List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder replace
@Override public StringBuilder replace(int start, int end, String str)
From source
/** * Apply the fix to pre 1.1.05 assignments submissions feedback. *///from www . j a v a 2s . com private static String fixAssignmentFeedback(String value) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) return value; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(value); int pos = -1; // <br/> -> \n while ((pos = buf.indexOf("<br/>")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "<br/>".length(), "\n"); } // <span class='chefAlert'>( -> {{ while ((pos = buf.indexOf("<span class='chefAlert'>(")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "<span class='chefAlert'>(".length(), "{{"); } // )</span> -> }} while ((pos = buf.indexOf(")</span>")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + ")</span>".length(), "}}"); } while ((pos = buf.indexOf("<ins>")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "<ins>".length(), "{{"); } while ((pos = buf.indexOf("</ins>")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "</ins>".length(), "}}"); } return buf.toString(); }
From source
/** * Processes the given assignmnent feedback text, as returned from the user's browser. Makes sure that the Chef-style markup {{like this}} is properly balanced. *//*from ww w.j av a2 s .c o m*/ private String processAssignmentFeedbackFromBrowser(SessionState state, String strFromBrowser) { if (strFromBrowser == null || strFromBrowser.length() == 0) return strFromBrowser; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strFromBrowser); int pos = -1; int numopentags = 0; while ((pos = buf.indexOf("{{")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "{{".length(), "<ins>"); numopentags++; } while ((pos = buf.indexOf("}}")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "}}".length(), "</ins>"); numopentags--; } while (numopentags > 0) { buf.append("</ins>"); numopentags--; } boolean checkForFormattingErrors = true; // so that grading isn't held up by formatting errors buf = new StringBuilder(processFormattedTextFromBrowser(state, buf.toString(), checkForFormattingErrors)); while ((pos = buf.indexOf("<ins>")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "<ins>".length(), "{{"); } while ((pos = buf.indexOf("</ins>")) != -1) { buf.replace(pos, pos + "</ins>".length(), "}}"); } return buf.toString(); }
From source
public SingleDataResultSet T_GetEligibleTests_SP(SQLConnection connection, Long testee, UUID sessionKey, String grade) throws ReturnStatusException { SingleDataResultSet returnResultSet = new SingleDataResultSet(); Date startTime = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); String clientName = null;//from ww w . j a va 2s. c o m Integer sessionType = null; List<EligibleTest> returnTestList = new ArrayList<EligibleTest>(); //Getting sessiontype and clientName final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select sessionType, clientname from session where _Key = ${sessionKey}"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("sessionKey", sessionKey); SingleDataResultSet result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { sessionType = record.<Integer>get("sessionType"); clientName = record.<String>get("clientname"); } //Getting Tests from ART Set<String> rtsTests = new HashSet<String>(); if (testee >= 0) { _Ref<String> refRTSTests = new _Ref<String>(); _rtsDll._GetRTSAttribute_SP(connection, clientName, testee, "--ELIGIBLETESTS--", refRTSTests); if (refRTSTests.get() != null) { String rows[] = refRTSTests.get().split(";"); for (String row : rows) { rtsTests.add(row.trim()); } } } //Get EligibleTests for the currentSession result = _GetCurrentTests(connection, sessionKey); Iterator<DbResultRecord> recordsIter = result.getRecords(); List<EligibleTest> eligibleTests = new ArrayList<EligibleTest>(); Set<String> eligibleTestKeys = new HashSet<String>(); StringBuilder sbTestIds = new StringBuilder(); while (recordsIter.hasNext()) { record =; String testKey = record.<String>get("testkey").trim(); //If guest session and testid do not match with the one in the ART than do not show that test if (testee >= 0) { if (!rtsTests.contains(testKey) || eligibleTestKeys.contains(testKey)) { recordsIter.remove(); continue; } } //Eliminate those that are not in a compatible grade. if (testee < 0 && __IsGradeEquiv_FN(record.<String>get("grade"), grade) == false) { recordsIter.remove(); continue; } //Creating EligibleTest object EligibleTest test = new EligibleTest(); test.setTestKey(testKey); test.setTestId(record.<String>get("testid")); test.setGrade(grade); test.setSubject(record.<String>get("subject")); test.setEnroll(record.<String>get("enroll")); test.setMaxOpps(record.<Integer>get("maxopps")); test.setRtsEquiv(record.<Long>get("rtsequiv")); test.setMode(record.<String>get("mode")); test.setSession(record.<UUID>get("session")); test.setWindowMax(record.<Integer>get("windowmax")); test.setStartDate(record.<Date>get("startdate")); test.setEndDate(record.<Date>get("enddate")); test.setWindowid(record.<String>get("windowid")); test.setModeMax(record.<Integer>get("modemax")); test.setWindowSession(record.<Integer>get("windowsession")); test.setModeSession(record.<Integer>get("modesession")); test.setSessionType(sessionType); test.setDisplayName(record.<String>get("displayName")); test.setSortOrder(record.