List of usage examples for java.lang String join
public static String join(CharSequence delimiter, Iterable<? extends CharSequence> elements)
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/** * testEventIdformfields01()./*from w ww . j av a 2s . c om*/ * @throws Exception Exception */ @Test public void testEventIdformfields01() throws Exception { // given String formUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String param81 = "Test[" + formUUID + "]"; FormJSON testform = TestDataBuilder.createSimpleForm(); // when expect(this.flow.getData()).andReturn(this.mockarchive); expect(this.request.getParameter("81")).andReturn(param81); expect(this.mockarchive.getForm(formUUID)).andReturn(testform); replayAll(); FormJSONField field =, this.request, null); // verify verifyAll(); assertEquals("Total ($)[1]", String.join(",", field.getOptions())); }
From source
public String generateEvalCommand(String collection) { Map<String, Object> config = this.collections.get(collection); String allCommandsStr = ""; Set<String> allEvalCommands = new HashSet<>(); ObjectMapper oMapper = new ObjectMapper(); List models = oMapper.convertValue((List) safeGet(config, "models"), List.class); List topics = oMapper.convertValue((List) safeGet(config, "topics"), List.class); List evals = oMapper.convertValue((List) safeGet(config, "evals"), List.class); for (Object modelObj : models) { Model model = oMapper.convertValue(modelObj, Model.class); for (Object topicObj : topics) { Topic topic = oMapper.convertValue(topicObj, Topic.class); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> combinedEvalCmd = new HashMap<>(); for (Object evalObj : evals) { Eval eval = oMapper.convertValue(evalObj, Eval.class); String evalCmd = eval.getCommand(); List evalParams = oMapper.convertValue(eval.getParams(), List.class); String evalCmdOption = ""; if (evalParams != null) { for (Object option : evalParams) { evalCmdOption += " " + option; }//w ww .jav a2s . c o m } String evalCmdResidual = ""; evalCmdResidual += " " + Paths.get((String) safeGet(config, "qrels_root"), topic.getQrel()); evalCmdResidual += " -output run." + safeGet(config, "name") + "." + model.getName() + "." + topic.getPath(); evalCmdResidual += "\n"; if (eval.isCan_combine() || evalCmdOption.isEmpty()) { combinedEvalCmd.putIfAbsent(evalCmd, new HashMap<>()); combinedEvalCmd.get(evalCmd).putIfAbsent(evalCmdResidual, new ArrayList<>()); combinedEvalCmd.get(evalCmd).get(evalCmdResidual).add(evalCmdOption); } else { allCommandsStr += evalCmd + evalCmdOption + evalCmdResidual; } } for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, List<String>>> entry : combinedEvalCmd.entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> innerEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { allCommandsStr += entry.getKey() + String.join("", innerEntry.getValue()) + innerEntry.getKey(); } } } allCommandsStr += "\n"; } return allCommandsStr.substring(0, allCommandsStr.lastIndexOf("\n")); }
From source
protected void checkDependencies() { LOGGER.debug("Validating mod dependencies"); for (ModContainer mod : mods) { dependencies: for (Map.Entry<String, ModInfo.Dependency> entry : mod.getInfo().getRequires() .entrySet()) {/*w w w.ja va 2s .com*/ String depId = entry.getKey(); ModInfo.Dependency dep = entry.getValue(); for (ModContainer mod2 : mods) { if (mod == mod2) { continue; } if (depId.equalsIgnoreCase(mod2.getInfo().getId()) && dep.satisfiedBy(mod2.getInfo())) { continue dependencies; } } throw new DependencyException(String.format("Mod %s requires %s @ %s", mod.getInfo().getId(), depId, String.join(", ", dep.getVersionMatchers()))); } conflicts: for (Map.Entry<String, ModInfo.Dependency> entry : mod.getInfo().getConflicts().entrySet()) { String depId = entry.getKey(); ModInfo.Dependency dep = entry.getValue(); for (ModContainer mod2 : mods) { if (mod == mod2) { continue; } if (!depId.equalsIgnoreCase(mod2.getInfo().getId()) || !dep.satisfiedBy(mod2.getInfo())) { continue conflicts; } } throw new DependencyException(String.format("Mod %s conflicts with %s @ %s", mod.getInfo().getId(), depId, String.join(", ", dep.getVersionMatchers()))); } } }
