List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer setLength
@Override public synchronized void setLength(int newLength)
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/** * Creates a string table from the resultset records * /*w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param aRS * */ private String createTableFromSQLResults(boolean aIncludeHeader, String aDelim) { StringBuffer tableStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer rowOfData = new StringBuffer(); String colDelim = "\t"; if (aIncludeHeader) { appendHeaderRow(tableStr, _columns, colDelim, ROWDELIM); } for (int i = 0; i < _dataVectors.length; i++) { rowOfData.setLength(0); Enumeration colEnum = _columns.elements(); Enumeration dataEnum = _dataVectors[i].elements(); int colInx = 0; while (colEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DSTableFieldIFace colDef = (DSTableFieldIFace) colEnum.nextElement(); String eleStr = (String) dataEnum.nextElement(); if (colInx > 0) { rowOfData.append(colDelim); } rowOfData.append(getValidStringValueForType(eleStr, colDef.getDataType())); colInx++; } tableStr.append(rowOfData); tableStr.append(ROWDELIM); } return tableStr.toString(); }
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private void runSQLScript(JDBCConnectionImpl con, File sqlFile) throws SQLException, IllegalStateException, IOException { InputStream in = null;//ww w .j ava 2 s . c o m try { in = new FileInputStream(sqlFile); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String line = null; StringBuffer cmdBuffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean quoted = false; char ch; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (!line.equals("") && !line.startsWith("//") && !line.startsWith("--") && !line.startsWith("#")) { quoted = false; for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { ch = line.charAt(i); if (ch == '\'') { if (quoted) { if ((i + 1) < line.length() && line.charAt(i + 1) == '\'') { i++; cmdBuffer.append(ch); } else { quoted = false; } } else { quoted = true; } cmdBuffer.append(ch); } else if (ch == ';' && !quoted) { if (cmdBuffer.length() > 0) { executeSQLStatement(con, cmdBuffer.toString()); cmdBuffer.setLength(0); } } else { if (i == 0 && ch != ' ' && cmdBuffer.length() > 0 && !quoted) { cmdBuffer.append(' '); } cmdBuffer.append(ch); } } } } if (cmdBuffer.length() > 0) { executeSQLStatement(con, cmdBuffer.toString()); cmdBuffer.setLength(0); } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } }
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public static String makeFileUpdateStatment(String tableName, QueryExecuteResultDTO rsDAO, List<String> listWhere, int intLimitCnt, int commit) throws Exception { String strTmpDir = PublicTadpoleDefine.TEMP_DIR + tableName + System.currentTimeMillis() + PublicTadpoleDefine.DIR_SEPARATOR; String strFile = tableName + ".sql"; String strFullPath = strTmpDir + strFile; final String UPDATE_STMT = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET %s WHERE 1=1 %s;" + PublicTadpoleDefine.LINE_SEPARATOR; Map<Integer, String> mapColumnName = rsDAO.getColumnLabelName(); // ?? ./*www. j a va2s . com*/ StringBuffer sbInsertInto = new StringBuffer(); int DATA_COUNT = 1000; List<Map<Integer, Object>> dataList = rsDAO.getDataList().getData(); Map<Integer, Integer> mapColumnType = rsDAO.getColumnType(); String strStatement = ""; String strWhere = ""; for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) { Map<Integer, Object> mapColumns = dataList.get(i); strStatement = ""; strWhere = ""; for (int j = 1; j < mapColumnName.size(); j++) { String strColumnName = mapColumnName.get(j); Object strValue = mapColumns.get(j); strValue = strValue == null ? "" : strValue; if (!RDBTypeToJavaTypeUtils.isNumberType(mapColumnType.get(j))) { strValue = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(strValue.toString()); strValue = StringHelper.escapeSQL(strValue.toString()); strValue = SQLUtil.makeQuote(strValue.toString()); } boolean isWhere = false; for (String strTmpColumn : listWhere) { if (strColumnName.equals(strTmpColumn)) { isWhere = true; break; } } if (isWhere) strWhere += String.format("%s=%s and", strColumnName, strValue); else strStatement += String.format("%s=%s,", strColumnName, strValue); } strStatement = StringUtils.removeEnd(strStatement, ","); strWhere = StringUtils.removeEnd(strWhere, "and"); sbInsertInto.append(String.format(UPDATE_STMT, strStatement, strWhere)); if (intLimitCnt == i) { return sbInsertInto.toString(); } if (commit > 0 && (i % commit) == 0) { sbInsertInto .append("COMMIT" + PublicTadpoleDefine.SQL_DELIMITER + PublicTadpoleDefine.LINE_SEPARATOR); } if ((i % DATA_COUNT) == 0) { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(strFullPath), sbInsertInto.toString(), true); sbInsertInto.setLength(0); } } if (sbInsertInto.length() > 0) { if (commit > 0) { sbInsertInto .append("COMMIT" + PublicTadpoleDefine.SQL_DELIMITER + PublicTadpoleDefine.LINE_SEPARATOR); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(strFullPath), sbInsertInto.toString(), true); } return strFullPath; }