<Integer>get("sortOrder")); test.setClientName(clientName); eligibleTests.add(test); eligibleTestKeys.add(testKey); //If sessionType is zero and session is null for the test than update the test with Denied status if (DbComparator.isEqual(test.getSessionType(), 0) && sessionKey != null && test.getSession() == null) { test.setOpportunity(0); test.setStatus("denied"); _Ref<String> notAvailRef = new _Ref<>(); _commonDll._FormatMessage_SP(connection, clientName, "ENU", "_CanOpenTestOpportunity", "Test not available for this session.", notAvailRef); test.setReason(notAvailRef.get()); returnTestList.add(test); } else { //Created a string for semicolon seperated testIds sbTestIds.append(test.getTestId()).append(";"); } } //End while loop - Iterating through all the tests. //Remove the last semicolon from the testIds string if (sbTestIds.length() > 1) { sbTestIds.replace(sbTestIds.length() - 1, sbTestIds.length(), ""); } //Getting All the Opportunity info for all the eligible tests SingleDataResultSet resultSet = _GetOpportunityInfo(connection, clientName, sessionKey, testee, sbTestIds.toString()); recordsIter = resultSet.getRecords(); //Store oppInfo inside Map for matching it with the opp Map<String, DbResultRecord> oppInfoMap = new HashMap<String, DbResultRecord>(); while (recordsIter.hasNext()) { DbResultRecord record1 =; oppInfoMap.put(record1.<String>get("_efk_testid"), record1); } // Get Enviornment Details String environment = _commonDll.getExternsColumnByClientName(connection, clientName, "environment"); _Ref<String> reasonBlockedRef = new _Ref<String>(); _Ref<String> testeeSubjectsRef = new _Ref<String>(); //If It is not SIMULATION enviornment and not a Guest student than check if _IsOpportunityBlocked if (DbComparator.notEqual(environment, "SIMULATION") && DbComparator.greaterThan(testee, 0)) { _rtsDll._GetRTSAttribute_SP(connection, clientName, testee, "BLOCKEDSUBJECT", testeeSubjectsRef); } String subject = null; for (EligibleTest test : eligibleTests) { Date today = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); //Get Opportunity details for the testId DbResultRecord oppRecord = oppInfoMap.get(test.getTestId()); if (DbComparator.notEqual(environment, "SIMULATION") && DbComparator.greaterThan(testee, 0)) { subject = test.getSubject(); if (subject != null) subject = String.format(";%s;", subject.trim()); else subject = ";;"; //if the subject is explicitly blocked by the rts attribute BLOCKED, block the opportunity String testeeSubjects = testeeSubjectsRef.get(); if (testeeSubjects != null && testeeSubjects.length() > 0) { testeeSubjects = String.format(";%s;", testeeSubjects.trim()); if (testeeSubjects.indexOf(subject) > -1) { _commonDll._FormatMessage_SP(connection, clientName, "ENU", "_CanOpenTestOpportunity", "This test is administratively blocked. Please check with your test administrator.", reasonBlockedRef); test.setReason(reasonBlockedRef.get()); continue; } } //Check if there is an existing opportunity _CanOpenExistingOpportunity _CanOpenExistingOpportunity_New(connection, oppRecord, test, clientName, reasonBlockedRef, sessionKey, today, testee); // If OpenexistingOpportunity is executed and teststatus is paused than continue with the next test if (DbComparator.greaterThan(test.getNumRef(), 0) || test.getReason() != null) { continue; } } //If not Guest or Simulation - IsOpportunity //_Can Open New Opportunity _CanOpenNewOpportunity_New(connection, oppRecord, test, clientName, reasonBlockedRef, today, environment); if (DbComparator.greaterThan(test.getNumRef(), 0)) { test.setNewoppRef(true); } } //End for loop for existingTests if (DbComparator.isEqual(sessionType, 1)) { Iterator<EligibleTest> iTests = eligibleTests.iterator(); while (iTests.hasNext()) { EligibleTest test =; if (test.getStatus() != null && test.getStatus().equals("NA")) { iTests.remove(); } final String SQL_QUERY_INSERT1 = "insert into sessiontests (_fk_Session, _efk_AdminSubject, _efk_TestID) " + " values(${sessionKey},${testKey},${testId})"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()); parms2.put("sessionKey", sessionKey); parms2.put("testKey", test.getTestKey()); parms2.put("testId", test.getTestId()); executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY_INSERT1, parms2, false).getUpdateCount(); } } Collections.sort(eligibleTests); Iterator<EligibleTest> iTests = eligibleTests.iterator(); List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultList = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); while (iTests.hasNext()) { EligibleTest test =; CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); rcd.put("displayName", test.getDisplayName()); rcd.put("testkey", test.getTestKey()); rcd.put("test", test.getTestId()); rcd.put("opportunity", test.getNumRef()); rcd.put("mode", test.getMode()); rcd.put("maxopps", test.getMaxOpps()); rcd.put("subject", test.getSubject()); rcd.put("grade", grade); String status = null; if (DbComparator.isEqual(test.getNumRef(), 0)) status = "denied"; else if (DbComparator.isEqual(test.getNumRef(), -1)) status = "N/A"; else if (DbComparator.isEqual(test.getNewoppRef(), false)) status = "suspended"; else status = "pending"; rcd.put("status", status); rcd.put("reason", test.getReason()); resultList.add(rcd); } returnResultSet.addColumn("displayName", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("testkey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("test", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("opportunity", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); returnResultSet.addColumn("mode", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("maxopps", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); returnResultSet.addColumn("sortOrder", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.INT); returnResultSet.addColumn("subject", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("grade", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("status", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addColumn("reason", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); returnResultSet.addRecords(resultList); _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "T_GetEligibleTests", startTime, testee, true, null, null, null, clientName, null); return returnResultSet; }