From source
private void importAiHints(GameDatastore datastore, String path) throws IOException { Files.walk(Paths.get(path)).forEach(filePath -> { if (Files.isRegularFile(filePath)) { try { if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(filePath.getFileName().toString()).toLowerCase().equals("js")) { String id = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(filePath.getFileName().toString()); List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(filePath); String script = String.join("\n", lines); AiHint hint = new AiHint(id, script); //datastore.createAiHint(hint); aiHintCache.put(id, hint);"Imported hint " + id); }/*from ww w .jav a 2 s.c o m*/ } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse " + filePath + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } }); }
From source
private static void calculateKAnonymity(String projectId, String datasetId, String tableId, List<String> quasiIds) throws Exception { // [START dlp_k_anonymity] /**// w w w . j ava2 s . c o m * Calculate k-anonymity for quasi-identifiers in a BigQuery table using the DLP API. * @param projectId The Google Cloud Platform project ID to run the API call under. * @param datasetId The BigQuery dataset to analyze. * @param tableId The BigQuery table to analyze. * @param quasiIds The names of columns that form a composite key ('quasi-identifiers'). */ // instantiate a client try (DlpServiceClient dlpServiceClient = DlpServiceClient.create()) { // projectId = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT; // datasetId = 'my_dataset'; // tableId = 'my_table'; // quasiIds = [{ columnName: 'age' }, { columnName: 'city' }]; List<FieldId> quasiIdFields = .map(columnName -> FieldId.newBuilder().setColumnName(columnName).build()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); KAnonymityConfig kanonymityConfig = KAnonymityConfig.newBuilder().addAllQuasiIds(quasiIdFields).build(); BigQueryTable bigQueryTable = BigQueryTable.newBuilder().setProjectId(projectId).setDatasetId(datasetId) .setTableId(tableId).build(); PrivacyMetric privacyMetric = PrivacyMetric.newBuilder().setKAnonymityConfig(kanonymityConfig).build(); AnalyzeDataSourceRiskRequest request = AnalyzeDataSourceRiskRequest.newBuilder() .setPrivacyMetric(privacyMetric).setSourceTable(bigQueryTable).build(); // asynchronously submit a risk analysis operation OperationFuture<RiskAnalysisOperationResult, RiskAnalysisOperationMetadata, Operation> responseFuture = dlpServiceClient .analyzeDataSourceRiskAsync(request); // ... // block on response RiskAnalysisOperationResult response = responseFuture.get(); KAnonymityHistogramBucket results = response.getKAnonymityResult() .getEquivalenceClassHistogramBuckets(0); System.out.println("Bucket size range: [" + results.getEquivalenceClassSizeLowerBound() + ", " + results.getEquivalenceClassSizeUpperBound() + "]"); for (KAnonymityEquivalenceClass bucket : results.getBucketValuesList()) { List<String> quasiIdValues = bucket.getQuasiIdsValuesList().stream().map(v -> v.toString()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println("\tQuasi-ID values: " + String.join(", ", quasiIdValues)); System.out.println("\tClass size: " + bucket.getEquivalenceClassSize()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error in kAnonymityAnalysis: " + e.getMessage()); } // [END dlp_k_anonymity] }
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private void pendingRequests() { Vector<String> req = daoReq.pendingRequests(SocketHandler.username); int count = req.size(); if (count == 0) return;//from w w w. j av a2s . c o m displayWarning("Vous avez " + count + " demande" + (count != 1 ? "s" : "") + " d'ajout de: " + String.join(", ", req) + "\n"); displayWarning("Utilisez la commande '/accepterAmi [nom]' pour accepter une demande.\n"); }
