Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer setLength

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer setLength


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer setLength.


public synchronized void setLength(int newLength) 

Source Link


From source file:com.tremolosecurity.unison.openshiftv3.OpenShiftTarget.java

public String callWSPut(String token, HttpCon con, String uri, String json)
        throws IOException, ClientProtocolException {
    StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();

    HttpPut put = new HttpPut(b.toString());
    b.append("Bearer ").append(token);
    put.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token));

    StringEntity str = new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
    put.setEntity(str);/*  www. j  a  v  a  2  s .c o m*/

    HttpResponse resp = con.getHttp().execute(put);

    json = EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity());
    return json;

From source file:com.tremolosecurity.unison.openshiftv3.OpenShiftTarget.java

public String callWSDelete(String token, HttpCon con, String uri) throws IOException, ClientProtocolException {
    StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();

    HttpDelete get = new HttpDelete(b.toString());
    b.append("Bearer ").append(token);
    get.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token));
    HttpResponse resp = con.getHttp().execute(get);

    String json = EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity());
    return json;/*www. java  2s .c  om*/

From source file:com.tremolosecurity.unison.openshiftv3.OpenShiftTarget.java

public String callWSPost(String token, HttpCon con, String uri, String json)
        throws IOException, ClientProtocolException {
    StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();

    HttpPost put = new HttpPost(b.toString());
    b.append("Bearer ").append(token);
    put.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token));

    StringEntity str = new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
    put.setEntity(str);/*from w ww  .  j a  va 2  s  . c  om*/

    HttpResponse resp = con.getHttp().execute(put);

    json = EntityUtils.toString(resp.getEntity());
    return json;

From source file:org.nmrfx.processor.gui.spectra.DrawSpectrum.java

boolean getContours(DatasetAttributes fileData, Contour[] contours, int iChunk, double[] offset, float[] levels)
        throws IOException {
    StringBuffer chunkLabel = new StringBuffer();
    int[][] apt = new int[fileData.getDataset().getNDim()][2];
    int fileStatus = fileData.getMatrixRegion(iChunk, viewPar.mode, apt, offset, chunkLabel);
    if (fileStatus != 0) {
        return false;
    }/* w ww .  ja  v  a 2 s  .c o  m*/
    float[][] z = null;

    try {
        z = fileData.Matrix2(fileData.mChunk, chunkLabel.toString(), apt);
    } catch (IOException ioE) {
        throw ioE;
    if (z == null) {
        return false;

    for (int iPosNeg = 0; iPosNeg < 2; iPosNeg++) {
        if ((iPosNeg == 0) && !fileData.getPos()) {
        } else if ((iPosNeg == 1) && !fileData.getNeg()) {

        if (checkLevels(z, iPosNeg, levels)) {
            if (contours[iPosNeg] != null) {
                if (!contours[iPosNeg].contour(levels, z)) {
                    contours[iPosNeg].xOffset = offset[0] + fileData.ptd[0][0];
                    contours[iPosNeg].yOffset = offset[1] + fileData.ptd[1][0];
    return true;

From source file:org.apache.ode.bpel.compiler.v1.xpath20.XPath20ExpressionCompilerImpl.java

 * Returns the list of variable references in the given XPath expression
 * that may not have been resolved properly, which is the case especially 
 * if the expression contains a function, which short circuited the evaluation.
 *  // ww w  .j  av a 2s  .  co  m
 * @param xpathStr
 * @return list of variable expressions that may not have been resolved properly
private List<String> extractVariableExprs(String xpathStr) {
    ArrayList<String> variableExprs = new ArrayList<String>();
    int firstVariable = xpathStr.indexOf("$"), lastVariable = xpathStr.lastIndexOf("$"),
            firstFunction = xpathStr.indexOf("(");
    if ((firstVariable > 0 && // the xpath references a variable
            firstFunction > 0) || // the xpath contains a function
            (firstVariable < lastVariable)) { // the xpath references multiple variables  
        // most likely, the variable reference has not been resolved, so make that happen
        StringBuffer variableExpr = new StringBuffer();
        boolean quoted = false, doubleQuoted = false, variable = false;
        Name11Checker nameChecker = Name11Checker.getInstance();
        for (int index = 0; index < xpathStr.length(); index++) {
            char ch = xpathStr.charAt(index);
            if (ch == '\'') {
                quoted = !quoted;
            if (ch == '\"') {
                doubleQuoted = !doubleQuoted;
            if (quoted || doubleQuoted) {
            if (ch == '$') {
                variable = true;
            } else {
                if (variable) {
                    // in the name is qualified, don't check if its a qname when we're at the ":" character
                    if (ch == ':') {
                    if (index == xpathStr.length() || !nameChecker.isQName(variableExpr.substring(1))) {
                        variable = false;
                        variableExpr.setLength(variableExpr.length() - 1);
    return variableExprs;

