Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 FabricMC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.fabricmc.loader; import com.github.zafarkhaja.semver.Version; import*; import net.fabricmc.api.ModInitializer; import net.fabricmc.api.Side; import net.fabricmc.api.Stage; import net.fabricmc.loader.util.json.SideDeserializer; import net.fabricmc.loader.util.json.VersionDeserializer; import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch; import net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import; import; public class FabricLoader { public static final FabricLoader INSTANCE = new FabricLoader(); protected static Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getFormatterLogger("Fabric|Loader"); private static final Gson GSON = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Side.class, new SideDeserializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(Version.class, new VersionDeserializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(ModInfo.Links.class, new ModInfo.Links.Deserializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(ModInfo.Dependency.class, new ModInfo.Dependency.Deserializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(ModInfo.Person.class, new ModInfo.Person.Deserializer()).create(); private static final JsonParser JSON_PARSER = new JsonParser(); protected final Map<String, ModContainer> modMap = new HashMap<>(); protected List<ModContainer> mods = new ArrayList<>(); private final Stage.StageTrigger modInitStageTrigger = new Stage.StageTrigger(); public final Stage modsInitialized = Stage.newBuilder("modsInitialized").after(modInitStageTrigger).build(); private final InstanceStorage instanceStorage = new InstanceStorage(); private boolean gameInitialized = false; private boolean modsLoaded = false; private ISidedHandler sidedHandler; private File gameDir; private File configDir; public <T> Collection<T> getInitializers(Class<T> type) { return instanceStorage.getInitializers(type); } // INTERNAL: DO NOT USE public void initialize(File gameDir, ISidedHandler sidedHandler) { if (gameInitialized) { throw new RuntimeException("FabricLoader has already been game-initialized!"); } this.gameDir = gameDir; this.sidedHandler = sidedHandler; gameInitialized = true; } public ISidedHandler getSidedHandler() { return sidedHandler; } public File getGameDirectory() { return gameDir; } public File getConfigDirectory() { if (configDir == null) { configDir = new File(gameDir, "config"); if (!configDir.exists()) { configDir.mkdirs(); } } return configDir; } public void load(File modsDir) { if (!checkModsDirectory(modsDir)) { return; } File[] dirFiles = modsDir.listFiles(); if (dirFiles != null) { load(Arrays.asList(dirFiles)); } } public void load(Collection<File> modFiles) { if (modsLoaded) { throw new RuntimeException("FabricLoader has already had mods loaded!"); } List<Pair<ModInfo, File>> existingMods = new ArrayList<>(); int classpathModsCount = 0; if (Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("fabric.development", "false"))) { List<Pair<ModInfo, File>> classpathMods = getClasspathMods(); existingMods.addAll(classpathMods); classpathModsCount = classpathMods.size(); LOGGER.debug("Found %d classpath mods", classpathModsCount); } for (File f : modFiles) { if (f.isDirectory()) { continue; } if (!f.getPath().endsWith(".jar")) { continue; } ModInfo[] fileMods = getJarMods(f); if (Launch.classLoader != null && fileMods.length != 0) { try { Launch.classLoader.addURL(f.toURI().toURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to load mod from %s", f.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); continue; } } for (ModInfo info : fileMods) { existingMods.add(Pair.of(info, f)); } } LOGGER.debug("Found %d JAR mods", existingMods.size() - classpathModsCount); mods: for (Pair<ModInfo, File> pair : existingMods) { ModInfo mod = pair.getLeft(); /* if (mod.isLazilyLoaded()) { innerMods: for (Pair<ModInfo, File> pair2 : existingMods) { ModInfo mod2 = pair2.getLeft(); if (mod == mod2) { continue innerMods; } for (Map.Entry<String, ModInfo.Dependency> entry : mod2.getRequires().entrySet()) { String depId = entry.getKey(); ModInfo.Dependency dep = entry.getValue(); if (depId.equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getId()) && dep.satisfiedBy(mod)) { addMod(mod, pair.getRight(), loaderInitializesMods()); } } } continue mods; } */ addMod(mod, pair.getRight(), loaderInitializesMods()); } String modText; switch (mods.size()) { case 0: modText = "Loading %d mods"; break; case 1: modText = "Loading %d mod: %s"; break; default: modText = "Loading %d mods: %s"; break; }, mods.size(), String.join(", ",; modsLoaded = true; onModsPopulated(); } protected void