List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder replace
@Override public StringBuilder replace(int start, int end, String str)
From source
private void clearUnknownSimples(final StringBuilder sb) { String simple;/*from w ww. j a v a2 s .c om*/ int indexValid; int indexDefault; final int startLen = this.template.getVariableOpen().length(); final int stopLen = this.template.getVariableClose().length(); // get first int index = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableOpen()); int indexStop = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableClose(), index + startLen); for (; index > -1 && indexStop > -1;) { simple = sb.substring(index + startLen, indexStop); indexValid = simple.indexOf(this.template.getOperatorThen()); indexDefault = simple.indexOf(this.template.getOperatorElse()); if (indexValid == -1 && indexDefault == -1) { sb.replace(index, indexStop + stopLen, ""); } // get next index = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableOpen(), index + 1); if (index > -1) { indexStop = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableClose(), index + startLen); } } }
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private URL createRequestUrl(Map<String, String> parameters) { UriBuilder ubu = UriBuilder.fromUri(protocol + "://" + baseUrl).port(port).path("admin").path("api") .path(""); for (String key : parameters.keySet()) { ubu.queryParam(key, parameters.get(key)); }//from w w w . j a va 2 s .co m URL url = null; try { url =; } catch (Exception e) { logWarn("Error while creating URL for Wimba Classroom request.", e); // try to build the URL in a naiv way below } if (url == null) { // error case, try the naiv way try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(protocol + "://" + baseUrl + ":" + port + "/admin/api/"); if (!parameters.isEmpty()) sb.append("?"); for (String key : parameters.keySet()) { sb.append(key + "=" + parameters.get(key) + "&"); } sb.replace(sb.length(), sb.length(), ""); url = new URL(sb.toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logError("Error while creating URL for Wimba Classroom request. Please check the configuration!", e); } } if (isLogDebugEnabled()) logDebug("Request: " + url); return url; }
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private void convertClobToBlobInMysql(String sqlFile, Connection conn) throws Exception { System.out.println("Converting mediumtext/text columns to mediumblob for all tables"); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(sqlFile, true)); writer.println();// w w w . j av a2s.c om Statement statement = conn != null ? conn.createStatement() : null; for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> tableClobColumnMap : getTableClobColumnMap().entrySet()) { String tableName = tableClobColumnMap.getKey(); List<String> columnNames = tableClobColumnMap.getValue(); StringBuilder modifyColumn = new StringBuilder(); modifyColumn.append(" ALTER TABLE " + tableName); for (String column : columnNames) { modifyColumn.append(" MODIFY " + column + " mediumblob,"); } modifyColumn.replace(modifyColumn.length() - 1, modifyColumn.length(), ""); writer.println(modifyColumn.toString() + ";"); if (statement != null) { statement.executeUpdate(modifyColumn.toString()); } } writer.close(); if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } System.out.println("Done"); }
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public static StringBuilder replaceAll(StringBuilder text, String token, String repl) { int tokSize = token.length(); int i = 0;//w w w . j av a 2 s .c om do { if (i == -1) break; i = text.indexOf(token, i); if (i != -1) { text.replace(i, i + tokSize, repl); i += repl.length(); } } while (true); return text; }
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/** * Creates the {@link CellEditor}s of the given Table. * @param table a Table/* w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void createTableCellEditors(final Table table) { final TextCellEditor paramNameTextCellEditor = new TextCellEditor(table); ((Text) paramNameTextCellEditor.getControl()).addVerifyListener(new VerifyListener() { public void verifyText(VerifyEvent e) { Text txt = (Text) e.widget; final String oldValue = txt.getText(); StringBuilder workValue = new StringBuilder(oldValue); workValue.replace(e.start, e.end, e.text); String newValue = workValue.toString(); e.doit = Pattern.matches(PARAM_NAME_REGEX, newValue); } }); final Set<String> paramTypes = ComponentBuilder.getInstance().getCompSystem().getDataTypes(); final I18nComboBoxCellEditor i18nParamTypesComboBoxEditor = new I18nComboBoxCellEditor(table, paramTypes.toArray(new String[paramTypes.size()]), SWT.READ_ONLY); getParamTableViewer() .setCellEditors(new CellEditor[] { paramNameTextCellEditor, i18nParamTypesComboBoxEditor }); }
