Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer setLength

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer setLength


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer setLength.


public synchronized void setLength(int newLength) 

Source Link


From source file:org.codehaus.mojo.sql.SqlExecMojo.java

 * read in lines and execute them//ww w .  j  av a 2s . c o m
 * @param reader the reader
 * @param out the outputstream
 * @throws SQLException
 * @throws IOException
private void runStatements(Reader reader, PrintStream out) throws SQLException, IOException {
    String line;

    if (enableBlockMode) {
        //no need to parse the content, ship it directly to jdbc in one sql statement
        line = IOUtil.toString(reader);
        execSQL(line, out);

    StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();

    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(reader);

    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
        if (!keepFormat) {
            line = line.trim();

        if (!keepFormat) {
            if (line.startsWith("//")) {
            if (line.startsWith("--")) {
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
            if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String token = st.nextToken();
                if ("REM".equalsIgnoreCase(token)) {

        if (!keepFormat) {
            sql.append(" ").append(line);
        } else {

        // SQL defines "--" as a comment to EOL
        // and in Oracle it may contain a hint
        // so we cannot just remove it, instead we must end it
        if (!keepFormat) {
            if (SqlSplitter.containsSqlEnd(line, delimiter) == SqlSplitter.NO_END) {

        if ((delimiterType.equals(DelimiterType.NORMAL) && SqlSplitter.containsSqlEnd(line, delimiter) > 0)
                || (delimiterType.equals(DelimiterType.ROW) && line.trim().equals(delimiter))) {
            execSQL(sql.substring(0, sql.length() - delimiter.length()), out);
            sql.setLength(0); // clean buffer

    // Catch any statements not followed by ;
    if (!sql.toString().equals("")) {
        execSQL(sql.toString(), out);

From source file:com.pureinfo.studio.db.txt2SRM.impl.SchoolSCITxtImportRunner.java

 * Converts the properties whose type are different from SRM.
 * /*from  w  w  w.j a  va2 s .  c  o m*/
 * @param _oldObj
 * @param _newObj
 * @throws Exception
private boolean convert(DolphinObject _oldObj, DolphinObject _newObj, List _errorDataList) throws Exception {
    Element convert = m_xmlConfig.element("data");
    List properties = convert.element("convert").elements();
    Element element;
    String sFrom, sTo, sRef, sForeignKey;
    Object value = null;
    boolean bConvertError = false;
    boolean bvalidate = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
        bvalidate = true;
        element = (Element) properties.get(i);
        if (element.attributeValue("provider") != null)
        sFrom = element.attributeValue("from");
        sTo = element.attributeValue("to");
        sRef = element.attributeValue("ref");

        // to convert property value
        if (!_oldObj.hasProperty(sFrom)) {
            // throw new PureException(PureException.PROPERTY_NOTFOUND,
            // sFrom);
        if (isPropertySet(_newObj, sTo))
            continue; // skip

        // else
        try {
            sForeignKey = element.attributeValue("fk");
            String expandCondition = null, expandPropertyDebug = null;
            StringBuffer expandConditionBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            StringBuffer expandPropertyDebugBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            Element expandElement;
            List expands = element.elements("expand");
            if (expands.size() > 0) {
                for (int j = 0; j < expands.size(); j++) {
                    expandElement = (Element) expands.get(i);
                    String expandPropertyValue = _oldObj.getProperty(expandElement.attributeValue("from"))
                    expandConditionBuffer.append(" " + expandElement.attributeValue("to"));
                    expandConditionBuffer.append(" and ");
                    expandPropertyDebugBuffer.append("(" + expandElement.attributeValue("from") + "\""
                            + expandPropertyValue + '\"' + ')');
            if (expandConditionBuffer.length() > 0) {
                expandCondition = expandConditionBuffer.toString();
                expandPropertyDebug = expandPropertyDebugBuffer.toString();
            if (element.attributeValue("validate") != null
                    && element.attributeValue("validate").equals("false"))
                bvalidate = false;
            value = this.lookupRefValue(sRef, _oldObj.getProperty(sFrom), sForeignKey, sFrom, _errorDataList,
                    expandCondition, expandPropertyDebug, bvalidate);

            if (value == null) {
                bConvertError = true;
            } else {
                _newObj.setProperty(sTo, value);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new PureException(PureException.INVALID_VALUE,
                    "convert " + sFrom + "[" + value + "] to " + sTo, ex);


    return bConvertError;

From source file:com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.enrichment.custom.UnstructuredAnalysisHarvester.java

 * processMeta - handle an individual field
 *///from   w  w w.j  ava2  s .c  o m
private void processMeta(DocumentPojo f, metaField m, String text, SourcePojo source,
        UnstructuredAnalysisConfigPojo uap) {

    boolean bAllowDuplicates = false;
    if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("U")) {
        bAllowDuplicates = true;
    if ((null == m.scriptlang) || m.scriptlang.equalsIgnoreCase("regex")) {

        Pattern metaPattern = createRegex(m.script, m.flags);

        int timesToRun = 1;
        Object[] currField = null;
        if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("c")) {
            currField = f.getMetadata().get(m.fieldName);
        if (null != currField) { // chained metadata
            timesToRun = currField.length;
            text = (String) currField[0];
        } //TESTED

        Matcher matcher = metaPattern.matcher(text);
        LinkedList<String> Llist = null;

        for (int ii = 0; ii < timesToRun; ++ii) {
            if (ii > 0) { // (else either just text, or in the above "chained metadata" initialization above)
                text = (String) currField[ii];
                matcher = metaPattern.matcher(text);
            } //TESTED

            StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(m.fieldName).append(':');
            int nFieldNameLen = m.fieldName.length() + 1;

            try {
                while (matcher.find()) {
                    if (null == Llist) {
                        Llist = new LinkedList<String>();
                    if (null == m.groupNum) {
                        m.groupNum = 0;
                    String toAdd = matcher.group(m.groupNum);
                    if (null != m.replace) {
                        toAdd = metaPattern.matcher(toAdd).replaceFirst(m.replace);
                    if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("H")) {
                        toAdd = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(toAdd);
                    String dupCheck = prefix.toString();

                    if (!regexDuplicates.contains(dupCheck)) {
                        if (!bAllowDuplicates) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this._context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("processMeta1: " + e.getMessage(), true);
        } //(end metadata chaining handling)
        if (null != Llist) {
            if (null != currField) { // (overwrite)
                f.getMetadata().put(m.fieldName, Llist.toArray());
            } else {
                f.addToMetadata(m.fieldName, Llist.toArray());
        } //TESTED
    } else if (m.scriptlang.equalsIgnoreCase("javascript")) {
        if (null == f.getMetadata()) {
            f.setMetadata(new LinkedHashMap<String, Object[]>());
        //set the script engine up if necessary
        if ((null != source) && (null != uap)) {
            //(these are null if called from new processing pipeline vs legacy code)
            intializeScriptEngine(source, uap);

        try {
            //TODO (INF-2488): in new format, this should only happen in between contentMeta blocks/docs
            // (also should be able to use SAH _document object I think?)

