getSingleResult()).intValue() : countQuery.getResultList().size(); // fix for the special case of multiple deployments on the same environment with exactly the same deployment date if (hasLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet && lastDeploymentState == null && deployments.size() != allResults) { totalItemsForCurrentFilter -= allResults - deployments.size(); } } else { totalItemsForCurrentFilter = deployments.size(); } return new Tuple<>(deployments, totalItemsForCurrentFilter); } private List<CustomFilter> addFiltersForDeletedEnvironments(List<CustomFilter> filters) { List<CustomFilter> additionalFilters = new ArrayList<>(); for (CustomFilter customFilter : filters) { if (customFilter.getFilterDisplayName() .equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.ENVIRONMENT_NAME.getFilterDisplayName())) { if (deletedContextNameIdMap == null) { populateDeletedContextMap(); } if (deletedContextNameIdMap.containsKey(customFilter.getValue())) { for (Integer id : deletedContextNameIdMap.get(customFilter.getValue())) { CustomFilter cf = CustomFilter.builder(DeploymentFilterTypes.ENVIRONMENT_EX).build(); cf.setValueFromRest(Integer.toString(id)); additionalFilters.add(cf); } } } } return additionalFilters; } public String getDeletedContextName(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (deployment.getContext() == null) { ContextEntity context = (ContextEntity) auditService.getDeletedEntity(new ContextEntity(), deployment.getExContextId()); return context.getName(); } return deployment.getContext().getName(); } public String getDeletedContextNameAlias(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (deployment.getContext() == null) { ContextEntity context = (ContextEntity) auditService.getDeletedEntity(new ContextEntity(), deployment.getExContextId()); return context.getNameAlias(); } return deployment.getContext().getNameAlias(); } public String getDeletedResourceName(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (deployment.getResource() == null) { ResourceEntity res = (ResourceEntity) auditService.getDeletedEntity(new ResourceEntity(), deployment.getExResourceId()); return res.getName(); } return deployment.getResource().getName(); } public String getDeletedResourceGroupName(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (deployment.getResourceGroup() == null) { ResourceGroupEntity resGrp = (ResourceGroupEntity) auditService .getDeletedEntity(new ResourceGroupEntity(), deployment.getExResourcegroupId()); return resGrp.getName(); } return deployment.getResourceGroup().getName(); } public String getDeletedReleaseName(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (deployment.getRelease() == null) { ReleaseEntity rel = (ReleaseEntity) auditService.getDeletedEntity(new ReleaseEntity(), deployment.getExReleaseId()); return rel.getName(); } return deployment.getRelease().getName(); } private void populateDeletedContextMap() { deletedContextNameIdMap = new HashMap<>(); List<ContextEntity> allDeletedEnvironments = contextLocator.getAllDeletedEnvironments(); for (ContextEntity deletedEnvironment : allDeletedEnvironments) { List<Integer> ids = deletedContextNameIdMap.containsKey(deletedEnvironment.getName()) ? deletedContextNameIdMap.get(deletedEnvironment.getName()) : new ArrayList<Integer>(); ids.add(deletedEnvironment.getId()); deletedContextNameIdMap.put(deletedEnvironment.getName(), ids); } } private List<DeploymentEntity> latestPerContextAndGroup(List<DeploymentEntity> resultList) { HashMap<ContextEntity, HashMap<ResourceGroupEntity, DeploymentEntity>> latestByContext = new HashMap<>(); for (DeploymentEntity deployment : resultList) { if (!latestByContext.containsKey(deployment.getContext())) { HashMap<ResourceGroupEntity, DeploymentEntity> latestByResourceGrp = new HashMap<>(); latestByResourceGrp.put(deployment.getResourceGroup(), deployment); latestByContext.put(deployment.getContext(), latestByResourceGrp); } else { HashMap<ResourceGroupEntity, DeploymentEntity> innerMap = latestByContext .get(deployment.getContext()); if (!innerMap.containsKey(deployment.getResourceGroup())) { innerMap.put(deployment.getResourceGroup(), deployment); } else { DeploymentEntity latestSoFar = innerMap.get(deployment.getResourceGroup()); if (deployment.getDeploymentDate().after(latestSoFar.getDeploymentDate())) { innerMap.put(deployment.getResourceGroup(), deployment); } else if (deployment.getDeploymentDate().equals(latestSoFar.getDeploymentDate()) && deployment.getId() > latestSoFar.getId()) { innerMap.put(deployment.getResourceGroup(), deployment); } } } } List<DeploymentEntity> latestList = new ArrayList<>(); for (HashMap<ResourceGroupEntity, DeploymentEntity> groupedDeployments : latestByContext.values()) { latestList.addAll(groupedDeployments.values()); } return latestList; } private List<DeploymentEntity> specialSort(List<DeploymentEntity> deploymentsList, String colToSort, CommonFilterService.SortingDirectionType sortingDirection) { if (colToSort != null) { switch (colToSort) { case "d.trackingId": Collections.sort(deploymentsList, new Comparator<DeploymentEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DeploymentEntity o1, DeploymentEntity o2) { return o1.getTrackingId().compareTo(o2.getTrackingId()); } }); break; case "d.deploymentState": Collections.sort(deploymentsList, new Comparator<DeploymentEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DeploymentEntity o1, DeploymentEntity o2) { return o1.getDeploymentState().getDisplayName() .compareTo(o2.getDeploymentState().getDisplayName()); } }); break; case "": Collections.sort(deploymentsList, new Comparator<DeploymentEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DeploymentEntity o1, DeploymentEntity o2) { return o1.getResourceGroup().getName().toLowerCase() .compareTo(o2.getResourceGroup().getName().toLowerCase()); } }); break; case "d.release.installationInProductionAt": Collections.sort(deploymentsList, new