Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 the Knime4NGS contributors. * Website: * * This file is part of the KNIME4NGS KNIME extension. * * The KNIME4NGS extension is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.ngs.fastqc; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer; import org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable; import org.knime.core.node.ExecutionContext; import org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException; import org.knime.core.node.NodeLogger; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.CompatibilityChecker; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.IO; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.SuccessfulRunChecker; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.abstractNodes.HTExecutorNode.HTExecutorNodeModel; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.datatypes.file.FastQCell; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.datatypes.file.FileCell; import de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.datatypes.file.FileCellFactory; /** * This is the model implementation of FastQC. * * * @author Maximilian Hastreiter */ public class FastQCNodeModel extends HTExecutorNodeModel { // the logger instance private static final NodeLogger LOGGER = NodeLogger.getLogger(FastQCNodeModel.class); //The Output Col Names public static final String OUT_COL1 = "Path2ReadFile1"; public static final String OUT_COL2 = "Path2ReadFile2"; public static final String OUT_COL3 = "Path2filterfile"; //ReadType: paired-end or single-end private static String readType = ""; /** * Constructor for the node model. */ protected FastQCNodeModel() { super(1, 1); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception { //Check input table integrity CompatibilityChecker.inDataCheck(inData); /** Get the input columns **/ String readsFile1 = inData[0].iterator().next().getCell(0).toString(); String outfile1 = this.getSettingsFileName(readsFile1); String outfileMerged = outfile1; File lockFile = new File(readsFile1.substring(0, readsFile1.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".FastQC" + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); /**Prepare Command**/ ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add("java"); String jarCall = "-jar " + IO.getScriptPath() + "libs/FastQC.jar "; String path2mergeScript = "sh " + IO.getScriptPath() + "scripts/bash/"; command.add(jarCall + readsFile1); /**Execute for first file**/ String[] com = command.toArray(new String[command.size()]); StringBuffer sysErr = new StringBuffer(50); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(com, " ") }, outfile1, exec, null, lockFile, null, null, null, sysErr, null); //Show FastQC Output; /**If Paired-End data**/ String readsFile2 = ""; if (readType.equals("paired-end")) { readsFile2 = inData[0].iterator().next().getCell(1).toString(); if (!readsFile2.equals("") && !readsFile2.equals(readsFile1)) { String outfile2 = this.getSettingsFileName(readsFile2); // override this path String readFile1Path = IO.removeZipExtension(readsFile1); String readFile2Name = IO.removeZipExtension(new File(readsFile2).getName()); outfileMerged = readFile1Path.substring(0, readFile1Path.lastIndexOf(".")) + "_" + readFile2Name.substring(0, readFile2Name.lastIndexOf(".")) + "_fastqc.filterSettings"; //Set new lock file for reverse read lockFile = new File(readsFile2.substring(0, readsFile2.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".FastQC" + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); //Replace readsFile1 with readsFile2 and execute again com[com.length - 1] = jarCall + readsFile2; //Clear StringBuffer sysErr.setLength(0); sysErr.append("\n"); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(com, " ") }, outfile2, exec, null, lockFile, null, null, null, sysErr, null); // //Show FastQC Output; //Clear StringBuffer sysErr.setLength(0); sysErr.append("\n"); /** merge the two filter settings files */ ArrayList<String> commandMerge = new ArrayList<String>(); // commandMerge.add("sh"); commandMerge.add(path2mergeScript); commandMerge.add(outfile1); commandMerge.add(outfile2); commandMerge.add(outfileMerged); //No HTE, Merge is performed each time => strange null pointer exception // Executor.executeCommand(new String[]{StringUtils.join(commandMerge, " ")},exec,LOGGER,sysErr,sysErr); //Set new lock file for merging lockFile = new File(outfileMerged + SuccessfulRunChecker.LOCK_ENDING); super.executeCommand(new String[] { StringUtils.join(commandMerge, " ") }, outfileMerged, exec, null, lockFile, null, null, null, sysErr, null); // //Show FastQC Output; } } BufferedDataContainer cont; FileCell[] c; if (readType.equals("single-end")) { cont = exec.createDataContainer(createSpecs()); c = new FileCell[] { FileCellFactory.create(readsFile1), FileCellFactory.create(outfileMerged) }; } else { cont = exec.createDataContainer(createSpecs()); c = new FileCell[] { FileCellFactory.create(readsFile1), FileCellFactory.create(readsFile2), FileCellFactory.create(outfileMerged) }; } cont.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow("Row0", c)); cont.close(); BufferedDataTable outTable = cont.getTable(); /**Push FlowVars**/ // String secFile = ""; // if(readsFile1.substring(readsFile1.length()-3,readsFile1.length()).equals("bam")) { // secFile = "true"; // }else { // secFile = "false"; // } // pushFlowVariableString("isBAM", secFile); /**Delete FastQC zip files**/ deleteZipFiles(readsFile1, readsFile2); return new BufferedDataTable[] { outTable }; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected DataTableSpec[] configure(final DataTableSpec[] inSpecs) throws InvalidSettingsException { CompatibilityChecker CC = new CompatibilityChecker(); readType = CC.getReadType(inSpecs, 0); if (CC.getWarningStatus()) { setWarningMessage(CC.getWarningMessages()); } return new DataTableSpec[] { createSpecs() }; } /** * Deletes the FASTQC zip files * @param readsFile1 * @param readsFile2 */ private void deleteZipFiles(String readsFile1, String readsFile2) { readsFile1 = IO.removeZipExtension(readsFile1); File zipFile = new File(readsFile1 + ""); if (zipFile.exists()) { zipFile.delete(); } File zipFile1 = new File(readsFile1.substring(0, readsFile1.lastIndexOf(".")) + ""); if (zipFile1.exists()) { zipFile1.delete(); } if (!readsFile2.equals("")) { readsFile2 = IO.removeZipExtension(readsFile2); File zipFile2 = new File(readsFile2 + ""); if (zipFile2.exists()) { zipFile2.delete(); } File zipFile3 = new File(readsFile2.substring(0, readsFile1.lastIndexOf(".")) + ""); if (zipFile3.exists()) { zipFile3.delete(); } } } private String getSettingsFileName(String infile) { infile = IO.removeZipExtension(infile); infile = infile.replaceAll("\\.fq$", ".fq_fastqc.filterSettings"); infile = infile.replaceAll("\\.fastq$", "_fastqc.filterSettings"); return infile; } /** * Create Tablespecs * @return */ private DataTableSpec createSpecs() { DataTableSpec out; if (readType.equals("single-end")) { out = new DataTableSpec( new DataColumnSpec[] { new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL1, FastQCell.TYPE).createSpec(), new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL3, FileCell.TYPE).createSpec() }); } else { out = new DataTableSpec( new DataColumnSpec[] { new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL1, FastQCell.TYPE).createSpec(), new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL2, FastQCell.TYPE).createSpec(), new DataColumnSpecCreator(OUT_COL3, FileCell.TYPE).createSpec() }); } return out; } }