            // Javascript: the user passes in 
            Object[] currField = f.getMetadata().get(m.fieldName);
            if ((null == m.flags) || m.flags.isEmpty()) {
                if (null == currField) {
                    engine.put("text", text);
                    engine.put("_iterator", null);
                //(otherwise will just pass the current fields in there)
            } else { // flags specified
                if (m.flags.contains("t")) { // text
                    engine.put("text", text);
                if (m.flags.contains("d")) { // entire document (minus ents and assocs)
                    GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
                    Gson g = gb.create();
                    List<EntityPojo> ents = f.getEntities();
                    List<AssociationPojo> assocs = f.getAssociations();
                    try {
                        engine.put("document", g.toJson(f));
                        securityManager.eval(engine, JavaScriptUtils.initScript);
                    } finally {
                if (m.flags.contains("m")) { // metadata
                    GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
                    Gson g = gb.create();
                    engine.put("_metadata", g.toJson(f.getMetadata()));
                    securityManager.eval(engine, JavaScriptUtils.iteratorMetaScript);
            } //(end flags processing)

            if (null != currField) {

                GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
                Gson g = gb.create();
                engine.put("_iterator", g.toJson(currField));
                securityManager.eval(engine, JavaScriptUtils.iteratorDocScript);
            //TESTED (handling of flags, and replacing of existing fields, including when field is null but specified)

            Object returnVal = securityManager.eval(engine, m.script);

            if (null != returnVal) {
                if (returnVal instanceof String) { // The only easy case
                    Object[] array = new Object[1];
                    if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("H")) {
                        returnVal = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml((String) returnVal);
                    array[0] = returnVal;
                    f.addToMetadata(m.fieldName, array);
                } else { // complex object or array - in either case the engine turns these into
                         // internal.NativeArray or internal.NativeObject

                    BasicDBList outList = JavaScriptUtils.parseNativeJsObject(returnVal, engine);
                    f.addToMetadata(m.fieldName, outList.toArray());
        } catch (ScriptException e) {


            // Just do nothing and log
            // e.printStackTrace();
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
        } catch (Exception e) {


            // Just do nothing and log
            // e.printStackTrace();
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
    } else if (m.scriptlang.equalsIgnoreCase("xpath")) {

        String xpath = m.script;

        try {

            int timesToRun = 1;
            Object[] currField = null;
            if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("c")) {
                currField = f.getMetadata().get(m.fieldName);
            if (null != currField) { // chained metadata
                f.getMetadata().remove(m.fieldName); // (so will add to the end)
                timesToRun = currField.length;
                text = (String) currField[0];
            } //TESTED

            for (int ii = 0; ii < timesToRun; ++ii) {
                if (ii > 0) { // (else either just text, or in the above "chained metadata" initialization above)
                    text = (String) currField[ii];
                } //TESTED

                TagNode node = cleaner.clean(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()));

                //NewCode : Only use html cleaner for cleansing
                //use JAXP for full Xpath lib
                Document doc = new DomSerializer(new CleanerProperties()).createDOM(node);

                String extraRegex = extractRegexFromXpath(xpath);

                if (extraRegex != null)
                    xpath = xpath.replace(extraRegex, "");

                XPath xpa = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
                NodeList res = (NodeList) xpa.evaluate(xpath, doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);

                if (res.getLength() > 0) {
                    if ((null != m.flags) && (m.flags.contains("o"))) { // "o" for object
                        m.groupNum = -1; // (see bConvertToObject below)
                    StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(m.fieldName).append(':');
                    int nFieldNameLen = m.fieldName.length() + 1;
                    ArrayList<Object> Llist = new ArrayList<Object>(res.getLength());
                    boolean bConvertToObject = ((m.groupNum != null) && (m.groupNum == -1));
                    boolean convertToXml = ((null != m.flags) && (m.flags.contains("x")));
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.getLength(); i++) {
                        Node info_node = res.item(i);
                        if ((null != m.flags) && (m.flags.contains("g"))) {
                            Llist.add(parseHtmlTable(info_node, m.replace));
                        } else if (bConvertToObject || convertToXml) {
                            // Try to create a JSON object out of this
                            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                            try {
                                Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
                                transformer.transform(new DOMSource(info_node), new StreamResult(writer));
                            } catch (TransformerException e1) {

                            if (bConvertToObject) {
                                try {
                                    JSONObject subObj = XML.toJSONObject(writer.toString());
                                    if (xpath.endsWith("*")) { // (can have any number of different names here)
                                    } //TESTED
                                    else {
                                        String[] rootNames = JSONObject.getNames(subObj);
                                        if (1 == rootNames.length) {
                                            // (don't think it can't be any other number in fact)
                                            subObj = subObj.getJSONObject(rootNames[0]);
                                        boolean bUnescapeHtml = ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("H"));
                                    } //TESTED
                                } catch (JSONException e) { // Just carry on
                            } else { // leave in XML form
                                Llist.add(writer.toString().substring(38)); // +38: (step over <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>)
                            } //TESTED (xpath_test.json)
                        } else { // Treat this as string, either directly or via regex
                            String info = info_node.getTextContent().trim();
                            if (extraRegex == null || extraRegex.isEmpty()) {
                                String dupCheck = prefix.toString();

                                if (!regexDuplicates.contains(dupCheck)) {
                                    if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("H")) {
                                        info = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(info);
                                    if (!bAllowDuplicates) {
                            } else { // Apply regex to the string
                                Pattern dataRegex = createRegex(extraRegex, m.flags);
                                Matcher dataMatcher = dataRegex.matcher(info);
                                boolean result = dataMatcher.find();
                                while (result) {
                                    String toAdd;
                                    if (m.groupNum != null)
                                        toAdd = dataMatcher.group(m.groupNum);
                                        toAdd = dataMatcher.group();
                                    String dupCheck = prefix.toString();

                                    if (!regexDuplicates.contains(dupCheck)) {
                                        if ((null != m.flags) && m.flags.contains("H")) {
                                            toAdd = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(toAdd);
                                        if (!bAllowDuplicates) {

                                    result = dataMatcher.find();
                            } //(regex vs no regex)
                        } //(end string vs object)
                    if (Llist.size() > 0) {
                        f.addToMetadata(m.fieldName, Llist.toArray());
            } //(end loop over metadata objects if applicable)