Comparator<DeploymentEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DeploymentEntity o1, DeploymentEntity o2) { return o1.getRelease().getInstallationInProductionAt() .compareTo(o2.getRelease().getInstallationInProductionAt()); } }); break; case "": Collections.sort(deploymentsList, new Comparator<DeploymentEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DeploymentEntity o1, DeploymentEntity o2) { return o1.getContext().getName().compareTo(o2.getContext().getName()); } }); break; case "d.deploymentDate": Collections.sort(deploymentsList, new Comparator<DeploymentEntity>() { @Override public int compare(DeploymentEntity o1, DeploymentEntity o2) { return o1.getDeploymentDate().compareTo(o2.getDeploymentDate()); } }); break; default: } if (sortingDirection.equals(CommonFilterService.SortingDirectionType.DESC)) { Collections.reverse(deploymentsList); } } return deploymentsList; } private String getEntityDependantMyAmwParameterQl() { return "(" + GROUP_QL + ".id in (:" + CommonFilterService.MY_AMW + ")) "; } private boolean isLastDeploymentForAsEnvFilterSet(List<CustomFilter> filter) { if (filter != null) { for (CustomFilter deploymentFilter : filter) { if (deploymentFilter.isSpecialFilterType() && deploymentFilter.isSelected()) { return true; } } } return false; } public List<DeploymentEntity> getListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContext(boolean onlySuccessful) { TypedQuery<DeploymentEntity> query = em.createQuery( getListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContextQuery(onlySuccessful), DeploymentEntity.class); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Loads only the essential data needed for the add shakedown test order popup * * @param onlySuccessful * @return Object [ Integer (, ResourceGroupEntity ] */ public List<Object[]> getEssentialListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContext(boolean onlySuccessful) { Query query = em.createQuery(getEssentialListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContextQuery(onlySuccessful)); return query.getResultList(); } private String getListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContextQuery(boolean onlySuccessful) { String successStateCheck = ""; if (onlySuccessful) { successStateCheck = "and " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = '" + DeploymentState.success + "'"; } return "select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentDate = " + "(select max(t.deploymentDate) from DeploymentEntity t " + "where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".resourceGroup = t.resourceGroup and (" + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".context = t.context or " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".exContextId = t.exContextId)) " + successStateCheck; } private String getEssentialListOfLastDeploymentsForAppServerAndContextQuery(boolean onlySuccessful) { String successStateCheck = ""; if (onlySuccessful) { successStateCheck = "and " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = '" + DeploymentState.success + "'"; } return "select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ", " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".resourceGroup from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentDate = " + "(select max(t.deploymentDate) from DeploymentEntity t " + "where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".resourceGroup = t.resourceGroup and (" + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".context = t.context or " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".exContextId = t.exContextId)) " + successStateCheck; } /** * Save deployment * * @param deployment * @return */ protected DeploymentEntity saveDeployment(DeploymentEntity deployment) { //TODO hack (YP): calling merge on deployment will also call merge on deployment.resource. Because ResrouceEntity has a lot // of "cascade = ALL" annotations all those properties will be loaded too before merge. This will cause about 800 queries. // With this hack the deployment.resouce is attached and the cascades will be ignored. if (!em.contains(deployment) && deployment.getResource() != null) { deployment.setResource(em.find(ResourceEntity.class, deployment.getResource().getId())); } return em.merge(deployment); } // TODO test @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public Integer createDeploymentReturnTrackingId(Integer appServerGroupId, Integer releaseId, Date deploymentDate, Date stateToDeploy, List<Integer> contextIds, List<ApplicationWithVersion> applicationWithVersion, List<DeploymentParameter> deployParams, boolean sendEmail, boolean requestOnly, boolean doSimulate, boolean isExecuteShakedownTest, boolean isNeighbourhoodTest) { Integer trackingId = sequencesService.getNextValueAndUpdate(DeploymentEntity.SEQ_NAME); Date now = new Date(); if (deploymentDate == null || deploymentDate.before(now)) { deploymentDate = now; } requestOnly = createDeploymentForAppserver(appServerGroupId, releaseId, deploymentDate, stateToDeploy, contextIds, applicationWithVersion, deployParams, sendEmail, requestOnly, doSimulate, isExecuteShakedownTest, isNeighbourhoodTest, trackingId); if (deploymentDate == now && !requestOnly) { DeploymentEvent(DeploymentEventType.NEW, DeploymentState.scheduled)); } return trackingId; } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public Integer createDeploymentsReturnTrackingId(List<DeploymentEntity> selectedDeployments, Date deploymentDate, Date stateToDeploy, List<DeploymentParameter> deployParams, List<Integer> contextIds, boolean sendEmail, boolean requestOnly, boolean doSimulate, boolean isExecuteShakedownTest, boolean isNeighbourhoodTest) { Integer trackingId = sequencesService.getNextValueAndUpdate(DeploymentEntity.SEQ_NAME); Date now = new Date(); if (deploymentDate == null || deploymentDate.before(now)) { deploymentDate = now; } for (DeploymentEntity selectedDeployment : selectedDeployments) { List<ApplicationWithVersion> applicationWithVersion = selectedDeployment.getApplicationsWithVersion(); Integer appServerGroupId = selectedDeployment.getResourceGroup().getId(); Integer releaseId = selectedDeployment.getRelease().getId(); requestOnly = createDeploymentForAppserver(appServerGroupId, releaseId, deploymentDate, stateToDeploy, contextIds, applicationWithVersion, deployParams, sendEmail, requestOnly, doSimulate, isExecuteShakedownTest, isNeighbourhoodTest, trackingId); } if (deploymentDate == now && !requestOnly) { DeploymentEvent(DeploymentEventType.NEW, DeploymentState.scheduled)); } return trackingId; } /** * Creates a Deployment or a deployment request for an ApplicationServer, returns true if * * @param appServerGroupId * @param releaseId * @param deploymentDate * @param stateToDeploy * @param contextIds * @param applicationWithVersion * @param deployParams * @param sendEmail * @param requestOnly * @param doSimulate * @param isExecuteShakedownTest * @param isNeighbourhoodTest * @param trackingId * @return boolean true if deployment request only */ private boolean createDeploymentForAppserver(Integer appServerGroupId, Integer releaseId, Date deploymentDate, Date stateToDeploy, List<Integer> contextIds, List<ApplicationWithVersion> applicationWithVersion, List<DeploymentParameter> deployParams, boolean sendEmail, boolean requestOnly, boolean doSimulate, boolean isExecuteShakedownTest, boolean isNeighbourhoodTest, Integer trackingId) { ResourceGroupEntity group = em.find(ResourceGroupEntity.class, appServerGroupId); ReleaseEntity release = em.find(ReleaseEntity.class, releaseId); ResourceEntity resource = dependencyResolver.getResourceEntityForRelease(group, release); if (contextIds == null || contextIds.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context can not be empty"); } for (Integer contextId : contextIds) { DeploymentEntity deployment = new DeploymentEntity(); deployment.setTrackingId(trackingId); deployment.setDeploymentJobCreationDate(new Date()); ContextEntity context = em.find(ContextEntity.class, contextId); deployment.setContext(context); deployment.setApplicationsWithVersion(applicationWithVersion); deployment.setDeploymentRequestUser(permissionService.getCurrentUserName()); deployment.setCreateTestAfterDeployment(isExecuteShakedownTest); if (isExecuteShakedownTest && isNeighbourhoodTest) { deployment.setCreateTestForNeighborhoodAfterDeployment(true); } else { deployment.setCreateTestForNeighborhoodAfterDeployment(false); } // Permission DEPLOYMENT.UPDATE is required for confirming Deployments if (requestOnly || !(permissionService.hasPermissionAndActionForDeploymentOnContext(context, group, Action.UPDATE) && permissionService.hasPermissionAndActionForDeploymentOnContext(context, group, Action.CREATE))) { deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.requested); requestOnly = true; } else { deployment.confirm(permissionService.getCurrentUserName()); } if (resource != null && resource.getRuntime() != null) { deployment .setRuntime(dependencyResolver.getResourceEntityForRelease(resource.getRuntime(), release)); } if (deployment.getRuntime() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No runtime found for given AppServer at deployment time"); } deployment.setResourceGroup(group); deployment.setResource(resource); deployment.setDeploymentDate(deploymentDate); deployment.setStateToDeploy(stateToDeploy); deployment.setSendEmail(sendEmail); deployment.setSimulating(doSimulate); // bis simulation ausgefhrt wird, soll kein buildfehler // angezeigt werden deployment.setBuildSuccess(true); deployment.setRelease(release); createAndAddDeploymentParameterForDeployment(deployment, deployParams); em.persist(deployment);"Deployment for appServer " + group.getName() + " env " + contextId + " created"); } return requestOnly; } private void createAndAddDeploymentParameterForDeployment(DeploymentEntity deployment, List<DeploymentParameter> deployParams) { for (DeploymentParameter parameter : deployParams) { DeploymentParameter persistDeploymentParameter = createPersistDeploymentParameter(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue()); persistDeploymentParameter.setDeployment(deployment); deployment.addDeploymentParameter(persistDeploymentParameter); } } public DeploymentParameter createPersistDeploymentParameter(String key, String value) { Objects.requireNonNull(key, "Must not be null"); return new DeploymentParameter(key, value); } /** * Create the NodeJobEntity for the given Development and node * * @param deployment * @return the created NodeJobEntity */ public NodeJobEntity createAndPersistNodeJobEntity(DeploymentEntity deployment) { NodeJobEntity nodeJobEntity = new NodeJobEntity(); nodeJobEntity.setDeployment(deployment); nodeJobEntity.setDeploymentState(deployment.getDeploymentState()); try { //ignore the exception nodeJobEntity.setStatus(NodeJobStatus.RUNNING); } catch (DeploymentStateException e) { } em.persist(nodeJobEntity); return nodeJobEntity; } /** * Set NodeJobStatus for deployment * * @param deploymentId * @param nodeJobId * @param nodeJobStatus */ public void updateNodeJobStatus(Integer deploymentId, Integer nodeJobId, NodeJobStatus nodeJobStatus) throws NotFoundException, DeploymentStateException { DeploymentEntity deployment = getDeploymentById(deploymentId); NodeJobEntity nodeJobEntity = deployment.findNodeJobEntity(nodeJobId); if (nodeJobEntity == null) { throw new NotFoundException("NodeJob " + nodeJobId + " of deployment " + deploymentId + " not found!"); } nodeJobEntity.setStatus(nodeJobStatus); em.persist(nodeJobEntity); // The event decouples the transaction and leads to db commit. // handleNodeJobUpdate needs a consistent view of the nodeJobs to detect the last nodeJob. DeploymentEvent(DeploymentEventType.NODE_JOB_UPDATE, deploymentId, null)); } public void handleNodeJobUpdate(Integer deploymentId) { DeploymentEntity deployment = getDeploymentById(deploymentId); log.fine("handleNodeJobUpdate called