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/** * Convenience method for subclasses to create mock http servlet requests. * <p>/*from ww w .j ava 2 s.c o m*/ * Examples of using this method are: * <pre> * <code> * Map kvp = new HashMap(); * kvp.put( "service", "wfs" ); * kvp.put( "request", "GetCapabilities" ); * * createRequest( "wfs", kvp ); * </code> * </pre> * </p> * @param path The path for the request, minus any query string parameters. * @param kvp The key value pairs to be put in teh query string. * */ protected MockHttpServletRequest createRequest(String path, Map kvp) { StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator e = kvp.entrySet().iterator(); e.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); q.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()); q.append("&"); } q.setLength(q.length() - 1); return createRequest(ResponseUtils.appendQueryString(path, q.toString())); }
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public String saveUser(SaveUser toSave) throws Exception { TremoloUser user = new TremoloUser(); user.setUid(this.getLogin()); for (ScaleAttribute attr : toSave.getAttributes()) { Attribute uattr = new Attribute(attr.getName()); uattr.getValues().add(attr.getValue()); user.getAttributes().add(uattr); }/* w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ WFCall wfcall = new WFCall(); wfcall.setUidAttributeName( this.getScaleConfig().getRawConfig().getServiceConfiguration().getLookupAttributeName()); wfcall.setUser(user); wfcall.setName(this.getScaleConfig().getRawConfig().getWorkflows().getSaveUserProfileWorkflowName()); // touch to ensure the session is alive StringBuffer callURL = new StringBuffer(); callURL.append(scaleConfig.getRawConfig().getServiceConfiguration().getUnisonURL() + "/services/wf/login"); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(callURL.toString()); HttpResponse response = scaleSession.getHttp().execute(httpget); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent())); String line = null; StringBuffer json = new StringBuffer(); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { json.append(line); } httpget.abort(); Gson gson = new Gson(); ProvisioningResult pres = gson.fromJson(json.toString(), ProvisioningResult.class); if (!pres.isSuccess()) { return "Could not connect to Unison"; } // Execute workflow callURL.setLength(0); callURL.append( scaleConfig.getRawConfig().getServiceConfiguration().getUnisonURL() + "/services/wf/execute"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("URL for wf : '" + callURL.toString() + "'"); String sjson = gson.toJson(wfcall); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(callURL.toString()); List<NameValuePair> urlParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("wfcall", sjson)); post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(urlParameters)); response = scaleSession.getHttp().execute(post); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent())); line = null; json.setLength(0); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { json.append(line); } pres = gson.fromJson(json.toString(), ProvisioningResult.class); if (!pres.isSuccess()) { logger.error("Error : '" + pres.getError().getError() + "'"); return "There was a problem updating your profile, please contact the system administrator for help"; } return null; }
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private static boolean indentMultiLineCase(IStructuredDocument document, int lineNumber, int offset, boolean enterKeyPressed, StringBuffer result, String blanks, String commandText, IndentationObject indentationObject) { // LineState lineState = new LineState(); try {/*from w w w .j ava 2s .co m*/ IRegion region = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset); String content = document.get(offset, region.getOffset() + region.getLength() - offset); PHPHeuristicScanner scanner = PHPHeuristicScanner.createHeuristicScanner(document, offset, true); if (enterKeyPressed && content.trim().startsWith("//")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ // return true; } else if (IndentationUtils.inBracelessBlock(scanner, document, offset)) { // lineState.inBracelessBlock = true; if (!"