        } catch (IOException ioe) {

            // Just do nothing and log
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e1) {
            // Just do nothing and log
            //DEBUG (don't output log messages per doc)
        } catch (XPathExpressionException e1) {
            _context.getHarvestStatus().logMessage("Error evaluating xpath expression: " + xpath, true);
    } else if (m.scriptlang.equalsIgnoreCase("stream")) { // XML or JSON streaming interface
        // which one?
        try {
            boolean json = false;
            boolean xml = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
                if ('<' == text.charAt(i)) {
                    xml = true;
                if ('{' == text.charAt(i) || '[' == text.charAt(i)) {
                    json = true;
                if (!Character.isSpaceChar(text.charAt(i))) {
            } //TESTED (too many spaces: meta_stream_test, test4; incorrect chars: test3, xml: test1, json: test2)

            boolean textNotObject = m.flags == null || !m.flags.contains("o");

            List<DocumentPojo> docs = new LinkedList<DocumentPojo>();
            List<String> levelOneFields = null;
            if (null != m.script) {
                levelOneFields = Arrays.asList(m.script.split("\\s*,\\s*"));
                if ((1 == levelOneFields.size()) && levelOneFields.get(0).isEmpty()) {
                    // convert [""] to null
                    levelOneFields = null;
            } //TESTED (json and xml)

            if (xml) {
                XmlToMetadataParser parser = new XmlToMetadataParser(levelOneFields, null, null, null, null,
                        null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
                factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_COALESCING, true);
                factory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, false);
                XMLStreamReader reader = null;
                try {
                    reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()));
                    docs = parser.parseDocument(reader, textNotObject);
                } finally {
                    if (null != reader)
            } //TESTED (meta_stream_test, test1)
            if (json) {
                JsonReader jsonReader = null;
                try {
                    JsonToMetadataParser parser = new JsonToMetadataParser(null, levelOneFields, null, null,
                    jsonReader = new JsonReader(
                            new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes()), "UTF-8"));
                    docs = parser.parseDocument(jsonReader, textNotObject);
                } finally {
                    if (null != jsonReader)
            } //TESTED (meta_stream_test test2)

            if (!docs.isEmpty()) {
                ArrayList<String> Llist = null;
                ArrayList<Object> LlistObj = null;
                if (textNotObject) {
                    Llist = new ArrayList<String>(docs.size());
                } else {
                    LlistObj = new ArrayList<Object>(docs.size());
                for (DocumentPojo doc : docs) {
                    if ((null != doc.getFullText()) || (null != doc.getMetadata())) {
                        if (textNotObject) {
                        } //TESTED
                        else if (xml) {
                        } //TESTED
                        else if (json) {
                            Object o = doc.getMetadata();
                            if (null != o) {
                                o = doc.getMetadata().get("json");
                                if (o instanceof Object[]) {
                                    LlistObj.addAll(Arrays.asList((Object[]) o));
                                } else if (null != o) {
                                } //TESTED
                        } //TESTED
                } //TESTED
                if ((null != Llist) && !Llist.isEmpty()) {
                    f.addToMetadata(m.fieldName, Llist.toArray());
                } //TESTED
                if ((null != LlistObj) && !LlistObj.isEmpty()) {
                    f.addToMetadata(m.fieldName, LlistObj.toArray());
                } //TESTED

            } //TESTED (meta_stream_test test1,test2)
        } //(end try)
        catch (Exception e) { // various parsing errors
    } //TESTED (meta_stream_test)

    // (don't currently support other script types)

From source file:org.apache.ddlutils.io.TestDatabaseIO.java

 * Tests a database model columns of all possible datatypes.
 *//* w ww .  j a  va2  s .  co m*/
public void testColumnTypes() throws Exception {
    StringBuffer modelXml = new StringBuffer();
    int[] types = TypeMap.getSuportedJdbcTypes();

    modelXml.append("<database xmlns='" + DatabaseIO.DDLUTILS_NAMESPACE + "' name='test'>\n");
    modelXml.append("  <table name='SomeTable'\n");
    modelXml.append("         description='Some table'>\n");
    for (int idx = 0; idx < types.length; idx++) {
        modelXml.append("    <column name='ID");
        modelXml.append("' type='");
    modelXml.append("  </table>\n");

    Database model = readModel(modelXml.toString());

    assertEquals("test", model.getName());
    assertEquals(1, model.getTableCount());

    Table table = model.getTable(0);

    assertEquals("SomeTable", "Some table", types.length, 0, 0, 0, 0, table);

    for (int idx = 0; idx < types.length; idx++) {
        assertEquals("ID" + idx, types[idx], 0, 0, null, null, null, false, false, false, table.getColumn(idx));

    modelXml.append("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
    modelXml.append("<database xmlns=\"" + DatabaseIO.DDLUTILS_NAMESPACE + "\" name=\"test\">\n");
    modelXml.append("  <table name=\"SomeTable\" description=\"Some table\">\n");
    for (int idx = 0; idx < types.length; idx++) {
        modelXml.append("    <column name=\"ID");
        modelXml.append("\" primaryKey=\"false\" required=\"false\" type=\"");
        modelXml.append("\" autoIncrement=\"false\" />\n");
    modelXml.append("  </table>\n");

    assertEquals(modelXml.toString(), model);

From source file:com.tremolosecurity.unison.openstack.KeystoneProvisioningTarget.java

public void createUser(User user, Set<String> attributes, Map<String, Object> request)
        throws ProvisioningException {

    if (rolesOnly) {
        throw new ProvisioningException("Unsupported");
    }/*from w  w w.ja va  2  s.c om*/

    int approvalID = 0;
    if (request.containsKey("APPROVAL_ID")) {
        approvalID = (Integer) request.get("APPROVAL_ID");

    Workflow workflow = (Workflow) request.get("WORKFLOW");

    KSUser newUser = new KSUser();

    if (attributes.contains("email") && user.getAttribs().containsKey("email")) {

    if (attributes.contains("description") && user.getAttribs().containsKey("description")) {

    HttpCon con = null;
    KSUser fromKS = null;
    try {
        con = this.createClient();
        KSToken token = this.getToken(con);
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        UserHolder userHolder = new UserHolder();
        String json = gson.toJson(userHolder);

        StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
        json = this.callWSPost(token.getAuthToken(), con, b.toString(), json);
        if (json == null) {
            throw new Exception("Could not create user");