state: " + deployment.getDeploymentState()); if (!deployment.isPredeploymentFinished()) { return; } if (!DeploymentState.PRE_DEPLOYMENT.equals(deployment.getDeploymentState())) { return; } if (deployment.isPredeploymentSuccessful()) { try { handlePreDeploymentSuccessful(deployment); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { // If it fails the deployment will be retried by the scheduler return; } } else { updateDeploymentInfoAndSendNotification(GenerationModus.PREDEPLOY, deploymentId, "Deployment (previous state : " + deployment.getDeploymentState() + ") failed due to NodeJob failing at " + new Date(), deployment.getResource().getId(), null, DeploymentFailureReason.PRE_DEPLOYMENT_SCRIPT);"Deployment " + deployment.getId() + " (previous state : " + deployment.getDeploymentState() + ") failed due to NodeJob failing"); } } @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) private void handlePreDeploymentSuccessful(DeploymentEntity deployment) { DeploymentState previousState = deployment.getDeploymentState(); deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.READY_FOR_DEPLOYMENT); deployment.appendStateMessage("All NodeJobs successful, updated deployment state from " + previousState + " to " + deployment.getDeploymentState() + " at " + new Date());"All NodeJobs of deployment " + deployment.getId() + " successful, updated deployment state from " + previousState + " to " + deployment.getDeploymentState().name()); DeploymentEvent(DeploymentEventType.UPDATE, deployment.getId(), deployment.getDeploymentState())); } // TODO test private String getVersion(ResourceEntity application, List<Integer> contextIds) throws NumberFormatException, ResourceNotFoundException, MultipleVersionsForApplicationException { String currentValue = null; List<PropertyEntity> descriptor; ContextEntity context; ResourceEntity resource = resourceEditService.loadResourceEntityForEdit(application.getId(), false); for (Integer contextId : contextIds) { context = contextDomainService.getContextEntityById(contextId); descriptor = TemplateUtils.getValueForProperty(resource, getVersionProperty(), context, false, new AMWTemplateExceptionHandler()); String tmpValue; if (descriptor.size() > 0) { tmpValue = descriptor.get(0) != null ? descriptor.get(0).getValue() : null; if (currentValue != null && !currentValue.equals(tmpValue)) { // return String msg = "For application " + application.getName() + " the are different maven version defined!";; throw new MultipleVersionsForApplicationException(msg); } currentValue = tmpValue; } } return currentValue; } public List<ApplicationWithVersion> getVersions(ResourceEntity appServer, List<Integer> contextIds, ReleaseEntity release) { List<ApplicationWithVersion> appsWithVersion = new LinkedList<>(); //attache the appserver. without it getConsumedRelatedResourcesByResourceType //throws lazy load exception even if all relations of the appServer were loaded appServer = em.find(ResourceEntity.class, appServer.getId()); Set<ResourceEntity> apps = dependencyResolver.getConsumedRelatedResourcesByResourceType(appServer, DefaultResourceTypeDefinition.APPLICATION, release); for (ResourceEntity app : apps) { String version = StringUtils.EMPTY; try { version = getVersion(app, contextIds); } catch (MultipleVersionsForApplicationException e) { version = DIFF_VERSIONS; } catch (NumberFormatException | ResourceNotFoundException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting Version for Resource", e); } appsWithVersion.add(new ApplicationWithVersion(app.getName(), app.getId(), version)); } return appsWithVersion; } // TODO test public String[] getLogFileNames(final int deploymentId) { String logsPath = ConfigurationService.getProperty(ConfigKey.LOGS_PATH); if (logsPath == null) { String message = "System property \"" + ConfigKey.LOGS_PATH.getValue() + "\" not set!"; log.log(Level.WARNING, message); throw new AMWRuntimeException(message); } File dir = new File(logsPath); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory()) { FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.startsWith(deploymentId + "_"); } }; String[] fileNames = dir.list(filter); Arrays.sort(Objects.requireNonNull(fileNames)); return fileNames; } else { String message; if (!dir.exists()) { message = "Directory " + logsPath + " doesn't exist!"; } else { message = logsPath + " is not a directory!"; } log.log(Level.WARNING, message); throw new AMWRuntimeException(message); } } // TODO test public String getDeploymentLog(String logName) throws IllegalAccessException { String logsPath = ConfigurationService.getProperty(ConfigKey.LOGS_PATH); if (logName.contains(File.separator)) { throw new IllegalAccessException("The log file contains a file separator (\"" + File.separator + "\"). For security reasons, this is not permitted!"); } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); Scanner scanner; try { scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(logsPath + File.separator + logName)); try { while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { content.append(scanner.nextLine()).append('\n'); } } finally { scanner.close(); } return content.