{".equals(commandText)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ indent(document, result, indentationObject.getIndentationChar(), indentationObject.getIndentationSize()); } return true; } else if (content.trim().startsWith(BLANK + PHPHeuristicScanner.LBRACE)) { // lineState.inBracelessBlock = true; int token = scanner.previousToken(offset - 1, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND); if (token == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenRPAREN) { int peer = scanner.findOpeningPeer(scanner.getPosition(), PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND, PHPHeuristicScanner.LPAREN, PHPHeuristicScanner.RPAREN); if (peer != PHPHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND) { String newblanks = FormatterUtils.getLineBlanks(document, document.getLineInformationOfOffset(peer)); StringBuilder newBuffer = new StringBuilder(newblanks); // IRegion region = document // .getLineInformationOfOffset(offset); result.setLength(result.length() - blanks.length()); result.append(newBuffer.toString()); return true; } } } else if (inMultiLine(scanner, document, lineNumber, offset)) { // lineState.inBracelessBlock = true; int parenPeer = scanner.findOpeningPeer(offset - 1, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND, PHPHeuristicScanner.LPAREN, PHPHeuristicScanner.RPAREN); int bound = parenPeer != -1 ? parenPeer : PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND; int bracketPeer = scanner.findOpeningPeer(offset - 1, bound, PHPHeuristicScanner.LBRACKET, PHPHeuristicScanner.RBRACKET); int peer = Math.max(parenPeer, bracketPeer); if (peer != PHPHeuristicScanner.NOT_FOUND) { // search for assignment (i.e. "=>") int position = peer - 1; int token = scanner.previousToken(position, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND); // scan tokens backwards until reaching a PHP token while (token > 100 || token == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenOTHER) { position--; token = scanner.previousToken(position, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND); } position--; boolean isAssignment = scanner.previousToken(position, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND) == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenGREATERTHAN && scanner.previousToken(position - 1, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND) == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenEQUAL; token = scanner.previousToken(peer - 1, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND); boolean isArray = token == Symbols.TokenARRAY || peer == bracketPeer; String newblanks = FormatterUtils.getLineBlanks(document, document.getLineInformationOfOffset(peer)); StringBuffer newBuffer = new StringBuffer(newblanks); pairArrayParen = false; if (isArray) { String trimed = document.get(offset, region.getOffset() + region.getLength() - offset) .trim(); if (enterKeyPressed || !(trimed.startsWith(BLANK + PHPHeuristicScanner.RPAREN) || trimed.startsWith(BLANK + PHPHeuristicScanner.RBRACKET))) { int arrayBracket = scanner.nextToken(offset, region.getOffset() + region.getLength()); if (enterKeyPressed && (arrayBracket == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenRPAREN || arrayBracket == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenRBRACKET)) { int prev = scanner.previousToken(offset - 1, PHPHeuristicScanner.UNBOUND); if (isAssignment && ((arrayBracket == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenRPAREN && prev != PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenLPAREN) || (arrayBracket == PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenRBRACKET && prev != PHPHeuristicScanner.TokenLBRACKET))) { // no additional indentation } else { indent(document, newBuffer, indentationObject.getIndentationArrayInitSize(), indentationObject.getIndentationChar(), indentationObject.getIndentationSize()); pairArrayParen = true; } } else { indent(document, newBuffer, indentationObject.getIndentationArrayInitSize(), indentationObject.getIndentationChar(), indentationObject.getIndentationSize()); } } } else { indent(document, newBuffer, indentationObject.getIndentationWrappedLineSize(), indentationObject.getIndentationChar(), indentationObject.getIndentationSize()); } result.setLength(result.length() - blanks.length()); result.append(newBuffer.toString()); if (pairArrayParen) { pairArrayOffset = offset + result.length(); result.append(Util.getLineSeparator(null, null)); result.append(blanks); } return true; } } else { int baseLine = inMultiLineString(document, offset, lineNumber, enterKeyPressed); if (baseLine >= 0) { String newblanks = FormatterUtils.getLineBlanks(document, document.getLineInformation(baseLine)); StringBuffer newBuffer = new StringBuffer(newblanks); indent(document, newBuffer, indentationObject.getIndentationWrappedLineSize(), indentationObject.getIndentationChar(), indentationObject.getIndentationSize()); result.setLength(result.length() - blanks.length()); result.append(newBuffer.toString()); return true; } } } catch (final BadLocationException e) { } return false; }