        UserHolder createdUser = gson.fromJson(json, UserHolder.class);

        if (createdUser.getUser() == null) {
            throw new ProvisioningException("Could not create user :" + json);

        this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), true, ActionType.Add, approvalID,
                workflow, "name", user.getUserID());
        this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add, approvalID,
                workflow, "name", user.getUserID());
        this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add, approvalID,
                workflow, "domain_id", this.usersDomain);
        this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add, approvalID,
                workflow, "enabled", "true");
        if (attributes.contains("email")) {
            this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add, approvalID,
                    workflow, "email", user.getAttribs().get("email").getValues().get(0));
        if (attributes.contains("description")) {
            this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add, approvalID,
                    workflow, "description", user.getAttribs().get("description").getValues().get(0));

        for (String group : user.getGroups()) {
            String groupID = this.getGroupID(token.getAuthToken(), con, group);
            if (this.callWSPutNoData(token.getAuthToken(), con, b.toString())) {
                this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add,
                        approvalID, workflow, "group", group);

            } else {
                throw new ProvisioningException("Could not add group " + group);


        if (attributes.contains("roles")) {
            Attribute roles = user.getAttribs().get("roles");
            for (String roleJSON : roles.getValues()) {
                Role role = gson.fromJson(roleJSON, Role.class);
                if (role.getScope().equalsIgnoreCase("project")) {
                    String projectid = this.getProjectID(token.getAuthToken(), con, role.getProject());
                    if (projectid == null) {
                        throw new ProvisioningException("Project " + role.getDomain() + " does not exist");

                    String roleid = this.getRoleID(token.getAuthToken(), con, role.getName());
                    if (roleid == null) {
                        throw new ProvisioningException("Role " + role.getName() + " does not exist");


                    if (this.callWSPutNoData(token.getAuthToken(), con, b.toString())) {
                        this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add,
                                approvalID, workflow, "role", roleJSON);
                    } else {
                        throw new ProvisioningException("Could not add role " + roleJSON);
                } else {
                    String domainid = this.getDomainID(token.getAuthToken(), con, role.getDomain());
                    if (domainid == null) {
                        throw new ProvisioningException("Domain " + role.getDomain() + " does not exist");

                    String roleid = this.getRoleID(token.getAuthToken(), con, role.getName());
                    if (roleid == null) {
                        throw new ProvisioningException("Role " + role.getName() + " does not exist");


                    if (this.callWSPutNoData(token.getAuthToken(), con, b.toString())) {
                        this.cfgMgr.getProvisioningEngine().logAction(user.getUserID(), false, ActionType.Add,
                                approvalID, workflow, "role", roleJSON);
                    } else {
                        throw new ProvisioningException("Could not add role " + roleJSON);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ProvisioningException("Could not work with keystone", e);
    } finally {
        if (con != null) {

From source file:org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.java

 * Compute a hyperlink URL based on the <code>forward</code>,
 * <code>href</code>, <code>action</code> or <code>page</code> parameter
 * that is not null. The returned URL will have already been passed to
 * <code>response.encodeURL()</code> for adding a session identifier.
 * @param pageContext      PageContext for the tag making this call
 * @param forward          Logical forward name for which to look up the
 *                         context-relative URI (if specified)
 * @param href             URL to be utilized unmodified (if specified)
 * @param page             Module-relative page for which a URL should be
 *                         created (if specified)
 * @param action           Logical action name for which to look up the
 *                         context-relative URI (if specified)
 * @param params           Map of parameters to be dynamically included
 *                         (if any)//from  ww w. ja v a  2  s .  c o  m
 * @param anchor           Anchor to be dynamically included (if any)
 * @param redirect         Is this URL for a <code>response.sendRedirect()</code>?
 * @param encodeSeparator  This is only checked if redirect is set to
 *                         false (never encoded for a redirect).  If true,
 *                         query string parameter separators are encoded
 *                         as &gt;amp;, else &amp; is used.
 * @param useLocalEncoding If set to true, urlencoding is done on the
 *                         bytes of character encoding from
 *                         ServletResponse#getCharacterEncoding. Use UTF-8
 *                         otherwise.
 * @return URL with session identifier
 * @throws java.net.MalformedURLException if a URL cannot be created for
 *                                        the specified parameters
public String computeURLWithCharEncoding(PageContext pageContext, String forward, String href, String page,
        String action, String module, Map params, String anchor, boolean redirect, boolean encodeSeparator,
        boolean useLocalEncoding) throws MalformedURLException {
    String charEncoding = "UTF-8";

    if (useLocalEncoding) {
        charEncoding = pageContext.getResponse().getCharacterEncoding();

    // TODO All the computeURL() methods need refactoring!
    // Validate that exactly one specifier was included
    int n = 0;

    if (forward != null) {

    if (href != null) {

    if (page != null) {

    if (action != null) {

    if (n != 1) {
        throw new MalformedURLException(messages.getMessage("computeURL.specifier"));

    // Look up the module configuration for this request
    ModuleConfig moduleConfig = getModuleConfig(module, pageContext);

    // Calculate the appropriate URL
    StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();
    HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) pageContext.getRequest();

    if (forward != null) {
        ForwardConfig forwardConfig = moduleConfig.findForwardConfig(forward);

        if (forwardConfig == null) {
            throw new MalformedURLException(messages.getMessage("computeURL.forward", forward));

        // **** removed - see bug 37817 ****
        //  if (forwardConfig.getRedirect()) {
        //      redirect = true;
        //  }

        if (forwardConfig.getPath().startsWith("/")) {
            url.append(RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forwardConfig, moduleConfig));
        } else {
    } else if (href != null) {
    } else if (action != null) {
        ActionServlet servlet = (ActionServlet) pageContext.getServletContext()
        String actionIdPath = RequestUtils.actionIdURL(action, moduleConfig, servlet);
        if (actionIdPath != null) {
            action = actionIdPath;
        } else {
            url.append(instance.getActionMappingURL(action, module, pageContext, false));
    } else /* if (page != null) */
        url.append(this.pageURL(request, page, moduleConfig));

    // Add anchor if requested (replacing any existing anchor)
    if (anchor != null) {
        String temp = url.toString();
        int hash = temp.indexOf('#');

        if (hash >= 0) {

        url.append(this.encodeURL(anchor, charEncoding));

    // Add dynamic parameters if requested
    if ((params != null) && (params.size() > 0)) {
        // Save any existing anchor
        String temp = url.toString();
        int hash = temp.indexOf('#');

        if (hash >= 0) {
            anchor = temp.substring(hash + 1);
            temp = url.toString();
        } else {
            anchor = null;

        // Define the parameter separator
        String separator = null;

        if (redirect) {
            separator = "&";
        } else if (encodeSeparator) {
            separator = "&amp;";
        } else {
            separator = "&";

        // Add the required request parameters
        boolean question = temp.indexOf('?') >= 0;
        Iterator keys = params.keySet().iterator();

        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String) keys.next();
            Object value = params.get(key);

            if (value == null) {
                if (!question) {
                    question = true;
                } else {

                url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding));
                url.append('='); // Interpret null as "no value"
            } else if (value instanceof String) {
                if (!question) {
                    question = true;
                } else {

                url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding));
                url.append(this.encodeURL((String) value, charEncoding));
            } else if (value instanceof String[]) {
                String[] values = (String[]) value;