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@Override public int processSingleData(Map<String, Object> data, Long timestamp, Plugin plugin) { Long time;//from w w w . java 2s . c om if (timestamp == null) { time = (Long) data.get(plugin.getTime().getProperty()); } else { time = timestamp; } /* * check if we have to write the headings */ synchronized (this) { if (this.firstRun) { StringBuilder firstLine = new StringBuilder(); firstLine.append("time"); firstLine.append(this.delimiter); List<String> allNeededOutputs = plugin.getOutputProperties(); for (String item : allNeededOutputs) { this.outputFields.add(item); firstLine.append(item); firstLine.append(this.delimiter); } for (String item : data.keySet()) { /* * if its in the output, we already have it */ if (allNeededOutputs.contains(item)) continue; this.outputFields.add(item); firstLine.append(item); firstLine.append(this.delimiter); } // firstLine = firstLine.substring(0, firstLine.length() - this.delimiter.length()); firstLine.replace(firstLine.length() - this.delimiter.length(), firstLine.length(), ""); firstLine.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); writeToOutputs(firstLine.toString()); this.firstRun = false; } } /* * create the new line */ String str = new DateTime(time).toString() + this.delimiter; for (String key : this.outputFields) { Object value = data.get(key); if (key.equals(plugin.getTime().getProperty())) { value = new DateTime(value); } str += value + this.delimiter; } str = str.substring(0, str.length() - this.delimiter.length()); str += System.getProperty("line.separator"); writeToOutputs(str); return STATUS_RUNNING; }
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private SearchTextSuggestion getSearchTextSuggestion(String searchText, Authentication authentication, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException, ParseException, TimeoutException { List<WordPosition> words = Lists.newArrayList(); TokenStream tokenStream = null;/*from ww w.j av a2 s . c om*/ try { tokenStream = analyzer.tokenStream(PageIndex.ALL_TEXT_SUGGESTIONS, new StringReader(searchText)); tokenStream.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); tokenStream.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class); tokenStream.reset(); while (tokenStream.incrementToken()) { CharTermAttribute charTerm = tokenStream.getAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); String text = charTerm.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(text)) { OffsetAttribute offset = tokenStream.getAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class); WordPosition word = new WordPosition(text, offset.startOffset(), offset.endOffset()); words.add(word); } } tokenStream.end(); } finally { Util.closeQuietly(tokenStream); } Collections.reverse(words); StringBuilder suggestedSearchText = new StringBuilder(searchText); StringBuilder suggestedSearchTextHtml = new StringBuilder(searchText); boolean foundSuggestions = false; String now = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); String startMarker = "__SUGGESTION-" + now + "__"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ String endMarker = "__/SUGGESTION-" + now + "__"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ DirectSpellChecker spellChecker = new DirectSpellChecker(); IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader(); for (WordPosition word : words) { Term term = new Term(PageIndex.ALL_TEXT_SUGGESTIONS, word.getWord()); SuggestWord[] suggestions = spellChecker.suggestSimilar(term, 1, reader, SuggestMode.SUGGEST_MORE_POPULAR); if (suggestions.length > 0) { String suggestedWord = suggestions[0].string; int start = word.getStart(); int end = word.getEnd(); suggestedSearchText.replace(start, end, suggestedWord); suggestedSearchTextHtml.replace(start, end, startMarker + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(suggestedWord) + endMarker); foundSuggestions = true; } } if (foundSuggestions) { String suggestion = suggestedSearchText.toString(); SearchResult suggestionResult = findPages(suggestion, 1, authentication, searcher); int suggestionTotalHits = suggestionResult.getTotalHits(); if (suggestionTotalHits > 0) { String html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(suggestedSearchTextHtml.toString()) .replaceAll(startMarker + "(.*?)" + endMarker, "<strong><em>$1</em></strong>"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return new SearchTextSuggestion(suggestedSearchText.toString(), html, suggestionTotalHits); } } return null; }