onModsPopulated() { checkDependencies(); sortMods(); if (loaderInitializesMods()) { initializeMods(); } } public boolean isModLoaded(String id) { return modMap.containsKey(id); } public List<ModContainer> getMods() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mods); } protected List<Pair<ModInfo, File>> getClasspathMods() { List<Pair<ModInfo, File>> mods = new ArrayList<>(); String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); String modsDir = new File(getGameDirectory(), "mods").getAbsolutePath(); URL[] urls = Launch.classLoader.getURLs(); for (URL url : urls) { if (url.getPath().startsWith(javaHome) || url.getPath().startsWith(modsDir)) { continue; } LOGGER.debug("Attempting to find classpath mods from " + url.getPath()); File f = new File(url.getFile()); if (f.exists()) { if (f.isDirectory()) { File modJson = new File(f, "mod.json"); if (modJson.exists()) { try { for (ModInfo info : getMods(new FileInputStream(modJson))) { mods.add(Pair.of(info, f)); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to load mod from directory " + f.getPath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { for (ModInfo info : getJarMods(f)) { mods.add(Pair.of(info, f)); } } } } return mods; } protected boolean loaderInitializesMods() { return true; } protected void addMod(ModInfo info, File originFile, boolean initialize) { Side currentSide = getSidedHandler().getSide(); if ((currentSide == Side.CLIENT && !info.getSide().hasClient()) || (currentSide == Side.SERVER && !info.getSide().hasServer())) { return; } ModContainer container = new ModContainer(info, originFile, initialize); mods.add(container); modMap.put(info.getId(), container); } protected void checkDependencies() { LOGGER.debug("Validating mod dependencies"); for (ModContainer mod : mods) { dependencies: for (Map.Entry<String, ModInfo.Dependency> entry : mod.getInfo().getRequires() .entrySet()) { String depId = entry.getKey(); ModInfo.Dependency dep = entry.getValue(); for (ModContainer mod2 : mods) { if (mod == mod2) { continue; } if (depId.equalsIgnoreCase(mod2.getInfo().getId()) && dep.satisfiedBy(mod2.getInfo())) { continue dependencies; } } throw new DependencyException(String.format("Mod %s requires %s @ %s", mod.getInfo().getId(), depId, String.join(", ", dep.getVersionMatchers()))); } conflicts: for (Map.Entry<String, ModInfo.Dependency> entry : mod.getInfo().getConflicts().entrySet()) { String depId = entry.getKey(); ModInfo.Dependency dep = entry.getValue(); for (ModContainer mod2 : mods) { if (mod == mod2) { continue; } if (!depId.equalsIgnoreCase(mod2.getInfo().getId()) || !dep.satisfiedBy(mod2.getInfo())) { continue conflicts; } } throw new DependencyException(String.format("Mod %s conflicts with %s @ %s", mod.getInfo().getId(), depId, String.join(", ", dep.getVersionMatchers()))); } } } private void sortMods() { /* LOGGER.debug("Sorting mods"); LinkedList<ModContainer> sorted = new LinkedList<>(); for (ModContainer mod : mods) { if (sorted.isEmpty() || mod.getInfo().getRequires().size() == 0) { sorted.addFirst(mod); } else { boolean b = false; l1: for (int i = 0; i < sorted.size(); i++) { for (Map.Entry<String, ModInfo.Dependency> entry : sorted.get(i).getInfo().getRequires().entrySet()) { String depId = entry.getKey(); ModInfo.Dependency dep = entry.getValue(); if (depId.equalsIgnoreCase(mod.getInfo().getId()) && dep.satisfiedBy(mod.getInfo())) { sorted.add(i, mod); b = true; break l1; } } } if (!b) { sorted.addLast(mod); } } } mods = sorted; */ } private void initializeMods() { for (ModContainer mod : mods) { for (String in : mod.getInfo().getInitializers()) { instanceStorage.instantiate(in, mod.getAdapter(), true); } } getInitializers(ModInitializer.class).forEach(ModInitializer::onInitialize); modsInitialized.trigger(modInitStageTrigger); } protected static boolean checkModsDirectory(File modsDir) { if (!modsDir.exists()) { modsDir.mkdirs(); return false; } return modsDir.isDirectory(); } protected static ModInfo[] getJarMods(File f) { try { JarFile jar = new JarFile(f); ZipEntry entry = jar.getEntry("mod.json"); if (entry != null) { try (InputStream in = jar.getInputStream(entry)) { return getMods(in); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to load mod from %s", f.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } return new ModInfo[0]; } protected static ModInfo[] getMods(InputStream in) { JsonElement el = JSON_PARSER.parse(new InputStreamReader(in)); if (el.isJsonObject()) { return new ModInfo[] { GSON.fromJson(el, ModInfo.class) }; } else if (el.isJsonArray()) { JsonArray array = el.getAsJsonArray(); ModInfo[] mods = new ModInfo[array.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { mods[i] = GSON.fromJson(array.get(i), ModInfo.class); } return mods; } return new ModInfo[0]; } }