From source file:edu.isi.misd.tagfiler.upload.FileUploadImplementation.java

 * Sets the files to be uploaded on the Web Page.
 * //  w  w  w.  j a v a  2  s  . c  o  m
 * @param filesList
 *            the list of files
public void addFilesToList(List<String> filesList) {
    if (filesList == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("" + filesList);
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (String file : filesList) {

    if (buffer.length() > 0) {
        buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - "<br/>".length());
    applet.eval("setFiles", buffer.toString().replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"));


From source file:cn.knet.showcase.demos.servletproxy.ProxyServlet.java

/** For a redirect response from the target server, this translates {@code theUrl} to redirect to
 * and translates it to one the original client can use. */
protected String rewriteUrlFromResponse(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, String theUrl) {
    //TODO document example paths
    final String targetUri = getTargetUri(servletRequest);
    if (theUrl.startsWith(targetUri)) {
        /*-//from  www  .  j av  a 2  s  .  c o m
         * The URL points back to the back-end server.
         * Instead of returning it verbatim we replace the target path with our
         * source path in a way that should instruct the original client to
         * request the URL pointed through this Proxy.
         * We do this by taking the current request and rewriting the path part
         * using this servlet's absolute path and the path from the returned URL
         * after the base target URL.
        StringBuffer curUrl = servletRequest.getRequestURL();//no query
        int pos;
        // Skip the protocol part
        if ((pos = curUrl.indexOf("://")) >= 0) {
            // Skip the authority part
            // + 3 to skip the separator between protocol and authority
            if ((pos = curUrl.indexOf("/", pos + 3)) >= 0) {
                // Trim everything after the authority part.
        // Context path starts with a / if it is not blank
        // Servlet path starts with a / if it is not blank
        curUrl.append(theUrl, targetUri.length(), theUrl.length());
        theUrl = curUrl.toString();
    return theUrl;

From source file:com.digitalpebble.storm.crawler.protocol.http.HttpResponse.java

private void parseHeaders(PushbackInputStream in, StringBuffer line) throws IOException, HttpException {

    while (readLine(in, line, true) != 0) {

        // handle HTTP responses with missing blank line after headers
        int pos;//from w w w.  ja v  a 2  s .c o m
        if (((pos = line.indexOf("<!DOCTYPE")) != -1) || ((pos = line.indexOf("<HTML")) != -1)
                || ((pos = line.indexOf("<html")) != -1)) {


            try {
                // TODO: (CM) We don't know the header names here
                // since we're just handling them generically. It would
                // be nice to provide some sort of mapping function here
                // for the returned header names to the standard metadata
                // names in the ParseData class
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // fixme:
                HttpProtocol.LOGGER.warn("Error: ", e);


From source file:org.eclipse.orion.internal.server.servlets.xfer.ClientImport.java

private byte[] readMultiPartChunk(ServletInputStream requestStream, String contentType) throws IOException {
    //fast forward stream past multi-part header
    int boundaryOff = contentType.indexOf("boundary="); //$NON-NLS-1$
    String boundary = contentType.substring(boundaryOff + 9);
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(requestStream, "ISO-8859-1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
    StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
    //skip headers up to the first blank line
    String line = reader.readLine();
    while (line != null && line.length() > 0)
        line = reader.readLine();/*from ww  w.j ava  2  s  .  c  o  m*/
    //now process the file

    char[] buf = new char[1000];
    int read;
    while ((read = reader.read(buf)) > 0) {
        out.append(buf, 0, read);
    //remove the boundary from the output (end of input is \r\n--<boundary>--\r\n)
    out.setLength(out.length() - (boundary.length() + 8));
    return out.toString().getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); //$NON-NLS-1$