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/** * Process a publishing request//from ww w. j av a2s . co m * * @param request * Publishing request in JSON format * @param response * Publishing response in JSON format * @return true if successful; false if error */ public boolean process(String request, StringBuilder response) { String messageID = null; try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(request)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request content is blank."); } // Parse JSON SubscriptionRequestAO requestAO = JsonTranslator.getInstance().fromJson(request, SubscriptionRequestAO.class); messageID = requestAO.getMessageID(); // Authenticate authenticate(requestAO); // Subscribe using system user because sometimes a token is supplied from the workbench String queueAddress = RepositoryConfigBO.buildPubSubAddress(requestAO.getRepositoryName()); String queueName = queueAddress + ".json-http-" + _channel.getId() + "." + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); _session = MqService.getInstance().getNonTransactionalSystemClientSession(); // Filter messages StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(requestAO.getHost())) { filter.append(String.format("%s = '%s'", RepositoryEntryMqMessage.HOST, requestAO.getHost())); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(requestAO.getSource())) { if (filter.length() > 0) { filter.append(" AND "); } filter.append(String.format("%s = '%s'", RepositoryEntryMqMessage.SOURCE, requestAO.getSource())); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(requestAO.getSeverity())) { if (filter.length() > 0) { filter.append(" AND "); } filter.append(String.format("%s IN (", RepositoryEntryMqMessage.SEVERITY)); int sev = Integer.parseInt(requestAO.getSeverity()); for (int i = 0; i <= sev; i++) { filter.append(String.format("'%s', ", i)); } filter.replace(filter.length() - 1, filter.length(), ")"); // replace last comma with end ) } if (filter.length() == 0) { _session.createTemporaryQueue(queueAddress, queueName); } else { _logger.debug("Subscription filter %s", filter); _session.createTemporaryQueue(queueAddress, queueName, filter.toString()); } _consumer = _session.createConsumer(queueName); MqMessageHandler handler = new MqMessageHandler(_channel, messageID); _consumer.setMessageHandler(handler); _session.start(); // Prepare response SubscriptionResponseAO responseAO = new SubscriptionResponseAO(messageID); JsonTranslator.getInstance().toJson(responseAO, response); // Finish return true; } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.error(ex, "Error processing message: %s", request); SubscriptionResponseAO responseAO = new SubscriptionResponseAO(messageID, ex); JsonTranslator.getInstance().toJson(responseAO, response); return false; } }
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private void updateWSDLRelativePaths(String targetEnvironment, String currentEnvironment, StringBuilder resourceContent, Map.Entry<String, String> newPathMappingsEntry) { try {/*from ww w .j av a 2s .c om*/ OMElement contentElement = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(resourceContent.toString()); updateRelativePath(targetEnvironment, currentEnvironment, contentElement, newPathMappingsEntry); List SchemaNodes = evaluateXpath(contentElement, XSD_XPATH_STRING); for (Object schemaNode : SchemaNodes) { OMElement schema = (OMElement) schemaNode; updateRelativePath(targetEnvironment, currentEnvironment, schema, newPathMappingsEntry); } resourceContent.replace(0, resourceContent.length(), contentElement.toString()); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.error(e); } }
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/** * Attempts to deconstruct the given URL to find a JAR file containing the * resource referenced by the URL. That is, assuming the URL references a * JAR entry, this method will return a URL that references the JAR file * containing the entry. If the JAR cannot be located, then this method * returns null.//w ww . java 2 s .c o m * * @param url * The URL of the JAR entry. * @param path * The path by which the URL was requested from the class loader. * @return The URL of the JAR file, if one is found. Null if not. * @throws MalformedURLException */ protected URL findJarForResource(URL url, String path) throws MalformedURLException { log.debug("Find JAR URL: " + url); // If the file part of the URL is itself a URL, then that URL probably // points to the JAR try { for (;;) { url = new URL(url.getFile()); log.debug("Inner URL: " + url); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // This will happen at some point and serves a break in the loop } // Look for the .jar extension and chop off everything after that StringBuilder jarUrl = new StringBuilder(url.toExternalForm()); int index = jarUrl.lastIndexOf(".jar"); if (index >= 0) { jarUrl.setLength(index + 4); log.debug("Extracted JAR URL: " + jarUrl); } else { log.debug("Not a JAR: " + jarUrl); return null; } // Try to open and test it try { URL testUrl = new URL(jarUrl.toString()); if (isJar(testUrl)) { return testUrl; } else { // WebLogic fix: check if the URL's file exists in the // filesystem. log.debug("Not a JAR: " + jarUrl); jarUrl.replace(0, jarUrl.length(), testUrl.getFile()); File file = new File(jarUrl.toString()); // File name might be URL-encoded // if (!file.exists()) { // file = new File(StringUtil.urlDecode(jarUrl.toString())); // } if (file.exists()) { log.debug("Trying real file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); testUrl = file.toURI().toURL(); if (isJar(testUrl)) { return testUrl; } } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.warn("Invalid JAR URL: " + jarUrl); } log.debug("Not a JAR: " + jarUrl); return null; }