From source
/** * Uses the inbuilt git//w w w. j av a 2s. c o m * TODO this method appears to leak memory like crazy... need to investigate * TODO lots of hairy bits in here need tests to capture issues */ public List<CodeOwner> getBlameInfo(int codeLinesSize, String repoName, String repoLocations, String fileName) { List<CodeOwner> codeOwners = new ArrayList<>(codeLinesSize); try { // The / part is required due to centos bug for version 1.1.1 // This appears to be correct String repoLoc = repoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/.git"; Repository localRepository = new FileRepository(new File(repoLoc)); BlameCommand blamer = new BlameCommand(localRepository); ObjectId commitID = localRepository.resolve("HEAD"); if (commitID == null) { Singleton.getLogger().info("getBlameInfo commitID is null for " + repoLoc + " " + fileName); return codeOwners; } BlameResult blame; // Somewhere in here appears to be wrong... blamer.setStartCommit(commitID); blamer.setFilePath(fileName); blame =; // Hail mary attempt to solve issue on CentOS Attempt to set at all costs if (blame == null) { // This one appears to solve the issue so don't remove it String[] split = fileName.split("/"); blamer.setStartCommit(commitID); if (split.length != 1) { blamer.setFilePath(String.join("/", Arrays.asList(split).subList(1, split.length))); } blame =; } if (blame == null) { String[] split = fileName.split("/"); blamer.setStartCommit(commitID); if (split.length != 1) { blamer.setFilePath("/" + String.join("/", Arrays.asList(split).subList(1, split.length))); } blame =; } if (blame == null) { Singleton.getLogger().info("getBlameInfo blame is null for " + repoLoc + " " + fileName); } if (blame != null) { // Get all the owners their number of commits and most recent commit HashMap<String, CodeOwner> owners = new HashMap<>(); RevCommit commit; PersonIdent authorIdent; try { for (int i = 0; i < codeLinesSize; i++) { commit = blame.getSourceCommit(i); authorIdent = commit.getAuthorIdent(); if (owners.containsKey(authorIdent.getName())) { CodeOwner codeOwner = owners.get(authorIdent.getName()); codeOwner.incrementLines(); int timestamp = codeOwner.getMostRecentUnixCommitTimestamp(); if (commit.getCommitTime() > timestamp) { codeOwner.setMostRecentUnixCommitTimestamp(commit.getCommitTime()); } owners.put(authorIdent.getName(), codeOwner); } else { owners.put(authorIdent.getName(), new CodeOwner(authorIdent.getName(), 1, commit.getCommitTime())); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { // Ignore this as its not really a problem or is it? Singleton.getLogger().info( "IndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " " + fileName); } codeOwners = new ArrayList<>(owners.values()); } } catch (IOException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().info("IOException getBlameInfo when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " " + fileName + " " + ex.toString()); } catch (GitAPIException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().info("GitAPIException getBlameInfo when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " " + fileName + " " + ex.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Singleton.getLogger().info("IllegalArgumentException getBlameInfo when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " " + fileName + " " + ex.toString()); } System.gc(); // Try to clean up return codeOwners; }
From source