                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    if (!question) {
                        question = true;
                    } else {

                    url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding));
                    url.append(this.encodeURL(values[i], charEncoding));
            } else /* Convert other objects to a string */
                if (!question) {
                    question = true;
                } else {

                url.append(this.encodeURL(key, charEncoding));
                url.append(this.encodeURL(value.toString(), charEncoding));

        // Re-add the saved anchor (if any)
        if (anchor != null) {
            url.append(this.encodeURL(anchor, charEncoding));

    // Perform URL rewriting to include our session ID (if any)
    // but only if url is not an external URL
    if ((href == null) && (pageContext.getSession() != null)) {
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) pageContext.getResponse();

        if (redirect) {
            return (response.encodeRedirectURL(url.toString()));

        return (response.encodeURL(url.toString()));

    return (url.toString());

From source file:org.apache.axis.transport.http.SimpleAxisWorker.java

 * The main workhorse method.//w  ww .jav  a 2  s.c o  m
public void execute() {
    byte buf[] = new byte[BUFSIZ];
    // create an Axis server
    AxisServer engine = server.getAxisServer();

    // create and initialize a message context
    MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext(engine);
    Message requestMsg = null;

    // Reusuable, buffered, content length controlled, InputStream
    NonBlockingBufferedInputStream is = new NonBlockingBufferedInputStream();

    // buffers for the headers we care about
    StringBuffer soapAction = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer httpRequest = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer fileName = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer cookie = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer cookie2 = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer authInfo = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer contentType = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer contentLocation = new StringBuffer();

    Message responseMsg = null;

    // prepare request (do as much as possible while waiting for the
    // next connection).  Note the next two statements are commented
    // out.  Uncomment them if you experience any problems with not
    // resetting state between requests:
    //   msgContext = new MessageContext();
    //   requestMsg = new Message("", "String");
    //msgContext.setProperty("transport", "HTTPTransport");

    responseMsg = null;

    try {
        // assume the best
        byte[] status = OK;

        // assume we're not getting WSDL
        boolean doWsdl = false;

        // cookie for this session, if any
        String cooky = null;

        String methodName = null;

        try {
            // wipe cookies if we're doing sessions
            if (server.isSessionUsed()) {
                cookie.delete(0, cookie.length());
                cookie2.delete(0, cookie2.length());
            authInfo.delete(0, authInfo.length());

            // read headers
            // parse all headers into hashtable
            MimeHeaders requestHeaders = new MimeHeaders();
            int contentLength = parseHeaders(is, buf, contentType, contentLocation, soapAction, httpRequest,
                    fileName, cookie, cookie2, authInfo, requestHeaders);

            int paramIdx = fileName.toString().indexOf('?');
            if (paramIdx != -1) {
                // Got params
                String params = fileName.substring(paramIdx + 1);

                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("filename00", fileName.toString()));
                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("params00", params));

                if ("wsdl".equalsIgnoreCase(params))
                    doWsdl = true;

                if (params.startsWith("method=")) {
                    methodName = params.substring(7);

            // Real and relative paths are the same for the
            // SimpleAxisServer
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_REALPATH, fileName.toString());
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_RELATIVE_PATH, fileName.toString());
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_JWS_CLASSDIR, "jwsClasses");
            msgContext.setProperty(Constants.MC_HOME_DIR, ".");

            // !!! Fix string concatenation
            String url = "http://" + getLocalHost() + ":" + server.getServerSocket().getLocalPort() + "/"
                    + fileName.toString();
            msgContext.setProperty(MessageContext.TRANS_URL, url);

            String filePart = fileName.toString();
            if (filePart.startsWith("axis/services/")) {
                String servicePart = filePart.substring(14);
                int separator = servicePart.indexOf('/');
                if (separator > -1) {
                    msgContext.setProperty("objectID", servicePart.substring(separator + 1));
                    servicePart = servicePart.substring(0, separator);

            if (authInfo.length() > 0) {
                // Process authentication info
                //authInfo = new StringBuffer("dXNlcjE6cGFzczE=");
                byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(authInfo.toString());
                StringBuffer userBuf = new StringBuffer();
                StringBuffer pwBuf = new StringBuffer();
                StringBuffer authBuf = userBuf;
                for (int i = 0; i < decoded.length; i++) {
                    if ((char) (decoded[i] & 0x7f) == ':') {
                        authBuf = pwBuf;
                    authBuf.append((char) (decoded[i] & 0x7f));

                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(Messages.getMessage("user00", userBuf.toString()));


            // if get, then return simpleton document as response
            if (httpRequest.toString().equals("GET")) {

                OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
                if (fileName.length() == 0) {
                    out.write("301 Redirect\nLocation: /axis/\n\n".getBytes());

                if (methodName != null) {
                    String body = "<" + methodName + ">" +
                    //                               args +
                            "</" + methodName + ">";
                    String msgtxt = "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope" + " xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"" + Constants.URI_SOAP12_ENV
                            + "\">" + "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" + body + "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" + "</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>";

                    ByteArrayInputStream istream = new ByteArrayInputStream(msgtxt.getBytes());
                    requestMsg = new Message(istream);
                } else if (doWsdl) {

                    Document doc = (Document) msgContext.getProperty("WSDL");
                    if (doc != null) {
                        String response = XMLUtils.PrettyDocumentToString(doc);
                        byte[] respBytes = response.getBytes();

                        putInt(buf, out, respBytes.length);
                } else {
                    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                    sb.append("<h2>And now... Some Services</h2>\n");
                    Iterator i = engine.getConfig().getDeployedServices();
                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                        ServiceDesc sd = (ServiceDesc) i.next();
                        sb.append(" <a href=\"services/");
                        ArrayList operations = sd.getOperations();
                        if (!operations.isEmpty()) {
                            for (Iterator it = operations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                                OperationDesc desc = (OperationDesc) it.next();
                                sb.append("<li>" + desc.getName());

                    byte[] bytes = sb.toString().getBytes();

                    putInt(buf, out, bytes.length);
            } else {

                // this may be "" if either SOAPAction: "" or if no SOAPAction at all.
                // for now, do not complain if no SOAPAction at all
                String soapActionString = soapAction.toString();
                if (soapActionString != null) {
                requestMsg = new Message(is, false, contentType.toString(), contentLocation.toString());