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private void many2manySyncGroups(User user, boolean addOnly, User foundUser, int userIDnum, Connection con, StringBuffer b, Map<String, Object> request) throws SQLException, Exception { int approvalID = 0; if (request.containsKey("APPROVAL_ID")) { approvalID = (Integer) request.get("APPROVAL_ID"); }//from w ww .ja va 2s .co m Workflow workflow = (Workflow) request.get("WORKFLOW"); b.setLength(0); b.append("SELECT "); this.getFieldName(this.groupPrimaryKey, b).append(" FROM "); this.getFieldName(this.groupTable, b).append(" WHERE "); this.getFieldName(this.groupName, b).append(" = ?"); PreparedStatement getGroupID = con.prepareStatement(b.toString()); b.setLength(0); b.append("INSERT INTO ").append(this.groupLinkTable).append(" ("); this.getFieldName(this.groupGroupKey, b).append(","); this.getFieldName(this.groupUserKey, b).append(") VALUES (?,?)"); PreparedStatement addGroup = con.prepareStatement(b.toString()); b.setLength(0); b.append("DELETE FROM ").append(this.groupLinkTable).append(" WHERE "); this.getFieldName(this.groupGroupKey, b).append("=? AND "); this.getFieldName(this.groupUserKey, b).append("=?"); PreparedStatement delGroup = con.prepareStatement(b.toString()); for (String groupName : user.getGroups()) { if (!foundUser.getGroups().contains(groupName)) { getGroupID.setString(1, groupName); ResultSet rs = getGroupID.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new Exception("Group " + groupName + " does not exist"); } int groupID = rs.getInt(this.groupPrimaryKey); addGroup.setInt(1, groupID); addGroup.setInt(2, userIDnum); addGroup.executeUpdate(); this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(, false, ActionType.Add, approvalID, workflow, "group", groupName); } } if (!addOnly) { for (String groupName : foundUser.getGroups()) { if (!user.getGroups().contains(groupName)) { getGroupID.setString(1, groupName); ResultSet rs = getGroupID.executeQuery(); if (! { throw new Exception("Group " + groupName + " does not exist"); } int groupID = rs.getInt(this.groupPrimaryKey); delGroup.setInt(1, groupID); delGroup.setInt(2, userIDnum); delGroup.executeUpdate(); this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(, false, ActionType.Delete, approvalID, workflow, "group", groupName); } } } }
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public void test_moveChild() throws Exception { ObjectInfo parent = new TestObjectInfo("parent"); ObjectInfo child_1 = new TestObjectInfo("child_1"); ObjectInfo child_2 = new TestObjectInfo("child_2"); ObjectInfo child_3 = new TestObjectInfo("child_3"); ///*from w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ parent.addChild(child_1); parent.addChild(child_2); parent.addChild(child_3); // add listener final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); parent.addBroadcastListener(new ObjectEventListener() { @Override public void childMoveBefore(ObjectInfo _parent, ObjectInfo _child, ObjectInfo _nextChild) { buffer.append("childMoveBefore " + _parent + " " + _child + " " + _nextChild + "\n"); } @Override public void childMoveAfter(ObjectInfo _parent, ObjectInfo _child, ObjectInfo _nextChild, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { buffer.append("childMoveAfter " + _parent + " " + _child + " " + _nextChild + "\n"); } }); // move with reference { buffer.setLength(0); parent.moveChild(child_3, child_1); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.isEquals(new Object[] { child_3, child_1, child_2 }, parent.getChildren().toArray())); assertEquals( getSourceDQ("childMoveBefore parent child_3 child_1", "childMoveAfter parent child_3 child_1"), buffer.toString()); } // move as last { buffer.setLength(0); parent.moveChild(child_1, null); assertTrue(ArrayUtils.isEquals(new Object[] { child_3, child_2, child_1 }, parent.getChildren().toArray())); assertEquals(getSourceDQ("childMoveBefore parent child_1 null", "childMoveAfter parent child_1 null"), buffer.toString()); } }