public List<PojoMapaInteractivoBecas> getBecastListToCharts(List<String> paisSelected, List<String> tipoBecaSelected, String desde, String hasta) { String wherePais = ""; String whereTipoBeca = ""; String groupBy = " GROUP BY b.ID_PAIS_DESTINO"; String limite = ""; List<String> paisesFinales = new ArrayList<String>(); if (paisSelected.size() > 0) { wherePais = wherePais + " AND pa.ID_PAIS IN (" + String.join(",", paisSelected) + ")"; } else {//w ww . ja v a 2s. co m limite += " LIMIT 5"; } if (tipoBecaSelected.size() > 0) { whereTipoBeca += " AND b.ID_TIPO_BECA IN (" + String.join(",", tipoBecaSelected) + ")"; } String query = "SELECT pa.ID_PAIS idPais,\n" + " pa.CODIGO_PAIS codigoPais,\n" + " pa.NOMBRE_PAIS nombrePais,\n" + " COUNT(b.ID_BECA) cantidadBecas,\n" + " SUM(b.MONTO_TOTAL) montoCooperacion\n" + "FROM BECA b INNER JOIN PAIS pa ON b.ID_PAIS_DESTINO= pa.ID_PAIS\n" + "WHERE b.OTORGADA=1 AND b.ANIO_GESTION BETWEEN " + Integer.parseInt(desde) + " AND " + Integer.parseInt(hasta) + "\n" + wherePais + whereTipoBeca + groupBy;// try { Query q = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(query) .addScalar("idPais", new IntegerType()).addScalar("codigoPais", new StringType()) .addScalar("nombrePais", new StringType()).addScalar("montoCooperacion", new DoubleType()) .addScalar("cantidadBecas", new IntegerType()) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(PojoMapaInteractivoBecas.class)); List<PojoMapaInteractivoBecas> listPojos = q.list(); if (listPojos.size() > 0) { for (PojoMapaInteractivoBecas pj : listPojos) { paisesFinales.add(pj.getIdPais() + ""); } String qt = "SELECT tb.ID_TIPO_BECA idTipoBeca,\n" + " tb.NOMBRE_TIPO_BECA nombreTipoBeca,\n" + " count(b.ID_BECA) cantidad\n" + "from BECA b INNER JOIN TIPO_BECA tb\n" + "ON b.ID_TIPO_BECA = tb.ID_TIPO_BECA\n" + "WHERE b.ANIO_GESTION BETWEEN " + Integer.parseInt(desde) + " AND " + Integer.parseInt(hasta) + "\n" + " AND b.ID_PAIS_DESTINO IN (" + String.join(",", paisesFinales) + ")\n" + "AND b.ID_TIPO_BECA IN (" + String.join(",", tipoBecaSelected) + ")\n" + " AND b.OTORGADA=1\n" + "GROUP BY b.ID_TIPO_BECA"; Query rtp = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(qt) .addScalar("idTipoBeca", new IntegerType()).addScalar("nombreTipoBeca", new StringType()) .addScalar("cantidad", new IntegerType()) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(PojoBecasByTipo.class)); List<PojoBecasByTipo> listTipos = rtp.list(); for (PojoMapaInteractivoBecas pj : listPojos) { String qp = "SELECT * FROM BECA pr \n" + " WHERE pr.ANIO_GESTION BETWEEN " + Integer.parseInt(desde) + " AND " + Integer.parseInt(hasta) + "\n" + "AND pr.OTORGADA=1 AND pr.ID_PAIS_DESTINO=" + pj.getIdPais(); //String qp = "from Proyect pr Where pr.idPaisCooperante='" + pj.getCodigoPais() + "' and pr.idTipoProyecto in (" + String.join(",", tipoProyectoSelected) + ") and pr.anioGestion between " + Integer.parseInt(desde) + " AND " + Integer.parseInt(hasta); Query r = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(qp).addEntity(Beca.class); pj.setBecastList(r.list()); pj.setSeries(listTipos); } } return listPojos; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
From source
public SearchResponse search(String index, String type, SearchRequest searchRequest) throws IOException { logger.debug("search [{}]/[{}], request [{}]", index, type, searchRequest); String path = "/"; if (index != null) { path += index + "/"; }//from w ww .java 2 s . c o m if (type != null) { path += type + "/"; } path += "_search"; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); if (searchRequest.getQuery() != null) { params.put("q", searchRequest.getQuery()); } if (searchRequest.getFields() != null) { // If we never set elasticsearch behavior, it's time to do so if (FIELDS == null) { setElasticsearchBehavior(); } params.put(FIELDS, String.join(",", (CharSequence[]) searchRequest.getFields())); } if (searchRequest.getSize() != null) { params.put("size", searchRequest.getSize().toString()); } Response restResponse = client.performRequest("GET", path, params); SearchResponse searchResponse = JsonUtil.deserialize(restResponse, SearchResponse.class); logger.trace("search response: {}", searchResponse); return searchResponse; }
From source