            // Transfer HTTP headers to MIME headers for request message.
            MimeHeaders requestMimeHeaders = requestMsg.getMimeHeaders();
            for (Iterator i = requestHeaders.getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
                MimeHeader requestHeader = (MimeHeader) i.next();
                requestMimeHeaders.addHeader(requestHeader.getName(), requestHeader.getValue());
            // put character encoding of request to message context
            // in order to reuse it during the whole process.   
            String requestEncoding = (String) requestMsg.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
            if (requestEncoding != null) {
                msgContext.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, requestEncoding);

            // set up session, if any
            if (server.isSessionUsed()) {
                // did we get a cookie?
                if (cookie.length() > 0) {
                    cooky = cookie.toString().trim();
                } else if (cookie2.length() > 0) {
                    cooky = cookie2.toString().trim();

                // if cooky is null, cook up a cooky
                if (cooky == null) {
                    // fake one up!
                    // make it be an arbitrarily increasing number
                    // (no this is not thread safe because ++ isn't atomic)
                    int i = SimpleAxisServer.sessionIndex++;
                    cooky = "" + i;


            // invoke the Axis engine

            // Retrieve the response from Axis
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();

            if (responseMsg == null) {
                status = NOCONTENT;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            AxisFault af;
            if (e instanceof AxisFault) {
                af = (AxisFault) e;
                log.debug(Messages.getMessage("serverFault00"), af);
                QName faultCode = af.getFaultCode();
                if (Constants.FAULT_SOAP12_SENDER.equals(faultCode)) {
                    status = SENDER;
                } else if ("Server.Unauthorized".equals(af.getFaultCode().getLocalPart())) {
                    status = UNAUTH; // SC_UNAUTHORIZED
                } else {
                    status = ISE; // SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
            } else {
                status = ISE; // SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
                af = AxisFault.makeFault(e);

            // There may be headers we want to preserve in the
            // response message - so if it's there, just add the
            // FaultElement to it.  Otherwise, make a new one.
            responseMsg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
            if (responseMsg == null) {
                responseMsg = new Message(af);
            } else {
                try {
                    SOAPEnvelope env = responseMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();
                    env.addBodyElement(new SOAPFault((AxisFault) e));
                } catch (AxisFault fault) {
                    // Should never reach here!

        // synchronize the character encoding of request and response
        String responseEncoding = (String) msgContext.getProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING);
        if (responseEncoding != null && responseMsg != null) {
            responseMsg.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, responseEncoding);
        // Send it on its way...
        OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();

        if (responseMsg != null) {
            if (server.isSessionUsed() && null != cooky && 0 != cooky.trim().length()) {
                // write cookie headers, if any
                // don't sweat efficiency *too* badly
                // optimize at will
                StringBuffer cookieOut = new StringBuffer();
                cookieOut.append("\r\nSet-Cookie: ").append(cooky).append("\r\nSet-Cookie2: ").append(cooky);
                // OH, THE HUMILITY!  yes this is inefficient.

            out.write(("\r\n" + HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": "
                    + responseMsg.getContentType(msgContext.getSOAPConstants())).getBytes());
            // Writing the length causes the entire message to be decoded twice.
            //out.write(("\r\n" + HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH + ": " + responseMsg.getContentLength()).getBytes());
            // putInt(out, response.length);

            // Transfer MIME headers to HTTP headers for response message.
            for (Iterator i = responseMsg.getMimeHeaders().getAllHeaders(); i.hasNext();) {
                MimeHeader responseHeader = (MimeHeader) i.next();


        // out.write(response);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.info(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (socket != null)
        } catch (Exception e) {
    if (msgContext.getProperty(MessageContext.QUIT_REQUESTED) != null) {
        // why then, quit!
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


From source file:com.pureinfo.studio.db.xls2srm.impl.XlsImportRunner.java

 * Converts the properties whose type are different from SRM.
 * //w w w.  jav a2 s.  c om
 * @param _oldObj
 * @param _newObj
 * @throws Exception
private boolean convert(DolphinObject _oldObj, DolphinObject _newObj, List _errorDataList, int _nChooseIfRepeat)
        throws Exception {
    Element convert = m_xmlConfig.element("data");
    List properties = convert.element("convert").elements();
    Element element;
    String sFrom, sTo, sRef, sForeignKey;
    Object value = null;
    Object valueFrom = null;
    boolean bConvertError = false;
    boolean bvalidate = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
        element = (Element) properties.get(i);
                element.attributeValue("from") + ":" + _oldObj.getProperty(element.attributeValue("from")));
        if (element.attributeValue("provider") != null) {
            sRef = element.attributeValue("ref");
            sFrom = element.attributeValue("from");
            sTo = element.attributeValue("to");
            if (sRef != null && sRef.charAt(0) == '#') {
                // if ( _nChooseIfRepeat != Xls2srmForm.JUSTFORCHECK
                IImportorRef ref = (IImportorRef) PureFactory.getBean(sRef.substring(1));

                value = ref.convert(_oldObj, _newObj, sFrom, String.valueOf(_nChooseIfRepeat), null,
                        LocalContextHelper.currentSession("Local"), m_entityMetadata,
                        m_xmlConfig.elementTextTrim("match-properties"), m_xmlConfig.attributeValue("temp"));

                _newObj.setProperty(sTo, value);
                checkIsValidPatent(_newObj, _errorDataList);

        // sFrom = element.attributeValue("from").toUpperCase();
        sFrom = element.attributeValue("from");
        sTo = element.attributeValue("to");
        sRef = element.attributeValue("ref");

        // to convert property value
        if (!_oldObj.hasProperty(sFrom)) {
            // throw new PureException(PureException.PROPERTY_NOTFOUND,
            // sFrom);
        if (isPropertySet(_newObj, sTo))
            continue; // skip

        // else
        try {
            sForeignKey = element.attributeValue("fk");
            String expandCondition = null, expandPropertyDebug = null;
            StringBuffer expandConditionBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            StringBuffer expandPropertyDebugBuffer = new StringBuffer();
            Element expandElement;
            List expands = element.elements("expand");
            if (expands.size() > 0) {
                for (int j = 0; j < expands.size(); j++) {
                    expandElement = (Element) expands.get(i);
                    String expandPropertyValue = _oldObj.getProperty(expandElement.attributeValue("from"))
                    expandConditionBuffer.append(" " + expandElement.attributeValue("to"));
                    expandConditionBuffer.append(" and ");
                    expandPropertyDebugBuffer.append("(" + expandElement.attributeValue("from") + "\""
                            + expandPropertyValue + "\"" + ")");
            if (expandConditionBuffer.length() > 0) {
                expandCondition = expandConditionBuffer.toString();
                expandPropertyDebug = expandPropertyDebugBuffer.toString();

            valueFrom = _oldObj.getProperty(sFrom);
            if (element.attributeValue("subString") != null) {
                String sSubStringValue = element.attributeValue("subString");
                int nBeganIndex = 0;
                int nEndIndex = sSubStringValue.length() - 1;

                if (sSubStringValue.indexOf(",") > 0) {
                    String sBeganIndex = sSubStringValue.substring(0, sSubStringValue.indexOf(","));
                    nBeganIndex = Integer.parseInt(sBeganIndex);