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/** * Creates a string table from the resultset records * //from w w w .j av a 2 s. co m * @param aRS * */ private String createTableFromResultset(String delim, ResultsetTypeRecord[] records) { StringBuffer tableStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer rowOfData = new StringBuffer(); DSTableIFace tableSchema = (DSTableIFace) _resultsetSchemaDef.getTables().elementAt(0); Vector columns = tableSchema.getFields(); appendHeaderRow(tableStr, columns, delim, ROWDELIM); for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) { rowOfData.setLength(0); // // Note: this code assumes all the columns are returned for every // record. // It also assumes they are in the same order as in the metadata. Enumeration colEnum = columns.elements(); int colInx = 0; while (colEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DSTableFieldIFace colDef = (DSTableFieldIFace) colEnum.nextElement(); ResultsetTypeRecordReturnField field = records[i].getReturnField(colInx); String eleStr = field.get_value(); if (colInx > 0) { rowOfData.append(delim); } rowOfData.append(getValidStringValueForType(eleStr, colDef.getDataType())); colInx++; } tableStr.append(rowOfData); tableStr.append(ROWDELIM); } return tableStr.toString(); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception { //Check input table integrity CompatibilityChecker.inDataCheck(inData); /** Get the input columns **/ String readsFile1 = inData[0].iterator().next().getCell(0).toString(); String outfile1 = this.getSettingsFileName(readsFile1); String outfileMerged = outfile1; File lockFile = new File(readsFile1.substring(0, readsFile1.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".FastQC" + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); /**Prepare Command**/ ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add("java"); String jarCall = "-jar " + IO.getScriptPath() + "libs/FastQC.jar "; String path2mergeScript = "sh " + IO.getScriptPath() + "scripts/bash/"; command.add(jarCall + readsFile1); /**Execute for first file**/ String[] com = command.toArray(new String[command.size()]); StringBuffer sysErr = new StringBuffer(50); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(com, " ") }, outfile1, exec, null, lockFile, null, null, null, sysErr, null); //Show FastQC Output; /**If Paired-End data**/ String readsFile2 = ""; if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { readsFile2 = inData[0].iterator().next().getCell(1).toString(); if (!readsFile2.equals("") && !readsFile2.equals(readsFile1)) { String outfile2 = this.getSettingsFileName(readsFile2); // override this path String readFile1Path = IO.removeZipExtension(readsFile1); String readFile2Name = IO.removeZipExtension(new File(readsFile2).getName()); outfileMerged = readFile1Path.substring(0, readFile1Path.lastIndexOf(".")) + "_" + readFile2Name.substring(0, readFile2Name.lastIndexOf(".")) + "_fastqc.filterSettings"; //Set new lock file for reverse read lockFile = new File(readsFile2.substring(0, readsFile2.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".FastQC" + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); //Replace readsFile1 with readsFile2 and execute again com[com.length - 1] = jarCall + readsFile2; //Clear StringBuffer sysErr.setLength(0); sysErr.append("\n"); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(com, " ") }, outfile2, exec, null, lockFile, null, null, null, sysErr, null); // //Show FastQC Output; //Clear StringBuffer sysErr.setLength(0); sysErr.append("\n"); /** merge the two filter settings files */ ArrayList<String> commandMerge = new ArrayList<String>(); // commandMerge.add("sh"); commandMerge.add(path2mergeScript); commandMerge.add(outfile1); commandMerge.add(outfile2); commandMerge.add(outfileMerged); //No HTE, Merge is performed each time => strange null pointer exception // Executor.executeCommand(new String[]{StringUtils.join(commandMerge, " ")},exec,LOGGER,sysErr,sysErr); //Set new lock file for merging lockFile = new File(outfileMerged + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(commandMerge, " ") }, outfileMerged, exec, null, lockFile, null, null, null, sysErr, null); // //Show FastQC Output; } } BufferedDataContainer cont; FileCell[] c; if (readType.equals("single-end")) { cont = exec.createDataContainer(createSpecs()); c = new FileCell[] { FileCellFactory.create(readsFile1), FileCellFactory.create(outfileMerged) }; } else { cont = exec.createDataContainer(createSpecs()); c = new FileCell[] { FileCellFactory.create(readsFile1), FileCellFactory.create(readsFile2), FileCellFactory.create(outfileMerged) }; } cont.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow("Row0", c)); cont.close(); BufferedDataTable outTable = cont.getTable(); /**Push FlowVars**/ // String secFile = ""; // if(readsFile1.substring(readsFile1.length()-3,readsFile1.length()).equals("bam")) { // secFile = "true"; // }else { // secFile = "false"; // } // pushFlowVariableString("isBAM", secFile); /**Delete FastQC zip files**/ deleteZipFiles(readsFile1, readsFile2); return new BufferedDataTable[] { outTable }; }