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { String message = "The file " + logsPath + File.separator + logName + " was found, but couldn't be read!"; log.log(Level.WARNING, message); throw new AMWRuntimeException(message, e); } } /** * Get the Deployments to Execute limited by the Configparameter * * @return */ public List<DeploymentEntity> getDeploymentsToExecute() { return em .createQuery("from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".runtime where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :deploymentState", DeploymentEntity.class) .setParameter("deploymentState", DeploymentState.READY_FOR_DEPLOYMENT) .setMaxResults(getDeploymentProcessingLimit()).getResultList(); } /** * Get the Predeployments to Execute limited by the Configparameter * * @return */ public List<DeploymentEntity> getPreDeploymentsToExecute() { return em .createQuery("from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".runtime where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :deploymentState and " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentDate<=:now", DeploymentEntity.class) .setParameter("deploymentState", DeploymentState.scheduled).setParameter("now", new Date()) .setMaxResults(getDeploymentProcessingLimit()).getResultList(); } /** * @return the Amount of Deployments processing in one Run */ public int getDeploymentProcessingLimit() { return ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.DEPLOYMENT_PROCESSING_AMOUNT_PER_RUN); } /** * @return the Amount of PreDeployments processing in one Run */ public int getPreDeploymentProcessingLimit() { return ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.DEPLOYMENT_PREDEPLOYMENT_AMOUNT_PER_RUN); } /** * get the deployment by id * * @param id * @return the found deployment */ public DeploymentEntity getDeploymentById(Integer id) { if (id == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id can't be null!"); } Query query = em.createQuery("from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".id=:id").setParameter("id", id); return (DeploymentEntity) query.getSingleResult(); } /** * gets all Deployment that are in progress and the Timeout is reached * * @return List of DeploymentEntity */ public List<DeploymentEntity> getDeploymentsInProgressTimeoutReached() { int timeout = ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT); TypedQuery<DeploymentEntity> query = em .createQuery( "from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :deploymentState " + "and " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentDate < :deploymentLimit", DeploymentEntity.class) .setParameter("deploymentState", DeploymentState.progress) .setParameter("deploymentLimit", getTimeoutDate(new Date(), timeout)); return query.getResultList(); } protected Date getTimeoutDate(Date from, int timeOut) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(from); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, -timeOut); return cal.getTime(); } /** * gets all PreDeployment that are in progress and the Timeout is reached * * @return List of DeploymentEntity */ public List<DeploymentEntity> getPreDeploymentsInProgressTimeoutReached() { int timeout = ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.PREDEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT); TypedQuery<DeploymentEntity> query = em .createQuery( "from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :deploymentState " + "and " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentDate < :deploymentLimit", DeploymentEntity.class) .setParameter("deploymentState", DeploymentState.PRE_DEPLOYMENT) .setParameter("deploymentLimit", getTimeoutDate(new Date(), timeout)); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Get Deployments that are in PRE_DEPLOYMENT but all of it's nodeJobs finished. * * @return List of DeploymentEntity */ public List<DeploymentEntity> getFinishedPreDeployments() { TypedQuery<DeploymentEntity> query = em .createQuery( "select " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :deploymentState" + " and exists (select 1 from " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".nodeJobs where deploymentState = :deploymentState)" + " and not exists (select 1 from " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".nodeJobs where status = :running and deploymentState = :deploymentState)", DeploymentEntity.class) .setParameter("deploymentState", DeploymentState.PRE_DEPLOYMENT) .setParameter("running", NodeJobStatus.RUNNING); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Returns all Deployment to be simulated * * @return the list of Deployments to simulate */ public List<DeploymentEntity> getDeploymentsToSimulate() { return em .createQuery("from " + DEPLOYMENT_ENTITY_NAME + " " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + " left join fetch " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".runtime where " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".simulating=true and (" + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :scheduled or " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentState = :requested) and " + DEPLOYMENT_QL_ALIAS + ".deploymentDate >= CURRENT_DATE", DeploymentEntity.class) .setParameter("scheduled", DeploymentState.scheduled) .setParameter("requested", DeploymentState.requested).setMaxResults(getDeploymentSimulationLimit()) .getResultList(); } /** * @return the Amount of Deployments simulating in one run */ public int getDeploymentSimulationLimit() { return ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.DEPLOYMENT_SIMULATION_AMOUNT_PER_RUN); } // TODO test //caches the value private PropertyDescriptorEntity getVersionProperty() { if (mavenVersionProperty == null) { mavenVersionProperty = (PropertyDescriptorEntity) em .createQuery("select " + PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_ENTITY_QL + " from PropertyDescriptorEntity " + PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_ENTITY_QL + " where " + PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_ENTITY_QL + ".propertyName=:Version") .setParameter("Version", "Version").getSingleResult(); } return mavenVersionProperty; } /** * Helper method to append a message to the deploymentstatus message of all of the provided deployment * entities * * @param deployments - the deployments to be updated * @param message - the message to be appended to the state message. */ private void updateDeploymentStatusMessage(final List<DeploymentEntity> deployments, final String message) { if (message != null) { for (final DeploymentEntity deploymentEntity : deployments) { final DeploymentEntity d = em.merge(deploymentEntity); d.appendStateMessage(message); } } } /** * We update the information about a deployment that has been executed. * * @param