                    String sEndIndex = sSubStringValue.substring(sSubStringValue.indexOf(",") + 1);

                    nEndIndex = Integer.parseInt(sEndIndex);
                    // logger.debug(""+nBeganIndex+""+nEndIndex);
                if (valueFrom != null && ((String) valueFrom).length() >= nEndIndex) {
                    valueFrom = ((String) valueFrom).substring(nBeganIndex, nEndIndex);
                    // logger.debug(" "+valueFrom);

            if (element.attributeValue("validate") != null
                    && element.attributeValue("validate").equals("false"))
                bvalidate = false;
            value = this.lookupRefValue(sRef, valueFrom, sForeignKey, sFrom, _errorDataList, expandCondition,
                    expandPropertyDebug, bvalidate);
            if (value == null) {
                bConvertError = true;
            } else {
                _newObj.setProperty(sTo, value);
                System.out.println("=======" + _newObj.getProperty(sTo));

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new PureException(PureException.INVALID_VALUE,
                    "convert " + sFrom + "[" + value + "] to " + sTo, ex);


    return bConvertError;

From source file:org.geotools.jdbc.JoiningJDBCFeatureSource.java

 * Generates a 'SELECT p1, p2, ... FROM ... WHERE ...' prepared statement.
 * /*from   w w  w .j  a v a  2  s .  co  m*/
 * @param featureType
 *            the feature type that the query must return (may contain less attributes than the
 *            native one)
 * @param attributes
 *            the properties queried, or {@link Query#ALL_NAMES} to gather all of them
 * @param query
 *            the query to be run. The type name and property will be ignored, as they are
 *            supposed to have been already embedded into the provided feature type
 * @param cx
 *            The database connection to be used to create the prepared statement
 * @throws SQLException 
 * @throws IOException 
 * @throws FilterToSQLException
protected String selectSQL(SimpleFeatureType featureType, JoiningQuery query,
        AtomicReference<PreparedFilterToSQL> toSQLref) throws IOException, SQLException, FilterToSQLException {

    // first we create from clause, for aliases

    StringBuffer fromclause = new StringBuffer();
    getDataStore().encodeTableName(featureType.getTypeName(), fromclause, query.getHints());

    Set<String> tableNames = new HashSet<String>();

    String lastTypeName = featureType.getTypeName();
    String curTypeName = lastTypeName;

    String[] aliases = null;

    if (query.getQueryJoins() != null) {

        aliases = new String[query.getQueryJoins().size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < query.getQueryJoins().size(); i++) {
            JoiningQuery.QueryJoin join = query.getQueryJoins().get(i);

            fromclause.append(" INNER JOIN ");
            String alias = null;

            FilterToSQL toSQL1 = createFilterToSQL(getDataStore().getSchema(lastTypeName));
            FilterToSQL toSQL2 = createFilterToSQL(getDataStore().getSchema(join.getJoiningTypeName()));

            String last_alias = createAlias(lastTypeName, tableNames);
            curTypeName = last_alias;
            if (tableNames.contains(join.getJoiningTypeName())) {
                alias = createAlias(join.getJoiningTypeName(), tableNames);

                aliases[i] = alias;

                getDataStore().encodeTableName(join.getJoiningTypeName(), fromclause, query.getHints());
                fromclause.append(" ");
                getDataStore().dialect.encodeTableName(alias, fromclause);
                fromclause.append(" ON ( ");

                toSQL2.setFieldEncoder(new JoiningFieldEncoder(alias));

            } else {
                aliases[i] = null;
                getDataStore().encodeTableName(join.getJoiningTypeName(), fromclause, query.getHints());
                fromclause.append(" ON ( ");
                toSQL2.setFieldEncoder(new JoiningFieldEncoder(join.getJoiningTypeName()));
            fromclause.append(" = ");
            toSQL1.setFieldEncoder(new JoiningFieldEncoder(curTypeName));
            fromclause.append(") ");
            lastTypeName = join.getJoiningTypeName();
            curTypeName = alias == null ? lastTypeName : alias;

    //begin sql
    StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
    sql.append("SELECT ");

    // primary key
    PrimaryKey key = null;

    try {
        key = getDataStore().getPrimaryKey(featureType);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    Set<String> pkColumnNames = new HashSet<String>();
    String colName;
    for (PrimaryKeyColumn col : key.getColumns()) {
        colName = col.getName();
        encodeColumnName(colName, featureType.getTypeName(), sql, query.getHints());

    //other columns
    for (AttributeDescriptor att : featureType.getAttributeDescriptors()) {
        // skip the eventually exposed pk column values
        String columnName = att.getLocalName();
        if (pkColumnNames.contains(columnName))

        if (att instanceof GeometryDescriptor) {
            //encode as geometry
            encodeGeometryColumn((GeometryDescriptor) att, featureType.getTypeName(), sql, query.getHints());

            //alias it to be the name of the original geometry
            getDataStore().dialect.encodeColumnAlias(columnName, sql);
        } else {
            encodeColumnName(columnName, featureType.getTypeName(), sql, query.getHints());



    if (query.getQueryJoins() != null && query.getQueryJoins().size() > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < query.getQueryJoins().size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < query.getQueryJoins().get(i).getSortBy().length; j++) {
                if (aliases[i] != null) {
                } else {
                            query.getQueryJoins().get(i).getJoiningTypeName(), sql, query.getHints());

                sql.append(" ").append(FOREIGN_ID + "_" + i + "_" + j).append(",");

    sql.setLength(sql.length() - 1);

    sql.append(" FROM ");