/** * The data provided by the Law Library have some problems: * 1. The PDF file names do NOT always match file names listed in the CSV file * 2. The file extension names are inconsistent in terms of capitalization * 3. Format the existing dates to be ISO-8601 format * 4. Remove some columns in the data file as they either have no data or are not recognized by the metadata schema * 5. Translate the columns into correct metadata schema * 6. When the item has no title, use the dcterms.alternative as dc.title * 7. Change the column name File_location to be filename for the SAFBuilder * /*from ww w. j ava 2 s .co m*/ * The solutions: * 1. Match the file names in the CSV file with the existing files in the folder * 2. All the file names have extension like .pdf * 4. Remove the unnecessary columns * 5. Convert the normal columns into correct metadata schema * 6. Cope the data to the column of dc.title and clear this column * 7. Just change it * */ private void cleanData() { if (null == data) { csv.readData(); data = csv.getData(); } try { if (null == pdfFileList || pdfFileList.size() == 0) { getPdfFileListFromCleanedOutputPathFiles(); } // Remove the unused columns csv.deleteColumnByColumnName(COULUMNS_TO_BE_DELETED); // Match the pdf files with the file names in the csv file // Only keep the data records that have the PDF files // Also update the column names to the metadata schema // At the same time, update the date format of the records Map<String, String> cleanData = new HashMap<>(); String newKey = ""; String value = ""; int newRecordCount = 0; for (int i = 1; i < csv.getRecordCount(); i++) { String key = "file_location-" + String.valueOf(i); String csvFileName = DocumentProcessorUtil.getFileNameWithoutExtension((String) data.get(key)); if (csvFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")) { csvFileName = csvFileName.replace(".pdf", ""); csvFileName = csvFileName.replace(".PDF", ""); } // 837 9004 kim csvFileName += ".pdf"; // Process the files that have the "-Serial-" pattern when the actual PDF files end with ***A.PDF String csvFileNameWithA = matchSerialAFiles(csvFileName); data.put("file_location-" + String.valueOf(i), csvFileName); if (pdfFileList.contains(csvFileName) || pdfFileList.contains(csvFileNameWithA)) { String fileInfo = ""; if (pdfFileList.contains(csvFileName)) { matchedPdfFileList.add(csvFileName); fileInfo += csvFileName; newRecordCount++; } if (pdfFileList.contains(csvFileNameWithA)) { matchedPdfFileList.add(csvFileNameWithA); if ("".equals(fileInfo)) { fileInfo += csvFileNameWithA; } else { fileInfo += "||" + csvFileNameWithA; } newRecordCount++; } for (String column : csv.getFileHeadMapping()) { if (null == column || column.equals("")) { continue; } else { column = column.trim(); key = column + "-" + String.valueOf(i); value = (String) data.get(key); // if(null == value || "null" == value){ // System.out.println("null value for paper "+csvFileName+" with column "+column); // } String dcTerm = (String) (COLUMN_NAME_MAP_METADATA_SCHEMA.get(column)); newKey = dcTerm + "-" + String.valueOf(i); if (column.equals("Document Date")) { value = changeDataFormat(value); } else if (column.contains("Document Title") && value.contains("Document not titled")) { value = (String) data .get("Official treaty name (title-alternative)-" + String.valueOf(i)); data.put("Official treaty name (title-alternative)-" + String.valueOf(i), ""); } else if (column.contains("file_location")) { value = fileInfo; } cleanData.put(newKey, value); } } } } setData(cleanData); csv.setData((HashMap) cleanData); String[] newHeadingsArray = COLUMN_NAME_MAP_METADATA_SCHEMA.values() .toArray(new String[COLUMN_NAME_MAP_METADATA_SCHEMA.values().size()]); csv.setFileHeadMapping(newHeadingsArray); csv.setRecordCount(newRecordCount); outputCsvFilePath = csv.outputData(outputFilePath + File.separator + "metadata.csv"); DocumentProcessorUtil.outputStringToFile(String.join("\n", matchedPdfFileList), new File(outputFilePath).getPath() + File.separator + "matchedPdfFiles.txt"); DocumentProcessorUtil.outputStringToFile(String.join("\n", getUnmatchedFileList()), new File(outputFilePath).getPath() + File.separator + "unmatchedPdfFiles.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Cannot clean up the data.", ex); } }