generationModus - if the deployment was in simulation or realistic mode * @param deploymentId - the deployment id of the deployment that has been executed. * @param errorMessage - the error message if any other * @param resourceId - the ApplicationServe used for deployment * @param generationResult * @param reason - the DeploymentFailureReason (if any) */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public DeploymentEntity updateDeploymentInfo(GenerationModus generationModus, final Integer deploymentId, final String errorMessage, final Integer resourceId, final GenerationResult generationResult, DeploymentFailureReason reason) { // don't lock a deployment for predeployment as there is no need to update the deployment. if (GenerationModus.PREDEPLOY.equals(generationModus) && errorMessage == null) { log.fine("Predeploy script finished at " + new Date()); return em.find(DeploymentEntity.class, deploymentId); } DeploymentEntity deployment = em.find(DeploymentEntity.class, deploymentId, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT); // set as used for deployment if (resourceId != null) { ResourceEntity as = em.find(ResourceEntity.class, resourceId); deployment.setResource(as); } if (GenerationModus.DEPLOY.equals(generationModus)) { if (errorMessage == null) { String nodeInfo = getNodeInfoForDeployment(generationResult); deployment.appendStateMessage("Successfully deployed at " + new Date() + "\n" + nodeInfo); deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.success); } else { deployment.appendStateMessage(errorMessage); deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.failed); if (reason == null) { reason = DeploymentFailureReason.DEPLOYMENT_GENERATION; } deployment.setReason(reason); } } else if (GenerationModus.PREDEPLOY.equals(generationModus)) { deployment.appendStateMessage(errorMessage); deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.failed); if (reason == null) { reason = DeploymentFailureReason.PRE_DEPLOYMENT_GENERATION; } deployment.setReason(reason); } else { if (errorMessage == null) { String nodeInfo = getNodeInfoForDeployment(generationResult); deployment.appendStateMessage("Successfully generated at " + new Date() + "\n" + nodeInfo); deployment.setBuildSuccess(true); } else { deployment.appendStateMessage(errorMessage); deployment.setBuildSuccess(false); } if (deployment.getDeploymentConfirmed() != null && deployment.getDeploymentConfirmed()) { deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.scheduled); } else { deployment.setDeploymentState(DeploymentState.requested); } } deployment.setSimulating(false); return deployment; } private String getNodeInfoForDeployment(GenerationResult generationResult) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (generationResult != null) { sb.append(generationResult.getGeneratedNodeInfo()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * We update the information about a deployment that has been executed. * * @param generationModus - if the deployment was in simulation or realistic mode * @param deploymentId - the deployment id of the deployment that has been executed. * @param errorMessage - the error message to set. It must be null if the deployment is successful * @param resourceId - the ApplicationServer resource used for deployment * @param generationResult */ public void updateDeploymentInfoAndSendNotification(GenerationModus generationModus, final Integer deploymentId, final String errorMessage, final Integer resourceId, final GenerationResult generationResult, DeploymentFailureReason reason) { DeploymentEntity deployment = updateDeploymentInfo(generationModus, deploymentId, errorMessage, resourceId, generationResult, reason); if (generationModus != null && generationModus.isSendNotificationOnErrorGenerationModus()) { sendOneNotificationForTrackingIdOfDeployment(deployment.getTrackingId()); } } /** * Look up which other deployments (than just this one) belong together (via the tracking id) and create * shakedowntests after all of them are executed. * * @param trackingId */ public void createShakedownTestForTrackinIdOfDeployment(Integer trackingId) { // hole alle deployments mit derselben trackingId List<DeploymentEntity> deploymentsWithSameTrackingId = getDeplyomentsWithSameTrackingId(trackingId); if (isAllDeploymentsWithSameTrackingIdExecuted(deploymentsWithSameTrackingId)) { shakedownTestService.createAndExecuteShakedowntestForDeployments(deploymentsWithSameTrackingId); } } /** * Look up which other deployments (than just this one) belong together (via the tracking id) and send a * single email notification if all of them are executed (independent of their success state). */ public void sendOneNotificationForTrackingIdOfDeployment(Integer trackingId) { // hole alle deployments mit derselben trackingId List<DeploymentEntity> deploymentsWithSameTrackingId = getDeplyomentsWithSameTrackingId(trackingId); if (isAllDeploymentsWithSameTrackingIdExecuted(deploymentsWithSameTrackingId)) { sendsNotificationAndUpdatedStatusOfDeployments(deploymentsWithSameTrackingId); } } private boolean isAllDeploymentsWithSameTrackingIdExecuted( List<DeploymentEntity> deploymentsWithSameTrackingId) { for (final DeploymentEntity deploymentEntity : deploymentsWithSameTrackingId) { // not executed and not failed, failed and executed Deployments are complete if (!deploymentEntity.isExecuted() && !DeploymentState.failed.equals(deploymentEntity.getDeploymentState())) { return false; } } return true; } private List<DeploymentEntity> getDeplyomentsWithSameTrackingId(Integer trackingId) { final TypedQuery<DeploymentEntity> query = em .createQuery("from DeploymentEntity d where d.trackingId=:trackingId", DeploymentEntity.class); query.setParameter("trackingId", trackingId); return query.getResultList(); } /** * Sends notification emails for the given deployments and updates the status message of the deployment * database entry * * @param deployments */ private void sendsNotificationAndUpdatedStatusOfDeployments(final List<DeploymentEntity> deployments) { if (deployments != null && !deployments.isEmpty()) { String message = deploymentNotificationService.createAndSendMailForDeplyoments(deployments); updateDeploymentStatusMessage(deployments, message); } } public List<DeploymentEntity> getDeploymentsForRelease(Integer releaseId) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<DeploymentEntity> q = cb.createQuery(DeploymentEntity.class); Root<DeploymentEntity> r = q.from(DeploymentEntity.class); Predicate releasePred = cb.equal(r.