    FilterToSQL toSQL = null;
    Filter filter = query.getFilter();
    if (filter != null && !Filter.INCLUDE.equals(filter)) {
        //encode filter
        try {
            SortBy[] lastSortBy = null;
            // leave it as null if it's asking for a subset, since we don't want to join to get
            // other rows of same id
            // since we don't want a full feature, but a subset only
            if (!query.isSubset()) {
                // grab the full feature type, as we might be encoding a filter
                // that uses attributes that aren't returned in the results
                lastSortBy = query.getQueryJoins() == null || query.getQueryJoins().size() == 0
                        ? query.getSortBy()
                        : query.getQueryJoins().get(query.getQueryJoins().size() - 1).getSortBy();
            String lastTableName = query.getQueryJoins() == null || query.getQueryJoins().size() == 0
                    ? query.getTypeName()
                    : query.getQueryJoins().get(query.getQueryJoins().size() - 1).getJoiningTypeName();
            String lastTableAlias = query.getQueryJoins() == null || query.getQueryJoins().size() == 0
                    ? query.getTypeName()
                    : aliases[query.getQueryJoins().size() - 1] == null ? lastTableName
                            : aliases[query.getQueryJoins().size() - 1];

            toSQL = createFilterToSQL(getDataStore().getSchema(lastTableName));

            if (lastSortBy != null) {
                //we will use another join for the filter
                //assuming that the last sort by specifies the ID of the parent feature                   
                //this way we will ensure that if the table is denormalized, that all rows
                //with the same ID are included (for multi-valued features)

                sql.append(" INNER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ");
                for (int i = 0; i < lastSortBy.length; i++) {
                            lastSortBy[i].getPropertyName().getPropertyName(), sql);
                    if (i < lastSortBy.length - 1)
                sql.append(" FROM ");
                getDataStore().encodeTableName(lastTableName, sql, query.getHints());
                sql.append(" ").append(toSQL.encodeToString(filter));
                sql.append(" ) " + TEMP_FILTER_ALIAS);
                sql.append(" ON ( ");
                for (int i = 0; i < lastSortBy.length; i++) {
                    encodeColumnName2(lastSortBy[i].getPropertyName().getPropertyName(), lastTableAlias, sql,
                    sql.append(" = ");
                    encodeColumnName2(lastSortBy[i].getPropertyName().getPropertyName(), TEMP_FILTER_ALIAS, sql,
                    if (i < lastSortBy.length - 1)
                        sql.append(" AND ");
                sql.append(" ) ");
            } else {
                toSQL.setFieldEncoder(new JoiningFieldEncoder(curTypeName));
                sql.append(" ").append(toSQL.encodeToString(filter));
        } catch (FilterToSQLException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    sort(query, sql, aliases, pkColumnNames);

    // finally encode limit/offset, if necessary
    getDataStore().applyLimitOffset(sql, query);

    if (toSQLref != null && toSQL instanceof PreparedFilterToSQL) {
        toSQLref.set((PreparedFilterToSQL) toSQL);

    return sql.toString();

From source file:com.vladium.emma.report.html.ReportGenerator.java

public Object visit(final AllItem item, final Object ctx) {
    HTMLWriter out = null;//  www  . ja v  a2  s. c  o m
    try {
        File outFile = m_settings.getOutFile();
        if (outFile == null) {
            outFile = new File("index".concat(FILE_EXTENSION));

        final File fullOutFile = Files.newFile(m_settings.getOutDir(), outFile);

        m_log.info("writing [" + getType() + "] report to [" + fullOutFile.getAbsolutePath() + "] ...");

        out = openOutFile(fullOutFile, m_settings.getOutEncoding(), true);

        final int[] columns = m_settings.getColumnOrder();
        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        final String title;
            final StringBuffer _title = new StringBuffer(REPORT_HEADER_TITLE);

            _title.append(" (generated ");
            _title.append(new Date(EMMAProperties.getTimeStamp()));

            title = _title.toString();

        final HTMLDocument page = createPage(title);
            final IItem[] path = getParentPath(item);

            addPageHeader(page, item, path);
            addPageFooter(page, item, path);

        // [all] coverage summary table:

        page.addH(1, "OVERALL COVERAGE SUMMARY", null);

        final HTMLTable summaryTable = new HTMLTable("100%", null, null, "0");
            // header row:
            final HTMLTable.IRow header = summaryTable.newTitleRow();
            // coverage row:
            final HTMLTable.IRow coverage = summaryTable.newRow();

            for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++c) {
                final int attrID = columns[c];
                final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute(attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType());

                final HTMLTable.ICell headercell = header.newCell();
                headercell.setText(attr.getName(), true);

                if (attr != null) {
                    boolean fail = (m_metrics[attrID] > 0) && !attr.passes(item, m_metrics[attrID]);

                    attr.format(item, buf);

                    final HTMLTable.ICell cell = coverage.newCell();
                    cell.setText(buf.toString(), true);
                    if (fail)

        // [all] stats summary table ([all] only):

        page.addH(2, "OVERALL STATS SUMMARY", null);

        final HTMLTable statsTable = new HTMLTable(null, null, null, "0");
            HTMLTable.IRow row = statsTable.newRow();
            row.newCell().setText("total packages:", true);
            row.newCell().setText("" + item.getChildCount(), false);

            if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo) {
                row = statsTable.newRow();
                row.newCell().setText("total executable files:", true);
                row.newCell().setText("" + item.getAggregate(IItem.TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT), false);

            row = statsTable.newRow();
            row.newCell().setText("total classes:", true);
            row.newCell().setText("" + item.getAggregate(IItem.TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT), true);
            row = statsTable.newRow();
            row.newCell().setText("total methods:", true);
            row.newCell().setText("" + item.getAggregate(IItem.TOTAL_METHOD_COUNT), true);

            if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo && m_hasLineNumberInfo) {
                row = statsTable.newRow();
                row.newCell().setText("total executable lines:", true);
                row.newCell().setText("" + item.getAggregate(IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT), true);
        final HTMLTable.IRow first = statsTable.newRow (); // stats always available
        first.newCell ().setText ("total packages: " + item.getChildCount (), true);
        first.newCell ().setText ("total classes: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT), true);
        first.newCell ().setText ("total methods: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_METHOD_COUNT), true);
        if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo)
            final HTMLTable.IRow second = statsTable.newRow ();
            final HTMLTable.ICell cell1 = second.newCell ();
            cell1.setText ("total source files: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT), true);
            if (m_hasLineNumberInfo)
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell2 = second.newCell ();
                cell2.setText ("total executable source lines: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT), true);
                cell2.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.COLSPAN, "2");
                cell1.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.COLSPAN, "3");

        final boolean deeper = (m_settings.getDepth() > item.getMetadata().getTypeID());

        // render package summary tables on the same page:

        page.addH(2, "COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY PACKAGE", null);

        final HTMLTable childSummaryTable = new HTMLTable("100%", null, null, "0");
            int[] headerColumns = null;

            boolean odd = true;
            final ItemComparator order = m_typeSortComparators[PackageItem.getTypeMetadata().getTypeID()];
            for (Iterator packages = item.getChildren(order); packages.hasNext(); odd = !odd) {
                final IItem pkg = (IItem) packages.next();

                if (headerColumns == null) {
                    // header row:
                    headerColumns = addHeaderRow(pkg, childSummaryTable, columns);

                // coverage row:
                String childHREF = null;
                if (deeper) {
                    childHREF = getItemHREF(item, pkg);
                addItemRow(pkg, odd, childSummaryTable, headerColumns, childHREF, false);

                if (deeper)

    } finally {
        if (out != null)
        out = null;

    return ctx;