From source file:com.sun.faban.harness.webclient.XFormServlet.java

 * A get request starts a new form.//from   w  ww .  ja va2 s .  c o  m
 * @param request The servlet request
 * @param response The servlet response
 * @throws ServletException Error in request handling
 * @throws IOException Error doing other IO
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {

    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
    Adapter adapter = null;

    String templateFile = (String) session.getAttribute("faban.submit.template");
    String styleSheet = (String) session.getAttribute("faban.submit.stylesheet");

    String srcURL = new File(templateFile).toURI().toString();

    logger.finer("benchmark.template: " + srcURL);

    try {
        String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
        String formURI = null;
        String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
        String benchPath = contextPath + "/bm_submit/";
        if (requestURI.startsWith(benchPath)) {
            int idx = requestURI.indexOf('/', benchPath.length());
            String benchName = requestURI.substring(benchPath.length(), idx);
            String formName = requestURI.substring(idx + 1);
            formURI = com.sun.faban.harness.common.Config.FABAN_HOME + "benchmarks/" + benchName + "/META-INF/"
                    + formName;
        } else {
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(request.getScheme());
            formURI = buffer.toString();

        if (formURI == null) {
            throw new IOException("Resource not found: " + formURI);
        logger.finer("Form URI: " + formURI);

        String css = request.getParameter("css");
        String actionURL = response.encodeURL(request.getRequestURI());
        logger.finer("actionURL: " + actionURL);

        // Find the base URL used by Faban. We do not use Config.FABAN_URL
        // because this base URL can vary by the interface name the Faban
        // master is accessed in this session. Otherwise it is identical.
        StringBuffer baseURL = request.getRequestURL();
        int uriLength = baseURL.length() - requestURI.length() + contextPath.length();
        baseURL.setLength(++uriLength); // Add the ending slash

        adapter = new Adapter();
        if (configFile != null && configFile.length() > 0)

        File xsl = null;
        if (styleSheet != null)
            xsl = new File(styleSheet);

        if (xsl != null && xsl.exists()) {
            adapter.xslPath = xsl.getParent();
            adapter.stylesheet = xsl.getName();
        } else {
            adapter.xslPath = xsltDir;
            adapter.stylesheet = "faban.xsl";

        adapter.baseURI = baseURL.toString();
        adapter.formURI = formURI;
        adapter.actionURL = actionURL;
        adapter.beanCtx.put("chiba.web.uploadDir", uploadDir);
        adapter.beanCtx.put("chiba.useragent", request.getHeader("User-Agent"));
        adapter.beanCtx.put("chiba.web.request", request);
        adapter.beanCtx.put("chiba.web.session", session);
        adapter.beanCtx.put("benchmark.template", srcURL);

        if (css != null) {
            adapter.CSSFile = css;
            logger.fine("using css stylesheet: " + css);

        Map servletMap = new HashMap();
        servletMap.put(ChibaAdapter.SESSION_ID, session.getId());
        adapter.beanCtx.put(ChibaAdapter.SUBMISSION_RESPONSE, servletMap);

        Enumeration params = request.getParameterNames();
        while (params.hasMoreElements()) {
            String s = (String) params.nextElement();
            //store all request-params we don't use in the beanCtx map
            if (!(s.equals("form") || s.equals("xslt") || s.equals("css") || s.equals("action_url"))) {
                String value = request.getParameter(s);
                adapter.beanCtx.put(s, value);
                logger.finer("added request param '" + s + "' to beanCtx");

        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        session.setAttribute("chiba.adapter", adapter);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception processing XForms", e);
        shutdown(adapter, session, e, request, response);