<Integer>get("release"), releaseId); q.where(releasePred); TypedQuery<DeploymentEntity> query = em.createQuery(q); return query.getResultList(); } public DeploymentEntity confirmDeployment(Integer deploymentId) throws DeploymentStateException { DeploymentEntity deployment = getDeploymentById(deploymentId); Date now = new Date(); checkValidation(isConfirmPossible(deployment), deployment); //if the deployment date is in the past, set it to now. Fix for #5504 if (deployment.getDeploymentDate().before(now)) { deployment.setDeploymentDate(now); } deployment.confirm(permissionService.getCurrentUserName()); return saveDeployment(deployment); } public DeploymentEntity confirmDeployment(Integer deploymentId, boolean sendEmail, boolean executeShakedownTest, boolean neighbourhoodTest, boolean simulateGeneration) throws DeploymentStateException { DeploymentEntity deployment = confirmDeployment(deploymentId); deployment.setSendEmailConfirmation(sendEmail); deployment.setCreateTestAfterDeployment(executeShakedownTest); deployment.setCreateTestForNeighborhoodAfterDeployment(neighbourhoodTest); deployment.setSimulating(simulateGeneration); return saveDeployment(deployment); } public DeploymentOperationValidation isConfirmPossible(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (!permissionService.hasPermissionForDeploymentUpdate(deployment)) { return DeploymentOperationValidation.MISSING_PERMISSION; } else if (!deployment.getDeploymentState().isTransitionAllowed(DeploymentState.scheduled)) { return DeploymentOperationValidation.WRONG_STATE; } return DeploymentOperationValidation.SUCCESS; } public DeploymentEntity rejectDeployment(Integer deploymentId) throws DeploymentStateException { DeploymentEntity deployment = getDeploymentById(deploymentId); checkValidation(isRejectPossible(deployment), deployment); deployment.reject(permissionService.getCurrentUserName()); deployment = saveDeployment(deployment); return deployment; } public DeploymentOperationValidation isRejectPossible(DeploymentEntity deployment) { //is the same thing atm return isConfirmPossible(deployment); } /** * Setze Status eines noch nicht ausgefhrten oder gestarteten Deployment * auf canceled. Falls das deployment bereits ausgefhrt oder gestartet * wurde, dann wird eine {@link AMWRuntimeException} geworfen. */ public DeploymentEntity cancelDeployment(Integer deploymentId) throws DeploymentStateException { DeploymentEntity deployment = getDeploymentById(deploymentId); checkValidation(isCancelPossible(deployment), deployment); deployment.cancel(permissionService.getCurrentUserName()); deployment = saveDeployment(deployment); return deployment; } public DeploymentOperationValidation isCancelPossible(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (!permissionService.hasPermissionForCancelDeployment(deployment)) { return DeploymentOperationValidation.MISSING_PERMISSION; } if (!deployment.getDeploymentState().isTransitionAllowed(DeploymentState.canceled)) { return DeploymentOperationValidation.WRONG_STATE; } return DeploymentOperationValidation.SUCCESS; } /** * Setze DeploymentTime auf dem Entity auf der Datenbank auf den deployment * Zeitpunkt des gelieferten (Detachten) Deployment Parameters falls das * Deployment nicht bereits ausgefhrt oder gestartet wurde. */ public DeploymentEntity changeDeploymentDate(Integer deploymentId, Date newDate) throws DeploymentStateException { DeploymentEntity deployment = getDeploymentById(deploymentId); Date now = new Date(); checkValidation(isChangeDeploymentDatePossible(deployment), deployment); if (newDate == null || newDate.before(now)) { newDate = now; } deployment.setDeploymentDate(newDate); deployment = saveDeployment(deployment); return deployment; } public DeploymentEntity updateDeploymentState(Integer deploymentId, DeploymentState newState) { if (newState == null) { throw new DeploymentStateException( "Deployment state of deployment " + deploymentId + " can be set to null"); } switch (newState) { case canceled: return cancelDeployment(deploymentId); case rejected: return rejectDeployment(deploymentId); case scheduled: return confirmDeployment(deploymentId); default: throw new DeploymentStateException("Deployment " + deploymentId + " can not be changed"); } } public DeploymentOperationValidation isChangeDeploymentDatePossible(DeploymentEntity deployment) { if (!permissionService.hasPermissionForDeploymentUpdate(deployment)) { return DeploymentOperationValidation.MISSING_PERMISSION; } else if (!deployment.isMutable()) { return DeploymentOperationValidation.WRONG_STATE; } return DeploymentOperationValidation.SUCCESS; } public void cleanupDeploymentLogs() { int cleanupAge = ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.LOGS_CLEANUP_AGE); String logsPathName = ConfigurationService.getProperty(ConfigKey.LOGS_PATH); Path logsDir = Paths.get(logsPathName); log.fine("Cleaning logs folder " + logsDir); FileVisitor<Path> fileVisitor = new ClenaupFileVisitor(logsDir, cleanupAge); try { Files.walkFileTree(logsDir, fileVisitor); } catch (IOException e) { log.severe("Log cleanup failed: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Deletes all files that are older than DEPLOYMENT_CLEANUP_AGE in the GENERATOR_PATH* directories * * @throws IOException */ public void cleanupDeploymentFiles() { final int cleanupAge = ConfigurationService.getPropertyAsInt(ConfigKey.DEPLOYMENT_CLEANUP_AGE); HashSet<String> pathsToCheck = new HashSet<>(); ConfigKey[] keys = { ConfigKey.GENERATOR_PATH, ConfigKey.GENERATOR_PATH_SIMULATION, ConfigKey.GENERATOR_PATH_TEST }; //get all generator paths and merge them for (ConfigKey key : keys) { String path = ConfigurationService.getProperty(key); if (path != null) { pathsToCheck.add(path); } } for (String basePathName : pathsToCheck) { final Path basePath = Paths.get(basePathName); log.fine("Cleaning generator folder " + basePath); FileVisitor<Path> fileVisitor = new ClenaupFileVisitor(basePath, cleanupAge); try { Files.walkFileTree(basePath, fileVisitor); } catch (IOException e) { log.severe("Deployment cleanup failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Checks if the validation failed and throws the right exception * * @param validation */ private void checkValidation(DeploymentOperationValidation validation, DeploymentEntity deployment) throws DeploymentStateException { if (DeploymentOperationValidation.MISSING_PERMISSION.equals(validation)) { throw new SecurityException("User " + permissionService.getCurrentUserName() + " has no permisson to change deployment " + deployment.getId()); } else if (DeploymentOperationValidation.WRONG_STATE.equals(validation)) { throw new DeploymentStateException("Deployment " + deployment.getId() + " can not be changed"); } } /** * Returns all possible option values for a given Filter */ public List<String> getFilterOptionValues(String filterName) { if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.APPSERVER_NAME.getFilterDisplayName())) { return converToStringList(getApplicationServerGroups()); } else if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.ENVIRONMENT_NAME.getFilterDisplayName())) { ArrayList<String> envs = new ArrayList<>(); for (ContextEntity ctx : getEnvironments()) { envs.add(ctx.getName()); } Collections.sort(envs); return envs; } else if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.APPLICATION_NAME.getFilterDisplayName())) { return converToStringList(getApplicationGroups()); } else if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.TARGETPLATFORM.getFilterDisplayName())) { return converToStringList(getRuntimesGroups()); } else if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.DEPLOYMENT_STATE.getFilterDisplayName())) { ArrayList<String> states = new ArrayList<>(); for (DeploymentState state : DeploymentState.values()) { states.add(state.getDisplayName()); } Collections.sort(states); return states; } else if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.RELEASE.getFilterDisplayName())) { ArrayList<String> releases = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReleaseEntity r : getReleases()) { releases.add(r.getName()); } return releases; } else if (filterName.equals(DeploymentFilterTypes.DEPLOYMENT_PARAMETER.getFilterDisplayName())) { return converToStringList(getAllDeployParamKeys()); } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public List<ContextEntity> getEnvironments() { List<ContextEntity> env = new ArrayList<>(); for (ContextEntity c : contextLocator.getAllEnvironments()) { if (c.getContextType().getName().equals( { env.add(c); } } return env; } public ReleaseEntity getReleaseByName(String releaseName) { return releaseMgmtService.findByName(releaseName); } private List<ReleaseEntity> getReleases() { return releaseMgmtService.loadAllReleases(false); } private List<Key> getAllDeployParamKeys() { return deploymentParameterBoundary.findAllKeys(); } private List<ResourceGroupEntity> getApplicationServerGroups() { return resourceGroupLocator.getGroupsForType(, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, false, true); } private List<ResourceGroupEntity> getApplicationGroups() { return resourceGroupLocator.getGroupsForType(, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, false, true); } private List<ResourceGroupEntity> getRuntimesGroups() { return resourceGroupLocator.getGroupsForType(ResourceTypeEntity.RUNTIME, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, false, true); } private <K extends NamedIdentifiable> List<String> converToStringList(List<K> namedIdentifiables) { ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>(); for (K namedIdentifiable : namedIdentifiables) { stringList.add(namedIdentifiable.getName()); } return stringList; } /** * this method is used for testing only * * @param em */ protected void setEntityManager(EntityManager em) { this.em = em; } private class ClenaupFileVisitor extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> { private final Date now = new Date(); private final Path basePath; private final int cleanupAge; /** * Cleans up files in a directory * * @param basePath The start folder that should not get deleted * @param cleanupAge The age of the files (creation time) to delete in minutes */ ClenaupFileVisitor(Path basePath, int cleanupAge) { this.basePath = basePath; this.cleanupAge = cleanupAge; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { long ageInMs = now.getTime() - attrs.lastAccessTime().toMillis(); long ageInMin = TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(ageInMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (ageInMin >= cleanupAge) { Files.delete(file); log.fine("Deleted file " + file); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException e) throws IOException { BasicFileAttributes attrs = Files.getFileAttributeView(dir, BasicFileAttributeView.class) .readAttributes(); long ageInMs = now.getTime() - attrs.lastAccessTime().toMillis(); long ageInMin = TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(ageInMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (e == null) { File file = dir.toFile(); if (!basePath.equals(dir) && ageInMin >= cleanupAge && file.list().length == 0) { file.delete(); log.fine("Deleted folder " + file.getCanonicalPath()); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } else { // directory iteration failed throw e; } } } }